How Galactus Will Be A Better MCU Villain Than Thanos

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PLEASE for the love of all that's holy don't give this site your clicks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/knobby_67 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"erik killmonger" Is NOT a great villain.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I never do. I don’t know why people keep posting bs from this site here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sovereignxcircles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Glad to see CBR still going for the bullshit clickbait.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FewWatermelonlesson0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
being hungry isn't a nice feeling trust us you wouldn't like us when we're hungry but what if you're always hungry so hungry in fact that you can eat a whole planet well Galactus is that kind of hungry the big cosmic giant must consume planets to keep going and fans are sure that he's the MC yous next big baddie well he's certainly big but could the devourer of the Worlds be a better villain than Thanos well it's very possible we think that there are some ways to make Galactus a compelling character and it involves the Celestials the Infinity stones and pregnant planets and we're not kidding about that last one [Music] [Music] the world devouring Galactus will be a great villain there's no doubt about that he's extremely powerful and the type of threat that will result in a new mega crossover event like infinity war and endgame the question is how would Marvel Studios turn a world-leading giant into a compelling villain the creative people in charge of the MCU gave us some fantastic villains like Thanos Loki and Erik kill monger so the next big baddie has some big shoes to fill although after the last time Galactus showed up on the big screen we think that anything would be better than a big giant smoke cloud while Galactus is a big old giant cosmic being who explained it's in order to survive the devourer of worlds isn't actually your typical villain Galactus doesn't really want to kill anyone or destroy planets but he's always hungry for more cosmic energy and if he doesn't satisfy this endless hunger he'll die and if you didn't know this bad things happen when Galactus dies he actually serves as a force of balance in the universe Galactus is a necessary evil since without him the whole multiverse could be destroyed for Galactus eating planets and ending billions of lives at a time is a small price to pay in order to maintain the cosmic balance of the universe so let the big guy heat his snacks considering how powerful Galactus is we think he should be an end game type villain meaning that the Avengers and other heroes should face him only in Phase six kinda like how the Avengers finally fought Thanos at the end of phase 3 which was the culmination of the infinity saga we might actually get our first glimpse at the world Eater in the upcoming Eternals movie there has been a lot of mentions about the Celestials in recent film so we think that Marvel Studios has some plans for them in the future our theory is that Galactus will have some type of connection with the Celestials who are going to play a major role in the movie and don't worry we're not going to suggest that galactus is a celestial our idea is kinda wild so we're going to do our best to explain it by using two different versions of Galactus from the comics you could take a few notes from both the earth-616 version of Galactus and the earth 9 9 9 7 version who was the main focus of the earth x series from 1999 Galactus actually comes from a previous universe which was destroyed by the Big Bang he used to be known as Galan and Explorer from the planet aa who tried to prevent the destruction of his universe in the earth X version of Galactus if the Celestials who are responsible for the destruction of Galan's universe the Celestials are ancient cosmic gods of existence since the start of creation itself but here's a crazy idea what if a slash heals destroyed Galan's universe for a reason not just to play gods but to create something else like six powerful artifacts that would change the universe forever what if the Celestials sacrificed an entire universe to create the Infinity stones the Infinity stones were described as a remnants of six singularities that existed before the creation of the universe perhaps these Celestials in the MCU aren't as strong as they are in the comics after all Marvel Studios tends to scale down the power levels of some characters making them much weaker than their comic book counterparts so it would make sense that the Celestials needed to create the stones to become cosmic gods and sacrificing an entire universe to achieve that wasn't a big deal for them we saw evidence of the past that there's some connection between the Celestials and the Infinity stones in the first guardians of the galaxy movie we saw the celestial East's on the searcher using the Power Stone to mow down an entire civilization and it's possible that other Celestials used the stones in the same way creating and destroying life everywhere they go but what does this all have to do with Galactus following the birth of a new universe Galan was transformed into a being of cosmic energy known as Galactus he possessed a cosmic energy known as the power cosmic which turned him into a god-like being there are of course many other factors in Galactus his origin but we're trying to keep it short due to his new form Galactus must consume immense cosmic energy to survive and that's why he must devour worlds and turned poor Norrin Radd into the Silver Surfer to serve as his personal bard with approaches restaurant zap and that's how the devourer of worlds started to pac-man his way through entire galaxies one planet at a time but on earth X Galactus feeds on only specific planets planets that have been impregnated by Celestials Gabe first off that's gross also did any of those Celestials at least go on a date with the planets before they put seeds into them in the earth ax version the Celestials have lost their ability to reproduce and the only way to have new little cosmic babies is by putting their seeds into planets that will eventually transform into new Celestials in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 it was revealed that ego the Living Planet had planted seeds on multiple planets in order to terraform them into an extension of himself ego also claimed to be a celestial himself the thing is that in the comics ego the Living Planet isn't actually a celestial but it seems like that was changed for the movies and so if the emcee used version of ego really is a celestial then that means there's a precedent for celestial surviving by impregnating planets with their seeds and this is where Galactus comes in he's a type of celestial population control as he maintains the balance of the universe and keeps the Celestials in check Galactus consumes only planets with a celestial seed this way he ensures that there will never be enough Celestials around to threaten the universe again if the Celestials are cosmic gods or add the Infinity stones then what happened to them and how'd they lose the stones after all other than ego it seems like all the other Celestials are gone so what happened to him we never really found out about the history of the Infinity stones in the MCU so we still have many questions surrounding them like who hit him around the galaxy did so many stones end up on earth how did Bannos get the mine stone and who created the entire soul stone deal on Vermeer we think that the Eternals movie will provide these answers since we're sure that there's a reason for doing a film that set thousands of years in the past the Celestials are actually the creators of many races in the universe one of them being the Eternals the Eternals might have played a major role in defeating the Celestials it's possible we'll see a cosmic war in the 20/20 movie as the Eternals will unite with other ancient beings like the Asgardians against the cosmic gods and it's very possible the Galactus actually helped the Eternals against their creators Galactus might be a villain but he has also united with Heroes on many occasions to preserve the cosmic balance like that time when a nihilist threatened the entire universe with his annihilation wave and Galactus ended up saving the day not only that but Galactus is also known as the life bringer and the seeder of worlds since he can bring people back from the dead and even create life seat pie isn't all that bad after the celestial war was done perhaps the Eternals or Odin got their hands on the Infinity stones and used them to either kill all the Celestials or push them to the darkest edges of the universe after that the Eternals decided to hide the six stones to make sure no other cosmic threat would be able to use them again an endgame the ancient one explained that the Infinity stones are crucial for each timeline and without even one the whole universe is in some serious danger we all assumed she was referring to Dormammu but what if there's more to that warning the Infinity stones might be used as a sort of shield against cosmic threats and without them the universe is in serious risk and what do you know following endgame the universe no longer has the stones to protect it the mad Titan reduced them to atoms with the stones scattered away as subatomic dust the Celestials and other cosmic threats are free to do as they wish and Galactus is now the only cosmic power around to keep them all in check upcoming phase four and phase five movie should slowly set Galactus up in the MCU Marvel could start hinting at the devourer of worlds and movies like Thor xi under Captain Marvel 2 and guardians of the galaxy vol 3 we think it makes total sense of the Silver Surfer Galactus Herald will be the one in the MCU to slowly set the villain ah for example we could see the Silver Surfer clash with Captain Marvel since Carol Danvers patrols the universe and she's bound to eventually cross paths with the world devouring giant and his space surfing Herald while Galactus is a necessary evil that maintains the cosmic balance of the universe most people won't be able to really justify the quintillions of lives that end every time the devourer of worlds gets hungry and let's not forget that earth is on Galactus menu since it's very likely that there's a celestial seed waiting to be born on our teensy little blue planet we don't think that the heroes of Earth and the galaxy will just stand idly by and allow Galactus to munch on every planet in his path either even if it's to ensure the balance of the universe with this direction in the MCU Galactus is clash with the Avengers will be much more than a bunch of heroes fighting a big CGI giant there's a lot of depth here and some big questions of morality and cosmic responsibilities if the world eater doesn't do his thing then the universe might face a far worse fate at the Celestials rise again with this approach to Galactus there's a much deeper debate to have we have no doubt that when the Marvel heroes finally face Galactus we'll get an amazing mega crossover event what do you think about all this do you think our ideal will work with the MCU version of Galactus diffent Galactus should even be the next big bad of the MCU let us know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video show us some love by leaving a like and subscribing to CBR thanks for watching and we'll see you again next time
Channel: CBR
Views: 3,042,376
Rating: 4.8756604 out of 5
Keywords: Galactus, The Next Big Villain, Silver Surfer, phase 5, phase 4, Avengers Endgame, Mad Titan Thanos, Infinity Stones, The Celestials, Avengers Infinity War, Blade Reboot, Doctor Doom, Thor Love and Thunder, Captain Marvel 2, Avengers 5, Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU Films, CBR
Id: zGyAU02Fevg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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