15 Foods You are NOT Allowed to Eat In the USA!

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having made the top 20 list of the most obese countries in the world it may come as a surprise that there are certain foods in the United States that are not allowed to be eaten in fact doing so is actually illegal some of the condemned items you may find quite unusual others simply obvious from the popular national cuisine of Scotland to the highly toxic and sought-after puffer fish here are 15 foods you're not allowed to eat in the US number 15 haggis this Scottish dish was referenced by Scotsman groundskeeper Willie in one of the Simpsons classic treehouse of horror episodes when Bart looking visibly confused asks what's haggis after reading Willie's mind the reason for Bart's confusion is because haggis isn't a dish seen or served in the States and this has been the case since 1971 when it was banned from the country the mainly Scottish cuisine is properly prepared using minced up offal the formal term for the scraps of an animal there's no specific list but sheep lungs for example are considered as awful this ingredient alone would cause anyone to question why people in Scotland enjoy it and agree that the US has made a good call however the Scots would argue that it's absolutely sublime haggis has a similar texture to that of a crumbly sausage with an OD texture and peppery flavor it dates back centuries for the Scots and is widely known as a of tradition in the country before we go on we have a cool challenge for you all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works number 14 Japanese puffer fish you shouldn't make too many Simpsons references but who could forget when Homer Simpson almost died as a result of this famous Japanese dish following his visit to a sushi restaurant the real-life version of fugu is not much different to what was shown in the season 2 episode one fish two fish Blowfish blue fish the Japanese puffer fish holds an extremely toxic poison called tetrodotoxin which is held in its organs it is a dish that is absolutely deadly but has been widely prepared and eaten for hundreds of years across Japan there have however been multiple fatalities today it is still available and widely requested although it must be prepared with the utmost care by experienced chefs the dish itself is apparently magnificent with its very chewy texture rather subtle flavor and high protein component fugu was originally only available as a food for the upper class however over the years it has grown in popularity and is now readily available for all who are interested the dish is still quite pricy though so you're probably best not to splash out your hard-earned cash any time soon not only might its shorten your life but it will lighten your wallet as well number 13 shark fins if you haven't heard of shark finning it's bound to revolt you in some way especially if it's introduced to you by Gordon Rams in fact the very thought of a bowl with shark fins in it is extremely unappetizing we're still to even get to the kitchen an individual must cut off a shark's fin while it's still alive the poor beast is then promptly returned to the water where it's left to die an obvious discomfort unsurprisingly this is a controversial business but the demand is so great many people's livelihoods depend on it particularly popular in China and Hong Kong demand has risen extensively over the course of the last two decades the dish itself dates back over a century in Chinese tradition the funny thing about the soup itself is its lack of flavor it's such a sought-after dish yet is said to contain almost no taste or nutritional value at all in fact most recommend adding something to the dish such as herbs and spices or possibly even some chicken or beef stock the soup is also used as a medicine for the flu and other illnesses it's fair to say this soup has even considered a delicacy amongst many however in the United States it rarely hits the menu some believes that is due to how it tastes but the truth could simply be that leading so many sharks to slaughter for such an average dish just doesn't appeal regardless of how you feel about these ocean-dwelling predators it's clear that if they disappeared off the face of the earth the ecosystem could be severely disrupted or even destroyed all this for a bowl of soup doesn't sound worthwhile does it number 12 a key through probably one of the most understandable food choices that citizens of the US prefer to sweep under the rug unripened a key fruit can have disastrous consequences on the human body it can result in the horrific metabolic syndrome which is also defined as Jamaican vomiting sickness the Aki is nice and buttery may like avocado this can include as already stated profuse vomiting altered mental states and hypoglycemia some cases have even had bizarre scenarios of seizures hypothermia comas and even death the only real medical treatment for this is with intravenous fluids and dextrose the fruit can be properly consumed over time as they ripen as the hypoglycemia and the fruit becomes safe for humans this can still be risky however as the levels might not quite drop to the safest level and the fruit could still cause damage to the body ripe ackee fruit can be identified as a yellowish red color with very visible black seeds unripe fruits should be easily spotted as they appear greenish yellow and the seeds aren't nearly as easy to spot almost like a closed book cooking the fruit will not eliminate the risks of an unripe fruit the United States have been lucky enough to only have a few cases of the fruits producing toxicity they've also discovered that pediatric patients and the malnourished are the most at risk so it's safe to say they'll continue to distance themselves from this dangerous fruit number eleven beluga caviar beluga caviar is caviar consisting of the roe slash eggs of the beluga sturgeon which is a fish found in the Caspian Sea bordering Iran Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Russia and Turkmenistan beluga caviar is unique and by far the most expensive of its kind with prices as high as ten thousand dollars caviar it's considered the most expensive food in the world the dish has become quite controversial since making its way to menus as the beluga sturgeon is considered an endangered species and is at a critical status because of this the United States has understandably placed a ban on the consumption of the fish and the caviar dead and this has been the case ever since 2005 the practice was also suspended in 2006 with in all possible countries of trade including China Bulgaria Iran Kazakhstan Romania Serbia and Russia this was temporarily lifted in 2007 with the eventual sale of around 96 tonnes of caviar the caviar has made a comeback in recent years but is still looked down upon considering the poor sturgeon status and unfortunately increasing the price hasn't made the situation any better number 10 wah grah perhaps the smallest item on this list the foie gras has quite the following and has been known to be a heavily requested dish in French restaurants the butter like textured combination of duck or goose liver has been known to sell for as much as $125 per kilogram the price alone is quite controversial that's not the only problem with this sought-after dish for it to even exist many birds are tragically force-fed in a method that increases their liver size to almost ten times what it's supposed to be as you can imagine animal rights activists find this to be cruel and unacceptable as would anyone with a heart in their chest technically America hasn't banned the dish yet but New York City is taking the first steps to do so home to over 1,000 restaurants that serve foie gras in October 2019 the City Council introduced a ban that will come into place as of 2022 effectively New York will become like California Australia and India as places that prohibit any dishes like foie gras as a way to ignite and promote the importance of animal rights if you'd like to try the dish before it's gone it's said to have a rather smooth texture and rich taste it is normally served with truffles and spread on toast number nine queen conch this food appears to only be available in the Bahamas making it a true specialty dish queen conch is often compared to calamari the meat is firm and white with a chewy texture conch is usually eaten steamed or deep-fried or in some cases raw with fresh vegetables conch is a large marine mollusk they are soft bodied and belong to the same taxonomic group as clams oysters octopuses and squids [Applause] they tend to hang out in warm shallow coral reefs or seagrass beds and can reach up to 12 inches in length some have lived for almost 40 years did you imagine how tough they might be to eat the delicacy was once found in Florida - in significant numbers but since the 70s there has been a significant drop in numbers the drastic change in events is said to be caused by over harvesting an act that has now become illegal in the state the United States alone consumes around 80% of the world's internationally traded queen conch so it's definitely a popular dish number a sea turtles the thought of eating a turtle in any form is a deeply disturbing one however apparently it's relatively flavoursome and for an unusual reason depending on what part of the turtle is being consumed you can experience taste similar to that of chicken veal pork and even fish this explains why the sea turtle became such a popular item on the menu many years ago in the United States the turtles were used for a variety of different dishes including several types of soups is the actual Turtles however over time this particular delicacy vanished from the American lifestyle and here's the reason why it's actually pretty obvious really there simply aren't enough sea turtles left in the ocean to go around today the green sea turtle species is one that is heavily protected as Americans don't want to risk their extinction they're currently under the Endangered Species Act which means that if you happen to be found consuming one you are committing a felony and likely to be prosecuted number 7 Kinder Surprise eggs this one's quite an interesting story because many around the world will be left scratching their heads these delicious milky chocolate eggs are still available all over the world but for some reason the United States has banned them this is actually illegal newest Kinder Surprise eggs have been popular choices for children around the globe the hollow eggs are incredibly sweet and inside of each egg there is a small constructible toy bonus right well in some cases no the United States do have the right idea in keeping these off their shelves even just for safety purposes the kinder egg has small parts inside that could easily be swallowed by young children alternatively they may not be aware of the toy and just try to eat the egg biting into the toy or the small capsule that holds it this law wasn't written specifically for kinder eggs as it's been in place since the 1930s the law states that any candy with non-food related objects inside can be disastrous for children and cannot be sold unfortunate for Kinder but definitely understandable don't you think number six sassafras oil sassafras oil is defined as a natural supplement and additive however just because it forms part of that group doesn't mean that it's a good product as a matter of fact it has a very sour reputation amongst those who have used in this tree based herbal supplement dates back centuries and has often been enjoyed with tea and gumbo the ingredients certainly did gain some traction during its heyday however by today's standards there are plenty of reasons to stay away from it the plant-based ingredient has been deemed no longer safe for human consumption in the United States as well as many other countries one of the key reasons behind this decision is its link with cancer diagnosis when tested on rats in the late 70s it was revealed that it was causing them to develop a cancer technically it would require a much bigger consumption level to achieve that result in humans but after hearing that who wants to take the risk other common symptoms of sassafras oil toxicity include abdominal pain diarrhea dizziness hallucinations low blood pressure nausea rapid breathing rapid heartbeat shallow breathing and vomiting sounds positively charming does number five Chilean seabass Chilean seabass is the name given to the Patagonia tooth fish by Lee Lance in 1977 it is a unique species of cod ice fish found in deep and rather cold waters in the southern hemisphere the fish can live as long as 50 years and reach lengths of seven feet or more they can also weigh up to 22 pounds at their harvest the fish is said to taste similar to cod when cooked the species is quite sustainable in most areas of the world however there are some places where fishing for the species is simply not allowed it is deemed illegal due to decreasing numbers with many vessels and fisheries collapsed and shut down in the late 90s and early 2000s with the future of the species a bit up in the air in some parts of the world prices for the sea bass continue to rise but don't take this as an opportunity to make a little extra money on the side no matter how tasty a fish is it's not worth force an extinction right number four borderland this rare French songbird is a very tiny creature and quite possibly one of the rarest delicacies on the planet the Ortolan is a very fragile bird which is less than an ounce in weight and smaller than your thumb the bird was pretty much exclusively served to the royals and the rich Gorman's however by 1999 it was completely outlawed to consume the creature the bird was usually enveloped in fat and was said to have a slight taste of hazelnut when served hot and fresh it's believed that the main reason it was banned was likely the result of the cruel form of preparation the bird would be kept in darkness for weeks and force-fed on grains and grapes until it be significantly larger still alive they were then thrown into a vat of Armagnac brandy which essentially drowned them before they were roasted as barbaric as the preparation sounds this wasn't even the main reason for the ban the ban was instead put in place because of the birds decreasing population and endangerment it was listed as a protected species by the European Union in 1979 but France took an extra 20 years to finally act on the ruling banning the practice in 1999 number 3 absence yes absinthe a liqueur so potent it could cause euphoria and hallucinations this drink is perhaps one of the strongest of the alcoholic beverages and can cause intoxication at a rapid rate for these reasons alone it has been illegal to consume in the United States for the last 50 years the liquor is over 200 years old and was adapted using distilled grains and green anise wormwood oil fennel and other herbs it is over 45% alcohol and came from Switzerland back in the late 1700s absinthe took over Europe in the 1800s and in France with force the United States caught wind of it in 1878 and it didn't last long from there the stiff alcoholic beverage is often called the Green Fairy due to its emerald green color when consumed it's generally poured over ice and sugar cubes as a way to dilute it in some cases it's even drunk straight imagine the potency in that as for its taste absinthe is rather similar to sambuca and the fact that it tastes a lot like black licorice the herbal aroma is referred to as anise which is similar to that of licorice people are divided on that flavor but regardless you'll feel a very mild bitterness following consumption not that it matters considering it's not exactly easy to get all number two Kazu Marzu there wouldn't be many people out there that like maggots I mean the images are enough legless larva wriggling around bit Kayne matter is just too much for the stomach but who could ever imagine consuming such a truly disgusting thing well unfortunately it does happen and hence is the reason behind Qasim our zoo's existence if you're eating right now it might be an idea to press pause and finish because things are about to get nasty not only is Qasim our zoo incredibly sickly and unimaginable people actually go to great lengths to get a hold of it although it's now illegal to purchase all over Europe and most of the world this dish is simply an Italian cheese that is filled with maggots now that's disgusting not to mention a little disturbing the suppose a delicacy is somewhat of an Italian tradition that combines the usage of sheep milk and as well you know maggots and although it is banned people still try to consume it many have even resorted to the black-market to get a hold of the cheese are these people insane surely they must have to be number one force me and this meat is surely one of the most controversial choices on the list horse meat is in fact something that has and can be consumed by us it probably sounds hideous to most considering how much horses are loved but the truth of the matter is that their meat is full of iron high in protein and low in fat effectively it is the perfect mix the meat when cooked has been compared to beef in terms of taste although it's easy to see why this one would be bad not only is it cruel to consider the family pet or the winning racehorse considered for dog Tucker but for human consumption as well that just goes a step too far typically horses are not raised for food either but many are slaughtered for that exact purpose and it's a terrible thought this behavior is highly frowned upon but not every country is put a stop to it at least not yet many argue that consumption of horse meat is safe for us as they tend to have a FT chemical consumption throughout their lifetime but if you ask me even those that aren't too fond of horses would argue that this subject shouldn't even be considered conversation material horses are not dinner plate material end of discussion I don't know about you but when it comes to food I'm relatively choosy now I'm not talking about the picky type that won't eat anything I'm talking the type that makes sure what they're eating won't kill them it makes perfect sense to me but to others my palate must sound a little dull what do you reckon would you be keen to try some of these dishes also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 1,607,960
Rating: 4.6694436 out of 5
Keywords: banned food, banned, fda, foods, health, haggis, dangerous food, united states of america (country), illegal, food, you arent allowed, eating, eat, are not allowed, top, best, most, list, facts, strange, weird, bizarre, unbelievable, most bizarre, strangest, weirdest, illegal food, kitchen nightmares, banned foods, USA, America, in the world, World
Id: 8Po7U0xYDko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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