Most DANGEROUS Waterslides EVER Created!

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no summer is complete until we hit a water park at least that's what thrill-seekers say once the Sun is out and they get in line waiting to go on to their favorite rides but some rides can be a bit too extreme it might make you think twice unless you're really up for a challenge today we'll be looking at some of the most dangerous water slides in the world it's an absolute miracle that some of them are still open make sure you check out number one it's a real treat for those who like to live on the edge and a nightmare for those who like to play it safe number 10 the Aqua loop if you love water parks you've probably seen the aqua loop before this waterslide is at different water parks all around the world and if you come across a you're not likely to ever forget it in the aqua loop riders stand in an enclosed platforms and are then released down an almost vertical slide that ends in a loop it all happens within just a matter of seconds this ride is so fast you can easily get stuck halfway through the loop if you're not wearing proper clothes for that reason some parks will even ask riders to wear their swim shorts inside out to avoid having any zippers or cords getting stuck on the walls of this thrilling slide would you take the risk of going on this ride it'd only take you a few seconds to know whether you made it out or not but don't worry the few reported minor incidents at the aqua loop have been from people who didn't follow the parks instructions make sure you listen to the staff wearing the right clothes and get ready to release all that adrenaline built up inside of you once you're out you'll want to go back for more rounds number 9 the Scorpions tail was the aqua loop not thrilling or challenging enough for you try the Scorpion sail at Noah's Ark in Wisconsin the Scorpion sail is considered America's first looping waterslide and Noah's Ark is considered America's biggest waterpark so you definitely must visit this place what makes this ride more thrilling and dangerous on the regular aqua loop is its height and length this ride is as high as a ten-storey building and slightly longer than a football field you imagine going down 10 stories and be sent into a loop while covering the same distance of a football field in just a matter of seconds just like the aqua loop and no major incidents have been reported at the scorpions tail but that doesn't mean you're we'll be beating any slower if you're afraid of heights it'll take you some courage to go up those stairs and let go of that fear number eight fazer you're drivin a car you're probably testing your limits at some point just to see how fast you can go but it's a bit hard to reach high speed without being on some sort of vehicle the fazer challenges that idea is it makes your bodies slide down as fast as your car on a very long slide this is one of only 20 slides at Germany's famous galaxy earning waterpark it is considered one of the most intense ride at the park and by extension in the world as it sends you down to the speeds so fast that might remind you of those times you broke the speed limit on the road at some point the park had to ban women from getting on the fazer the high speed and the impact of the water at the bottom of the slide caused injuries on six women and their genital area the park authorities came to the conclusion of the ride was not good for the female anatomy I guess that's what happens when you go too fast though number seven in say no when you think of Brazil you probably think of loud carnivals lots of colors and exotic landscapes they'll take your breath away surprisingly there is something else in Brazil that will take your breath away and I'm not sure it's in the way you're thinking Brazil just happens to be home to Encino one of the tallest water slides in the world in fact when it opened up in the late 80s it was immediately considered the tallest and fastest by Guinness World Records Insano is as high as a 14 story building so high that you can spot the Atlantic Ocean from up there well it will take you a few flights of stairs to reach the top but only take you four or five seconds to make it down this steep waterslide perhaps this will be the longest 5 seconds of your life so come ready to scream at the top of your lungs it's just like everyone else is in this record-breaking high slide you are only allowed to ride on your back with your legs crossed but that doesn't seem to be a problem as you'll barely have any time or space to get into a different position number six the Aqua Sphere the shape of this Australian ride doesn't seem as threatening or dangerous from a distance it just looks like any other long and cool-looking slide waiting for you to ride on it but your ID on this fear might change once you hear the stories of what goes on inside the spheric ride on this ride you are sent down on a floating raft that doesn't seem dangerous or threatening until you make it to the spheres where your draft could easily turn around and make the water send you down backwards it's a lot of fun but with so many sharp turns and twists the Aqua Sphere has been responsible for many injured riders one of the scariest stories is that of a kid who got thrown against the laws the slides so hard that he left the ride unconscious that's number five summit plummets there's no such place like Disney World it's all smiles magic excitement and home to one of the tallest and scariest water slides on earth that slide is the summit plummet Disney's Blizzard Beach's main attraction is a freefall waterslide one of the fastest and the third tallest in the world what makes the experience at the summit plummet so intense is that you can't see where you're going until the moment you make it down the slide it's almost as if you're flying down in a vertical line without really making any contact with the waterslide perhaps it's not as high as in say no but the blizzards setting definitely makes it feel more intimidating adding an extra thrilling sensation to the experience so that's been open for quite a long time the ride is currently experiencing some refurbishing promising to be ready soon for those writers who are not afraid of anything even when they can't see where the ride will take them number four the black hole world where you can get the same experience - the tragic incidents number three the verruckt Oh Viraj we've actually talked about this one quite a bit on this for our returning viewers you could probably recite everything about this slide that I've said to the letter all his fun and laughs until a life is lost and that is the case of the Verruckt a water slide in Kansas that is gained demolished after a ten-year-old boy lost his life in 2016 why did he die well due to a terrible neck injury caused by the ride the Viraj which is the German word for insane was taller than Niagara Falls making it the tallest waterslide of its time riders were sent down in a three-person raft at high speeds when the innocent boy went on this ride the round went airborne fatally hurting his neck and injuring the two women who were riding with him it is a fact the burette was definitely insane - insane in fact that you just can't ride it anymore though if I'm not mistaken this was also caused by park negligence as they didn't listen to anybody who was saying that the boy was far too skinny to be on this ride now it's time for the day's best pic my paper today made me wonder what do you get when you mix water slides and sharks a lawsuit or you know that's something that goes beyond anything dangerous we've seen so far you know a few questions are asked at waist [Music] situated in the beautiful Bahamas the leap of faith sends you on an almost vertical drop from a dreamy Mayan themed scenario right after the drop you'll most likely start yelling and it won't be just because of the excitement but because you'll be coming face to face or one of the many sharks that wait for riders in the lagoon at the bottom of the Mayan temple stay strong and be praised as the waterslide is a clear covered tunnel all the way through thought it will be hard to ignore the fact that many Caribbean reef and hammerhead sharks are at a short distance away from you and just remember kiddies hammerheads have been known to be man-eaters before I saved the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that takes only five seconds 53 if you can leave a like and subscribe within the next five seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it it really worked number one the Cannonball loop another returning favorite from some of our previous lists rumor has the no one who ever went on this ride ever came back for a second round the Cannonball loop was an enclosed waterslide with a full vertical loop at the end it looks like a roller coaster and it was the ultimate attraction at action Park New Jersey a place that also came to be known as accident Park which is probably not a good thing for their advertising and you can imagine why everyone was so afraid of the cannonball that the owner of the park had to pay a hundred dollars to his employees to give it a try some of them took the offer and came back with a nosebleed and some others came back with some back injuries one person even got stuck at the top of the loop and a teenage boy smacked his head and barely made it out of it as a reward riders were greeted with a splash from a garden hose as if that could erase the memory of such a scary experience at least they made it out with a hundred bucks in their pockets that'll help cover the medical bills would you go on a dangerous ride for a hundred bucks on this climate maybe how much would you like to get paid to get on a waterslide as dangerous as the ones we mentioned either way let us know in the comments section down below and also while you're at it why not click on one of the two videos up above they'll give you even more interesting facts in this video with all that said and done everybody I hope you all have a wonderful day weiter everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 7,919,017
Rating: 4.8804116 out of 5
Keywords: Top, water slides, best water slides, Awesome water slides, waterslides, top 10 most insane water slides, top 10 waterslides, top 10 biggest waterslides, top 10 water slides, best waterslides, best waterslides in the world, tallest waterslide, most insane water slides, waterslides you wont believe exist, you wont believe exist, money, howtomakemoney, moneyloaningapp, moneyloan, makemoney, pay, payday, paycheck, finance, advance payday, money in advance, make money online, work from home
Id: ym0yjvy0q0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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