15 Extreme Food Art Challenges For $100,000!

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I challenged people to make insane art out of food like apples cheese coffee cakes pumpkins gingerbread and so much more and the best ones win tens of thousands of dollars but before we get to all that we're gonna start with the watermelon art challenge today we have five artists in front of you you have a ton of tools open it up bring out the watermelon not a watermelon you get three watermelons Jake here's yours it says sugar daddy at the front some Big Melons all right Izzy here you go Whoever has the best watermelon art after four hours wins five grand but not for you for someone in your family starts now Mackenzie any thoughts about sculpting with watermelon I feel like it's gonna be really hard and do you know who in your family you'd give the money to I probably to my mom hard who are you gonna give your winnings to I'm going to give it to my dad I will be giving it to my parents my mom lots of parents and brothers is anyone gonna start carving yet all right we're gonna speed up this process a little bit because nobody's carving yet so first person to carve a star in their watermelon gets a huge Advantage go it needs to be here you go you need to dig it out whoever finishes first raise your hand I'll come check to see oh Jake's what Jake let me see yours all right Jake you win this mini challenge Jake you're about to have a huge Advantage steal someone's watermelon so someone's only gonna have two watermelons to work with and Jake will have four are you gonna grab McKenzie's melons I figured everyone wants my melons if I win you win five thousand dollars yeah that would be so awesome Mackenzie I see you have quite a lot carbs so far what are you making I'm gonna be making an eagle there are tons of research the best thing the smell of dragon and if it all fails it's gonna make a watermelon piggy bank going to be a watermelon Venom carbon I wanted to do a skull with a bunch of flowers and details sounds good [Music] all right guys we got some stuff carved looking good this is way harder than I expected my arms really tired and I'm just chunking away is everyone ready for the Second Challenge these are watermelon Sour Patch Kids so the first person to finish their pack of watermelon Sour Patch Kids gets to scoop out and take two bites out of someone's watermelon oh heck no one has to be right now another one can be anytime later during this challenge you take a scoop out you eat it so they can just eat someone's artwork three two one go hey guys how do these taste the paper going is it how many more do you have four oh my goodness is he just inhaled all the watermelon Sour Patch Kids all right Izzy go take a scoop out of someone's watermelon right now and eat it take it out of it how are you gonna fix this up there and stick it back in [Music] I have so far I hope you're proud of it even though my dad thought I was crazy trying to carve watermelons I'm still gonna win this fight you Dad so since we're carving watermelons I thought it would be a very fitting punishment to be pelted by watermelons I'm just kidding water balloons so it's water something so if you lose you get pelted by water balloons and if you win you're gonna be one of the people throwing the water balloons at the losers pretty good and I think they can take on another challenge so what's gonna happen is you will have two chances to catch a gummy watermelon in your mouth if you don't catch it you have to use nothing but a spoon for 30 minutes that's it Mackenzie are you ready oh all right oh I might have made this too easy oh oh nice [Music] oh no Izzy for the next 30 minutes you can't use anything except for this spoon good luck [Music] it's been 30 minutes you may stop using the spoon let's check in a little bit with everyone Jazz McKenzie you guys are both doing reptiles how's it going I feel like I carving and tension so I'm trying my best I'm feeling pretty good about mine I haven't gotten a chance to really look at anyone else's to kind of see how it ranks I'm just gonna keep going with it and hope for the best my dragon is pretty much done all I have to do is add the body doing Venom as you guys know so I was working on carving out an eye I think I lost a bit of time using the spoon unfortunately but I was able to still like kind of carve out a lot of the white on the other side I think it's going well all right so I think all of you are getting the hang of it but now I'm gonna play each one of you guys in rock paper scissors if you lose you have 300 watermelon presses so this is one watermelon press it touches your chest you'll lock your arms out one two three you get the point Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh Jazz you have 300 watermelon presses Paper Scissors Shoot you are safe Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Jake you also have 300 watermelon presses and in fact Jake let's get you the biggest watermelon okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Izzy you're safe Jazz Jake grab a watermelon and come with me foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] grab a small chunk of watermelon and go stand with your butts touching the counter all right so we're gonna play a little game get the watermelon Chunk in the garbage can and you don't have to use your fingers to sculpt all right Mackenzie go nice nice oh we made it oh [Music] Izzy we have 40 minutes left for the next 30 minutes you can only use your bare hands good luck oh my gosh okay [Music] I have one hour left my brother gave me the idea of doing a shark so I'm gonna try so I get to scoop a hole out of someone's watermelons and I really don't know who's pick I'm gonna take pictures of them and send them to my mom and I'll have her pick who I should destroy Izzy you said your mom responded yep she made her decision what oh oh Izzy do what you gotta do I feel bad about this oh is it that was so brutal how you just ate it afterwards [Music] all right so as you guys know Izzy can't use any tools right now so she asked me a very good question what was it can I smash a watermelon yeah you're not using any tools the only tool you're using is gravity three two one yeah [Music] five four three two one hands in the air everyone Mackenzie we're gonna start with you tell us about your art piece so I have a Abra and she is guarding her nest of eggs I like how you added the texture with the scales I think the rock probably could have had a little bit more of a rock-like texture in general I think it's a very cool piece my brother gave me shark which was which was so I went ahead and like fishy food I mean considering you scrapped everything and you did this in just one hour very impressive so I did a dragon she has a luscious scale I added some watermelon balls because I wanted people to eat the watermelon art I really like how you carved the scales on the dragon it's actually a really nice touch there's some nice textures back here I would say one of your better art pieces so I was making Venom I lost a bit of time because I had to salvage the eye a little bit it turned out okay but I had a lot more in mind the eye is currently sitting in Izzy's stomach and in another couple hours it's not I think you went for a very jack-o-lantern like approach the ice still turned out really nice overall very detailed and very impressive my intentions were to make a skull like how you carved it out it's it's a very solid piece I can see all the skeletal structure I like how even the teeth you can see the difference between the skull and the actual teeth portion overall very nice I feel like everyone here did really well this is the hardest part for me but unfortunately I'm gonna have to start eliminating you because only one person will be able to win all right Jess I'm so sorry as impressive as your one hour sculpture was you're out Mackenzie I'm sorry but your snake didn't make it final three Jake I really really love your Venom but at the end of the day the mouth wasn't complete I'm sorry you're gonna be out Jake Izzy and Michelle you two are in the finals here's where it gets interesting artists come over here even though you guys are out I'm gonna let you decide which one is the better art piece you guys just come with me for a moment the final decision lies in your hands easier opinion doesn't matter all right we have a decision for the 2021 watermelon sculpting Olympics we have a unanimous winner Michelle Michelle how long has it been since you've won a crafts challenge like four maybe five years that's a long time [Music] because he's gonna spend it on me and that was just the first challenge later in this video we still have banana pancake pasta and so many other art competitions today we will be making art out of pumpkins yay we have over a hundred pumpkins small ones large ones all shapes and sizes Whoever has the best pumpkin art after six hours wins up to five grand for a subscriber your six hours has begun I got stuck with the ugly duckling of a pumpkin I have this giant pumpkin and this tiny cutting board I know exactly what I'm gonna do this one looks like a nice little pumpkin first thing I need to do is put on sunscreen so all right guys go grab me a pumpkin from over there [Music] put it in front of me Michelle you just let Mackenzie beat you you would have beat McKenzie but you started walking at the end Jake you're first come with me since you're first you are gonna whack two people's art Michelle's gonna be one of them because she was last and then the other one you can choose not my giant pumpkin okay all right Jake who's next yeah I think Jake did more damage by knocking attention to the ground Jake what's your plan I am going to be making a tentacle face guy are you confident this time I'm very confident out of everyone here today who's your main competition probably Jake I think you'll be okay yay I'm gonna try to do a Venom pumpkin half of it like Venom and then the other half like a zombie character who has the worst pumpkin out of everyone jazz is pretty lopsided me or my pumpkin oh both the big one I'm thinking of making it into a cowboy you are going to carve a face half of it's gonna be zombie pumpkin and you heard my idea and then you copied me I said it first it actually Ben did you say zombie pumpkin ah I don't want to do the same thing as you lame I'll give you ten bucks if you take a bite out of this huh 10 bucks could be hitting somebody ten times okay you can do that then Mackenzie take a bite out of this for 10 bucks ten times what everyone's working on their Pumpkins I'm honestly quite excited to see what they come up with but I heard they need more carving tools to make the best pumpkin so we're gonna do a little challenge to see who gets it everyone all right Jazz stand in there all right whoever throws at the furthest gets the additional tools easy oh all right Michelle go Mackenzie that's the only one that got a tiny one all right Ben you're first so we're gonna have additional tools for you you can choose any of the tools since McKenzie's list now she has to lose a tool Jake take a tour from her this one all right Jake choose three tools it got second place he gets to choose three tools and then Ben gets the rest I get all this yeah these are all yours let's go guys come get your tools I don't even know how to use any of these I think Ben was very kind so I don't think I'm gonna destroy his art he's gonna sketch this out and then go in and start carving Dimensions getting a smooth out the outline is everyone has five minutes to carve a small Pumpkin go three two one stop carving the show what do you have for me I did a ZT it's actually kind of clean I did a smiling pumpkin I think Michelle beat you on this one mine is a puking Jack O'Lantern oh those are pretty nice man let me see yours what the heck man I made an owl face okay mine's a little angry face with two things all right Mackenzie do one Ben you lost so we're in a very large open field right now if you look around you're gonna run that all the way to the end I want you to hold this the entire way to remind you why you lost run Ben McKenzie you gotta choose someone to go run with Ben Jake I'm sorry go all right Jake the Run no promises your R will be destroyed we'll see about black this pumpkin is a reminder that I tried my best it's gonna take me a minute to get back I should have known Mackenzie would have chosen me to run this now I will make sure to win the many challenges and it's taking a really long time and it's really annoying Ben who is that I found a wild Jake hello I need to go be all right Jazz what do we have here a scaly Dragon you're not doing the zombie no I didn't want to do the same thing as Ben because I thought that was boring I think your dragon needs more volume this is hard working at it oh that looks kind of cool finally so uncomfortable oh my goodness Mackenzie that chunk is bothering me so much oh don't look at it I'm actually not sure what's going on with MacKenzie she usually works pretty fast Jake you rubbed off your bad juju on me so you didn't even start your large one yet I'm really dreading it I'm thinking of just cutting it out and putting the little ones in there wait Jake I feel like you're starting to slow down a little bit it's not to say it doesn't look good because it actually looks really good I feel really upset about this hole that Jake made what am I supposed to do with that hey everyone stay in your seats I have another challenge for you all over there are a ton of Haystacks first person to paint one side of the haystack with their color will win something don't be last go what's up it needs to be entirely filled in I think MacKenzie's about done MacKenzie's first I'm done Jake you're good Michelle's done thinking Ben finished first you're still spraying go back to your seats your first Jake's second so what's gonna happen is Mackenzie can choose someone to work for her for 45 minutes um [Music] you are on team Mackenzie for the next 45 minutes Jake you gotta add someone to your team for 30 minutes I think I should Michelle indefinitely all right Michelle you're on team Jake for 30 minutes I probably could chosen for something like this I'm not sure if you guys know but Jazz gets something too you have 100 shots and it's not the shots you usually like you have to put this through the basketball hoop 100 times it's gonna break after the first one Kobe nope sweet [Music] and line look at that um please do you hear what she's making me do I told her to pick grass [Applause] I didn't get my friends yet but if any one of them loses they're getting pumpkin guts dumped all over them I didn't say anything have fun wonderful what's going on Ben sit on his arm okay Ben come back down bring Jake's service it's hard work they look like they're miserable so I think I actually got lucky by that being my punishment Michelle I think I'm going to relieve you of your duties Zach said it looked good so I think I got a boost of confidence now I feel pretty good I'm gonna make another angle and I'm gonna do a little presentation and it's gonna be like the clock everyone went to go get supper I want to make sure that my project is 100 finished so I am staying out here and finishing it now it's dark and cold out here I'm feeling like I'm gonna finish at least so that's a positive [Music] so we're on our final hour right now Jake how is it going I actually think I'm gonna finish as long as my art doesn't get destroyed everyone listen up we have another challenge over there is a pumpkin patch underneath one of the pumpkins is a bottle cap bring me that bottle cap you got it all right good job Mackenzie we found that really fast actually yes one person you can throw pumpkin guts at it oh goodness gracious you may want to go change your shirt oh [Music] my God now I smell like cow poop I just put some lights in my pumpkin to see if it would bring it to life Jazz what do you think of my pumpkin I think you made it look very beautiful and very well put together 30 seconds to hold as many pumpkins as possible go [Music] all right everyone come over here let's see how many you have nine for Jess five six what the heck Jake you have 21 8 9 10. Ben's in second place with eleven two hundred Garrett 21. I just found a whole bunch and then I stuffed myself everyone get back to their places Jake come with me for this next scene we have some pumpkin on pumpkin action we're gonna choose one person's pumpkin you're gonna grab another pumpkin and you're gonna use it as a projectile [Music] wait it smells like my lizard's poop gotta stand behind here [Music] it was rotten that's why it's a nice challenge all right I didn't really like this piece that much anyways now I don't really have anything to submit without one throw Jake literally just eliminated Mackenzie from the competition unless she comes back in like 30 minutes [Music] five four three two one we're done good job guys Michelle why don't you tell me about your piece so I made a bunch of little aliens they have little lights in them I use the Big Pumpkin kind of as like a storage how do you feel about this piece still pretty good but I don't know if it'll make the dump let's see if you end up making the dub all right Jake tell me about your piece I made a quit tentacle-faced man with a pirate hat and then I also changed up to add some nostrils I don't know why you added this nostrils it really looks like a gorilla now nice detail I I like how there's depth for the tentacles I think he did get caught up on the tentacles a little bit nonetheless very nice job jazlyn tell me about your pumpkin dragon so this was my ambitious Dragon I made it very scaly and at first I was just doing the outline but I wanted to make it pop I tried to make it very dimensional by cutting it out I like the lights showing through inside I felt like it could have used some work up here just to kind of clean it up a little bit good job then not gonna light this turned out better than I expected especially ends on there this is my zombie his name is Frank he's got toothpick for teeth he has some decoration those are the two eyes and he has a little tongue very creative I don't think anyone else added decorations like you did Jazz gave you the idea I like event good job Mackenzie tell me about your Masterpiece obviously mine got destroyed so I had 30 minutes to make this monster eyeball it's pretty good for a 30 minute piece but it's gonna be tough making the cut at least I was able to partially complete something in 30 minutes if anyone didn't hear I only had 30 minutes 30 minutes good job Mackenzie let's start out with the eliminations Mackenzie even though it's good for 30 minutes I don't think it quite makes the cut so bring over the pumpkin sauce you have been eliminated come on guys all right Michelle you are not illuminated this one's gonna be close there can only be three people that make it into the voting round so yes unfortunately [Music] you know mine was so much better I have put it up on Twitter as a poll there's pumpkin one two three we're gonna see which one they like best it's too cold for pumpkin juice come on subscribers I'm scared Zach was about to eliminate me anyways I should probably take off my lashes oh this is a close one in third place do you guys want to know the final vote yeah as you guys know second place is gonna double dip which means after I announce it they're gonna get one more but the vote was 36 to 46 and the person with 36 percent of the votes Michelle yeah let's go to the next challenge today we're going to be making art out of candy in whichever one of you has the best candy art after five hours was up to five grand for a random subscriber and a lifetime supply of candy you guys have 60 seconds to pick out your candy what are you doing Mackenzie what the heck she's destroying her set on purpose and Ben's already eating candy we've worked with gum jelly beans and they've honestly gotten pretty creative with it I think if it were up to me I would take a large canvas and do a candy Dragon it's definitely going to be an interesting challenge because I have a couple twists up my sleeve even though I don't have any sleeves today and this is the aftermath of my beautiful candy store a couple food challenges I want Gumball and watermelon so maybe food is just what I'm good at it's a red potato yes I've decided on making a snake I tried to grab as much as I could before McKenzie's filthy Paws just took everything from the table I collected a lot of candy I am going to make also if you lose in this video to get slimed at the end no no I found the perfect candy for you what are the chances on one side it says art on the other side it says mad that's you and me my boy Ben's eating good I feel sick now like what are you making though I don't know it's ready to be up when it's the next video I've been really into Birds lately so I will do a flaming Flamingo to eat dogs it looks like everyone's really focused on working right now I have a couple little challenges to get them out of their comfort zone and I just thought of a really good one everyone listen up we have our first challenge follow me all right Michelle give me a color red whoever can separate the most red skittles in 30 seconds gets an advantage go it needs to be in a pile with only red if I see another color Skittle you're disqualified red only red only five four three two one all right stop what you're doing Vinnie how many red skittles do you have 39 45 48 38 45. Ben you're the winner for this mini challenge let's go you gotta choose two people and eliminate one color of candy can I consult with somebody sure Michelle I don't know let's go something's happening Ben's taking a look around hey what are you making a snake with these I actually might need one of these wait what that looks like something else she said it I didn't so you're not trying to Target Michelle at all nah that tells me no black Jake okay that's fine I literally have no black candy let's see I'm gonna Target Ken's go over go over yeah yeah my way and do it no red okay hey Vinnie what are you gonna give me if I make this shot in the trash can I'll give you a dollar if you make that I'll give you three tries too nope that's not the light the trash let's go I'll venmo yeah all right I feel sick for eating all that candy I didn't miss lunch here I'm queen of food I am gonna I'm a little bored right now so I came up with a pretty good idea to raise the stakes David go around and choose someone four three two Mackenzie so if Mackenzie ends up winning this challenge I'll give you 500 bucks wait honestly if I were to choose someone I would probably go with Jake yeah well I think Kenzie will pull through just because you didn't choose me I'm actually gonna try on it that's actually not half that I want to give him a mouse but like octopuses don't have them it like that yeah I am now wrapping my snake with Fruit by the Foot I feel like seeing so much candy is bring out my entire childhood again so I just came up with a couple new challenges everyone it's time for Challenge number two come over here take a fruit roll up and open it up we're gonna play the game where you start with a tip on your tongue and you're gonna try to eat it all the way up person who finishes first gets an advantage last person punishment go oh my goodness it's really close to doing video if anyone if I have a second Michelle you got it and Mackenzie you got it Ben I thought you ate a lot of candy and since you lost you're getting punished and Vinnie choose anyone to join then Michelle black all right Ben and Michelle come with me all right Ben Michelle sort these into colors and then you can get back to work okay easy easy this is more fun than the actual challenge I'm happy that instant choose me because sorting those does not look fine uh this is hurting my neck I chose donut to punish Michelle just because uh that's my Nemesis I gotta beat Michelle you're gonna win everything the biggest reason why I want to win is because I want to make Zach proud and I am not quitting today originally I picked a lion because I was going to use sweet tart ropes for the Mane but Ben took away my ability to use red I'm turning this into a bear hey kenz how's it going I'm just happy to be here Zach said that he would have betted on me so that makes me feel confident this is what I have so far the bottom lip is a little chunky but I think it's all right I'm too tempted I saw some gummy candy and I want to try it cheers I feel pretty good glad you like it it's driving me crazy there's too much to put on all right everyone we have our third challenge rules are simple I'll Chuck a gummy bear up and you just gotta catch it in your mouth you have three tries so whoever wins this gets a pretty solid Advantage Jake you ready no way he got three for three you ready yeah nope nope nope Jake made it look really easy because it's actually not that easy all right Vinnie you ready nope I guess the rest doesn't matter anymore so there you go there's your gummy bear I don't know how you got three for three everyone was struggling to even get one acting like my life was on the line for your advantage you can choose two contestants and make them play a game of Candyland which takes around half an hour really let me just go around Candyland Candyland yay you can go play Candy okay Mackenzie all right so Vinnie and MacKenzie's have to play start to finish have fun Ken remember take your time so Mackenzie and Vinnie are playing Candyland oh it could take one two or three hours which would suck for them because there's 57 minutes left I'm done this game sucks they just finished Candyland in five minutes I guess my plan wasn't as diabolical as I thought it would be Zachary you said it was a huge Advantage Jake is extremely impressive but if you look at Vinnie's it's very very complete I think I did way better than I anticipated I think it's gonna come down to me Jake videographer give me the camera real quick won't you walk over and take a look at Jake's piece yeah it's really good teeth look good tongue's good look at this awesome bear days it doesn't look so good number one you get slimed if the person you bet on loses what go into the desert has made me a lot nicer a lot nicer Michelle was so mean on our date night video on her Channel to die and I'm very grateful and happy to be here in AC Vinnie's one of my good friends for some reason today his piece looks really good this is kind of my Ally he works with wood wait I thought he said no black for Jake I didn't use black oh did you use the black black Jake if those are black jelly beans you need to take them out right now if you have two and a half minutes to take it out for free or disqualify rules are rules if you can't finish that I'll have a more finished piece with him that's good news for me five four three two one and time is up everyone stop working we're gonna get to judging Jake why don't we start over here I originally was going to make a snake but I'm gonna call it a sand serpent now it kind of like resembles a dragon in the front as well I really like the detail I I think the most impressive thing about this piece is the mouth I must say Jake this is probably one of your more impressive pieces especially the head good job Jake thank you all right Mackenzie why don't you tell me about your piece so this is a teddy bear it's probably one of my best pieces I've ever done and I'm gonna be really upset if I don't win it's not a bad piece it's a solid piece I don't like that the aluminum foil is still exposed I also wouldn't say that this was one of your best pieces [Applause] we have here I made an Oni mask I used jelly beans because it's probably like the only thing I knew how to use and I am glad that you didn't give up I am disappointed in your effort since I am your Mentor one of the biggest things I teach you is hard work and determination and I only saw a tiny bit of that today Michelle tell me about your Flamingo I gave the flamingo beneath legs oh because if any has skinny legs we get a shot of these fat quads I think it was really cute that you used these as like feathers and you kind of like tilted them up this is a fairly strong piece Michelle I yeah it's not bad good job Vinnie what do we have here I got an octopus coming out of the water I use gum balls has Ring Pops Jolly Ranchers Mike and Ikes jelly beans do Zach did give me the idea of the water I'm not gonna lie I am extremely impressed right now people are gonna start taking you seriously because this is a very good piece we do a subscriber pulled to see who wins I am going to eliminate a few people right off the bat Michelle I was rooting for you from the very start they give me a chance I'm gonna eliminate you sorry Michelle in the comments please say that I'm better than Vince no and Mackenzie I am also going to be eliminating your piece it is definitely not as strong as some of the other pieces here a round of applause for Michelle and Mackenzie Vinnie Ben Jake I'm thinking of a number from one through three two three one Jake you automatically move on to the finals yeah Vinnie Ben we're playing a game called sudden death with my subscribers I'm gonna ask one subscriber which one they like best and they'll choose I asked Juan Jose which piece is your favorite the person moving on to the finals to compete against Jake is Vinnie for our final round it'll be three subscribers determining your Fates [Music] the first vote goes to Vinnie I'm screwed you only need one more votes to win this entire competition very excited I asked Jenna which one is your favorite piece and Jenna's vote goes to Jake you're back in the game it's all tied up for those of you guys that are participating in this poll I love you guys and thanks for subscribing subscribe and you can vote as well so I asked Jake which piece do you like the best that's not fair hey it's a random subscriber and his name just so happens to be Jake Vinnie Jake come up over here oh God all right and the winner that's gonna win up to five grand for a random subscriber and a lifetime supply of candy for themselves yes [Applause] this next one's gonna be really cool we have cake training and a kick competition let's move on to that today we will be learning how to make cake art with a professional cake artist we will be learning five cake art skills and the two people who perform the best each lesson will get a point and whichever one of these five contestants has the most points at the end of the class will win a thousand dollar gift card to this Bakery before we started I had them all make cake art without any prior knowledge and training this is Michelle she is a professional cake artist and she will be your teacher for today I took culinary arts for one semester without further Ado for lesson number one Michelle will teach you how to make icing the first rule when making buttercream icing is that you want your butter completely at room temperature now we're going to add the powdered sugar but for lesson number one do you guys have to make icing from scratch go time to make the best buttercream ever created half a pound wow I should be telling you guys this we need two of these it should have just been one so it wasn't one pound of certainly it should have been half it was half a pound nobody else knows that you finally finished microwaving my butter no it's not a race but I am ahead of everyone right now now I'm going to start fixing you guys might be wondering why hasn't been in this challenge Ben is allergic to Dairy he's allergic to eggs we can pronounce the name he's probably allergic to it [Music] this is the nastiest thing that's ever happened to me I kind of followed everything to the tea it looks pretty well [Music] [Applause] Michelle how do you think you're doing so far Michelle so they have all made their own icing now and why don't you go around to take a look and you can let me know which two perform the best of the class so which two of your students over here do things perform the best that means one point for Michelle one point for Nick and I was just going off taste and obviously my taste buds are whacked honestly my frosting is really good yo Ben you should try this yeah if you want to see me inflate like a balloon I just gotta ask who performed the worst I am sorry I am going to pick you because it was ideas I actually didn't tell you guys earlier there is a Twist if you're the worst one in each lesson you get negative one point that means Jake you are now at negative one point so I have to win one to get back to zero yes and with that being said let's go to our second lesson Michelle will teach you guys how to stack and shape cakes the first thing you want to do is level it it's going as a circle it's kind of just kind of spread it to the outside that's so pretty when you guys spread your icing you better look that satisfying look at that corner it's so clean I will give you guys five minutes to make your cake look like that oh you realize when you cut it there weren't that many crumbs I'm looking for a clean finish even if it has crumbs in it that's okay it just needs to have straight edges Nick is doing a good job down there cake looks pretty level yeah I think David and Nick are in the lead so far oh my God I'm a cream master I'm so nervous for them a lot of these look really rough I have no idea how Michelle finished this in like five minutes three two one everyone stop what you're doing the top layer should have been turned the other way yeah it just needs to be cleaned up a little bit on the sides but overall good shape and the sides are completely finished and you can still see through the middle of the cake so it just needs more icing and more finishing do you appreciate how level your top was working really well I think with a little more time you would have gotten the edges cleaner without the Michelle's expertise I think David has the prettiest one yes I agree that you have the most finished coated cake in the class Michelle so who were the best two performers in this lesson this is David and Michelle Michelle you are currently in the lead with two points Nick and David you both have both Africa who was the worst unfortunately it was cheap all right Jake's at negative two and with that being said time for lesson number three this is just very unfair and I hate it and I'm sad and I'm gonna lose and I'm just not feeling so good at least I don't have negative two like Jake this next challenge is mine for lesson number three Michelle will be teaching them icing skills now I'm gonna show you guys some um Piping Bag techniques here's your bag right you're just gonna drop your tip in there make sure it's facing the right way cut it like a little bit below kind of like a teardrop this mound of icing is just kind of like the foundation of the Rose I'm going to start in the middle whoa okay we're just gonna do fancy like curses did you scales are a little trickier you're kind of making like little u-shapes now we're going to make some icing that looks like fur using the grass tip you just keep going over it all right guys any other questions before we start what are my chances of not getting last no no no we will be making Rose number one rose number two that you guys saw you're writing out zhc making scales and you guys will be making for your test has started you guys have 10 minutes I think you don't have anything so I'm trying to get the icing in the bag I could bake all day every day what is going on Jake you have been dead last every single time are we gonna pick it up this round I'm going to reuse all the skills that I just learned and hopefully not have the worst one I'm not the expert but don't do this who has been struggling so far with this for sure Nick now the buttercream is melting so it's more problematic for him Michelle is doing a great job with her handwriting Jake is doing a great job on his Rose I was impressed let's see what they make in the final minute mine's obviously not the best but I at least have five three two one everyone stop what you're doing Nick stop what you're doing let's start from the back this time okay you struggled a little bit with I think how much icing you had in your bag and then it started getting warm and soft and it became a little bit of a mess Kenzie your your script writing looks very pretty I would have liked to see the fur too and all of the uh techniques I think my frosting was too soft it kept melting everywhere David you did a great job on all of the techniques I can clearly see the fur looks great the cursive writing is beautiful with a little embellishments you did all of them great I think you did overall it I did did a great job your rose looks really beautiful look a little more like ribbons that's really the main one that can use something yeah who are your top two for this lesson and Michelle oh who would you say failed this lesson unfortunately um I believe Michelle's in the lead and Jake you're still last I suck at Cake Art guys well yeah I tell them that they already saw it I really want this gift card that's why I'm trying so hard this is rigged I should have won that challenge who cares about the fur well lesson number four Michelle will teach you guys how to sculpt with fondant what exactly is fondant it's sugar I just remembered we actually designed a lot of our own characters do you think you could do something like this yeah I'm trying to leave enough of the fondant here so I can shave the the roundedness these tools come in handy to make little lines like whoa tuck it in Corners wow that looks so good that is really impressive is it okay if Ben just takes the bite out of it tastes like beer all right let's get this started so for lesson number four your test you will be making bubbles you guys have 10 minutes go 10 minutes is not very long to build this guy out so for fondant sculpting what do you think they should be focusing on they should be focusing on learning learning the right size shapes and making sure that they can get little details that that bring that small piece of fondant to life I'm very nervous about this one because I'm not very good at sculpting Mackenzie and David definitely know what they're doing so does Jake I'm a little worried I feel like I'm getting better and today goes on it's gonna look like a snack no no I feel bad the sculpting's not so much my forte but we got this one in the bag it's final minutes wrap it up three two one everyone stop what you're doing whoa I think I think uh proportions are a little off here oh my God there's the whole Cube I think in general we just wanted to see more yes this is a very cute 2D version of Bubba you could have worked a little bit more cleanly on the white part but you have all the right elements the proportions are a little off but you you did get all the elements those eyes kind of scare me Nick this is cute very cute and and I like that you did a 3D version I would just say again you could have done a little bit more finely on the mouth but overall yes great job oh very nice David thank you yes this is adorable kills the fins facial details in there so good job who failed this lesson Jake failed who are the two people that did the best in this lesson Kenzie and David did the best it is a tie between Michelle and David right now big blast again so what I think about the piece whoa this actually looks kind of cool whoa for their final lesson they will be learning how to airbrush it dries pretty quickly everyone two seats then for the final test they will be tested with three different airbrush skills first one stenciling second they'll do a gradient and third one they'll write subscribe whoa sub subscribe it's kind of long start out with your stencils you may begin all right very nice let's move on to the next one so for the one with the gradient what are you looking for I'm looking for a very subtle difference between light to medium to dark so for the last one you guys need a ride to sub for the lettering what do you think is the most important thing legibility and friendliness and their font nope what is that three two one we're done good job guys Michelle so after seeing everyone's technique with the airbrush let's start out with who you think performed at the worst yeah I have to say Nick so you end at negative one without further Ado why don't you give me the first person that performed the best in this lesson David very nice David currently David is sitting at Four Points and we have one more person Michelle Michelle both of you guys win a 500 gift certificate to Michelle's Bakery when we do the official challenge you guys have a chance to win the additional 500 gift certificate if you win and now let's go to the cake art competition today we will be making cake art whichever one of these five artists has the best cake art after six hours will win up to five grand for a random subscriber in the previous video they all learned how to make cakes so I'm expecting some pretty good art your six hours begins right now I'm gonna grab extra cake because I'm gonna need some because it's gonna be a thick cake I have an idea whether or not it's a good idea I don't know I kind of want to make a unicorn I'm not very good at Cake Art I found out Ken's I'm not good at Cake Art either okay you're a lot worse than me some of them have already begun but we're gonna have a plot twist right from the beginning all right everyone partner up Jake give Nick a topic asparagus all right Nick give Jacob topic flowers McKenzie give David a topic construction David give something to do with McKenzie and Michelle since you don't have a teammate you get to choose your own topic shoes unicorns right off the bat things have fallen into chaos people are getting the most random topics ever there's asparagus there's poop this is gonna be really interesting to see what they make Nick so you need to do something asparagus themed I don't know what I'm gonna do I don't know what Nick's gonna do either Jake actually got a pretty good one Jake you make such cool flowers Mackenzie even though your Topic's poop you could get creative with it what animal did you want to make to start out with an octopus you couldn't make a pooping octopus that's so cool yours better be the most appetizing out of everyone's right now nobody's teaching me how to do anything so I'm kind of just free balling it and it's not really working very well first thing leveling the cake [Music] can you hear me from all the way over there yes Jake I can hear you you're trash You're Gonna Lose I have no idea what I'm gonna do I was so excited for my hermit crab and not to do construction oh I'm extremely happy that Nick gave me flowers because that's literally one of the only things we learned how to do and obviously I could just do a poop cake but I don't really want to do that I'm gonna do a three layer cake and try and make it beautiful like a unicorn I'm not competing because I'm allergic to everything and I would die but if I had to shoot someone who I think is going to win I choose Jake it looks like you've been using your skills learned from the last video does it look like I've been using my skills David since you and Michelle won the lesson challenge in the last video if you win this challenge you get a 500 gift card to a bakery I've got to win I'm gonna get the biggest cake ever yeah so I wanted to do like some sort of monster see now I'm doing an asparagus eating monster and I think it's gonna count really good I just finished carving off the tops to both of my cakes now I'm going to take my frosting and I'm gonna spread it on top I found it's a little rabbit and it's pooping oh that looks like a shell kind of Jake do you love my cake oh it's a show it's a shell I'm gonna have to destroy it in the last video the artist sculpted bubbles out of fondant for the first challenge I'm going to put their new skills to the test and have them sculpt turkey we are an hour and a half into the challenge I'm excited to see how these turn out I'm not sure if I want to eat them though not sure if they wash their hands so I have a mini Challenge free we'll say happy birthday she is 24 years old 24 years Young for the next challenge everyone follow me to that room over there you guys have 10 minutes to make turkey out of fondant I'll be taking a look at whose is the best whose is the worst go you guys literally just had a lesson on this do you guys remember the techniques I don't think they remember anything honestly I don't remember the steps either oh dear I don't know what's happening that looks a very powdery to me Nick I'm so sorry I'm reaching over you you're good whoa that is a nice steal this is such a workout and it takes so much work I used food dye now my hands are blue also and they probably will be for a week instructor never told you to use food dye oh my hands are gross while they're making turkey I want to remind you guys that if you guys want to buy turkey it's a very cute plush you can get it at zhcstore.com this man over here is sweating bullet final minutes three two one everyone hands off so I'm gonna give everyone a placement from one through five that is not number one that's cute Michelle I think you'd be David out on this one [Laughter] number one I'm gonna hand it to you Mackenzie for the show you're number two David you're number three Jake you're next Nick your last oh we're about to get a punishment I have no idea what's gonna go on safe to say I don't have a career in baking ever Nick for coming in fifth you have 50 jump shots Jake 40 jump shots David 30 jump shots Michelle 20 jump shots and McKenzie for winning you get to give someone 10 more jump shots [Applause] go make your jump shots oh my God when David gave me the topic of poop I was really frustrated and I had no idea what to do but then I found a reference picture of a rabbit pooping and that inspired my idea that I'm doing now Kobe wow wow I hate basketball that was stupid oh wow this is a lot heavier than I thought David stop it all right 20 minutes let's go make some fun honestly my biggest strength this video so far has been time management I've been trying to show up to work on time recently he showed up late today [Music] [Applause] I got a little frustrated with the fondant earlier I really wish I could do nothing on my birthday but this is adult life and people work on their birthday are you gonna eat your own cake for your birthday yes I'm gonna eat my own cake for my birthday Jake's does look good you got that smooth so we're out of white fondant and that was and that was a whole next step of my cake so I need to wait to get more and I think I'm just gonna work on the little hermit crab body until the new fondant comes you can just finish texturizing the body so now I I'm going to sculpt the tail and the feet I'm very good with my hands the artists have been working super hard on their cakes so I decided to give them a little extra reward in this next challenge we are almost down to our last hour and a half I have a little challenge so they can win some extra money if they win first person to make frosting out of scratch will win an extra 500 if you do win whoa how did you find the bunch of water yeah so they learned how to make frosting from scratch just a few days ago so I'm hoping they remember everything luckily for you guys yeah yeah actually that's pretty good because if you end up winning this entire challenge you know what's happening how do you even get it to look like this I would say that I'm moving along at a pretty good rate I have my fondant down on top of my rabbit and that's farther than some of the other competitors I have no strengths in this challenge I think I have a lot of weaknesses in this challenge but I think I could win wait what you guys the fondant's here we have around an hour or so left we have one last twist before we keep going everyone meet in that room so in front of each of you are playing cupcakes whoever finishes first we'll get to take one bite out of someone's piece go mine had a hair in it you need a swallow you need a swallow okay Michelle oh Michelle's done come with me I'll grab you a fork Michelle you can only dig out one piece and it has to fit in your mouth but the only one that's completed is Mackenzie eat MacKenzie's cake you can be I'll be nice [Applause] I still think you're way ahead of everyone else I do feel bad because she said it was on your birthday right now I think my piece is going pretty well I'm working on sculpting the fondant stems to flowers along the face of the cake why do you always wear the hat now at this point we're just throwing stuff on using my sweat to make a makeup that's so gross it's definitely taking a little bit of a horror movie Turn I'm so confused Jake after Michelle took a bite out of my bunny's head I tried to fix it by putting a little bow on top of her there are only 20 minutes left in the competition some of the artists are definitely going to have to rush to finish their piece if they want to win five grand for a subscriber I finally finished the face of my unicorn so that's good 33 seconds left I don't know what I'm doing I think he's done hope he's acting like that we have 25 seconds Gus come on guys come on guys it's been six hours and everyone's done with their Cake Art Ben is gonna be judging with me David tell us about your piece this is Henry the hermit crab he's fabulous and he lives underneath like a little construction cargo ship and I made him with lots of fondant and I airbrushed the shell David with like 20 minutes left you literally had nothing down over here how did you pull this off in the last 20 minutes I have no idea the one thing I wish was a little bit better was the tool I think the shell is my favorite part I love the tea good job David all right Jake tell me about this oh I got the topic of flowers from Nick oh we have like soil and like normal flowers over here but then this guy is like a flower demon and his influence just like floods over all the regular flowers this looks like a very complete piece it's very gory and kind of creepy and I really like it the only thing I would say is I wish she had a little bit more time with the leaves down here so you could make a couple more intricate ones all right Michelle tell me about your cake I made corny the Unicorn it's a four layer cake and if you cut into it it's also blue pink and purple I got inspiration from Rosie you're very cool out of all the cake so far if I could eat it I think I'd eat Michelle's I would say this looks the most like a normal cake I wish you could have smoothed out the front a little bit it does look a little bit rough at the bottom the fondant I had to use was all dried out good job Nick tell us about what you made this is Gus he's got some asparagus on the side he's not too hungry he already ate I don't know if I was say you really embrace the topic it looks like you made Venom and made two two asparagus to fall on the side of your piece but disregarding that teeth look really really cool I really like the mouth area I feel like the head could have used so much more work like yours and I'm eating it it's just there he doesn't like asparagus didn't quite follow the topic but impressive lips and tea Kenzie tell us about your piece I got the topic of poop so I a poop colored bunny named and she is pooping I tried to fix Michelle's little puncture wound by putting a bow so right off the bat I think you utilized the airbrush really really well it looks like there's there's actual like texture and color to it the face is very accurate to a bunny one thing you could have easily done is just added more grass like filled the whole thing in I like how the ears are like fluffy you can tell like they're flopping good job McKenzie okay all right so Ben and I are gonna go up to each one of you give you a score out of 10 Whoever has the most points wins all right David my score for you is an eight and I'm gonna give yours a seven all right Jake I didn't think I would like yours so much I'm going with a nine whoa I'm gonna give it an eight okay Michelle that was the judge I give it up for very solid keys I give it a six oh Nick I don't think you Incorporated the topic well I have to go with a three I think I'm giving you a two all right yes Mackenzie I think overall you've wowed me with with how fast you went I would give it an eight and a half personally my favorite is Jake's but I still think it's really impressive with Nick David and Michelle all out of the competition it was down to this final vote to decide whether Mackenzie or Jake wins I'm giving it a nine oh you won by half a point congratulations and now that we're done with that challenge it's time to ramp things up today we will be making art out of food you will each get a hundred dollars to spend Whoever has the best food arts in four hours wins five grand can be anything you want as long as it's edible losers get pelted by eggs two definite foods that me and Jazz are thinking of getting are buns and noodles so I kind of want to do a design maybe add some cookies around it I just wanted to look really delicious I'm doing Jesse from Toy Story so don't know exactly what I need I'm planning on doing Squirt from Finding Nemo I think I want to see if I can find some instant mashed potatoes to kind of sculpt what did you buy cereals we got Pop-Tarts what are you guys gonna make out of food I just got different types of foods that have different shakes and I think you can use for things like heel off Twizzlers Jay's gonna use peanut butter as glue and jazz is going to use nutella's glue I'm going to make a live castle with creatures since you guys are back early you can get started you guys have around three hours left Jazz spent 98 dollars Jake spent 99 Michelle spent 99.64 babe you only spent 82 dollars Kenzie spent 94.27 looks like everyone's under budget which means everyone's safe keep in mind your winnings at the end will be split between you a random subscriber and a food shelter because to be fair we are wasting some of this food and I feel kind of bad so we're gonna pick it up a little bit foreign the walls of my castle I'm doing like a kind of white and pink color scheme so it's like alternating I'm making okay that is Beach things the cake is gonna be the water I got some cookies and they're gonna be the palm trees around it and I got some fruit and they're gonna be the animals is that a monkey no it's supposed to be a zombie monster I'm making a sea turtle I'm using the mashed potatoes to form the body and some hard-boiled eggs for the eyes Mackenzie you still want more challenges than anyone else over here we're gonna seal the deal this time yes we have a mini challenge whoever eats the most mayonnaise right now will get a huge Advantage Who's down me I'll do all right I'm gonna give the one to Jeff Michelle is out all right go you're good Jake oh man all right this thing you gotta be Jake we're eating that much Mayo you have two huge advantages coming up what you're going to start out by doing is you can take one item from each one of the contestants and add it to your own pile they don't get a bag for example if you take Jake's buns he no longer has those buns they're yours that's your first Advantage second Advantage anytime except for the last 30 minutes you can use a fork grab a huge chunk out of someone's art do you want to go steal an item from everyone yes they do okay I'll take the cookie dough I'm gonna take a pack of your bugles I'm gonna go ahead and take your blue oh I think some bread would be good get the bread all right everyone keep working [Music] what's going on Mackenzie well I restarted the head oh how come well I think I was gonna be out of material is that because Jazz took your cookie dough Michelle you sound a little disappointed what's wrong I thought this cake was going to be a little bit more firm it's kind of breaking down on me I'm just gonna build the rest of my walls up with Wafers because the Pop-Tarts were too heavy and then decorate it I don't like my doll she looks a little creepy I decided to start over and make an elephant Jake I smelled yours from a mile away what's the plan I'm just gonna keep messing around with it I gotta add some fingers that's really gonna Jazz things up now it's time for a mini challenge so you guys all have a bag of chips first person to finish it will win something raise your hand the moment you're done I'm gonna check to see if you're completely finished go that was very gross but Jazz I'm gonna show you what you win you win do you know what you're gonna do with this egg do it Jazzy get an egg anyone I'm bad that I'm winning these I'm gonna have to do mean things let's get to it you guys and to make it a little bit more fair you're gonna have to close your eyes Mackenzie that landed in the one part he had nothing in McKenzie what's going on through your head right now I'm really relieved I'm shaking a little bit well Jazz didn't do too much damage she can carry on with your Masterpiece have another challenge we are gonna play a game of hide and seek whoever is the last person to be found gets to take one item from everyone and they have one safety card which means if someone tries to destroy your item it doesn't get destroyed or if you choose a car that says you're eliminated you can use it and you're not eliminated you guys have one minute to hide one two three if he doesn't find me in like 30 minutes please tell him I'm in here okay bye I'm scared I'm scared I'm just gonna go underneath this bean bag time is up start looking for them someone definitely went outside I can see the door open I don't see anyone here maybe we'll just go inside Jacob back to work let's make a trip around the house get back to work oh I found someone I was so uncomfortable I feel like someone's outside is that a human damn it so does that mean Michelle wins yeah Michelle Michelle let yourself be known I was looking in the in the trunk all right get back to back to one and you have one safe pass what is that little dude yeah take back my icing all right thank you very much it's a pasta everyone you have one hour left as you were telling me you wanted to use your little Advantage right now I mean I figured now is the time since we have an hour left so feel free to scoop a piece out of anyone's art I'm sorry Jake oh I was making a zombie if its face is ripped off then it's very realistic the next one is gonna be our most brutal challenge yet everyone stop what you're doing we have a fun little game to play in this bucket there are 15 slips of paper one of them has an x on it you draw it you're out of the challenge close your eyes all right you're safe Viv out of all the cars in here you chose that one everyone stand around Jazz what's going on through your head right now I'm pretty devastated that I didn't get to finish my pool party Mansion Jazz I must say that looks incredible but sorry you're out GG Jess I mean I mean destroy it all right round two all right Biv go ahead and choose blink oh Michelle this is the second round and the second round I was just gonna give you a dollar if you chose the X I just wanted to scare you guys okay give me choose to actually get a dollar you guys have around 40 minutes left [Music] time is up Mackenzie tell me about your food art so I created a sea turtle put some little fishies in there and some seaweed I can't believe you sculpted use it mashed potatoes good job Mackenzie I made an undead Sasquatch zombie it's got some broken decomposed teeth peanut butter hair this is its torso area it's covered by dirt AKA coffee grinds I mean Jake honestly it doesn't look too bad so I did a beach themed cake I have cookie starfish some Goldfish here I did palm trees and crab and fruit crab actually turned out a lot cuter than I thought and good choice stealing the googly eyes I started off with her not gonna lie I didn't think it was too bad then I tried again and then I made an elephant this actually looks like a dish that would be like a centerpiece at a table I really like the garnish in the background I like how you use a lot of fruits you used salad as you use sprinkles a variety of stuff very nice as you know there can only be one winner so I'm gonna eliminate one person at a time the first person that's gonna be out and pelted by eggs dig I'm sorry I didn't think it was too bad I thought it was pretty creative you had a good idea I'm sorry Jake for the last few these are all very good I'm sorry you're out very beautiful food art but you're getting eggs so we have McKenzie's and we have Michelle's Michelle yours is so pretty but like I feel like MacKenzie straight up destroyed everyone all of you did such a good job but I feel like MacKenzie's really really stood out today good job Mackenzie that was pretty cool but that challenge is nothing compared to what we have coming up next today we will be making pancake art and whichever one of you has the best pancake art after three hours gets to win up to five grand first we Bank of your choice all right your three hours begins now I haven't made pancakes in a while but I actually used to make them all the time so I'm practically a pro make sure they taste good because I am gonna do a taste test and if it tastes bad I I might eliminate you it looks like tortilla though I've never made pancakes before so Jazz I'm just gonna follow everything you do and now we missed wait why is it so goofy someone's not making their batter right what on Earth is this I think I'm gonna have to give it to MacKenzie's yes all right Mackenzie here's what's gonna happen choose someone over here they're not going to be able to use their phone the entire day why me rip off [Music] can you check this out look we just mixed this perfect batter there's a little bit of bubbling on the top but that's completely normal once we add the water and we're mixing it just so much that you know sometimes you can't help a little bubbling ew that's like cottage cheese I'm done chick you literally have nothing done though please don't tell me you're making a cat no I'm not actually it's not like a specific thing oh now let's revisit this in an hour see if you still have the same idea okay Jake literally loses every time because of Time how are you gonna actually finish this time well this time around I think Mackenzie might try to cost me the entire thing so I'm bringing the blame on her yeah I'll finish don't worry this I'll finish it what are you making have you heard of construction what well I'm making pan stretch so I'm gonna make tiny little pancakes like this and stack it okay that's that's very cool I I asked you what you were making and you said panstruction a minion oh wow Ben one in each hand Ben what are you making I'm gonna do a little mushroom family Jazz what's your plan um I want to make a very colorful pink I don't know how I'm gonna make it look realistic but I think I'll do more of a cartoon effect my original idea of doing the Japanese architecture was not turning out but I decided to actually change it to the Chinese dragon y'all better stop all right now boys and girls you have five minutes to make a Dax logo and I'll judge it afterwards winner gets to pour maple syrup down two people's pants foreign [Music] Zach it's the best one I'm gonna have to give it to Jake on this one yes in your face I'm sorry Mackenzie Jake had some colors down the spikes are also a little nicer so two people's pants oh yeah are you gonna be maple syrup um McKenzie man um oh are you serious oh I've never been so moist before Oh for my next trick I'm gonna need a volunteer volunteering I'm gonna have Jazz take them off the Caps equivalently well he did get half the bottle as well [Applause] thank you tears are flooding my eyeballs everyone has three minutes to make a perfect pancake and then yeah I'll give you more instructions after that [Music] all right finish up your pancakes scoop it up come with me you guys are gonna throw your pancake using your spatula try to get as close to that red X as possible whoever's the closest you get to do something to one of your friends all right who's up Jess go [Music] oh no okay Jake you win so Jake you get to pour flour over two of your friends to make this fair I'm Gonna Let each of you guys present your case on why you shouldn't get flowers I'm gonna draw as many crevices and winners divide and conquer so you want to split it up I don't want to be your enemy and I've been flowered before and it was not fun I don't even care it's been a long day [Laughter] don't you fire me tell me who's gonna get flowered for sure go over there get ready to get flour so I think Ben yeah all right Jazz go over there you look like an old lady yeah this actually feels pretty soothing [Music] foreign okay that's my cue I'm done all right you have three minutes to make a pancake and I'm gonna choose the prettiest one all right Jazz let me take a look it's a little hard all right a Purple Heart mine's a red circle Michelle what about yours cute little pinky oh that's a very round pancake so in that three minutes you did that I'm gonna have to give it to Mackenzie we really want Mackenzie for winning that challenge you get it Pour maple syrup on someone I feel like I know who it is I knew it any final well what are you what is even going on [Music] Beck says I'll usually win if I finish my art but every time I do finish it just gets destroyed I hope he'll forgive me sorry three two one time's up all right let's start over here what do we have Mackenzie a Chinese dragon okay I also put my signature here he's got a little claws like his front feet and back feet and like little 3D whisker thingies and also like three-dimensional little spooky things I really like the touch with the signature overall I'd say very very nice piece thank you good job about your piece so I didn't have my phone I had to do something without a reference so I kind of just created a frog Mech character he has lasers coming out from his right arm and he has Fireballs coming out from his left arm not gonna lie I I feel like he did a really good job with the shadows and detail I'm actually pretty impressed Jake I think he finished on time all right so as a kid I always got popsicles they had a really pretty image on the front I would pull out the popsicle and it's the ugliest thing ever this is a popsicle I got I mean so rude so you can see a lot of snow in the bathroom because this mushy Tower Michelle I'm not gonna lie still reminds me of the traumatic popsicles for my childhood good job Ben I made a little mushroom family from left to right we have Tyler Stevo Toby Thompson and the big fat one is screwing I do think it's quite nice I I'm curious why you didn't go for like a background because because if I were to remake this piece I would have stacked them together but I would have made some like grass or something just to bring the piece together because right now it kind of looks like a ton of stuff like stacked randomly on top of each other I thought of that but I just didn't do it so you're telling me you got lazy no I tried my hardest I spent the first hour trying to figure out how to make batter it literally says like out of water or something this is my groovy peacock Jonas [Music] yeah he's 3D three-dimensional I wanted to make it very vibrant I would say I really like the patterns on it I feel like it really pops in and it gives it kind of a drippy look but overall very nice piece uh there's a random mushroom okay yeah that's what he ate in order to become gopal well good job Jess what I didn't tell you was obviously these are pancakes so they need to be edible which is why I brought my bodyguard and assistant Mar you're gonna eat a tiny piece out of everyone's piece and you are gonna be rating it out of ten ten being best pancake of your life zero being it pretty much tastes like tomatoes take a small piece of things look how hard this is It's like a cracker [Applause] I spent the first hour trying to figure out how to make batter I'll give it a six Okay cool so wait or maybe MacKenzie helped him by adding some syrup oh yeah that's amazing Jake that's flattering me way too much I think jazz is better than yourself before thanks Mark I had him taste tested because I was too scared to and also what I didn't tell my friends is that their taste score actually determines the order they're going to be judged in so Ben since you're the lowest we're gonna do sudden death rounds with my subscribers Jake you're automatically in the finals yay we put Ben's up against McKenzie's for Mead to decide Ben do you think you're winning this no I think and Ben is correct good job Mackenzie and you guys are probably confused as to why I didn't tell you guys a punishment at the start of the video well that's because they're getting punished on the spot so each time one gets eliminated you get punished right away all right Ben you're eliminated I would think so all right for our next subscriber I asked Xi'an which one she liked better the dragon or the peacock Mackenzie you move on to the next round okay all right give it up for jazz I'm a bit disappointed but my Art's only getting better it's only up from here so I asked my subscriber Marco heart your favorite one and I am waiting for a reply all right and I was correct hello [Music] did I really have a chance I don't think so all right Lila has decided are you guys ready no do you guys know who's getting syrup actually I lied you're not getting the syrup for the final round we will do it over there with buckets of syrup come with me well they don't know this but as they got eliminated the punishment actually got larger so the second to last person is gonna take a very big album whichever one of you loses gets two buckets of maple syrup and the winner of our annual pancake art challenge go now that we're done with that let's go to the next challenge in this video we will be making art out of a ton of cheese every time somebody watches this video I will give you a tenth of a penny you guys will have six hours to make art out of cheese Whoever has the best art wins all the money for every person that watches this video six hours begins now there is a lot on the line today they have the potential to win a grand 10 grand 100 Grand I think everyone's gonna be very competitive this is going to be insane really afraid of doing this cheese art because you guys to watch this video as much as you can because uh I need that money I'm trying to think of a cheese joke that is nacho cheese that is nacho money I thought of it the winner gets a lot of cheddar oh and this cheese is nasty and smelly and I don't like it pretty sure I'm the person who came up with the idea to do cheese art are you nervous at all yeah I'm really nervous and I also feel like I have the entire state of Wisconsin AKA my homeland AKA cheese Headland resting on my shoulders now with McKenzie loses everyone's gonna call her a fraud Michelle do you know what you're gonna make it to do an animal though for all of you viewers watching that want to do this while some of the artists were struggling some got straight to work right now I'm just trying to take away as much excess of this cheese this is the best way to do it without it being as crumbly if this video gets as much as the most viewed video on YouTube baby shark you guys will get 12 million dollars for winning 12 million wake up watch the cheese video go to bed watch the cheese video please watch the video please please watch the video please with tens of thousands of dollars on the line you guys might be wondering where Ben is well if he eats cheese he dies instead of competing I will let you bet on one person so if you bet correctly I will give you 1 100th of a penny for every person that clicks on this video pretty money I'll take it Jake what are you making oh if Jake could make that he would win Michelle okay David I know Turkey bun bun I told Michelle to make a block of cheese David I'm making an owl Kenzie ready got started she has more done than anyone and it looks like Ben has made his decision I'm gonna regret this I choose Jake just a reminder for what's on the line Jake if you win you get a tenth of a penny for every person that clicks on this video and Ben you get 1 100th of a penny for every person that clicks on this video you lose today you're not getting a ride home whoa there's gonna be no curse on the person I bet on unlike a specific someone I would have bet on Ken Mackenzie did you hear that David just bet on you no oh what David why would you say that I'm going to attempt to make Predator out of cheese so I have no choice but to make good because I'm winning this challenge there's no pressure Jake don't worry about it I think I'm gonna make a really magical owl out of the cheese I have a reference photo right here this cheese is a giant cluster of curds and it's just crumbling my cheese is not good to heat up the water oh mine is so good you cut it so smoothly I think it's just skill go back to disappointing your motherland David's cheese is clearly Superior Energy stop making excuses for how bad you are at this I know there's a lot on the line but at the end of the day we're still friends right no oh let the challenge begin it already did and you've done nothing look at Michelle she is looking for references and inspiration I don't think she has a clue what she's doing I have no idea what I'm doing [Music] give me a moment I need to test some things out words walk to this little block and it is so so so so much better and I have a feeling that everyone's gonna kind of end up doing the same look at this okay this video is going horribly wrong I had such a good plan too that's like everyone's using a smaller block of cheese there's no point in doing a big cheese if everyone's doing a small one there's nobody going with a big block of cheese no it's too big I thought your big block was really good it was good and then it wasn't everyone we have our first mini challenge grab a sheet of paper here you go you guys each get a pen you will have 30 seconds to write down as many cheese names as possible the winner gets to give two other people punishments we will have 30 seconds starting now as many cheese names as you can it's getting really intense in here nobody's talking I wonder who knows the most cheese I'll just stay off the top of my head what I know in case you guys want to write it down cheddar Swiss parmesan gouda blue cheese is that 30 seconds oh 30 seconds is up everyone stop what you're doing let me see because he has eight cheeses six seven eight nine Michelle you have one two three eight nine oh God Jake you only have seven let's go since Michelle and David both named nine cheeses we did a tiebreaker to see who won David oh you get to choose two people and they need to stand in nacho cheese for 15 minutes Jake what no MacKenzie's so far ahead [Applause] you guys have to stand in nacho cheese which also reminds me The Losers of this challenge will turn into human tortilla chips and you guys will dunk your heads in nacho cheese oh no go ahead and stand in your cheese David just made two enemies I believe better watch out and this punishment is especially devastating for Jake because we're already an hour in and he literally only has three blocks of untouched cheese then you have a lot on the line your partner Jake is grinding clearly my feet are gonna be yellow after this oh no oh God it's steeping 448 you guys are done there are definitely some people that like cheese this much and I'm not one of them me either I wasn't gonna send Michelle into the cheese she's a queen how much would you give me to suck the cheese off your toes would I give you nothing you can do that subscribe if you want to suck the cheese off the toes Jake should have had double cheese I feel really bad that I had to do that to Kenzie because I love Kenzie the cheese is seeping through my skin it's seeping through your skin by the end of this Jake and Mackenzie are going to be two percent cheese oh no I'm leaking cheese I still have no idea what to make I tried doing an Eiffel Tower but I really don't like what it looks like I'm getting so frustrated okay we're finally done oh my God we're done sorry oh yeah just okay don't film me I'm picking out my toe cheese after Jake and Mackenzie stood in cheese everyone went back to work and it looks like David took advantage and made a lot of progress I'm gonna try to make the owl body and the owl face let's have time at the end odd details and like wings and all that fun stuff which means Jake and Mackenzie are falling pretty far behind because I've really scaled back on the size of my piece I really am trying to make sure that I add as much detail as possible and surprisingly Michelle is also very far behind even though she didn't get punished that gets really into architecture so I'm afraid that he'll look at my piece and be like ew I don't have much done right now hopefully I can work pretty fast working with cheese is a lot more difficult than we thought so I let them grind for two hours straight but now that we're halfway through the competition it's time to introduce the next challenge we are officially a little bit more than halfway through I know you guys are eager for another challenge so we are about to play she starts so this cheese square is your Dart and the x is your target whoever gets closest gets to punish two other players a lot is on the line here are you ready yeah three's the max [Applause] oh okay Michelle's cheese that was terrible can I go underhand I do think Michelle's is closer right now that counts does it really yeah the first time it hits the Whiteboard no it got right here all right Michelle it looks like yours was the closest the show you won here is your advantage you get to choose two people at different times and they have to help you for 20 minutes okay everybody's cheese art looks so good it doesn't even matter who I choose I'll get some great help either way cheers you want to do the back side I do this side so like I work like this and then you lift like that okay Jake is now helping Michelle for the next 20 minutes the only problem is Jake doesn't have much done for his piece I think I'm getting the hang of how the cheese work however also everyone else's stuff looks really good too so it's definitely going to be a close challenge today it's been 20 minutes I can finally get back to work I have a lot to do I hope there's another challenge so I can get more advantages so one more person to choose that was a close call I was about to take another step forward and there's a wire copied to my legs this whole place would have came crashing down let's take a look at everyone's art I'm very behind oh I like it Jake if there's any way you can roll it up kind of like how David's doing and like stick it on that will create really nice textures I agree Michelle what did Jake help with he did this side are you gonna add any like backgrounds stuff like that David said to do some trees in a Pathways I might just that would be cool holy cheese is David look at my law I think this might be your best piece I've seen from you so far are you gonna add any more like textures and details to the horse's face the thing is is horses really don't have a lot of like their texture is very fine so it's hard to do with cheese you could even give it like those like straps and stuff I mean yeah yeah I mean that just adds a little bit of detail okay good good job after talking to all the contestants it seems like everyone's in a good spot and they're all feeling good but little do they know there was a plot twist coming for this next challenge I'm gonna need each of you to take a whiteboard a marker and a blindfold we are gonna test you guys today to see how well you know your cheese is let's bring out the cheese taste tests oh no everyone put your blindfold on here's the first one Michelle take one love you no idea you guys can take a blindfold off and write it down the winner of this challenge wins probably our biggest Advantage yet did anyone hear that the biggest Advantage yet oh no that's more like it Mackenzie what's your guess smoked cheddar hello gouda Pro balloon it was gouda all right everyone blindfold back on Mackenzie we'll start with you oh my God all right write down your guesses sweet Go free it was brie cheese Michelle you're at two points Mackenzie you're at one playing folds back on oh my God yes yes write down your answers let's see if anybody can beat Michelle out what did you get mozzarella mozzarella well it is mozzarella which means Michelle you win do you want to hear your advantage yes you get to snack on anyone's piece take one bite oh my God there is nothing I want more in this world and for Michelle to not take a bite out of my cheese oh McKenzie that looks really good exactly pick his uh we're looking at McKenzie's [Music] I'll make sure you win [Music] you should make a decision in your head don't tell them I just go into one of them and fight it I need them to stand back please don't eat myself luckily for them Michelle's very petite she has a small head small mouth you sure about that I'm super happy that Michelle said she's not gonna bite my piece I can just relax and everybody else is going crazy oh God could be real bad yeah I feel like right here would be the easiest one no really like your log and I didn't make you walk on cheese I didn't know but you didn't pop my balloon all right David McKenzie give your final reason why she shouldn't bite yours and then Michelle got a decision to make how about you sushi oh my God it looks like a piranha Zombie horse [Music] sorry she took a bite out of my cheeks that was insane Mackenzie is desperately trying to build her piece back up but unfortunately for her we're about to start our next challenge all right everyone I have four pens close your eyes and choose one depends just picks your team David and Jake you two are teammates World versus God this lady just sabotaged my art and I'm supposed to be her teammate come with me outside for the challenge everyone stand across from your partner Michelle here is a cheese balloon Jake here is a cheese balloon how this is gonna work is you guys will toss back and forth each time you will step further back first team to drop it gets 20 minutes taken off from the rest of their time which is more than half of the time remaining are you ready go step back oh nice all right we're gonna start alternating so we go one at a time Jake toss McKenzie toss Michelle toss oh step back Michelle are you ready yeah toss David you need to make this toss I think we made a good team well Mackenzie Michelle I would interview you guys right now but you have 15 minutes left oh yeah okay Michelle only has 15 minutes left but luckily for her she still has our advantage where she gets to grab someone's help for the rest of the time thankfully I still have David for another 10 minutes so let's finish my piece once me and David got there together I thought we probably would win the toss I've gotten the majority of my piece done so I'm not too worried but I do want to do some finishing details I think you recovered from it it's a little rough but I think it looks fun David it looks like your elves is gonna fall over I know I put this little up there I'm gonna fix them if I were you maybe get a couple of the wood textures over here too it'll make for like a very complete piece just in case you forgot the winner of this video will get a tenth of a penny for every single person that watches this video I'm actually really nervous to see who wins this is pretty big also I want to see the losers get cheesed you know what I believe in Jake Jake does his best work in the last 20 minutes of every challenge Mackenzie Michelle three minute warning three two one your time is up yep I think I have a really good chance of winning my L looks really good gee I believe in you I could maybe maybe win such a piece well my piece is predator excuse you Michelle sorry I had cheese I referenced Predator from a movie and I thought I got some of the details pretty good like the mouth the mouth is really really cool I can see all like the teeth I can see like the throat things the little pincers are very cool if you win this challenge what will you spend your cheddaron rent how responsible Jake Michelle I did the Eiffel Tower there's like a nacho cheer and some trees and some bushes I feel like the river is a really cool touch yeah David gave me the idea the Eiffel Tower is leaning a little bit the Leaning Tower of Eiffel very nice Michelle David hi tell me about it so this is my magical forest owl and I wanted to do lots of different textures and feathers and I made him sitting on a log and I love him this is really impressive with all the feathers and the log really looks like a lug I am very impressed David I'd say this is your best piece from the video so far all right Mackenzie I just want to um preface that my piece fell over about two seconds after we wrapped everything dude I'm pretty sure Connor what oh my God what happened you're talking and then she goes oh my God and then it falls I made a horse on a little pedestal it could also be a night piece oh I see very nice thank you I feel like I can tell the snout is a little bit softer but I think you recovered from it yeah I think it looks pretty good it's one of your better pieces so one person is gonna make it to the finals by a small group of subscriber votes and David since yours is my favorite piece you're going to the finals and to determine which other piece goes to the finals I'm going to let my subscribers decide first person to five votes moves on so the first person voted for Mackenzie second vote goes to Mackenzie again no third vote goes to Mackenzie fourth Road also goes to McKenzie I'm here I need a DM warmer person this vote goes to Jake McKenzie thank you guys you guys don't have to watch the video anymore click out David McKenzie I will let you guys decide where the vote goes I can do it on my Instagram or my Twitter what's your Instagram all right Instagram it is I'm nervous I need this to reclaim my Wisconsin Heritage that David is trying to steal it could go either way at the moment it is 50 50. oh frick I feel like the final boss and I think I might have a chance at winning Jake Michelle gather it I have the results you guys remember what's on the line my Wisconsin Heritage yeah for every single person that clicks on this video I will give whichever one of you wins one tenth of a penny which adds up when people click along click off don't click off is can you guys give me like a super dramatic drum roll editors put some like super dramatic music it's getting ruined all right and the winner and David with 63 of the votes broken all right let's move on to our next competition I bought 1 000 bananas Jake's going bananas you have four hours to make the best banana art possible I see they have T-shirts each one of them says my mom is the team which means if you win you win up to five grand for your mom Michelle you already started eating your arms yeah four hours begins now the bananas have a very snake-like shape so I'm gonna sculpt the snake so I will be sculpting a snake Okay the first thing I think of when I think of bananas is a monkey I'm gonna do a gorilla made a best monkey gorilla win S I think Zach's coming Zach's coming Mackenzie so what are you planning on doing with your banana sculpture I'm not really sure yet I'm testing out some different techniques right now Izzy I'm fine oh looks like you got a circle going on here what's your plan well I'm making a snake and you're just gonna be making the snake's body out of the banana with the peel yeah I think so well I look forward to seeing it what are you planning on doing I'm gonna make a monkey you're gonna do a really good Ninja Jake seems like you have nothing done what are you up to I'm gonna start off by sculpting a gorilla out of bananas using Three Bananas you're the slowest artist on the team I don't know if you're gonna have time thank you thank you Zach I didn't know that diviana yes what are you up to I'm making sand for my banana you should get back to work what are you talking about Shake artists keep working and I'll be back soon enough from the doctor bye honest we have our first challenge the first artist to eat a banana gets an advantage go let's go all right Michelle's done I almost jump Michelle since you finished eating your banana first you get to choose one artist to wear a Minecraft costume for the entire competition hmm have you worn it yet Jake what my name is Zach Have you a morning Izzy why because you look like you know what you're doing you have to wear this for the rest of the challenge back to work sorry guys I was at the doctor but something important I'm okay Mackenzie what are you working on a Loch Ness monster what's the plan here if I have time like some waves and stuff and then I'll make another one coming out and then with its head that's cool I'm looking forward to it thank you hi tell me what you're making so I'm making a snake I want to make it pretty realistic so I'm going with the scale okay this literally looks like a snake's body I'm not joking let me show what is this I'm doing a monkey Michelle it looks nasty Jake what's oh I'm making a gorilla right now I am not confident well that's a nice gorilla face you got so far Jake keep believing what's the plan here I am making Raph we're like almost two hours in you don't have any banana thing done it didn't work out how big is your giraffe gonna be like this I want to make it that big yeah bananas are slippery so this is going to be difficult guys there is also a losing punishment whoever loses this competition has to run a timed mile the bottom two have an additional punishment so let's see who can eat a banana the fastest go shoot I wasn't ready you guys gotta get your potassium in bye good job Izzy I would high five you but your hands look kind of gross from the banana all right Michelle you were second Viv eat it eat it shove it in your mouth I'm done Viviana all right Izzy didn't she have this Minecraft costume I'll give you two options one pass a Minecraft costume onto someone else two grab someone to help you for the next 30 minutes I'm gonna have someone help me for 30 minutes who's gonna be helping you you want is someone to help you for 15 minutes hey all right Jake go help yourself for 15 minutes no I'm here Viv I have no clue how you're gonna do this but before you can continue on your project you have to peel Three Bananas with your feet [Music] [Music] [Applause] first person to peel a banana and hand me a perfect inside quince Michelle got it wait I was supposed to eat with this let me show you in this tool okay you can carefully stab it into someone's heart [Music] [Applause] what who's asking you for your opinion I'm about to quit this challenge on the bright side you said you were going to do some other animals now's your chance to start another you have no time to do any other animals like that you're gonna have to do something you've never done before work fast I don't know what I will be doing in the next hour and a half this will be my last Vlog goodbye fun fact bananas used to be my least favorite fruit and now it's my favorite he has literally like a couple bananas no there's nothing wrong with that I'm just saying it's a very inspiring story two minutes left bye I'm just hoping not to get left please it's flies all over my banana sculpture I don't think I'm gonna finish five four three two one time is up all right good job everyone all right guys get these bananas out of here and let's see your art and just so you guys know these bananas aren't going to waste we're going to donate them to a food shelter so people can put them to good use Viv we are gonna start with you today tell me about your giraffe I made a big giraffe with tiny humans on a bench my thought process was I had no idea what I wanted to make so I just let my creativity run I nostrils eyeballs ears so I really like the texture you did on the skin and I'm not gonna lie it actually turned out kind of looking like a giraffe I wish you covered up the the bananas up here because I do see the the Jenga look Jake had four hours of why is your banana so small okay we bought 1 000 bananas in your foreign tell me about your single banana wow my single banana is an alien type aquatic creature he's got a lot of spine coming up the back gills some sharp teeth some claws oh my goodness they're fruit flies flying everywhere fans please please go away thank you that's actually really detailed though I'm pretty impressed Jake I wish I could see the rest of the creature though nice recovery Jake munchie I will let my imagination run wild and it's sprinted it does imagination just took I made a cute little monkey a good couple they're very strong this is their dumbbell [Music] a challenge let's hope next time you have a comeback okay this is hi tell me about your piece this is an eyelash pit viper very venomous so that was my kind of like my goal I wanted to make it really textured and I cut scales into every part found the exact ripe bananas so they all kind of fit together and made this curving shape because not all bananas are the same some are curved and some are straight they do come in all shapes and sizes yeah safety I gave them some eyelashes a scary face and then I added a few little banana sets little rocks I love the texture of the scales I like the background you gave it I wish the head would like attach to the body I know it was really really hard I'm surprised you got all of it done honestly the only thing is I wish the head was attached very nice Izzy all right Mackenzie tell me about yours this is the sea serpent and these are harpoons let's go ahead and start judging Michelle you're out Viv I'm going to have to eliminate you I'm sorry curious how we're gonna do this Mackenzie Izzy Jake choose someone you guys talk about it together I'm not gonna say what this is for choose someone well I'll just go ahead and vote for myself I'll vote for Jake yeah yeah all right Jake you're in the finals what Mackenzie Izzy take a picture I just dm'd underscore the underscore sassy underscore girl underscore which one is your favorite the sea serpent or the pit viper let's give him sassy girl space sassy girl has a winner the person going to the finale is I asked Henry do you like the alien or the Viper yeah [Applause] and the winner of this challenge is [Music] the winner transition into the next challenge we have four contestants and a ton of oranges winner wins up to five grand for their biggest fan my biggest fan is gonna be so disappointed today can someone touch the timer it'll start once you touch it the time has officially begun there was a lot on the line your biggest fans will thank you orange art we must be running out of ideas we have made art out of crazy things like watermelon chocolates apples bananas but I think oranges are going to put their skills to the test I'm really curious to see what they make orange art seems really hard so I'm late that might be cool wait how'd you peel it already if you all have deadly Nails I have built-in knives I also probably should have given a safety talk should I be given a knife probably not I have a knife everybody go grab your knife from the side everybody make sure you go grab your knife over on that table I don't know what's happening what are you making Ben today I want to make something I've never made before I'm gonna make an orca whale oh no the world's gonna end Ben's not making a dragon those so you guys to find out who your biggest fan is I'm gonna look for comments about you guys so if you guys comment about Michelle a lot you can be one of Michelle's biggest fans in if she wins you might win too if you're the biggest fan of Jake and you comment about Jake a lot we will see it who's my biggest fan is it you I'm gonna go to Vegas no she's not I have no my stationary so messy do it Michelle's trying to get free ideas from me oh you're doing an outline of a goldfish that is boring can you remember oh first the first inside wins yep the winner of this challenge is going to get a huge Advantage oh my God these oranges are hard to do if you're done raise it up I'll come over and take a look it can't have any done oh very nice Jake here is your advantage you get to choose two people one of them is gonna help you for 15 minutes the other person has to spin around for five minutes Mackenzie peeled hers the fastest so I want you to just peel as many oranges for me as you can would you like surgical Precision or just regular precision as best as you can okay we'll do the surgical well one of you is spinning I really liked you when you had your mustache I think it looked beautiful and I think it looked beautiful now thank you I think you're beautiful I didn't sense any truth to that you know what Michelle's been yes yes Michelle Army please I had to choose one of them and it just happened to be Michelle everything I said about Jake's mustache was a lie he looks ugly Jake for 15 minutes which is not that bad I feel like I'll be able to get my project done pretty fast so I'm not worried about running low on time most of this art is being done using the peels so we're gonna put all these little fruits we're either gonna eat it or we're gonna donate it we'll be keeping these make sure you wash your hands and keep these nice and secure I'm done at 37 Jake okay I believe you so far I think everyone's off to a good start Michelle is making great progress on her snake Ben is moving really fast with his Orca Jake has a beautiful chameleon eye and Mackenzie well she's the crafts Queen I can't wait to see everyone's final pieces all right I gotta massage the orange I cracked the orange what are you making a chameleon Michelle what are you making a snake maybe this is a sign I should do a dragon if everyone's seen an animal I am loving my snake right now I'm getting the outline and it looks pretty good I think this is a chameleon eye and it looks like a chameleon ice I'm happy that we're doing a food challenge where the food is actually like healthy so you know now unlike the candy art video where I was feeling very guilty I'm just I'm just really using my eggs [Applause] this is this challenge you need to make fresh squeezed orange juice for the winner it's not so bad yeah we have a lot of leftover oranges and I figured might as well make a nice cup of orange juice for whoever wins guys for this next challenge whoever wins we'll get to choose two contestants to do exercises that is why I brought out this die everyone come over here so here's how this is gonna work we are gonna play orange basketball as you guys can see there this is an orange decorated as a basketball rules are very simple you guys have a basket right here you got three attempts behind this line is one point here is two points three points you guys can choose where you want to go from you're up McKenzie I'm pretty sure I'm already gonna lose so I'm just gonna go from the longest one okay oh well it looks like you win yeah all right so you're gonna choose two people again one person has to multiply any number they land on by 20 and that's how many push-ups they do and the other person when they roll this that's how many times they have to run around the studio Ken's do you want a roll to run foreign which one of these two beautiful contestants will be doing push-ups today Ben I have to choose you no you don't I have to because if Michelle got 120 push-ups I would feel pretty bad all right Ben roll the die all right 80 push-ups Ben thanks Jake I'll remember this forever I'm not mad that Jake chose me so let's get buff down up one Thirty time for a break Jake is making me do the running which is fine I'd rather do that than do push-ups but I will be running in first so it will be slept okay while Mackenzie runs her laps let's check in on the pieces well Ben take a look at the head this is more pointed at the end this looks like a turtle hey that looks cool so far I haven't figured out the spaceship I'm thinking it'd be pretty easy to just carve out that looks cool so far Jake thank you I think you went really big with the eye yeah I did how on Earth are you gonna finish I don't know and I this is really hard I see what you're trying to do with like the line work same thing as Jake how are you gonna get this done it will get done this will be interesting man are you almost done already yeah I think I'm done dude beating against me and now that I'm not in the competition Ben's like okay I'm done but obviously I want to win for my biggest fan Ben you're about to ditch this and it's not even halfway through all hell is breaking loose it's like waiting this for our biggest fan I'm trying my hardest to win everyone is frantically trying to figure out what they're doing and I'm just chilling so I think I'm gonna go play some basketball with Zach hey Zach you ready to play basketball yeah Jake wanted a ready so he hasn't been around for a long time blowing your freaking Red Bull breath in my face I was trying to blow over the Goldfish MacKenzie's trying at least so she's my biggest competition right now after working on the orange art for a while it seemed like Ben got bored so he asked me to play a game of basketball we're gonna play a game of DHC a really good memories oh no they seem like they're having fun meanwhile I'm out here grinding trying to win for my biggest fan I didn't get a single letter aren't you supposed to give them a challenge oh yeah everyone there's around 30 minutes left I have a mini challenge for you guys no everyone this will be fun so here's a challenge you guys are gonna try to get as many oranges in your hula hoop as possible at the end once there's no oranges out here the person with the least amount of oranges is gonna help the person with the most oranges for 20 minutes which is like two-thirds of the rest of the time you guys cannot steal from other people's hula hoops Ready Set Go Michelle's got quite a few little go oh no Ben there's no more all right Mackenzie how many do you have 16 21 9. Jake has 24 so Ben for the next 20 minutes you got to do whatever you are so lucky I don't think I would have won that challenge but I picked up all of Benz that kept falling out Jake you have won every single mini challenge in this video all right let's see how these are looking that's potentially if you put some scales on it I feel or maybe like you know the white side of this if you did some like lines over here that could look cool oh Jake this has potential I should have just did that I might have to scratch an idea I might have to start the peels over wait what why I have an idea well now you have Ben hey Michelle this is not bad I'm trying really hard I really want my biggest fan to win money Mackenzie for everyone in the comments they're screaming bow bow do you have a message for that I'm sorry that I haven't done better all I have to say is I really tried this video and just because you finished fast doesn't mean the work isn't good yeah Michelle just because someone finishes fast doesn't mean it's not good okay my time is done Jake I hope hopefully Shell's going all out yeah I'm trying my hardest and even though I might lose two minutes and 30 seconds left and my piece looks exactly the same how it did an hour ago I'm so sorry to all my Jake fans out there I got super frustrated because I was running into some problems with the mouth so I just ruined my entire piece three two one all right everyone stop what you're doing let's take a look at the orange art Ben what do we have here we have an orca whale Ben you were done in like 30 minutes and you just left I was working on it and I was looking at my reference and I was just like I think I can finish this in like 10 minutes efficient and 110 effort I feel like if you went larger you could have added some more detail at the end of the day it doesn't look bad it doesn't look bad I gave this 120 effort that's not a real number and I made a cobra snake it doesn't look bad the eyebrows look a little scary but other than that it's a nice piece good job Michelle let's be quick with this I was looking around just 30 minutes ago and I was thinking to myself wow Jake has such a cool chameleon piece and then now I only see the I Whistle stuff around it all my fans out there I'm so sorry if you really cringe when you saw me destroy the chameleon so I just pivoted and made a evil demon Lord I still think you have a chance to win this I did really like your chameleon though I'm sad I wanted to see the chameleon not bad Jake okay so this is Patricia and Patricia is a goldfish and she's blowing bubbles I like the line work approach you went with what happened to the Finn is it supposed to be like chopped up so that's the texture of the fence going all right well Round of Applause okay not gonna lie guys I feel like this could be anyone's challenge so here's how this is gonna work I'm gonna ask subscribers which one is their favorite first person to five votes wins the first vote goes to Michelle this next vote goes to Michelle the next vote goes to Mackenzie oh hey Tom Holland's brother wants to judge and he says dolphin is goaded the next vote goes to Michelle Michelle keeps emoting goes to McKenzie the next subscriber votes for the snake one for sure Michelle you're just one away from winning the next person votes for Michelle you're the winner [Applause] it's finally let's go to the next challenge today we're going to be making giant latte art the artist will compete in rounds creating latte art using the topic spun on this wheel if they went around they received one point the first artist to two points will win the competition the winner will receive a lifetime supply of coffee so for the first round you will have 20 minutes and your topic is building in the morning I live off of pre-workout or coffee so a lifetime supply of coffee good for me I don't drink coffee it gives me poopies so if you guys look up at the top of our YouTube screen there's a timer and it has started Zach mentioned to me earlier that building was probably going to be the hardest topic and I told them my idea so I'm gonna make something sort of like the Taj Mahal so buildings are definitely going to be a tough topic I personally really like making buildings but I hate coffee I tried one tiny sip when I was in Middle School it was the worst thing I've ever tasted Michelle how are you doing I'm gonna do a castle the first step is to froth I will put my milk into the this little machine here is anybody's frother dripping because mine's leaking McKenzie started like 10 minutes ago apparently with the frothing after you spun the wheel it was go time did I or did I not say go you didn't say go she should be disqualified looks like everyone's very very focused right now so I'm gonna go around and just mess with oh don't do it don't do it I'm just kidding I'm not that mean oh very nice would be a shame if I blew on it yeah let's not say you did look at how shaky my hands are oh let's see I spilled coffee everywhere Michelle are you making a mess on my set already I've been with Michelle for four years she is the biggest klutz I know I can only do no point perspective you guys are nine minutes in I know usually I'm the slowest artist but since we have 20 minutes for each challenge I'm gonna have to work fast nice start yeah too bad going with a safe one point perspective I see you're gonna finish you have like five minutes left everyone's buildings look pretty solid not gonna lie which is good because buildings need to be solid otherwise they'll crumble to the ground so you guys watching on your phone right now are probably seeing some cool shots with epic music but if you cut the epic music it's actually dead silent in here that's what we're all hearing right now cut back to the cool music even though I don't like coffee that much I still want to win because I usually don't five four three two one all right stop what you're doing all right Jake do you want to tell me a little bit about your latte art I did the Taj Mahal so I did the main building and then I added obviously shadowing on it yeah yeah it really does look like the Taj Mahal I did a spooky witch Castle oh I like that you have a foreground and a background you've been listening to my instructions so I wanted to do a really magical colorful castle and I wanted to use all my favorite colors and I added fireflies and tried to give it a lot of depth I did this building and there's a little hedge and if that should turn it out nicer than I thought so obviously we're only gonna have one winner this round Michelle I think you had a very very nice one but I don't think I'm gonna choose yours to win this one Mackenzie you really impressed me with the building you made but compared to David and Jake's I would say it's not quite as complete well well well it leaves us with David and Jake so I think my final decision for me as someone who really loves architecture and buildings I think I'm gonna have to go with Jake's design yeah so good job Jake you win round one which means you get a point don't worry everyone else there are still going to be more rounds to come I do think latte is a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be so I think I might need a new strategy I'm happy I won the first round was pretty confident honestly because I actually finished a piece my plan is to get a clean sweep maybe two dubs in a row and just win this whole competition I'm not feeling too creative right now so the transition for this next scene probably isn't going to be the best round number two I brought on a guest my friend who really likes coffee I love coffee do you want to spend the wheel to horse big money big money big money please give them a hard topic [Applause] Isaiah before you start you are going to judge this round so is there anything you're looking for specifically as much detail as humanly possible probably yeah you guys have 20 minutes go I'm doing this not so sure how this is going to turn out but we'll try this dang and this would have been perfect for you of course the one time the topic is Dragon I'm not in the video hey everyone stop what you're doing grab your camera you can't keep going on in this competition until you bring me a penny no I don't have a penny Penny Katie I need a penny Penny please do any of you guys have a penny they should have just asked me begging for a penny oh nice okay Michelle you can keep working all right all right all right very nice you guys know you could have just asked me right I had four pennies in my pocket no you didn't nobody ever asks me for pennies I need to put more colors in the Sharpie art video my dragon I thought came out pretty good latte art though not so sure so just to mess with them a little bit [Music] I just found out that whoever wins this competition that I'm judging gets a lifetime supply of coffee for them and their mom I actually kind of like why didn't I get to be in this competition I don't know you got some competition over here Davis is looking quite solid it looks cute it looks cute okay Jake okay Jake I'm gonna be honest this copier thing isn't that fun I'm super super shaky and these are really really fine lines that we have to make not very good at that oh David that looks pretty nice yeah oh Michelle's looks really cute and pick it up no that don't look it's already bleeding stop hands off you guys you have a one minute warning Jake for some reason yours Fades a lot faster than anyone else's I think you're doing it in the brown area too much you guys have exactly five four three two one done all right there we have it you know what I'm putting it over the max line now froth was too little this time before we begin the judging I have a twist for this round if you lose this round you eat a coffee bean no let's start over here why don't you just give me a quick little something about the piece this round Isaiah is judging I will just be spectating well mine is a Dragon it's green I try to do scaly textures and I made the eyes bright yellow to pop you can Dragon my dragon is still hanging in there a little bit okay magical and green with the added scales and I did this full body and I made them a really big all right I like it it looks good thank you I also have a magical dragon it spits fire and shoots floating hearts around itself I decided to make a orange and green blob for you guys yeah and did you know that the assignment was a dragon I did but I decided to go a little bit for like take a creative risk I hope you like the block I don't but we'll talk about that later it's okay Isaiah after looking at all the pieces yeah do you have a favorite I do actually have a favorite I think it's between Michelle personally and Mackenzie those are my two favorites I think I made my decision now it's McKenzie I really like the glowing eye and the smoke it looks very nice would you like it to take a sip yeah I don't need to try MacKenzie's coffee creamer so it tastes like water this is not good coffee good art fan of balances each other out right okay awesome on to round three exactly I'm not complaining about because I probably would have had to eat one I'm not gonna remind him Zach never forgets punishment now I have one point and Jake has one point so we're tied if one of us wins the next one we are done and we'll have the winner Michelle would you like to spin the wheel okay something easy plushie plushies all right if you look up above on the screen there's a ton of our plushies right here you can make art of one of them your time has already started though I am confident with this a lot I love drawing that's plushies do you guys see how cute bun bun is I'm not doing bun bun I'm doing its Evolution bun bun which isn't so cute but it's a little bit more ferocious looking Jake made another mess look at this man over here he's destroying my tables Michelle are you utilizing your Cool Whip it's cool whip you're a cool whip the latte art is a lot harder than I thought if the table shakes just a little bit it messes up the art a lot I want either Michelle or I to win and I think Michelle and I have the best pieces yes it'll be one of us I'm sure three two one all right for round number three we have another guest judge German and if you guys don't know Ben and I work on a lot of these characters together so Ben knows these characters pretty well may I just start by saying your hair looks very nice today Bean what what about your art Ben does not care it's a little boxish I do like the colors I like the lines oh I think it looks cute there's something off with the eyes it kind of like blood a little bit okay I did Giga stream I like it Michelle definitely went big on this one the black dots on his face it's supposed to be like the moles on his face and then this is his nostril but it all just Blended I did bun bun and I added shadowing on his feet and around side of his back Jake I don't have a lot to say right now because it's a little muddy fun one got into a real fight here now before Ben reveals who won this round you can buy these cute plushies at zhcstore.com follow my finger you want to go to zhcstore.com right now and buy a plushie the winner of this round is David oh what David got the shape of bump on the best and it was the most clean Jake is not happy right now look how mad he is and with that being said we're on to round four my roommate clearly made the wrong decision I really just don't know what was going through his head the entire time Mackenzie David and Jake you guys just need one more point to win and Michelle if you want to win you need to win two in a row you got it you guys are probably looking at the bottom seeing how much time is left so there's only time for one more round you know Michelle didn't win oh and now that I just ruined it for all of you guys I'm going to spin to see what we get come on flower blob what is it what is it we have robots robots you guys have 20 minutes to do robot latte art go these topics are horrible and I'm the one that came up with them oh no Michelle get better guest judges Ben you know what I just realized so every topic they had today is stuff that you do specifically they started out with building then it was Dragon you're pretty good at dragons and then it was plushies and you literally draw that for a living and now they got robot and you love drawing robots they got Roblox then everything they're doing in this competition is stuff you would be really good at Jake for some reason yours always melts faster than anybody you better not this round I need the dub what robot are you trying to do I'm gonna be really good I'm gonna do turkey robot oh my goodness and Jake is going full like AI mode I don't think I've ever drawn a robot before in my life so like Kenzie I've never done a robot before so I'm just making a robot unicorn I'm pretty happy with my robot it's going okay I'm just a little bit annoyed because my colors keep bleeding for some reason I'm hoping that it doesn't just get completely destroyed by the end wait Mackenzie are you sure Michelle's not gonna beat you guys I'm pretty happy with my robot I just win so we can get this over with because I do not like this channel at all everything's hard about this video three two one all right Jake what did you make I made an AI robot it bled a lot up here my piece was bleeding a lot in general wires coming down the back we have this very like robotic neck with wires going through connecting to the shoulders down here very cool Jake I like the shading technical parts of the robot look really cool and the face looks incredible I made a robot turkey wearing a robot costume wait you guys never ate the bean did nobody remind me we didn't want to remind you I forgot to give you guys a coffee bean okay I like that you gave it your best effort Michelle usually has to copy some references but she made her own original piece and for that I am extremely proud of you Michelle I made a robot unicorn because I've never done a robot before and I was trying to make it my own and I wanted to give them a really magical like fiery rainbow Mane I really like this Feast David thank you it was very pretty I thought we were all kind of gonna go with the cartoony Vibe so that's why I did this little guy this is is very very hard you could have added some more detail on this one not a bad piece I thought it was cute we don't have a guest judge for this one so I will need to make a decision Michelle I am really sorry it is a very cute original piece Michelle and I still love you very much this piece was just not your piece and with that being said Jake and David man this is tough so I'm looking at these pieces side by side to try to really see which one I like the best honestly I would say this was the closest round Jake and David you guys both had amazing pieces I would have to get the slight Edge too Jake yeah and now we're gonna start the Apple art challenge I just bought every single Apple at the grocery store we have five artists and a ton of apples Whoever has the best art has a chance to win up to five thousand dollars per subscriber and I'll buy you a ton of apple pie artist each one of you can start out by choosing 30 apples go also the four hours just started I think I'm just gonna grab a bunch of apples all different shapes and sizes there are a lot of apples to choose from whoever loses has to stare at this Apple for one hour I don't know why people like green apples this is sour Jake did you just bruise one of the apples what if I did then I'm calling the cops fifth choose someone Michelle Jake choose someone who did you choose Michelle give a topic piano all right babe you have to make a piano Izzy give Jake a topic all right Jake you're making a dog themed Apple sculptor Jake give Michelle a topic uh squirrel and a cowboy hat Michelle give Mackenzie a topic piano again yeah I'm gonna see see who has a better piano yeah all right Mackenzie all right Izzy who did you pick oh all right okay that's cool all right so is he your sculpture needs to have something to do with farts so obviously we're gonna have a lot of apples left over so we're either gonna give it to a food bank or just give it to whoever wants more apples here you go Jake thanks thanks all right everyone know their topic I better see some amazing farts no squirrels and cowboy hats and the dogs and you may be thinking Mackenzie Izzy Viv they're all threatening competitors this round but in case you guys forgot last time we did the watermelon challenge Michelle actually won Michelle you're the fruit champion why don't you not list me as a threatening opponent all right there so I heard you're struggling a bit what is the plan I wanted to make a big piano using all the apples but I just don't know how I'm gonna put them together I think I'm going to do a dog the plan right now is to make the squirrel with the cowboy hat first my card's a little after today and I'll make little clouds guys I see everyone going pretty small right now keep in mind you have 30 apples and you could win more so for this challenge might be good to go big kids this challenge is a friendly reminder to eat your fruits Viv take an apple Jake take an apple Michelle take an apple tend to take an apple there you go first person who finishes the Apple win something last person also wins something go oh Mackenzie and Viv are chopping them up Jake you even eat slow I eat so slow okay all my friends know all right that's good enough Izzy Izzy's first all right that's good enough Jake good job Michelle good job Mackenzie Viv it looks like you came in last all right good job Izzy this box is yours you get more apples Izzy this is like 50 to 60 apples right here Viv since you came in last you get apple sauce three two one [Music] I'm scared Jake is savoring every drop Jake she got you good you did that on purpose oh Jake you squirted your sauce all over the wall tell me how your piece is going so far going okay I'm just carving a bunch of little apple bottoms well so far I built the pan I have a cowboy hat and then I have the squirrel's tail and that's about it I'm doing a demon dog like he's got some Gnar hey that actually looks pretty good he's probably gonna put a tennis ball on his mouth or something else because he's a demon dog so we'll see I finished my piano I think I'm gonna do multiple instruments to make dinner so we're about to do a challenge and one person will decide the fate of everyone here here's what's gonna happen you will all have three minutes to go bobbing for apples whoever gets the most we'll decide everyone's face it's outside go three minutes started already three minutes already started foreign [Music] [Music] all right two minutes left oh you only have one I can't do it Michelle you're very good at it oh my goodness Jacob seven three two one stop oh my goodness one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen shake off fifteen did anyone beat fifteen I got five Mackenzie had five Michelle you had one how much is yours four and bite into it baby F4 I see how many do you have ten Jake God you got 15 Jake follow me Jake you're about to get a huge Advantage here's your list of advantages there are five of you you get it apply this to each person okay one artist will get to do any topic they want and that's me okay Mackenzie you have to do 10 minutes of wall since then you will have 50 Burgers Michelle you will be tossing 100 apples into a bucket and Izzy you will be helping me for 30 minutes oh okay hey everyone get to whatever you're supposed to be doing is he having Italian effort in the uh apple bobbing competition so I decided to go easy on her 100 it's gonna take forever Mackenzie your your pianist is jacked yeah he got some work done oh you also gave him nipples all right Michelle [Music] huh all right whoa Jay that's actually sick oh whoa that's cool boys and girls come with me you will all take turns trying to toss that apple in the bucket let's just say You're Gonna Want to get it in all right Izzy go for it oh not quite is he oh he almost hit the camera man oh MacKenzie's got one oh that wasn't even close Michelle all right everyone get back to work except for Mackenzie you see this knife you're gonna be able to go up to one person's art and go one Swift there you go Jake no Mackenzie Jake any last words before McKenzie chops your art just get it over with MacKenzie [Music] work fast you might be able to still pull this off come on Jake get back to work I believe in you Jake Vlog about um how you're gonna Salvage it I don't think I'm gonna Salvage it [Music] five four three two one time's up right Viv so who gave you the topic of a piano tell me what you did with it I decided to make an orchestra show and then I made three instruments and then that is conducting the show The Big Show of the orchestra Viv I really really liked the instruments you made especially the top of this piano which you dropped oh let me tell you this it looks absolutely incredible this top part very nice details on there I did a kind of slug monster type creature it has a shell on the back it has a tongue and there's a little person I guess prey in there tongue is like textured it has little claws Mackenzie sliced through its face and it exploded so I had to piece it back together lost some teeth in the process honestly I'm kind of surprised you recovered from that looking at it from over here I can't tell that someone chopped through the head and not gonna lie the the eyes really bring it to life so this is probably one of your stronger pieces topic of squirrel with a cowboy hat so that's what I did and the squirrel was really lonely so I made him some fun and a butterfly had a couple of flowers it's not bad I actually like your swans quite a lot I think the swans came out nice I feel like you could have polished up the squirrel a little bit more well I will give me the topic of doing a piano I built a piano and then this is Pierre the bodybuilder yes why does it looks so mad because he's like playing in very emotional song very creative I I like the the piano one of the keys looks kind of off yeah it's because he's playing so aggressive McKenzie not gonna lie the proportions look a little bit off very creative Mackenzie all right so McCain and he gave me the topic of farts well I wanted to create an explosion of Parts which was my initial idea but I was like okay where'd Parts come from but so I carved a bunch of buds and I also carved this cute little character head so I was like oh my gosh I'm gonna make a ninja obviously is it your story's kind of falling apart no no no it's an interesting design I like the creativity thank you but is he having nothing but butt says body parts makes it look a little peculiar now it's time for eliminations first person that's getting eliminated today my friend Isabella I'm sorry Izzy you're eliminated next person that's getting eliminated all right Mackenzie I'm eliminating you all right Michelle I'm gonna have to eliminate you I'm sorry Viv and Jake and the winner of our annual apple carving competition is Jake let's go to the next challenge whatever these contestants make out of watermelon I'll pay for yeah five hours go okay and what my friends don't know is that if they lose there's actually a punishment that goes along with it I bought the most sour watermelon candies I could find on the entire internet if they lose they're gonna have to eat this the last time I won the watermelon challenge I really want to do even better and win this one too so I see you're choosing out your watermelon and your tools if you can do this entire challenge with one tool I'll give you an extra thousand if you win that's not possible I'm sorry I'm gonna you're not gonna take it I'm gonna decline if you don't want to take my deal I'll go up to Michelle so if you can win this entire challenge using only two tools I'll give you an extra thousand dollars you know what I'll take it Zack took me to an exotic zoo I saw a couple of turtles doing the nasty and now I really want one last time we did watermelon art it was super super hard I'm hoping I can pull through with a win this time I have no clue what I'm gonna make so I'm gonna let the creative Juices Flow this video is a little bit different from usual they have to make what they want me to pay for so if they make a watch I'll get them a watch they make an animal I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do I don't want to buy a tiger let's walk around and see what they're doing do you have an idea of what you're doing yet Mackenzie I'm going to do a tiki man and you want me to buy you a tea can it's to represent a trip to Hawaii check let me try to guess what you're making is it gonna be a car yeah maybe when you actually want a turtle you can take care of it yeah we'll both take care of it actually come to the side I need to give you a little inspirational speech I feel like in this video You're the underdog artist here just don't worry about what people are doing around you theirs is gonna be good but you got to believe in yourself I think one of your biggest weaknesses is just giving up too early you're at the point where you can really compete with them give them a run for their money okay I feel so inspired Jake so I see that you're making a house and I'm assuming you need a bit of help with your rent our rent is getting raised a little bit friends getting raised yeah Ben and if you're watching this I'm paying for for Jake's part of the rent not yours Ryan I see you're already doing a scenery honestly I think it looks pretty cool so far here I just need a vacation if you win I'm gonna hook you up with the best vacation of your life let's go I'm winning this I hope you fail now that everyone got their topics the artist got straight to work but little do they know I have another plan in store for them we have three mini challenges for the artists to do and it's gonna give them an advantage or a disadvantage and it might affect their overall performance oh man [Music] they're the same thing bro I'm sorry I'm sorry I officially give up on using two tools everyone stop what you're doing we're gonna do many challenges for the first one we have a watermelon eating competition City [Music] the show you like them thicker he's the one that cut it so yell at him later you can't just shove it all in your mouth you have to swallow whoever swallows first wins my goodness right has a giant one go got a juicy one do you like watermelons oh my goodness mine's not even close this is ridiculous it's gonna be close all right Jack's our winner Michelle's second Jake third I'll take the loss when I was little my parents had a first come first serve for dinner so if I don't eat fast I don't get to eat anything and I'm a huge fan of Matt Stoney Ryan I'm sorry you lost so here's what's gonna happen you have to help first place for 15 minutes second place for 10 minutes third place for five minutes awesome dude I don't think I need you oh I'm gonna help you I think for five minutes I'm just gonna have you stare at the wall turkey is gonna be in the rest of the video with me Hey Jake what look at your competitor so I started cutting into my watermelon I have the nostrils and the eyes and the mouth I probably thought about giving up about twice now I feel very calm no I'm not very confident I should sound more confident doing such a great job well my five minutes of staring at the swallow up now thanks to Jake hi Ryan it's my turn having Ryan clean my station because it's like the messiest one here Mackenzie if you're gonna want something more than a souvenir from Hawaii you're gonna have to do something related with traveling so I saw this hack on Tick Tock I'm not sure if they're messing with me or not but we're gonna try it let's see if it works thank you if you plug this into the watermelon it'll charge your phone I don't get it let's see subscribe then you're pretty smart Ryan so I see you are currently helping Shack out while I was trying to decide if I was gonna do a really bad job because Mackenzie told me I was too nice on the crafts channel in the past we have had people try to game the system and do a bad job for those people we double their work time whoa that actually looks pretty good of a show honestly I am quite proud of Michelle right now usually she goes through different phases where she gives up and then she keeps going gives up keeps going and she usually ends up giving up but I think today is going to be different for her excuse me sir in my seat time wise not doing so great but I just made these things I got the turtle I think now it's time to move on to the show they've been working for a while now and I think they're getting comfortable so we're gonna switch things up a little bit everyone looked up at the clock real quick we have less than two hours we do have our second mini challenge so come with me outside I'm telling myself not to give up but I really felt like I should have for this next challenge we'll be doing watermelon bowling each of you guys have one watermelon you have a lane and you have 10 hands whoever knocks down the most pins gets to scoop a piece out of another person's watermelon art all right Mackenzie you're gonna be first do you have a strategy here I'm gonna granny roll it good job I think everyone's gonna be able to get a strike it wasn't that hard no scoop for you go Michelle Ryan you're the last hope Fair he had one left Mackenzie you're gonna be able to scoop someone's art inside the inside we go I'm kind of nervous that she's gonna scoop my art wouldn't be surprised but I really hope she doesn't sex is cute and cartoonish right now Jake's is looking pretty sweet if I'm gonna be completely honest I would say Shaq's expressed you don't need to listen to me I'm not telling you to scoop him I just host the videos I'm so sorry but it's okay I'm still one person beer I feel really really bad about what I did to shark's piece but at the end of the day I'm a terrible person this is now don't give up Michelle don't give up I want to cry actually no I am crying how's everyone feeling I will give you guys the next minute to pick out whatever watermelon you want melon on melon action at this point in the competition I feel like everyone's doing pretty well but I kind of want to give them some advice and mentorship I think the main goal in all these challenges that we do is to bring out the full potential in each one of these talented artists let's go talk to each of them I want to give each one of you guys the best chance of winning and I can spend a little bit of time talking to each one of you guys about strategies you guys each can get like two minutes with me you may stand behind there welcome to my office I feel like if you want to win it you should incorporate like little details on it okay a couple planes helicopters stuff like that you're gonna need a couple more impressive elements trying to get work a little bit faster but honestly I don't know if I'm gonna finish so we'll see all right Michelle how are you feeling right now I feel terrible terrible Michelle the one piece of advice I had for you the whole challenge is to not give up no but everyone kept saying my piece looks so bad maybe they think it looks bad and then it blossoms into something that's really good do you really think it was good okay Ryan and McKenzie's are looking pretty good yes they are so you're gonna have to watch out for them yes yes yes one of the things I like the most is details if you can get a lot of details okay but what I would do if I were you is I think I would add some more texture and I think that's one thing that might be missing from your piece but I'm having fun listening to Jake it's been about 20 minutes straight whining so far say hi to petunia part two Zach may not like it but I like it you have around 26 minutes and 30 seconds left I have one final mini challenge for you guys for this final mini challenge you each have half a watermelon whoever cleans their watermelon first gets an advantage go go raise your hand when you're done I think I'm done Ryan I think you got it so here's your advantage you see how this 23 minutes left on the clutch but for the rest of them they only have 18 minutes left I need all the time I can get so this is definitely annoying so I'm watching everyone struggle right now they have about a minute left I did exactly what Zach told me and I put Hawaii on the back side of the team with the plane therefore it should win Jake is clearly rushing I know I'm gonna lose I'm just gonna prepare for the song Candy now three two one everyone's stuff what you're doing Ryan you have five minutes left [Music] Ryan why don't you tell me a little bit about your piece I did a tropical beach the palm trees clouds some trees ready to go on a vacation try put in a little Safari Jeep in there very impressed with this I I think you did a pretty good job I love how you have like this as your main display piece and then you have like a little like eat something on the side too very nice Ryan everyone all right Jake tell me about your piece this is a house I really tried to get the depth of the pieces of the house in the front and on the sides the staircase is a very cool touch I think the door is very nice for five hours I I really wish you had some more detail on there I wish there were some more like textures it wasn't turning out so good either way Jake I think you did a good job hi Michelle this is platini the second it's another turtle I made her in an hour little turtle babies oh that's kind of cool I think you have a very cute functional piece perfect for parties with friends and family however I can tell it was made during their final hour all right Shaq tell me about your piece now we got a convertible I also have a bunch of different features on here working windshields to the window antenna and also if you come in a little bit closer watermelon engine that's up in there you'll feel me I I do really like all the details so many cool things on here good job Mackenzie talk to me about your tiki torch I just want to say it at first are these excuses no I had made a little lay I gave him a tongue I tried to add some details like you asked for and I think it turned out pretty good I think it's pretty cool I I think it was a good choice making these extra textures very nice Mackenzie I'm very proud of all of you guys but at the end of the day only one of you guys can win I'm gonna try my best to be unbiased and choose my favorite ones and unfortunately if you lose you have to eat the most sour Watermelon candy I could find on the internet the person coming in fifth I'm sorry Michelle all right Michelle all right in fourth place we have Jake put it in Jake now it's down to Ryan Jack and Mackenzie this is tough to do but Shaq please give this to Mackenzie yes your piece was very impressive but I thought there were two better ones finally we have Ryan and Shaq this is a very tough decision I I wish I could give you guys a tie but unfortunately there can only be one winner the winner of this challenge drum roll I think I'm gonna have to go with Shaq baby let's move on to our next competition in this video we will be making art out of pasta I hate pasta ooh pasta these four artists will have two hours to create art out of pasta best one gets to split up to five grand with a subscriber let the pasta challenge begin I gotta get the pasta Michelle what the hell these like fanciest hat going into this challenge I'm not very confident at all because I don't know what I'm doing and I'm already over it because the colors are ugly Jake and Mackenzie aren't here today so I might have a chance to win so are you giving me a topic or no you ready three two one zombie not doing it zombie zombie straight line I saw some of the pasta pieces and honestly they resemble bones so I think I'm gonna make a dinosaur fossil okay I'm gonna try to draw out what I want to make and I'm gonna try to actually plan for one so I'm gonna do a unicorn because if it's easy and I do them all the time maybe I might try cooking the pasta the Shell's ripped girl unless the soak it and see if it like becomes squishy if it doesn't work I will try something else you Michelle what are you doing I'm soaking it Michelle's always doing nasty stuff every challenge we're gonna drop this cool geometric Frog as a mosaic I just love doing my own stuff so Michelle what's your plan with that over there like why'd you just put it in water I have my sketch down this is what it looks like so far before I put the hot glue gun on I am going to just map out where I want my pasta art to go oh my glue is like thick and gross it's gonna be a musty Unicorn it's been 20 minutes and I finally decided what I'm gonna do I wanna do a cute little frog so what's your plan how are you gonna use these like little pieces of pasta to make it I'm gonna try to break up the spaghetti to make it into like fur texture and then hopefully different textures of pasta to like make the main look different and the eyes look different oh you have a little for around 25 minutes in and we have our first mini challenge where you could win an advantage okay I want that Gather in the middle we're gonna play a little game this is called pasta trivia I'm going to show you guys an assortment of different pastas first person to answer the name of the pasta when's the point you need three points to win first one spaghetti spaghetti well technically David said it first next one spaghetti tri-color fusilli you got a facili next one okay spaghetti rigatoni David you have three points I was none of those spaghetti everyone you can get back to work David here's your advantage you get to choose two people and have them make you a pasta like food they need to cook it and bring it to you oh dude let me do this one then you're gonna make me pasta and Savannah are gonna make me pasta Ben Savannah get to work you guys have a possible wait did you have to eat it I want it like five star five star Gordon Ramsay and you picked me my glue exploded and melted everything and it's all over my shoe but it's okay my unicorn will look great in two hours from now I'm sure we should just give him a one every noodle Savannah what do you do this is how you make pasta grab a little bit of this you grab some of these yummy I decided it's gonna do um but I'm doing a q Savannah and I are in the kitchen right now we are about to make the best pasta in the world okay I want to go look at everyone's stuff while they're gone and Michelle yours is gonna be really cute they're working on it Ben's is looking a little rough but I'm sure knowing him it'll come out really good oh I feel bad she hasn't started at all yet I made her go cook pasta look at that that is a whole fire oh you just throw it in there it's gonna be salty this is why we're in our Channel and not a cooking channel okay how long does it really take to make pot better be salting their pasta water get in there I don't know if we added enough salt oh I think you added more than enough salt at all that the glue is not clear if you look at Ben's the clear glue like kind of disappears whereas like if you have white glue then you're going to be able to see all this at the end well I'll do clear from now on once all the whites are stopped okay I gotta squirt it out you want that milky color I think it's ready to serve actually I hope David likes it this might be the last time we see David it looks like it's lunch time I'm starving oh my God yum let's try a little bite in case it's really bad this is awful why is it crunchy call me Chef Boyard Ben oh everyone I have a little plot twist as a reminder the winner gets a split up to five grand with a subscriber and losers get tomato sauce make sure you step it up good thing I switch with a clear glue wait Zach what happens if Michelle gets tomato sauce dumped on her and she has to come home with you am I allowed to be next to you sure are we allowed to cuddle sure we're getting still cuddle she's she's tasting smell like in tomatoes all right everyone we have our second mini challenge you will have an opportunity to win some more time you guys will each toss 10 pieces of pasta and each one you get in this bowl is two minutes extra you can get up to 20 extra minutes I feel like a heavy pasta [Music] if you have one more try so David you have 12 extra minutes all right Michelle [Music] one more four extra minutes Michelle yeah I'm gonna try a different strategy what does this cat has Savannah you get six extra minutes better than nothing and I'm gonna use the extra time to really add lots of details to my unicorn and hopefully get it done I only got only got a lot of time I'm using red pasta to make the outside of the mushroom and hopefully by the end of it it'll look really really good this challenge is so hard two hours is not enough time to do that see the Frog there's only 49 minutes left but I think my dinosaur skeleton is turning out pretty good I'm not sure how I'm gonna do the head I'm like not even halfway done so I have no idea if I'm gonna finish this unicorn so I definitely need to add some color I do not want to get tomato sauce dumped all over me that's disgusting pretty much almost done with my mushroom and I hate it my beautiful girlfriend is on the verge of giving up Michelle you got this oh this is a munchie fan are you gonna give up okay I won't give up now here's what we got not hating it not loving it good place to be all right everyone we have our third mini Challenge and this one you will probably win your biggest Advantage yet God oh God we'll pause the time real quick and I need you guys to come with me to the other set for this mini challenge you guys are gonna build a pasta Bridge across these two buckets the winner of this challenge will go straight to the finals during judging three minutes to build a bridge three minutes just built a bridge please I might have made my bridge too heavy mine's not gonna even be able to stand up this is the worst like I need more time oh no tell your taping like a scene you guys have 30 seconds five four three two one all right everyone hands off hands off oh god let's see whose Bridge holds up the best why'd you start with mine he's using one finger I did not need to use a lot of strength for that Savannah's is definitely stronger it is stronger than yours Ben whoa whoa wait this is this one's really sturdy oh my God my finger hurts from this I had to put a decent amount of force into that all right David you win that means you automatically Advanced the finals when it comes to judging every time someone goes straight to the finals they always lose so I don't think it's that big of a deal oh man I won all three mini challenges so I'm an athlete and a construction worker and an architect we have 10 minutes left and I feel pretty behind ten seconds left should I have another four minutes you sound so stressed I don't think I'm gonna use that extra time Michelle you can't give up that's how I love your mushroom I have eight minutes extra time so I should be able to finish pressures on how do I clean them out what would you do yeah you should cut it out oh my God that's so smart every time I say I'm confident in a challenge I always lose but I'm really confident right now yeah David Davis take a look over here what do you have all right so this is building unicorn I wanted to use all the different colors of pasta and I tried to use every single type of pasta except for one I think why'd you decide to cut the side of the cardboard I thought it'd be a cool composition for the Unicorn hat and also I couldn't get the hot glue off the paper I like your use of colors I think it's very fun I actually think this this worked for cleaning up the piece yeah okay thank you Michelle I made Martin the mean mushroom cute what was the hardest part about this challenge I started off really liking it and then as I got to the body I just at least completed it I feel like you could have put a little bit more thought into like what to use for like the eyes yeah so I was having trouble with the eyes if there was nothing like round and flat so I just made a meme I'm so glad you finished it Michelle this is Roger the dinosaur I think this piece looks really cool I like what you did with the ribs you made a very smart decision because I feel like a lot of the pasta does look like bones especially like the arms and stuff look like finger bones my one thing I wish the bottom of the jaw was a little bit longer and I wish the tail was a little bit longer I ran out of room so excellent piece man I'm very impressed Savannah let's see it I made a frog so it's easier I think I like the nice graphic look I think you utilized the colors very well I almost wish the glue you used at the bottom was clear the results are in our subscribers on YouTube have spoken the winner with 84 of the votes David so far in this video we've done food art like apples cheese coffee pancake bananas and last but not least we have our final competition we have five artists and 30 gingerbread house kids whichever one of you builds the best gingerbread house gets a lifetime supply of hot chocolate obviously you can't drink hot chocolate alone so whoever wins will also choose a subscriber to share the price with you have up to six hours to build your gingerbread house ready go and in front of them they have a lot of candies frosting and other stuff that they can put on the gingerbread house so they have everything they need do [Music] can everyone take out one gingerbread man first person to finish their gingerbread man gets another gingerbread house yeah all right three two one go oh sorry buddy whoever moved by Michelle Michelle is the only one going for water oh my goodness Michelle the fastest I've ever seen anyone eat a gingerbread man so here you go Michelle yeah so Viv tell me about what you're working on so I'm working on a mansion Izzy what are you working on okay so I'm building a castle I'm just winging it at this point I didn't really look at a reference or anything Michelle tell me about what you're working on wait where's your gingerbread house I've been all right Mackenzie tell me about what you're working on whoa yeah that's a cool reference are you trying to build that yes I don't have a lot happening right now because I've been cutting all my pieces so yours is going to be very tall at the end so I got my first layer down and I think I'm doing pretty well now I gotta put a second layer and time to decorate so we got a very strong base for our Castle fine fine oh are you using those structures wow what just happened oh my gosh careful on your boots oh my God what is this oh my God what is that I don't I don't even want to talk about it right now all right [Music] this is kind of cool is it it was different last time I checked we're working on it we're changing the design it's nice so far I I like the gum drops I'll probably eat this one Michelle hello oh what's in there it's a little garden does this store work um it will not this is looking pretty good thank you there's not a lot of detail on there so far but the structure looks really good all right everyone keep building there is a challenge coming up so brace for impact [Music] [Applause] are all almost done with your gingerbread houses but before we can move on we have to do a Nerf test so so I'm gonna go from back here which one are you starting with Zach starting with yours babe all right babe that held up very well time for izzies all right Jake what's happening wow okay these gingerbread houses are stronger than I thought all right last one [Music] artist's time is almost up but I'm gonna give each of you guys a chance to get a bit of a head start each one of you will have one opportunity to throw a Christmas ornament as hard as they can at any of the gingerbread houses which one are you gonna try to throw it at shells [Applause] my heart is broken [Applause] oh that was a solid hit I saw sprinkles fly everything [Applause] which one are you choosing I think either Mackenzie was gonna win so I'm gonna have to go with MacKenzie oh all right Michelle two one go [Applause] and there's one more I'm going to throw one but while I go find the ball you all decide as a team who I should throw it at the side on um no it's actually safe [Applause] I am thinking of either number one or number two so I chose two which means twos you're safe everyone count down two one [Applause] two what [Applause] happened I feel kind of bad now but Mackenzie if you let me throw a dodgeball at this I'll give you a hundred dollars if it doesn't break okay really yeah you made or you may have just lost the entire competition [Applause] oh that's pretty good wait you didn't win the hundred dollars hey Michelle yes if you let me throw the Dodge wall at this and it doesn't break I'll give you a hundred dollars okay yeah really okay okay you should hit like right here three two one [Music] Jake don't even bother [Music] so everyone time is up Viv why don't you tell me about your gingerbread house I made a gingerbread Mansion very nicely decorated so what happened Izzy yeah obviously it didn't hold up and it was really nice it did have some really nice decorations obviously a lot of that's gone now all right Jake tell me about yours I did some Gumdrop pattering on the roof and then I did some drippy white and blue icing along the side in front of the house and candy canes at the front it's very creative it's an extra touch whoa you're recovered fast so instead of having a backyard I decided to make a hot tub honestly it doesn't look Kenzie I felt awful when the top part came flying off but wait hold up Michelle are you eating your gingerbread house already uh yummy carry on it's styled after a San Francisco home so it's very like tall and narrow intriguing architectural detail which I don't see on anyone else's this one is incredible only one person will win would I eliminate you you need to take a huge bite out of your gingerbread house take a bite I know it's gonna be me okay yes I think the next person is trying to hide it looks really pretty it's pink it's gorgeous really no oh okay the next person to get eliminated is Viv I'm so sorry babe take a bite out of your gingerbread house all right Jake and Mackenzie whenever I can't make a decision oh my God I put it up as a pole so I'm not even gonna say I'm just gonna destroy one and the one standing is gonna be the winner the winner won 64 to 36 percent the winner so Mackenzie that means you are the winner wait what did I say foreign
Channel: ZHC Crafts
Views: 9,620,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 44sec (10604 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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