30 Small Updates Minecraft SHOULD Have Added by now

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hey what's going on guys so I got zip here today we're gonna be looking at 30 small updates that should have been added to minecraft by now seriously for example wouldn't it be awesome if you could add items to your shulker box directly from your inventory how about crazy automation machines like pipelines that let you move items wherever you want or how about these weird circles of daisies that spawn in in the world what do they lead too hard to say could be these strange stone lling creatures maybe you want your hands on a brand you need picker rain to go mining capable of grabbing blocks and items from afar or maybe just maybe you just want to pet a puppy well puppy petting and 29 other awesome updates are now possible courtesy of the quark mod a huge mod that adds tiny changes let's jump in we start with number one backpacks the beautiful huh what taking case of dead soul compass hmm more on this guy later number one the backpack sold by leather workers in-game you're gonna need 15 emeralds and 12 leather although your specific trade may vary it's one of the leather workers earlier trade so doesn't take too much to do it and you've got yourself a backpack and look what happens when we put this backpack on first of all you can see it on your back okay I know you got a preview of that other thing a second oh but look you have three extra rows of goodies where you can store items so long as you're wearing your backpack if we're gonna put anything in this backpack you notice appear that a lock appears on this backpack and you can no longer take off the backpack if there's anything inside so if we want to go ahead and take this off we now can now that it's empty what's more you can even dye your backpack to essentially whatever color you want so I want a nice red backpack to match my cake look at that that's nice you need to combine colors but you know I like number two is a redstone randomizer here's the recipe for it by the way these wrestles would be showing up all over all the different things we'll be covering today and this is ender biotite by the way this will essentially randomize an output signal to either direction that it's facing so you flip this lever this time the right one went up let's try again oh the right one went up okay let's try again okay left we've got left we've got right and as you can see it's pretty bang random it's gonna just change depending on however it's feeling that day number three parrot eggs feed a parrot with beetroot seeds and it'll make an egg after some time passes and there are those eggs right there I'm gonna feed you and we'll come back to you well how you eat a lot we'll see if he lays one later on but for now here's what they look like you got a parrot egg and it's just another way for you to spawn in parrots in game just like that remember this guy from before well it's part of number four and five the totem of holding and the sole compass by the way here's how you make a soul compass you need a regular compass and you also need a soul bead we're gonna worry about the soul beat later for now I've got a date with the detonator 3000 yes I'll be back in I'm dead and so as you can see I've got a backpack on me normally when you die you lose all your things but because I have a soul compass on me if we were to head back to the detonator you'd see right here that we see ourselves a totem of holding and I have grabbed the compass back and then weird huh Oh put it on me look at that how about it big fans you're gonna want one of these things on you essentially at all times number six chests in boats right-click one in the boat and then write it and open up your inventory okay let's do it we got some chests right here and I'm gonna place the boat down place the chests in the boat get inside the boat open your inventory boat chest nice we actually just made one of these ourselves using commands in a different video which will be showing up on the channel in about a week so make sure you subscribe by the way if you haven't already number seven tie leads to fences yo someone's strumming a banjo or something did y'all see that madness this is obvious enough this is a cool one now you can make cool-looking decorations by attaching a lead from one side of a fence post to another makes them real fun times look seriously I could see some awesome rope bridges with this you could make a tetherball Court perhaps something and boy you go crazy you put them all over the place like this is messy I just want to know what's going on with this one that's that's that's a little odd huh number eight right-click items onto shulker boxes and grab me and right-click items from the inventory on to me I'll do it if I had well I suppose I do there's a pink choker box if we were to look inside of it we'd note that it is completely empty well with cork you don't need to place your show curb ox to use it you'll just grab an item right click to add it to your shoulder box now you can see based on this little tooltip it's now in there and better place this down and look inside there's our compass now for balancing purposes it is worth noting that you can only add items to your shulker box while it's in your inventory if you want to remove any of them you do have to place it down this next one's my favorite number 9 the dog sneak right-click me with an empty hand ok oh okay that one's normal this is the best update ever all right number 10 fairy rings number 10 fairy rings check it out a perfect circle of flowers these will occasionally spawn in your worlds and if you see anything like this you should be very aware that something lovely is hidden inside I wonder what happens if you dig straight down into the center ok I'll do it alright this one look like the center to me so down we go through the stone through the marble ooh you got some fancy blocks up in here ok I dig it that's nice and once you dig for it enough down you're met with a little fairy cove diamonds digging down in fairy rings takes you to rare ores and so you see flowers in a circle somewhere you start looking around you'll get some good ideas we got a white sprouts yo tasty and so now's as good a time as ever to jump into the cave updates the cork adds as well with number 11 gabe roots they now spawn all over the underground you can break them for a food item or harvest them with shears to farm them so as you can see here we've got some cave root and that's similar to the white sprouts probably not as nutritious but if you decide to grab them like this you can actually farm the cave roots and place them for later so that they can continue to grow Bhuvan these look lovely Wow blue sprouts Wow black sprouts the oil I'm putting these in my backpack Oh number 12 sprouts some cave roots spawn with the flour if you break it you'll get a sprout which can be crafted into dye interesting so we got blue dye there Oh I thought you could eat it well maybe you can better grab some first snack later now you probably noticed a lot of other things that aren't normally in Minecraft showing up that I'm not talking about like stalagtites and new blocks and such we've actually done like six videos on this mod before in the past so much this is all new in today's video but you want to find out even more about this awesome mod you can check out the quark playlist at the I in the corner number 13 bill live okay still like oh okay I guess there is well well this is Zachary famously now spawn underground in all stone variants you got granite you got regular stone yeah guys andesite you got you know it's good it's really good number 14 and 15 is even better than archaeologists and archaeologist hat re ologists will set up camp randomly underground so if you ever happen across one during your exploration you should feel very lucky because she's probably gave you his hat you can trade him stuff try to buy his hat use it outside what's good baby I want your hat give it to me six six emeralds yeah of course I'll take it off your hands ah he's got a spare I see what with his hat on you all look good yeah keep the change so we're gonna wear it out whoa this is here before when you mine or is that drop items with the Hat there's a chance that they'll drop in extra or what that is a compass okay we've got three diamonds on us right now so four so we're gonna see if we can get one extra diamond from some of these diamond doors let me see that's eight this is only okay so oh there it is nice we got two from that one see we didn't pick up this other guy number sixteen monster boxes monster boxes spawn randomly underground when you get close to them they'll spew out a bunch of mobs so you're gonna want to be very very careful although I'll tell you what I'm gonna keep the hat on okay monster box say difficult to normal I've done it I'll do it so this is a monster box and if you get close uh-huh you're in trouble yeah no no we got to get the witches first no doubt about it because witches are the worst ever there's so many please I don't want to die I don't have to use my soul compass I think I might live I might live Wow and all without the help of any reasonable helmet just me and my archaeologist hat I'm gonna go celebrate my victory right now by mining some diamonds in Minecraft see I'm doing it oh the witch dropped her head I forgot that this is a thing y'all island sick number 17 and number 18 stone wings in the heart of diamond we need to be quiet because stone links will rarely spawn in underground but they'll run away if you get too close to them without sneaking we've got some spawn eggs here so you'll normally find these hanging out in caves from time to time through these little tiny creatures that have little prizes for you as you can see they run and they don't last too long because if you get too close without sneaking they will all run away and then they'll eventually just try and escape every once in a while though if you kill them they'll give you the item they were holding and they may even drop the heart of diamond Oh dibs in the wall hold on I got it oh he wants to he wants to give it to me see but look it's like a random prize when you're exploring caves oh my gosh I missed them all like some of them hold nametags I wouldn't know what that thing is mine no oh it's a zombie head okay so if you happen to kill a stoning and get a heart of diamond you can even use it to make pet stone links I'm gonna try it out right here I've made a pet stone all you got to do is right click with your heart of diamond on a various stone block like thingy and you'll get some nice little pet stones and they're fun and my assumption is that they'll follow me around and that they love me but maybe they just hang out there forever and maybe they need your dog alternatively number 19 lets you use a heart of diamond to make a pick a ring here's the recipe for it and it's a pretty cool one to put together we'll do that right now are you all ready for some magic the picker rang is the ultimate revolutionary mining tool right-click to throw it when it hits a wall it will break the block and it will return the block to you as well as any items encounters along the way nice give me at all you can do a lot of things with it you can pretty much collect anything you pointed at or mushrooms you can even use it for battle oops I missed let's go baby let's go baby y'all and you can see how much damage it does on its tooltip it's actually a pretty decent weapon if you look at it three attack damage not bad click me when you're done okay I've done it oh oh perfect number twenty and number twenty-one iron and gold buttons gold button sends a really fast pulse to whatever it is powering and an iron button will hold that pulse for an extended amount of time that was just one button press that's amazing one more time for good measure Dobbs kid we're not gonna wait around for number 22 elder prismarine look at these these are nice reminds you of like boss battle oh there is brains spawns under oceans as a new cave type I'm gonna show you what that looks like right now you may happen across such a cave system in your adventures if you have pork installed in your world and boy are my arms tired look at this this is the big ravine I don't know I said that Wow so we're like under an ocean or some kind of cave system right now we've got all these special block types showing up all Oh double ravine all the way across the sky tons of different areas that it branches off into as well that's awesome I like that a lot but not as much at number 23 highly requested trash can in the corner of your inventory there is a trash can icon if you saw it before it's right here on my Mouse's went crazy around it you can grab items you don't want and throw them in there so I don't need this glass item frame we're gonna right we're gonna hold shift down and then click to delete and we're literally able to get rid of all of these different things we no longer want this is an amazing way to get rid of items you don't have to worry about making a lot sorry archaeologists have you have to worry about making a lava trashcan sorry diamonds or you know a cactus anything like that it's so useful equally as useful as I next one number 24 the sugar block I was just kidding by the way but it is a cool block nonetheless it will dissolve in water these are sugar blocks now at a glance it's like okay what's the point but look there are probably so many redstone contraptions that would benefit from a block such as this and sugar is easy enough to acquire it's literally sugar cane and it grows all over the place so this is a great way to make for some blocks that will literally just break and dissolve in water it right mr. ping gosh you are pale to feed you or kill you alright the grass saved you this time number 25 paper lamps here's the recipe for them by the by they look really cool and they make for some exciting decoration around your houses and etc etc but where they shine most huh it's nighttime they give off a very faint light just enough to keep things interesting and they have a really cool look to them as well they really nicely match with fences it looks like it's going right through it it's a total aesthetic over here we've got number 26 turf blocks nice this is how you make turf blocks by the way and turf blocks have the look of grass on all sides so you can get for some really detailed and decorative hills structures involving lush green grass etc Builders rejoice over here we got number 27 enchanted book tooltip icons and shadow books will now show in their tooltip which items they can enchant this is amazing get a load of these so you now know that I'm breaking theory can be used on a sword Pig act shovel axe hoe armor shears boat etc etc if we look over deficiency only five different items new efficiency or fortune only four shouldn't lor can only be applied to efficient rod etc etc etc these are all quick glances at different book types that can only be applied to specific weapons number 28 is matrix enchanting and it's a little confusing looking so I'll do my best here it's a new enchanting system press + to add new pieces to your list then pick them up and add them to the grid we click two pieces with the same enchantment together they'll upgrade the enchantment level allow me to explain we've selected unbreaking one right here and we're gonna press the plus here and now we can upgrade it with a sharpness one as well fire aspect and it costs more levels and lapis and etc etc the whole website that'll explain it to you okay it's in the description of today's video alongside the mod itself number twenty nine we're gonna finish strong slime blocks bounce items now get a load of this we've dropped an apple on and it now bounces similar to how a player might bounce it actually doesn't do this in normal minecraft you may have never noticed but it's worth noting the note it's worth noticing the yeah alright anyways number 30 the finale here item pipes so much fun Ida pipes a lot items be moved around in game to get items in a pipe use a hopper or a dropper pipes can do a ton of stuff but we won't show everything in this video instead just press the button for a cool demo alright if you insist and so as you can see here it is now carrying this diamond block through this crazy Rube Goldberg must stop a style pipe machine look at this I love it here's the recipe by the way to iron and a glass block get your pipe a look it will shoot up and across and will intercept down for the count look at this look at it oh yo quick fake out on that don't mind if I is it's going backwards now your best day of my life can we just is it gonna wow it bounce on the slide look oh wow what a payoff oh my gosh guys let me know the comments section below which of these updates was your favorite and we'll see you later love you pesky
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,447,239
Rating: 4.860528 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft changes, minecraft updates, minecraft needs, minecraft quark, quark mod, minecraft mods, logdotzip, best minecraft mods, mods, mod, update, showcase, funny, new, no swearing, minecraft 1.14, 1.14, 1.14 minecraft, minecraft update, new minecraft, new minecraft update, 30, 30 things, logdotzip quark, backpack, boat, chest, dog, pet, logdotzip 1.14, minecraft logdotzip, features, family friendly, no cursing, enchanting, archeology, cave, cave update, villager
Id: kbqePJMp0HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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