12 Most Mysterious Abandoned Places

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abandoned places come in many different shapes and sizes some of them are so badly broken down and beaten up that they make us feel sad others look a little creepy when we come across them in the dark then there are those that fill us with a sense of wonder sometimes when all the people have gone away there can be something fabulous and mystical about a place that's been left to fend for itself here are some of the most mystical abandoned places on earth standing alone on the east gippsland coast of victoria in australia is a lighthouse known as point hicks it's one of the very few warning beacons available to ships passing on the south tasman sea and can be seen as far away as the bass strait when it lights up you won't find any light keepers inside it though the lighthouse was built in 1887 and manned until 1965 when it was finally connected to maine's electricity that did away with the need for permanent occupants and the former lighthouse keepers quarters have been let out as holiday homes ever since you'd be brave to stay here though aside from the fact that it's in a very remote location the lighthouse is also said to be haunted by the ghost of a former keeper known as christopherson who fell to his death down the spiral staircase during the early 20th century you might not think you believe in ghosts but when you're alone in christopherson's quarters at night and you hear creaking on the stairs you may soon find yourself questioning that belief valdun castle in scotland looked magnificent when it was built during the 16th century perhaps that isn't surprising the creation of the building and the establishment of the land around it was a gift to the dunbar family from king james v so all of the construction work was performed to the standard where it was fit for a king these days it's not quite so impressive the dunbar family moved out in the year 1800 after almost 300 years of occupation and since then it's been allowed to crumble into ruins with thick ivy growing through the brickwork everywhere you look the people who live locally to the castle in the dumfries and galloway region of scotland insist that you'll see something else if you look a little closer though allegedly the ghost of a furious woman called janet dollar ripple runs through the tower in a blood-stained wedding dress as the story goes she was forced to marry sir david dunbar despite the fact she was already in love with the third lord rutherford and was murdered on her wedding night because of her protestations [Music] we're traveling to siberia now for our next mystical experience in an abandoned place and we'll find it inside kashgalok cave if you're bold enough to enter this eerie hole in the rock in the cascasia region this foreboding place has picked up several nicknames over the years such as the cave of the white shaman and the cave of the black devil none of the nicknames imply that it's a place you'd want to spend much time inside the cave there's evidence that human sacrifices were carried out atop a phallic altar by unknown people many centuries ago the tail of the cave gets worse from there you have to climb up 2 000 feet above sea level to get in but the moment you're in you start heading down again disappearing 1500 feet into the bowels of the mountain there are stories that say once you're in the deepest chamber you can hear the thoughts of every other human being on the planet and that the experience will drive you insane that's where the cave gets its name from kashkula translates as kakash as many years there are underground tunnels under almost every nation in europe and some of them are more worthwhile to look at than others there's definitely something to be said for the ghost bus tunnel in belgium don't let the name put you off unlike the other examples we've looked at so far the ghosts here are more metaphorical than literal the tunnel was initially devised as part of an ambitious new subway project that never came to fruition the project ran out of money and the city of liege was left with a two-mile long tunnel running beneath it that was never going to use rather than close it up or block it off they decided to allow the local transport service to store old unwanted vehicles inside it there are dozens of disused vehicles hiding down there in the dark some of which date all the way back to 1912. there have been numerous discussions about opening the tunnel to the public and turning it into a transport museum but so far that hasn't happened and the only people who get to go in and take a closer look are urban explorers we're grateful to them for these pictures you might have heard the name glastonbury before the small town in somerset england plays host to the world's biggest music festival and attracts hundreds of thousands of revelers every time the festival opens its doors while the visitors are there a few of them take the time to travel to glastonbury tour which is considered one of the most mystic locations in england legend has it that the holy grail was once hidden inside either this hill or the tower on top of it another fantastical version of history says that king arthur sleeps under the hill and will awake when his country needs him the most the tower has been standing since the 14th century but neolithic flint tools and iron age relics found at the site confirmed that people have gathered here since prehistoric times the ancient britons referred to it as the isle of avalon which might connect to the avalon of arthurian legend all of these tales seem fanciful but almost everyone who's visited the tour and stood in the tower describes the experience as a spiritual one perhaps it's the fact that multiple ley lines meet at the point of the tour or maybe it's all the tales of magic and the beautiful scenery returning to the mysterious underground tunnels of mainland europe we now find ourselves in chechia to check out the beautiful catacombs of hilawa nobody really knows how long these tunnels have been here but many experts believe they were created by the same german colonists who founded the town during the 13th century there have been stories of ghostly goings-on in the dark of the tunnels for many years and even some of the experts who visited the tunnels in an attempt to dispel the myths have been forced to concede that there's something strange happening down there some visitors claimed to have seen physical apparitions in the tunnels whereas others saw nothing but heard inexplicable organ music as they wandered around taking a more pragmatic point of view it seems that the first three levels of the catacombs were used as food and water storage with living space provided on the lower levels if we assumed that it was fully populated at one time this must have been a whole underground town why was it built who might have been living down here honestly we don't know but that organ music is bizarre and no explanation for it has ever been found [Music] you might have noticed by now that there's a recurring theme of ghosts in our mystical abandoned places so let's cut to the chase and go straight to the most haunted castle in the world that's chillingham castle in northumberland england and if any castle on the planet is likely to be haunted it's this one there's a long and grisly history of executions at the castle going all the way back to the 12th century with some especially brutal methods of torture and killing carried out within its walls the castle's central torture chamber is still open to visitors today and all who attend are horrified by features like the sloping floor which was angled to allow the blood of torture victims to drain away faster some of the old tools of the trade are still present in the dungeon like the executioner's block racks thumb screws and an implement designed to gouge out the eyes there are said to be dozens of ghosts roaming the castle but the so-called pink room is a particular hot spot said to be haunted by the specter known as the blue boy who usually manifests as a series of bright blue lights as strange beautiful or frightening as an abandoned castle might be there's something even stranger about walking around a whole abandoned village they tend to be a little harder to find because we have a habit of building new settlements on top of the ruins of old ones but they exist if you look hard enough here's one not far from salo in finland known as suamasjarvi the timber and brick houses have been boarded up and left abandoned for most of the last century and there appears to be an ever-present mist in the middle of the village that never goes away despite that the village isn't lifeless after the humans moved out animals moved in zuma's jarvi is now home to a population of foxes badgers squirrels and mice who appear to live in harmony side by side some of them have even elected to live inside the houses which presumably offer them a better degree of shelter than they generally find during the winter months it's a beautiful place to come and take a few photos of the furry local residents but we're not sure we'd like to be here when it gets dark [Music] it's hard to imagine a more extreme environment to live in than antarctica and that's why as a rule humans don't try to live there it's been a temporary or permanent home to human beings in the past though and the presence of those hearty souls can still be felt in the buildings and structures they've left behind take wordy house for example named after chief scientist james wordy who stayed here during the shackleton expedition of 1914. there are constant reports that objects are moved around the house during times when no humans are present and bright lights shining from the windows when there's nobody inside scientists who work at the mcmurdo base regularly report seeing or feeling a supernatural presence there perhaps that's because the base was used to store the remains of 257 tourists who perished in a plane crash on ross island in 1979. the atmosphere inside scott's hud is said to be so overwhelming that some people struggle to remain inside it for more than a few minutes antarctica is like an alien world and it's clearly not for everybody you've heard of the great wall of china but have you ever heard of the great wall of india that's the name that many people use when they're talking about kumbhogar fort in india despite its colossal size and its status as the second longest continuous wall in the world it's barely known about inside india and hardly ever spoken of outside it well that's our loss because it's a stunning fort that surrounds more than 300 temples dating back 500 years the wall runs on for over 20 miles climbing up mountains and dipping into valleys in the process it's arguably a more impressive technical achievement than its more famous chinese pier the views from the top of the wall at its highest point are incredible but visitors should be cautious many of the miles covered by the wall are now empty and otherwise featureless so the sections of the wall there are not maintained on top of that the wall is still fortified with booby traps and other defenses the indian authorities think they've deactivated them all but they can't guarantee it [Music] if you look at it from the right angle with the sun high in the sky and the stonework reflecting off the water to form a perfect circle this bridge in ardino bulgaria is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world how then is it managed to end up with a nickname like devil's bridge to answer that question we have to go all the way back to 1515 when the bridge was built by a man called dimitar sadly history didn't record the rest of his name dimitar built his bridge on the ruins of an older rome bridge with the intention of connecting roads that link the aegean sea to the northern thrassian valley sadly it seems that dimitar's wife passed away during the three years that it took him to build the bridge legends say that he entombed her remains within the structure and her spirit haunts the bridge at night an even more fantastic tale says that the footprint of beaslebub himself can be seen on the masonry the creepy tales haven't put the bulgarian authorities off the structure they declared it a national monument in 1984 for many years it was thought that the enormous circular stone depressions that make up the site of moire in urambaba peru were nothing more than decorative more recently our thinking has evolved to allow us to gain an insight into their real purpose it turns out the inca people may have been far more advanced than we suspected the further you descend down the steps of the circles the lower the temperature becomes at the bottom the average temperature is a full 15 degree centigrade lower than the temperature at the top each level of the depression is a microclimate which allowed the inca to trial the growth of different types of crops from tracking what worked and what didn't they could pass on crop growing advice to the furthest reaches of their empire where temperatures were very different from what farmers were used to at home it's a work of genius and the fact that they're so aesthetically pleasing is just a bonus yet again it appears that our scientists and historians have underestimated our ancient ancestors and we can't help but wonder what else they may have got wrong about them subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 860,534
Rating: 4.7607656 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Mysterious Abandoned Places, abandoned, abandoned places, mysterious abandoned, mystery, abandoned house, abandoned building, abandoned found, 12 most, top 12, most amazing, most mysterious
Id: tku6KwtJfnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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