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try not to say satisfying every time you say the word you'll have to spin the mystery Dar wheel what is that is that a bery sounds like ice crunching why was that so nice wait face paint why is that paint so smooth I have no idea is she going to do orange over the entire thing like a pumpkin wait this must be odd and oddly yeah I'm not saying it yeah I literally knew that was a setup you would have me finish the end of your sentence I can hear through your voice look at this oh she's not going to do her hair or her eyebrows or her lips clearly why do I love this video it really is satisfying I'm just you just said crap that was an accident that was literally an accident that was such I'll never say the word again after this yeah that's what I thought oh my gosh I'm scared [Music] is that literally Rainbow Slime going into a styrofoam that's so satisfying it really is it's starting to like a fruit R up yo y I thought it went in one ear and out the other but y'all heard that too wait we just started can we get the D wheel no here goes nothing shouldn't have said the word a f why you're going to find out why right now wo Bean Boozled yo those are literally the spiciest beans I do not want to touch these they are that spicy here it has Sriracha all the way to a Carolina Reaper flavor you know what those look so spicy are you going to go from the bottom up or just eat them all at one oh my gosh you're a daredevil yo I know that's so spicy I know that's so spicy like the video if you would do that and subscribe if you wouldn't wow the Deep detail on that is insane is that olive oil or some ending glaze to make it gloss and like a donut from crispy cre it literally looks like a glazed donut eye a glazed eye when I say that I want guacamole this is exactly what I need that is in bulk though that literally puts Costco to shame look how much that is dude those avocados look so good too I wonder where they got all that salt it probably completely drain the Atlantic Ocean there's literally so much salt in there Jack doesn't like salt but I have no idea why no no no no no I like salt but that much salt is like way too much I don't bab they're going to mix it with all this tomato and stuff it's going to need all that salt to us they won't oh that looks so good I literally just want to dive into there I would literally eat the guac with that giant SPO like don't ask me look at them they need to cover the entire top layer oh yes wait is this Trot they're making like the guac for like the entire line look at them mixing that up they're making the guac for my bowl their hand is basically a hand blender look at that dude that looks so good my mouth is watering I'm going to mix that together it looks like a bunch of slime what would happen if a giant water drop fell well first it would just fall it made like a pipe a pipe no that made a musroom a everyone just slipped out from underneath their feet headbutted the ground now they're going to go to a St plant oh dude that looks like a bubble in the middle and then there's one guy remaining is that one of those cup stand you mean a coaster oh yeah maybe a roller coaster they're taking me on a roller coaster with this paintbrush right now look at them coloring all that in I'm just curious how the paint is still so smooth like it's not even getting any less smooth they must dip it in between cuts you can see it cut every time the hand mov I didn't even realize that there are so many guys wait so they're going to color her in yellow and then are they going to do other colors or just yellow I don't know I mean they're going around the bow so obviously the bow is probably not going to be yellow I'm going to go with pink oh it is blue watch them end on Blue wait what do you mean oh no they're coming in with some white paint look at that it's so satisfying how it looks like the pain never it is you just dropped the word though you just dropped it like the mic why does this keep happening to me shab said it twice in a row sour boogers that's disgusting you want mine e a I love you but I don't love these so go here you go I don't think you love me what is this boogers ew okay I don't even know how to open this box I say ew but they actually taste good the only problem is they're super sour so you really don't want to eat them oh my gosh I've eaten this one time before never again soour bro it even smells sour oh you're done you're done how many do I have to eat uh put them all in your mouth all of them a handful okay oh oh my gosh is it sour her facial reaction says it all the spicy and the S don't make good blue hair don't care that looks so neon I literally would dye my hair blue in an instant I literally have always wanted wait you want to dye your hair blue me yeah so does that mean you'll let me dye it no last time you tried to dye my hair like this like this video If you think I shouldn't dye his hair blue subscribe if you think I oh wait no no like no no no no subcribe what are they baking today that is literally toffee nut okay I'm not going to lie at first that looked really disgusting but now no no no that looks so good no it looks looks good now looks like a giant plate of caramel it's like a brick oh my goodness that looks so freaky where do you get some candy cutting scissors like that I know those are some pretty big scissors those are some pretty big slabs is that like one almond brittle wait why are they stretching it out so it's not so thick but I would want to eat it like fudge oh now it's in the little I this literally reminds me of your grandma's house a that's so sweet I don't think you understand how much skill that this takes yeah look at that like literally they're staying in the same line they haven't broken at all I mean wo I literally am dying to say the word right now because that deserves it 100% I wonder if I could get mine to look like that what what my brain wait how is fuzz coming out of the end of that brush without St motion that mean it's just they it's like it you just have to know what motion is to understand wa that not F okay that definitely look babe it's you what the person drawing Patrick the starfish I didn't know I had such creative talents are you calling me tubby I love that it's fun look at him glittering okay I need that pen right now for real w Wait wait it looks a little delayed sparkly pink wait is the video sped up I'm confused right I literally need to order this on Amazon like right now because if I don't have a sparkly pink pen I will Dy wait she literally would love to use this I'm actually going to order it like you don't even understand I know you would literally write everything down in this color I know you would that's going to be my new signature glitter okay come through wait okay I really need to know where these pens are from wait they don't have the color the green oh wo okay that is nice come through Boston let's go wait I'm obsessed with this P purple oh my God it kind of looks like puzzle pieces don't say the word though I'm not but where are those pens from because I'm going to order them right now wait are those cupcakes muffins muffins actually they are cupcakes our birthday flavor cupcakes I wait what going on I love icing it kind of looks like they're getting a bunch of different colors I don't know why maybe they're going to make a painting a pastel cupcake heart I don't know oh wait it's a rainbow wow that literally has every single color in it what I would do the cloud anything for a cupcake please I would literally just eat all the icing off the top cuz that's my favorite part honestly literally that icing again no everything is to oh it's paint o it is paint what it's just so awesome when they mix together and like when they make The Strokes oh wow look at that oh it looks like wood looks like making a tree it kind of looks like the sun though at the same time right no it looks like a tree stomp true it definitely is a tree stomp or it's a compass I can't really tell now a compass now it looks like a flower they're throwing me off yeah I have no wait why are they drawing a circle around that's a clock they're going to put clock it kind of looks like a flower they're oh no no it's a um Dand line that's definitely an eye uh it's definitely an eye either skis or a beach chair wait I thought that was like a painting one oh you might be right wait what's this Cube for where are they going with this okay it looks like they're painting something on the it's not icing okay y'all y'all can really tell with some icing right now cuz I love C okay I painting something all right they are painting a stripe it's definitely like a sunset sunset why don't you paint a cube as a sunset why not maybe they're painting like that's the ocean an ocean no way I mean they're putting waves in it that definitely looks like an ocean oh you're definitely on that definitely looks like a sun I called it before you but the Sun is setting it's actually a moon it's a crescent moon I forget it be like exact oh now they're putting a dolphin or a mermaid fin o is it a mermaid wait why does this make me want to that's so cute that's beautiful so many shapes they're not going to color it in are they all trying moves though no yes they are and they're all oo that's satisfying they're just coloring in like lit what are they doing the so the word Ken let's get feeling here let's go what am I going to get come on spin again wo hopefully I get $1,000 because of that hopefully you get like wax or something all right here we go mystery that means it's one of these come on buddy a what do I have to do my shin I love the mystery wait wait wait no no no no no no no no no no please please actually hold on can we redo this I I don't want to do this I have so much leg hair I can't lose this I've been growing this out for so long what is that yeah wait what are you doing what are you doing it's called subbe try not to say satisfying every time you say the word you'll have to spin the mystery D wheel oh no hydraulic press always wins I love when it squishes the metal pip oh is that metal I can't really tell oh that's definitely metal but it doesn't go off oh what was inside there I don't know but this makes me really question if steal is strong look like a wedding cake why is the icing so thick I don't know but they're carving straight into it this kind of reminds me of making sand sculptures sand sculptures yeah cuz you start with one object that you have to remove it to make the hold on what is going on that's how you get it evenly cut across what kind of cake is this I told you it's a wedding cake um it kind of looks like a vase or a pineapple with is this even food like I'm starting to question everything now wait you know what I think it's just clay maybe they're making Pottery I feel like it's icing or fond that's really nice do I almost said the word stop how dare you ruin that perfect PN top but it's so nice wow look at this crunching got to get the corners too oh that's satisfying they got all of it literally all of it what was it what was it what [Music] did how am I the first one I have the worst luck just spin the wheel I'm going to do a small spin oh Noy bear I know you said you were on a diet this morning but I guess you're going to have to ruin it I think I'm definitely going to say the word more often but not for some of these other things [Music] oh my goodness this is the best thing I've ever eatting on the entire thing paint it's about to get dragged down to make ESS so perfect what are they making it looks like rice chinks youe me a soda why does that look like the yummiest rice I've ever seen that was really what I was going to say the word when it started crumbling it was y'all know is that a beehive they're slicing slices of beehive like it's cheese it's not beehive it's honey hiive or Honey Honey C yes that's what it's called oh they're making sea waves inside of the clay cup I'm honest ceramic cup okay ceramic yeah you know how do you know that says it duh you know what another word for ceramic is no satisfying oh my why did I just do that to myself did you just set yourself up no no I literally either your brain is the size of a bird or no l Ken bring the wheel I shouldn't have said it yo I'm lucky I got the gummy bear what are you going to get eyeballs what a FF will have to eat both of these eyeballs yep here you go here I'll wait why do they look so real because they're real eye I'm just kidding these are candy eyeballs but if you've never had before tast boy do they taste good they taste amazing I can't get it to open oh you squeeze it just pinch it wait smell it actually smells really good you're lucky you're so lucky I want to eat this it's so gooey all right I'm scared oh oh is it good what does it taste like I don't know if I've had that flavor it's actually kind of good is that pearls on their wedding cake so sparkly it's giving look at the Gold icing that's awesome wait it says it's giving doctor it's not their wedding cake well maybe they're just so good Like a Surgeon with their hands that's giving doctor what or maybe they just got their doctor's degree and that's their party this is like the opposite of the movie Holes instead of digging them they're filling them you know if I wasn't a YouTuber I would probably want to do this that really looks so satisfying I just said the word what well I said it I got to spin the wheel but that could be good or bad as you spin the wheel come on let's go no no no favorite I'm out here you go all right you know what I love noodles but not these which ones are these the spiciest ones oh no all right here we go and don't spray me there's so much spiciness in this I can see it my is tingling from here they taste so good but so spicy at the same time also I added an extra packet of sauce too to make it extra s there goes $70 down the drain of what makeup that's makeup I think so H now they're putting it in an oven what are they doing they're going to fix it I bet they're going to remake it they're going to show you that ruined makeup is not ruined I feel like that's a little extra but but we'll see or they're cleaning their hand with makeup definitely not they have gloves on oh fact okay they're definitely cleaning this thing out and I think they're definitely going to put the makeup back in that's a nice brand too I don't even know brand it is but at the beginning they put the makeup in the oven that has to come back it probably wasn't an oven I don't know what that is but I don't think it's an oven is that a makeup blender they just blended it back up or they're going to put protein powder in there why would they put protein powder in there I don't know putting protein powder in there and then someone uses it and thinks it's makeup wait they repressed the makeup and now they're putting it back and gluing it down so the brick doesn't come out that looks brand new these are filled with sand blue is going out first oh I'm going with orange light blue is going actually righted at the top watch no I think it's wo I was at least a little right oh I did not think any of them could get hit I think the light the dark blue one is going to out yo this is too close look at that I'm voting for dark blue to be out next oh my gosh oh starting to wobble dude they're not even close to each other somebody's got to pick this all right I feel like the blue one's going to win this dud you can't take my an I can do whatever I want I was right me no you were not right okay going to win blue still blue Red's going to win this one still blue watch ready here it comes in three or might one oh I was okay I'm going with r I really feel it bro come on oh that was close yo this is sketch next one for sure right here 100% ready they did break what a scam here it goes that's what I thought was going to happen honestly we're both wrong I thought it was going to do that subscribe if you knew that was going to happen and like if you think one of our options what going to happen the sound alone makes me want to say the word I can't even talk they won't Crush that no no no a that was so the foam with the crunchiness it gets me every time I want to see look at that I can't watch this I just want to walk over all the soap bro I have Goosebumps right now I know I have no idea what this is just a bunch of powder and oil risen maybe they're probably making makeup or paint why is it so Prett oh you should try sand that doesn't look right it's supposed to like go down like this like water yeah I think it's for incense oh so that smoke is going to like drip down like a water ball stop that's insane I literally want one of those for my room what is that it's so shiny wait is it liquid I don't wow look at that wax just get scraped up right out of that so freaking satisfying what so satisfying you just said it twice in a row no no no no let's get the real out I've had some bad luck you must really love that word oh no D hair no no no no no no you see I already had to dye my hair I can't do it again please not again yeah again I think green would be a good look on you I can't believe you're making me do this all right perfect h ah stop that's enough that's enough yo you're going to get my wait that actually looks really good oh my gosh are you going to put more no that's good I like it my B hot green yes subscribe try not to say satisfying every time you say the word you'll have to spin the mystery D wheel what in the world oh this is where they cut those little oh my gosh how are they doing that isn't it so impressive that they can cut that sharp it I was going to say but if you say it you have to spend the D wheel you literally just let that slip out get me to do that I didn't get you yes you did you did it yourself you did something I know you did something I'm scared oh no I'm no no no hotot SAU no that's disgusting you got the worst turn ever why no because I literally love eating hot sauce for breakfast I mean oh dog that's so much hot sauce ew you actually put the entire thing in your mouth you did not wait did you actually yeah I told you I like hot sauce for breakfast oh my gosh subscribe if you think that's disgusting and like the video if you would do that is that tea I think I think I've seen like a triple layered filtered tea like it's like tea but make it FY wait what it look look at all that steam come off wow that's literally so Majestic if I liked te then maybe this would be a little more I'm not saying the word but you get what I'm saying oh yeah I'm never going to say this word this entire challenge I'm going to win look at all those little be bro what why does that sound so good magnetic definitely wow that sound is so satisfying it literally was like mushing and then what is it what is that sound what do you mean what does that sound a bird no here we go no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no can you at least put a glove on my jaw popped are you serious that hurt why would you do it that hard because it landed on SLAP oh this is the worst challenge ever now this is what I call a transition that kind of like I felt that through the video was like felt like I was falling I feel like I'm falling still and the hair goes with it and everything oh that was too smooth Oh I thought you were going to say the word again yeah I'm just fly with it what fly with it I'm trying to use s's because you know we're not supposed to say a word with an s in the beginning salai let's go Google that word things are getting a little bushy around here yeah it's giving no shade no yeah look how long my beard has gotten the whole you have no beard I don't know why you keep talking about this beard that doesn't exist hey I've been trying to shave it like shave it yeah but I haven't in weeks and long I literally saw you shave it yesterday why are you okay look at this bush though look at it that ball is literally jiggling it's so smooth now it's so you're not going to cat me off I ain't got time for this I'm ready for this I can smell your bread from here no you can't oh my goodness that was amazing look at all that dust stop that's so satisfying I cry the sound of that is beautiful yes it's so beautiful oh that's so why I can't believe you said no no no no no no no you didn't hear it you think I'm going to let that slide while are you coming out a character hold your ASMR mode because I'm mad [Applause] now skip turn what no what was the point of even spinning the wheel then should have got one of the dares honestly I wanted to win $1,000 but I'll take skip turn ooh no way that's a Rainbow Roller that's too nice I know that's going to come out so pretty it looks like spray paint but like by hand that was awesome all right I'm trying to figure out what's okay drawing I wish I could draw this good Oh I thought they were going to write my name for a second J A not everything's about about you I knew you were going to say that yep you always say that I love you though it's a little overgrown yeah shave that bush down what I didn't even know there was concrete under that part of it oo I like it when it gets cleaned okay that must take literally so long and how do you eyeball that are they see the sky moving in the background as the time goes on oh my gosh that's so satisfying watching them even that out like gardening would make Jack say the word what did I say I'm not saying it chill okay I don't want to spin please I saw something on there I really can't do okay that's not my problem I can't Skydive I'm scared of pipes oh wait it's on the edge though please look look look it's on the very edge it's not on the edge enough what are you going to punch me with yo where did you get those call me Jake Paul what are you doing my you didn't even use a padded Part Stop can you do one for the female audience wait I'm so confused it's going to drop that watch ah bab Miss missed the call that was literally such a waste of the that was not for the females that was for somebody else but not for us definitely not for us they're going to organize books that makes sense that would really get me to say the the s word I'm not going to fall for it I'm going to take a big guest and say they hate anime I was going to say every book is Anime right well that's because they hate anime so they put it all in one spot when they split all those books together that was literally so was very nice that makes me want to organize my closet it but like honestly it's kind of a lot of work yo oh my goodness they got a collection of books for real literally that I would read every single one of those only if I was like stuck in my room not just for fun you know and if I don't have my phone yeah you're not allowed to like anime that's for me oh that's sliding them like all together like in a line giving organization it really is look at oh that thing at the end want to see the final result putting the oh the last book that was fire what that's so cute that literally is so adorable I'd get you one bro you would have to make me one I don't know why a that pattern it started reminding me of the beach but now it reminds me of like the Galaxy the Galaxy like a bunch of little dots like Planet but I don't know how they're making it so perfect oh there's so much paint in there but it's not overlapping like how is it going to dry wow that is so artistic it really is Liv in a pineapple under the sea yeah this is definitely Patrick's house he lives in the pineapple right that kind of looks so good live in the Rock they un peeling it dude they're taking a little string out and it's making a shape or a design oh wow that's so satisfying look it's like unpooling a design they PR put in there probably before they laid the clay down watch it get your head up look it looks so cool right now what no your hands I love you so much but you know what also loves you what the mystery wheel that you're going to have to spin yes after all the punches all the slaps all right come here oh let's go wait where was my it say where you get to kiss me ah this is rigged is supreme even a thing still I don't know but this is a supreme design look at that that's all freehanded what I feel like Supreme has lost all of it type but I I don't know I'm I just feel like it has maybe they're just writing the word Supreme and not trying to like make the brand loo the 3D art was pretty good I almost said the word but we're not saying it today oh that was nice watch it really was cool I thought he was going to make the pot it just collapsed expect the unexpected baby that's a lot of blue that's so precise I'm blue what oh it's different shades of blue it's perfectly getting lighter and lighter towards the center what is was that a sticky note bro now this this is what I call satisfying oh yes what you just said the word again no yes no y you got to spend the wheel again hopefully you get more hot SAU what walk closes oh wait no way for real I mean I was supposed to wear like just my like bathing suit today CU I was going to no no no with what you're wearing right now oh I know I wear a one G all right watch this subscribe try not to say wow this is part one of a 10 video series where each time somebody says wow they'll have to select from a briefcase that would aide their face wait should I be scared it depends which briefcase you get on top of that if you select the box with the red X you will have to drink the hot sauce inside ew what is that a cake oh that looks so good that does look so yummy wow I eat that you just said it right off the rim get the briefcases no which one are you going to pick the top or bottom um I think I'm going to go with bottom ooh I'm scared open it oh you got that egg only a little yo that came out that's enough that's enough I said now this room is going to smell like this hot sauce I'm eating this no way ew she actually ate it no way cleared it oh ew fresh out the gate I learned my lesson this is like unpacking a ginormous iPhone a brand new car that why is this so nice but also so expensive for real is this how they deliver the cars that they're brand new yeah I've never had a brand new car so I would that is literally like every single spot is covered in a peeling strip this is literally my dream oh oh yes that was mine I'd want to put those on after I've used my car so it could peel up all the like I think there is something like that you can get like jelly and put it everywhere jelly peanut butter and jelly no like jelly like a putty oh yes that part is where all the dirt gets in your car you have no idea what they put a sticker on everything I think it came straight from the dealership BR I didn't know they came like that though no I love oh how come wait why did one of them make it but the other one broke it the same bottle these that look like I literally watch this all night long now who's cleaning all this up I don't know but it's not me a that's one way to open a bottle wait it didn't even break oh yeah that was destroyed literally O Okay ocean that was a nice break honestly oh the red ooh strawberry soda everywhere oh is that Orbeez what what is going on I'm literally mind blown I'm so many Orbeez there no I think that's marbles or is it Orbeez I can't tell it is marbles I think isn't it like oh my ear wait wait it reminds me of like a bunch of atoms in the universe like molecules you're crazy you know what I'm saying yeah I know what you're talking about have to make this scientific yo look is that drain is that a drain at the where they going back into the C I think it's the lid okay imagine having to pick all that up and they just keep slipping out of your paws there's probably so much broken glass in there what is that I think it's an I don't know I think it's a sticker I think it's an at home nail kit or something that's what I'm guessing what that's it I mean that doesn't really look that good like I don't know oh they're they just hardened it wait if you can do your nails that quickly why does it take you 4 hours every time you go to the nail salon because I get really nice nails why it's that's sussy cuz look they just did that so Quicky no you can't turn this into that that would be a cat's litter box dream I'm not even going to talk I literally are is that in Reverse or they I still have the taste of hot that in my mouth of I'm not saying no W word I do not want the taste of hot my ew ew ew get your breath out of here what is that I think it's a mouse pad what oh for like a keyboard it's so squishy oh I think they just broke through it no what is going wait did it rip I don't know that was satisfying is this one of those sculptures on the beach wait is this supposed to be like a sand castle it kind of looks like it oh is that like gills for a shark wait what is going on here oh wow they're cleaning it up getting like all the excess sand off this looks so fun but imagine how many times you have to redo it oh my gosh the detail with that little spoon and they broke it wo that looks crazy you just said wow you just said it too I'm confused that means we both have to draw our fake uh so it makes it less bad that I have to draw right so now you have to draw it too we both said it so wait I kind of want to switch no let's open it no I want to switch all right fine yeah I feel like he's having some better luck than me so whatever you want babe all right and three two wait wait okay never mind never mind no no you then it backfired this is actually yours I just opened it for you hot sa hot baby do not spill it on my pants ew okay ew that's disgusting that's all you know I'll give you a little more a little more no no no all right whenever you're ready hey this is her second time so subscribe before she finishes it go how about you just take one for the team no no you got the X you wanted to switch up you 3 2 1 go ew that's disgusting I literally hope I don't ever have to drink this from this CH you're doing terrible for this series so far happy birthday to this hydraulic press not to anyone happy birthday right now ooh e I thought it'd be more water in the lettuce e that's cabbage crushed the world wait what's in there paint Oh I thought it' be like different colors they were all the same ones sorry it wasn't the colors I thought the rainbow was going to come out or something blue or green blue cuz the outside's blue ah I win all right well that's one point for you white or purple white purple oh it's been the second color twice in a row so I have to get these to right I'm going to say orange wait I can't really tell what that is I think that's orange I feel like that's orange all right so now I'm going to pick orange now pink a it was always the last one separating yellow diamonds from purple sapphires okay say less what in the New Orleans is going on oh oh that's so nice those are so shiny look at them Sparkle in the light that's insane they're so tiny and there's so many of them how does it feel to live my dream it's like sand oh wow look at it just pourn in the bagit no no no no no no no no no um Yes actually yes okay or bottom definitely the top all right here we go I hate hot sauce hopefully I don't have hot yes yes yo this is literally your worst Lucky Day Ever what is that just a roll of paper paper that was like butter dude I'm too stun to speak is that a photo of someone's Grandpa and is that Tom Holland wait is that a snow what was that wait what am I watching it's a Hulk mask this is freaking me out okay oh what side of Tik Tok are you guys on and just when I thought things couldn't get weirder is that a pingpong ball or an [Music] egg definitely ping pong ball a POV of living in Antarctica when the grounds is slushy ooh I knew that was going to happen that was nice eggit a raw egg is this cat as no it's one connected piece so it's like is stuck in the cat's throat to have to finish that bite no no no no I know Che again Che again okay all right you're right you're right that cat's digging in that must be his favorite meal what is that tuna liver what is it liver King liver King Kitty that would be his cat actually look at those whiskers I didn't know they did like cat mukbang dang that cat sure does know how to put it down oh my gosh going off what is that white frosting on there I don't know maybe it's use the ask the cat I'm sure the cat look at the mic right up on the cat this a no personal space Oh it left a little bit that's when you know the chef made some good food when you leave a little bit at the end no I would finish my plate if it was good facts is that a painting oh oh it's AI they just dropped the ball on them oh it's like an Infinity video picture are those more CL that was really confusing are they holding hands or each other's hair oh oh that is that's so cool wow how did you or would you make that like would you draw and then keep unfolding it and then coloring uhhuh what what are they about to oh how did that fit that perfect that was nice this stuff is like a one in a million chance at getting it first try wow you what you just said it I mean it fit perfectly like Cinderella shoe I don't want to know I just wanted to breath let's go with this one right here all right we'll see if that's the right one p me yes I literally had the best luck no that's not fair I already had hot sauce two times that's cute this has to be an Olympic sport oh luck luck there's no way what I do not have the patience for this oh off the backboard on the chair like this is such a boy thing to like ooh look at how many balls are on the floor that's how you know it took a long time that Red Bull the way you celebrated sent me yo I wonder how many tries this took on the real though like there should be a timer or something oh I couldn't even see what he was going for at the end that's how small and crazy that was butterbeer har Potter is this a soda oh no way that's how they do it wait they put the liquid in first and then the lid wait that's actually so Co is that Pepsi I don't know what that is oh that looks so dank I could eat a bagel right now M how did that one wipe cover the entire bagel oh o with avocado that's kind of like a sushi roll but then the bread throws it off ooh they could put like oh an egg tuna or salmon in there that actually looks so healthy oh that looks so good for real and oh yes the yolk went everywhere did you know you can get this at Cold Stone what is it bread cheese that's a cake that looks so good he's putting them into cookie crumb it looks like a peanut butter cup but cheese crumble that looks so beautiful I don't know what it is but I want to eat it okay wait is it outside chocolate or is that just something cook in I know I think it might be chocolate or it could be just like a cup three different flavor options oh now they're chocolate syrup no went to the next level what wait is there a Cold Stone near here I would love what yo that icing is literally like the best part I could just eat straight icing the pink icing stop about to dry myself right now to get something like this okay it's a hot summer day and you got the ice cream cone machine I want this at my height at my house when I'm older I would use that on a long plane ride subscribe to see round two next week this is the world's sourest try not to say wow challenge this is part two of a 10 video series where every time somebody says wow they'll have to select from a briefcase that would decide their face this time if you select the wrong briefcase you'll have to drink the world's sourest drink oh that is nice they're like cutting through all of this sticky stuff wow look it just slice through it like a f no you just said it dude it's okay okay okay okay I where are the briefcases should I have said it I'll take the bottom one here we go do I have to drink a sour drink no no no no no no no this is Brick I got the first X all right this is number one out of the five sour drinks I hope you like sour drinks what flavor is this this is watermelon soda oh it smells sour oh I don't know about that here we go oh my God you can drink more no the ending tast is the most sour part it tastes like sour candy spray more oh it's so sour okay I cannot say wow anymore one less for me what is going on oh this is the stuff that looks like carot carel yo if that was caramel I would eat that but that's GRE a it's truck grease wait what's truck grease like 18wheeler has a giant trailer and it sits right there on it I didn't know that trucks needed to be lathered in lotion too just like humans oh yeah they have to be like a slipping slide so it just goes right there is that a tube of lipstick or lotion lip gloss yo wow that's nice it's what it is nice but you said the word you are about to drink a sour drink I know it oh let's see what my fate has in store for me ready it's going to be a red X I know you're going to have to drink a sour drink eeny meeny miny mo I pick this one okay let's see what a fast consequence consequence you don't even know what it is yep level two yes if you want to be lucky like me subscribe what are they doing why did you go I thought they were going to break through the car car window I don't know why I think she's cleaning her car ooh yes come through with the shiny mirror I need to do this oh my gosh I love that how does she have so many things in her car it's like stacked with cleaning products oh great wow everything's covered in you just said the word all right I hope I have good luck I better pick the right one I'm going to go with the bottom again I hope you have bad luck let's see what I got open up like an oyster no what I get struck by lightning again no again again how did I get the second X here's your black cherry soda and the worst part about this is it's even more sour than the first level and this is going to be even worse your tongue's going to be raw after this oh oh my gosh M that one tastes better for sure but it's so sour it definitely tastes better I like red but now my stomach is even like tingling from all the sour it's tingling wait okay I okay I can't take anymore I cannot say the word because it only gets more sour so that means you got the easy ones oh I should have said it in the beginning or I just won't say it at all subscribe if you think a F's going to have to drink the most sour on is that carpet wait are they literally fitting carpet yep they are laying carpet into a room oh why' they cut the corner like that why did I think that carpet just like came with the house like I didn't realize you just thought things came built already like the floor was already made out of a carpet like do you get what it's saying yeah I know what you're saying you thought it just came like that but no someone has to make that and this is how they do it and it's so satisfying yeah look at it like press into the crease of the corner of the the Flor on that is so satisfying actually that is awesome are they going to cut the excess though I think they're cutting it right now like it's cutting as they go oh you're right you're right okay okay that is so nice peel it off peel it off come on o that makes want to I almost said it but I am not drinking any more sour drinks me neither too smart for that is that POS oh wait it's a moving picture I thought wait is that oil spilling out and it's pushing it up but it looks like it's not moving how is it moving but not moving all at the same time like a treadmill bro that's the bounciest liquid I've ever seen pick your color I pick orange was on top it should have fell clear oh it really likes that one oh oh blue is last wow that was nice the blue just got broken at the very end I heard that too no you didn't you can't play it off you didn't hear anything you can't you said it at the very end instant replay play okay yeah see there I heard it no I'm going to pick the right briefcase again I do not like this so I'm going to have nightmares about these briefcases all right I'm going to go with this one I guess open there's a 5050 chance that I don't have to drink anything sour I hope you get a sour drink yes yes let's go finally yeah this is so funny I'm scared what is this blue raspberry soda ooh that one's going to taste so sour it's literally the most sour one so far this cannot be good all right take a Si take a sip ew that has to be more sour than the ones I had how sour was it it was bad draw Mr Bean Mr Beast or Mr Bean Mr Bean is Mr Bean a person oh that's a nice notebook actually o listen to those sounds okay you drew a bean first and then added legs no he looks like he has a mole like me oh my gosh this is the best drawing of Mr Bean I've ever seen honestly I still don't know who Mr you don't know who Mr Bean is I said that like three times now no you haven't I said now not the W version whatever what is that all with like a is really really cracking my ears oh my gosh it's like a coloring book without coloring in the actual book yet just creating the lines I wish I could draw like this is insane oh my gosh like the video if you wish you could draw like this first and they're literally going off right now this is next level I still can't get over the fact that you don't know who Miss for this shades on the jacket were for real that's a dent beehive right there wow that is very intense it and it's also going to be intense when you drink a very sour drink bring in the bru t no no no no I'm scared you should be you have a 5050 right now I really don't want to drink anything sour wait wait which one are you taking here take this all right I'm scared let's see I don't know what it's going to be and I don't really want to find yes let go bro is that cream cheese no this is slime I think it looks like chalk for your hand oh no oh sprinkles oo I love these tick toks this looks like a giant tub of ice cream I wish it was ice cream but I'm pretty sure it's slime draw me a eyeliner look freehanded that's pretty impressive and I thought I was good at eyeliner you are good at eyeliner but that design looks like flowers coming off of their eyes that's so cool no no that is a professional right there 100% wait she's that's insane large wing standand off the eyes is that cake wait what it's wax it has to be wax it's so dense that was really thick pull the strip out pull it out oh peeling it out even better I would love to see that in Reverse oh my gosh that P is full of ink wait what that kind of looks like an e oh he's riding Emily wow that curse of handwriting was no no no no no I heard that run go with the top one see what we got boys yeah those real tea wait is that a banana oh my gosh are they doing surgery on a banana wait is this the dead oh yo what okay I I don't know if they stuffed the banana or this stuff was actually already inside of it what why that turn red they're opening up the banana that's why oh my gosh oh why does this look so accurate like how they actually do is sending me what wait what I almost said it yo what is that inside of them it looks like a tomato all right I'm so confused oh it's a baby but that's not how baby bananas are made I thought they just growing trees I'm very lost the Staples is like a fast knee when she cut on the boat propeller wait what is happening right now how is this even a thing not the WRA and maybe this is how surgeons practice wait what's a casket for for the the little tomato is this one of those elephant toothpaste things I don't know okay it's like a scientific chemical reaction put it in the drain what is she doing okay what what's the point of this oh yo that was this is AI or what is this some kind of wait that has to be AI there's that's not real is this a diary a notebook is that a puzzle continent drawing book maybe they're making stickers and they're going to cut them out and put glue on the back and you can stick them on things wait I don't think those are stickers ooh it looks like a canyon getting web together this so mesmerizing it's like relaxing to watch him do that that really is what in the green Jell-O oh my goodness why is that the most satisfying thing I've ever seen wow look like a wait you just said the word get me the bre which wants to get I'll get the top one let's go again round two baby no no yes no [Applause] look no that's that's not going to work okay no are you serious green is literally my least favorite color green apple it's Green Apple Soda listen fresh I feel like green apple is like the worst first after lemon smell that oh my gosh that's literally going to be the most sour for sure smells so all right all right I'm going to drink it I'm going to drink it ready before I drink this like the video two oh oh my gosh oh my gosh I need water I need water I need water no you can't drink water you have to just drink it like that am I done after one sip I don't need anymore I mean you could take one more sip no I can't I can't that one was so sour are those Orbeez step one soak them overnight it looks like the thing yeah they're clear that's so cool what I miss playing with Orbeez oh I know what they're going to do it's one of those decorations what are you talking about never seen this why are they filling up a tube with Orbeez and like lay stuff in there and then when you put water in it looks like it's floating or it looks like ice water a cup with water and ice it does look like ice water I'm not going to why oh that's so satisfying doesn't it make you want to say the word oh it looks like the inside of like Coca-Cola but clear with dice that was so confusing that was a very confusing sentence ja a bananas first knife what oh it's in slowmo okay Fruit Ninja has nothing on this knife cutting machine wait like what's the reason for that after a bad day day Saturdays are for the boys boys do this for fun but me I would do this after a bad hands a yes they crunched and exploded I wonder if this is a place where you could buy a bunch of different cans and then drop them and you just pay the money for this oh oh the TW L what's in there brand new so much glass doesn't it make you want to say the W word like look what M that literally it actually does make me want to say the word but I'm not saying it because I'm waiting for you to say it those sounds are so s like o it was subtle but it was there the ASMR that was a thick cup I don't even know if it cracks oh they're definitely breaking really oh yeah I you not hear that I heard it baking a cake wait oh is that cream cheese or ice cream maybe ice cream or icing wait that's definitely ice cream definitely ice cream but did they put nuts in it ice cream cake caramel that is the cake of my dreams M I don't think I would like this cake on I'm more of a red velvet type of person you know what I'm saying I like vanilla cake all the way is it a boy or a girl o wow I didn't realize there was you just said it you just said it don't assume because I could get a check right now and then you could end up drinking the sourest drink I think your good luck red out I can smell which one has a check in it no you can't it's just a piece of paper okay see what she gets let's see me win oh is it open three two ah you have to drink it you have to drink it this is so funny why do I get the worst one literally this is lemon flavor everyone knows lemon are the most sour thing on the planet and a lemon I can't even open this oh the lemon Warhead is the most sour one by far why does my nose tingle after smelling that okay well all you had to do is not say wow you just took a sip oh my gosh how sour is it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh subscribe to see part three oh my God this is the world's most disgusting try not to say wow challenge this is part three of a 10 video series where every time somebody says wow they'll have to select from a briefcase that would asside their and if you pick the wrong briefcase you'll have to eat a bug what kind a cricet e each time somebody has to eat a Cricut it'll alternate between two flavors bacon and cheese and sour cream and onion The Crickets are so fresh they even have hairs on their legs left what is that look at all the bubbles in it wow that looks so dang those chocolate chip yes yes I yes no no no I cannot Cricket I'm scared you should be all right let's see what's in there I don't want to eat a cricket okay I'm just going to go with the top one and hope for the best remember if she gets a red X she has to eat a cricket and if she gets a green check she's spared I'm scared you're going to get a red hopefully I'm scared because I'm scared no don't say that two yes you got that's that's not even fair you got thank goodness gelato in Italy y oh my goodness it looks like a water slide just spinning up a cotton candy no way it looks like a dress the cotton candy that looks so good wow I would definitely eat that like all the gummy bears and sprinkles it looks so amazing and don't think I didn't hear you what what are you talking about I heard you get the briefcase no Karen leave them let's see what the shark has in fate I'm going to go with let's see what the shark has in face yeah yes sucker you thought I was going to eat a cricket ooh look at all of that paint I thought you were going to say the word I thought it was too what are they drawing it looks like an ocean wave or a rose a blue rose wa is that on a paper towel if it was then that was so creative oh my gosh I love could eat a lot of Rees right now did I just burp yeah and you just said the W word bring in the briefcases there's a 50/50 chance here and just take this one just take it I'm scared you should be all right come on come on please get the red X no it's going to be a check it's going to be a green check you're finished you have you have to eat the first Cricket I literally can't well I'm sorry Jack I can't babe this is a series that we have committed to you have to challenge we're not editing this out you have to eat a cricket so faf got the first strike and she's going to have to eat crickets this is so disgusting but the first Cricut flavor she's going to have to eat his bacon and cheese why I wanted the sour cream and onion one no whoever gets the second W strike has to eat that one this is the first I feel like the sour cream's going to hide the flavor and Bacon's going to make it tast more like a bug oh my gosh this literally can I see it no you can't see it okay all right well I don't want to see it and I don't want to have to eat it she's going to eat crickets right now wow only four calories oh just kidding oh my gosh I'm scared I don't want to do this e why are they so big there are actually crickets inside of that that is disgusting I'm going I can't do this wait I want to smell them how do you I hate this game oh oh a cricket fell on the table let me see it bro there's no way I'm eating that oh wait oh my gosh oh my gosh Wait f smell that it smells like fish food have you ever fed fish that smells like fish I wanted this one all right well you have to eat a cricket you shouldn't have said wow this is literally the most intense series of try not to say Wows we've ever done before and the consequences are going to get harder and harder ready face to face face the bug and even hold on hold on it even has eyes on there show them come on let me feed you ready wait I I want to do it myself right feed yourself I can't do it ew ew she just bit its body in half that's disgusting oh my God is in my mouth ew oh my gosh I'm not even going to talk yeah your breath must smell disgusting yo look at that that's so much slime you want to say the words so you can eat a cricket it depends what they turn the Slime into if they add some stuff in there and make it a different texture I might oh that's nice oh now it looks kind of like Play-Doh it's like thick a I don't like it it's like bouncy slime now is this water paintt painting M it might be watercolors I don't know what it is but this is so satisfying that's insane oh look at it just brush and fill it in wow they're going to literally cover everying wa you just said it fre ofk no no no I still got a 5050 chance 5050 chance betting all that 5050 all right I got to pick one of these bad boys you're about to eat some GS I think wish me luck mate it's not even heavy I'm going with at the top one I'm so nervous I actually just tell me what I got ready you didn't get it no you liar now I have to eat a sour cream and onion Cricket yummy Dr shark is in the building are you ready to eat your cricet no can can I can I get a redo can I pick from the briefcases again all right here we go I'm getting sour cream and onion this is literally the worst flavor of Chip that's the one I wanted because this one tasted like fish food look at all of the bugs inside of there you can literally big one you can literally see the hairs on their legs this is so insane I don't want to eat this you have to I would have rather got bacon and cheese I love bacon and I hate sour cream and onions BR we could have switched it smells worse than yours did you smell that it's giving me flashbacks oh wo wo wo Too Many Bodies why did you do that too many bodies the big I'm going for the big guy say hello sayell look at it that is nasty bro he's huge I can't eat that one his little legs are going to fall into your mouth which one should I eat I can't do this you have to eat the big one no for real I swear that's disgusting I ate the biggest one do you were all talk about eating what are they painting there's literally so much paint That's not paint that a box cutter I don't oh it is I just use it to slice the pap wait that's so satisfying it really is it was like wallpaper getting peeled off how to unpeel tape but repeal it somewhere else wait is this how they make those tape balls might be but that looks so perfectly straight that it's not going to make a ball ooh that is super satisfying this is my favorite thing I've ever seen a little confused you know what's going on here I have no clue right now is that like extra plastic wait why is that so satisfying oh it looks like snake skin coming off I literally have Goosebumps wait what is it though is that like I'm so confused now there's a ball inside is it a bul it was wait that a I'm confused is that a dinosaur it kind of looked like honey it wax I don't know about that kind of looks like a skateboard wheel that's literally what I I think it is no way oh wait or for like a Healy like the shoes I actually have no idea what that it also look like candy what are they rolling off the what that was crazy oh the neon green though okay pink blue I love blue oh my gosh it bounced back up off the ground that was insane it believes it can fly oh goodness yeah my voice isn't the best but what you wow that one had a bunch of purple come out you just said you just said the word where's the brief cases Airbnb here we go again back at it all right which one are you picking you to go up the top and you got all right come on I don't want to eat the Crickets of cricket just tell me what it is yes yes I was spared this is beautiful ew I thought it was just burping thinking about how satisfying that is they don't even have painters tape or anything El oops wow that was a very nice sound really how nice nice enough to have to open the brief C what do you mean Karen bring the brief no okay let's see if I'm going to eat more Cricket you definitely are I definitely am all right let's see hopefully not please please please what is it open it yes woo what in the blue chalk is that is that makeup that's so shiny I think they're going to make slime oh what that's so nice stop that metallic paint looks like the paint they use to paint the side of boats what is that a blob it's so creamy what we got going on over here it looks like Clay is it but they're carving into it yeah they can make art out of clay they're carving into it but they're carving out of it cuz they're leaving something left and it looks like a sun looks like a sun yeah with eyes a that's so creative this is for a house in Arizona 100% okay I don't really know if sun should be red orange or yellow but using all the colors that's what it's supposed to be oh it literally has a face with the lips and glitter the glitter that was so nice I love this I would put this outside is that cup spinning o oh this is the world's sourest drink that looks kind of crazy I would not drink that you know what's going on here something dripping I've had art zoom out I am so confused how people make this wait I think it's like some pages or something I I try to find out how they did this how it's like some app that like lets you zoom like is it a piece of arted into art you have to draw yourself but you can like just zoom forever basically go literally forever I bet you there's something in the rat's eye no oh okay what is that a pencil or cloth hold on this reminds me of one of those like cartoons this is cringing me out I don't know why that material wow how are they doing that ah clear as day I think we all just heard what we heard no no no you didn't instant replay no yeah we all just heard that oh my gosh I don't know what to do which what are you going to pick I'm just picking the top one all right you have a 50% chance at getting this right I really I cannot I literally easy to CR [Music] it yes how is this happening right now let's go boring results yes f up where's the briefcases am I coming out on top or on bottom today always on the bottom you know what I'm coming out on top so I'm going to pick the bottom because I think you're trying to throw me off okay hey here we go BL 42 set H you're done all right we meet again how did I get here again in this chair with these all right I'm putting these on I can't have any of them jump at my face just in my mouth all right it goes back to the first flavor cuz they alternate so I got to eat the bacon and cheese how was it ew e what a fellow ew oh oh oh oh oh gosh you have to eat the full one one of them fell in the seat that one's only a half of one oh it smells like fish still but it kind of smells like barbecue all right you know what if you guys subscribe right now in the next 3 seconds I'll eat two of them at the same time two at the same I know you did it you are stop that's disgusting subscribe to see part four where we will have a very crazy mystery consequence okay today we're going to try not to say wow this is part four of a 10 video series where every time somebody says wow they'll have to select from one of these two briefcases that will decide their fate why the ball come on what are you doing it's going to pop I thought it was going to pop wait this is going to squish down like a like slime that was um what it literally just cracked that cat completely in half oh my look it Ripple up wow that looks really yes yes you just did it time to pick my fate I'm going to go with top briefcase all right I'll take the bottom oh I just put it on the side never mind that works too I don't need no mans three two yes you have a consequence let's see what her first hot consequence is going to be no oh my gosh that looks so hot why did I say loud you just said it again but I'm already having my consequence that is actually true these are literally the most spicy noodles in the entire world I've had these before and let's just say I did not recover well you're going to have to take a big bite out of these and a big bite like how big of a bite and you have to eat the entire bite oh my gosh that's so much noodles hold on I'm scared all right all right take a bite oh oh my gosh that is literally a gigantic bite and she is eating so many hot noodles I'm so glad that I have blue and I can only do cold challenges because this is getting hot how is it it's oh my gosh you have the spicy stuff all around your mouth subscribe if you think a f is catching on fire right now that's where I want to be right now because I am burning oh my gosh you should have got and blue but you didn't that must make lifting weights twice as easy cuz it's underwater but how do you bre twice as hard because it's underwater no it's underwater they have to hold their breath while they're working out that's actually easier cuz it makes the weights lighter who could backflip with a dumbbell or harder who could backflip with a dumbbell I don't know I feel like that's just like you're holding your breath it looks like they're on the moon lifting some weights you're exercising I you get like one rep in before you have to go back up for air this is the most random workout class I've ever seen seriously this is literally so cool I they better a carve into this cup I think they're doing a frog no way I love watching all the excess just crumbl right off I know what even is that oh wow it kind of looks like a frog's eyes but it also looks like obviously they are drawing a frog Jack did you not see the little comment thing can you do a oh wow it really is a frog but it kind of looks like a you just said the worst ah darn it darn it darn it Garren let's see what I'm going to get definitely an ax yeah yes you pray on my downfall backf subscribe ring what in the toilet when a F's done in the morning that's you don't even it all right but on a serious note this is like your hair in the shower in the dream I don't I don't know I don't want wait what is that I don't know about that is that a is that milk is that I have no clue oh my gosh how are they going to shut the faucet I don't get it oh that is so up close wow they just pulled all that old paint off the tip of the brush it was kind of dried too do you want to keep talking or do you want to pick a briefcase what happened is said the word did I Men In Black look at this I don't even get that reference I never watched that movie I'm going to go with the same strategy as last time well hopefully no it backfired Jack you have to drink this blue raspberry slushie until you get a brain freeze 3 1 go don't stop chug chug chug you have a brain free is yet go keep drinking it this is nothing compared to my mouth my head my head it's so cold you got to stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth to stop the brain freeze no no don't stop the brain freeze that's your consequence and it soured so cold why did I have to get blue I wish I had red I'd rather eat something spicy than get a drink I don't want to hear you talking I want to hear you brain freezing now this is where I want to be right now what in some clear water with Dolphin what that's so Majestic I thought you were going to say what I did not believe this is a real video that seems beautiful tell me you were a gymnast without telling me you were a gymnast look that kid walking by is like wao I want to do that one day one arm you just said the word don't even what is going on I didn't mean to but look at this this is so impressive okay that was definitely worth the all right I'm going to go with the botom all right I'm hoping you get another actually that messed me up last time going with my first decision I'm going with this one I'm scared now no what the crap all right this is the coldest round by far wait wait wait there's red on it too though this could be a a dare no no no no no no you have to take an ice bath are you kidding no no no no no there's no way I'm going to do this I thought you're an athlete don't athletes take ice BS said all right this is the best part of my entire day yo chill just put one bag of ice there goes one no no no oh yeah oh no I'm finished let's fill her up no no it's so cold all right get in all right I can't hold on do it y better like And subscribe it's so cold it's so cold move is this one of those stamps they're like the jelly things that stamp on the stuff I don't even know what that's called like a plate does it dip in the mirror and then go onto the pot to paint the pot yeah I guess that's how it works is this one of those duct tape balls oh you were about to say it I I love this this is what I want in my life look at all those colors just create more colors as they get sliced what's underneath that wait I am obsessed that looks so nice are they going to split it into two different unicorn no I think they're just like I don't know what they need like I just I need them to split it PE it off ice cream wow that's getting sherbet what how quickly off the bat are you going to say the W word I didn't even say it Karen please bring me I didn't say it after careful review I said it she said it I'm going to go with the top one I don't know it's 5050 it's 50 to you're going to regret that am I yeah you're going to regret that three two yes what was I going to do regret it I don't good luck so that bread what is life what is that that cannot be real it didn't even cut it what kind of object even is that is that a up hello time to go bowling oh my goodness wait how is everything not falling wait a second is this like what is happening right now there's only one on the left side so as soon as I get the next time get hit it's all falling it's all falling this is like bowling on a whole another level how is this still standing does not make science science which one's going to knock it over it this one I know it's oh wait wait what oh my impossible oh wait it's going to be this what is this ever going to hit Ito I don't even know if it's it didn't even go that how is this going on oh wait it only took the color out of the glass no because it broke the glass but there's one glass left and it should tilt that way oh my goodness it's all going to fall over even possible okay let's see I thought that was going to happen a lot soon these are Combs from the 1800s is that hot glass if that's hot glass then that is very satisfying look at that design you know how you could take a pottery class I want to take a hot glass class say that fast hot glass hot glass class comment it five times fast without a typo I want a skateboard in there I think that's a pool oh my gosh listen to these sounds okay what are we doing are we adding water I guess this is a day with the pool in guy well who said he's a pool cleaning guy maybe he's a pool maintenance guy or pool filling guy or a pool draining guy it looks like a hose yeah but maybe it sucks out all the dirt in the Bottom ofs clean he's filling it that's so satisfying I want a that's such freshh water I'd love to sit in there as it fills up like the bathtu I wonder where they get the water from you can see the clouds changing in the back from how long it took to fill up that looks so satisfying I want to jump in that pool you won't I won't because I don't even know where the pool is no cuz the pool's blue and you have red I should have got you this pink toothbrush for your birthday wow look at that thousand de knife just slice all those toothbrush brush excuse me did I just hear you say a forbidden word yeah o I like her shoes Okay her skills are better than her shoes what Ribble on Next Level D it's giving Neymar this is how they make shelves dude just kidding what kind of powder bubble stuff is that it looks like green dust what is it but it's boiling so how is that possible is this how they made shoes in the old days I don't think they had cameras in the old days so this is a new video for sure look at them just peel that edge off it's like taking the crust off your pizza oh my gosh that's glaze like a Crispy Cream donut why is satisfying to make shoes I'm confused that is a very nice shoe I want a clog in those you want to what in this ever seen clog dancing no POV the iPhone 15 just came out what why is that's so nice you know what it's always one swipe that makes the biggest difference that was so nice what a polished watch what are those for don't act like you didn't just say it pick one come on pick one come on let's see if you're going to get a consequence or not three two H you have a hot consequence S A faf got the wrong suitcase she has to eat the hottest Sour Patch Kids in the world wait I didn't even know they made Sour Patch Kid spicy and my mouth is still burning from before I thought Sour Patch kids were supposed to be sweet and taste good and sugary I don't know about spicy candy I don't know if that's really my thing wa my gosh wait does it smell ew it smells bad it kind of smells like I'm going to regret this all right I'm going to try all the flavors at once before you take a bite out of that make sure to subscribe and like the video we are almost at 300,000 subscribers ready 3 2 ew oh my gosh is that hot is that hot you got red she ate r is that hot why is your lip sweating why is that hot my gosh wait what what they're the fire kind oh my gosh back to the challenge Mr good bar are they crushing their Hershey's on a conveyor belt there's a lot of things that I would put on that conveyor belt okay what I don't know just satisfying stuff oh no you better hide your moms is that Logan Paul who is that that's Logan Paul who is it I'm not not going to tell you who it is oh is that young gravy is that a rapper you got to hide your mom's Landscaping that doesn't make sense so is like this what the guys were doing on Saturday yeah it's clearly like the guy sign on the bathroom yeah but like is this what the boys are doing on a Saturday the boys look like they're building a brick human in their bathro but is this what guys do on Saturdays like is this what the boys are wait why would you cover the bricks I don't know I ignoring me no I don't do this on Saturdays I know what it is it has to be a pool and it has to be a hot tub in the back there's no pool that can just be created like that um but I I never seen a pool like that and why would you use bricks as the inside I don't know what this is but it's not a pool this is not adding up this is worse than golf this is worse than when your husband tells you he wants to go play golf hey Jack Nicholas is a legend know who that is me neither all right yo okay they got it yellow I think they're pink okay that was just completely pointless is this just a human in the ground laying wax like they're laying concrete for a new road wait what is this for scraping and spreading it out so it fills all the holes and then it hardens yeah but what is the reason I don't know they could be making mini candles ooh mini candles I like the sound of that a wow that was so nice to watch it just slid right are you smelling yeah I'm smelling Victory baby woohoo my ear what that was perfect no what is this like ice cream I can't do this oh no I'm going to say it just sound I'm going to I'm going to say I'm not say it no an egg I think it's a coconut potato how are they shaving the coconut like that oh it's a coconut peeler I think but I didn't know that you could shave the coconut why don't coconuts just grow on the trees like that ready to go because why do you got to peel a banana it doesn't come ready to go is this an eggplant um the Emoji I don't know it looks like it what is that wa that just split where's the suitcases I better get a green check I better get a green check Boston Birkin stocks I'm feeling lucky yeah baby you're so lucky this is the worst Dare by far how how do they keep getting worse because this is hair dye and you can't come back it's not blue is it I mean no Red's my favorite color I'm not dying my hair it's blue and you can't come back to the stable unless your hair is blue what I've never dyed my hair in my entire life my hair is blue oh my gosh it's never going to come out my hair is going to be stuck blue for like a month I'm going to have to shave my hair off no look at it but I don't want you to sh subscribe today we're going to try not to say wow this is part five of a 10 video series where every time somebody says wow they'll to select from one of these two briefcases that will decide their face this is Oreo Edition what Rainbow Road wait that's an egg no the conveyor wow it just got disintegrated what is that juice coming out don't even just said the word cry there's a chance for Oreos and milk I'm going with the top baby oh no what we got what we got tell me if I got a check or X yes what you did it no you lied why did this happen to me why did I get that all right can I just eat the Oreo no no no no you have to get a topping all right I can't even see which ones they are which makes this even harder for me but you can probably see them so wish me luck and see I'm going to roll it for this side you I think I see milk oh all right it's so hard in oh I missed we got to go again that has to go into one of these all ah again I keep missing all right here we go this is R it has to go into one of the cups and then you have to eat it no which one is that apple juice oh my gosh I like apple juice num n is that good to you that's actually so good listen to it ASMR Apple it subscribe wait I know where this is this is on my bucket list those are nice flowers this is in Amsterdam there are so many flowers just fields and fields of flowers now I know where to take you for a honeymoon finally they're cleaning the hydraulic press I don't think that's what was happening was that a squishy that was not a lemon I don't know Cracker's gone oh look at that cup fold oh wa that was nice it was what it was nice but it was so nice that you have to car get the suitcases please no no I'm scared but I'm going to go with the bottom because Jack did top so let's see what's in there yes let's go what I thought you were going to they all fell and broke that's going be so hard to get to balance this is literally like the art of balancing for real you have to get the perfect what wait I was going to say it has to be the perfect weight the counter he could be an architect I don't know how he designed that rock he teaches his students how to build like buildings I think it's going to like stay up for a second watch as soon as he let go dude he he's doing some kind of like balancing like this is like this is like juggling but balancing maybe he's a physics teacher and this is like using the law of physics wow it actually stayed up you just said it again let's goop showing me satisfying videos let's go baby under the hood I'm going to go with the bottom let's take a look under the hood let's see what we got Carol I'm good let's go that looks so nice like a sphere not the bubble is it a finger hydraulic press wait no way oh look at all the blood rushing into the finger is that an egg what kind of egg is that oh that that's one strong finger it was boiled what's going on here I see a wig oh is this a store I think this is how you put a wig on because I definitely know how to put a wig on so I I know that that's wow it gave her a completely new style like it literally did you just said it you're done bro let's go at the top just open it for me just open it for me three two y let's go no consequence no there's a consequence what why why did I get two x's in a row what is my love all right well you know what at least I had apple juice last time so I could get it again can you be better at aiming this time oh no his aim sucks all right here we go again I'm going to do it blindfolded what is it lemon juice oh no a just sing around in there sour Oreo that sounds disgusting e tastes like a lemon cookie but why are you still eating it then I have to eat it or I lose the challenge oh my God that's the sourest Oreo I've ever had when the base Dr Everybody Run full speed no what oh my gosh this looks like Lord of the Rings in real life I literally was thinking that that looks intense I want to go to a heavy metal concert what is in there water let me get it maybe it grows something it's not water is that jell oh those are like perfect cubes right no don't look at me oh no don't even look at me Miss I'm not even scared cuz I'm manifesting that I'm going to get the check all right ready can try that I just are you going with the top I feel like it's in here I feel like it's in here like the video if you think she's going to get an X And subscribe if you think she's going to get a check three two no wait you're subscribed finally a fa got an X in the briefcase all right I think I'm going to try to go to the milk like hopefully hold on oh my gosh like the video If you think a Fat's going to make it in the milk and subscribe if you think she's going to make it in the mayonnaise no you got to roll it from back here I am no that you can't start halfway oh so close what ah you got lemon juice too this is going to be so sour I'm scared oh my gosh ew ew oh that is disgusting look at her face yo I know that's so sour that is that an asteroid no it's a sounded so good wait run that back one more time why does that sound so good I think this is an elevator in Bali no way I thought you were going to say the word that looks literally fake Is that real I think it takes get to like a restaurant in Bali is that a jawbreaker um oh that's a watermelon wait why are they like doing that I think I know the beginning was a red ball cuz they literally took never seen a watermelon get cut like that you've never seen a watermelon get cut sliced in half you never play Dirt ninja they slic it in half they like shaved it you never played Wii Sports glitter wait is this one of those like slime like pouring videos yeah it's oozing out that's so nice I don't like the word oozing little oozing BT oh my gosh those balls inside of that clear slime can't look at that mix this is literally like a mystery mix this is like a mixer mix mystery you don't even know what you're saying how do you sit here all day and just squeeze slime out of this I mean that's very satisfying but who even packs these things when you need to shave your foot you put it on like this who Let The Dogs Out wow literally just shot out like confetti or more like Ken Karen can you get me the briefcases Karen what did I say you said the word wait don't bring those we meet again going with the top one it sounded good it does sound good doesn't it this game is UN come on roll up before I make you roll twice woo here we go and yes apple juice again I love Apple Juice I think this table may have a certain curve in it that goes only to that and lemon juice well whoever gets mayo or mustard or ketchup is going to be crying subscribe if you think I'm going to get get the milk first and like the video if you think she's going to get the milk first what are they painting that looks like an o that was that's amazing I want that art is that a nail it is a nail I literally thought it was like oh Blake I have a lot of questions I tell that must be heavy it looks really pretty but like not not for your nail like that's just maybe a door stopper what even is that they're cutting metal with metal I love how up close it is that does look like that was really satisfying I just split it in half what is this the inside of a rollsroyce stop look at that sparkle she looks gorgeous oh my gosh your dress is going to look like this one day like why do I want to get married just to put on a dress like this W so many spar finally you're done you said the de word let's see if I'm lucky I hope she gets the Red X because I need to see you're my boyfriend you're supposed to hope that I get like the good thing okay open it three 2 let's go baby let's go I really really want some milk what what are you doing I'm just looking you're you're like going like this it's freaking me out you're acting like a lizard okay a what was that I'm sorry it's oh no you got it I'm scared now should I just like not look sure should I just like sure what e you got mustard I literally hate mustard that's going to be disgusting this is the first time someone got mustard in this challenge no please don't make me eat that yo please don't make me eat that oh my gosh it just smells disgusting like I don't even like mustard on hot dogs I don't like mustard on anything okay all right well it's going to be sweet and nasty and sour all right you got it ew oh my gosh ew I can hear it crunching I know those flavors mixing are disgusting POV this is me when I you wait how did it clean that normally it like sucks up like your iPhone cord and get caught the Dyson the Dyson is superior here I'm dicing to get that we have it he doesn't even clean he doesn't know what we have and what we don't I clean the toilets how many kilos to break look it says the kilos there literally just disintegrated metal crushing metal bro that's like more kilos than I even know that existed I didn't even know what they're breaking okay oh oh that was the easiest one to break that hot I think so the Orbeez are just oozing out who thinks of this stuffff because I love it sliding down the tallest water coaster in Texas this is exactly where I need to be right now I literally love water slides I hate water slides until I went to the greatwolf lodge with Jack and now I love them a look at the speed on that what look it's going to go a it changes col I love love when it goes so fast and you're like wait what's coming oh my gosh the topless ones are the funnest you can to the sky dude that looks so fun like the video if you'd ride on this cuz I definitely would ride on this what is going on I already know what's going to happen I can't watch or I'm going to t you have to watch you can't cheat look at all that foam coming out look at all those chickens not saying it that's too many Oreos how I feel when I walk outside in Florida wet yeah humid but look at those slices of makeup chips makeup chips they're like potato chips but for makeup look at it did you literally just call a lipstick makeup chips I mean each slice looks like makeup dude I don't even know what to say I've never seen this and I'm already loving it this is my kind of Po wow it looks brand new after literally not a single fingerprint or bug you said it going with the top I'm going to come out on top yeah you are I love my life this is rigged this is hungry oh my gosh wait I think you should do it with your eyes closed wait why is this Oreo put on backwards at Oreo okay here we go you said what I think you should do it blindfolded like you shouldn't look how do I know where it's going to go it almost went in ketchup but it also almost went in the milk go again all right here we go [Music] and let's freaking go let's go just dunked it in the milk M this is rigged subscribe if you think that was the best combo subscribe if you think this is rigged today we're going to try not to say wow this is part six every time you say wow You'll have to pick from one of these two brief cases if you get the X you'll have to eat a food in your color that reflection was ma Majestic yo wait that flip is majestic what that's like you wait they swung through that was so impressive would you swim in this can't really see that bar that's that's maybe a no for me like I don't know this is kind of scary I definitely wouldn't you can't even see more than 2 ft in front of you I would get very scared wait for what I don't know I see something shadows in the current are those Mana Rays no way wow that is so Majestic it really is look half a look how no bring in the super look at it was Majestic let's go with bottom I'm scared please be the X why are you praying on my down cuz this is going to be funny you said the W word first so you have to eat a pink food all right let's see what the pink food is going to be oh what and remember all the pink and green foods are exotic foods wait I did not know that Lady Gaga made pink Oreos okay that's actually crazy I didn't even know they were pink Oreos they are literally pink that is insane what does it smell like I don't know kind of weird like they don't smell like regular Oreos they kind of have like a vanilla smell it smells like icing on the inside like real icing is it good M you never know with exotic foods some of them could taste good some can taste awful is that a good one you lucked out this time why does this look fake it kind of looks like Lily Wonka low key I saw two butterflies and a rabbit a bunny is it a bunny or a rabbit isn't it the same thing what's difference is a viking on a thin wooden bro that's just stairs that's just straight upstairs is this a race please tell me they know exactly where this route is oh they're definitely professionals because I can see like little Flags I somebody does not walk out of their front door that course looks insane what wow and it goes onto a dirt path oh through the light W they almost hit the wall there that was so close going or do you want to open it right why do I even have to answer that question clear your memory I it didn't clear Karen stop no you can put him back you can put Karen ah sorry I'm going with perfect St Mary and that's what you get well all right all right it might be a good thing so I don't know if this is a good or bad thing do you think it's a good or bad item under here like if you think it's going to taste good and subscribe if you think it's going to be bad what wait what is that minute made kiwi oh that looks good that is kiwi strawberry minute made I've never had this before honestly it looks good so just take a drink oh my gosh it literally looks like Shrek blood it's almost like we're being rewarded every time we say the word I don't know if I'm going to be rewarded cuz that smells super sour and I do not like sour things does smell sour it almost smells like sour pin is it sour that's sour it's so sour a bad way I don't know I don't want anymore it's so sour like it tastes like a Capri Sun but a sour one first to say Al loses wait wow how did he do that so bad we don't need we don't even need to say anything we we okay stop talking you can hear well guess what no I don't want to hear anything we don't need to say anything remember let's just go with the top let's just let's just all right you got lucky I mean honestly last time I kind of got something good so I don't know how lucky I got oh my gosh that looks so cool it's like a bunch of ices I was waiting for you to say the word well wow oh crap no no take it no that that was literally gold you set me up that was gold no you set me okay I actually wasn't trying to set you up but I'm going to get a green chip Good Vibes only I'm going with the bottom tell me you take that all right after the last time I said it I ate I had to drink something sour so hopefully this is not sour wait I don't know is it sour it could be sour candy wait what is oh wait I think I know what this is wait are these Japanese snack I think they are this is kiwi fruit gummy candy why is everything kiwi flavored I don't know but the Kiwi drink with sour wait there's something inside of it there's like actual little kiwi seeds inside it kind of smells good dude I could smell it from when he opened the package and it smelled really good actually so good I'm not even that sour what else do we have I don't know what that one is I can't pronounce that but you should just open it and try it is it chocolate I would have not thought that was chocolate chocolate I thought it was going to be another gummy but it's in a green wrapper so I mean I can eat it is it good M that's the best chocolate I've ever had in my entire life what are these oh I just got green on the wrapper what is this I have no clue maybe it's gum I think I know what it is smell it I don't know what that is you think it's one of those like it's like covered in chocolate I think or maybe it's like a milk gummy like have you ever had those no all right just try it right I think it's one of those crunchy like balls no I think it's going to be soft and kind of tast ah what it's like you just know what I it has oh it has mochi mochi or is that matcha I think there's matcha inside that it literally took an impression of my tooth and the best for last this thing has like a bunny on the front this looks so cool what what is that what is that I don't know what that tastes like but it's so yummy I need a smell the what did you just do oh my God that tast like garlic Kino it's so good oh okay that's enough back to the challenge this is what I wish I looked like at the trampoli park yo dude I can't even wait that last trick was actually so hard let's run that back I'm to give you an analytical breakdown that was a roundoff whip whip and the last trick was a half twisting fol which is extremely hard to land spinning the opposite direction and Landing the opposite direction I can't even do a back flip so I don't even know what you're talking about is that a sticker I don't know I saw one of those in Asheville North Carolina stop stop what it's a tattoo that looks like a sticker Oh I thought it was a sticker that was an actual tattoo yeah that was impressive I have so many questions is it a UFO is it a aqua marine animal is it made of tin foil is it an airplane covered in tin foil it's probably like a drone it looks like a Manor it it really it's a balloon has to how did it go Norte I don't understand what's going on Ant heart sugar but this is bread yeah but there's sugar and bread and now there's a ton of the ants coming out oh they give them a tiny piece though enough for them to carry maybe that's the king ant no you can't just make stuff up okay there's no king ant it five times the size of all the other end dude you wow they can literally carry it they can lift it they're so strong when they combine all strength lit okay let's bring the breath cases out what are you doing I don't want to look [Music] yeah ow my finger so clear I feel like this is in Florida or Bahamas I don't know they're going on a that's a wa that was insane you can just jump out of the water and did you just say the word I'm going to go with the bottom all right are you sure you can switch to the other one I'm not falling for this okay not all right fine you're done I kind of have a good feeling about this so let's see what pink thing I'm get oh you got a lot of pink things I think I got the same thing that Jack got but the pink version well then it wouldn't be the same thing it's going to be a different flavor so probably a b oh this is chocolate I thought it was going to be the gummy wait is there strawberry chocolate in this oh it like there is something in there good oh that smells like coconuts it smells so good not up what else is in there is that a gummy a pink gummy what yo this looks so yummy oh my gosh is any of it sour though cuz I wouldn't want anything sour no none of it's sour all right these are some really exotic snacks comment below which exotic Stacks you want to try what me and the boys are doing on the day off wait this is not we live in Florida yeah wedge it out there's no rocks besides of that in Florida that was at least 1,000 ft oh that had some Hang Time on it this is not what he's doing on his day off because first off little second off you want to know a fun fact what if two things fall at the same time and they're different weights they're going to hit the ground at the same time oh my gosh I love trappes and that one at least 100 ft I don't even know how like you go to like a class for Trapp on the wow double front and a half reg grab is super hard you have no idea Karen you need some briefcases help on this one he's don't be next please don't be next yes copper wire art wait what that's inside of your electrical I know but like why what was the recent they wanted to roll it up boil it up no looks like flowers doesn't it yeah it looks like a a tree now what wow how did they do that for real no don't even look at me don't even look at me we all just heard that no we didn't open it let's see scared you want to switch you can switch last time you didn't do that it came back to bite [Applause] you why are you celebrating cuz it's funny celebrating aha twice in a row you said it all right let's just do this oh wo wait what this is minute made but watermelon punch that actually sounds super sour I really like watermelon but I like real watermelon so I don't know about this artificial watermelon I don't have you ever seen a drink that's what dude it smells like a Jolly Rancher that's exotic for sure sure I've never smelled that in a drink is it sour that is so good oh my gosh yeah I'll be taking these to well if you keep saying the W word you have to keep eating in your color but it could end up being something what is like a the yard room oh no wait oh this is the process of building a pool no I don't even have a house to build a pool at so what why am you watching this with beautiful art and craft okay craft and art wait what are theyy like it looks like cotton yeah but it's an eyeball dude it looks like a face how did the cotton get like you know tough I think they're making like a doll like in the background by like pressing the cotton in that's what I'm saying Pikachu it's Pikachu obviously I was trying to figure out how they were making Pikachu I wasn't so obvious until they put all the touches on the ears the lightning bolt tail running up let's getting gone I honestly have no idea I think he's cleaning his grandpa's car that was the nastiest cup holder that I've ever seen I'm pretty sure your cup holder is a little grosser than that but it's fine I'm not judging I'm not here to judge we're not talking about my car though let's do that of the conversation yeah let's not talk about your car what yo that's dud I thought you were going to say the word I want someone to clean my car like this like I'll clean your car like that you know what I want $500 actually forget about my car car I want someone to clean the inside of my brain like this like wipe every crevice like actually that would be really did you see the change in the armrest that literally looked brand new after this guy is a 10 out of 10 cleaner how does it feel to live my dream that could be a photo it is a photo it's a video or a video and photo the same thing or take a screenshot and then take a photo out of a video you make a video out of photos yes you can if they're live where would the audio be live photos have audio that's technically a video on a photo yes it is though comment below who you think right I don't get it oh okay wow it actually fli the rock over like that rock looks so you literally were like okay and then you said the word and now we're getting Somey things I feel unlucky so I'm going to come out on top to actually I'm going to go on the bottom wait you just switched it up I don't know thought it would be a good pun nervous I'm definitely really nervous right now but I think it's going to be something there what do you think three two green what no all right I'm never ever had these in real life but I you never had dude no I no give them back I've seen this on Tik Tok these are super famous exotic Oreos and they taste like Min things but like better SMS like Girl Scout cookies it's oh my good I have Goosebumps literally thinking about how good these are do that smell like Girl Scout cookies that smells so good you smell like the Girl Scout cookies we ate in Colorado all right I'm about to eat this right now this is going to taste so just taste it I don't want to hear a lot of talking I want to hear chewing not that much chewing it actually tastes like a Girl Scout cookie these exotic snacks are a 10 out of 10 subscribe to help us reach 300K today we're going to try not to say wow this is part seven of a 10 video series where every time somebody says wow they'll have to select from one of these two briefcases that would aside their face what is that I literally thought you were going to say the word oh my gosh it's filled with ink but it's twisted and looks like a candy cane a pen I know but it's glass but how did they make the ink go in there like that like I can't eat I think they just dipped it into like an ink thing there's no way you're saying that ink just tripping down the spiral yeah I don't know about that but that was so satisfying look at the heart oh fiod at the end too period going to jump W that's one way to get into the car there's no way wait it's so good wait that was really good and it did look like a magic trick but what's the problem well your phone's about to get dunked in slime the briefcases one I think I'm going to go with the top one what you got I'm scared should be oh my goodness okay I'm feeling really lucky back to the video I need her to say the W word I need you to say the W word that is a very wow look at that it's literally look at that would you look at that he said a okay I'm going to get a check like you no you can't smell it who can't watch a no no no no no where's the scissors scissors are huge why did I have to say the W word snip snip no no oh don't hit my face wait that was my C oh my gosh I cannot believe they're hanging from Char so no my phone is hanging by one cord it's literally slipping it's slipping don't on the sign please please like the video If you think hers is going to go in the Slime first And subscribe if you think my phone's going in first subscribe because I think this is going in oh stop that cheese oh I need that in my life that looks so good if there's one thing about me I'm adding cheese to everything cheese fries definitely enhance regular french fries actually I'm laying down you be Iceland was on your bucket list it's a drone shot isn't it yep wait well they could be in a tree but I don't know if a tree would grow like on does that look like a tree be it's a drone wait stop wow that was literally so rich there was literally no you said I'm not saying it but you know what you said yeah get the breeze cases no no I only have one one string left I only have one string left let's go with the top you got lucky one time flaming H Cheetos or gas wait yes 10 out of 10 how stop it's toad hold on it's not toad that's from Mario a f have you the name of that character is Toad no it's not then what is it what is it a f i don't it's Toad and it's Toad and look toad is literally getting mushroom they call him toad really why would they call a mushroom toad ask me wait is it actually called toad are you messing with me wait did they actually make this out of a carving dude it's sand I know but like they're carving into the sand and it didn't fall apart obviously how else would they make it did you think oh 20 hours to make this video that has to be wao that's impossible it looks like a jelly pit how is that even possible I'm so what you just took an l no I didn't should I try this smelling method did it work for me I think did it I I don't think it worked for you I'm just going to go with the top one cuz honestly it's easier to open all right a no no no your phone my whole life is on the phone just no no no no yeah you know what if your phone breaks that means that it's going to be stuck that means that you have buy me a new one right I'm not buying you a new one but you should have said the word careful my gosh look at it sweet oh goodness here I'm going to get the next one no no no that's not the game well then don't say the W word again don't chill chill stop stop stop truce Shake on truce okay put it up POV it's winner in Canada dude that looks like Alaska look at that building it looks like Harry Potter where is this that fog and that Sunset was Majestic I mean the sky was serving cotton candy energy all the way and that backyard is serving snowball fight energy all the way that's like a 3D printer pen it is how did you know that cuz stuff was coming out of it have you seen this video before no I've ever seen one of these did they really just make a bik no way no way it's going to fall right did it work here in the wild lies a venus fly trap that thing doesn't actually close fast it's a plant I think that it actually what it just grabbed onto their fingers I understand oh it's a blanket coming off of something moving it or is it a car it's an F1 car I know what it is a car it's an F1 car that's not a car that's like wheels and like a bunch of plastic I agree with what oh that was actually kind oh wait that's awesome ever seen that idea before oh my goodness those ones look crazy this is actually so creative okay parkour or Ninja Warrior no this is parkour oh this is free running wait no it's parkour it's parkour he's running yeah he's going so fast wait so which one is it is it three running or parkour oh my gosh Over the Bar that was awesome that was really fast po you're just making a tick tock and an iceberg decides to go into no way that Glacier just broke off bro are they wow look I feel going to make a huge oh I wanted to see if there was going to be a huge wte yeah these the next video don't think I didn't hear that what I got to pick one pick one all right uh take take that all right my lucky day that looks like an eye oh kind of looks like an optical an eye it's blinking stop but like do you have to carry that sh sheet of paper around to show your tattoo off I mean seriously that's not that's actually kind of funny it's giving optical illusion but very inconvenient optical illusion salt absorbs glue it absorbs everything wait does it though yeah it just takes the moisture out of stuff really yeah but don't get salty about it cuz look you're about to see it happen in real life wait I didn't know it did it that quick I thought if you like soaked it time lapsed it for a couple hours but that was crazy is it just me or does that look like Frank gold like the stream was a little to Y you got him you thought we were going to fall for that you think we're that dumb only only if it's actually because that could be real maybe we should test it out to find out yeah I'm not that dumb to put glue in my head well it's kind of fun to peel it off when it dries so fun bar graphs what well not now I'm going to be amaz if this is math I 3D building it's art not geometry well whatever it is it's scaring me guess what it's going to turn into math wait that's it it was a tape oh my wow that was so satisfying it really was and mine didn't it turned out like that when you tried to bleach it well that's because I'm not a professional look at that that looks so great but um we're going to have to get the brief no no listen no list l no hold on hold on before I open it I just want to make you one deal what I will do anything you say for 24 hours if I don't have to open one of these freeze cases nah open it let's see are you serious yes High about 5050 chance at walking your come on okay just give me a second okay who I'm ready now okay you're done you're done oh no yes wait wait there's a small chance that this doesn't drop from one cut what you mean yes subscri where's my phone my phone my phone I Dude where's my phone it's literally where is it today we're going to try not to say wow this is part eight of a 10 video series where every time somebody says wow they're going to have to select from one of these two briefcases which will decide their fate and on top of that if you pick the wrong briefcase you will have to take a sip of a mystery drink what is going on I keep seeing this cheese everywhere but never in real life that looks like the best cheese toast Texas toast I've ever seen I need that in my life right now that is like the most organic cheese toast I've ever seen how do you know if it's organic like I meant it was originally made it looks so good you mean Gourmet another day another Dawn and a fun Far Far Away what is this wow those literally you couldn't even see those under the ground that was so stop talking right now and Karen bring the greef I forgot we try not to say it no I'm going to go with the top one oh I don't know about that don't know about that work sugar [Applause] no we ran out of Chopsticks so my dad used my sister's bar okay that's kind of weird like and kind of smart and genius but like you could have used a fork that's true but he was eating off somebody's feet keep the dogs away oh bro I've been on a watermelon and wow I know that's a good piece of watermelon except for that text was cap Jack may not have heard that but Karen did you're the plug all right ready I'm just picking it oh a f you have the first EXO pick I feel like pink is like the best I don't know why that's scar me was thaty blue should I just how do I sip this you just got to take a sip he why is it St yellow ew what is that e oh my gosh what is that it's m that disgusting help you how does it feel to live my dream that was so basic this is not though look at how much hair this thing is sucking up it's like a cat yeah that's why I had to shave yours off because you never vacuum where what POV is coming up and you're trying to get your biceps big wait a second yo that was actually crazy why did you have to flex I just you know wanted who are you flexing for you are you sure about that it was for the mouth oh my that's amazing it disintegrated it literally disintegrated into sand all my anger problems would be gone if I could just do that tomato juice like that that looked like throw up the watermelon not the watermelon it's so funny how they put a face on it bro what is going on it just cracked and popped that thing had no chance wow look at it just squish out at the bottom like literally the rubber material was you know what Jack not the M zp it and get the briefcases Karen wait did I say it just open the briefcase going with the top one let's go no no no no no no no no no no no okay yes yes yes yes yes all right at least I have a 50% chance of drinking something good but if I get something bad like you you're going to get something bad sure oh you're just going to go for the blue actually I don't know I don't I'm not drinking out of the pink box what was it oh my gosh that's good what was it this is a r what was the other one dude you could have got Mayo that's disgusting a my goodness that Valley of the Aspens is so beautiful how can I teleport there teleport yeah I want to teleport to there because you can't teleport well how many cows did it take to make that Tower of butter Jack loves his butter oh yeah D this would definitely shave about 40 minutes off of my getting ready time that would help lot no one ever cleans under the rug vents wait I didn't even know there were vents in the floor yeah how do you think arrogant's in the house um by the windows what that literally looks like brand new after if anything it was protected underneath the I thought you were going to say the word never is that that paint brush it's not a paint brush it's a pen wow did they just put a puddle at the top and it's just slowly leaking into the that you would stay the water no no no it was the pen not Barbie let's go all right you know what last time I went with this and it was good luck so I feel like this switch it up never let him know your next move I'm going with this one are you sure about that actually you know what you're right I'm going switch it hopefully it's a bad drink what is it it's so sour I promise this looks funner than it is they are so scared they're going to slide down the hill just let me live my dream okay but if it was a 4x4 they'd be good University of yarn dude I don't understand this like stop motion video art okay clearly cuz it would it actually mix up a bowl the egg how's it look St cooking I'm obsessed bro they just made scrambled eggs with yarn is it too early to put the Christmas tree up wow look at all of those snow plakes just that was that was so dumb that was I I don't want to talk about it Karen Karen just you're getting I'm going with the top and I came out on top oh I'm hungry oh look at the cat e wait the cat's eating some of the watermelon that cat's so cute I'm obsessed I want cat I know wao it's eyes yeah wait no no I don't know and I you know what it's 5050 that was quick you're done I am scared well maybe you shouldn't be there's only a 50% chance I think I'm going to go with pink are you sure about that you can still switch last time I went with blue and it was really not good so maybe Blue's good this time I don't know I don't know if you should do that a dang it do you know what was in here what was in it Sriracha wish you would today we're going to try not to say wow this is part nine of a 10 video series where every time you say wow you have to select from one of these two briefcases that would decide your fate and today if you select the wrong brief taste you're going to have to remove a layer of clothing oh no oh yes ooh that's nice why is that so smooth that was a perfect H that's so satisfying H and M wow they just finished it perfectly it looked like the same excuse me Karen bring the briefcase in take a look under the hood oh ow what love that oh you have to take the piece off I mean I'm not really that mad about it there we go oo is that special edition yes they're Christmas M&M's those look so good dude I can't wait for Christmas candy how did they chop it up that thin and precisely what it's so tiny it was literally disintegrated so check out this no is that are they going to wax his leg hair babe that's not wax that's foam wait is that shaving cream wow how is that even possible that was a foam wait you just said the W word and I never seen a liquid like that before no no no first of all first of all first of all that wasn't a liquid it was a foam well you got to remove something possibly Karen bring no no no I really don't want to take off any clothes so I'm going with the top one and hopefully it's the right one ready 3 two oh my gosh my girlfriend has to remove a layer of clothing okay here hold this oh gosh I got to take my mic off and um wait you're don't look you're you're not going to just like leave on the like like you could just take this off but it goes with my outfit hey why you got to take the hoodie off like you just have to remove one thing it could have just been the the snowboarding glasses okay y'all don't that's my girlfriend ah what I mean we're just doing the challenge ooh is that for cheese babe that's a mini water balloon are you serious right now what they just put in there dude what the fact that he thought that was for cheese makes me lose hope in humanity why you could just put cheese in there squeeze it it comes out like strings then you have string cheese all right somebody teach this man how to cook the Hulk feeding the Hulk up wait what is coming out of Hulk oh my gosh are those Orbeez it's turning into slime it kind of looks like soapy slime for some Reon oh oh why would you just put that all over your face okay listen if you're a guy and you have more shoes and clothes than me I don't like you I definitely don't have more than you um you don't have more than me you don't have more clothes than me but I think you have more shoes than me wait is this dude like renovating his closet it's called organization baby this could literally be like an entire clothing store set up it like looks like a Shelf at a clothing store yeah I wonder if there's anything else in his house that needs to be fixed oh my gosh what is that for I'm I'm full of air cuz I saw all the Nike Air Maxes in there that that was the worst pun I've ever heard sorry what that looks so juicy see I love eating wow no no I said it after the video was already done doesn't even matter you said the W word if you said it again right now that'd be I don't want to take off more clothes you might not have to Karen all right ladies and gentlemen this is going to be so funny 3 2 yeah wait bro why are you happy I don't know I want to win the challenge but at the same time I'm like show people all right the snowboarders keeping on her goggles and taking off a hoodie oh Clemson Tigers I love the Clemson Tigers me too a no is this what people do after a bad day wait there was not different colors inside those Bott oh I'm I'm in love that's satisfying look at all them flat all over the place bro no way there's literally So Many Colors right now and there why is it so satisfying it looks like the ground at one of those drive-thru car washes I have no idea what you're talking about but I'm a wow those were so dense in color like literally what's going to happen like literally you shouldn't have said the word you know which word I'm not saying it okay stop wasting my time open it I really don't know Jack I'm I I don't want this one I want the other one does that is that allowed all right let's do it no take it off which thing all right hurry up we got more videos to watch oh here we go any day now up hold up hold up yes we're out of the window turn we're on an island who knew that water could cut metal there's no way that's water dude it's just pressurized if pressurized water can cut straight through a lock a lot of people are going to be breaking into places or they won't because they won't have this machine I don't know it won't go through the top part there's absolutely no way oh it's literally cutting right through it that's insane how did it just that the last part oh what's happening dude it literally disintegrated that lock that was clean as butter what in the world that looks like a black hole ooh that looks like a hypnotizing Cole okay if they did it go in reverse at the end I'm confused my brain is literally still Liv oh they just disrespected the glue but okay all right this glue is inside of a Pap it's oozing out wow now that's what I call odly satisfying yeah and it's going to be oddly satisfying if you get another X par are you trying to take my clothes off let's do this all right bro this game is rigged okay I'm no longer ski girl o is that a tent dude that's definitely a car cover I think that sounds so oh awesome I'm literally getting Goosebumps okay but what car is under there that it look okay that's def expensive $22,000 for that yeah and half of the money was for the WRA gross wow look at that peel right off it literally looks so excuse me Karen bring the briefcase I seen so many satisfying videos it it's it's not cool the word is just the are you are you done spazzing out now open the briefcase let's go with the top take it off baby I'm about to run out of clothes want to see a magic trick oh my gosh okay I'm running out of clothing I'm not saying anything that will jeopardize my clothing you know there's so many craps on the roads that I would just walk around with this thing all day and fix them who new con ruction was so satisfying wait for real and how much like asphalt is inside of there before it runs out how do you refill it how did you know that that's asphal cuz I watched a documentary on it the other day oh is that toothpaste I have no idea wow that is so satisfying what you're definitely going to say the debut word way more times for me in this challenge cuz you just said it again I I I can't afford to take off more clothes like the video If you think I'll have more clothes on by the end and subscribe if you think she'll have more clothes on by the end I'm praying that this one time oh you got a check what are those ASMR videos yeah but what are they have you ever heard of the ASR video oh yeah you know that thing that I used to put your face masks on wait that's not a makeup brush o la la is there a watermelon inside of there it's slime oh it's like a watermelon piece mixed with slime um that's what I'm guessing but it's not real watermelon what is the like they just it and I was like why would you do that so dramatic good thing you're a YouTuber bro what are you what is happening gosh they just got a bunch of mini watermelons what are those are those the seeds from inside the watermelon think about it I think it is I think it's just slime yeah but they're trying to make it look like it was the inside of a watermelon that turned into slime and then squished everywhere all right I think this video is starting to squish my brain cells I love you I love Nikes Air Force Ones for the girls love when people customize them too like you can get so creative with it it's such a Bas design you have browser or Bowser what's that guy the purple guy Bowser yeah you have Bowser on yours I actually do and I have little cute hearts I don't know about this like wow that paint looks so good what did it slip out or what like you just said it again like no I actually Jack I actually can't take your votes now top or bottom I'm going with the top uh oh subscribe this is part 10 of a 10 video series where every time you say wow you have to select from one of these two briefcases that was deide your face if you pick the wrong briefcase you get pied in the face what was it supposed to be a circle or Square what got to overlap it's like a V diagram every Point can make a perfect circle can if you have that tool wow that just yes are you okay yeah I'm not about to get ped you are no no no no no I make side for now oh I'm scared all right three two wait wait you got lucky you always get lucky no I actually don't I'm ice cream what is it this is body scrub oh I could use some of that yeah you are looking a little dry this is going to be me in a few days why I'm getting my nails done look at to drip down that's so oddly satisfying I know H they had to pick a little bit off the end so it wouldn't drip down look at you studying the nail technici oh I've done mine before a couple times pink M my favorite pastime they gone wow that was so Squishy look at the tree shrink too like a straw I love you that but you said the word and stop ignoring me when did I say it you said it Karen no I I want the briefcases right now Karen I didn't he open her up going with the bot actually I'm going with thep top yes oh no oh no oh yeah no no not said the word buddy a get it out of my face get it out of my face that's a you problem not a you problem what it has to be in Reverse it has to be in Reverse where is it going I don't know oh I don't like I who wait yeah cuz it would screw down if it was using gravity yeah I'm so confused or it was hanging upside down from the roof and I almost said the word but I didn't so it's fine s for satisying not for stop for satisfy it's so nice the paint is so smooth a look at how thick the edge of the S is getting now that is probably the smoothest paint I've ever wow that was so precise yeah and you also just said the word of B what word did I say Jack I love you but bring in the suitcases somebody please help me hold on you asked for help and I'm listening to the heartbeat of the it's go at the to a I should have bottom what you actually helped me for once better look we know your car is clean but is it this clean stop that was the car I've seen that tread before I have not seen that Trend before yes why it's like icing but for roads I thought the ball was going to run out and they took the torch thing whatever they use in track and just kept running a torch thing it's like a it's AA mover blue mashed potatoes is that chalk I think they put chalk on top bro I could do this all are you serious how do you not know this is not slime or this is slime no I knew part of it was slime I just didn't know if the big clear gray block was on it was a white block that's so neon boys are called it Blind by the way what in the Nickelodeon what color is that Jack Green all right just making sure what are they doing I have no idea paper and wood um yeah that's what it looks like I think maybe they were using it to just measure the paper ooh it's a tint but for wood instead of C it looks like a ribbon wow look at it stretch right off no no no no come back here I'm going with the top so I can come out on top love that oh yes this is rig it's a llama I know it's a llama how do you know it's a llama could be an alpaca you're completely right there actually based on all the National Geographic I've watched it's definitely an oversized dog that's definitely I don't know what it is it's a poodle no oh stop I'm in love that is aming so nice to watch but I don't even know what the purpose is of this makes me want to take a pottery glass true maybe they're just designing a cup that they're taking off the part that they don't want painted gray oh that makes sense so it's it's going to make it like a checker cuz they're going to do the top one I totally get it wait it's like painters tape for a cup that's exactly what it is okay that was really genius I don't even know how you cut like thin strips into the tape like that well I think you put it on first then you you take it off M I almost fed it that looks so nice you can literally play tic tac toe on any part of that cup [Music] literally yes they're making shiny slime that's so beautiful that it just glaze across like an ice breathing drink what's going on paint wow it's a rainbow it literally looks like a rainbow road Mario Kart in real life Karen get the briefcases why did you say no you did run it back turbo wow it's a rainbow let's see it let's go you're done like this video if I should spare him but no like it it like it what this is so unfair you better subscribe please e get it all get it all I can't see you're like a zombie get prepared to see some of the internet's most satisfying things like a guy shaving his head bald someone Paving a road or people mixing slime I love painting it's kind of relaxing to watch someone paint they just made some perfect shapes stacked on top of each other oh it looks like an ombre it looks like Square pancakes and different colors pancakes that doesn't look anything like pancakes the stack bro all right I know that's very satisfying oh but I know that machine probably costs more than saving the little bit of toothpaste at theend no not over time true is it going to come out of the end push out of the cap wait I think they're going to open the end to see if it's actually taking everything out it's like a vacuum field ooh okay let's see how much toothpast is in there how much literally nothing oh that's satisfying drawing it got literally every single bit of toothpaste out of there and that's I'm not wasting oh yes brushing the driveway's teeth POV this is your dad all summer long yo that literally looks like a brand new chunk of sidewalk driveway whatever it is ooh the way they just filled in that crack was so nice ew imagine all of that dirt and water dripping down to the end into a puddle would you jump in it I wish there was a time lapse of how it got from clean to dirty true like over time from all the weather yeah like weather walking everything are they painting a gas [Music] station wait this has to be in Reverse no wait they're painting it red or they're un painting it no this is reversed I it has to be reversed I hope it's in Reverse cuz the design was just not making sense every time I see a video like this it just reminds me that I've literally never cleaned any of my jewelry that is such a nice ring but you can't see it now from the cloud of dirt so it's going to look even nicer after how much dirt can get accumulated into a piece of jewelry fact and what kind of what kind of mysterious liquid can just clean things without having to scrub it inside of it I don't know maybe it's like an acid wash or something I don't know ooh it's already busting it's not even out look at that what o you can see the rock no all I can see is dirt all I see is diamonds no all I see is dirt definitely diamond is that diamonds ooh that thing is slapping in the lights I wish I had a ring like that or something similar yeah let's go to the pawn shop is that makeup or paint def paint no cuz paint have already like spread out easier no no that's definitely paint that's definitely not makeup all right well if it's paint That's thick paint why does it look so smooth I know what it looks like it looks like sand and then an ocean wave yeah it's like sand and the white Parts the foam from the waves where it crashes that was a really good one it also kind of looks like the surface of the Moon with outer space getting darker the higher up you ever seen the surface of the Moon uh there's pictures on the internet Nas I don't I don't I think it's gray not like the ocean you never know there could be parts of the Moon that had sand on them package slime with me packaging slime sounds probably like one of the most satisfying things you could package if you had a package stuff that looks like some nice slime I'm not going to lie build to the brim like a Clogg toilet what do they got now stickers little sticker cutter thingy oh cuz it's going to go on the outside of the the Slime tube thing [Music] a yo that looks so mushy and the little decoration it kind of looks like one of those things you get sauce in at the restaurant all right they're pouring a bunch of water into they froze water in pants is what happened I guess is it that cold outside what are they building they're making an ice box wait what that's boiling water so that it can melt and it could glue it together what are they what they're making an igloo I don't they be big that's literally the tiniest box I've ever seen that's sit and ball up in there that's not an igloo Jack no human could fit in there wait it looks like it literally is a cooler it's like a mini fridge well out of ice they need to clean that pond and when they got all the dirt out true that was satisfying tea but make it ugly satisfying oh you know that water's so hot it's bringing all the tea out of the tea oh it's the blue tea that looks kind of good that's so satisfying watching it just drip and funnel down it kind of makes me have to use the bathroom yo those ice cubes are perfect circles oh so it's IC tea now I guess why does it look like the Arctic Circle and now we're adding a lemon and it turns pink yes pink from lemon I thought that was water that was really thick and then I realized it was all slime that is mesmerizing that also looks like some really cool pancake mix oh I was going to say it was too liquidy to be slime but then they fixed it what tool is this and how is it not melting the tool bro I didn't know road work was satisfying I was actually wondering how all those lines in the road got that stuff over them yeah actually I never thought about that I thought like electricity hit the road it made a bunch of little lines or something I didn't know it was that simple can you do Snickers that looks so good oh oh my goodness oh how is that sticky stuff and they're not slowing it downit how can they cut through the nuts like that uh that would probably be the easiest part what about the caramel is that a sponge or an animal cracker you think it's a cookie kind of looks like an animal cracker I think it's going to be a llama oh definitely obviously just kidding that looks like a cat wait is that a wing or maybe it is a llama organization on a whole another level power raid really could have got some prime instead I haven't even tried Prime is it even good a f oh my gosh they those are not my soda choices I'll just be honest stacked up like a Super Bowl is about to go down okay I like some apples that looks yummy cut them up put some peanut butter on them I'm craving that right now yes but not the lemon eggs okay that's a little too fcy for me that was genius cuz then when you go to grab all stuff all the milk do you need I mean they're really just organizing their fridge like they're at the grocery store so cute the apple juice oh oh that's satisfying that container was the exact same length my asparagus would go in the container and then never come back out facts I don't really eat that vegetables like that it is what it is he literally will pick off the green stuff off of his food he will not eat anything green I love pancakes what is going on he's about to stack a bottle on a bottle see if it can balance what kind of science experiment is this science what is this wait what's in between the oh looks like a lava lamp that's so cool that's extremely satisfying imagine if the top bottle fell though that would be bad it looks like a bunch of atoms just getting sucked up into the universe yeah how does this even work who knows I think it has to do with gravity I don't I really actually don't know I'm just staring at the part where they're coming up it literally looks like it's bubbling up out of the ocean or something there's so many red beads like there's no way that there's enough space for all of this oh and they're stacked on the top like a bunch of cranberries on a pond wait oh the green ones are coming out oh it's going to layer up the exact same way it was at the bottom no it's mixing a little do you see how it's mixing a little bit in the funnel but then it's stacking a little more evenly no it's actually spread apart uh is he about to shave his beard I think so okay mixing up the shaving cream oh my goodness oh shaving his head I always wondered if you would use a razor I didn't know you could just shave it like that I mean I buzzed my hair off before but actually I have buzzed your hair off before that's true it's like shaving your face just behind your face too yeah I guess it works the same looks so smooth why is that Loki so satisfying oh definitely is satisfying it's I kind of want him to shave his beard too oh my gosh that would be a huge finale if he did that just straight up the back Against the Grain that's so it's kind of satisfying it's like mowing the lawn with a razor mowing the lawn yeah like if I had to do that honey this is mowing your head it's a lot different than the lawn they got a van o and I guess they're turning it into like a miniature RV Sprinter van type Vibe I want to do this ooh that looks really cool but it definitely looks pretty tight inside of there yeah my clothes would definitely not fit in there oh it's actually a bed so maybe there is a lot of room in there I don't know that was so cool how do you even think of Designing it like that is that a tomato what okay it's gone now random oo look at that it's like slime that's what you need every time you go in the sun for a little too long that's aloe right I think so oh I was not expecting that what just came out of there wait what what is it's like bubbles now slime bubbles what I guess that works is that a cube with a perfect circle now I why does that sound so amazing oh it looks like it made like one of those ven diagrams or whatever they talk every Point made a circle that's the point that's so pretty actually yo it literally looks like Jimmy Neutron's Adam spinning ball what in the mini organization is going on those all fit too perfectly the sound is so nice I don't even know why I wonder if that's real food it's just please there is no way that's real food that's like Barbie food or something I don't know they could have like committed no they didn't commit does that look real to you I know probably not I would put it inside of something not just straight onto the fridge why is their little hot dog stand better than our entire kitchen subscribe if you know what's good for you these are the most weirdly satisfying videos on the internet like this video of them getting shiny glittery nail polish anding smoothly across the nail I mean honestly this is my kind of satisfying video watch it trip or this video where they literally pour pour glitter into a rug and rub it in rug it in oh and then they clean it wait they're trying to show how good the vacuum is I guess but you can't really see wa are they showing how good the vacuum is or are they just trying to be satisfying oh that is satisfying actually getting the duct tape with the stickiness to pull up the glitter they're forever going to find glitter everywhere why is everything green that cringes me out just imagining like all that slime wait what is going on wait are they combing this aloe plant but why is someone in the background just laying down that's my question I don't know maybe it's like a facial but that oh no y That's satisfying it's like slime from a plant that kind of grossed me out honestly I don't I don't know wait what kind of facial is this I don't know a slime facial is it like cool dirt maybe it's super hydrating yeah let's go with that when you're too lazy to actually carve a pumpkin that's so smart to use a pressure washer yeah that's way easier than actually sitting there for hours trying to carve it and then it looks bad an e way yo that water is slicing straight through the pumpkin perfectly I wish it was a little more precise but that's pretty crazy that's so cool I've actually never in my entire life seen anybody carve a pumpkin with a pressure washer genius imagine that is how they made Che that was so satisfying that drip got me it got me wa look at that like why could I just sit here all day and watch him clean off this paint roller is that what they're doing they're cleaning it yeah I thought they were just doing that because it's satisfying at how much hate their saving by using that going on here I don't know oh what did they just light the dandelions it's taking all of them out yeah because then you don't get weeds no way it's just like the white fuzzy part on the end that you can blow and it goes into the wind I would definitely not try this but that looks so cool yeah that a fire department's about to show up what are they doing to this piece of wood DIY wait where did the blue go babe it's right there oh it's like a sticker I think oh it's like a oh they're coating the wood no they're wrapping the wood it's like waterproof wood it's like a car wrap but on a piece of wood trying to figure out what the purpose that was for I really have no clue oh maybe they're going to carve into the wood like yeah that's so cool look at that o wa I want one of these at it just fill entire crevices out into a design that is satisfying whatever that like machine is it perfectly made that K is this Ai No this is like a maybe it's a 3D printer that has to be a diamond on the bottom this kitchen it's saying kitchen oh that is so satisfying goodbye what was the reason oh that had slime in it once that was a satisfying one was that plastic yeah it was like a plastic cup not the old phone yes the old phone a I love when they put candles out what is this a pancake no it's an ice cream shop oh it looks like a crepe kind of o oh that is ice cream oh that looks so good I want to go to Cold Stone right now that's satisfying look at that the red in it kind of looks like red velvet but it's strawberry that looks so good I hate the metal scraping on metal but it still looks good it probably doesn't make a noise but it does in the store oh looks like hay stacks from a farm field I like Scoops better though I'm not going to lie like I like when it's a scoop with a cone what is that slime slime over what though oh that's oddly satisfying that was very nice ni what in [Music] the what kind of science experiment is this oh they make different colored smokes but what is it for I don't know but it's satisfying for a cool video Maybe please fill in please fill oh that yellow really popped that looks cool actually is that snow slime slime snow wait definitely slime I thought it was snow it cannot be the way it like no it was it's not it's slime but it really looked like snow it looks like marshmallow right now I know that makes me want snores for real is that hot glass I don't know why but hot glass is amazing like I I just don't even understand like literally it's so hot it's making the end of those scissors red from cutting it's a solid but it's also a liquid like what how long does it take before hardened probably really fast yeah it looks like it's already starting to glassify you're about to see the most intense cleaning in your entire life right here I wish that I had the motivation to clean but I literally don't scrub Daddy's Really Work Well Jack does love a good Scrub Daddy moment don't ask I do have to clean sometimes even though I don't want to I just kind of let it pile up in the sink but look at oh that is shiny ooh oh you got to organize that too ooh okay this is motivating me to be clean for real like I'm watching them clean but really I could be cleaning right now we're just exposing ourselves saying we're dirty like what is that like under where the rug went oh it's getting all of that off I didn't know it was going to come off ooh what is that g no I think no I think it's paint really yeah it's like a play there's no way they're going to clean that too oh that's a before and after jell slime oh this is definitely slime oh Sparkles yes glitter oh that looks so smooth I almost want to eat it what what is so satisfying oh it's like electricity coming out of it what did I just see that was so tight wait what did they just make and now they flipped it over look at it the electricity moving things that I think that's just heat is that even real is this AI generated why do you think everything is AI now cuz that was so freaking cool ASMR cookies and cream let's go why does that sound so good oh sharper I'm enjoying this a little too much honestly it's giving vanilla icing it was marshmallow was it yeah oh my gosh is this like gingerbread waffles no I think it's moisturizer moisturizer I really wish that was icing cuz I would go in your incense game is on fleek is that like a Jaguar statue I think it looks like a dragon really yeah it looks like a dragon sitting in a tub or something like laying down oh that's cool literally like Fountain coming the drag wa why does it look like the dragon sitting in a tub like doesn't it not look like it's a tub oh and that's the water yeah s oh outlining the S why is that paint so freaking smooth because it's brand new and it's still wet so it's Shin wish my eyeliner was that brand new and wet I bet you do actually look at that oh he hasn't even dipped again though the most satisfying part is just the slow brush strokes but like my question is he hasn't dipped it in again oh he yeah he keeps doing it you don't see it so fast wait bro this is so sadus oh my good this is freehanded too and the coolest part is it looks 3D now oh I thought he was going to skip the little like in no you got to do the whole thing don't you see the 3D nness dude that that is so nice wow 10 out of 10 icing or paint I need to know I think it's paint paint I'm guessing paint all right it looks like they're putting it over a paper roller so maybe they're going to put paper paper roller yeah like that thing is a wheel probably spin paper yeah but probably put paper in there or it spins paint oh my gosh that looks like a rainbow that looks like the smoothest transition from each color I've ever seen these videos are going to be amazing satisfying and possibly the best videos you've ever seen on the internet but Jack isn't allowed to enjoy them what why you can't say wow look how clear that water is wait I think there's something in the water it looks like a Pokémon what is that wo it l you just out of so what Jack doesn't know is that every single time that he says W he gets smacked oh what you never told me that I just did that hurt what am I watching right now what is that oh it's a doe what's a doe a dog costume look it literally looks like the dog is wearing a Halloween costume your own word okay that was hilarious though glass or slime oh it's like lava wo that's insane I really wanted to say it there but I can't but that was so satisfying the way they didn't press it why are you trying to get me to say it so bad oh you want to slap me again don't you dodge you like a kangaroo look how many tulips there are oh this is my dream wow it's so organized ow why did you just smack me in the eye you said the Forbidden word oh I forgot we were doing that challenge dang it ow that hurt very oddly satisfying cleaning videos very oddly wait is that what I think yeah they're getting all of like the algae that's just grown on it over the years that's good they're cleaning it off I don't know how I feel about this like it is satisfying but a it's getting so shiny now it was like covered in dirt I mean honestly that's kind of smart somebody's got to clean it I'm about able to read whatever was on there now that all that dirt saw 1902 I think I don't know I can't read it oh now I can not saying the word okay what's going on here that was satisfying it looks like jellyfish tentacles hanging down then why didn't you say wow huh because if I do that I'm going to get slapped again and then you're going to hit me so obviously it wasn't that satisfying yeah it was I'm just good at holding myself back what is he doing is that a nerd no wait is he about to prank oh wow that literally just soak turned ah no stop doing that there's got to be a limit on that like this way too much like I'm having a little too much fun do you want to like switch places so I can start getting the other side of your face now very fun okay about to dive into the water off this diving board wait I'm confused oh that's not that high it's like twice as high now how did you know that I couldn't even tell yeah it looks like it's getting higher up each time that was three times as high what's the point of this video is it's supposed to like bounce off the water and come back up like something cool I think it just showing you how high or like how long you stand the air maybe I don't know ooh I like watching the ripples when it lands in the water it's going to have huge ripples from the side that's so high a oh it gets even higher no way no one jumps off of that there's no way I think they do a yo I'd like to jump off that but I'm not going to say the W word droing a freaking ball off of it it's like the reflector thing your car how was that bendy what I definitely thought that that thing was made out of like a hard mirror and I definitely thought you were going to say wow you're not going to get me that easy is that a j is it upside down right now they are riding upside down that is so impressive and cool okay USA wow it's literally one upside down and one ight and no it's upside down too and you w why did you slap me why did you slap me cuz you said wow when did I say wow during the video play the clip this Ferris wheel gets a G from me that looks so scary it's spinning on the loop while going in a circle like a ferris wheel is supposed to be fun not scary is he holding a fish no that's a ball oh what that was so crazy yo he literally used the like sink to kick the ball up you he used the sink yeah the way he was sinking in the water to lean back and flick his feet up and hit the ball you said a lot of words but none of them are wow so I really don't care the ground wow back here do not rip my shirt no no that doesn't count that count I think I'm no well we're not done with the videos what do you mean we're not done if you don't want to get slapped stop saying wow it's really easy I'm stuck help you know what's cuter than one puppy two puppies I don't like when you finish the end of my jokes they're too smart that makes it less funny oh yo that dog just jumped like a f he was doing that the whole time I know was the last one were you even paying attention I was today years old when I learned this hack I don't even understand what's happening oh the water tube is open on top so look like they're putting like the ran wrap over it but what's the point of that I don't even use these big jugs for water I just drink water from the sink it really does look like a giant water bottle jug like you think I'm going to pay for water when I can just use sink water for fre facts I actually know why they did that now though because it didn't spill out and they tilted it over what are they drawing that looks like a four that heart y o u for you m that was so creative I get it now POV that one time you went to Bali oh wait they're falling into a pool of flowers yo that's so cool not cool enough for you to say low yeah I'm not saying we've already gone over don't even lift your hand that a pen is that a blade what wow that's so cool like it literally just what did you just say no no no no no no no stop stop stop please stay still no you have to stay still stay still hold on ah I don't want to do it Go just do it go I'm going to spare you this time yeah for real but next time it's going to be twice as hard wear a green arm sleeve to prove it's not a green screen how did he do that it looks like he's grabbing them out of thin air that's so tight no that's impossible wait how many cards no where did they come from my brain is not braining at the moment not at all is that a of bees beehive no way she just stuck her hand in there wow how did none of them ow yo I can't keep doing this this is literally that has to be the last video guess what it's not subscribe and it made lemonade toxic waste no oh mixing that together would be so sour like literally I don't know about that that seems like you're going to drink it go like this yeah it's like eating a straight lemon what in the world ooh special effects makeup this is going to be nice ooh disappearing the eyebrows adding another eyeball wait ooh the contacts look so good are they going to have just a single eye no they going to have three eyes what all those colors just mixed together that looks so good setting it all in place adding some Contour oh my this impressive I mean I don't do makeup but to be able to do this by yourself want to your makeup yeah I don't know for Halloween we could do this oh my gosh yo look at the like eye piece this is crazy it's not done it keeps going the amount of detail that has gone into this is insane oh splattered paint everywhere she looks so cool wow that strob look I cry cry that stung so bad today we're going to try not to say wow you just said it pass this point or you lose a heart this person's an ice Bender oh my goodness oddly satisfying trampoline I would love to jump on that trampoline right now it's just crunching and breaking it's so crunchy that is the most juicy marker I have ever seen fact look at how much ink is just coming out of it and it also has glitter mixed into it it's glittery I love it wow look at them just color just did it dang it no no you just lost a life whoever loses all their lives first get sprayed with Silly String I guess this is how you get grip when you're playing sports wait what I don't know it's like a Cy grip like it's extra sticky and gooey what is that well I don't think you're you're supposed to use an entire tub of that stuff ew what is that M look at it just stick to his hands what why is he putting it on the ball it's never going to come off of that ball or your hand he's destroying the soccer ball for no reason imagine trying to dribble a basketball with that stuff on your hands what is that it's like glue goop Elmer's Glue slime slime glue I don't know but that's giving me the he jees it kind of looks like warm wax it looks like SN you're never going to get that off your hands bro when you tried wrapping a gift and it didn't work out so you got mad what look at it just explode not the Rope it's wait you just said no I almost said it but I caught you saying it you just lost a heart only geometry teacher would ever understand how this works this was made for them look at it just twist out perfectly into the spot it's supposed to go it's so nice if I could do this I would feel like a Disney princess that could talk to animals sque I'm not going to lie what's about to come out of the hole are they about to put that in the hole I'm so excited oh look at it that's so cute wait wow how are they finished all [Music] [Applause] crap why did I just say do you want to say it again no I I I still have a couple Hearts that's so satisfying looking at all that color petrified in time oh what is that glue it looks like they're drilling into the middle of a chunk of I to get fish what is that oh my goodness that's so nice it should be illegal try to guess the color inside without looking wa that that's impossible I'm going to go with with purple green oh I was wrong it's kind of like teal though all right light blue or mint green I'm going to go with light blue blue [Applause] yes I'm going to go with um orang orange yes it looks like sherbet ice cream pink or white I'm going to go with both I'm going to go with uh Pink you said it as it was going when you don't trust any barbers near your house you just cut your hair yourself oh no I would mess this up so badly I would never do this I can't even cut a piece of paper without going out of the straight line and just ends up coming out crooked wait wait wait wait maybe he's a barber ooh he's definitely a barber if he's doing that good I mean look at him lining himself up wait how did he do it backwards wait I'm not sure maybe he's using mirrors wa that looks way too hard you just said it you literally just you literally lost another hor you literally literally literally literally literally literally literally are going to lose this literal challenge no I'm not imagine chopping up a tiny little piece of rice like that like what did the rice ever do to you gas prices are so high they need to cut it why does this look like Orbeez on a stick oh my goodness that is that the Instagram logo made of Orbeez what are they pouring on there no it's G to explode no no way run wait what did you just say I said run cuz look at all this stuff going into the air and floating away like a balloon what in the camouflage is this imagine driving your car it rains and then boom a superhero in your car he's a big Spider-Man fan drinks are supposed to go in cups not sand well they put ice cream in cups they put other stuff other than drinks and cups wow look at them Pat that you're going to get silly Str the end no come back here imagine messing this up first try this looks like a fun science experiment M that's how gravity Works wait it mixes them all up wow it kind of looks like a l not again not again it looks like somebody's gonna get no silly string oh yeah baby subscribe if you want to see Jack get Silly String no subscribe if you want to see her get silly no what in the Pink Dream is this what in the raspberry Scoops is going on over here wow I would love to eat that you just said it what did I say you literally just said the W word what is that I don't know what I said you just said oh you're trying to get me to say it that's mean is this guac fle I don't know it looks like cake batter what is this m oh that looks so smooth the texture of that is so gooey I just want to stick my hands in there I want to eat it you want to stick your hands in it wait what is going on is it going through a filter into a cup yeah it's going through a filter kind of looks like green p is that wa that looks so satisfying are they [Music] about no yeah I heard it there goes one of your heart no oh I could use some of this right about now for all this nose hair literally the nose hair is poking out at me and I would love to get a little bit of that on a Q-tip and stick it in his nose no way but look that wax is one giant chunk of wax right now why does to look kind of like slime it's turning into dark purple wax that looks so beautiful for wax they could make a grae wax sculpture out of that you know why everyone calls me shark it's because I look like Lenny the sharktail from working at the car wash hold up B really I'm just wondering one thing what I ain't never seen a car wash look like that all right I ain't never seen no rainbow foam in a car wash you know what mate that's going to come out looking absolutely amazing they have all of that foam it's going to get all the dirt right off the car it's so satisfying I would wash my car way more if I had rainbow foam to clean my car why does it look like a rainbow right now this is basically a Skittle car oh my it really is a skittles car and it looks so beautiful when someone breaks your heart not the ball basketball wait it oh that was not what I was expecting watch it Crush out and wrinkle up it can crack metal but it can't pop a ball have you ever just wondered what was inside of those squishy balls that literally looked like some forbidden poop that looks like a bunch of slime and Play-Doh mixed inside of a balloon oh my goodness that is just too much it's just crunching up that's so oddly satisfying it looks crunchy but slimy at the same time I'm not saying it I goodness ew what kind of slime is that ew why does it look like kind of like throw up that looks like mashed potatoes mashed potatoes something their hands just going up in there mixing it up got a little bit of sprinkles in there too cloudy with a chance of meatballs people are really liking their slime these days have you ever wondered how they made gloves well this is probably how they got the mold to make the gloves on okay I don't know but that's what I'm guessing all I have to say is that I used to do this way too much like I think I used the whole bottles of glue and just poured them on my hands just to peel it off cuz it's so satisfying you can see all the patterns in their skin on the glue coming off cuz it sucks skin tight oh my good I wonder if it like cleans all the random crevices of your hand that you can't get with soap because it's literally going in each crevice this is me ordering glue right now on Amazon there's nothing like breaking in a brand new marker that has none of the ink ever touching the tip of it yet except for maybe you know like getting your first car or graduating or maybe one day when you have a kid I mean that is so satisfying I almost said the W word but you did you say it no oh yeah I'm going to need this this summer when I forget to wear sunscreen look at it just cut into the middle of that aloe plant and split it like a continental divide huh New Divide Lincoln Park but look at this it's just like so much [Music] goo wow that was so awesome that was so you're getting [Applause] Str wow wow wow wow wow wow I don't care wow wow wow oh what the heck subscribe today we are trying not to say wow ow oh what is that where's all that pressure boot up going is that a sock she needs to wash her no wait is that to shaving cream my gosh that's so colorful oh she got a little squishy ball oh my gosh she should just poke it with her nails they're so long is it going to pop come on it's indestructible wait oh looks like beads everywhere popped right up oh oh I hate this already oh what yes girl pop that nose pimple get all of that out oh you always pop my pimples like that I know this is so sad oh this is like my favorite thing in the entire oh my I just love popping those pimples like she's going deep with those Nails wait what about the ear what about the ear please pop the ears please good that was gross oh that thing looks like a giant watermelon oh yes Orbeez all one color I've never seen one color Orbeez I hope she doesn't spill that bucker that's going to take forever to clean literally hours oh yeah empty that ball so many in there empty that thing oh my goodness oh what's extra cup for at the end I love the hydraulic press yes squeeze those oh not the squares oh make a circle wait is that an eraser oh not the little Play-Doh it's like squishy that is so satisfying oh no not the shark oh not the shark where do they even get those tools oh such straight lines I love it where they get pink kinetics oh they're cutting it they're cutting it like cheese that's so satisfying oh there's so much oh that's ice cream that's definitely ice cream right there that was so satisfying that was oh how hot does the key has to be to go through that I love this oh not the nail wait what if I did this with my phone or something what other tools oh no not the Phillips head what what is a Phillips head is that are they done oh wao the little twisty nut thing what kind of sand castle Artistry is this oh I hope it is a fall this is like a sand Jenga a Jenga what oh is that poop or ice cream wait oh they're scooping it where are they oh they're building something why does that look so satisfying oh that's so smooth oh get the edges okay if I knew it was this satisfying to build a house hire me right now it looks like they're making a cake but it's a house cake house oh a cake a gingerbread house why is that oh the edges oh yes clean it up so neat oh my goodness oh yeah they're adding it to the spot that was low that makes sense I love this oh I'm already grossed out oh I would not put my finger in there no what in the world is that is that milk is it clogged with hair or something what is there I would literally throw up oh my gosh what are they pulling out of there what's in there oh it exploded and it just going everywhere oh my goodness they're going to have to clean for hours there's so much they're literally going to have to clean for hours oh surfboard oh I think I know what they're doing here wait I didn't know they had a clean surf board that's so satisfying when it comes up is that from the salt water that's probably years of Surfing build up right there wait how does that build up like that I mean it's all the wax stacked on top of each other with sand yes board wax you can grip to the board I did not know it was like that oh I know this challenge guess the color purple purple purple Guess the Color oh I was wrong how do you not know the okay uh yellow yellow oh I said yellow too green yes yellow's okay this one's going to be red red green oh I was right yes oh th this is where they just like ruin things with this blade wait wait so this is how they make fruit rollups wait a second that literally looks like a fruit roll up it looks so yummy but it's a crayon that's so satisfying you say crayon cray that's so weird oh yes sugar my favorite thing in the entire world is that a giant cake I mean whatever it is I will volunteer myself to eat that whole thing by myself there definitely way more icing on that than probably actual cake you see how she's so good with that tool she's like I wonder if every single different color is a different flavor of icing believe now she's bringing out the big tools like girl oh that's so smooth it looks like a giant push pop who trained her like I'm just wondering if I tried to do that it would not look like that I wouldn't eat that cake I would not share any of it with you sorry I wouldn't share any of it with you oh my gosh it's so big it's like bigger than my head it's literally a rainbow cake that looks so yummy do you just go to the store and say hi hi can I have a rainbow cake and they just know how to do it it's kind of like giving a cake a haircut look she's like so focused in on this thing look at her face I mean you have to be you got to be precise that is a beautiful cake right there okay can I go to cake school or something I mean that is literally why don't they have that at my bakery a heart oh I love hearts wait they just injected it what that's like a cloud in there is that what it's going to look like if my heart breaks no babe oh it's yard work time baby get in there you will not catch me doing this wait is it time for a haircut or a grass cut wait are they cutting the grass what are they doing what is oh wait is that a carpet wait an entire circle is missing in the grass wait but that grass looks like too perfect wait wait are they laying down new grass wait they lay down grass I thought grass grew out of the earth wait is this grass or turf wait Turf wo oh oh they're patching the yard it makes sense but then why he cut a hole place what is he even adding in there right now that was kind of confusing oh yeah get it down in the edges right there why is this satisfying to watch oh you got to even it out get it nice and good in there do you know what he's doing right now he's repairing the yard apparently he just ruined it but the yard got a pimple and he had to replace it what a pimple in the yard I really confused right now I do not know what is going on I wonder if this green glue is going to turn into grass wait that's glue what white wait white grass did they replace where the dog peed wait I'm so confused why do you want white grass what is going on that does not look natural oh it's Lego time no not to the Lego I mean that's going to cost a lot of money to just buy things to crush them oh I hope the finger doesn't go in there oh oh my goodness I didn't even think about that that was so close oh when are you going to do this to our carpet baby hey yeah okay I love watching Tik toks of people clean stuff but I never like to clean stuff honestly they should have clean like the shape of a heart in there first oh that is so dirty like that is years of buildup right there how do you let your house get that dirty like I'm just wondering I don't know I feel like our carpet kind of looks like that stop oh this is what it looked like the first time a fat took me for a pedicure oh my goodness if my feet ever look like that I will cry I will C that thing is shedding like a snake oh that was disgusting is that a pimple cake I need this for my birthday it looks like you Insert Coins in the oh oh my goodness my favorite thing in the world is popping pimples but full of marshmallows I've never seen a pimple that big that's all for today's video make sure to like subscribe and turn on the post notifications bye if we say satisfying more than five times in this video she has to chop her hair off wait what that's not fair o no is that a Christmas tree even think about saying the word no that's not czy it looked like an upside down one but it definitely looks more like an arrow especially knowing that it's yellow don't even think about saying that that is don't this is not funny my hair is on the line oh I wanted to say it but you're not allowed to cuz I want to keep my hair for now I'm scared blew the candles out I don't even want to talk right wait what's in there oh was that or I'm scared of you saying the word a the butter okay he couldn't squat that much I don't want to giving me goosebumps ASMR wait did they just c a hole in that yes and it sounds amazing I love when the circle part just falls through I know you love it but please don't say the s word because I really want to keep my hair stop don't so nice okay yeah that's fine if that whole skull Falls in and they finish the entire Arch I'm going to say it no you're not no Jack if you say it I will break up with you it did it fall you're lucky no you're lucky because I don't think you want a bald girlfriend wait are they cutting a mouth into this yeah they have to finish this SK like I said if it all don't oh oh they're paining it that was an unexpected turn honestly it really was like the paint came out of nowhere okay this is way too nice and I see a microphone and I don't want to see a microphone cuz I don't want it to get more nice yeah don't don't it never fell in so you got spared watch this ball oh no don't even think about it how do they bounce like that that has to be animated it's just too perfect I think it's AI St AI the video is over don't even think about saying the word I was just thinking about how crazy AI is this is not a fun video for me in coming wo it's coming straight towards them wait yo what in the world they need to move it's a paper plane wait that was so cool I want one of those oh yeah you should be scared no no please don't oh that's my dream car I freaking love cars men in their cars wait look at that spray out it's so satisfying they just covered the rims all the dirt going to come off and it's going to be no no no yo that is not funny okay I'm no I don't even want to talk you're not sorry we'll just both not say it past this point then your hair is fine I don't like this I don't who even know ew look at all the gum on the ground and the owner said it wasn't dirty uh is that oil just coming out wait you can see the streams of oil like in the parking lot I've never never wanted a pressure washer so bad in my life a it's like a toothbrush for the ground this game is not fun for me today wait it's so shiny now they pour candle wax on the keyboard oh no I love this kind of stuff like literally getting all of the wax out of those crevices stop it's going to be a project that looks so fun that is my dream right there it definitely looks very don't even think about it and it almost slipped out but I didn't think about your hair wait wait why do I want to do this oh that's freaking at all the colors there no I did not just do that wild I did not just do that did you say it don't don't don't don't don't no no um did you say that word stop if you said it we have to take a heart off oh it's risen is this risen or is it the glossy stuff gloss for sure it really brought that to light it makes it look so realistic what we got what do we got that's not going to make me say the word I'm obsessed with these videos ooh that one is Invincible the sound of them going down is kind of like that like xylophone thing what is it called oh that was a good one but don't even think about it oh that looks like cherry juice that one did not want to break it didn't break that some strong glass how they make potato sticks have you ever had those the little sticks yeah yeah I really like those actually all right so they're slicing up potato chips why is there a piece on the knife is it to like know what size you want no it probably just got stuck to the knife when they started doing this they're going to clean it off I know they will they have to yes I knew oh they're so thin I know it looks like is in a book oh there's the Potato Sticks wait a second yo this makes me crave Potato Sticks so bad that is so smooth babe you know that time of life you might want to go to the that's your hair about to get chopped you just ruined it I want you to go get me them from the store after this please for real though I got you like actually she wanted glitter it kind of looks like those styrofoam like packages wait it's a car wrap oh maybe it is and maybe the wrap's underneath it is no it's a glitter wrap oh so that's like o this is my dream they got to get the wrinkles out though I don't care about cars that much but a glitter wrap that sounds really nice there's so many crevices on this car oh yeah you can't cover the headlights cut really nice it kind of looks like a hook on an eagle just pulling back I am liking this a little too much right now it's so sparkly listen to it oh now they're heating it up so it'll melt and stick to the actual car oh I was about to say the word you can say the word no I need to keep my hair cuz just like they're cutting this your hair will get cut wo what is that a Tesla too okay this is like my dream not a Tesla but the rra is my Dre a diamond out Spark Tesla I would want a diamond like Range Rover or oh look at it at night oh that's nice it glows in the dark it looks like the Galaxy okay as long as you don't say the s word I'm good are they ice skaing wait is that Chicago I don't know but that looks like a ginormous skating ring wait or Toronto that definitely looks like Toronto I think in Canada wait that looks so fun actually there is literally nothing better than unwrapping new things from the Apple Store I love the way the Apple packages stuff wait do they have a pink one I would take a pink ime Mac I literally have not opened an iMac in years I actually want one that is okay this is going to make me spend a lot of money that I don't need to be spending it's like a giant TV screen why does it look so pretty because they're peeling back the never touched before screen okay I probably don't need this but I need this that is a supercharger you know that thing's going to charge it quick dude that's not a charger that's a keyboard oh well I meant like the cord before it okay if they have this in pink it's over is that a stone H is that what they use to like cut teeth wait is that a stone or is that soap it looks like a Skittle kind of a Skittle actually that would be a huge Skittle that's like a ginormous Skittle wait maybe it's one of those cheese circles with a wax outside I feel like it's just soap it's definitely soap science experiment but make it very nice oh I get it Mentos and Coke underneath the oil okay Jack just before you even start talking remember you're not allowed to say any words that start with x wait it looks like one of those Coke gummies where half of it's clear and half oh maybe that's where they got this from I really like wa it's containing science experiment I found it overflow what kind of iPhone case is this wait is that a pimple ah no no no oh
Channel: Couples React
Views: 2,066,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfying, Wow, ASMR, Oddly satisfying
Id: dnlefYqcn_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 32sec (12392 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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