15 Animals That Survived The Impossible

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humans are known to be the most adaptable species on earth however we sometimes forget that there are also animals that have gone through worse and survived resilience is a trait of warriors and there are many in the animal kingdom too so let's explore 15 animals that survived adversities and are warriors of the animal kingdom before we get started make sure you hit that like button and also subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you can keep up to date with all our latest and most exciting content number 15 tiggy the cat tiggy is one lucky cat he survived 30 minutes in a washing machine cycle he was only 9 months old when he was pulled from inside the washing machine by his owner as soon as he was pulled out he was given cpr by his owner when this happened the cats started breathing again and he was rushed to the vet over there tikki was given an oxygen mask and was able to return home just three hours after the incident took place the owners thought tiggy was dead because when they pulled him out he looked lifeless and unable to move he suffered bruising swelling and several head injuries due to being in the washing machine cycle for over 30 minutes even the vet told them it was a miracle because given what had happened it was highly unlikely that a cat would survive however tiggy is a warrior he survived and recovered and we are sure he never went near the washing machine after that number 14 the lion who survived the snare a lion in tanzania's mokimi national park got caught in a snare in 2009 the snare was around his neck and he was continuously growing in size so the snare kept on choking his neck there were several attempts to rescue him but all of them failed due to the varying terrain three years passed by like this with a snare tightened around his neck however finally another rescue operation was launched so that the lion could be freed of agony that he was in for the past three years the rangers in makumi national park took the initiative to save the lion the vets managed to sedate the lion and then cut all the electrical wires that were squeezing his neck he was extremely weak by this time and was unable to hunt which prompted the people to finally help him he spent three years in agony and the snare was like a slow death for him however he managed to survive after all lions are kings of the jungle for a reason they are resilient and can survive anything even when others think they can't the lion was a victim of poaching by hunters these cases are increasing by the day and he was one of the lucky ones to survive many like him did not manage to make it number 13. the two-legged cow it is not just humans that are born with deformities even animals have it this was the case of a cow that was born in indonesia it only had two legs and it had a choice it could either stay put all its life or it could learn to walk on the two legs it had been given the calf had no front legs and many people started calling out and saying that the calf should be put to sleep so it could be out of this misery however the calf learned to walk on its hind legs this was of course difficult at first because it kept going out of balance and could fall at any time however it kept going on to maintain its balance so it could lead a normal life like the other cast the cow is well fed and healthy it may not have all the leg it needs to walk properly but it did do well for itself with what it has this is what survivors do they challenge the norms and rise against all the bad cards that life has dealt them with this is exactly what this cow did the farmers also took care of it and now it is happy and healthy number 12. two-legged goat the cow we talked about previously was born with two hind legs on the other hand a goat in the yunnan province of china was born with two front legs the goat made headlines all over union the media became obsessed with it and soon it became known internationally as well the owners of this goat named it as strong and rightly so after all it is hard to be born with just two legs however this goat is nothing short of a survivor just after a few weeks he was born he started taking his first steps of course he only took a few steps at first but it mattered because he was just a week old this goat survived the odds and just after a few days of his first steps he started walking and even running with his siblings he became unstoppable he did not show any other signs of problems and functioned normally just like the other goats even without his hind legs instead of going in in despair about having a deformity the goat rose and did everything he could to live normally just like his siblings and he did his owners take care of him he is well fed healthy and he is living a normal goat life this is what survivors do they go beyond the impossible number 11. coppers fall they say that cats are extremely good when it comes to landing on their feet however when they don't then they still have eight more lives to live how lucky is that copper was a nine-year-old cat who survived a fall of 14 stories yes she survived such a high fall this incident took place in a new york city apartment building the owners left the window slightly open because they never thought copper would easily be able to slip through these small spaces of course they were wrong copper managed to slip out on a ledge and she fell from 14 stories onto the street below when the owners found out they quickly rushed the cat to the local vet guess how the cow was injured even after falling from 14 stories it just had one fractured foot and apart from that the cat was completely fine this is because according to doctors falling is extremely common when it comes to cats this is why they are made in such a way that they can survive the hardest of falls and that is exactly what happened with copper it survived and only had a limp foot that got better in a few weeks copper made a full recovery and is now living happily with its owners who will of course never leave their windows even slightly open ever again number 10. the miracle dog named daniel the sad reality of our world is that when the population of animals gets too much some of them have to meet their end to make room for others daniel and many other dogs were sentenced to death in alabama through a gas chamber however the most surprising thing was that even though all the other dogs in the gas chamber passed away daniel was alive and wagging its tail when animal control opened the door there were 19 dogs in that chamber and daniel is the only one that managed to stay alive his amazing survival story inspired and attracted many charitable groups to ensure that he isn't sent again to the gas chamber after his survival he found a temporary home with karen rudolph who named him daniel the name was inspired by the biblical story where daniel came out of the lion's den without a scratch rudolph also took daniel to the vet and it was found that he is completely healthy this was shocking because someone who has just come out of a gas chamber is never completely healthy he gained celebrity status almost immediately and ever since then daniel is known as a miracle dog he survived the odds 19 other dogs didn't and he managed to live a healthy life even after the horrendous incidents number nine the six like deer when animals are born with deformities many of them lose something however that is not the case for this deer who was born with six legs instead of four this deer was known to be recovered from everett springs georgia where it was attacked by two dogs and injured because of them the owners of the dogs are the ones who discovered this deer with six legs due to the injury sustained by the two dogs one of the deer's tails had to be amputated the deer was provided with immediate medical attention after the incident and the medics decided to preserve the animal so they could decide what to do the deer has two distinct pelvises and it uses one leg from each to walk the doctors also said that the extra legs are the result of an identical twin that did not fully develop in the womb of the mother the deer has a normal gait although the legs in the middle seem to get in the way of walking most deers that come after being rescued are taken to the deer facility at the university of georgia that is probably what happened to this deer as the whereabouts are unknown however it seemed to survive the difficult birth and the attack so we are sure there is nothing that this deer can't survive out there number eight the giraffe with a broken neck the elongated neck of the giraffe is perhaps its most distinctive feature it allows them to eat easily by reaching difficult heights that other animals are not able to reach so is it possible that a giraffe can have a normal life if its most distinct feature is broken well this survivor belonged to the serengeti national park and he broke his neck while fighting over a female giraffe this led him to having a zigzag shaped neck usually in the wild when animals have such extensive injuries they are eaten by predators not this giraffe though he thrived despite having a broken neck even the other animals treated it normally and the giraffe was happy too despite the deformity so this giraffe survived even after having a deformity and no predator in the wild such as lions came to eat this animal even though it couldn't eat food from the top level like the other giraffes it resorted to eating from the lower levels where there is more than enough food available for him now many come to the serengeti national park in tanzania and watch this broken yet beautiful giraffe in awe after all it reminds us that our flaws only make us stronger and better so it has been a source of inspiration for many tourists since then number seven two-headed turtle and jakarta indonesia not many animals have the luck to survive after they have been through some sort of deformity and injury this is the story of the two-headed turtle however it still deserves to be remembered because it fought hard even after being born with two heads this baby turtle was born in jakarta indonesia unfortunately it only survived for a few days before it passed away it was found on the mabul island among 90 other green turtles that had been hatched at the same time the right head of the turtle seemed to control its right front flipper on the other hand the left head controlled the left front flipper despite that they were able to perfectly coordinate their movements to swim and walk without any issues however just after three days the poor turtle died and no one knows why deaths are normal with animals that are born with defects or deformity even if they are not taken care of they still die in the wild because they don't have a chance of surviving as compared to the other animals the three days that it survived it fought with bravery and showed no signs of any problems it had perfect movements and coordination and still it passed away two-headed turtles are an extremely rare occurrence however this is not the first time that this occurrence has happened there was another one found before this and that turtle survived for at least three months before it died green turtles are already classified as endangered animals as they face the threat of habitat loss many poachers hunt these turtles for their eggs and meat so wouldn't have survived in the wild anyway number six the six legged calf the six leg calf also had two tails and was born in the guangdong province of china when the calf was born it was a mystery because no one knew how such a deformity could happen in a rural environment that was amazing for animals apart from its deformity there were no other signs of health problems in this animal the farmer decided to keep the calf until someone would come along to eventually buy it despite its deformity the cow walked perfectly and had no trouble doing anything else its legs had complete hooves and the extra tail was growing from the center of its back it weighs healthy and it stands tall however many wondered the cause of this deformity as a tail growing from the center of the back is a rare occurrence that we don't get to see every day despite it all the cow survived and lived a healthy life this is just a lesson to us that we can live despite our flaws and deformities just like this cow did many animals that are born with extra or fewer limbs don't usually survive for long this cow didn't see any complications in that regard as it was one of the lucky ones number five tardigrades these animals didn't survive anything amazing in particular however they had to be on the list because they are known as the most resilient creatures on our planet that can survive anything and everything tardigrades are also known as moss piglets or water bears they are microorganisms and they can be found anywhere from mountains to rainforests to the deep sea this is because they can survive any environment and any condition known to man they can survive the most extreme temperatures without any issue anything that can kill other forms of life the tardigrade can survive it without a problem this is why they had to be on our list of animals that survived the impossible because they can they can even survive a complete global mass extinction that is how resilient and strong they are they have even survived exposure to outer space they were taken into the low earth orbit on the photon m3 all of the tardigrades were exposed to outer space radiation vacuum and they still manage to survive so if there is one animal on the entire planet that can survive everything and anything then it is the tardigrade no one knows how they do it but it is their biology and evolution that makes them the most resilient animals on the planet to ever exist number 4. roger the red kangaroo roger's mother was hit by a truck and this little boy was found in the pouch of his mother it is an unfortunate reality that many kangaroos die at the hands of bad drivers the person who discovered him gave roger to a kangaroo sanctuary so that they could properly take care of him and they did he survived despite being an orphan and he became the alpha male in his community he was six feet seven inches tall and weighed almost 200 pounds this is as healthy as a kangaroo can get however he gained fame for having the most muscular build many people took pictures of him in the sanctuary and he became famous in no time thanks to the internet he grew up to be a strong and healthy kangaroo despite what he had suffered right after birth just like us it is hard for animals to survive without parents many die but many survive roger is one of the lucky survivors among them however he passed away at the age of 12. many people all over the world were saddened by this loss as everyone had grown to love him this is a tribute to the kangaroo who survived despite all odds number three booty the orangutan an orangutan named budi made an amazing recovery after it had been starved by its owner for 10 months yes you heard that right the poor animal was living in a chicken coop for 10 months and was on the verge of dying he was rescued from his owner and he was so weak that he couldn't even sit properly this is because the owner believed that the animal didn't need any fruits or vegetables he only fed booty condensed milk as he believed that that was good enough for the orangutan he was extremely neglected and when he was brought into indonesia at the international animal rescue center iar many believed that he might not make it this is because his limbs were bent due to spending 10 months in a chicken coop apart from that the limbs had also swollen pretty big and the poor orangutan was in a lot of pain he could not move and he cannot function properly after three years of nursing and constant care this animal has made a full recovery he is ready to hang out and mingles with all the other orangutans as he is finally strong enough to do that he suffered anemia malnutrition and many other problems due to being neglected however he survived all of them and is now learning to do many things that other orangutans his age can do this is the story of a survivor he was neglected and yet with the help of other people he managed to get back up and continue with his life number 2 rescued horse this is the story of a horse that was rescued after falling into a ravine in apple valley the horse was not alone he fell into the valley along with its rider into a 300 feet ravine the rider was a female and was not injured even after the fall she was able to walk out of the ravine on the same day however the horse wasn't as lucky because he was rescued a day later the crew went in on the same day to assess his injuries and the damage then a day later they came back with a helicopter from the fire department to rescue the horse many believe that he won't be able to survive because the ravine was deep and the horse was badly injured however the horse was a survivor he was unharmed during the rescue process and he was brought back to safety in no time yes he needed a little help from other people but he survived in the end number one mae west the turtle our number one pick is mae west the turtle this is our top choice because we wanted to use this opportunity to talk about the plastic problem that has been going on it has been a problem for many animals around the world and one such example is mae west this turtle has been severely hurt due to the problem of plastic pollution she unintentionally walked into a milk jug ring that was made of plastic this ring got stuck on her waist and deformed her shell permanently this gave her the hourglass shape mae west represents a plastic problem we need to resolve even the smallest things are made of plastic while this may not seem like a big deal to us other species are affected by it and suffer for their entire lives she was rescued by a couple and has been living under their care since then they wanted to raise awareness about the plastic problem through may west and they did this should be an eye opener on how we need to change our product design and waste management techniques if we don't then many animals will not survive may west survived but not many turtles do and soon they will be at the brink of extinction if we continue to pollute with plastic at this rate and there you have it 15 animals that survive the impossible please if you like this video give us a like and tell us what you think in the comment section check out our other videos and subscribe to be part of the fun click on the notification icon so you can see our new videos as soon as they are uploaded that's it for now
Channel: Facts Junkie
Views: 657,862
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Keywords: top 15, top 10, top 5, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, factsjunkie, lists, animal facts, surviving the impossible, strange animals, animal facts moose, top 5 scary videos, strange animals found, survival stories 3, headless camel, headless animals, goat without legs, disabled animals, people saving animals, animal saved, super powers, unbelievable animals, incredible animals, weird animals, luckiest animals, miracle dog, camel-flage, miracles, strange, luckiest, lucky
Id: AU4ZisGtsSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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