15 Most Badass Animals In The World

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some animals are cute some animals are adorable some are fluffy and quaint and wonderful [Applause] but they won't feature in this video this video is all about the animals who walk away from explosions these are the most badass animals in the world [Applause] number 15 lions well they are the kings of the jungle and kings can be bad asses so this one makes sense and they can sing when they're cartoons so that's a plus unfortunately i have never actually seen a cartoon lion so take that with a grain of salt like just about all other big cats there really aren't many animals that the lion will not eat while they tend to prefer medium-sized hooved animals like zebras and antelopes it's not unheard of to see a lion taking down an animal as big as a hippopotamus between 1990 and 2005 871 people were attacked by lions in tanzania making them one of the largest causes of death in the country if you go even further back between 1932 and 1947 that number rockets to around 1 500 and even today the number averages around 100 a year so i guess what i'm trying to say is that the cartoons may seem all cute and nice but lions are well they don't sing while most people watching this probably don't live in tanzania it's a lesson worth remembering do not mess with lions they will hunt you down and rip the bejesus out of you you have been warned hakuna matata bro like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14 honey badger we've covered the honey badger quite a lot on this channel and for good reason if these animals were human they would be locked up by now they are for lack of a better word pure psychopathic energy willing to and ready to fight just about any animal at any time for any reason and they don't even have to be drunk you don't have to look too far to find pages upon pages of videos featuring honey badgers attacking just about any animal you could possibly conceive apparently these animals have such thick hides that many african tribes refuse to even consider hunting them which undoubtedly gives them enough confidence to just start attacking any animal whose path they may cross honey badgers are carnivores and eat almost anything in fact farmers in africa have claimed that there's only one way to kill a honey badger and while i won't go into detail it requires such high accuracy that it's almost impossible to guarantee that outcome the honey badger is an impressively fearless little guy if it were any other species you'd expect it would be the target of just about any and all predators in africa and yet here you have a little fighter willing to savagely attack and take down anybody you have to admire that kind of commitment well farmers don't but i do number 13. dung beetle you're probably sitting there thinking that we've lost our damn mind a dung beetle one of the most badass animals in the world oh yeah and it has absolutely nothing to do with dung actually it kind of does sorry about that it's kind of really gross unless you're a big fan of animal dung and or dung beetles you probably don't know just how strong these little guys are these insects regularly roll around balls of fresh animal poop that can weigh over 200 times their body weight that alone is a pretty badass bit of trivia if a little gross but how about this one dung beetle was reported to have pushed a ball of poop 1141 times his body weight can you imagine pushing a ball of poop 1141 times your body weight actually don't answer that i don't want to hear from people who push big balls of poop around further developments have also suggested that dunk beetles somehow use the milky way to navigate their way back and forth to the nest which technically means they're like a poop loving galileo actually i want to take that back a poop loving galileo conjures up an unpleasant image i'm just really sorry number 12. death stalker scorpion most of us reasonable rational humans know that scorpions are dangerous but the death stalker is a whole other level experts often describe this species as the world's most lethal scorpion which is a badass description if i've ever heard one the death stalker lives up to its name thanks to its incredibly poisonous venom which can be deadly in children and older adults even worse the antivenom needed to counteract the effects has yet to be approved by america's fda and of course we haven't even begun to discuss the fact that this scorpion moves unlike lightning around 130 centimeters per second so if you happen to be a child or older person you could possibly be stung by a speedy little scorpion with potentially no anti-venom to save you now that's pretty sucky for you but it's pretty badass if you're the scorpion the question of whether or not the death stalker is a badass well depends on your perspective do you think that potentially killing your victims with no hope of recovery is cool or is it uh straight up homicide let me know in the comments below number 11 brazilian wandering spider if you were to translate the greek name of this arachnid you would receive the word murderous and you know what makes absolute sense sorry to all you arachnophobes we're moving into pure nightmare fuel territory for you guys maybe close your eyes for the next topic the brazilian wandering spider is considered the world's most venomous spider with a single bite causing extreme pain potential loss of muscle control and eventually paralysis maybe even death these spiders don't even build their own webs instead they just spend their nights wandering the jungle floor searching for something to kill by day they're hiding out in houses and cars like the villains in classic slasher movies just waiting for their human victims to accidentally stumble upon them so in summary it's every arachnophobes worst nightmare and then some of the many many spiders in the world the brazilian wandering spider is probably one of if not the worst although let's be honest any spider that can potentially kill you with a single bite is worthy of the title of the world's worst spider number 10 gorilla anybody that has ever seen king kong will agree that this animal is more than deserving of the title of badass animal i mean king kong literally beat up dinosaurs what more do you need a whole wwe extravaganza get out of here while most gorilla violence is directed towards other gorillas there are many reported circumstances in which humans have been attacked by dominant and protective gorillas usually these humans have inadvertently provoked the gorilla by getting a little bit too close to their young they're women or just them this naturally leads to the old familiar threatening displays of chest pounding and grunting then if that warning is still not heated things take an unfortunate turn for the worse and believe me you don't want to get into a fight with a gorilla most of them have scars from their own fights they could rip us humans apart if they wanted experts have long agreed that the rare cases of guerrilla attacks on humans all began the same way humans simply provoked the gorillas to the point of outright violence and as we've all seen in king kong these guys can literally throw you 4 miles number 9 cape buffalo pretty much every animal has more than one name but the cape buffalo's alternate name is probably one of the most badass of all the cape buffalo also known as black death is one of the most dangerous animals on the planet and believe me it lives up to its alternative name statistically the cape buffalo has been reported as killing more big game hunters than any other animal in the whole of africa when those hunters manage to wound but not kill the animal they basically flip a switch in the buffalo's head turning it into the most aggressive son of a mother [Applause] you could ever have the misfortune to mate what i'm saying is if you fire and miss you better start running those thick horns are weapons used to rip apart their target quickly and effectively so unless you're made of steel you don't have much time if all of this sounds pretty terrifying to you let's make it even worse it's not only one cape buffalo but a whole mob that ends up chasing off their aggressors and that's why they're called the black death it's like being run down by a bunch of funeral cars but you know with knives on the hood number eight jaguar it may not be the most giant cat in the world but the jaguar is not an animal to be underestimated in fact did you know that the word jaguar comes from the indigenous word jaguar which roughly translated to mean he who kills with a single leap look i said roughly translated they they were more concise back then these cats can grow up to 264 pounds but their actual size can vary from region to region however their badassery does not vary these animals are straight-up killers willing to prey on just about anything they find in the wild that can include birds deers monkeys fish crocodile or literally anything else you could imagine unlike some other big cats these animals hunt day and night and are more than comfortable going swimming to find their food so basically there's not really much that they won't do for some food they're pure killers while lions and tigers may well be considered the more powerful big cats the jaguars should not be underestimated this animal is a straight bad ass more than willing to catch and kill just about any living thing it happens to come across as someone who is a big fan of all you can eat buffets i admire that kind of commitment to the craft number 7. siberian tiger big cats are some of the most badass animals anywhere on the planet but you probably already knew that it's the whole reason that we don't go randomly throwing things at giant exotic cats that's really just asking for trouble the siberian tiger usually weighs between 350 to 700 pounds which is already a good reason to be in awe but these cats can somehow patrol vast territories that span hundreds and hundreds of miles in all climates and terrain just to find a nice little meal for itself of course siberian tigers generally prefer to eat deer caribou or moose but if they have no other option they will pretty much hunt anything that they can find including black and brown bears that apparently happens quite a lot and honestly it's probably one of the best reasons to consider it a badass animal i mean if you don't give it that credit it will probably kill you of all the tigers in the world the siberian is one of the most dangerous and intimidating i mean this is an animal willing to walk a considerable distance just for a bite to eat unless you're able to run at inhumanly high speeds for hundreds of miles chances are you wouldn't be able to outrun this beast number six grizzly bear if you were to take all of the animals in america and pit them against one another you'd probably find the winner pretty quickly the grizzly bear is easily america's toughest and most resilient animal if i'm going to sum it up in a sentence it's kind of a badass the grizzly bear typically waves hundreds of pounds with one of the largest found to weigh around 1 500 pounds but despite this near unbelievable amount of mass the grizzly bear is somehow also able to move at an incredible speed of up to 30 miles per hour our powerful animals the large hump on his shoulders are actually pure muscle and as we can all imagine if you get hit by a 30 mile an hour ball of sheer muscle weighing 1 500 pounds you're probably going to be breathing through a tube for a few years and that's if you're lucky i don't even want to go into what happens if you're unlucky but it's not great ask any animal expert and they will all agree that the grizzly bear is one of the strongest and most resilient predators out there while they may not specifically go hunting for a fight they don't run away if they happen to find one these are animals that can decapitate a moose with one swipe of their paw actually it sounds like a twisted version of that karate kick bottle top challenge doesn't it number five grilled shark sharks are among the most ruthless animals on our planet but the frilled shark is something else entirely this is a shark so primitive that some experts refer to it as the living fossil and frankly it's also a pretty freaky thing to have to look at what makes the frilled shark quite so badass is nothing to do with its size or its teeth or even the fact that it's a shark in fact the way that the frilled shark kills its prey is much closer to that of a boa constrictor than an actual shark much like a snake this unusual shark wraps itself around its chosen victims clenching tighter and tighter until eventually it manages to crush them to death although that being said its unique jaws made up of 300 teeth angled backward and lined into 25 rows are pretty badass it's apparently impossible for prey to escape once they happen to get caught on these carefully designed teeth the frilled shark is not an animal well known by the general population though it absolutely should be after all how many sharks can crush their prey to death or quite literally trap their prey in their mouths number 4. camel there probably aren't too many who would instinctively name the camel as one of the world's most badass animals probably because they're not known for being the friendliest of animals to humans however when you stop to think about the general lifestyle of the camel you'll come to realize that well this is a pretty badass animal the camel's whole life is spent in unbearably dry environments in which almost no life can survive [Applause] yet this animal can somehow survive temperatures of up to 110 degrees often with a certain amount of weight on its back and can even survive four days without water and months without food even survival experts like bear grylls haven't mastered that little trick just yet therefore a camel is better than bear grylls that's not the point i was initially going to make but it's hard to find a case to disprove it the camel is one tough mother somehow built to survive against all odds they can even lose almost half of their body weight before suffering any serious consequences which is well badass unless you prefer your camels thick and curvy but then if you have a preference for camel shape you may be beyond help number three cassowary deep in southeast asia and australia's tropical forests there lies an incredible exotic bird that has quite a reputation in florida the cassowary has been listed as class 2 wildlife alongside other animals including alligators and wild cats that means they're considered extremely dangerous and as many men interested in diy handiwork will tell you danger is badass [Music] it's easy to assume that the cassowary is just a nice looking relatively innocent flightless bird but then you would be very very wrong actually the cassowary has some intensely muscular legs with three claw tipped toes a single kick from these powerful legs and you can potentially have some internal organs punctured as a result many places around the world consider the cassowary to be one of the most dangerous birds in the world thankfully there haven't been too many human deaths reported as a result of the cassowary though it's still terrifying to know that they could kill us if they truly want it much like the emu the cassowary is a striking bird to look at and perhaps ironically they're also very good at striking themselves so in terms of the badass irony sweepstakes the cassowary is an instant winner number 2. hippopotamus we know the hippopotamus as a big hulking animal that likes to spend most of its days bathing but it turns out this animal is also pretty badass which kind of sucks for us since they kill so many of us specifically the hippo kills an estimated 500 people every year in africa which sounds about right when you factor in the animal's aggressive nature while they're not the most territorial animals in the world the hippo's unpredictability makes them a true force to be reckoned with in fact many humans have had the misfortune to tick off one of these animals finding themselves on the receiving end of a charging mountain of mass with seemingly no escape because while the hippo may not eat meat their teeth are definitely not for display only and you can consider that your regular warning against angering hippos there's a lot of things we can say about the hippo that would qualify it for badass status but maybe the unpredictable way that it responds to well any living thing it doesn't like is more than enough this is an animal that just doesn't care what you think of it and that's a badass trait in anybody right i'm so glad you all like me please like me please number one black mamba what makes something badass well many things but one stands out above all else status the black mamba certainly has that status it's the most dangerous snake on the planet and let's be honest it doesn't get more badass than that the black mamba more than earns its reputation as being one of the deadliest animals on the planet its near unimaginable speed on land and in trees is one thing meaning that even the most talented prey animals stand little to no chance of escape but we have to deal with the issue of the snake's venom which is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous on the planet the lack of widely accessible anti-venom means that a single bite by the black mamba will likely kill you within 15 hours unless you can somehow track down a sample of that cure the black mamba is apparently so deadly that it has no natural predators in the wilderness couple that with the fact that it can take on and kill even larger animals and you have all the makings of a rightfully badass animal anybody should be afraid of the black mamba very afraid unless you have access to the antivenom then you can be just kind of afraid which of these animals do you think is the most badass let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time you
Channel: The Genius Lemon
Views: 75,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal, animals, tiger, crocodile, alligator, viral, list, pet, biggest, natura, crazy, amazing, wildlife, lion, leopard, elephant, caught on camera, national geographic, natgeo, animal attack, discovery channel, documentary, science, incredible, unbelievable, amazing facts, wild animal, wild animals, tiger attack, crocodile attack, epic, lion attack, in the world, wrong opponent, messed with, messed with the wrong opponent, caught on video, land animals, times
Id: 4VnIwtaBy_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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