Extreme ONE COLOR Art Challenge!

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so today's video is going to be really interesting so if it was me I'd probably want blue just cuz I like the color blue and I feel like I can make some pretty cool artist now let's see what colors the contestants choose reach in here and grab a ball honestly I'm fine with any color please yell please be yellow please be yellow green I want blue I want blue I I blue give me blue give me blue Ben you have yellow Michelle you got green Mackenzie you got red David you have blue and little did everyone know they weren't only choosing their color also before you guys go get changed I have topics David you're choosing first oh God one armadillo and a random animal anything but a portrait Kenzie you have a lot of options then I do Michelle choose one mythical creature bro there's one left for you I think it's I think I know what it is anything plus honey that means you can draw anything you want as long as honey is part of it wait I didn't even get your random animal yet David I'll give you two chances you get a go with either option number one or you can risk it for option number two oh my God it better be cute also going to throw up okay no wait do you want to risk it yes do any type of Mouse Okay a mouse rules are no blacks no whites only your color and just when the artists thought they could start working I had one more twist for them one more rule you have to use every single medium markers ballpoint pens colored pencils and paint markers go get changed your time started I'm so relieved I got the color I wanted blue is definitely the easiest color Ben what are you going to be making my topic is anything plus honey so obviously I'm probably going to do a dragon surrounded by a bunch of Honeys I think you might have just gotten an automatic dub cuz of how cute honey looks I've been in this room for a whole week and green is my favorite Michelle what takeing out my pants don't show feel like I'm back in LA with my red hair and my red outfit oh you look really not good oh my God stop stop Alfred for the rest of the challenge I look absolutely stupid all right Mackenzie so wa Z I'm changing my socks I don't want them to see my toes it's too late cuz we did a tow art challenge no don't remember couple years back you guys should go watch it my topic is mythical creature and I'm not sure what to do but that's probably one of the easier topics once everyone got settled into their colors I decided to include one more rule for this challenge everyone gather around are you guys excited for this challenge do you guys like your colors yes I have some good news for you guys because today I'm going to challenge you guys a little bit put your phones in the center no references shoot why do you always do that I don't know what practice you guys can draw without reference all right you guys have 1 minute to look at any pictures you want and then phones go in the center although the contestants couldn't use their phone for reference I told them they could use objects they find around the studio for reference aren't you guys glad you guys are getting a challenge otherwise it's too easy no where can I find a mythical creature around here honey that's not mythical time to go find a reference in the studio I found one of Ben's old dragon art pieces that's mine I mean I said you guys could use references around you just not your phone does this look like an armadillo I guess is that a stretch wait David do you have a plushy can I see this real quick yeah does it look like an armadillo here's a honey we don't use other plushies on set the honey isn't an armadillo Zach and since I took away reference I thought it would be helpful to give the artists a hand everyone gather around I have another twist so at any point in this challenge if you want you grab my help for 5 minutes I want your help right now so what are you trying to use my help for I kind of want a dragon or here with like wings and then just like a bunch of like Honeys and stuff so it's like the queen and is protecting its like yeah babies yeah generally for drawing challenges I like to use Zach's help at the start because I think the sketch is like the most important thing and after Zach does the Bas sketch I mean pretty much for the rest of the challenge all I have to worry about is just details while I helped Ben sketch's piece Michelle came up with a very good idea I'm thinking I'm going to use these Pokémon cards to look for some references and once I find a good Pokémon that I like I'm going to have Zach help me sketch so I can change it up a bit so I don't copy these cards while Zach doing that I'm going to pick out some yellow colors that I'm going to start with and while Mackenzie tried to look at some Pokémon cards as well she didn't get much inspiration nope I don't know what to do I'm back at square one after some further deliberation Mackenzie finally hatched an idea what if I just decided to go completely r and make something up in my head like Jake since Jake's not here I'll be Jake today guys I'll be getting last and I won't be finishing my piece and I'll also be creating something that's so horrendous that everyone will want to vomit 3 2 one 's up going to look so cute wait so the idea behind it is there's a dragon that's protecting its kids or eggs or honey that looks so good I think it'll do a really good job so this is going to be interesting cuz David and my Styles don't usually mesh so I'm going to try to give David a good base that he can kind of just like build off of instead of having to like adapt to like a cartoon style and although Michelle had a bunch of references she still remained a bit indecisive I still don't exactly know what I'm going to do when Zach comes over here I think I'll have a better idea my piece is looking really good so far but I can't be too confident because I know everyone is going to Target me in this video thank you Zach I'm going to make a new composition I'm going to use this as inspo that was perfect good luck David thank you Zach since Mackenzie finally had an idea of the direction she wanted to go let's check in with her Mackenzie why do you look so lost cuz I am lost the clock's ticking thanks oh hey I got it in the the bin that's great don't worry Michelle it's your turn to receive my help I have two ideas I either want to go for the super cute look or the super like badass look I really like this like green mushroom background or this Leaf background and then oh like putting his okay okay I'm going to start going in then Zachary Drew this adorable little mouse armadillo for me I did more of my style face and I'm going to draw it laying on flowers with a moon and stars see this is very much Jake um doing a lot of sitting around a lot of thinking and not really doing a lot I think I'm doing him Justice this video so far time's up okay that looks so cute Michelle wanted a little nine-tailed fox holding his tail and then some mushrooms in the background that's your mythical creature now that Ben had a decent amount of time to work with my sketch I wanted to see how he was doing all right Ben I see you're starting off with some brown how are you going to incorporate the the other colors in this I'm going to outline everything in brown I'm going to Shadow and stuff with the markers and then to add some different texture I'm going to go on top with a color pencil after checking in with Ben there was only one more artist who needed my help what do you want to do I want to do something scary I was thinking like a spider or like do you have any ideas yes I do have ideas but you're not going to like that okay why don't you just design a creature and then I'll just I'll make it work but I just want it to be really scary and gory why are there socks here ew it's not like you guys don't also have dirty socks while I helped McKenzie Michelle came up with an idea to make sure she followed the rules of the challenge just to make sure I don't miss any single medium I am organizing it I'm still pretty stressed after a few minutes of work I had sketched an idea for McKenzie but she didn't quite understand what I was going for I don't know know what's happening but I like it so I decided to give her an explanation I'm not going to be able to finish that let me explain the concept to you so Mackenzie wanted me to just do like a creature design that had to do with like a spider and stuff so the spider has like little hands at the end the body opens up to reveal a skull held in by ribs which is like where the soul is kept okay while I left McKenzie to figure out how to use my sketch I noticed a couple of the artists were collaborating oh my goodness Ben are you teaching David with like wait are you teaching David in exchange for no targeting no I haven't promised anything are you going to Target Ben after he he teaches you I might cuz look at his Dragon but it turns out McKenzie wasn't too enthusiastic about using my sketch I don't know what's happening in most of this it's really good but I'm not going to be able to do that so I think I'm not going to use that and I think I'm I'm going to start over again once Ben finished helping David I wanted to check out his current progress you already have most of the Dragon down I think you have quite a bit more done than everyone else I just finished the inking with the Sharpie so now I'm moving on to coloring with the marker and Ben I see you have honey over here reference which you can get at theh store.com although every other contestant was working at a good Pace Mckenzie was back to square one what is happening here McKenzie Jake's not here to not know what he's doing so I'm not knowing what I'm doing for him and with that it's time for the first mini challenge I think it's about time we do a little challenge where some somebody can win an advantage so everyone Gather in to your color here are the rules so the winner will win something and the loser will get punished I want to get punished well the punishment is not too bad you just lose all the furniture in your room and you need a draw on the ground you guys are going to make as many dots as you can however you can go around and cover other people's dots as well so you can do one dot on yours but if Ben comes over and goes bam and he has a DOT over yours that cancels it out so whoever ends up with the most dots wins 3 2 1 go switch okay three two one switch again oh oh final second finish up finish up and time everyone St what you're doing my God all right everyone count your dots and then count the other color dots on your pieces let's find out how many dots each artist got McKenzie I see you have 243 red so after you subtract everything you have 92 yes Melle what do you have after everything is subtracted I have 200 that's a lot more than McKenzie Ben after everything I have 165 all right David how many dots do you have I got 207 oh my goodness wait what well David in that case you win and McKenzie Ken you did really bad how did you only get 92 McKenzie W I'm losing all my furniture Mackenzie before you can keep going all this has to go so once your set's clear you can continue working David wo are you ready to hear your advantage you get to choose two two people and they have to stand in the middle for 10 minutes on one leg B 20 minutes what is McKenzie doing what are you doing Ken can pick me do you want to stand in the Middle with B oh don't do that to B Kenzie I'll take it yeah you also have a lot of furniture to move all right Michelle bang go stand in the middle how did I know this was coming since Ben and Michelle were being punished together they came up with a bit of an unconventional approach to pass time wow W so comfortable this isn't comfortable at all so comfortable meanwhile McKenzie had to remove all of her furniture from her red room and now I have to work on the floor so that's great little does everyone know that this is all a secret plot to misguide everyone into thinking that I'm actually not going to do well when really I am just kidding no I'm going to fail this is going to be terrible I was going to have all the artists call their mom so I had Ben call his mom during his punishment hi Mom we're filming a video right now and if I win I can win up to $5,000 for you w Mom I'm want to win for you and then the other artists called their moms as well so mother we're doing a video I'm just reverting back to a tiger no you are not well Mom I don't know what else to do I'm finally done on standing on one leg at least my art didn't get targeted so hopefully it doesn't get targeted in the future I think you need to stick with the spider thing that's not going to win look at what Bean's doing what color does he have yes y yellow no you got to do something original people get out of your comfort zone McKenzie is just getting scolded right now even though McKenzie wasn't confident in her peace Michelle's mom seemed to like it what do you think I definitely love it really you look so much like your mom hello nice seeing you nice seeing you too hope you're doing well thank you so much m m Mackenzie says I look like you Mackenzie you literally have nothing right now well that's not true I have this and this and this promise me you're not going to be a jakeob this video and you're going to finish finish something okay and David got some encouraging words from his mom isn't he cute oh I love the face it's like a little like Mouse armadillo hybrid now that everyone has settled in I came up with a little twist to raise the stakes even more everyone I want you guys to say hello to Connor hi Conor AKA Michelle's biggest fan I'm going to let you place a bed on one of the contestants if they end up winning the whole thing I'll give you 500 bucks what what am I looking at here my topic is mythical creature and my color is green do you think you're going to be placing your bed on Michelle I've only seen one out of the four be ill advised to make the BET yet I'm missing a lot of a lot of table space here what happened um yeah I lost all of my furniture but look I started something I can see why you lost the table this is my armadillo Mouse wao a dragon I got my topic was anything plus honey so I did and if you watch the videos you know Ben likes doing Dragon he has the most complete piece so I think I have to put my beted on Ben decision wrong decision Conor I don't think he's my biggest fan this is not Michelle's channel oh that I guess with that out of the way the artists got back to work after con of came in here and picked his bet I'm not feeling so confident anymore but they couldn't work for that much longer because it was time for the next challenge all right everyone I have a little game we're going to play I'll make it optional if you guys want to participate in this next challenge or not David do you want to participate yes McKenzie do you want to particip no I have really bad luck so no Ben do you want to participate yes here's what happens you can draw as many balls as you want if you draw a ball and it's not your color you have 50 push-ups however if you draw a ball and it is your color you get to get anyone's help for 15 minutes all right let's see what you get you have 50 push-ups get blue okay we're done we're done with that I'll do 100 push-ups that's great all right David you have 100 push-ups so Ben you can stop whenever you want you need to grab at least one how many balls are in there there's one of each color oh that's 50 push-ups wait wait Ben Ben I need to mix it up I need to mix it up yes oh let's go only 50 push-ups wait wa so you have 50 push-ups and you can grab anyone for 15 minutes I mean I guess I'll just grab David's help all right David after you're done with your 100 push-ups you got to help B for 15 minutes thank goodness I didn't choose to do it because my luck is really really bad but at the same time I really need David and Ben's help and when he was done with all his push-ups I I decided to see how Ben was utilizing honey in his piece oh wait the Honeys look so cute thanks Zach they look so squishy after finishing his push-ups the other artists started rushing to finish their pieces since time was running out I just found out we only have 30 minutes left which is not a lot of time so right now I am just finishing up the honey and then I'm going to go in with color pencil and add some texture meanwhile it seemed like McKenzie has completely given up I'm making this really really bad so I'm going to um steal beans artwork and try to copy that luckily for them some artists may be able to win some extra time in this next mini challenge I need more time speaking of more time we actually have a challenge to earn you guys a little bit of time we're going to do a challenge and then I'm going to go help Bean for 15 minutes everyone grab your balls and make sure one foot is against the wall here's what you're going to do let's say I'm McKenzie you can lean as far as you want try to toss it in challenge is ending pretty soon but I think a couple of you guys need a bit more time every ball you get in your bucket is an extra 10 minutes let's go one person at a time we'll go clockwise McKenzie first throw Mackenzie your color is red not green all [Applause] right what was that you missed [Music] everything oh no B throw oh Michelle you got it nice Michelle you get an extra 10 minutes I'm McKenzie D bro oh my goodness 20 minutes for David go for it Ben oh 10 minutes David should I just go underhand just make one B oh my goodness Michelle no oh B you suck y y yay all right so McKenzie you get an extra 10 minutes David you get an extra 20 Michelle you get an extra 20 I am so glad because I really really really needed more time I really wanted to be good I just won 20 minutes in the mini challenge I'm going to go help Ben for 15 minutes so it kind of cancels each other out and I'm back at square one I know the artist just got some extra time but I wanted to give them a potentially huge advantage in this next challenge everyone we're going to play a little game of dodgeball everyone gets two lives last one standing gets a little something you guys can grab over here but you can't step onto the other person's color at some point I'm going to be in the middle just randomly tossing balls around so if you get hit by my ball you're also out three 2 1 [Music] go Michelle you lost a life hold on hold on hold [Applause] on why is there so much screaming grab one Mackenzie no I'm too scared all right I'm going to start chucking balls no wait why meit what why oh my God oh my David you're out wait how many lives do you guys have left two all right now you guys you guys need to come in the front half of your Square what this is as far back as you can go now go he's going to kill me go [Music] my head that H in the face I don't have any [Music] [Applause] balls did that hit did that hit all right McKenzie you're the [Music] winner congratulations McKenzie how did you win with two lives you didn't even hit once I just hit originally I had a pre-planned advantage in mind but McKenzie had a proposal for me all right Mackenzie so the winning prize was supposed to be you win extra money if you win this entire thing but you told me you want my help for the rest of the time yeah so how much time do you have left 15 minutes so you want me to just go nuts on that for 15 minutes nut well maybe you should start something new like small there's no there's no way that this is going to win even if you work on it there's nothing else I can do right now I have to continue that whatever you think you can do in 15 minutes Zach you just go ham as Ben and Michelle continue to make good progress on their pieces I discovered a good way I could help McKenzie with her piece I'll do my best and this is for the rest of my time right sure hell yeah so Mackenzie wants me to help her with this she has a really nice eye down but there's not that much else so I got to kind of figure out what to do for that as I worked on Mackenzie's piece Ben's time was up all right my time is up David you can go back to working yeah you can go back to work all right Zach I think you have a minute left so what I'm essentially trying to do is thinking about what people might think looks kind of cool and just trying to add on top of your eyeball woo all right McKenzie I tried my best to add something to it this looks so much better than what I did my hands about to crap with regulation time over David and Michelle started to use their extra time earned all right Michelle David you guys have 10 more minutes and since the challenge was almost over I decided to ask Connor how he felt about the finished pieces another dragon at The Collection a lot more complete than I thought it would look by the time I came back around very nice Michelle good luck Michelle thank you just still feeling good of course crafts King over here won't let me down all right with that the challenge has come to an end five four 3 2 1 David Michelle your time's up let's take a look at these pieces Michelle do you want to tell all of us about your piece my topic is mythical creature so I did a ninetail fox how was using green green wasn't too bad actually it kind of looks like brown but it's like khaky Michelle I think the piece is really cute I I really like how you did this Mushroom in particular I like that there's a good amount of contrast over here it's so cute all right very nice Michelle very nice oh guys and don't forget I still have a golden buzzer we introduced it last video but if I think a piece is out of this world I'll press the golden buzzer let's go check out Ben so my topic was honey plus anything I wanted so obviously I did a dragon yeah it's pretty much just a dragon protecting a bunch of Honeys ni B it's so C funny honey is so cool which you can also get at zh store.com I mean if you're going to plug honey in your drawing it's going to be one of my favorites everyone give honey a squish very squishy Ben are you happy with your piece I'm very happy if I didn't have brown I would have been so screwed very nice good job bunny David why don't you tell us about your piece all right this is my armadillo mouth creature she is just chilling on a little Hill and there's magical stars and a moon all around her I'm very impressed Dave there's like so much detail over here I like how you did an entire background for it too my favorite part are the eyes very nice David very nice MK Ken Z would you like to tell us about our collaboration so first it started off like this and I won Zach's help and I was like hey Zach why don't you come in and work your magic and he did so McKenzie and I were discussing and we figured if McKenzie wanted the best chance of winning we probably need to add something to it so Mackenzie had the idea of turning it upside down and doing like a cleish thing over here which which didn't actually end up turning into a castle Empire eyeball and this is indeed not a portrait and not a tiger based on like how you were acting I think I expected a piece that was like much much worse I'm not going to lie unlike Jake you you have something you didn't pull a Jake so I almost pulled a jake you almost pulled a jake but pulled a jake throughout the entire video and then at the end was safe see that's what he tries to do I actually did it very nice McKenzie everyone stand your color all right Mackenzie choose two balls those colors go head tohe head suppos okay Mackenzie versus Ben I'm asking a subscriber which one they like best we're going to get robbed by Zach Connor how are you feeling right now Ben's about to go head-to-head with McKenzie Still solid in my bet the person moving on is oh boy the eyeball McKenzie you're moving on I'm not doing honey is not good luck I'm so sorry my mom just sent me this long paragraph in the sunset of how happy she was I gave him my all and then Zach comes in for like 20 minutes and then takes it all away I mean in my opinion Ben's was the best piece but you never know what happens during oh that's that's great to hear that now beans definitely should have won well the subscriber has spoken so Michelle choose two more balls Michelle David the two are going head-to-head wait McKenzie you're in the finals so funny I hope they like cute stuff you get robbed like it's your job like cute okay so I asked a random subscriber which one they like best they said they both so great man it's close but would say the blue one which means David you are moving on I'm sorry Michelle Michelle you did really well it's so cute you did really well you did really well David how are you feeling right now I'm feeling happy to be in the finals if I beat you it's like I'm basically beating Zach Mackenzie we were melting down just like 20 minutes ago how would you feel if you actually ended up winning this whole thing cuz you're only a couple votes away that would be very very crazy I'm going to ask three random subscribers which one they like and we're going to see who wins first first one Michelle do you want to read it I'm too nervous to read they said oh my God thank you so much for choosing me love your videos so much and the winner is the red one oh my God oh God you only need one more vote to win McKenzie if you end up winning this is going to be the biggest comeback I've ever seen I asked another subscriber which one they think is best the vote goes to how are you feeling David nervous Mackenzie how are you feeling oh God goes to what did he say I think for [Music] sure the dragon won McKenzie you swept everyone you swept everyone what the heck happened not even 30 minutes ago I was just rolling around on the floor in like 50 different unfinished project all right Mackenzie as promised as long as you have one foot on the wall you can throw it you have five chances each one is $1,000 go for it no so [Applause] close you won $1,000 for your mom if you were questioning what whether or not you should have been rooting for me I don't blame you but thank you for sticking with me because I won and I don't know how I think the moral of the story is no matter how much you want to give up just keep going cuz you never know what's going to happen congratulations did we win do you have anything you want to tell the audience like And subscribe [Applause]
Channel: ZHC Crafts
Views: 2,682,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Hl8FZPMrX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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