15 Most Terrifying Second Mutations That Completely Transformed The Characters - Explored

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Diamond would have been nice to know you could do this the homo superiors from the Marvel universe or mutants as we call them gain their strength and abilities because of the activation of something called The X Gene however several mutants have undergone what is called a secondary mutation these second mutations leave the mutants with considerably new and sometimes insane Powers however the effect is such that the mutant psyche personality and often their appearance changes often for the worse so in this video we will explore 15 such secondary mutations but before that let's quickly explore what exactly a secondary mutation is before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you let's begin what is a secondary mutation now I'm sure the name secondary mutation is rather self-explanatory but it is a bit more complicated than you may think you see there are conflicting opinions about what changes may or may not be considered a result of a secondary mutation so I thought it would be wiser to First establish what this phenomenon really is are you on board with me so yeah a secondary mutation is basically any change in a mutant that leads to additional Powers as in new ones a significant increase in powers or a change in their appearance now the mutation could also cause a combination of these changes the secondary mutations are not really a secret in the Marvel Universe in fact Professor X gave a lecture on the subject at the John Hopkins University in Baltimore in the second issue of Wolverine first class yet there were not very many credible things that the mutant Professor revealed in the lecture however in New Mutants Volume 2 number 12 Beast revealed that a mutant experienced a secondary mutation generally in their 20s and much like the mutant Powers the secondary mutation manifests during a time of great stress but it could get triggered by other factors as well for instance experimentation fatal injuries drug overdose and sometimes secondary mutations could practically be created for instance this happened when Cassandra Nova created Emma Frost's Diamond body so yeah that's about it and now let's explore the 15 most terrifying secondary mutations shoot on sight Emma Frost now Emma Frost made her first appearance in the dark Phoenix Saga created by Chris Claremont and John burn as a member of the hellfire club she quickly became known as a formidable villain and one of the most powerful telepaths in the Marvel Universe who could easily rival Charles Xavier in the original X-Men the Animated Series Emma Frost played a crucial role in the dark Phoenix Saga as a member of the Inner Circle and the show's version of the hellfire club there she manipulated Jean Gray when she was under the control of the Phoenix Force Emma returns in X-Men 97 Now set in josha a mutant Safe Haven under Magneto's rule besides telepathy this eclectic social climber as described by Magneto has another power which has often been shown differently in on-screen adaptations compared to the comics you see after surviving a sentinel attack orchestrated by Cassandra NOA Emma's secondary mutation that is her organic Diamond form was unlocked by Cassandra who used her mind binning skills to do so so yeah Emma Frost has a unique secondary mutation that lets her transform her entire body into an organic Diamond much like Colossus turns into organic steel she has to transform her whole body at once and can stay in Diamond form indefinitely unless she's knocked out which automatically reverts her back to normal while in Diamond form Emma's personality shifts and becomes more cold-hearted and less empathetic in terms of physical abilities Emma strength shoots up to superhuman levels in her Diamond form so much so that she can lift up to two tons her muscles hardly produce any fatigue toxins so she can keep going with almost unlimited stamina until she has to change back Emma Frost Diamond form gives her incredible durability against physical damage she can withstand severe impacts including repeated hits with superhuman strength without getting hurt she survived young Cyclops optic blast Hulk's punches and even a blast from the dreaming Celestial although the celestial attack did break her arm it shows the upper limits of her durability especially since a juggernaut powered Colossus took a similar hit and was sent flying with severe injuries interestingly she could not revert to her original form unless the broken arm was reattached Emma's Diamond form is so highly resistant to extreme temperatures able to endure as cold as- 390° F and as hot as 7,362 de F before beginning to melt additionally she doesn't need food or water when she's transformed however the secondary mutation also leads to a weakness you see in this form Emma is immune to telepathy from others but at the same time she cannot use her telepathic abilities until she reverts to her normal State Jimmy Hudson James Hudson Jr also known as Jimmy is Wolverine's forgotten son from The Ultimate Universe introduced in 2010's Ultimate X-Men number one by Jeff lob and Arthur Adams raised by Wolverine's buddy James Hudson senior Jimmy had no clue about his real dad until after Wolverine's death during the ultimatum event Kitty Pride delivers the news with a hologram of Wolverine revealing Jimmy's inherited extreme healing factor and his bone claws just like his dad's but there's more to Jimmy he has a secondary mutation that covers his skeleton with an organic metal not quite adamantium but close enough giving him metal claws similar to his father's this freaks him out until Kitty mentions that Colossus also had a power to cover himself with Organic metal Jimmy later finds out this metal can be applied in internally in his body Marvel needed a new Wolverine after the original died and the X-Men were left in chaos post ultimatum they introduced Jimmy Wolverine's son quickly giving him metal claws and a rushed origin story all in one issue bypassing a more developed storyline this was part of an effort to refresh the team with younger characters after the universe altering Secret Wars Jimmy moved to the main Marvel Universe this move mirrored the reason he was created to replace Wolverine even though another version Old Man Logan was also around Jimmy joined the X-Men blue team and it was revealed he could extend his strange metal over his teeth too initially a quick fix his powers began developing their unique identity since moving to the main 616 Universe Jimmy has been out of sight if he returns his powers are likely to evolve into even stranger forms Beast Hank McCoy also known as Beast left the X-Men to work as a genetic researcher at the Brand Corporation part of roxson oil he worked under Dr Carl Maddox and started dating assistant Linda Donaldson there at Brand Hank isolated a hormone that could temporarily trigger mutations which later inspired the mutant growth hormone Dr Maddox jealous of Hank's success plotted to steal his research hearing Maddox plan Hank took his own serum to hide his identity but transformed dramatically he grew gray fur all over his muscles bulked up his ears pointed claws emerged and his teeth sharpened into fangs the serum also boosted his agility endurance speed strength senses and healing abilities after stopping a security guard who tried to steal his research for Dr Maddox Hank McCoy realized too late that he had missed the window to take the antidote as a result he was stuck permanently in his beastly form angry Hank confronted Dr Maddox but stopped just short of Killing Him however Dr Maddox was ultimately shot by Linda Donaldson who was secretly working for the secret Empire in order to maintain a normal life McCoy started wearing a synthetic mask gloves and a harness to improve his posture due to his efforts no one at the Brand Corporation could figure out that Hank and the Beast were the same person though security head Robert Buzz Baxter did smell something fishy in his teenage years Beast could lift about one ton using his strength and Agility for Feats like Breaking Chains and busting through metal walls after mutating into his blue Simeon form his strength skyrocketed and now he could lift up to 10 tons this lets him smash through brick walls with one punch toss cars and twist iron barbells into knots his strength reached even greater Heights after being enhanced by infectious kiss Gambit Gambit's main power lets him charge objects with kinetic energy to make them explode but not everyone knows about his secondary mutation which is kind of like Spider-Man Spider Sense after being temporarily blinded by an exploding card which to be honest is one of the most embarrassing moments Gambit gained a form of Clairvoyance as shown in X-Men Volume 2 number 162 he really did get precognition this leted him sense danger before it happens by seeing images in his hands this ability is crucial for avoiding the constant Ambush as the X-Men face Gambit's core skill is molecular acceleration he excites the molecules and non-living objects through touch causing them to explode this ability typically charges his playing cards and other items for attack however in an alternate reality Gambit's power reached a level where he could manipulate kinetic energy on a molecular scale essentially making him one of the most powerful beings ever anyway Gambit eventually got his eyesight back but that did not mean that his Clairvoyance left him because it was more loyal than Rogue Wolverine now this one is not from the comics but a video game based on a comic Marvel's first ever limited series called Marvel Superheroes contest of Champions inspired the game Marvel contest of Champions here Wolverine kills Cyclops but the ACT takes a huge toll on the claw and Gruff mutant he suffers intense psychological trauma and as a result he develops a secondary mutation that grants him Cyclops Powers named cyarine he was crystallized by The Collector and taken to the battle realm for the contest of Champions however he was rejected and stored away for not meeting the collector's standards later modok freed cyarine from his crystal Prison but he was quickly defeated by the Summoner Champions cine possesses both Wolverine's original abilities and due to his secondary mutation Cyclops powers from the prime Marvel Universe in the contest cyarine is classified as a mutant class Champion Havoc during the series called mutant x a cosmic event linked alternate reality versions of Alex Summers AKA Havoc that's Cyclops brother but I'm sure you know it already however this link was actually a secondary mutation which wasn't clear at first this new ability came into existence when Alex died on Earth 616 and then woke up in another body that's how it was revealed that he could transfer his Consciousness to other versions of himself this means Havoc doesn't truly die he just hops to another version of himself besides this havoc's primary powers include absorbing energy even from intense sources like stars which make him immune to extreme heat and radiation he can also shoot Plasma Blast from his arms which can be used as Weapons or to propel himself like flying this secondary mutation allows him to not only body hop but also potentially engage in battles and communicate telepathically through his alternate selves pretty cool eh Kitty Pride Kitty Pride also known as Kate has seen a few possible Evolutions in her mutant abilities over the years however I must point out here that these abilities and upgrades have never been officially confirmed as secondary mutations in the comics Kitty was initially known to make herself intangible however her powers have significantly enhanced since she no longer needs to hold her breath while intangible and she gained a major Boost after merging with the black Vortex which temporarily made her all powerful after relinquishing this power she discovered a new level of her abilities had been unlocked Kitty developed an impressive secondary mutation in the X-Men film series specifically before X-Men Days of Future Past she could send the consciousness of others back in time an ability without which fo would have had a difficult time making X-Men Days of Future Past this power upgrade allowed her to send Wolverine's Consciousness back 50 years which helped the X-Men evade the Sentinels and avoid catastrophes [Music] repeatedly Sebastian Shaw if you followed the X-Men movies shows or even the comics you would know that the hellfire club is an elite group for the wealthy but there's so much more to it than that its Inner Circle is full of ambitious people striving for control over Earth Sebastian Shaw often called the black king is one of the most influential and prominent members of the evil group he's worked with big names like Emma Frost Seline and Donald Pierce and has almost always used his influence for various purposes sometimes even against the X-Men in fact he also funded the Sentinel program being the smart businessman that he is with the intent of keeping an eye on the Sentinels but he did not refrain from using the mutant killing Bots to further his own purposes in the cran era Shaw took on the role of black king in the Hellfire Trading Company and collabor ated with Emma Frost and Kate Pride the white and red Queens to distribute cooan flowers and medicines worldwide however his relationship with pride and frost remain strained Shaw was also responsible for Pride's apparent death on a mission but thankfully she was later revived in retaliation Pride along with loed and frost attacked Shaw who eventually recovered as a mutant Shaw's pretty powerful he can absorb energy from any contact such as physical hits or bullets and converted into strength stamina durability healing abilities and even the capacity to stay awaken definitely but what's more interesting is his secondary mutation which allows him to absorb Ambient Energy to unleash blasts and waves despite these strengths Shaw's Powers have a limit excessive energy can overload him kid Omega quintavis Quinton quirinus choir also known as kid Omega is known to be an Omega Level mutant and telepath one of the top telekinetics and a top tier Scion his skills in these areas are nearly unparalleled Quinton also has ties to the Phoenix Force having served as its Avatar and shown to be its future host in his older form however choir was an evil kid and he attacked Professor X and called for an open season on mutants calling for a riot which a few other students from X mansion joined nevertheless he was subdued but in the fight he was blown through a wall because of a telepathic shock wave oh and the boy had previously ODed on a drug called Kick Quinton choir's body couldn't handle his own psionic energy after overdosing on Kick which eventually led to a secondary mutation where his brain turned into a faster than light energy this linked him telepathically to everyone on earth when it seemed he was dying Professor X called Zorn who exposed choir to his star-like head and Zorn seemingly ended choir's life however choir wasn't truly gone he existed as energy in a containment unit in Beast lab when the Phoenix Force returned it mistook him for Jean Gray but quickly moved on yet its presence revived choir which allowed him to reform his body he tried to resurrect his love Sophie but failed and instead went after the Phoenix when it resurrected Jean Gray the Phoenix ended up inhabiting Emma Frost choir broke the containment that was holding the Phoenix and Emma he asked the Phoenix to bring Sophie back Soph however rejected him and chose death again that must have hurt more than being nearly dead overwhelmed by his actions and the outcome choir apologized to the X-Men and reverted to his energy state in the end he returned to a beaker in Beast lab Iceman iceman has the power to control his body temperature which allows him to drop from the normal 98.6 F to absolute zero almost instantly which is basically the lowest limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale he does this by mentally overriding his hypothalamus the brain's temperature control center using an unknown internal mechanism that converts thermal energy around him into another quickly dissipated energy his body tissues are also immune to the effects of extreme cold Iceman's ability to generate cold is incredibly powerful so much so that he once stopped a massive Fusion device explosion Bobby Drake eventually left the X-Men only to rejoin at a later point after embracing his evolving Powers following this he got into a fight with black Tom Cassidy where Bobby was injured in the chest and this is what triggered his secondary mutation this mutation encased his body in ice and kind of locked him out of his human form during a rescue mission for Nightcrawler Iceman was shattered left with only his head intact but he managed to reform using moisture from an enemy's body unable to shift Back To Human Form Iceman grew bitter his control over his powers is extremely precise he can manipulate molecules to freeze objects or beings instantly even able to Halt chemical reactions like preventing Sunfire from using his powers needless to say Iceman's new form is not just covered in ice but made of organic ice which makes him translucent and nearly indestructible you could say it's like the organic Diamond of Emma Frost or the organic steel of Colossus he can rebuild himself from damage even total incineration sure and you should have watched your back Charles Xavier black Tom Cassidy black Tom Cassidy and his cousin Shawn Cassidy were Rivals over May roor who married Shawn after Ma's death their rivalry intensified especially as Tom secretly raised Sha's daughter Teresa Tom turned to crime and ended up in prison where he befriended Juggernaut the pair frequently clashed with the X-Men which started at Cassidy keep and engaged in numerous criminal plots together after being shot by cable Tom was treated in France where doctors used a woodlike substance to heal his wounds this treatment allowed him to channel his bioblast through his fists however a genetic virus caused the substance to spread over his entire body which forced Tom to seek Deadpool's healing Factor as a cure in a confrontation at a school Tom partially transformed and controlled a Frost's body to attack Shawn Emma in turn controlled Shawn to send a psionic scream her way now this led to her apparent death pennance then stepped in and defeated Tom Tom later joined the Brotherhood and was sucked into Shen Zorn's head ending up in the Mojo verse there he and the Brotherhood sold Juggernaut and knocked turn to Mojo before being sent back to earth oh dear Wolf's Bane rain Sinclair known as wolfbane is a Scottish mutant who can transform into a wolf or werewolflike hybrid the poor girl was raised by a strict Presbyterian Minister who punished her for her emerging Powers frustrated tortured and saddened she fled and joined the New Mutants her path eventually led her to xfactor and then to the British team Excalibur and eventually she became a teacher at Xavier school for gifted youngsters so that's quite a trajectory workwise at Xavier she led the Paragon Squad during hydra's takeover of the United States mutants were relocated to Newan rain joined a Strike Team under Emma Frost who secretly ran new TN here she was exposed to Mother Vine which triggered a secondary mutation this mutation allowed her to extend her claws in wolf form and split into a pack of five smaller wolves a pretty cool ability I'd say toad after moving to New Tien toad developed a secondary mutation that lets him shoot fire from his tongue I would definitely be scared of a fire breathing frog although the temperature and properties of the Flames are not yet known toad was labeled a significant Threat by the one or the office of National Emergency with a comparative mutagenic power register score of 4.2 which was higher than Iceman's 3.2 so you see toad is not just a humanoid frog he's much more than that and he's set to appear in Deadpool and Wolverine though toad has no formal combat training his natural abilities make him skilled in battle his superhuman agility and Powerful legs allow him to deliver forceful leaping kicks his extensive encounters as Magneto servant and as an adversary of the X-Men have honed his combat skills toad is also an expert in Machinery he studied technology from various sources including arcade archon Magneto and the stranger he created a robotic battle suit that boost his strength and can shoot lightning and is equipped with turbo blasters poison gas projectors and a self- teleportation device he's also used a strength enhancing exoskeleton made of pure energy husk page Guthrie also known as husk has one of the more unusual mutant Powers initially she could peel off her skin to reveal a new layer made of different materials like rock Diamond wood or glass this ability came with its challenges as multiple Transformations caused her intense pain in more recent Comics such as Generation X PA's situation worsened with severe mood swings and inconsistent morphs which were later linked to a secondary mutation the new mutation not only changed her skin but also her personality with each transformation and it became so extreme that she was temporarily forced to stop using her powers Paige also experienced periods of instability as she showed signs of psychological issues and physical anomalies which were of course related to her mutation these symptoms including shedding skin and displaying multiple skin types at once were connected to her personality changes although mere speculation for quite a while it was confirm that these drastic shifts were effects of her secondary mutation Elixir Elixir is an Omega Level mutant and recognized as an Omega Level healer with top tier healing abilities Elixir has the power of biokinesis which means he can manipulate the biological structure of his and others bodies right down to the genetic level he creates biomolecular energy to affect organic matter he touches enabling him to heal injuries reactivate mutant abilities restore brain functions and even modify his molecular makeup this intense control makes him hard to treat medically and he often ends up in a coma from overexertion during which his DNA may be rebooting itself originally Elixir had to touch individuals to affect them but his powers have expanded dramatically he moved from healing minor cuts to Healing groups of people bringing back the dead and manipulating life forces all without direct contact his capabilities continue to grow and it seems like he's only just beginning to tap into his potential but what about his secondary mutation once after healing himself using his powers Elixir skin turned golden possibly triggering a second mutation normally his skin stays golden but it shifts to a deep metallic black when he uses his powers for harm this change is involuntary and it's tough for him to switch back from black to Golden however occasionally his skin does return to its original color Prodigy theorized that these color shifts also affect his brain chemistry so yeah many of the mutant powers that we thought were Staples to specific mutants were actually the result of a secondary mut strange e which one of these did you find the strangest I think I would go with toads and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks everyone [Music]
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 261,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SPPlwbIotog
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Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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