15 Most Expensive Dog Breeds In The World

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dogs are a man's best friend but sadly friendship is not always cheap some dogs cost a pretty penny the price of some canine companions will shock you more than kissing a lightning bolt these are the most expensive dog breeds in the world [Music] number 15 mastiff tibetan pure tibetan mastiffs are the largest dog breed on the planet with a male mastiff able to grow up to an incredible 85 kilograms although i'm pretty sure most of the weight is from their bear-like coat of fur originating in china these fierce dogs are just as rare and admired as the country's precious pandas they are also believed to contain the souls of nuns and monks who weren't reincarnated into people or into heaven tibetan mastiffs have manes as thick as ones found on a lion and make for an impressive guard dog these huge and huggable beasts certainly don't come cheap in 2011 for example a red mastiff called big splash was sold for 10 million yuan or 1.5 million dollars the buyer was allegedly a coal baron from the north of china who clearly had a bit of money to throw about but why on a dog well tibetan mastiffs are believed to be holy animals and through owning one the owner is subsequently blessed with health and security there's also the belief that red is a lucky color and i mean who wouldn't want to own one of these gentle giants if they could afford to like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping now it's time for the odd topic the black south american mastiff is one hickory heck of a doggo these big lovable boys can cost more than a pretty penny with an average price tag of one thousand four hundred dollars and a media price of one thousand eight hundred forty seven dollars and fifty cents that's just the tip of the iceberg top range black south american mastiffs can cost anywhere between three thousand one hundred dollars and an insane seven thousand dollars yikes now pick your jaw up off the floor before we move on comment down below with the hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 pomeranian from the historical region of pomerania in central europe comes the pomeranian dog these tiny balls of fluff accurately nicknamed pom-poms by some only weigh between 7 and 10 pounds which makes it crazy to think they are actually descendants of fierce sled dogs [Music] queen victoria of england owned a particularly small pomeranian as a result the smaller pomeranian dog became extremely popular this led to the size of a pomeranian more than halving over the course of queen victoria's life this got the ball rolling and ended with the breed going from being 20 to 30 pound beasts that pulled sleds to being handbag dogs owned and pampered by the likes of paris hilton these little dogs with a loud bark fetch between seven hundred and two thousand dollars hilton spent a crazy 25 grand on her two pomeranian pups but why are they so expensive well it all depends on the bloodline and breeder you're buying them from with the breed's fragile nature requiring constant care in the first few months of life adding to their rarity did you know that michelangelo was accompanied by a pomeranian when he painted no other than the sistine chapel with the sistine chapel taking four years to paint the k9 must have been sick of looking at the ceiling by the end of it number 13. samoyed the samoyad breed looks like a dog in a cloud had a baby the coat of fur is one of the fluffiest i've ever seen but these family-friendly intelligent and smiley dogs come at a cost the samoyad might be smiling but you probably won't be if you had to fork out up to 14 000 bucks for a pup the cost of a samoyed depends on a range of factors such as age gender blood lineage etc [Music] the costs don't end there however as the dog needs to be trained and maintained if you wanted to buy a professionally trained samoyad and avoid them chewing up your favorite pair of shoes you'll be set back a huge 20 to 60 thousand dollars the samoyed's majestic coat of fur might look nice until you have to spend around 100 bucks every time you get it clean you can always do it yourself but the mammoth task is not for the faint-hearted or busy and with the samoyad needing a groom every two months this will surely make a dent in your bank account samoyads are terribly expensive but they are lovely dogs so if you have the money to spend why not number 12. lochen lochens used to be the rarest dog on the entire planet in 1973 with only 65 of these little lion dogs in existence this small happy and playful ocean was incredibly popular in europe for over 500 years with the breed originating from france and first being mentioned as far back as the 1400s it's clear to see why they were so many people's favorites the list of the breed's good traits is lengthy with their suitability for children of all ages and their eagerness and willingness to please not to mention their great memory which makes training the breed a relatively easy task the lochen breed might be small but they are anything but cowardly this bravery was clearly recognized by those around them if a night in the 1500s were to survive the war then a painting with a low chen dog by their side would be made on their return the low chen's inclusion in the painting was to symbolize the night's bravery and courage in battle the number of lochens currently in the world are sadly falling but the undying love for the dog and their qualities has led to the price of a low chen to continue to climb the low chin nowadays can fetch around twelve thousand dollars great news for breeders not so good news for prospective buyers number 11. chow chow chow chow dogs are among the oldest and rarest of breeds on the planet the chow chow breed is around 2 000 to 3 000 years old that's amazing weird to think of all the historical events they lived through there are even texts from the 11th century which mention the breed whilst marco polo also wrote about them when he was on his adventures this breed which originates from northern china can fetch anything from 900 to 4 thousand dollars [Music] that's not to mention maintenance which for a chow chow with an expected 12 year life span can set you back a rough 11 000 bucks whatever the case the chow chow dog may look like a breed which has never worked a day in their life but looks can be deceiving far from living off their good looks the chow chow are actually used as working dogs the emperor during the tang dynasty even loved the dog so much he had 5 000 of the fluffy workers paired up with 10 000 troops specifically trained to hunt with their chow chow co-workers none other than sigmund freud owned a chow chow who would accompany him in his therapy sessions freud even said his chow chow joffy helped him analyze his patients as the dog would only approach clients if they were relaxed so if you're an aspiring psychologist then look no further number 10 as a walk the as a walk breed is a long and skinny afro-asiatic sight hound which is so skinny you can perfectly see the bone and muscle structure of the dog through its skin as a walks have been around for thousands of years and are ridiculously easy to maintain due to its streamlined structure and short coat of hair you only need to brush the dog about once a week if that also if the dog gets muddy the hairs are so short you don't even need to bathe them just wait until the mud dries and simply brush it off voila i'm sure dogs around the world who love playing in the mud but hate taking a bath are very envious these dogs for all of their prestige and history don't come on the cheap one of these dogs will set you back up to 9 500 and that doesn't even cover shipping costs which will certainly add up as these dogs are usually found in the sahel region of northern africa which isn't exactly down the road for most people the sahel region includes countries such as burkina faso mali and niger number nine rottweiler rodweilers are a fairly common dog that you might see being walked in your local area or park so you might be wondering why on earth they've been included on our list well while still rottweiler puppy only costs around 1500 bucks the cost of keeping one of these beasts is as scary as the dog's physique they may look terrifyingly strong on the outside with their broad chest and muscular body but its warm and intelligent eyes tell another story rod wielers are widely believed to be the descendants of drover dogs from ancient rome all of this strength was put to good use as they apparently were used to control terrifying animals such as bulls rod wilders were also used by the romans to guard and drive transported livestock back in the day they couldn't just cut up some meat and keep it in a refrigerator they had to bring along live cattle for the journey to keep the meat alive and fresh and it's no wonder the livestock listened as rodweilers have a ridiculously strong bite their jaws are much stronger than the german shepherds and pit bulls with a bite force of 328 pounds that's about half of a shark's bite force which comes in at 669 pounds crazy strength from such a small beast number eight canadian eskimo dog the canadian eskimo is a majestic and large breed of dog that tips the scales at 66 to 95 pounds this breed looks uncannily like the husky whilst it shares an identical genetic makeup with the greenland dog [Music] sadly this beautiful dog is in dangerously low numbers with less than 300 remaining on the planet the canadian eskimo dog which was first brought to north america from its home of siberia more than 1 000 years ago might not be around for much longer this extinction is of course man-made between 1950 and 1970 the canadian police brutally killed up to 20 000 canadian eskimo dogs to intentionally decrease and control the breed's presence these horrible acts were sadly more than successful in reducing the breed's population the canadian eskimos image wasn't held by the fact that they are not a good dog to have around kids due to their overreactive tendencies and territorial nature these rare dogs which used to be used to pull sleds fetch a staggering amount of money with them costing in the region of 8 750 each number seven the american bully what happens if you mix an american staffordshire terrier and an american pit bull you get one of the most expensive dogs in the world the american bully developed in the 1980s and 90s the american bully is the result of a few breeding experiments in the pursuit of making the ultimate companion dog and it looks like they achieved their aim these hefty dogs come in at a weight of around 110 pounds but only at a height of about 20 inches the american bully breed of dog is also really easy to train due to their intelligence and desire to please this stocky dog may not look it but they are highly sought after and are thought to fetch a whopping price tag of up to fifteen thousand dollars each despite having their stocky and broad frame riddled with muscle owners insist they are gentle giants with a heart of gold if you thought american bullies were expensive then you obviously haven't heard of their pocket version the owner of venom a famous micro bully has turned down offers of up to 150 000 for their dog in the past i guess you really can't put a price on love number six cavalier king charles spaniel the cavalier king charles spaniel is unsurprisingly an expensive dog with it being named after a royal you can safely assume this is a particularly great breed king charles ii was so fond of them that he was almost always surrounded by a couple of the dogs his love of the breed got so great that some claimed it got in the way of his job as king with some saying his love for the breed was greater than his love of the country the cavalier king charles spaniel is a small but charismatic type of dog which is fantastic at whipping up bonds with humans and will happily play with children and other dogs without too much fuss being made this sweet and affectionate dog will cost you a pretty penny to own due to their popular and warm traits they can cost you between 1800 and 3 hundred bucks to buy but with an average cost of seventy dollars per month the overall price can rise to as much as eleven thousand dollars king charles ii's love of the cavalier king of charles spaniel even led to him ordering the breed to not be refused entry to any building houses of parliament included number five dogo argentino the dogo argentino was bred with the specific intention of hunting wild boar and various other game you can safely assume that this breed is no pushover then known for its fearless nature the dogo argentino will not back down from a challenge even if faced with a mortal threat often mistaken for a pit bull that just has a larger neck this large powerful and energetic dog makes for a great companion with a very cheerful presence and a strong instinct to protect its home and family the dogo argentino has the full package but will set you back a cool 8 grand its power is not appreciated by some authorities however as the dogo argentino is actually illegal to own in australia great britain denmark norway singapore iceland israel and ukraine due to their aggressive temperament in the u.s they've also been banned in aurora colorado and new york city the breed won't be able to visit the land down under any time soon unfortunately as it's not allowed to set paw in the country due to australian law it is a criminal act to even import a dogo argentino the breed clearly doesn't have many friends in high places number 4. afghan hound the afghan hound looks like a dog that has a great hair care routine but far from shampoo adds this sighthound breed was used to hunt huge prey in the deserts and mountains of afghanistan where their extravagant coat comes in handy these luscious locks don't come cheap however with an afghan hound able to set you back an eye-watering 7 grand each you might need to use it silky main to wipe away the tears after you see the damage inflicted on your bank balance whilst they are very independent dogs they are also great family dogs with their boundless playful and welcoming energy their reputation of being stubborn and standoffish with strangers can make them hard to train and has led to the afghan hound unfortunately gaining a reputation for being dumb but many would disagree and say that just because they're not interested in being trained doesn't mean they are dumb they are certainly not slow as the afghan hound can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour which is equivalent to that of a purebred racehorse the fastest horse on the planet can only go slightly quicker at a pace of 43.97 miles per hour number three pharaoh hound the rather grand sounding pharaoh hounds are hunting dogs which were previously mainly bred and used for catching rabbits the hound of course originates from egypt with them amazingly being thought to have been bred as far back as 4000 bc their presence and friendship to the ancient egyptians is represented in artwork and literature from that period weird to think that the breed of dog which was probably taken for walks around the pyramids construction site are still around today whilst these intelligent and noble hounds hanged out with the rich and powerful [Music] they were pretty expensive themselves this breed is only bred in malta nowadays and with their rarity comes a price tag with a lot of zeros at the end a pharaoh hound puppy is thought to be able to fetch as much as 5 000 these strong creatures have a soft side with them being known to even blush when they get excited which is characterized by their nose and ears turning a deep rose color if you do splash out and buy one i'd recommend getting a tall fence as these leggy creatures have been known for being exceptional jumpers with them requiring a fence as tall as six feet tall to be contained number two saluki the dignified and gentle saluki breed dates back around 5 000 years with egyptians adoring the dogs so much that they would treat them like a king through often mummifying them like a pharaoh after death while they may look glamorous they aren't just a pretty face in a coat the saluki breed can actually run up to 50 miles per hour this speed hasn't gone unnoticed as hunters often use them to hunt the speedy gazelles they may be used to the desert but the saluki does appreciate the finer things all the mentioned athleticism may be great but a lack of natural padding means the saluki is terribly appreciative of a comfy sofa or cushion you may have to sell a few things to buy one however as it can cost as much as 5 000 to buy this sight hound this intelligent and friendly dog has been known to be high strung meaning they don't make for the greatest of dogs to be around very small and loud children with a requirement of one or two runs a week not walks owning a saluki dog will make you very familiar with your local park number one akita the akita breed originates from the mountainous regions of northern japan with it being regarded highly for its undying loyalty and extreme intelligence the akita almost faced being totally wiped out after world war ii due to the breed's harsh environment the breed has developed a thick double coat of fur to stay warm no matter how far the mercury plummets along with their webbed feet which make walking on snow easier the akita will leave you with a pricey receipt however as a dog of this breed will set you back around five grand that may seem like a lot and it is but the therapeutic and good luck qualities of the dog justify it somewhat back in the 17th century in japan the akita was seen as such a status symbol that the rich held a monopoly on the breed through elaborate feeding rituals and days filled with pampering after pampering owning one of these dogs showed off where you were on the social ladder owning the breed was exclusive to aristocrats until the 19th century when emperor taisho changed the snobby law and declared that anyone could own an akita who knew owning a dog could be so expensive what type of dog would you like to own let us know in the comments section below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time [Music]
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 834,115
Rating: 4.7970052 out of 5
Keywords: animaltube.tv, dog compilation, animal compilation, viralbe, best dogs, cute dogs, cute puppy, cute puppies, educational, unbelievable, dangerous dogs, best dog breeds, best dog videos, most dangerous dogs, what is the rarest dog breeds, some of the rarest dog breeds, what are the most rarest dog breeds, dogs, dog breeds, dog, rare, pets, rarest dog breeds, dog breed, facts, breeds, most expensive dogs, rarest dogs, rarest dog, weirdest dog breeds
Id: qsViwlB0uGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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