15 Most Incredible Things Found In Abandoned Mansions!

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an abandoned mansion is an inherently creepy image such grandeur and opulence left to rot and descend into squalor as vines moss and mold wrap around every wall and consume every brick who knows what happened to the families of these homes that such wonderful buildings would come to find themselves at the whim of nature and who knows what trinkets and treasures may lie dormant within these are the 15 most incredible things found in abandoned mansions number 15 a car in a Spanish mansion it's not every day you come across an abandoned mansion but to find one that still contains some pretty valuable stuff is even rarer a Spanish youtuber by the name of it's me Antho posted a video where he toured through an abandoned mansion in Spain while the house was lacking in furniture it did have a few telltale signs that its occupants may have left in a hurry there were bullets and empty safe and even dishes still stacked in the dishwasher and on the bench someone who was moving houses would surely not leave it looking like that but that wasn't the most incredible part in the garage was a sports car that would have been worth a small fortune the YouTuber gained access to the house through an open door on the first floor but it looks like he may have been one of the first to do so there are no signs of squatters nor is there any trash or graffiti apart from dirt and signs of nature reclaiming the house it doesn't appear to have seen any intentional damage the YouTuber also found keys so that he could lock doors which meant he had far more control over the house than any random passerby would have the YouTuber didn't divulge the location of the mansion so there's little chance you'll be able to go and explore it for yourself before we go on we have a cool challenge for y'all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works now it's time for the odd topic most families have one car some even have to if you're Jerry Seinfeld you've got a bunch but when one abandoned mansion was explored a few years back an entire fleet of cars were found with many of them being near identical what makes this extra odd is that this wasn't a mansion left in a certain state of disarray most of their belongings had been taken if whoever had abandoned zone was having money troubles why not sell some of these cars that's what we would have done how about you the oddest thing about this is that the cars weren't found in a garage they were found piled up in an empty swimming pool what even went down at that house what do you think remember to comment down below with the hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen and now to the next topic number fourteen six thousand eight hundred dollars in cash today's generation has a thing about abandoned houses as such people who call themselves urban explorers will find abandoned homes and structures take photos and videos and share them with the world but unlike squatters and looters urban explorers live by a code of take only photographs leave only footprints they won't disturb what they find and won't take what they discover by doing so they're allowing as many urban explorers to explore such exciting places as possible but one urban explorer discovered more than dusty old trinkets and broken furniture with a snowstorm to cover his tracks the Explorer under the alias freaked ography entered a home in Canada to find out what lay within it looked like it had been abandoned for many years the house contained a hospital bed family photos and other mementos and a full house lot of possessions that look like no one had been through but while exploring a bedroom he came across a bag filled with rolled wads of each tightly wrapped bundle had a dollar value on a date with it equaling around six thousand eight hundred dollars the money however was American rather than Canadian because of the code laid out by urban explorers freaked ography didn't take the money instead he managed to track down a family member who was initially upset that someone had been in the house he learned that the home owner had passed away from cancer and the house was left to the children a family incident and/or rift led to no one caring for the home or even seeing it sold to someone new once the family member got over her shock of the phone call she arranged to meet the Explorer at the house with her husband she gave him the Grand Tour before he presented her with the money he had found she was emotional and upset but also thankful at what he had done for her she now plans to board up all the windows until they can decide what to do with the house number 13 Charlotte brontë's ring most people put their odds and ends in their attic to keep him out of sight and out of mind old broken toys bulky kitchen appliances and Christmas trees are common finds in such places but one woman who was cleaning out her father-in-law's attic found something far more exciting than a broken microwave the unnamed woman from the UK had been given the job of cleaning out the Attic after her father-in-law passed away and left the house vacant while the attic contained everything you'd expect to find in an attic there was also a curious metal box but no key eventually after sifting through a huge number of keys in the house she found one that opened the box after a lot of effort she was quite disappointed to find that there was only a ring in the box but it wasn't an ordinary ring and no it wasn't from Lord of the Rings either sorry she noticed an inscription on the inside with a magnifying glass she was able to make out a name and date it said March 1855 Bronte the ring also had a secret compartment that contained plaited hair the woman now believes the hair and ring belonged to English poet and novelist Charlotte Bronte who has become known for her classic English literature jewelry expert Jeffrey Mun said there was no reason to believe that the ring was an thing other than genuine he said it was a common practice in the 19th century to make jewelry with hair to help them remember the character and face of those who had passed on number 12 Nicolas Cage's comic book in 1995 famous American actor Nicolas Cage purchased the first-ever Superman comic by the name of Action Comics number one before the release of that comic book there had been no such thing as superheroes that very comic book had shaped the superhero industry and began it but on January 1st 2000 the comic book was stolen from his Los Angeles home never to be seen again or so he thought even though LAPD art theft detail department detective Donald her chick had been working hard on the case there had been no leads therefore Nicholas filed an insurance claim and was paid out for the loss of the book but over a decade later the vintage comic book showed up in a Southern California storage unit that had been abandoned when the book was discovered the original owner who had sold Nicholas the comic was contacted he recognized that particular copy as mr. cages and got in touch with the detective who had been assigned the case all those years ago because the comic book had no serial number and was mass-produced it was a challenge to identify it as the one but the markings on it aligned with those that had been on Nicholas's copy the LAPD seized the comic as stolen property and attempted to locate the thief eventually Nicolas Cage received the stolen comic book and he put it up for auction it sold for two point sixteen million dollars becoming one of the most valuable comic books of all time number 11 rare coins an abandoned Pennsylvania home owned by the family of the previous owner had called upon the services of rare collectibles owner Jeff bidelman they want a Jeff to visit the old home and take anything of value to be sold the house had stood vacant for two decades and all family members who had once lived there had now passed on Jeff did not expect to find what he did and neither could the fam members Jeff discovered a huge number of coins that dated from the early 1820s to the 1960s there was a mixture of different kinds such as Liberty dimes Morgan Silver Dollars and large cents all the coins that Jeff found had a face value of around $8,500 however their age and rarity meant they could sell for as much as $200,000 to the right buyers while many of the coins were hiding in plain sight many also werent Jeff noticed a hole in the wall which contained tens of thousands of dollars worth of old coins the find was astounding especially as he already had a full bag of coins from exploring other areas of the home the family wished to remain anonymous and they also didn't want to share the address of the home for obvious reasons number 10 Superman comic number one David Gonzalez and elbow Lake Minnesota building contractor purchased an old abandoned 1938 home for ten thousand one hundred dollars in 2013 as with any old house there are gonna be a few surprises often those surprises are never anything good and relate more to faulty wiring or something similar but David was about to receive a pleasant surprise when he began undertaking renovations on the property used as insulation in the walls was a copy of the 1938 comic book Action Comics number one the debuted Superman that would start a whole new world of superheroes the book was graded as a one point five out of ten on the condition scale because its back cover was detached however even with that defect and the fact that it had been stored in old abandoned walls for all those years it still sold to an anonymous bidder for $175,000 just a couple of years prior a Near Mint copy of the same comic sold for over two million dollars we can only assume that David was able to expand his budget a little further with this homes renovations thanks to that spectacular find number nine ancient Mayan artifacts Nick de mola from a rubbish removal company had been hired to clean out an apartment in Manhattan after the owner abstract artist Clinton Hill passed away in 2004 it was a job like any other he would go in remove all the items and bill the owner for his time but as it turns out this job wasn't like any other at the time nick recalls finding a barrel with figurines and pottery within it instead of throwing it away he stored it in his warehouse and later forgot about it when he rediscovered them years later he discovered the sixty artifacts and pieces could be from Mexico and could be quite old they are thought to date back to between 300 BC and 500 AD Nick decided to talk to the New York Daily Times about his discovery and said he would like to sell them however once the Mexican government learned about the artifacts and claimed them Nick decided against the sale he wanted to donate them but not to Mexico Nick had allowed Mexican Cultural Institute representatives to examine and photograph the pieces and was expecting an appraisal of their worth instead of that he received the news that there may be a petition in the works to return the collection to Mexico Nick said how those officials responded was not very diplomatic and that he would like to see the artifacts go to various museums across the country rather than exclusively to Mexico according to Mexico's Consul General Ruben Beltran if artifacts are thought to be part of Mexican culture the government would try and get them back number a Frankenstein movie poster everyone remembers their first their first horror movie we mean Frankenstein was a classic horror film that debuted on the big screens in 1931 it was one of the first and one of the most memorable but aside from the memories the remakes the DVDs and VHS there aren't a lot of original mementos relating to it but in the 1970s a rare movie poster for the film was found in a projection booth in an abandoned theater in Long Island New York it had been there for decades and formed a three sheet poster of 6 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 5 inches up until then the only remnants of Frankenstein movie posters had been single sheets inserts a teaser poster and half sheets the full intact three she poster had never been seen it is thought to be the only one in existence and it's at languishing in a dirty dusty and abandoned theater given its rarity the poster was up for sale for $225,000 and was being safely stored in a private collection until it's sold any movie buff would be thrilled to snap up such a rare piece of film history number 7 Bronze Age sword in a bar the community and county fermanagh were invested in their history and past they continually researched the happenings in the area and even rewrote the history of the 16th century battle that happened in their small area this involved finding out where the Battle of the fort of the biscuits on the Arnie River took place in 1594 the project was called battle bricks and bridges and they were always looking for artifacts and exciting information that could paint an accurate picture of what went on Maurice Owens contributed a sword to the research project which was found at the rivers Ford he believed it was related to the battle but when it was found not to be it was put to the side maurices brother Ambrose had found the sword while fishing at the river in 1965 he didn't know it's worth or value so he left it in an abandoned barn on his family's farm for over half a century it wasn't until the battle field project that it was brought out again and an archaeologist took a look at it once it was deemed not relevant to the initial project instead it was much much more interesting the sword dated back to the iron age around 2600 years ago and long before the Battle of the Ford the archaeologists who worked for the Department of Communities Paul Loeb said that it was only the second time he had ever held a Bronze Age sword he believed it was a warrior sword and that it had been deliberately broken and placed in the river all those hundreds of years ago so while the sword was not the answer the community was hoping for regarding the Battle of the Ford it did shed light on what else went on in the area thousands of years before it number six Sir John Gordon's bust Scottish Highlands councillor Maxine Smith had been on the lookout for the old provost robes and chains and asked the council if they knew where they could be she was told to look in an old garden shed in a small industrial state in balton or Easter Ross the garden shed was nothing spectacular and she had to get a key from the council to enter it she found what she was looking for the chains and robes but also much much more holding the door open as a door stopper was an 18th century bust crafted in 1728 by the famous French sculptor ed Mabel chars own it was the bust of MP and Highland Laird Sir John Gordon the sculpture which was worth around 1.4 million British pounds was languishing in a dusty and forgotten garden shed along with several other possibly valuable items when Maxine reported back to the council she said they needed to act to stop any of those items from being stolen an insurance team was sent in and its initial worth was put at 200,000 British pounds number five gold coins and bars inheriting possessions from a relative that is passed on is bittersweet in this case it's more sweet than better an unnamed Frenchman inherited a house from his relative in Normandy and discovered more than odds and ends within it was over 220 pounds of gold coins and bars worth more than 3.7 million pounds there were five thousand gold pieces 37 1 kilo ingots and 212 kilo gold bars hidden around the house a local auctioneer Nicholas fire fort had been asked to visit the house to value the furniture he hadn't seen any of the gold on his first visit such was the discreet hiding places it wasn't until the new owner was moving the furniture did they discover the treasures within it was hidden under furniture under linen and even in unusual rooms like the bathroom firstly the Frenchman had found a box of coins screwed underneath a piece of furniture that box led him to a whiskey bottle box and then the 12 kilo gold bars Nicholas said the man then called his solicitor to make an inventory later certificates of authenticity for the loot were found in the estate the new property owner sold all the gold to buyers across France and the world but the taxman might just have the last laugh if the deceased family member hadn't declared his treasure on his taxes the new owner could have to pay three years in back taxes a 45% inheritance tax also applies to the goods number four Giovanni Boldini painting the family of a 91 year old woman got the shock of their lives when she passed away and it wasn't only because they had lost a dear loved one they discovered the elderly woman had owned an apartment in France but had abandoned it before World War two and never returned upon learning about the apartment the family went and visited since its abandonment it had laid untouched all the woman's possessions were dust covered but pristine and the apartment was luxurious with high ceilings stunning paintings and elegant furniture they don't know why she never returned to it rented it out or sold it while many of the possessions were unique interesting and valuable there was one in particular that caught their eye it was an original Giovanni Boldini painting with a handwritten note from the author the family put a starting price on the painting for 253 thousand British pounds but a flurry of beds saw it sell for 1.8 million or 2.5 million American dollars number 3 Aston Martin DBS 2 words get any automotive enthusiasts heart racing barn-find it's when a rare unique or pristine car is uncovered in a barn or barn like environment untouched for years this Aston Martin DBS is one of those exciting barn finds and it will get that heart racing the car was thought to be the last to come off the production line but it's owner clearly didn't recognize its value it was found by auction house managing partner Chris routledge in an abandoned barn in Surrey while its windows were smashed its interior trim missing and it was covered in rust it had been stored away since 1980 during that time its value had skyrocketed the cars value was estimated at up to 40,000 British pounds but its condition could see itself for even more than that it would be sold at auction to a car enthusiast who would surely bring it back to life number two most expensive British motorcycle when British bike enthusiasts learned about eight barn found brough bikes going up for auction they were shocked they were thought to be the last known collection of brough motorcycles in an unrestored state they were patent made somewhere in kit form and all had been stored in a barn in Cornwall for over 50 years under household clutter machinery parts and a thick layer of dust the owner Frank vague had collected the bikes which were dated between 1926 and 1939 Frank died in 2015 the bikes were sent to auction and all eight bikes reached a record-breaking price tag of 750 2625 British pounds one of the brough bikes even became the most expensive British bike to be sold at auction the 1932 brough superior 800 CC sold for three hundred thirty one thousand nine hundred British pounds for four hundred seventy seven thousand two hundred and five USD number one million dollar sports cards urban explorers will typically take only photos and leave only footprints but they couldn't help themselves when it came to hundreds of sports cards that could be worth over a million dollars the Explorers had been looking through an old abandoned warehouse in Detroit when they came across manufacturer boxed crates with tops cards it looked like they had either been stored there or were set for distribution before the factory closed they never made it to their destination and they had been sitting there since the 1980s and early 1990s the cards could be worth as little as one to six dollars each but the quantity is where the values at some may also be rare and worth a lot more if sold together the cards could fetch over 1 million dollars the cards belong to the building owner but urban explorers have been cashing in on them the few who know about the cards have been selling them off slowly there are bundles of them from NASCAR Major League Baseball and even hockey some of the boxes contain complete sets of cards such as the squad from the Detroit Tigers team of 1990 have you ever been to an abandoned house have you found something valuable or unique let us know also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time [Music]
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 70,609
Rating: 4.8783188 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, urban exploration, incredible abandoned, urbex, scary, abandoned buildings, abandoned building, urban exploring, mysterious, found, strangest, strange, haunted mansion, scary urbex, things found, discoveries, discovered, place, mysterious things, most mysterious, mysterious discoveries, unexplained mysteries, strange discoveries, abandoned explorer, buildings, scary abandoned places, haunted, science facts, discover
Id: f3XaYWTX6cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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