15 Riskiest Houses In The World

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we all know that feeling when we hear something go bump in the night [Music] is it a burglar a ghost mothra well no we usually reason it's just the house making weird noises nothing to worry about but what if your house isn't there to protect you from the outside but is in fact more dangerous than anything out there from the house that just keeps on growing to the home stuck way up high on the side of another building here's the 15 riskiest houses in the world number 15 study agent house when something doesn't look quite how you want it try adding a little more and a little more and then maybe just a little more until it's just right that's what russian businessman nikolai saryajin did after he began building his own perfectly normal two-story wooden house in arkhangelsk only the two stories didn't seem quite right so he added three more stories to the house and decided that made it look like a mushroom so he just kept on adding and adding only satyagan hadn't bothered to ask for a building permit or even bothered with any kind of plans just jumping up there and throwing on another layer seems to have been the strategy by 2007 15 years after he began building the house had 13 stories and was over 140 feet tall satyagan however found himself in trouble with the law and was jailed for racketeering meaning the house fell into disrepair the authorities maybe already kind of unhappy with our crazy builder decided it was a fire hazard and pulled down the huge tower and most of the top floors leaving just a regular two-story building like the original idea back in 1992 then sadly even that burned to the ground once and for all well i guess he could just start all over again before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or slenderman will come from under your bed when you're sleeping time for the rare topic how about this for a relaxing vacation home you've got a pool an ocean view and of course the all-important sensation of just hanging off a cliff face is this the dream of the kind of person who likes to lock their sims in a room with 10 fireplaces and no doors or would you actually feel pretty relaxed here taking a swim looking down to the ocean crashing over the rocks below through your neat telescope we're not sure where this house is based but after this photo was sent to us we knew one thing for sure we would never be confident enough to live here we just couldn't sleep without thinking it would slide off the cliff what about you could you sleep here comfortably as always comment down below with the hashtag raretopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number 14 wazoco apartments the dutch are the masters of making the best use of a small place and knowing how to expand that space too since a pretty significant amount of the netherlands land area has been reclaimed from the sea over the years the apartments were built by the architecture firm mvrdv and they were given a particular remit to build an apartment block which would house elderly residents while allowing good lighting and especially access to a certain green space which would be bathed in sunlight during warmer months however once the plans had been drawn up and approved the client changed its mind and decided that an extra 13 apartments would be needed bringing the total to 100. normally this would simply require the architects to add yet another story to the building but doing this would have completely blocked sunlight from the garden space so the architects came up with an unusual solution attaching the extra 13 apartments to the outside of the building hanging off the sides like badly placed blocks and tetris this innovation hugely increased the budget meaning the 13 extra apartments were built with cheap materials and so noise insulation and other priorities were sacrificed not to mention the fact you're practically floating in midair up in one of those things number 13 china's hanging monastery unlike holland china has plenty of space being the world's fourth biggest country by landmass and while there's a lot of people living in china today this crazy hanging monastery was built back in the 5th century when the population of china was around 50 million about the same as modern spain and yet with all that vast expanse available a monk named liao ran decided to build his monastery on a cliff face the impressive architectural feat lies 40 miles or 60 kilometers southeast of the city of datong in the shanji province and it is truly a wonder of the world built into a mountain craig the monastery accommodates three different religions buddhism taoism and confucianism are all represented in statues through the temple's incredible 40 rooms all linked by a maze of passages the monks bored holes into the cliffs and inserted strong poles which have held the monastery in place for 1 500 years although major restorations were carried out in the year 1900 hey gravity is that the best you can do number 12. cliff village china staying with china and in fact staying with cliffs we have another residence which laughs in the face of vertigo the small and ancient village of atuller lies two thousand six hundred feet or eight hundred meters up the side of a mountain in the province of shizuon this isolated and impoverished community's only contact with the wider world lies at the bottom of 17 connected ladders made of rattan which lead down the steep mountainside the journey down with no handrails or any kind of safety measure is particularly dangerous in wet or snowy weather and children as young as six make the journey once a week to attend the boarding school in a town near the foot of the mountain the journey down takes 90 minutes and going back up a full two hours people have slipped and fallen to their deaths on numerous occasions and finally photographs of the situation made it to the mainstream news in china prompting an outcry and the development of a modern stair structure to make the journey less dangerous furthermore a tooler has become an increasingly popular tourist destination and the new interest in the village and its surroundings are beginning to pull the village out of poverty just don't get all the way to the bottom and realize you left the oven on number 11. liechtenstein castle liechtenstein castle is situated in the southwestern german state of baden-wurttemberg and although this little castle is not the most famous in germany it's certainly one the locals are proud of resembling a fairy tale castle of the kind you might imagine medieval knights would have inhabited it is in fact constructed much more recently than that in the mid 19th century although it looks relatively cute and cozy for a castle there's plenty of historic weapons lying around in case things get a little heated with the neighbors the castle was built by a wealthy german after reading a book about an imaginary castle called liechtenstein castle he chose to build it directly on top of the ruins of another castle which really was built for medieval nights way back in the year 1200 the original castle was a little more risky to live in than its modern equivalent being destroyed and rebuilt twice before finally falling into ruins so if you ever decide to take a visit to this castle better hope the invaders don't show up to sack it a third time otherwise find out where the suits of armor are capped number 10. lake kivu this entry isn't so much one house rather any one of the houses in which the two million or so people who live around africa's lake kivu inhabit lake kivu is one of africa's great lakes and it lies between the countries of rwanda and the democratic republic of congo it's a pretty big lake and the 18th deepest in the world but it's what lies below the bottom of the lake that makes living near kivu extremely risky the swahili speaking locals call it mazuku which means evil wind but in english the evil wind is plain old methane and it's been wreaking havoc near the lake for generations scientists described the situation as like a corked champagne bottle just about ready to blow and once in a while warning shots are fired in 1984 37 people died after being cloaked in a poisonous burning white gas coming from the lake us military scientists fearful of chemical weapons testing went to investigate and discovered the gas was leaking from lake kivu two years later one thousand seven hundred people died in another small eruption the lake is believed to explode about once every thousand years and is overdue a blast a blast which when it happens could be more devastating than a nuclear strike the rwandan government has begun a process of drilling and extracting the methane to relieve the pressure with the added benefit of a new and cheap energy source for rwandans but the extraction of the gas will take many years and until then the millions of people living nearby will wake up every day wondering is it going to be today number nine horoway treehouse this particular entry on the list probably looks more intimidating than it really is while the idea of living in a treehouse that is as high as the statue of liberty sounds pretty terrifying this amazing structure is actually very robust and well built and designed to keep its inhabitants safe from all the many other dangers surrounding them the treehouse is on the sparsely populated and mountainous island of southeastern west papua in new guinea the korowai people made first contact with the outside world only in the 1970s when christian missionaries explored the island what they discovered was this astonishing architecture which protected up to 20 tribes people and their animals from a forest infested with giant spiders venomous snakes and lethal insects furthermore the tribes here are among the last in the world to practice cannibalism and the tree house is rigged with a simple warning system letting the occupants know if any hungry looking rival tribes were climbing up since the discovery of the tribe major exploitation of the forest has begun and numbers have dwindled to only four thousand with people leaving to live in modern cities or dying out due to destruction of the surrounding forest number 8. tuna hawaii the district of puna on hawaii's big island is home to kilauea one of the world's most active volcanoes the volcano was in continuous action from 1983 to 2018 and people living in the vicinity have been under constant threat from lava flows in that time lava flowed into 10 percent of the district's surface land destroying 190 buildings and homes as well as flowing spectacularly into the sea you'd think this would put people off moving to the area but the understandably low property prices in puna have led to just the contrary a serious population explosion if you'll forgive the pun these new residents have plenty to deal with not least the difficulty obtaining home insurance the geothermal power plant which powers a portion of the island had its wells plunged with mud and cold water in 2018 as it threatened a huge gas explosion as the emissions of sulfur dioxide hit 15 000 tons per day it's not just safety concerns that have the islanders worried natives have long feared the repercussions of building on lands believed to belong to the fire goddess pele who is said to live on the volcano if pela gets annoyed enough it might be the last time some hawaiians get to see their homes without a fiery lava flow running through them number 7. lfa iceland iceland as a nation is already remote enough a population of a little more than 350 000 people that's the equivalent to a city somewhere between pittsburgh and cleveland living on a volcanic island in the middle of the atlantic ocean is already kind of out of the way but for a family back in the 18th century this just wasn't far enough from the mass of humanity so they decided to build a house on an otherwise deserted island known as lfa there's no doubt something highly mysterious and fascinating about this strange house sat all alone on a tiny island and even icelanders know little about its occupants records show that several families have lived there since its construction although it has been officially unoccupied since the 1930s that hasn't stopped all kinds of speculation about who might be living there in secret including rumors that iceland's most famous musical star bjork has taken possession of the house other rumors suggested that a wealthy man built the house many years ago as a safe place to hide in the event of a zombie apocalypse life in the house would have been hard and dangerous a never-ending struggle for food and water relying only on the natural supply of fish and puffin mate and completely cut off from the mainland in bad weather no running water electricity or plumbing are other disadvantages but it does come with its own sauna and some spectacular nature number six mount watchia there are some cultures in the world that are known for their love of tea england turkey morocco and ireland are some of the biggest consumers and a lot of the tea drunk in those countries comes from china who are the number one producers of tea how much though could a person love tea enough say to visit a tea house situated on top of one of the most dangerous hiking mountains in the world well that is exactly what awaits hikers at the top of mount was tallest southern peak the mountain is one of china's five sacred mountains and followers of the taoist religion believe that the god of the underworld resides within the mountain and it certainly has a fearsome reputation the first temples were built atop it in the second century designed to test the medal of monks who would be rewarded with enlightenment and tea on reaching the top even to this day climbers make their way across terrifying narrow planks and often at night as it makes it less frightening when you can't see how rickety and narrow the path you are taking is some parts are only wide enough for one person and traverse sheer cliff faces better hope you don't meet someone on their way back down or things could get awkward in any case better check the yelp reviews of the tea house before going up imagine finding out it sucked after making it all the way up number 5. falling waterhouse falling waterhouse built over a running waterfall in rural pennsylvania is often cited as one of america's greatest architectural masterpieces it was built by frank lloyd wright america's most famous architect in 1935 and it is considered one of his finest works at least in terms of its modernist beauty so with this pedigree what could go wrong well it turns out the great architect did not pay much attention to detail when it came to the structural side of falling water as he did with its aesthetic appearance meaning fallingwaterhouse was in danger of becoming falling downhouse wright found himself at odds with his engineering about the best way to support the house and eventually overruled the engineer by the 1990s the pinnacle of modernist design was beginning to severely sank and the beams were under increasing pressure as the house a popular tourist destination began to resemble another architectural masterpiece the leaning tower of pisa finally in the 2000s the 11 million needed to repair the house without altering its appearance was raised and years after a complex restoration was completed it seems to be holding together just don't jump up and down too hard on some of those overhanging floors number four meteora the meteora is a rock formation in greece and the word means high up you know like a meteor and they are pretty high up so that begs the question why build on top of these peaks when there's plenty of you know normal ground all over the place the buildings on top the meteoro rocks are monasteries from the eastern orthodox christian church is located in the heart of mainland greece and a little like the temples in china they were designed to be extra challenging so only the most faithful could ever reach them also the monasteries were built during the 14th century as greece was invaded by muslim turks and the greeks figured it was a good way to protect their religious sights from the invaders in the 1920s steps were carved into the rock making life a little easier for the monks but until then the only way up was via rope ladder which were unfurled from the top and just to make things that little bit more crazy the ladders were only replaced when god chose to break them meaning each time a monk went up he must have been praying pretty hard god wouldn't decide to plunge him to his death this time number three habitat 67 if frank lloyd wright's falling waterhouse was designed to harmonize with the nature surrounding it israeli architect moshafti's habitat 67 was designed to do almost the opposite [Music] an example of what is called brutalist architecture these stacked cells in montreal canada were unveiled in 1967 as a vision of a utopian socialist future for the people of quebec the idea was affordable housing which offered space and light as well as maintaining a form of high-density living for a growing city 160 homes are scattered across the 13-story building which today attracts wealthy montrealers looking for a place of architectural authenticity not exactly the affordable utopia safety had envisaged this is because structural issues now mostly repaired at great expense caused the apartments to become unsafe and even deadly the building's concrete needed constant repair and one former resident who prefers to remain anonymous for fear of offending the radical supporters of habitat 67 said he soon moved out after developing a serious lung condition and seeing his cat drop dead this was due to poor ventilation allowing mold spores to spread wildly but there are some upsides every home has access to a garden built on the roof of an adjacent cube which is more than can be said for most tower blocks it still stands today and for a thick wedge of canadian dollars you can have a cube of what has been called montreal's failed dream number two gate of europe towers here's another building or rather two which makes us think of the leaning tower of pisa the gate of europe towers in madrid spain this pair of 374 foot or 114 meter high towers was designed by the famous american architect philip johnson and construction finished in 1996 but taking a look at the towers you might be forgiven for thinking that something had gone horribly wrong however these are the first skyscrapers in the world with a built-in incline leading a stomach turning 15 degrees one look down from the top floor must be pretty dizzying the towers have started something of a trend in skyscraper design with 10 more inclined skyscrapers having been built since 1996 but these towers have become an iconic feature of the madrid skyline and have shown up in several movies but if you go up them here's a tip don't look down number one takasugian japan so you're probably thinking that you've already seen the most dangerous tea house in the world already well you're wrong because the japanese were not about to let their ancient enemy china take that prize the takasugian in nagano prefecture must be one of the craziest buildings on earth and its name in japanese means tea house too high which is a pretty good summary of this strange little building perched on top of two chestnut trees the little tea house is an exercise in japanese simplicity and minimalism built from simple materials and with sparse plaster walls it only has space for four tea drinkers at a time but any more than that and you'd be worried the whole thing might come crashing down to earth and if you're up there with four sumo wrestlers you might be pretty nervous built by architect terunobu fujimori it's meant as a place to sip tea contemplate and feel a meditative calm come over you but i'm not sure how relaxing the whole experience would be especially if the wind starts blowing a little too hard which of these risky houses would you want to live in if you had to have you ever built a treehouse in a crazy place let us know in the comments below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 2,076,635
Rating: 4.6812515 out of 5
Keywords: home, risky, coolest mansions, weird houses, in the world, architecture, homes, strange, strange homes, most, world, extreme houses, expensive homes, stuning places, weird house, facts, list, buildings, dangerous, mansion, real estate, new, unusual houses, most dangerous, expensive, famous, villa, villas, luxury mansion, home tour, structures, viral, biggest houses, house, unusual, travel, house tour, craziest houses, riskiest, weird, strangest, weirdest houses, houses, weird homes, most insane houses
Id: tNdoJR3EbCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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