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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/matt2709 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's up guys and welcome back to another plumbing tricks video if the water coming in your house is harsh you might have had this problem happened to you already if you're trying to get your toilet bowl cleaned with a brush or cloth and it's just not working get yourself some 2,000 grit sandpaper and lightly scrub the water mark until it comes off the sandpaper soft enough not to damage the porcelain yet rough enough to remove harsh watermarks like this with no strain pretty neat huh if you're trying to remove a sharkbite fitting that's too close to a wall and can't fit your dedicated removal tool get a good length of cord and wrap it behind the fitting and use a flossing motion to remove it it'll pop right off drilling out large sized holes with a battery-operated drill could be quite demanding to ease the process remove your hole saw and drill for relief holes on the perimeter of the hole using the center bit it'll allow for the sawdust to exit from the back of the holes and make the process a whole lot easier if ever you're going to install a chrome flange like this one and it doesn't want to seem to go on turn it around and enlarge the hole first it'll make it a lot easier to put it on the right way afterwards if you need to solder a vertical joint on a pipe filled with water get yourself a 12 inch section of pecs and use your thumb at the end of the pipe to suck any water out to be able to solder and then proceed to soldering if you got some hair stuck in your lavatory or shower drain here's a pretty cool trick to unblock it grab a tie wrap and notch it every inch or so with a sharp utility knife the hair will catch on the sharp notches and allow you to pull them out without a fuss if you suspect having a leaky toilet flapper grab a few drops of food coloring and add some to the reservoir if you see the colored water in the bowl after a few hours without flushing you need to replace your flapper forgetting to put your belt on before leaving work is a possible thing but if you're a plumber it's your lucky day wrap a good length of solder and double it up you can use it as a for a belt to finish off your day sometimes your faucets aerator could get blocked with debris now you could try to remove it by hand but using a pair of adjustable pliers is a lot easier instead of using the jaws turn the pliers around and use the rubber-coated handles to grasp it you'll have a much better grip and you won't have to force as much if you have a leaky shutoff valve and you don't know how to solder get yourself a 3/8 inch piggyback valve and install it over the old one you could close the new valve and it'll stop the leak until you reconnect it if you have a water meter in your home here's a neat trick to check if you have a leak somewhere take down the number written on the meter and come back after a few hours if the numbers changed you should consider investigating your showerhead lost some pressure over time here's a cool trick to restore it remove the head and store it in a plastic bag filled with white vinegar for a full day and reinstall it afterwards it'll break down any deposits and restore full pressure if you cut some all thread and try to screw a nut on but you're having trouble here's the fix thread your nut on first then cut it and remove the nut it'll rethread the cut portion and it'll allow you to install a nut a lot easier on this way if ever you're trying to solder and can't seem to stop the water here's a last case scenario option get yourself a compression valve and install it a bit further down the line you're trying to solder you'll be able to close it and stop the water from leaking and lastly if you're on a solar project and encounter a stubborn manufacture sticker as seen here get your torch to burn off the paper and use some soldering flux to take care of the glue easy as 1-2-3 and if you guys liked these trick videos make sure to give it a big thumbs up and share it with your friends and until the next one thanks for watching you
Channel: Got2Learn
Views: 2,540,068
Rating: 4.8194795 out of 5
Keywords: got2learn, DIY, plumbing trick, plumber, do it yourself, pex plumbing installation, plombier, plumbing hacks, plumbing, plumbing tools, plumbing repair, plumbing diy, plumbing how to, how to do plumbing, how to repair plumbing, how to fix plumbing, toilet, rough in plumbing, solder with mini torch, how to solder, how to solder copper, how to fix copper leak, how to fix copper pipe, soldering copper pipe, sweat copper pipe, plumbing tips, plumbing hack, life hacks
Id: CzhO5l9j7fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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