15 Marvel Characters Who Had To Host The Venom Symbiote Against Their Will

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a good suit can make you feel on top of the world the can grant you some super strength but it could also make you a lot angrier angry enough to do anything in your power to turn our friendly neighborhood spider-man Peter Parker into minced meat well if that suit is a Clint Aryan symbiote that is on the battleworld the Beyonder sent Earth's heroes and the villains to fight it out like insects in a ten-year-olds mayonnaise jar but it turns out that the white jumpsuit with shoulder pads was only the second most problematic piece of clothing since that fateful meeting the Venom symbiote has gotten around so let's take a look at some of its more reluctant temporary besties sometimes bad guys like to outsource Mac Gargan is no stranger to being recruited as a private investigator he was recruited by Jay jonah Jameson to figure out how Peter Parker kept getting all those sweets spider-man pecks when that didn't work out he recruited Gargan for an experiment that turned him into the spiders natural enemy now not a rolled-up newspaper a scorpion and according to National Geographic scorpions hunt spiders it all checks out while being Norman Osborn's get out of jail plan another big time spider-man hater approached him but this time it was the Venom symbiote the symbiote was looking for a new ride and Gargan had what he needed like all troubled relationships it worked out at the beginning scorpion moved up to the villain big leagues have even found a spot on the thunderbolts some relationships just can't survive an encounter with an axe and when the scorpion runs across Eddie Brock it all starts to fall apart as venom tries to bond with its old bestie only to encounter the anti-venom secretly put in Brock by another spider-man hater negative man man the spider-man haters Club gets around things get worse from there and a symbiote tells Gargan that their relationship ends when he wants it to if only Gargan and talked to Brock and Parker first shield can be full of bad ideas in the Marvel Cinematic Universe they tried to use the tesseract to create weapons and allowed Hydra to use them to build a threat killing system in the comics they thought it might be a good idea to find a way to use the symbiote for their own purposes for a host they picked someone close to spider-man because of course this time it was Peter Parker's former bully turned friend turned war vet Flash Thompson when Flash loses his legs in the war he's offered the symbiote to become agent venom on the plus side the symbiote gives him legs again on the negative side Thompson isn't able to be with the symbiote for longer than 48 hours otherwise the symbiote takes over including his less than heroic tendencies like trying to make jack-o'-lantern eat a grenade the job of agent venom eventually takes the pair into space where he meets the guardians of the galaxy and the other Clint Aries eventually becoming agent of the cosmos and to think most people thought he'd peak in high school football eventually Thompson's struggles with the symbiotes more violent nature and another van on the X comes a-callin so all questionable things must come to an end last year moviegoers were introduced to the various incarnations of spider-man in the movie into the spider-verse featuring Miles Morales as spider-man and three other Peter Parker's a penny Parker and a Peter porker the thing is that's only scratching the surface of all the different versions of spider-man there are there's even a Japanese movie version that operates a giant robot it's it's all thing for the animated ultimate spider-man venom got a new origin story this time around dr. Octavius and Norman Osborn takes some spider-man DNA to create the Venom symbiote since there wasn't a secret Wars in the ultimate spider-man animated series when the symbiote goes looking for spider-man to get back to its roots it eventually ends up bonding with Harry Osborn it may be a different symbiote but it's the same old story Harry thinks he can control it but eventually the symbiote starts to control him unfortunately Harry's father isn't the kind to win father of the year so even when Harry tries to get things under control Norman goats him into becoming venom again it takes a blast of lightning and anti-venom to free Harry once and for all [Music] the DNA derived symbiote didn't just contain itself to one animated series the Disney XD block of Ultimate Marvel programs included shows dedicated to other iconic Marvel characters one of those shows was for the various Hawks well yeah spider-man isn't the only one to have a bunch of different versions this one features this savage Hulk that we all know and love his cousin Jennifer Walters the she-hulk Red Hulk Skaar and former Bruce Banner sidekick Rick Jones yep Hulk used to have a sidekick together they form the supreme military agency of superheroes or smash because it wouldn't be superheroes without acronyms in the episode the venom inside Doc Ock takes an opportunity to send his venom goo after the agents of smash hoping to gather their gamma radiation to form gamma venom with the five Holtz gamma radiation and Hulk inside the irradiated gamma venom starts to bubble it turns out that it was doc Ock's plan to cause the gamma venom to explode and create an island of Venom's unfortunately for agents of smash this isn't a smashing problem they end up resolving it old-school by grabbing a large church bell and collectively punching it reminiscent of how spider-man originally read himself at the symbiote in the new venom comic Eddie Brock is getting to learn more about the symbiote he can't seem to quit including the fact that he and Parker aren't the first Earthlings to bond with symbiotes it turns out that the idea to weaponize venom for agent venom wasn't the first time they explored the super bad idea to try and use the symbiotes Brock encounters a man with a super comic book named Rex strikland strikland it turns out was part of a secret movement to recreate the super soldier serum for symbiotes are sent to Vietnam where predictably it all goes wrong to stop them Nick Fury sent in the scariest thing he knows Wolverine what Nick doesn't know is that Clint Ariens feed off of anger and adrenaline soaps ending in full Vereen is like giving Popeye some spinach not only that but Wolverine gets to see the unsavory methods the government used to make the symbiotes into weapons and considering how well-acquainted he is with government experiments he could probably imagine how he felt about that the symbiote also gets some a Wolverines sense of purpose and speaks the first symbiote not animals saving Wolverine and the others from an explosion in 2021 Disney Plus subscribers will be introduced to the animated what-if series from Marvel Studios for the fans of the comics the what-if titles have been delivering alternate versions of popular Marvel characters introduced by uatu the watcher for decades if you're not familiar the watchers are the big-headed guys Stanley was talking to in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 in one of those stories who ought to booked in on the Beyonder in earth 902 1 1 the Beyonder has always had a bit of an 80s look with his wet perm and shoulder pads earth 902 1 1 is all about the 80s seriously what's with those shoulder pads and this reality Deadpool is hired to kill the Beyonder because he has bonded MODOK to Galactus as heinie buckle in because it only gets weirder from there the Beyonder separates the symbiote from a distraught spider-man and bonds at to wait Wilson and the pair party across the universe with a head of symbiote Jerry curls because why not eventually venom pool gets some counseling from doc Samson to become his truest self unfortunately his truest self as being a giant jerk this ends with him taking his beyond or destroying device and erasing himself if all these continuities are hard for you to keep track of II hear not alone over time comic book lines became clogged with alternate realities and timelines or main timelines get long in the tooth and hard to maintain or they wander so far from the origins of the character that the spirit of the original seems like a distant memory it's hard to keep a character like Peter Parker a teenager or young man when he was created almost 60 years ago to solve this problem comic book companies tend to have a massive event where all these different timelines collide resulting in old ones dying off and sometimes new ones being born for Marvel that cleaning house event was 2015 Secret Wars distinct from the Beyonder Secret Wars where he just bought a whole bunch of here and villains to a planet to fight like refugee antagonists from a Star Trek episode this one collided several realities one of those was earth three two three two three where the civil war between Steve Rogers finally promoted to general and Tony Stark has gone on for way too long to help move things along spider-man gets help from Clint Barton who managed to inherit the Venom symbiote from Mac Gargan speaking of alternate timelines and what-ifs sometimes a what-if story can become popular enough that it becomes its own story taking place in its own timeline which is one of the ways things get so confusing in the case of Gwen Stacy's Spider Woman or as she's more popularly known spider-gwen it's another member of the expansive spider-verse of alternate timeline spider folk introduced to the spider verse comics she proved popular enough to get her own title and spider Gwen's timeline it's Stacy who gets bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes able to do whatever a spider can while Peter eventually follows the Curt Connors path injecting himself with a formula turning him into a lizard so he can be special like Spider Woman who kills him while trying to stop his rampage no matter who gets the spider bite tragedy follows maybe that's a spider power too it's a topsy-turvy world she lives in where the symbiote is a creation of dr. Elsa Brock from the space spiders used to make the spider that gave her powers and she's tricked into merging with it by a corrupt Matt Murdock in order to get her to kill rhino in front of the police you never want to be the third or fourth wheel in a bad relationship with Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote obsession with Peter Parker it's easy to forget a fourth party in this love-hate affair and that's Eddie Brock's wife and weighing and becomes aware that she's lost her husband to the world's worst bromance love-hate triangle and being a lawyer is more than a little aware of the nastiness her husband has gone up to with his new hobby of hating spider-man as a result she helps spider-man learn about his new best enemy in the hopes that spider-man can stop Venom's destructive ways she even trails spider-man to an amusement park to convince Eddie to give up his beef with the wall crawler unfortunately this is a comic book and nothing good happens out an amusement park in a comic book she shot by Senator as part of his whole crusade forcing Eddie to lend her the symbiote to save her life we all know what happens next say it with us it all goes bad she lashes out at bold senator and Brock until Brock is able to get the symbiote back the story actually gets a little too dark for this video after that while in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Carol Danvers went straight from Air Force test pilot to crease soldier to Captain Marvel her path in the comic books was a little longer to the red and blue when she first got into the superheroing business there was already a Captain Marvel or Marvel the rest of the story is more or less familiar she gets too close to Marvel when a creative ice explodes gets superpowers and becomes Miss Marvel Danvers takes part in the siege storyline where Norman Osborn took over shield calling it hammer and is taking his evil Avengers on an assault against Asgard which is 100 feet over Oklahoma the app things have gone weird the result is an all-hands-on-deck brawl that finds miss Marvel teaming up with spider-man to fight a venom fused scorpion the pair managed to separate the symbiote for Gargan but the symbiote knows a good thing when it sees it and bonds with Miss Marvel hoping to fly away thanks to miss Marvel's half cream nature she's able to break away given the clone Terri in specific history with the Kree as a former experiment to give the Kree scroll like shape-shifting abilities remember how we talked about agent venom joining the guardians of the galaxy into making his way to Clint R and reconnecting with the symbiote group consciousness it sounds perfectly wonderful like someone taking a nostalgic gap your trip to the homeland of their ancestors with some Chill backpackers they met along the way except those backpackers are the guardians of the galaxy and it's not a college student about a war hero shield agents who bonded with an unstable alien symbiote with a murder streak a mile wide at some point flash becomes separated from the symbiote now that he's back to being a regular guy the Guardians decide to shuttle flash back to Earth in the process however the symbiote gets a whole of Groot causing rocket to leap into action and get taken over by the symbiote this leads to Drax the destroyer showing the symbiote how he got his nickname by slamming rocket venom into the wall and gets taken over by the symbiote and the guardians are slow learners it's venom Drax who takes them to Clint are with the symbiote creator null is held prisoner the symbiotes then reset venom and rhe Banton with flash the Civil War part of battle world isn't the only time that Hawkeye had a run-in with the symbiote during the old man Logan storyline Hawkeye had some old man adventures of his own in the not so distant future of old man Logan things have gotten pretty bad Mysterio had managed to convince Wolverine that his teammates were in fact a massive group of supervillains as part of a coordinated effort on their part to take over the world as a result Logan slaughters his teammates because of that he punishes himself in the worst way possible it moves to Sacramento California to live out his days until a blind Hawkeye hires him to take a package East during that trip they encounter a number of weird foes and obstacles including a van asaurus rex a t-rex from the savage lands that had been infested by the Venom symbiote it turns out that hawkeye had lured the symbiote into the savage lands to be eaten after multiple man had bonded with it making a small army of Venom's Hawkeye had beaten the copies and hoped that getting a t-rex to eat venom would be the end of it apparently he doesn't know venom too well spider-man has a complicated relationship with most of his villains when you get right down to it either they're his friends dad or a mentor gone wrong or an alien being that bonded with him who's now obsessed with him in the case of Otto Octavius he's had a long relationship that's taken some weird turns like when he almost had to call him uncle Otto in an effort to top that weirdness Doc Ock was able to take advantage of Peter tapping into his octobots hive mind to swap minds with Peter Parker leaving Peter in Otto's dying body and otto in Peters do whatever a spider can body when Peter fails to reverse the process he instead lays all of his guilt and responsibility on Octavius instead compelling him to become a good guy but he still Otto so he thinks he'll do it better becoming the superior spider-man ah he goes he encounters agent venom but thinks it's regular venom and manages to separate flash from the symbiote and tries to keep it contained which of course doesn't work he then becomes superior venom and becomes even more brutal while trying to be a good guy until Octavius realizes that venom is controlling things by now both movie and comic book fans are familiar with the lying liar who tells lies that is Quentin back and the comics Beck is a frustrated special-effects artist who decides to stage a supervillain attack to pretend to be a hero which of course goes all wrong and puts him in spider-man's extensive rogues gallery as part of that prestigious rogues gallery Beck went about looking for a way to get his revenge on Peter Parker for thwarting his various plans to get revenge on Peter Parker it's a vicious circle during the stories meant to cover the period of time between when spider-man got the symbiote suit and discovered that the symbiote suit meant no good Mysterio managed to get a hold of a little bit of the suit and took it to kingpins tech guy Jonathan ohm to see if it could give him an edge against the wall crawler as this worked for anyone no no it hasn't once more it all blows up in his face while Becca's able to use the symbiote to escape the kingpin and throw some shade on his nickname as the lead pin in bowling when he decides to kill spider-man once and for all it doesn't end as planned of course at the gooey center of all this symbiote leapfrog is our friendly neighborhood spider-man it all started innocently enough as a way to explain how a kid can barely pay rent selling selfies to a local paper is also able to repair his costume after every fight taking a suggestion from a fan they came up with a symbiote Peter found in a lab during the original Secret Wars eventually Peter found himself acting more aggressively and even going out while he was asleep like it was superhero ambien the symbiote turned out to be part of a race of beings created by an ancient being rata beef with the Celestials so he cut the head off of one of them and brewed up a species of symbiotes in it before the head became no way the Venom symbiote had been experimented on by the Cree to get in on the squall shape-shifting giving it too much empathy for the now sociopathic species resulting in at finding itself on the battle world while the Venom symbiote has formed a soft spot for his second host Eddie Brock you never forget your first love and venom remains obsessed with Peter Parker alternating between trying to kill him and clumsily trying to be like him well those are some of the people who've ended up on the wrong end of the Venom symbiote but it's only a partial list Matt symbiotes gotten around who's your favorite symbiote host let us know in the comments below and while you're there why not subscribe to CBR to bond with our symbiote and as always thanks for watching
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,543,355
Rating: 4.8984141 out of 5
Keywords: Venom Hosts, Symbiote Bonds, Characters Who Became Venom, Eddie Brock, Peter Parker, SpiderMman, Flash Thompson, Agent Venom, Wolverine, Guardians of the Galaxy, Mac Gargan, The Scorpion, Harry Osborne, Secret Wars, Klyntarian Symbiote, anti-hero, Mysterio, Hawkeye, Marvel Cinematic Universe, CBR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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