15 Epic Fails in the Army Caught on Camera

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many army celebrations take place around the world given how extravagant they often are they're almost always filmed and that works in our favor because we get to see some pretty crazy stuff go down that probably shouldn't from a fall from a camel to messing with hand grenades here are 15 epic fails in the army caught on camera number 15 soldier falls at poroshenko ceremony when newly elected president petro poroshenko arrived at his inauguration ceremony in kiev it was a momentous occasion he came in a fancy car and it was going to be quite a big deal as he's sworn in as president as he gets out of the car he gets to walk down a red carpet where ukrainian soldiers stand holding guns with bayonets on the ends they stand motionless as petro poroshenko slowly walks up the steps to the door euro news is filming the entire occasion but it doesn't go as shall we say smoothly as it should have one soldier clearly seems to be struggling with standing still he loses his footing and almost points his gun in the direction of the president as he's making his way up the stairs fortunately his officer comes and takes him away and he has his hand over his mouth almost like he's gonna be sick we hope he's okay but many people said in the comments of the video that the president would have gained a lot of respect if he had stopped to make sure he was okay before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] now it's time for the star topic it doesn't seem possible does it tanks weigh so much that you might think they could never tip over well this picture proves otherwise a group of army veterans were using a tank in a display and training operation when things went south very quickly just by maneuvering it the wrong way they managed to tip it up how do you think that even happens is there a scenario you believe could lead to this happening comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14. soldier sits as tribute to queen while many brits thought a soldier sitting on the ground was an epic fail it was actually anything but when the queen visited cumbria she greeted the soldiers who were standing in a line as she walked by she stopped and chatted to sergeant rusiat bolavuku of the burma company 1st battalion duke of lancaster regiment before moving on to talk to the next soldier as soon as she passed by the sergeant sat down on the ground people at the event were confused but the queen smiled she knew what he was doing he had sat on the ground as a mark of respect to royalty which is a traditional custom in his homeland of fiji sergeant bolavuku said it's a cultural thing and that the queen had been to fiji so she knew what he was doing he also said it's important to show respect to those in authority or elders in fijian culture they do this through their body posture clothing and gestures men sit cross-legged as good things come through the head and are then passed through the feet number 13 canadian artillery wake up the military often looks quite serious and it is they exist to defend their country that doesn't mean the people in the army can have a little bit of fun from time to time though and they do if this video is anything to go by at the canadian armed forces base in valcartier quebec a gunner fell asleep between two fire missions that were held over a week-long exercise as he sat on the ground by a vehicle with his head down sleeping his buddies let off the big m777 gun as a type of alarm clock for him the resultant boom from the gun awoke the soldier with a start so much so that he hid his head on the vehicle tire before launching himself to his feet everyone at the base proceeded to laugh at his reaction while the soldier looked pretty cheapish at having awoken with such a start imagine waking up to a gun as your alarm clock if you had trouble getting out of bed in the morning you wouldn't if an m777 gun was being let off in your bedroom number 12 u.s soldier falls off camel camels are often called the ships of the desert they have been used for the transportation of people and goods for thousands of years of course their stubborn nature doesn't make them the most ideal animal but still they can travel for long periods without food or water making them perfect for desert survival though they are more commonplace in desert environments than other places around the world so getting on the back of a camel isn't a natural thing to do for many people it clearly wasn't for this soldier in iraq either the camel is lying down and the man's being instructed on how to sit on the camel while it's still on the ground he's having to awkwardly shift around all the gear he has strapped to his body but manages to grab the camel's hump and sort of sit comfortably on it as the camel is instructed to get to its feet the soldier immediately falls off [Laughter] and lands in a heap on the ground everyone erupts until after it's clearly this guy's first rodeo number 11 soldier falls from truck dog follows you're often told that your dog will follow you to the ends of the earth and that looks like it pretty much could be the case during a parade there was a dog handling presentation the dog handlers their dogs and the man with kevlar to protect himself from the dog bites all jump into the back of the military truck but things don't go to plan as soon as the truck takes off the momentum causes one of the handlers to fall out of the back of the truck he drops a little red ball in the process [Applause] either the dog wanted to join him or he wanted the ball so he too jumps out of the truck and races to join his handler but the handler doesn't pay the dog any attention the two run side by side after the truck until it comes to a stop at the end of the parade that would be embarrassing enough without onlookers but there are thousands of people in attendance we don't know what happened after that but i'd imagine he's tending to his bruised ego number 10 buckingham palace guard slips and falls anyone who takes a trip to england often has buckingham palace at the top of their must visit list there's something quite exciting about seeing the queen's guard perform the famous changing of the guard although some tourists got to see the changing of the guard and a show as three guards went about their changing business one of them lost his footing he slipped sideways on a utility hole cover knocked his bare skin and dropped his rifle the other soldiers maintained their composure and held their positions as he quickly scrambled to his feet to continue the change although it's clear to see he looks a little embarrassed about what happened wouldn't you be the man just slipped over in front of potentially hundreds of tourists many of whom are filming this epic fail as he gets to his feet you also notice that the hat strap sits on his chin instead of under it it looks like his hat has slipped actually it's supposed to be like that they were traditionally positioned this way to protect them during combat as early as the 17th century the hats were so heavy that if the wearers were shot the force could cause the hats to drop back and snap their necks in the process number nine indian soldier falls in parade the waga atari border ceremony or parade is a daily military practice [Applause] it involves the security forces of india and pakistan who have come together since most soldiers will be used to the ins and outs of these parades and know how to hold themselves but this isn't any ordinary parade it involves soldiers carrying out rapid and elaborate dance moves like raising their legs as high as possible the ceremonies attract locals and international tourists alike and there's always a lot of color excitement and camaraderie but even after daily ceremonies for decades they won't always go perfectly a video was uploaded to youtube in may 2019 that showed a soldier falling over in the parade after delivering a high kick the crowds broke out in laughter and even more so when his hat fell from his head but the ceremony continued as if nothing had happened maybe they're used to these mishaps either way each daily parade tends to end with the flags being folded a brusque handshake between soldiers and a closing of the gates number 8 messing with hand grenades as you probably already know the only way you get good at something is by doing it the problem is some things can be incredibly dangerous to learn how to use and do like a surgeon performing solo for the first time they only learn by doing it but it would be volunteering themselves as the patient when you're learning to use tools and weapons in the military it's the same kind of situation you learn by doing but there's always that chance you can die so that's pretty terrifying so you can imagine how much a trainer would be sweating when they're teaching their soldiers how to use hand grenades there isn't a lot of room for error and there's a fine line between life and death as it turns out people learning how to use hand grenades straddle that line all the time some people just prove that they're not all that good at throwing by letting go after a full swing right in the direction of where it shouldn't be or the people who accidentally let it go too early putting everyone at risk some people are just so scared of using one that they make an absolute mirror of it and almost die it definitely sounds like a fun time for those trainers number 7 greek soldiers fall in show a youtube video uploaded in june 2013 by funnytrendtv1 shows that not everything goes to plan even when you train and prepare for hours days and weeks when soldiers put on any performances they spend hours making sure they can synchronize and look professional 9 times out of 10 everything goes to plan and they do their performance perfectly to the roaring of crowds but there's definitely room for error during a performance by greek soldiers something goes terribly terribly wrong as three professionally dressed soldiers are carrying out their in-sync routine one lifts his leg and proceeds to fall over backward the remaining two soldiers continue with their performance while the one on the end gathers himself up grabs his gun and joins back in i'm gonna take a stab in the dark here and say those pigeons have something to do with it could he have slipped on some bird poop did one get in his way you be the judge because i don't know about you but as i'm watching them move in unison i'm getting nervous at how the birds don't seem to move until the last minute number 6 russian army barbie girl when you haven't grown up around soldiers or seen them in person they can be pretty intimidating to spot in their uniforms seeing them march in rows singing or chanting can even be a little bit scary as well but imagine if you spotted russian soldiers marching then belting out barbie girl by aqua would that make you a little bit less scared the video was posted to youtube in 2012 and has gone through periods of popularity it shows the men singing much of the chorus as they march but with a serious tone of voice it's confusing to your eardrums when you're familiar with the original while it's not known why they chose that song it's an excellent choice the song by the danish norwegian pop group aqua shot to fame in the late 1990s even though barbie manufacturer mattel tried to sue them for misrepresenting barbie that didn't stop them from being a huge hit it seems like their fame extends beyond teenage girls though who would have thought that early russian soldiers would get in on the action number five colombian army bomb fail a significant part of training in the army involves the use of weapons learning how to maintain them learning how to use them and learning how to well not die from them but even when you do everything right in training it doesn't always go to plan there are always a few duds hidden among the tens of millions of weapons and their ammunition that seemed like it was the case during a colombian army training session a training officer appears to be teaching a young soldier how to use a mortar of some kind he says something to the soldier puts the explosive shell into the launcher and attempts to fire it now in a normal situation that shell would land dozens of yards away but that certainly wasn't the case this time instead it barely makes it out of its mortar before landing on the ground and you guessed it everyone had to run fast fortunately given that you see the explosive shell land there's enough time for everyone to move out of the way and it's kind of the same situation when you accidentally don't throw a hand grenade far enough away there's time to run although you wouldn't want to get into the habit of having these weapon mishaps number four mortar fail learning how to use mortars in a military environment is a nerve-wracking experience a lot can go wrong and you definitely don't want to be responsible for any other soldiers being hurt if you can help it in july 2013 a youtube user by the name of liljohn902 uploaded a mortar fail video and it was exactly that a fail a group of soldiers is running through mortar drills one soldier who's still learning is in charge of dropping the shells into the tube he then has to duck down to avoid any throwback or consequences of it the first one he does just fine he drops it in drops his body down and the explosion follows the second was a bit less successful rather than dropping the shell in he pushes it in which is a big no-no in the military world it then proceeds to blow off their camo net fortunately no one was hurt for those of you who don't quite understand what went wrong someone in the comments attempts to explain tedster says that you don't throw the shell down the tube you let it drop pushing it down he says will damage the equipment you could hear metal on metal scraping as he pushed it in number 3 soldier pranks army when you're in the army it can't be all work and no play and when you're away from those you love in unfamiliar places you need all the fun and laughter you can get when the opportunities arise soldier medics definitely proved they know how to have fun and with things as simple as a toy mouse and a fake cockroach in a video compilation uploaded to youtube in 2015 someone films each time they manage to scare other soldiers with the mouse and roach the roach has wheels so it can zoom across the floor almost as if it's a real insect scuttling about the fake mouse is on a line so someone can dangle it over the top of people sleeping making it look like it's a real mouse crawling over them you'd think that after the first time people were pranked no one would get a fright but that is not the case at all whoever's doing these pranks manages to frighten a lot of soldiers when they aren't expecting it one even fell off her chair when she saw the roach number two sergeant catches soldier sleeping being in the army is probably pretty tiring there are early morning runs now awful not to mention long days in physically and mentally draining activities it's probably quite normal to want to catch some shut-eye during the day in 2017 a video was uploaded to youtube that showed a private falling asleep between classes he wasn't in any trouble but the sergeant took it upon himself to have a bit of fun he stands right up close to him and yells in his face macdonald [Laughter] with his fists outstretched the private wakes up with a start ready to punch whoever just woke him up now i think that's pretty impressive you're asleep probably deeply and still manage to wake up to defend yourself against any imminent threat they are clearly teaching them well in the army once he wakes up it takes him a little bit of time to understand what's going on but the sergeant thinks the whole thing is hilarious as do all his friends around him he might think twice about napping in public after that experience number one soldier stuck in mud soldiers face a lot of daily battles even in training they have every possible scenario thrown at them so they can be prepared for anything but perhaps not this because it doesn't look like they quite know what to do next soldiers pull up to the shore on a boat and attempt to make it to land but as soon as they step off the boat they immediately find themselves stuck up to their wastes in mud the problem is probably made even worse by the fact that they're carrying a lot of heavy equipment at first they're a little bit confused but no one alerts others on the boat to their predicament so the soldiers just keep jumping off the boat and finding themselves stuck as well before you know it there are at least half a dozen soldiers stuck in the mud and one cameraman laughing hysterically at their predicament at least one good thing came out of it they had to figure out how to get out then use their camaraderie to help each other out of the thick squelchy mud well my day was definitely a little bit brighter from having learned about these epic fails i definitely chuckled at quite a few of them which one made you smile or laugh the most also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 397,034
Rating: 4.810585 out of 5
Keywords: marching fails, military parade fails, marching, army marching cadence, fail army, military fails, army fail, funny army, funny videos, try not to laugh, soldier fail, funny fails, military fail, fail videos, army fails compilation, army fails videos, epic army fails, tank fails, best army, ultimate, soldier, army fails, military, military training, marine fails, navy fails, Caught on Camera, Fails in the Army, Epic Fails, funny moments, lucky people
Id: 3wk1svOnUQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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