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young lady what is your name grace grace you're a beautiful young lady you know that thank you how old are you twelve I excited to be here what are you gonna say I'm singing an original really yes what's it about it's about me and other people at school behind you supporting you most of my friends don't really know I sing so they don't know you're here no you believe that you can win well I mean miracles can happen so possible yeah stage is yours I don't play [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] trying to get found I don't play by the rules of the game so you say I'm just trying [Music] [Music] to find my way [Music] [Music] No you know this is a show about surprises and you'd use the word miracle and I think you are a living beautiful walking your original love people not knowing your name is so right and so wrong because I think the world is gonna know your name I think [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know what I predict for you I think you are the next Taylor Swift [Applause] buzzer like this two-stage I mean getting ready to wake up [Applause] great personality Simon Cowell make a prediction that you're the next Taylor Swift can I get your autograph so you think you've got a star now five hundred percent here we got a star wow this girl is special he does a little dance routine Oh dance everything out so we gonna butt off [Laughter] dance each performance how you doing what's your name my name is Kenny G I'm 38 years old I'm from Tokyo Japan and I'll be performing dance ish performance a little bit of robots okay and dance and martial arts Wow dancing is my passion my dream is to do my full-length one-mile show in a Vegas that's why I'm here I'm ready to see some love another theme before you go get it - yeah go get her man have fun out there look at you no what's your name my name is Kenichi Ebina what is your act my act is dance each performance dance is sheesh yes okay how did you get into dance ish kind of I knew only the one step called the running man thanks and when I did it people got loud and as yeah and there's a I was like oh I feel good all right good luck have fun thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] your birds [Applause] konnichi that was pretty awesome did I haven't seen anything like it before you have a control over your body that is unbelievable the youngest judge on the panel I can say that was off the chain chicken what do you talk I thought your head had come off your body it was that convincing we see a lot of guys who come on stage who try to do what you do they can't do it and you have a story to tell you know you were doing the matrix there that was the whole movie all in 90 seconds it was magnificent I could watch you all day I'm telling you that is the best dance we have seen in Chicago it's the best dance I've seen in a long time you told a great story you were wonderful thank you yes let's vote guys I'm gonna start it up with a big yes thank you I like what Heidi does with her eyes when she votes it's a yes it's a yes from me and my vote is yes [Applause] how are you doing today I'm doing good what's your name and how old are you my name is Celine and I'm 9 years old this is my dream being in America's Got Talent so what you're gonna be doing for us today I'm gonna be singing oh wow have you got any brothers or sisters I got a little sister and what's her name her name is Dion Oh Celine and Beyond oh really so I'm guessing your parents love Celine deals right so when did you realize that you had a great singing voice when I was in the car my dad's driving and then suddenly I just sang my heart will go on and then he was like wow I've been dealing song yeah we got that we've worked that out Mel there's the Celine Dion so what's what kind of music do you like to listen to I like Celine Dion yeah and and what is your big dream to be the next to be Indian she's got it this is your dream Celine can answer your question what artists are you gonna be singing well Selene good luck [Applause] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how are you angry why you laughing what's your name my name is Darcy Lin okay it does he who's that my name is petunia my towles is it a bunny yes is that a real bunny why did you both decide to enter the show well it was one of my big dreams but also I would really like to keep ventriloquism alive because it's not common you know so well listen to us you pester luck I really hope you both are you ready yeah I'm ready what you're gonna see oh boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they don't bathe a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know it's really sweet your puppy I'm guessing is exactly like you very charming and adorable you made my heart melt you were brilliant I'm trying to describe how amazing it was [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we was addressing that won't you [Music] well done well you are going straight to them [Applause] my name is and I'm 9 years old my name is Aaron and I am six years old when we go out then we're going smile and be proud and not be nervous that was the best Brett dog I've heard I got drums for Christmas and Alan kept poking her head and thigh she was like I'm gonna play so he gave her a microphone and she starts singing I wanted to sing and I knew I could do it I loved it ready to go out there yep go get him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how are you welcome to America's Got Talent what is your name young lady Aaron and you sir what is your name Isaiah you're the drummer I take it and what do you do fool your and how old are you you're 6 and how old are you 9 brother and sister yes like The Partridge Family I love that show you ever hear that show [Applause] all right we can't wait to hear your sweet music thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't want to hear the voice now I'm gonna I'm gonna surprise you the reason I hit my buzzer wasn't because I didn't like the song I was afraid your voice was gonna blow out and you never get to talk again cuz you're the screaming so loud does that hurt your voice well I got to tell you that song really packs a punch it really does what is the title of that song zombie skin zombie skin that's what I thought I love the way you dress when you do this for me I love it I love it Heidi what did you think I'm really confused you were so cute and sweet and when you open your mouth I was like and I want to meet your parents where are the other Veronique what goes on in your good job all right let's hear from Mel B Scary Spice is officially scared Howie I love it the people who saw this are rewinding and saying you're not going to believe with this little girl just bit did you write any other music you have other songs what are some of the other titles lullaby crash um brush my hair's a nut oh I know that one it goes like this alright we're gonna vote I'm gonna go to Howie Mandel first who is an expert on this type of music sorry moe I do I I like this kind of music and at you think it's crazy but I do and hopefully we'll get to see you in Vegas cuz I'm voting yes I have to be realistic [Applause] I'm still confused but I do want to hear lullaby crash you know what they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas let's see if you can keep a secret in Vegas [Applause] I like I like hi guys how are you doing sir I'm couldn't be better look at this look at this look at this what is your name I am smoothie knee you are smoothie knee the ghetto Houdini like Houdini but get him but get up yes sir you are magician then yes sir a bar magician to be exact a bar this is a big bar here have you been doing magic all your life is that what you've been doing as Homme I was a Marine well thank you for your service welcome blah you're no longer in the Marines no sir are you doing this full-time yes sir and how is it going for you it could be a lot better in about five minutes okay let's see you do what you do and I'm not allowed to go to see you guys you can yes all right thank you very much you're welcome now think about bar magic as opposed to regular magic is the fact that I don't use big props I don't I can't afford them and that's all I have - in the world now think about magic that happens close to your face is that it has to be performed exquisitely okay so now is that work correctly back [Applause] but honestly I just do not like part tricks because but I'm a beautiful six-year-old son and I want to do something to you miss now be well well that my little boy likes I'll see you the other side thank you I'm gonna take this ball put it right about here I want you to hold that ball real tight for me thank you with that ball there and therefore they were gonna go abracadabra open up [Applause] let me mentally assault you two in the other things because cuz I am ghetto [Music] good [Applause] thank you not my name though that is the name [Applause] thank you thank you we didn't know what to expect got it won't have a 21 special egg we're looking for special head we need him to stage now yes sir for the hold ability for the next contestant he wandered off backstage three zero six zero special head we need a ladder back here I think I'll be able to alright I am special ed what I do is quite phenomenal but I'm concerned that the initial preparation that I must do will be possibly disturbing to the judges and audience I have to align my chakras and get into a very meditative state this environment is going to be quite difficult those X's are very loud and I hope it doesn't destroy my concentration [Music] somebody want to get that [Music] [Music] gee Howard supposed to meditate of your bidding buzzards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a lot of Howard to go first because I think Howard had a premature EXIF occasion I did I was annoyed with you I wanted to lock you in a mental institution and then lo and behold you pulled off your special trick special head I'm gonna take my ex back because I actually like what you did I'm like how is he doing this you know I'm so glad I didn't hit my ask because I think what we all just witnessed was out of this world I just saw something I have never seen before and I definitely want to see again it's a yes for me [Applause] definite yes for me I want to feel again yes it is a yes for me we could float in there but he can barely walk wow that was amazing thank you how you try it ain't yeah I wasn't hoping it wasn't really working the same way [Music] my name is Henry Darger Cass and five years old how do you feel when you sing happy I did you just say right now remember it's all about doing your best you know you undo that right fist bump Howie yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well welcome to our stage and what is your name my name is heavenly joy Jerkins that is a beautiful your first name is heavenly my aunt calls me hen okay how long do you have and sighs I love your outfit by the way thank you tell me about yourself what are you gonna be doing today I'm gonna be singing a song and you talk like that that's hard to do because sometimes you get out of breath right when you sing yeah is that gonna happen to you no no good and and where did you get this ability at five years old do you have a musical family yes Wow is what I use this thing because you gotta start at a young age in this business you really do now you know if you win this whole thing you get a million dollars well if I get a billion dollars I don't want them to keep them I want to give them all over the world because some people don't have any clothes I'll give some clothes by the way I'm your favorite judge aren't I yes okay very smart all right I wish you a lot of luck I hope you win so all those people who don't have money get money you know [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're going places I'm telling you you know when I was a little boy not much older than you if you can imagine that heavenly I used to watch a Shirley Temple movies on TV you watch that too that you know I think Shirley Temple is living somewhere inside of you is that possible because [Applause] yeah heavenly I have to tell you you did such a fantastic job you were so cute singing and dancing I think America's gonna fall in love with you heavenly I bet you dollars to donuts that they are already in love with her you are heavenly our own melb because you would have been a terrific Spice Girl I think Doraemon that's good shall we well you know heavenly I'll be proud to tell you that you have your first yes [Applause] I will give you your third that's people see me [Applause] hello hi how are you what's your name Mandy Harvey and who's this my interpreter what's your name Sarah nice to meet you Sarah nice okay Mandy sir I think I've worked this out to your death yes I lost so my hearing when I was 18 years old Wow and how do you know oh 29 so it's ten years Wow Mandy how did you lose your hearing if you don't might be asking I have a connective tissue disorder so basically I got sick and my nerves deteriorated [Music] so you were singing before you lost your hearing yeah I've been singing since I was four so I left music after I lost my hearing and then figured out how to get back into singing with muscle memory using visual tuners and trusting my pitch so your shoes are off because you're feeling the vibration is that how you're following the music yeah I'm feeling the tempo the the beat through the floor and Mandy what are you gonna sing I'm gonna sing a song that I wrote called try okay can you tell me what it's the balance after I lost my hearing I gave up but I want to do more with my life than just give up so good for you okay well look this is your moment and good luck okay [Applause] [Music] if I watch [Music] there is no one for me to cuz I know [Music] I don't live the way I want to that whole picture nothing came into view [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Vandi I don't think you're gonna need a translator for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen and hurt [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] honestly I never think I'm gonna be surprised or amazed by people and then you turn up and with havoc just the fact that you are you but it was your voice your tone the song was beautiful congratulations you are straight through to the live shows [Applause] we found each other [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's your name my name is Damien what are you gonna be doing here tonight we have a dangerous act that I want to show you through guys how long have you been doing this this one is the second one oh so you've only done it once and this is a very dangerous escape act yes why what could happen he could die yes you're being serious it's serious I will be locked up from ankles wrists and neck with only fragile cover above me I have two minutes to escape before 900 pounds of sand above that cross the cover and booted me alive so hopefully it's worth risking your life for this forum I think I got that one yes do you have a family my wife is watching from the side and probably it's not gonna look because you're always afraid about everything yeah your wife is very beautiful and you have children no but hopefully after this I'm going to start a family with my wife figure cross everybody good luck thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's 900 pounds of sand I think Sam should be worse than water [Music] [Music] very to learn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Top 10 Talent
Views: 18,985,680
Rating: 4.7581134 out of 5
Keywords: America's Got Talent, 2017, agt, most view, auditions, best, top 10, Grace VanderWaal, Kenichi Ebina, Celine Tam, Darci Lynne, Aaralyn & Izzy, Smoothini, Demian Aditya, Mandy Harvey, Len Ken
Id: dfv1evzlxbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 49sec (2689 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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