15 ODDEST Glitches STILL in Minecraft 1.14

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hey what's going on guys log gods appear today we've got even more minecraft 1.14 glitches 15 more of them to be exact from strange mod behavior on half slab blocks 2 Enderman that don't attack you for some reason using boats to clip through the floor and finally one of our weirdest glitches yet one involving the new ravager mod that will allow you to travel thousands of blocks per second in survival minecraft more on him later okay oh and by the way today's bug world is courtesy of I'm yeah glitch number one skeletons and creepers act weirdly on half slabs so we're gonna show you exactly what that means right now because it is very weird indeed whenever these mobs happen to be on half slabs that are above water you're gonna notice some very interesting behavior namely look at the speed in which these skeletons are moving around do you see this they're going crazy with the speed I'm gonna set the time tonight if it's a stop burning the moment they get into water their speed becomes quite normal and the moment there are normal blocks they move around like normal but over here they're going wild these two look like they're dancing around it's very odd and not only that but creepers have extremely weird behavior as well namely when they blow up they don't break any of the blocks that they're standing on even though they completely should be able to do that and if we were to go over to some regular land that's not a half slab you'll see that they do in fact blow up blocks but if there are half slabs around with water underneath them there will be no block damage and for whatever reason or another skeletons go crazy on here as well that's so odd this next one's hot number 2 paintings and item frames are entities instead of blocks which strangely makes them completely fireproof even though these things are made of wood for whatever reason you can place paintings all up inside lava and everything's gonna be just fine and so look we've got a glass display over here we're seeing all these different paintings all the different item frames they are not burning nothing is happening to them for what ever reason they just don't want to you put in a normal wooden block what he expects gonna happen well it's essentially gonna burn instantly you will lose the block but item frames even though they're made of wood paintings even though they're made with wood it doesn't happen burn when you throw them in though which number three also has to do with item frames and paintings for whatever reason you can place them on top of cactuses everything works fine on the cactus here however you can't use them with other things like buttons tripwire hooks signs look can't place the tripwire hook on the side no buttons on the side of this cactus and trying to place a sign causes the cactus to break as well and I've got some floating guys that will pop off eventually but for whatever reason you can't place these things on a cactus without there being some kind of problem but when it comes to item frames and paintings problem solved glitch number four you can climb a trapdoor as though or a ladder however this does not apply to vine so if we were to try and make our way up this ladder the trapdoor in the way aye-aye-aye but if we right-click it open now we can go right through however give this a shot with vines and you will be disappointed because the moment you close the trapdoor on this guy you get pushed downwards you can't actually oh gosh what happened there Ellie another glitch you can't go through trapdoors when climbing up vines this appears to be an oversight when they changed ladder mechanics to initially allow you to go through trapdoors I want my vine trapdoors let's make it happen mo gern miss number five slaps the stairs count as trans patch into blocks this is patent it don't steal this video probably meant transparent blocks like glass they don't cause suffocation damage I see bro we got to take you back to English class this is kidding but anyways check it out this is what we've got here demonstrating are these victim creepers look taking damage that's because there's a full block in this creepers head moving over though we can see that the top of this creepers head is being clipped by the slab above it and he's literally got a slab going through his body moreover if we look over here there are two different stair blocks this creeper has been sandwiched between and you can see he is standing quite comfortably he's not taking any sort of damage whatsoever it's gonna replay look poor soul whole heads up in there over here all good over here all good transparent flocks do not cause suffocation damage all right this next glitch number six super weird going down leaving a boat with a block above your head makes you clip through the floor yes it's time to use boats to teleport through floors get a load of this we've got a regular old tunnel some ice and pretty much a short ceiling where there's not really any room to jump reasonably we're gonna place a boat down we're gonna go inside it and we're gonna sneak out and what happens instantly go through the floor so why does this work exactly I mean I'm not gonna pretend I have any idea what is barrier blocks keeping me in see we're back and the boat is still in here look at this look it's so it's so odd I don't get it it probably has something to do with when you get out of the boat you dismount or something happens and it places your body in an odd area but either way you can use it to make some secret passages in your worlds at least until they fix this bug glitch number seven is a very weird one oh no a locked door an iron door specifically good thing you can break iron doors with your fists yeah I mean I know you can break iron doors with your fists but what's different about this specific iron door and about this specific glitch is normally you can't collect iron anything with your fist but when it comes to iron doors if you're patient enough to break one with your fist well you'll be rewarded with the iron door right back in your inventory this is not supposed to happen now if you're wondering what this pressure plate did it gave me the haste required in order to mine this otherwise it would probably take a few minutes I'm moving at hyperspeed right now with my punching but if you decide you wanted to you get your door back by well punching it now glitch 8 here is an odd one indeed you see all these different stacks of blocks they all have one thing in common you break the one underneath the bottom most block the rest of them will come toppling down however some of these blocks work a little bit differently namely if we take a look at the bamboo sticks you break the bottom one look what happens they all slowly break from bottom to top and listen to the sound effects specifically for these here's the cactus break the bottom one slowly break from bottom to top now let's try one of these guys over here for some reason look the carpet break the bottom one of the carpet and they all break at once you can hear the difference in the sound there they all had the breaking sound occur at the same time break the sugar cane slowly breaks up it's real different break the signs all break at once even the scaffolding it's a slow break bottom up I don't know why it works that way it's kind of confusing it's just really different from one another but I'm honestly not too mad because there's just something so satisfying about breaking scaffolding blocks and just letting them yeah which number nine involves our friend erm in the end Newman and I've been freeze when you hit them on scaffolding blocks speaking of and so we've got a nice little showcase area to tell you exactly what I mean normally when you're looking at Enderman or you attack them they get real angry and they start chasing you down if you were to do this on top of a scaffolding block however they're mad but the heck they don't do anything come on man what you want but you know I punch on you we got a punch on you where's grab an angry and urban party look at them all this is fun finally I can exact my revenge on these guys and what are they gonna do nothing they basically lose their AI for some reason when you're on top of scaffolding vlogs I couldn't tell you why and if you were to knock them off you'd see that they're AI will eventually resume see now they're moving around they're all mad going to tell their mom probably look at you guys trust me calm down go I have a great idea we're just gonna break that and down they'll go oh no now they're all mad at me right now do something weirdos I'm in water you can't reach me oh gosh glitch number 10 involves invisible mobs and visible items if you didn't realize in the latest minecraft 1.14 update there are foxes and you can make foxes hold whatever item you give to them in this case this Fox is holding on to a diamond sword and he's probably gripping it from the worst possible place you've got a blade in your mouth dude similarly we've got an Enderman with a pumpkin right here and they're holding the pumpkin in their hand now if we were to throw this potion now we will miss the Enderman anyways you'll now see that even though the mob is completely invisible you can still have the diamond sword showing up in his mouth and similarly the pumpkin over here in the Enderman while I lean up you can see the endermans eyes that's kind of creepy to be honest you can see his eyes right there well where did he that was scary oh they're going all over the place okay yeah but pumpkin floating floating diamond sword doesn't make sense dead giveaway Oh oops down to the wire five more glitches this next one involves nether portals and armor but we're gonna have to switch worlds to show it to you that's because it's so glitchy the glitch doesn't even work all the time we're here in full diamond armor and if you can look at my hotbar down below you can see that my armor points are completely filled up those little iron looking chest plates by my hearts the moment we enter through a nether portal though dependent on I guess your luck every once in a while you'll notice that the armor points completely disappear even though I still have my armor on where did they go hard to say but they will return the moment your armor gets updated in some way whether you remove the armor or in this case take some damage now look my armor is right back where it's supposed to be going back through this portal you'll see that the glitch is going to occur again when we make it back to the overworld no more armor points down there but removing one of them will show those points once again so a glitch number 12 see swinging a sword while looking down acts strangely in creative mode see here's what it looks like in survival mode we're just swinging our sword downwards ain't no problem smooth movement everything else now let's do it in creative mode as you can see here there's a slight weirdness when we start moving around you see that we're kind of like randomly twitching and glitching but now that we're back in creative mode what you're gonna see is none of that it's not really stopping us you've got that weird movement but we're not being impeded in any way again back in creative mode though you can see that we actually stopped moving briefly when we're going sideways here glitch number 13 logs heavy craft into would various but the strip versions cannot custom resident pack anybody here's exactly what we're talking about oak logs and Oakwood alongside strip oak logs and stripped oak wood let's go ahead and show you exactly what you get when you do a two by two of these logs you get the oak wood variant which has the bark on every single side of the block so it would make perfect sense for you to be able to take stripped oak logs and get stripped oak wood because look this is in game you can actually get this block where it's got the stripped bark on all sides however if we were to try this in a crafting table or even in our regular inventory for whatever reason we cannot get the stripped oak wood that way you can even do the logs in your crafting two-by-two inventory as well but if you want these blocks seems like you're gonna have to get them in creative mode alright glitch number 14 strange nametag behavior interactable mobs can't be named when the nametag is in your offhand slot even though it works in your main hand allow me to show you exactly what I'm talking about we're gonna name these guys Bob Bob nametag Bob I guess nametag Bob I like that I definitely thought of that sorry CJ now with a lot of mobs if you right-click them it'll open up a trade interface you get to ride them interact with them some fashion or another now if you were to name a mob you'd need to hold a nametag Bob in your right hand right click now it's name tag Bob name tag Bob name tag Bob name tag Bob and so now we're gonna try and rename them with name tag Joe here's the weird thing put the name tags in your offhand slaw and when you right-click I sorry I left clicked when you right-click it opens up the trade interface it opens up the writing interface even though you've got them in your offhand even sneaking will not work it'll open up the interface it'll cause you to ride the animal whatever it is so you can only use name tag in your main hand slot so it's not the craziest bug in the world but it is a bug all the same and our final glitch today number 15 involves the rabbit sure when the rabbit ear tax shield is a chance to charge a special attack that deals a lot of knock-back it's no rawrr and you can use this attack to travel very quickly as far as I'm aware this was actually a glitch discovered by a fellow minecraft youtuber known as simply Sark and so the description today's video you'll be able to see a greater detailed explanation of exactly what's going on here as well as how you might be able to set it up in your survival worlds all you need to know is if you hold the shield up and cause the ravager to get you know phased right you'll see in a second he kind of looks like he's dizzy like that get on your pick and look we just traveled all the way over here see there's the showcase area from before I think our pig just died we can press this button to get right back instantly and let's show you exactly what's going on here look at our current coordinates - 350 - 944 now look i OG see i got a hold the chilled um I totally forgot come on ravager take it easy on this you can use the AoE effect of the Roar attack to take advantage of an oversight that will allow you to very quickly teleport in survival minecraft as our chance now look at the f3 look at that we just traveled like a hundred blocks in no time flat again you'll want to check out simply Sark's video to figure out how to do this in survival minecraft and to move thousands of blocks but that's gonna do it for all the glitches in today's video let us know in the comments section below which one was your favorite we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 705,595
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Keywords: minecraft, minecraft bugs, minecraft glitches, minecraft glitch, glitch, glitches, how to, minecraft bug, minecraft top 5, glitches in minecraft, how to glitch minecraft, new update, 1.14 release, minecraft 1.14, 1.14 update, Minecraft 1.14 bugs, bugs still in minecraft, snapshot, update, minecraft update, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, log.zip, family friendly, no cursing, oldest, old minecraft, nostalgia, nostalgic, 15, minecraft 1.14.4, 1.14.4, 1.14.4 bugs, minecraft 1.14.4 update
Id: 54EMIziM0kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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