How To Make New York Style Bagels

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what's up guys I'm Joshua Wiseman and today I want to talk to you about bagels and in case you didn't know me I'm not talking about that store bought both alright let's just get that off the table I'm talking about real deal New York style bagels and I'm gonna show you how to make them now as with any yeasted bread you're gonna have to bloom your yeast first now you're gonna want your water to be about a ninety degrees fahrenheit to that warm water you're gonna add 10 grams of yeast which is about a tablespoon and 23 grams of sugar which is about one and a half tablespoons just give it a little stir to get it immersed in the water and let it rest for about ten minutes it'll get nice and puffed up like this give it yet another stir to get it all mixed in there exit to a bowl you're gonna add 500 grams of bread flour which is about three and a half cups six grams of salt which is about one and a half teaspoons and finally add your yeast balloon mixture now just mix it with your hands you don't even use a whisk or spoon just use your hands it's gonna be okay can wash your hands you're just gonna mix it till you get a shaggy dough don't worry about any remaining flour that's in the bottom it's gonna get immersed when we knead the dough just squeezed off any remaining dough off your fingers and wash your hands fizzy now turn that dough out onto a work surface get some the remaining stuff out of the bottom and begin kneading it so when you need dough you're basically going to pull it into itself and then push it against itself so you're pulling it back holding it over and then pushing it against itself with the palm of your hand you're gonna repeat that process and do that for about ten minutes and you're gonna notice this dough go from rough to this beautifully smooth silky dough I mean come on look at that thing now go ahead and take his sides and fold them into itself and under kind of pulling it together and then roll it on a board to form it into a boule now if you don't want to do that you can skip that process not that big of a deal now once you've done that you're gonna drop it into an oiled large or medium large bowl and cover it with a damp towel now roll it around so the dough does not stick to the bottom let it rise one hour now here we can see that the dough has doubled in size and it kind of stuck and I'm gonna taste this which was a huge regret of mine as you can see ya decided that was bad idea tossed that in the background now take out your aggressions because you don't get paid enough and punch down the dough maybe not quite that excessively but you get the point now turn your dough over onto a lightly floured work surface and divide it into 8 equal pieces I do that by cutting it in half and then cutting each of those halves into four equal pieces thus resulting in four Erb all right now four plus four 8 equal pieces Maya anyway as you can see here I like to mark each spot before I actually make the cut and then I follow through and make those cuts next with each of those pieces you're gonna shape each one into a perfect little ball by folding all the sides of them up and into themselves just lightly pressing pull it together turn it over seam side down and then on your board on a non floured surface specifically you kind of want to stick a little bit and then what you're gonna do is with the seam side touching the unflavored surface you're gonna swirl it around and around while maintaining constant contact and that will create a nice perfect little ball repeat that with each of the balls that feels weird to say cover that with a damp dish towel and let that rest for 10 minutes now we're gonna make your everything bagel seasoning now I mean why wouldn't you want everything bagels anyway we're gonna start with 2 tablespoons of dried garlic flakes 2 and a half tablespoons of dried onion flakes one and a half tablespoons of white sesame seeds 1 tablespoon of poppy seeds one tablespoon of black sesame seeds and finally a heaping half tablespoon of flaky sea salt mix that all up until it is thoroughly combined and I mean that's it you know you've got everything bagel seasoning just chilling in your house now so you're welcome now that your dough is rested for ten minutes you're gonna take one of those balls and you're gonna press a floured thumb and indexfinger through the center of a dough ball kind of like you're pinching through the center the whole point is to start to make the hole no pun intended now once you've done that you're gonna twirl it around two fingers lightly very carefully pulling it apart and what that's gonna do is it's just gonna slowly make that hole a little bit bigger and just stretch the dough out a little bit now you don't want to do this too much just repeat this process until you get the right whip it should the hole should be about an inch in diameter no more than that it's gonna rise and it's gonna get bigger so I wouldn't want to get the hole any bigger than that DJ spinach and you should repeat that process with all of your bagels now for the most important part get a pot of oil wetter get a pot of water to a boil once your pot of water is boiling drop it down to a gentle boil and drop your bagels in make sure you only add your bagels in a single layer don't try and stack them on top of each other and leave room for expansion because they will begin to expand a little bit in here now gently boil these bagels for one to two minutes per side two minutes for maximum chewiness and one minute for my personal ideal chewiness now these bagels have been boiling for about a minute on one side so now I'm flipping all of them and I'm gonna boil them for another minute on the other side now once they're done boiling I'm gonna pull them out of the water drain them as much as I can in that spider and drop them on a lightly oiled baking sheet this is what they're gonna bake on next you're gonna brush each bagel with egg wash I know I know they look a little wrinkly and weird right now but I promise they're gonna puff up and look nice when they go in the oven now once each bagel is brushed with egg wash you're gonna sprinkle on your everything bagel seasoning on to each of your bagels maybe leave a couple plain in case there's a couple people who just don't understand that bagel life now once they've all been seen you're gonna drop them in the oven at 425 for 20 minutes now as per tradition let us see the final product now I'm gonna start with a thick smear of cream cheese follow that up with a slice of tomato next capers now sliced LOX a little more for good measure a touch more capers followed by thinly sliced red onion then garnish it with a generous amount of dill top it cut it in half and enjoy alright guys that's it for today's episode all in all the bagel was a legitimate 10 out of 10 if you enjoyed the video leave a like subscribe and I will see you next week [Music] [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,942,304
Rating: 4.9389491 out of 5
Keywords: everything bagels, bagel recipe, how to make bagels, new york style bagels, joshua weissman, baking, boiling bagels, gluten, how to bake, recipe blog, recipe youtube, youtube cooking channel, from scratch, homemade, sat bawl pro, how to make new york style bagels, how to make everything bagels, easy bagel recipes, homemade bagels, cooking, food, bread recipes, homemade bagel recipes, joshua weissman bread, new york bagels, new york
Id: W8j-ZUp7KD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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