#1483 Incredible Resin 'Petal' Heart Pendants

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[Music] g'day guys welcome back right now i am i was mixing up some resin and i don't know why but i've mixed up way too much for another project so i thought i'm gonna try and do a marshmallow effect i've tried a couple of times already um you may have seen them on my facebook group i'm just cleaning my gloves off there that was the first one i did i didn't video it i was just just playing so it's more like a pea tree that one that one was with a very thick resin my thickest art class and then i did it again with the art coat and i really really love the effect more of a petri again but i want to go for like balls of marshmallow so i'm going to try again and this is a slightly thinner resin now so that's the thickest that was the medium and now i'm going with my thinner one the 360 plus so i'm going to put some resin in here this is my little puffy heart mold not all the way because you do need to allow quite a bit of room for your marshmallows so no more than three quarters and i don't know what i'm going to do with that i'm just going to pour that in there because maybe i'll do a 3d bloom or something i don't know i'll just put that in there for now all right um now there's my little sticky thing there we go i'm just going to just encourage that around there it will fill up later on once i start putting the other resin in but i'm just going to put some in there it's got a little ready-made hanger for the chain this little mold it's really great i love it designed it myself right so that's that done now um still very much learning i've only done like i've only done those two and neither of them really worked the way i wanted to i'm going to pop a little bit of resin oh gosh that's probably too much these are just little medicine cups you know 30 ml or one ounce little measure measuring cups medicine cups just for the sake of today i'm just going to put in about half full about half an ounce 15 grams ish which i need a little bit more of the white so put that a little bit more all right still got some more resin left so we'll see we'll see what we're going to do with it not sure what i'm going to do with it yet i can see bubbles maybe i can do a quick little 3d bloom with it we'll see what's the time quarter to five all right can you remember that quarter to five i better write it down 4 45 4 45 just so that i know what time that i need to start piping although i might just do the same effect from this into that right so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to get some white pigment paste in this case the cast and craft and i'm going to do one two three four i think actually i'm just trying to think how much i did last time um no i would have done about half that one two three four because i only had this little tiny bit in the bottom of one of my paper cups is all i had so let's see if let's see if this is nice and opaque what are your dogs barking about okay all right so that's my white and let's put a bit of shake shake shake um see deeper let's resin white one two three four how's that okay so that's my white bubbles okay so now when i did those other two i just used um normal alcohol ink but i'm going to try these ones these ones are opaque alcohol inks the sapphire blue from let's resin so it's already got a little bit of white in it one two three four five six seven eight we'll see how much i'll see how dark it gets with a tips shake shake shake you gotta be you're gonna shake them really well because i think the white sort of is heavy and it kind of sticks to the bottom not that there's a little ball bearing in it it probably should have a little ball bearing in it but it don't one two three four five six seven eight i just find if i measure things and count things and i'll count the drops and then say if it works and then i want to recreate it then i can look back on the video and go okay i had half an ounce about 15 grams or mils with eight drops one two three four five six seven eight and if i don't think it's dark enough um i will just go and add some more because i haven't actually used these before these alcohol inks the opaque ones from let's resin hmm they look quite dark actually i should oh my gosh i've got four hearts and three colors let me go and find another color hang on i've added purple um let's go back here to the back of my studio purple there we go purple i found a purple i don't think these are quite dark enough you know i think i'm going to have to add a little bit it's quite a walk to the back of my studio i think i'm going to add a little bit more now i need another cup oh goodness me here we go another cup it's just as well i've got a little bit more of this hey see i don't need all of this really i mean i'm only going to do a few drops i don't need all of this but anyway tis done now so basically what i'm going to do is i'm just going to kind of like a pea tree i'm going to kind of do like a petri but you know when you drop your inks and then you drop your white and then you drop your ink and then you drop your white it's it's just like that basically but using these one two three four five six seven eight i'm gonna go another four one two three four so i'm gonna put four in each so that would be twelve in each one two three four because i just don't think they look dark enough one two three four i mean you could if you wanted them to be quite bright is to put you know just concentrated alcohol ink into them one two three four but we'll see we shall see i don't want to waste too much time because my resin will go off but um because i've got more of these i'll use them in my little coaster as well why not i might just wait until the resin is thicker though because the other resin that i did those other two puffy hearts the resins were quite thick already they come thick i didn't wait um but yeah i've got a different kind of look which i don't mind i mean i'll be happy if i get that again i'm just trying to see if i can get more of a puffy kind of a marshmallow look pretty colors though aren't they so these are the opaque alcohol inks they're basically alcohol inks with um oh gosh i was saying how pretty they were look at that that color has just gone oh my gosh totally vanished i'm gonna have to get some purple ink oh i need an assistant that's what i do i need an assistant purple here we go isn't that bizarre it just totally vanished as i was mixing it i was thinking this is looking pretty one two three four so this is just alcohol ink with no white in it although now it's got white in it what is if i need to add some pink to the pink um [Music] that's red um no i look it doesn't matter i actually don't have any more of the peach red alright so here we go let's get started shall we let's get started um what i'm going to do is just clean off these sticks because i'm going to use my little silicone stick to drop the colors in because i don't want the blobs to be too big and they might be a bit big if i use this stick okay are we ready let's just grab some and basically just yeah i wish i don't need to wipe them or maybe i do i don't know not too close to each other because they will spread as resin does okay now i've got the swing of it wipe just once drop you're going what are you doing you're crazy woman making white dots do you remember the um back ages ago ages ago when i did the um those feathers you know those little featherings that were all the rage about a year ago um it's the same sort of technique like it's the same mix i mixed the white in with the colors and then did the you know i made the the petals now it's going to drop a blob of blue on the top of each of these oops that wasn't a very big blob trying to get it into the the middle of my white dot that i've just made whoops we're off to the side i can see this is going to take a bit of patience and a bit of practice it'll be interesting to see which one kind of works better if any i start over here with this one by the time i get down to that one the resin is going to be quite thick isn't it all right now we go again with the white and again same as you would with the petrie you're pushing that color down that's the theory anyway and i didn't want them too close together because i kind of want to see each individual little marshmallow if it does work or it may just do the same as it did last time and oh just run down the side like a petri okay now i'm going to do one more dot of the blue just so that i get a nice bright color rather than too pale this is going to take a while isn't it i'll do the one and then what i'm going to do is i will stop the video i'll push record again and then i'll fast-forward that one otherwise it's going to be dinner time before i get started before i finish okay so that's basically it and now the mold is full right so there we go that's number one done so i'm going to do the other three with the other colors [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] right so that's done and i don't think these have worked if you have a look down the bottom there you can see that the resin must have been a bit thin or the paste was a bit heavy and they've kind of hit the bottom so this one's this one's blooming but hey that's just a bloom now i thought i thought i might just give these a bit of a swirl just because um yeah i'm i don't think they've worked so but that's all right i'll just have to i'll go back to that i wrote down what i did to get that so i'll do that in another video but let's just see if we can kind of save this by doing a bit of a a swirl and kind of picking that up from the bottom a little bit just so that it's i don't know it might not work we'll see you don't know these things until you try hey let's do the pink one as well went down a little bit deeper in the center because these are quite deep in the middle had enough resin left over to do my heart so i just put some silver sparkle and some purple alcohol ink and i just filled that up um i can see down there that the purples hit the bottom as well yeah let's just twirl them all why not sorry i'm trying to do this one-handed and then hold the camera at the same time okay so yeah it doesn't look as if it's worked but why is it only when i don't do the video it works and then i do do the video and it doesn't work all right anyway we'll see how they look tomorrow right so it's the next day everything has set up i can't believe i did three different things in one video let's start with this one shall we move these other two out of the way for a minute so that we can concentrate on these now they haven't worked the way i wanted but we'll just have a little look anyway they may be pretty i thought it might be nice to sort of paint black over the the backs as well but it depends how much negative space you have so they came out really well let's have to clean up some of my outer spillage there all right let's have a little look at these shall we oh look that's really quite cute it is i know we've got a little bit of droppage but look at the sides they look like petals but they do don't they oh that's so cute it's not like you know when you get your petri dish and you do and it gets those big blobs on the on the back it's like it's not that bad i was i wasn't expecting it to work out that well all right so that's that one let's have a look at the blue one oh that's nice oh well it's actually really pretty i look a little swirl in the middle oh wow okay well maybe i've discovered something new then not that it's new but you know with with actually swirling it they actually look like layered petals what do you think i hope you can see what i can see hopefully it's not too blurry and then i've left a little bit of clear on the top and we've got some clear around the edges so it all kind of matches and if you look really carefully you can see the like it looks like a variated petal because the edges are white and then the centers are blue i couldn't do that again if i tried it's just while i video these things oh my god i love those i really love them all right let's look at the purple one oh look at that one too so because i dropped the color on top of the white that's why we're getting this two-tone sort of color what do you think you guys do you like those so pretty the blue one's my favorite so far only because it's got this really cute little swirl in the middle i think i went sort of deeper because it's quite deep in the bottom like it's quite a deep mold right let's look at the yellow one i'm thinking the dark colors would work better but it's what i had oh i mean the darker colors do show up better against the white but even the yellow is really pretty it's like a rosebud oh i'm so excited you guys oh wow i had no idea they were going to turn out that pretty yay so this is kind of what i was going for but um don't always get what you want do you love those right let's move them out of the way and we can just demold this now this was just the leftover resin and i didn't want it to go to waste i wonder if it'll be blobby on the other side because this white that i made up like it had like eight drops of cast and craft didn't it but it was tiny drops like any tiny bits come out of the cast and craft such a clear resin look at that not even a bubble can you see a bubble not even a bubble right let's have a look at this oh it's really pretty too and see i put blue in the center so it's again it's just what i had out from those pieces and it's kind of gone purple so there's that one nice and shiny on top right two for two so far and like i said this is just the little heart that i had my cluster um it's good to have some little little molds around you know like if you find that you've got some over resin you can just throw it in that's why these are really handy if you've got a little bit of resin left over these would make amazing little pocket hugs too wouldn't they a little bit different from the others that are all going around at the moment right let's have a little look there we go [Music] it's really sparkly it's not quite as glass crystal like because i put a little bit of the um where are they kind of like a little holographic ignition dust i think it was called but they're very sparkly so there's that one i do prefer my other ones that i made but um you can check out that other video that i made um using this particular mold and i had two of these so there's that one all right oh my gosh you guys i am in love with these little dudes look at them oh i'm gonna just grab a what color brown i've also got black let's have a look and see what the the brown looks like i'll just take this one off here because my others are in my other cupboard go through there and then i'll just feed that back through it so i haven't done that properly oh gosh which way did i do it now is it this way anyway you loop that through there you loop that through there and then you just pull that through there like that so you can do it that way i actually like the bit of cord on the other side so so instead of looping it we'll go from the front and loop it that way and then you just have to basically pull your two longer sides through that little hole that you've just made like so oh gosh i always do it the wrong way so there's that one how cute does that look you guys and they are so clear look at that resonate it is so crystal clear i'm gonna go and get a black um piece hang on one sec so i've also got these ones just buy that from amazon so it's got the little clasp and a little chain on the end so i'm just going to hook it on to that last one like so and then we do the same thing with the blue one and just with your end just fold it in half poke it through fold it over and then pull those two longer strands through and there you go see it's self hanging and then you can still you still got plenty of room to hang it around your neck so there's that one and then there's also this i bought this from amazon as well i'll just cut a piece how long do you think i'll need it measure with this one make it a little bit longer so that's that and then i'm just going to do a knot at the end like so and then we've got our loop again fold it through the front around and then pull the other two through again so there you go easy peasy lemon squeezy and you haven't got one i'm sorry you haven't got one so there you go what do you think let me know what you think of these little dudes i think they are so i'm gorgeous enough i haven't got enough room on there look at that are we focusing i hope we're focusing hard to know i can't really see the screen i can't see what you're seeing they are just so gorgeous i love them all right i better let you go i've taken up enough time of yours already but yeah let me know what you think of these little guys um i will do a video on on this one i'll try again to do that one for you but i'm actually really glad that i did these i mean oh just incredible i'm so happy i love them all right thanks for watching you guys i'll see you real soon for the next video i can't wait to do more of these alright bye for now so you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 44,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resincoasters, #resin3dflower, #resinflowercoasters, #resinflowertechnique, #resinchristmascoasters, #resinbloomtechnique, #artclassresin, #quickcureresin, #bestresinflowers, #howtomakereisn3dflowers, #fastsetresin, #platinumresin, #resin3dbloom, #puffyheartmold, #resinhearts, #heartpendants, #resinmarshmallow, #resinrose, #resinpetals, #resinpendants
Id: esfHv1PvkbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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