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what in the world were they thinking dangerous water slides that never should have existed here are 15 banned water slides that were absolutely insane number 15 the rucked waterpark Kansas City Missouri notorious for its record-breaking height the Verruckt waterslide in Kansas City was anything but safe or secure standing at an astounding 168 feet visitors would slide down at maximum speed of 70 miles per hour this dangerous waterpark was permanently closed in 2016 when Caleb Schwab a ten year old boy died while riding the waterslide after being lifted in the air from the slides force and speed the rug ultimately decapitated the young soul parents eventually received a twenty million dollar settlement but no amount of money can bring back their son under 14 in Sano Brazil formerly known as the world's tallest and scariest waterslide it's the insana in Brazil once listed in the Guinness World Records book this unbelievable slide stood at 135 feet and reached a speed of 65 miles per hour the plunge of the slide was so steep it would only take four to five seconds to slide down and reach the bottom and with incredible speed visitors are usually midair during the descent this daredevil of a slide only allows travel in one position on your back with arms and legs crossed number 13 cannonball Lou Vernon New Jersey the cannonball loop in Vernon New Jersey was such a dangerous waterpark it was closed down after just one season with one-of-a-kind design and architecture the waterslide that looped in the middle was supposed to be an extraordinary experience but even before the park was open to the public it showed catastrophic results the park employees would get stuck and test dummies even landed in the pool with decapitated heads a slide was opened for only one month in 1985 before it was ultimately closed for their greater good number 12 shoot the rapids Sandusky Ohio located in the Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky shoot the rapids was a waterslide that had a very short-lived career five years after its initial release in 2016 the 85 foot tall Ohio waterslide was permanently disassembled after seven people were hurt during the ride while sliding down their boat rolled backward down a hill and flipped over in the water the visitors had to be taken to a hospital with major injuries number eleven Calypso Ottawa Canada imagine riding down a waterslide that was found guilty of six safety violations pretty scary while having a nice family outing on a hot summer day the strohbeck family experienced a horrible accident they were sliding down the Calypso's bobsled slide when the tube they were riding got stuck high-speed collisions from other riders sent the father over the edge crashing him into the concrete after receiving a fractured skull and hearing loss the family sued the Calypso park which was later fined five hundred thousand dollars for six safety violations number ten black hole Orlando Florida one of the most infamous water slides black hole in wet and wild water park has been the victim of several lawsuits and settlements described by the Orlando Business Journal as a twisting ride where guests shoot down a dark tube on a two-person float the black hole was no stranger to visit her injuries one particular incident was so horrific a man received a 1.73 million dollar settlement on one fateful 1994 day one man decided to spend a beautiful summer day on the Orlando waterpark the man just wanted to have a fun time on the black hole waterslide when his life changed forever according to the man when he slid down the black waterslide he was struck by something in the dark when he arrived at the bottom of the slide he couldn't move his legs this terrifying incident was so serious doctors had to insert a metal plate into his neck after the man's lawsuit many park employees confess that the park was extremely faulty workers testified and admitted how rafts would constantly get stuck and attendance would send down new riders before they had the confirmation to do so the wet-and-wild water park was permanently closed in 2016 after a 39 year run number nine sahara Sidewinders sent us key ohio the sahara Sidewinders waterslide receives so many complaints from visitors the Kalahari resort had to ultimately shut it down known as the looping water slides the resort first unveiled the Sidewinders in 2011 the 60 foot high and 250 foot long looping slides were expected to be one of the parks most popular rides estimated to have nearly 500,000 users every year the Sahara Sidewinder sure became famous but not for the right reasons in 2012 a year after its initial opening a family sued the Kalahari resort claiming their teenage boy was injured on a slide as a part of the ride a visitor is dropped from a trapdoor chamber into one of two looping slides this sudden descent caused severe injuries and pain the family had to pay for expensive medical attention and care and demanded to be reimbursed and awarded for their troubles and while the resort was aware of the possible injuries and harm this looping slide could cause according to the attorneys the park made no reasonable alterations or safety precautions following the devastating injuries the slide was later shut down in 2017 we are constantly adding more people to the top fives production team to bring you all the best content be sure to subscribe with notifications on and hit the like button number 8 extreme phaser in the center of eddard in Germany stands a waterpark which is known for its unique design and show-stopping shape the galaxy waterpark is notorious for its extreme phaser slide which is a 220 foot long ride this extreme slide reached a speed of 45 miles per hour but its speed and structure aren't why this particular waterslide has made headlines across the world the extreme phaser is actually banned for women yes you heard that right since 2012 only men were allowed to enjoy the powerful waterslide at the galaxy waterpark but what exactly caused such a strange and specific after several reported injuries in 2012 the waterslide finally said no to female riders the galaxy waterpark caused such serious harm to women riders would later require medical treatment and care the reason for such distinct injuries was due to the nature of female anatomy female riders would receive injuries to their genital area and had to seek medical attention soon after the waterslide experience this is an incredibly interesting case of banned water slides and while the extreme phaser has been to women there are other incredibly fun facilities and amenities ladies can enjoy at the galaxy waterpark number seven cannonball Falls Vernon New Jersey it's no wonder why the action park in New Jersey is nicknamed the accident park yet another malfunctioned and dangerous water park attraction that has to be ultimately shut down and banned is the Cannonball Falls this waterslide was so hazardous it caused six injuries in one season alone if we include the six cannonball Falls injuries the action park has 27 serious injuries in 2015 alone but that's nothing to a whopping 70 injuries in 2012 which was the peak of casualties for the park and that's why action Park is considered to be the most dangerous and unsafe water park in the world the notorious waterslide cannonball Falls had a very unique design to it imagine writing down a fast enclosed waterslide and dropping into a mountain pool while a typically designed drop may not sound too dramatic it's a different story when a Swift waterslide features a 10-foot drop into a mountain pool many riders and visitors had traumatic experiences after landing headfirst into the shallow pool with physics taking place the incredibly fast slide would cause a forceful drop into the water resulting in muscle and bone pain after cannonball Falls was named the most dangerous waterslide in the state of New Jersey the owners of action Park decided to close it for the greater good visitors and tourists finally said goodbye to the notorious action park in 2015 which may have been the park's smartest and best decision up to date number six Aquasphere Frankston Australia the peninsula aquatic recreation center located in the heart of Frankston Australia which housed one of the most dangerous water slides with incredibly relaxing pools saunas and steam rooms park is a great destination for a fun family day at the water park but unfortunately not all the facilities were built to perfection and the Aqua Sphere is a prime example this waterslide was given the axe in 2016 after numerous repeated injuries there have been many headlines written about the injuries visitors sustained during their time at the Aqua Sphere before its closure and disassembly in 2016 the park was temporarily closed in 2014 after similar injuries visitors and park goers words suffer head injuries while sliding down inside the tongue with incredible force and speed they would hit the sides of the plastic tunnel which would result in concussions and back injuries but the event that ultimately resulted in the waterslides closure occurred in 2016 when a seven-year-old boy was found lying lifeless on the ground the boy was believed to have been thrown out of the tube and knocked around inside the slide and even though there were no major brain injuries present the boy was unconscious for about 15 minutes which is still unimaginably scary for any parent not only was this poor boy blacked out from the impact but his older brother also suffered injuries on his arm number five Geronimo Falls Vernon New Jersey the action park located in Vernon New Jersey is one of the most notorious amusement and water parks in the world remember the Cannonball loop yes it was located in the action park but the unsuccessful loop slide wasn't the only attraction that had to be ultimately shut down due to numerous injuries Geronimo Falls is another addition to the list of banned and dangerous water slides something about the action park in New Jersey just brings pure trouble wanting to be one of the most extraordinary slides on earth the Geronimo Falls was remarkable by its mesmerizing height and nearly vertical slope with a goal of faster descent and quicker rides this particular waterslide made a name for itself for being somewhat dangerous if any visitor wanted to take a ride down this unbelievable slide they had to lay flat on their back with arms and legs at their sides the sides of the slides were so narrow there were no other possible way to descend as one can imagine the steep height was a formula for natural disaster many visitors and park goers would end up with serious injuries and numerous complaints those who would end up riding down smoothly on the slide would be met with crashing forces of the pool water needless to say no part of the waterslide was safe and secure so it was eventually shut down due to the lack of safety precautions number 4 aqua school Vernon New Jersey ready for another banned water slide from the action park in New Jersey I hoped you would be and yet another edition of incredibly dangerous and unsafe water slides is the aqua scoot built in the 1980's the aqua scoot had an extraordinary idea in mind of how the waterslide should work the entire waterslide was made out of metal rollers the only way to slide down was using a plastic sled visitors would carry a hard plastic sled up to the top of the ride and go down sliding with style as they would hit the water the plastic sled would allow visitors to skip across the water like a stone even though this idea may have seemed harmless in mind the execution of this grandiose plan turned out to be disastrous one main problem was that the plastic sled had to be placed in a very specific leaned back position if the rider was not in this designated position the sled would sink into the water as soon as it hit the pool this of course would result in riders going headfirst across the pool this faulty execution resulted in many head injuries with three parallel slides each 30 feet long many visitors would often crash into one another and received minor injuries this way the dangerous slides were eventually removed in 1998 but the original aqua scoot pool was redesigned as a children's pool number three Fort Rapids indoor water park Columbus Ohio this water park may not have been shut down due to the malfunctioning water slides or numerous human injuries but for a completely different reason for trap ins indoor water park was the only indoor water park located in Columbus Ohio before it was shut down and put up for auction in 2015 the 16 and 1/2 acres site off Hamilton Road is on the market for six and a half million dollars so if anyone has the extra cash and wants to own a water park here's your chance the former owners of the indoor water park had to close down the park after police noted multiple fire violations during a routine check-up malfunctioned electrical panels and circuits were discovered which ultimately resulted in a fire violation but this particular event wasn't the parks only offense reportedly the Fort Rapids indoor water park had been sited 75 times in one year for health code violations some of the undesirable violations included cockroach spray in the waitress station behind the buffet and blocked entry to hand washing sinks even visitors and park goers opened up about their experience at the Columbus Park and stated how they had unpleasant and unwanted encounters with cockroaches I see something out of the corner of my eye moving along the floor I turned to get a better look would you know it was a decent-sized roach crawling along the floor says one witness and according to numerous reviews the public is happy with the decision to shut down the subpar Fort Rapids indoor water park number two Hawaiian Falls Texas before riders can enjoy the refreshing and fun water slides at water parks its paramount to check all safety measures and precautions one type of failed safety measure is when an operator sends the next rider before the previous is off of the slide and into the pool if riders are rushed through the slide the forceful collisions may cause serious harm so these types of incidents have to be avoided at all costs when it comes to such an event Laura Castro John has first-hand experience it was supposed to be a typical summer day at the Hawaiian Falls water park in Texas but unfortunately Lauro had a very expensive and traumatic experience in the summer of 2015 Laura was sliding down the waterslide when he realized he got stuck in the middle this event may not have been so dangerous if it hadn't been for the next rider coming down the slide according to Castro John the next rider was of a bigger build and was sliding down with incredible speed when the second rider slammed into him Laura lost consciousness and woke up at the bottom of the slide he had shoulder head leg and back injuries and was quickly rushed to the hospital with more than $12,000 in hospital bills at a physical trauma Laura sued the park for $100,000 this 2015 incident isn't the first time the Hawaiian Falls was slapped with a lawsuit in 2016 the Texas water park was given an 85 thousand dollar fine for violating child labor laws the park apparently allowed underage workers to operate chainsaws golf carts open grills and pizza ovens which is a direct violation of the child protection laws number one Kilimanjaro Brazil while this record-breaking waterslide is not currently banned it's so shocking and jaw-dropping that it needs the proper spotlight the Kilimanjaro waterslide is currently the world's tallest and fastest waterslide at 164 feet and 40 feet higher than the Christ the Redeemer statue the Kilimanjaro located in Rhodesia Brazil is undoubtedly the world's most extreme waterslide visitors ride down with an incredible speed of 57 miles per hour making it one of the fastest running water slides in history but the journey to get to the top of the waterslide is noteworthy as well riders need to climb up 234 steps in order to reach the top and finally slide down with a victorious feeling if you love extreme water sports and attractions the Kilimanjaro ride in Aldea das águas Park Resort is the perfect choice for you subscribe to top fives for more and check out some of our other popular videos
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 1,317,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOST INSANE BANNED Waterslides, Most Dangerous Waterslides
Id: DQHKm8Lnu-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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