15 Next Level PIZZA IDEAS for #BuzyBeez ๐Ÿ•| HONEYSUCKLE

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[Music] mmm pizza bagels hey DVDs you guys might have seen me post a big bagel haul on my Instagram this week and wondering what the heck am I doing with all those bagels well today I'm going to show you 15 next-level pizza bagels we're covering all the pizza bilities I'm team bagel all the way but just cream cheese will not do if you guys have seen my 25 epic toast video this is the follow up please be sure to like this video and don't forget to subscribe and share with your friends and we'll go ahead and get started look at all the bagels yes we're going to use them all but first let's grab the garlic all right let's pop this baby open spread on some pizza sauce spread it all around now let's make it rain with Parmesan cheese sprinkle over some mozzarella and let's layer on our pepperoni pepperoni I'll pop it in the oven for 8 minutes at 450 degrees and here we have the classic bagel bite perfect now here we have an everything bagel I'll pop off the top spread on some pizza sauce more Parmesan reign actually more like Parmesan snow some mozzarella cheese a little more cheese please some sliced red onions my cooked Italian sausage slices of red bell peppers and we'll bake at the same time and temp pull it out sprinkle a little bit of fresh julienne basil and that's our Guido spicy all right we have some chopped chicken cubes I'll pour in about a tablespoon of barbecue sauce mix it well then I have a cheesy basil pop off the top add on some barbecue sauce spread it out add some more Parmesan cheese mozzarella this time I'm adding in my Italian for cheese blend I'm using this Quattro formaggio or four cheese blend from Trader Joe's it has parmesan Asiago fontina and mild provolone helps it melt really well now a layer on some fresh red onion slices later on our barbecue chicken cubes spread it out and it's peak it gorgeous let's garnish it with some fresh cilantro and there we have our barbecue chicky Bock Bock alright next one we'll start with our sesame bagel take some hummus but it are add our four cheese blend some sliced onions some marinated artichokes kalamata olives roasted tomatoes a sprinkle of oregano and some feta cheese bake it up garnish it with some fresh parsley and that's our get me to the Greek Oprah all right this one is interesting we're starting with pumpernickel anyone know what pumpernickel is drizzle it with some olive oil layer it with a beautiful basil leaf spread on some mozzarella a little bit more for cheese blend just to give it that nice cheesy flavor now I'll layer it with some caramelized onions and some mushroom slices bacon dish it with some julienned basil for freshness and here we have the wild thing you make my heart sing alright we're starting with another garlic bagel what happened to all the garlic layer it with some pesto sprinkle on some mozzarella cheese some for cheese some fresh chopped kale sauteed shrimp and some shaved parmesan bake it up and here we have our Cali scampi next let's start with a poppy bagel pop off the top now we spread on some cream cheese because that's what you do to a bagel right layer on our four cheese blend add some prosciutto some pear slices gorgonzola cheese and let's bake it up mmm top it with some fresh arugula drizzle on some olive oil and let's call this one mmm Napa style where's my wine no that's right I can't drink now we have a green spinach bagel just in time for st. Patty's Day let's spread on some cream cheese we'll layer on some slices of garlic sprinkle on some Parmesan cheese some of our four cheese blend some freshly sauteed spinach artichoke heart a little bit more for cheese blend and let's bake it off let's get cheeky because this one's called the skinny dip get it get it alright here I have an egg bagel cream cheese love some grated parmesan mozzarella bacon bake it off this could be good as is but nope we're going to top it with a fried egg then go on some boys shaved parmesan a - a pepper and some fresh parsley this one's called a carbonara pop that he'll baby here we're starting off with some sweet corn kernels I use frozen and just thought it'd add in two tablespoons of cooked bacon green onions about 1 TSP of miso a tablespoon of mayo and let's mix it all together you'll see where I'm going with this you'll see where I'm going with this alright that's done now I have my cheese bagel let's spread on some cream cheese and then we'll top it with our corn make sure you get a lot of bacon but wait I'm not done yet we'll add some 4 cheese some more mozzarella and we'll bake it off ah so good add on some green onions for freshness and this is our bake horn cheese mushiya and that's our savory pizza bagel adventure what do you guys think so far which one is your favorite we have five left so let's get into sweet ones the first one I'm going to make is a recreation of french toast that I recently had at a blogger brunch that I shared with you on my vlog Channel so let's get started alright here I have a French toast bagel yes this one's called a french toast bagel I'll slice it and toast it spread on some cream cheese sprinkle on a little bit of sugar some cinnamon now we'll add a couple layers of strawberries and a fancy drizzle of caramel sauce and we'll call this one the quadruple B the blogger Beauty brunch bagel okay here I have an egg bagel slice and toast this time I'm adding coconut butter spread it out and let it soak into the bagel this right here is coconut mana or coconut butter it's totally different from coconut oil because coconut oil just extract the oil from the coconut now this is straight-up pureed coconut so it has a really intense and delicious flavor and now we'll drizzle a swirl of caramel sauce layer on some bananas add a drizzle of chocolate syrup and then I'll just sprinkle on some coconut flakes and that's our chunky monkey our funky monkey here we have another french toast bagel slice and toast again we'll spread it with some cream cheese but this time we'll there it with some Kiwi sandow strawberry slices pineapple chunks you got to have some blackberries raspberries blueberries and some honey this one's the putti sweet Mon Shetty's all right here I have a chocolate bagel toast it up Nutella spread raspberry slices blackberry slices and coconut flakes this one's our choco berry love all right for our last one let's get a little crazy hair in a bowl I'll add one tablespoon of sugar one teaspoon of cinnamon 2 tablespoons of brown sugar give it a little mix then we'll add in two tablespoons of melted butter mix it again until we have a paste and let's set it aside okay in another bowl I have two tablespoons of cream cheese 1 tablespoon of butter at room temperature mix it together picnics Knicks scrape it down I'll add in half a teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/4 cup of powdered sugar and 1/2 2 tablespoons of milk give it a good mix mmm this needs a little bit more milk all right mix it again this looks perfect all right now let's make our bagels here I'll toast a cinnamon raisin bagel bread on our brown sugar cinnamon mixture and then we'll pipe on a beautiful swirl of our cream cheese glaze psychedelic meet our hypnotist I thought you thought I was going to call this the cinnamon roll huh and that's a wrap for our 15 next-level pizza bagels would you guys think and which one was your favorite be sure to comment below and let me know if there's a combo that you've had and you want to share thanks for watching and don't forget to check out my 25 epic toast video and then pair it with my 7 life-changing smoothies for a perfect breakfast thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Honeysuckle
Views: 235,598
Rating: 4.9520907 out of 5
Keywords: bagels, bagel recipe, bacorn cheese, pizza, pizza bagels, buzybeez, pizza bagel bites, pizza bagel recipe, bagel bites, pizza ideas, bagel, bagel pizza recipes, pizza recipes, bagel pizza, how to make bagel pizza, sweet pizza bagel, honeysuckle, ba'corn cheese, fruit bagels, pizza bagel, fruit pizza, Recipes - Topic, bagel pizzas, ba'corn
Id: 9oY9qMJX64c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2017
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