Marvel X-MEN 97 Season 2: Why Wolverine Just Became Way More Powerful

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Welcome back everyone, It's Charlie X-Men 97 just did a major comic book moment where Wolverine tries to kill Magneto and he retaliates by ripping all the adamantium out of his body. It was a huge WTF, great adaptation they even animated the scene to look just like the actual comic book panels they were adapting. The storyline itself was great, and most might assume that by taking all Wolverine's adamantium out of his body would make him weaker. Adamantium is literally meant to be unbreakable, and Wolverine has the purest form of the metal in his body. Like the best form but even though Magneto was trying to harm Wolverine, he only made him more powerful by taking the adamantium out. He literally did the opposite of what his intention was. Wolverine is a way bigger threat now. So we'll break it all down. If you're brand new to the channel, be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes we're getting the finale part three in a couple days, it's a three part finale, but we're supposed to get at least 3 to 4 seasons. So this is all obviously pushing Wolverine's character into season two. And what his arc is going to be. Then. the actual end of X-Men 97, episode nine is based on the Fatal Attraction's comic book run, which went down similar to what you saw in the episode The Circumstances and the people who were on the teams, like X-Men Blue, X-Men gold were a little different during that storyline. in some of the events leading up to that were a little bit different. But the TV shows is jumping around in the comics that it is adapting and changing the order in which some things wound up happening, but the moments themselves are very close to what they were in the original comics. Wolverine tries to kill Magneto by gutting him with his claws when he says the brave always die first. He's been in a lot of wars. That's because it's true. His healing factor has given him an incredibly long lifespan. He was born in the 1800s. The first war that he fought in was the Civil War. even though there's been all this allegory and flashbacks Magneto has had to World War two super WTF moments. You have to remember that Wolverine is way older than Magneto and fought in way more wars. you have to remember, though, in the present day, this universe is still the 90s. So he would have left the Canadian military around the time of the Vietnam War. They did a version of this in the live action movies with Hugh Jackman's Wolverine two. it was after the Vietnam War. Wolverine left the military, then eventually agreed to enter the weapon X program, getting the adamantium put in his body for the first time. In the comics, the backstory is a little bit different, like he wound up joining the X-Men during the 1970s, around the time the Vietnam War was happening. but when Wolverine stabs Magneto. Magneto does not die. He retaliates by ripping out Wolverine's adamantium. And the episode just ends on that cliffhanger. non comic book readers confused if he's still alive. Yes, Wolverine's healing factor kind of saves his life. Kind of. during the original story that they're adapting, Wolverine's heart did stop temporarily. Jean Gray had to use her powers to keep him alive until they could get him back to their medical facility with advanced tech to keep him alive until his healing factor could kick back in and take care of the rest of the work of healing his body. But he was dead for a hot minute. They really wanted you to think that he might die when they first published that story. Like what's going to happen lots of people now asking if he'll ever get his adamantium back on the show. We'll get to that in a second. It's not going to go down exactly the way you might think. remember, they're trying to be pretty accurate to the comics. but taking Wolverine's adamantium did not make him weaker. Magneto only made him stronger. He's way more of a threat now without the adamantium. they briefly referenced this phenomenon in the live action movies, but never really explore that that deeply because they kept showing Wolverine without his adamantium. But their only couple throwaway lines of dialog about what happens to his body when the adamantium is actually in it. the whole reason why Wolverine is more powerful without the adamantium is because the adamantium actually stunts his natural mutant powers. His healing factor. if you remember Wolverine Origins when they were bonding the adamantium to his skeleton for the first time, they explained that they tried the process on other people before Wolverine, but all their test subjects had died. That's why they came to him, because nobody could withstand the process. literally injecting scalding hot liquid metal around their entire skeleton. Everybody having Terminator two flashbacks. Imagine dipping someone in just like a little liquid metal. Like just pour a little bit on them. you'd expect them to burst into flames, melt, blow apart, just destroy anybody that tries something like this. the reason why weapon X went to Wolverine to undergo the process is because his healing factor allowed him to survive the process barely. there are other super powerful beings out there in the Marvel Universe with regeneration capabilities like the Hulk that could also withstand the process, too. That's how you wind up with stuff like weapon H. but contrary to popular belief, especially back when they first introduced the Wolverine character for the first time, the adamantium only makes him weaker, even though he's got this indestructible skeleton, it protects his brain. Theoretically, his claws can cut through anything because the metal is unbreakable. you think that that would make him a bigger threat. but the adamantium is constantly harming his body, causing his healing factor to have to work overtime all the time, 24 over seven. So when he's just sitting around drinking beers, trying to get drunk, not getting drunk, his healing factor is working overtime just to keep his body at a normal state. part of the problem with this is that Wolverine doesn't really care to know that much about how his powers work, like he's never fully explored it himself. he just knows that he has a healing factor. He knows that he has claws. That's it. you have to think about Wolverine as someone who's, like, running a marathon with a bunch of free weights, cutting into his body, slicing him up constantly when they're super heavy, slowing him down. They're doing everything they can to quickly kill him. Magneto ripping the adamantium out of Wolverine's body stops that from happening, meaning his natural mutant powers. His healing factor primarily can work at 100% again, in. In the comics, this causes Wolverine to evolve into Feral Wolverine. His body grows into this state. He's way bigger, way more swole, way more powerful, way more dangerous. mentally. He kind of devolves into a more animalistic state, living in the woods outside the mansion, Jean Gray kind of has to turn into the Wolverine Whisperer in the X-Men, trying to help him while he's like this. So the idea is the Wolverine will head into X-Men 97 season two coming out of his coma. Like you have to remember, this is still a very traumatic process, so he's probably going to briefly like his heart will stop for a couple minutes. but he won't have his adamantium anymore. And he'll slowly devolve into feral Wolverine becoming way more powerful, way bigger threat. this was also the comic book art they're adapting, where he originally learned that he had bone claws previously, he thought he got the claws when weapon X bonded the adamantium to a skeleton for the first time. they kind of got into some of this during the live action movies, but like I said, they never fully explored it. the follow up question though, everyone has will he ever get his adamantium back in the comics he did get adamantium again, but it wasn't the X-Men that put it back in him. It was actually apocalypse that put adamantium back in his body. And it was because he wanted Wolverine to become one of his four horsemen. He became the Horseman of War. and because when he did it, apocalypse took pity on him. He didn't want to have a wolverine without adamantium on his team, so he ripped the adamantium out of Sabretooth body and put it in Wolverine's body, basically repeating the same thing that Magneto had done. the whole process apocalypse uses to create his Four Horsemen involves hooking them into celestial technology he acquired in his bargain with the Celestials. He doesn't fully understand how it works himself, only that exposing someone to the machine involves them in some way. We'll start talking more about apocalypse when the finale comes out. speaking of which, apocalypse still live on X-Men 97. If people hadn't watched the original animated series he returned during that final arc of the original episodes, and he's basically been hiding out in the shadows on Earth, pulling strings, orchestrating events. His master plan will start to become more obvious after the episode ten finale airs, right now, the show is mostly focused on wrapping up the bastion storyline, the Magneto storyline, and sort of pushing things with a big WTF cliffhanger into season two. there, couple things we already know these are going to lead to, because you have Mister Sinister on the side over here. there's the onslaught of character and apocalypse. Naturally. I'll talk more about some of these storylines after episode ten airs, because the show is going to change things a little bit. Like I said, they jump around in the comics, they adapt. but the specific moments that they adapt tend to be very accurate to the comics. everybody let me know in the comments. If Wolverine does go full feral Wolverine in season two without his adamantium, what do you want them to do with this character going forward? what I'm expecting is they won't make him look exactly like comic book feral Wolverine. He won't lose his nose or anything like that. He'll still look like normal Wolverine. Mostly like his normal character model. Maybe a little more swole, but mostly the same. end. It'll probably just be his personality that undergoes a radical shift as he becomes more animalistic and uncontrollable. making it so the Jean gray really does have to turn into The Wolverine Whisperer and try to help him regain his humanity and sense of self so he doesn't permanently leave the team or anything like that. for those of you that felt like Wolverine didn't get enough story this season, he was kind of a side character. Mostly. That is true, Beau Demayo, the showrunner, said way back before the season came out. They did this on purpose because they didn't want Wolverine's popularity in general this year, particularly with all the Hugh Jackman live action Deadpool and Wolverine hype to overpower the X-Men TV show because it's meant to be an X-Men show, not a Wolverine show. back in the day, and especially during the live action X-Men movies, run Wolverine became such a popular character, he kind of overpowered the movies. At a certain point, the live action movies became so dependent on Hugh Jackman's character. when they started doing X-Men 97, they wanted the show to feel more balanced in terms of all the characters getting their time to shine like a true X-Men show would. and because there's so many characters and there's only ten episodes per season, not everybody is going to get the same amount of time in the story That's why we've got at least 3 to 4 seasons coming. Future seasons will just shift focus onto other team members, like the evolving form of Wolverine here, also giving other villains their time to shine. They didn't really feature that much in season one. Like apocalypse. Connecting this to Deadpool and Wolverine two, because there is a lot of Wolverine stuff in general just happening this year, with Hugh Jackman coming back as a version or multiple versions of Wolverine. We will see a couple versions of the character during Deadpool and Wolverine. Hugh Jackman won't be playing all of them. I think they're meant to be way more Deadpool variants than there are Wolverine variants. but I don't think that one of the universes that Deadpool and Wolverine travel to involves the animated X-Men 97 universe. Like, I don't think that's meant to connect specifically with the live action stuff right now. A lot of people ask me about that. Marvel's post-credits scene with the X-Men universe that they wind up at the end of that movie. Like, is that the animated universe? the way I understand it, that's not the case. It's just like another alternate universe where beast is Kelsey Grammer version, but he looks like this. Like he doesn't look like the original version, which is more of him wearing a practical suit instead of motion capture. what Marvel has said so far, like the producers that are actually in charge of making all these different TV shows, the live action stuff, the animated stuff is they're treating X-Men 97 sort of like its own universe, and they're calling it the 90s universe, where all these different characters are canon to the same Earth. so for instance, we had the Spider-Man cameo recently. There's been a lot of talk about them resurrecting the Spider-Man The Animated Series from the 90s, which is canon, to X-Men The Animated Series. And it's meant to be this version. Bo DiMeo, the showrunner, said that this is meant to be that original version of Spider-Man from the series. one of the benefits of that, too, is that you can have way more crossovers and cameos if you have two different shows running or multiple shows. However, many they wind up working up to. If they do more revivals. So if you feel like there are a bunch of Marvel characters or X-Men characters that just aren't getting their time to shine during X-Men 97 episodes, it's probably because they're creating room for them to shine on other shows, too. but like I said, the finale is coming up, so be sure to enable alerts for my channel if you don't miss that. If you have any big questions heading up to that that you want me to address, just let me know in the comments below I'll try to add them to my episode ten finale video I've got a couple videos planned for season two, but after the finale airs everybody click here for that finale video I'll update the link as soon as I post it, and click here for all my Deadpool and Wolverine videos Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 511,305
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Keywords: Trailer, Emergency Awesome, X-Men 97 Episode 10, X-Men 97 Season 2 Trailer, x-men 97 episode 10, Deadpool and Wolverine Trailer, X-Men Trailer, X-Men 97 Spider-Man, X-Men 97, X-Men 97 Trailer, Deapdool Wolverine Trailer, X-Men 97 Episode 1, Deadpool and Wolverine, deadpool and wolverine trailer, trailer, Marvel, Wolverine, Movies, emergency awesome, Charlie Schneider, 2024, Deadpool, X-Men, Fantastic Four Trailer, x-men 97 season 2 trailer, X-Men 97 Episode 10 Finale, x-men trailer
Id: BBbIOiilt6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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