15 Horrifying Pets We’ve Bred Into Existence

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thanks to selective breeding humans turned terrifying wolves into docile fluffy dogs and that's just the tip of the iceberg [Music] selective breeding has humans play god as they create animals and some of them are terrifying these are horrifying pets we've bred into existence [Music] number 15. sam the dog the age-old saying goes that a dog is a man's best friend well one look at the infamous sam the dog will have you questioning such a claim sam is the three times winner of the world's ugliest dog contest where the judges apparently recoiled when he was first placed on the table this is pretty impressive as the californian competition is held annually and the judges will have seen their fair share of horrifying dogs over the years he has been mistaken for anything from a burn victim to an alien this is because of his hairless body brown splotched and wrinkly skin and austin power's teeth that jut out at very unusual angles his pedigree is a crested chinese hairless but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him even for a breed renowned for their ugliness sam manages somehow to raise the bar even higher most unusual of all is his owner's affection for him susie lockheed told the early show that she thinks sam is very beautiful but admits that people are very horrified that i'm always kissing him beauty may well be in the eye of the beholder but sam is not as fetching as his owner might have you believe like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping now it's time for the odd topic this photo is just all kinds of nope huh this absolutely terrifying photo surfaced on the world wide web a few months back and has been tearing people apart ever since the million-dollar question is it real the photo is said to have come from a cat shelter in dubai where breeders are said to have been experimenting with breeding cats that have leg abnormalities and this was the offspring but what do you think it is thought that somehow they created this scented kitty comment down below with the hashtag oddtopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 duncan the famous two-legged boxer the skill of any boxer is being able to think on their feet this is something duncan a famous boxer dog has demonstrated to the world perfectly duncan sprang to fame in 2014 after a youtube video was posted showing him running along the sandy rockaway beach using nothing other than his front two legs this attracted interest from millions of viewers around the globe who sat in awe at duncan's outstanding balancing skills he was born without much of a chance from birth his rear two legs were contorted into the shape of an x the weight of these malformed limbs was causing serious problems for his pelvis and his future seemed unlikely duncan's owners geiss and walters were given an almost impossible choice either put duncan down or amputate the boxer dog's back legs his owners who run the non-profit animal charity panda paws rescue decided on the latter since birth duncan has been offered and tried several different animal wheelchairs to act as a substitute for his amputated back legs too determined to be limited duncan has rejected them all to this day he continues miraculously to run only on his front legs a seriously acrobatic task duncan may be a sore sight to some but he remains a source of inspiration for millions of others as with any boxer duncan wasn't put off by the fact that he had a rocky start number 13 chase the dog chase a crested chinese hairless from south wales resembles something more like a withered troll doll than a household pet armed with only a few tufts of hair a crab-like walk and no teeth chase nabbed third place in california's world's ugliest dog competition in 2017. for this achievement he nabbed himself the unfortunate title of britain's ugliest dog he was also rewarded with a three-foot trophy which he has been pictured proudly beside despite this appearance chase was not known to pass up the chance to party most people might be embarrassed to have a dog with a reputation for such ugliness but his owner storm shaler seems unperturbed storm has publicly admitted she once brought chase as her plus one to a friend's wedding not exactly the sort of thing you'd want to see hanging around the buffet even so shaylor has affectionately described her clumsy companion as a one of a kind dog with plenty of sparkle i suppose sometimes personality can make up for appearances either way it doesn't look like anyone will be chasing britain's ugliest dog chase anytime soon number 12 ria the naked birdie rhea the bird is a truly unnerving sight her small stature at only two inches tall and entirely featherless body both combined to make onlookers immensely uncomfortable maria suffers from a rare disease called cytosine beak and skin disease this is a skin condition that has caused all of her feathers to fall out unusually the result of this is that she now looks like an uncooked chicken when her owner isabella eisenmann set up an instagram account for rhea she has attracted attention from all around the globe internet fame followed very rapidly as hundreds of thousands were intrigued by her strange appearance this high profile began to benefit rhea in a very personal way a known side effect of her condition is that rhea is often very cold with no feathers to warm her her new fans were immensely moved by the image of a shivering rhea and they began doing what they could to help over 100 sweaters were knitted specifically for rhea and were posted in from a range of countries high profile brands like chanel joined in on the fun and the hashtag ria sweater collection soon gained traction it just goes to show even the creepiest of creatures can draw compassion from all around maybe everyone is really kind after all number 11 nudie the red-eyed guinea genetic modification can be terrifying territory there can be hideous consequences when humans try to play god and design animals in the way they want nudie is a so-called skinny pig a genetically modified guinea pig that has red eyes and is completely unable to grow fur this creates a demonic appearance when combined with her pure white skin the blob of white and red is hard to imagine as a household pet but she belongs to aslee loach of northampton contrary to popular belief the pinkness of nudie's eyes don't actually affect her vision instead the pinkness is just an absence of pigment and is completely common in guinea pigs it does however cause complications in assessing the eyesight of guinea pigs as the normal tools cannot be used why anyone would want a furless guinea pig is still a mystery slimy to hold and more prone to cold the drawbacks of this genetic modification seem more obvious than any benefit as for the name skinny pig nudie is plumper than her title would have you believe but hey not every guinea can be picture perfect number 10. khaleesi the sphinx cat the sphynx has a reputation of grandeur and glamour upon hearing it mentioned people tend to think of ancient egyptians and pharaohs impressive images of power and luxury the reality however always seems to fall a little bit short of this and looks a lot more terrifying [Music] the breed is sinister because it is hairless though it may be perfect for those with fur allergies the rest of us have to watch in horror as we look upon khaleesi a skin sack of bones this is made all the creepier by the slick agility of all cats the thought of khaleesi stalking the streets at night lurking through the darkest alleys is enough to make anyone's skin crawl despite this khaleesi is owned by linda elmer from hampshire the sphynx is said to be one of the most intelligent breeds of cat around and are usually immensely affectionate towards humans but one cannot say this affection is returned the clearly visible ribs and bones on the sphinx make it difficult to connect with the resemblance khaleesi has to a skeleton is tremendously off-putting rare though they may be you have to ask yourself would you want khaleesi as a pet ice thanks not number nine giant snails the giant african land snail is a more sinister beast than you might think on paper it's a quirky exotic and unusual pet in practice it is a parasitic pest dangerous even to humans one of the most damaging things about giant snails are the diseases they're riddled with their slime is believed to carry a parasite which is responsible for a type of meningitis which humans are extremely susceptible to this is partly why they are illegal to keep as a pet in the united states even more off-putting giant snails are vulnerable to infestations of mites and flies a horrific image when one thinks of this mixing with the snail's slimy body they also have a terrifying appetite giant snails have been known to chew through walls for the calcium contained in the plaster this apparently helps with shell maintenance we can count ourselves lucky that they don't have a taste for human flesh though they are kept as pets in many parts of asia and are legal in the uk the giant snail's toxic slime wouldn't exactly bring you out of your shell number eight martha the dog martha's a dog is quite literally a jaw-dropping animal the victor of california's world's ugliest dog competition is renowned for the droopiness of her jaw and the flabbiness of her skin the judges reportedly decided that martha was a clear winner when she sprawled herself all over the stage she was seen dragging her jaw and clearly having no intention of doing a single trick this was in stark contrast to the other dogs at the competition who took this moment in the limelight to show off martha's ugliness comes with some upsides however the grand prize for her efforts saw the 125 pound beast awarded with 1500 she was also gifted with a trip to new york city for media appearances this isn't bad for martha a former rescue dog according to her owner shirley zindler martha almost went blind from neglect and was in much worse health when zindler rescued her from the shelter the intention of the world's ugliest dog competition isn't to be harsh towards these dogs but to celebrate the fact that dogs can be lovable whatever shape or size just because a pet's ugly it doesn't make them woofless number 7. david bowie's dog psychologists have often said that people are drawn towards dogs that in some way resemble the owner this is certainly the case for the late rock legend david bowie who shared an astounding similarity with his dog max his pet pooch a hybrid of shih tzu and poodle appears to have a nice acromia this is a condition which gives an animal two different eye colors max has one brown and one blue eye this is distinctly similar to his owner david bowie who also appeared to have one brown eye and one blue eye david bowie's condition however didn't come from birth rather he is said to have been punched in the face by his friend george underwood the hero's singer was apparently attacked during an argument over a girl the trauma left his left eye permanently dilated and made it look a different color despite max appearing otherwise unthreatening this condition is unsettling to many onlookers the asymmetry between both eyes does create the feeling that the dog's not quite natural and makes the viewer slightly unnerved either way the dog was great company for david bowie in his lifetime and similarities like this are perfect for maximizing the connection between dog and owner number six the damascus goats the damascus goat is truly a polarizing figure to some this breed may seem like something that snuck out of the gates of hell a terrifying caricature of the already unattractive animal we're so familiar with to others the damascus goat is a figure of beauty elegance and extreme character often referred to as the pug of goats the damascus goat has a characteristically stubby face [Music] the squashed almost peeled back features can be deeply traumatizing for some anyone unfortunate enough to set eyes on this cinnamon animal may struggle to wipe the image from their mind breeders worried that buyers will be put off by the appearance of the goat have also been known to mutilate the goats unusually long ears this means that many of them appear in popular images to have stubs as a substitute yet this distaste for the animal is not universally accepted unusual though it may be in saudi arabia so-called goat festivals are held during these damascus goats have their features judged in a beauty competition and are auctioned off accordingly the more extreme the height the floppier the ears the stranger the face the more the goat is said to be worth still the freaky appearance may leave people wondering whether the road to damascus was really worth it for saint paul number five dwarf horses when we think of dwarves most people are filled with ounces of childhood nostalgia fond memories of disney films and fantasy novels might spring to mind but the image of a dwarf horse is something altogether more disturbing the fascination with dwarfed animals has developed in recent years teacup animals like pigs and dogs are altogether a very cute sight this is an example of proportional dwarfism where the animal's entire body is smaller but balanced in length and size it's this condition which preserves the adorable appearance of puppy or piglet which many have fallen in love with look what we have at the farm aren't they cute they're so little however a more sinister sight comes from disproportionate dwarfism as seen in these photos of dwarf horses the condition often gives tiny legs to an unusually large body or head a sight that can be disturbing to some as the horse begins to look like an awkward frankenstein of a stallion unfortunately these horses are prone to many health complications which are related to their condition there's a common problem for horses with disproportionate dwarfism the organs of a horse still try to grow the same size as a normal horse causing significant problems as they all begin to interfere with each other it looks like even a dwarf horse has to deal with many of life's biggest problems number four the sarama pygmy chickens named after the rama a fierce thai king and coming from malaysia only 50 years ago the sarama chicken is truly a sight to behold however the history of the sarama chicken is no walk in the pen their breed can be traced back to the 1600s but the current lot are not direct descendants you could say they're more like hen pals they were made illegal in the u.s in 2000 because they were badly affected by the bird flu epidemic and health officials were terrified that they begin to infect the states with potentially tragic consequences traditional malaysian names for the bird are fearless warrior or toy soldier this is partly because of their upright posture and v-shape giving them the impression of an animal always ready for conflict some may find their size unnatural looking the sarama is a nimble creature with a potential for some seriously painful pecking since the bird flu pandemic has passed they've begun to regain popularity around the world assertive though they may be some find their size makes them perfect as a therapy pet and great company for young children this means that despite their title and appearance owners will be pleased to know that they'll be spared from any cerama drama number three mitten cats everyone's heard of cats having extra lives now prepare to see a cat with some extra toes polydactyl cats or mitten cats are famous for their strange-looking feet this is a condition that can cause the cat some serious problems as too many toes on their front paws can stunt the growth of their forelegs also known as pancake feet the most horrifying thing about these cats is how much these extra toes change how the cat looks a cat will normally have 16 toes that's four on each paw but with a mitten cat they can develop five six or even seven toes per foot their hands sometimes begin to resemble a human hand except they look weirdly furry sailors didn't use to mind though it was thought that these extra toes made these bigfoot cats better at catching mice sailors considered them a sign of good luck and would bring one on board to ensure a safe voyage even so when you're going to bed tonight make sure to pause and spare a thought for the mitten cats out there number two flower horn also known as the blood parrot flower horns are one of the first ever man-made fish this is made even more unusual by the fact that because they've been bred artificially they have no natural habitat they have a reputation for acting like vicious guard dogs they are extremely aggressive towards any fish unlucky enough to share a tank with them but have a very unusual quality because they've been bred by humans for humans they're weirdly interactive with their owners they've been known for example to swim up to the top of the tank so they can be petted this doesn't make them perfect though they are often a blood red color and may seem gruesome to onlookers because of this gory appearance they also have a very unusual bump on the top of their head which looks a bit like a brain that's been cracked out of a skull this is called the nuchal hump and may be tremendously disconcerting because it reminds people of such a bloody sight though friendly you can be excused for finding something fishy about the flower horn number one black chicken cat in half the nickname foul having black bones is enough to make anyone sit on the edge of their seat and the catanath chicken is guaranteed to have you doing just that known as hyperpigmentation the catanath chicken has the very unusual quality of being completely black this doesn't just mean feathers or skin the cat and hath chicken feels like something out of a cartoon it has an entirely black beak entirely black organs and an entirely black tongue weirder still the animal is also known to have completely black bones this shadow of a creature may be horrifying to viewers upon first sight especially as it's so unusual from the animal they're so used to seeing the animal has a rich cultural and religious heritage it originates from india and is eaten widely across the country's regions it's also considered to be sacred in hinduism and every diwali a catanath chicken is sacrificed to the goddess geneticist leif anderson from uppsala university in sweden says that each of these chickens can trace their origins to a single mutated chicken which may have lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago the catanath looks like a normal chicken's evil twin and is truly a foul sight thanks for watching what's the most horrifying animal you've ever seen let us know in the comments section also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 734,941
Rating: 4.7198153 out of 5
Keywords: about the existence, cutest pets, scary animals at night, scary animals in water, breed, best dogs, scorpion, alligator, polar bear, dog breeds, grizzly bear, need to breed, giant python, biggest pets, scariest pets, craziest pets, weirdest pets, strangest pets, dangerous pets, most dangerous, caught on camera, giant python pet, most unusual pets, unbelievable pets, most dangerous dogs, most dangerous lakes, scariest pet animals, scary animals sounds
Id: Qf5FAfPf2NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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