15 Workers Who Got Revenge on Their Boss

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getting your own back on your boss is the stuff of dreams for all disgruntled employees well some people are making this dream a reality in spectacular fashion from an employee climbing onto a roof and getting watery revenge to a fired worker keying his boss's car here are 15 workers who got revenge on their boss number 15 wet revenge you must be really annoyed with someone to go through all the effort of climbing onto a roof with a bucket of water in hand just to exact some sweet wet revenge that's just what this devious guy did as he patiently waited for his target to arrive through the building's exit below the target in question was his poor boss who must have had absolutely no idea what was about to hit him i sure hope they had a towel on hand or a change of clothes nearby because they will surely need them stepping outside to get into their car to go home after a long day at the office the unsuspecting boss certainly didn't think his next shower was gonna come so soon before the boss could even fill his lungs with more than a deep breath of fresh air he was swiftly soaked in water by his cunning and revengeful worker who is waiting on the rooftop above let's hope the boss has a sense of humor or they might just find themselves out of a job before they can get the word sorry out of their mouths before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] now it's time for the star topic so sometimes with our star topics we like to take a teeny bit of a diversion from the main theme of our video to show you the most extreme example of the topic we're discussing and often an example that's a wee bit debatable so before we dive back into looking at workers who got revenge on their boss look at this image of an employee driving their car into their boss's house if you ever get sick and tired of your boss most people just do nothing or leave their job in extreme cases for some people that just isn't enough but what about crashing your car into your boss's house then in an act of madness that's what this employee did when they chose the unusual parking spot of the front of their boss's home to nestle their car in through putting a foot to the pedal and bracing for impact it is a shocking turn of events to say the least including the startling fact that the employee knew where the boss lived in the first place i can't imagine that smashing through their home went down too well with the boss this will definitely be a tail spread throughout the office on monday morning that's for sure remember to comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion about what we just showed on screen and now to the next topic number 14 employee keys his boss's car talk about getting caught red-handed a man in arizona was fired from his job at an auto shop so he thought he would leave a parting gift when he returned to pick up his personal belongings by parting gift i mean keying his former bosses corvette whilst he probably felt pretty smug at getting his revenge for his dismissal his little stunt had a larger audience than he could have ever thought the former boss had a feeling the former employee was going to do something even going so far as saying to the employee after firing them you're not gonna do anything to my car aria luckily for the former boss and unluckily for the annoyed x employee cctv caught the whole thing on camera not only this but multiple employees saw the stunt with their own eyes this revenge strategy certainly backfired as the former employee was charged with criminal damage and forced to pay for the corvette to be resprayed the fee which cost almost four thousand dollars ouch i don't think he'll be getting a good reference letter number 13 furious worker smashes boss's car on live tv getting on the wrong side of someone who drives an enormous digger for a living is never gonna end well especially if your expensive car is left unguarded within its reach live on tv the revenge of a co-worker is exacted out in brutal metal crushing fashion living the dreams of many disgruntled employees around the world the driver of a giant digger smashes the car under the huge wheels after a little struggle with being unable to run fully over the car thanks to the icy ground the driver has an idea through using the digger's massive scoop to bash the car's roof in with one fatal swoop the car is quickly turned into a mechanical pancake with the digger running over the mercedes full length with ease the only sign of life is a small flashing of one of the headlights something tells me that car's not gonna start anytime soon choosing to perform the act of revenge whilst in interviews taking place was audacious although it'll be hard to claim innocence when there's literally footage of the stunt happening number 12 employee attacks bosses ferrari note to self don't annoy a crazy truck driver when a truck driver was hired by a hauling company they probably thought life was on the up that was until four days into the roll he had only been given one trip unhappy angry and probably with rent due soon the driver took their frustrations up with management the company informed him that they were not happy with his behavior and they decided to let him go despite fully compensating the worker the driver was not the least bit happy when you have someone angry at you in control of a truck just know it's not a good sign the worker asked his boss if the ferrari gtc for luso parked out front was his and rather foolishly the boss said yes that car worth over 200 000 pounds wasn't gonna be operational for much longer after getting into his truck the fired employee slammed on the pedals and drove straight into and over the stationary sports car the boss could only stand and watch in horror as his precious car was turned into a pile of expensive scrap metal but i mean what did they expect to happen if you tell a person you just fired that your luxury car is that one outside a compliment number 11 construction workers destroy boss's car you really need to be careful who you get on the wrong side of with this boss certainly learning that the hard way not being able to find your car is a frustrating situation to find yourself in searching your brain for where you last parked it it just feels like one big hazy daze well maybe you left it in a spot around the corner you've forgotten about or if you're this unlucky boss then you haven't left it anywhere unusual but it's simply just been moved if you thought your car being towed away was the worst of your worries then let me shock you when these construction workers decided to exact revenge on their boss they chose to strike them where it hurts the car after bashing the car with remarkable ease through using a digger's claw the pain was only just getting started even though the damage was beyond repair these revengeful workers took things one step further and scooped up what remained of the automobile which was functional until about five seconds ago driving up to the cliff drop the truck then tips the car down the rocky terrain to a solemn ending the creators of this destruction can be heard laughing in delay i just want to know what a boss could have done to deserve such an attack whatever it is they won't be making the same mistake again number 10 builders destroy home if you don't get paid on time the logical step is to take out a chainsaw and go through a thrashing frenzy at least that's what these builders from down under decided to do when their boss failed to pay their invoices for work filmed on camera for all the social media world to see these wild builders from australia took out their revenge on the wooden housing supports with the machinery instead of filing their grievances with hr the metal blades of the chainsaw easily cut through the wood undoing the unpaid work in minutes although i don't see how this act of revenge is gonna help them in their desire to be paid what if the boss turns around and says okay i'll pay you and then they have to explain why they tore down all of their work in an act of getting their own back one thing is for certain both the builders and the boss's reputation are gonna take a hit i'm just glad they didn't exact their chainsaw revenge further down the line imagine if the house was fully built and he slung a wrecking ball at it due to delayed payment number 9 digger smashes garage door i'm sure these people wish they had chosen a better time to fire their contractor preferably when he wasn't behind the wheel of a digger being fired is an emotional time for anyone you don't know if you're gonna be able to find another job and it can even lead people to become angry with themselves for not performing as well as they can but firing someone who's in control of a digger and is right by your property is not a good mix that is a mistake i'm sure these people aren't gonna be making again when the contractor gets fired he exacts his revenge in the form of crushing the entrance to two and almost three garages the garage doors fold like a potato chip wrapper under the might of the digger with the tirade only stopped after the assumed owners throw their bodies between the digger and the third garage door talk about not taking bad news well number eight employees tamper with boss's chair bosses around the world will never be able to comfortably lean back in their chair at work again after seeing this when disgruntled employees had an issue with their boss who's on the heavier side of things they decided to plot revenge in the form of tampering with his office chair they cunningly took a tool and loosened the chair structure when the boss wasn't around through hiding a hidden camera they simply sat back and waited for the portly man to return completely oblivious to the plan the boss strolls in and takes a seat on his comfy black chair immediately he picks up the phone holds it to his ear and leans back trying to get comfortable in his seat immediately the chair completely falls apart causing the boss to crash to the floor as the pieces of the chair lie scattered on the floor the plan may have worked but if the boss uses his investigative skills and discovers the culprits they might be made to make a direct trip to the job center number seven drunk worker gets revenge on boss we all know you shouldn't drink alcohol and drive well someone should have told this guy when a man turned up to a shift at his demolition company in bradford england he clearly saw nothing wrong with having a few drinks beforehand much to his shock and anger the worker was turned away and told he wasn't fit to work however fellow employees are still trying to work out what was going through his mind when he decided to get behind the wheel of a digger and exact his revenge on the company through smashing his boss's 100 000 pound range rover as well as a truck in a fit of rage with a digger the man was clearly not happy and neither were his fellow workers who dragged the man out of the truck and threw him on the floor with the police quickly being called most people would be ecstatic to be told to go home and sleep but clearly not this guy well there will be plenty of time for him to drink when he's sitting around looking for employment although what a way to go out he certainly left an impression number six angry worker destroys travelodge imagine being woken up by a man in a digger tearing away at the ground floor of your hotel that's the reality for people staying in this travel lodge when an angry construction worker got into the machine and plowed straight through the entrance of the hotel and wrecked the place after starting off with the exterior windows the enraged man was clearly enjoying himself as he continued his rampage and tore through the walls and ceiling of the lobby co-workers could only look on in disbelief with the few attempts to get him to come out falling on deaf ears why would someone do such an act the worker was apparently owed 600 pounds for his work so he decided that taking out the interior of the ground floor was a decent way of revenge the driver and the people on the floors above were very lucky the building didn't just collapse in on itself after finally exiting the building in the digger the man looked like his next target was the cars in the car park as he menacingly rolled towards them with himself still behind the wheel thankfully two cunning workers disarmed the digger by working their magic on the machine's engine which could be accessed through an outside flap from the back of the machine one thing's for sure it's gonna cost him more than 600 pounds to fix his destructive rampage number five worker sets boss's suv on fire i've been annoyed by my fair share of people throughout my life but i've never wanted to set someone's car on fire when a disgruntled employee was fired by their boss they turned to fire to find revenge seeing their suv as a way to cause damage the employee orchestrated a pretty simple plan douse their boss's vehicle in gasoline and set it on fire sounds pretty simple but it was more than effective after the employee was spotted covering the vehicle in the liquid they still continued with their plan of revenge the understandably startled bystander quickly rushed to get a hose to put out the fire but the water pressure was comically bad and the water just dripped pathetically onto the floor not very helpful as you can imagine so what about the car well the blaze continued its destruction of the car until finally a group of firemen turn up on the scene and smother the fire in water talk about dramatic number four worker pulls down silo silos are basically humongous structures used to store bulk materials or if you're this worker they're actually great targets to exact revenge with and cause a mighty crash in the process i can only imagine what the boss of this worker must have done to get on their employees bad side one thing's for sure things aren't going to be patched over easily anytime soon through using a large construction vehicle to pull the silo over the large structure comes crashing to the floor with a thud similar to a tree being taken down by a tree surgeon except in this instance it's safe to say they weren't asked to do the act the audacious employees fellow workers were clearly amazed and entertained by the act as they can be heard laughing from behind the camera at least no one was hurt if we're really trying to see the positives in all this although you'd assume the culprit's gonna live to regret the act number three worker flips over car if you're gonna pick a fight with someone just make sure you have a bigger vehicle this mineworker was trying to stop a group of cars from leaving the mine i'm not exactly sure why but he seemed pretty desperate as he was almost run over by a reversing car if someone tried to run me over with their car i wouldn't be too happy either well this mine worker took it one step further and immediately jumped into his digger after a heated exchange with another person as soon as he got into the digger it all went downhill from there after roaring the engine to life the enraged man exacted his revenge through driving directly at the other person's stagnant car all the other person could do was watch on in a horror as their car was flipped over effortlessly by the digger but that was far from the end of the rampage as the digger quickly turned its attention to another target sadly the video cuts out as the digger exits the site and into the car park we can only assume they're on the hunt for the person who tried to run over the driver of the digger earlier imagine looking in your rear view mirror and seen a pissed-off mine worker behind the wheel of a powerful digger heading straight towards you number two unpaid worker destroys boss's new car if you owe some people money the last thing you should do is rub your wealth in their face while this might seem like common sense for most this boss had to learn the hard way when he turned up to work in a new car if you haven't been getting paid for the last three months you're probably gonna be at the very end of your bank account not to mention your nerves this worker who was owed three months pay by his boss clearly believed the reasons offered to him for the delay but when the boss turned up to the work site in a new car clearly something switched in his mood the employee had enough of his excuses which were clearly all a web of lies if you can afford a flashy new car you can certainly pay your workers after quickly getting into the seat of a digger the furious employee slashed through the luxury car like a warm knife through butter the roof caved in with ease under the weight of the digger's claw after multiple swipes the car was put well and truly out of service the worker got their revenge and the boss's car was left looking like it had been involved in a multiple car pileup on the highway only moments earlier the car looked like it belonged in a showroom now it would only fit in at a scrapyard's landscape number one fired worker attacks boss's office someone needs to tell this boss how to fire people deciding to fire a worker is perfectly allowed in the business world sometimes you just have to let someone go while there are usually good reasons behind the decision no one comes to that decision without some deep thought on the matter however if you're gonna cast someone out of your company don't leave them alone in your office directly after you've done the deed when this worker was let go and left inside her boss's office to say she didn't take the news well would be the understatement of the century after flying into a fit of anger she targeted her now former boss's laptop god knows what kind of precious documents were stored on there but after almost snapping it in two she proceeded to stomp on the device safe to say it won't be turning on anytime soon my favorite part is right at the end of the clip when the boss returns to the crime scene after giving her time to cool off and come to terms with her redundancy he quickly sees the aftermath of her rampage all he can do is stare at her in shock that is one way not to take bad news i feel sorry for any partner who tries to break up with her she might snap you in half too these revenge plots must have gone down in folklore at their workplace although i can't imagine the punishments afterwards were too fun if you were to get revenge on your employer what would your plan look like do you have any tales of workers getting revenge on their bosses also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 190,965
Rating: 4.7960782 out of 5
Keywords: boss payback, bad bosses, payback, fails, boss revenge, funny boss, funny work, workers who got revenge, workers getting revenge, employee getting revenge, workers revenge, worker revenge, employee revenge, revenge, sweet revenge, work, working, worker, workers, work revenge, coworker, home, building, pizza delivery, customer, customer revenge, customer wont pay, refuse to pay, boss, got revenge, deleted files, gardeners, money, quit, quits job, fired, expensive, car destroyed, trendcrave
Id: lDcctUKzIds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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