15 Most Amazing Treasures Found on the Beach!

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while we often think of the oceans of the world as the terrifying depths within which all manner of Secrets lurk and that's not exactly untruth the seven seas can also serve as something of a very wet Santa tossing up presents for us landlubbers from time to time the ocean I'll toss all manner of trinkets and treasure up onto the world's beaches to be discovered by a lucky few these are the most amazing treasures found on the beach number 15 pearl jackpot if you're not that well-informed on what it takes to form a pearl then seeing one on a beach may make you think that some poor grandma's lost her prized jewelry the truth is some of the most amazing treasures are naturally forming and the pearl is one of them so why can it be so expensive well the process of getting a pearl is not as straightforward as you might think in the wild a mollusk will form a pearl when something that irritates it enters its soft tissue it wants to protect itself so it will cover it with mother-of-pearl a material it also uses to form its shell in many cases the mollusk will try and eject the pearl because it doesn't want it in its body sometimes it's successful and sometimes it's not it won't form a pearl or disease will kill it off so getting a pearl from every mollusk could be it in the wild or in captivity where technicians will intentionally plant irritants does not have a 100 percent success rate to find one on a beach even though they are naturally occurring is quite extraordinary and like diamonds they are graded on quality to reflect their value a perfectly round smooth and evenly colored pearl is worth more than one that's a bit rough oddly shaped or imperfect the next time you head to the beach where mollusks are present be on the lookout for pearls you could be in the money before we go on we have a cool challenge for you all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and it the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works now it's time for the odd topic the crazy thing about this odd object is that nobody can quite figure out what it is this odd almost alien like rock surfaced on a beach in Britain and was found by a young family on vacation its surface is unlike anything they had stumbled upon before almost shiny and metallic with odd bubbles and bumps you also spot odd splashes of color almost Jackson Pollock like in nature a closer inspection has revealed that they're not artificial and they are actually parts of the rock the odd object is currently being priced and the rumblings are it's gonna be worth a pretty penny but what do you think it is comment down below with the hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number fourteen ten thousand dollars with a metal detector it's always a nice feeling when you spot a $1 note on the ground in a parking lot even finding a nickel can make your day but golden relic hunter 1958 a youtuber with over 20,000 subscribers truly hit the jackpot with his fine on a hot day at the beach the unnamed Australian man had spent hours searching for something of interest with his metal detector he had come up empty-handed with every step he took but finally his luck was about to change he walked with his metal detector to a small patch of seaweed and discovered a sandy rusty old mason jar that looked like it had been washed in with the tide as he inspected the closed jar he found what looked like a fifty dollar Australian note pressed flush against the bottom if that wasn't exciting enough he gently opened the jar to reveal a massive wad of cash after counting it off video he claimed in the video that there was ten thousand dollars in the jar many people were quick to point out that the jar looked staged but it's hard to fake the rust and thick buildup of say and on it it's also not known whether he kept the money or handed it in to authorities number 13 very old coins most people go metal detecting for fun as a pastime but rarely come up with anything other than a few rusty tin cans they certainly won't help you pay for the cost of buying or hiring a metal detector in the first place but this haul of coins by a youtuber with over 20,000 followers golden relic hunter 1958 could make every single outing to the beach worthwhile the Australian man had been at the beach for some time slowly scanning the sand with his metal detector it started beeping and he was able to isolate the area in which there was something worth finding as he scraped away the sandy surface he found the lid to a box he then found the box itself and what was inside shocked him there were around 50 coins within that looked like they had been washed up on the shore the box was filled with sand and he had to scrape it off the coins to see what they were some appear to be of Spanish descent the man never said what he did with him or whether he spoke to any experts but it was certainly a successful day at the beach and he sure did discover some amazing treasures number 12 Florida team finds $1,500 $1,500 can buy you quite a lot even in this day and age it's enough to get you a fairly well used car or it could even take you on holiday but one teenager didn't think twice about handing a sum of money he found to police even if it meant and he didn't get to dream about what he would do with it 14-year old Billy Reed a 9th grader from Palm Beach day Academy had been on a charity walk for autism with the team Golf Association as he walked he looked down at the sand and discovered a half-buried $100 bill at first Billy thought it was a prank as videos have shown before there could have been a fishing line attached to it and someone would pull it away who anyone to grab it but when he picked it up he realized that wasn't the case and there wasn't just $100 there was $1,500 he held it up to his face and looked around to see if anyone had dropped it or would claim it a lady said to him what the heck just happened how did I not see that Billy was sure many people would likely keep that sum money if they found it but he never thought about it all Billy knew was that if he were in that situation where he lost $1,500 he'd want someone to hand it in and give him a chance to get it back so instead of thinking about all the cool electronic devices and things he could bite he found a Juno Beach police officer and handed it over even if he didn't get to keep it Billy will always remember the time he found $1,500 on a beach number 11 oldest letter in a bottle the ilmin family from Western Australia found themselves in a bit of a predicament when their vehicle became stuck in the sand on a beach north of ledge Island in 2018 while they waited Tonya Illman and her friend decided to go for a walk that wall would prove to be the best decision they ever made the pair spotted a lot of rubbish on the beach so to pass the time they said about picking some of it up one of those items was an old bottle that Tonya thought would look nice on her bookcase she passed it to the girlfriend of her son and she noted that there appeared to be what looked like a rolled cigarette in it when they tipped it out they noticed the paper was tied with a string however it was damp due to the missing cork in the bottle and damp sand so they took it home tried it in the oven and gently unrolled in at the time they had no idea they had just discovered the oldest known message in a bottle the message was dated June 12th 1886 and it was handwritten with the name of a ship Paula it had been jettisoned from a German ship as part of an experiment with the German Naval Observatory the message said to contact the German Consulate upon finding the note the Illman x' were in convinced that the message in the bottle was not a hoax but they researched the bottle then took it to the Western Australian Museum experts W a museum assistant curator of maritime archaeology dr. Ross Anderson confirmed it was authentic he even consulted with experts in the Netherlands and Germany to check during these checks dr. Andersson managed to find the original meteorological journal for the boat Paula which included a message to say they had thrown a bottle overboard the handwriting matched that of the note in the bottle the Ullman family loaned the bottle and note to the W a museum to keep it on display number ten World War two love letters the day after Hurricane sandy ripped through New Jersey in 2012 a mother and son kathleen cheney and patrick 14 were walking along the beaches of Sandy Hook Bay patrick discovered a small box containing 57 love letters tied with a ribbon it looked like it had washed up during the storm they took the box home and dried the notes one by one in front of the fire in their powerless home the letters were from 1942 to 1948 and were to and from Lynn Farnum and Dorothy Fallon who looked to be romantically involved Kathleen said it was evident that Dorothy adored Lynn and she was hoping to return the letters to their rightful owner Kathleen and Patrick then played amateur detectives she visited the return address in Rumson New Jersey only to find the original home had been demolished an ad on Craigslist bore no response finally she found an obituary on findagrave.com with the name Lynn Farnum who had passed away in 1991 she left a note on the post and got a response from the couple's niece in Virginia according to the niece Dorothy was still alive but was 91 in poor health and living in a senior high-rise building in Asbury Park New Jersey she believes the letters may have floated down the shrewsbury River and into Sandy Hook Bay Denise was not sure how the letters came to be there as there was no family of Dorothy in that area nor did she know who had the letters Kathleen was happy to find the rightful owner and mailed the letters to the nice number nine 80 million-year-old dinosaur's thigh bow it's official meat-eating ferocious dinosaurs are on the loose in Washington but before you start panicking and seeking shelter they aren't anymore but they may have been about 80 million years ago scientists were on the hunt for extinct marine invertebrates with spiral shells known as ammonites among other fossilized animals they had their sights on San Juan Island which was a short ferry journey from the Seattle area even though they weren't looking for a dinosaur they were thrilled when they found evidence of the tide was out when they saw a fossilized bone in a marine rock they contacted paleontologists at the University of Washington who came out with a rock saw to investigated because the rock was so hard it took a whole day to extract at that stage they didn't know quite what they were dealing with or whether the 18 months they spent preparing the fossil would be worth it however it was they discovered that the bone belonged to a theropod which was of the meat-eating two-legged variety therefore it belonged to the group that had members like Velociraptor and t-rex the bone was sixteen point seven inches long eight point seven inches wide and around four feet long if it were not broken they believe the dinosaur had died near the sea and was thrown around in the waves before it slept with the fishes literally number a ancient Megalodon tooth shark mad seven-year-old Foster Fraser always said he would find the tooth of a Megalodon an extinct shark that used to grow to around 59 feet long or three times the size of a female great white shark but kids say the darndest things and while he might have wanted to find one no one would expect him to be able to so when he found one while on his annual shark tooth hunt on holiday with his family at Myrtle Beach he couldn't believe his eyes at over five inches long it was undeniably the tooth of a Megalodon rather than a smaller great white when Foster first saw the tooth it looked like a rock but once he washed it and removed the sand he knew that what was sticking out from the side of a bank was no other than a Megalodon tooth Coastal Carolina University marine science professor Daniel Abel said the tooth is millions of years old megalodons lived anywhere from 23 million to 2.6 million years ago and were brought to extinction by the warming oceans according to Foster's parents he was the best person to find such a treasure he loves everything about sharks and even has shark clothing and books the tooth is now on display at the riverfront museum in Peoria and no number seven missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 the story of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 gripped the world for a plane to go missing in this day and age is utterly devastating but to never find it is a whole new tragedy to this day the plane that disappeared with 239 people on board in March 2014 has never been found but parts of it have been Jonnie beg way initially found a flap Iran which is a wing fragment in reunion a French Indian Ocean island as the piece had a serial number it was sent to the French Accident Investigation Bureau where it received its positive identification as being part of the Boeing 777 that went missing but two years after johnny made that discovery he was to find yet another part of the plane this time it was a square gray item with a blue border and it was almost exactly in the same place as the flapper on the flap Iran had barnacles on it when Johnny discovered it but this square item didn't it also measured around 15 point 5 by 15 point 5 inches and was lying on the stony beach away from the water both pieces that Johnny had discovered had the same unique honeycomb texture on the inside while he can't say for sure if the second piece belongs to the plane he was reasonably confident he did however say it was up to the experts to make the call number 6 golden chalice worth 1 million dollars around a quarter of a century ago treasure hunters started looking for artifacts thought to have been aboard the 17th century Spanish galleon called Santa Margarita even today that search continues and experts continue to uncover some fantastic finds a golden chalice worth over 1 million dollars is one of them Keywest treasure hunter the late mel hunter great name was the first person to begin hunting for treasure from the long-lost vote all those years ago now the Bluewater team works in a joint venture partnership with the Fisher family company Mel Fisher's treasures to see what they can find blue water ventures diver Michael de Mar was the man to discover the million dollar chalice between one foot of and in 18 feet of water it was found 30 miles west of Key West and was the divers first find at first Michael thought that what he had found was a beer can but as he kept Fanning the sand he saw a glint of gold and knew was something much more exciting the team from blue water believes the cup may have been a communion cup and belonged to a wealthy passenger aboard the boat it measured around 5 inches had two handles and was in the process of being studied and cleaned it was an arduous process to remove the white crust that had formed on parts of it the hope was that once it was cleaned they would find more details on it such as an engraving a crest or etching to determine its ownership and origin number five million dollar treasure it was an extra special birthday for Hilary Schmidt from Sanford after she and her treasure hunter family revealed they had found one million dollars worth of treasure off the coast of Florida the sunken Spanish treasure from a 1715 fleet consisted of 51 gold coins a 40 foot gold chain and a coin known as a royal which was made for King Phillip v of Spain it dates back to 1715 with a price tag of around half a million dollars number four Buddha treasure two self-proclaimed Indiana Jones wannabes have made an amazing discovery on West Australia's north coast and if it wasn't for expert confirmation you wouldn't believe what they had found they on des Champs and Shane Thompson were exploring along the north coast with a metal detector when they found a bronze Buddha figurine thought today back to the Ming Dynasty between 1350 and 1637 the pair run an aquatic filming company called Fenton films and they had been working on a recreational film on the French voyage during Napoleon's reign in 1802 1804 part of that film involved treasure hunts for specific equipment supposedly left behind all those years ago to make sure they got it right they started doing a few practice runs in public areas they followed all treasure hunting protocols such as not detecting on beaches national parks or someone else's property instead they headed to least likely spots like mains road reserved after digging up a heap of beer cans the pair were ready to pack it in however they were glad they didn't when the detector picked up something significant they set up the cameras and marked it on the GPS after digging they found the Buddha that weighed over 2 pounds heavy given its size they reported their fine to the W a Maritime Museum and also got in touch with the Chinese ambassador and the Museum of Chinese Australian history antique dealers identified it as a Ming Dynasty artifact and how it got to Australia was anyone's guess it is thought that it might have come from a Ming treasure voyage to the island in 1421 number three 350 gold coins treasure hunting for coins sounds like a fun pastime for kids or even something you would do in a videogame but it's real life for the Brisbane family of 1715 fleet Queens jewels LLC who spent a significant amount of time looking for sunken treasure in 2015 Brent Brisbane and his crew found 350 gold coins off the coast of Vero Beach nine of the coins were valued at around 300 thousand dollars and the total hull value was over 4.5 million dollars the discovery is not the first in the area and it won't be the last the company has the exclusive rights to the 1715 fleet shipwreck which saw 11 ships lost at sea 1,000 people dead and 400 million dollars of jewelry and gold lost in a hurricane the company was also chuffed to have found the coins on the 300th anniversary of the shipwreck which made it even more special the next day was even better with another 75 coins discovered the US District Court of Florida owns all the goods and a percentage goes to the brisbin's and their contractors number two ancient funeral masks many people would have heard of the 1715 fleet which resulted in around 4 billion dollars of treasure lost at sea after a hurricane in 1715 many approved salvagers have been searching for it ever and an ancient funeral mask that washed up on a Florida beach could help them find it the mask is around 10,000 to 12,000 years old and was found in 2019 on a Melbourne beach in the state's central region seafarers Exploration corporation one of the companies on the hunt for the treasure says it forms a link in the debris trail to hopefully find the rest of it millions of dollars of treasure have been found so far the mask is metal and may have been smelted by an ancient American civilization its primary material is copper but it also has gold silver and iridium iridium is a rare material from meteorites which means that it may have been taken from a Peruvian tomb by the Spanish to gift it to royalty number one eight-year-old finds old shipwreck some people spend a fair chunk of their adult life looking for shipwrecks and treasure but an eight year old managed to do it in a single morning without any effort a mother and her son were lounging on the deck of their Ponte Vedra Beach rental home when they saw a large piece of wooden debris on the beaches of st. Augustine in Florida the son was quick to point out that it looked like a wooden ship and he was right the pair reported it to the authorities an archaeologists from the lighthouse and Maritime Museum came in to investigate they took measurements and photos as fast as possible in case the 48 foot long boat decided to wash back out to sea maritime historian Brendan Burke said the boat contained copper tack heads which indicated it once had sheets of copper on it it also had trundles which are wooden pegs and Roman numerals carved into the boats ribs preliminary evidence dates the ship back to around the 1700s to 1800s the museum hopes to create a 3d model of it to find out when and where it was built treasure hunting can unearth some incredible finds as you now know have you ever found anything crazy weird or valuable also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 668,704
Rating: 4.8531332 out of 5
Keywords: treasure, gold, amazing, discoveries, treasures, mysterious, found, ocean, treasure hunting, amazing treasures, discovered, hidden, hidden treasure, finds, discovery, important finds, buried treasure, unbelievable, found treasure, lucky people, rare, important artefacts, largest pearl, accidental discoveries, animals, detecting, discover, lost treasures, people, rich, money, strange, strange discoveries, ocean treasures, metal detecting, science, treasure finds, valuable items, found on the beach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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