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cause there's a grace to be well good morning lion hearts it's your old pal jordan the lion how are you all doing today i hope you said well and i hope you enjoyed our recent trip to florida we are back for a short time and we are going to go out and do a vlog today today is a special patreon sunglass vlog for jay echel jay i hope you enjoy our tour today we're going to beverly hills and we are going to go seek out some celebrity homes days with jordan the lion it begins right now well good to see you my friend did you miss us all you haven't been on the vlog for a while good to see you jaw how are you brother look at that handsome face all right we've made it over to beverly hills all right we're starting over here on the 500 block of alpine drive and we're gonna start right over here at this one that actually looks if you didn't know it you actually might think it was pretty brand new but this house was actually built 1973 this big kind of modern square glass deal built in 1973 and this was the last home of the great walter matthau comedic genius rubber face guy was amazing he was famous for hello dolly bad news bears um you know countless movies probably most notable the odd couple that's really where he really really got his start he had done a lot of theater he had done a lot of movies and things but nothing really that was making him a star until he was asked by neil simon to portray oscar madison the slobby uh newspaper writer sports writer and he didn't officially want to do it originally when they asked him he said come on me playing a slob that's like a home run you know it's just too easy i don't want to do something that will be that easy he actually thought he'd rather play felix but then they just kept hitting him harder and harder neil simon said no you're perfect for this you have to do it so he said the only way he would do it is if he got a piece of the percentage of the actual production so he ended up making some money off this so the original cast of um the odd couple wasn't with tony randall as you would see on the tv show it wasn't with jack lemmon as you'd see walter acting with the movie it was actually with art carney the man who you would see in the jackie gleason tv show the honeymooners it was norton but yeah then of course he had a very very large career i think it was during the fortune cookie when he was filming that movie he ended up having a heart attack and they had to postpone the production because he was uh i believe a three pack a day smoker at the time so he ended up giving up cigarettes and then had a very long career really great and then of course i know him from later on in his life when he was in the grumpy old men movies with his best friend jack lemmon they did a lot of movies throughout their life together and then they did out to sea and they did the odd couple two later on so here was the last home of walter matthau now we're gonna head up the street even though there are some really amazing storybook homes like you'll see here i'm just showing you ones that were celebrity homes at one time and every home that we're gonna see um today is a former celebrity home and everyone that lived in them is passed away except for one person i'll tell you when we get there now this mansion over here they're actually currently renovating and working on this was the former home of june allison and dick powell both in their day were very respected leading actors june being a girl next door type she did a lot of movies with van johnson and dick powell was a leading man in his day as well doing uh portraying philip marlow detective philip marlow for the very first time on screen now dick powell eventually well his career got pretty big he ended up becoming a director and a studio head and unfortunately passed away at a young age he passed away in the 60s and um june allison went on to have three other husbands and in the 70s kind of became synonymous with undergarment dependent basically um adult diapers she did commercials for those and they said she helped eliminate the stigma for people with incontinence to feel uncomfortable purchasing those products beautiful house can't wait to see what it looks like when they're done now the next house that we're gonna see is just a few houses away right up the street this was this is actually a very beautiful house you guys are gonna love it and it belonged to a very famous silent film star so this house i vlogged a couple of years ago this was the home of theta bara a woman who made her name even though she was an early juliet in a romeo and juliet picture she made her name as a vamp as a sexual um provocateur a gothic woman who brought people to a darker side and they said that her name was actually an anagram for arab death kind of interesting so she actually made 40 movies throughout her career even though she was portrayed as this exotic woman from somewhere else she was actually just from cincinnati ohio she gradu well she went to cincinnati university or university of cincinnati and then her family moved to new york where she got involved in being an entertainer she started doing a little bit of theater and then very quickly got into movies but the center of movie making ended up moving out here to los angeles hollywood so her family moved out here and in 1917 she filmed cleopatra now the sad thing about her career is that for the 40 movies that she made very few still exist because unfortunately they had a studio fire at fox or where their vaults were stored in 1937 and most all the pictures or the prints of the movie have been destroyed the only thing that remains are some pictures from those movies but sad to think someone had such a big career that was at its time very controversial it was very good for the box office too because she was someone who you know was very alluring that the uh the men wanted to come see and even though the women supposedly didn't like her they wanted to come see someone that they didn't like so she had a pretty big career and then when i vlogged this house i mentioned that i had went to one of the valentino memorials and a woman there had written a book about her life a theta from this house because she lived right across the street and would come over here and hang out with theta all the time data became her best friend at while she was a little girl and she said that she remembered going to one of the valentino memorials when she was a little girl in theta taking her to get an ice cream sundae afterward so this next house that we're gonna take a look at is behind these big shrubs this was a true legend true true legend 80 year career got a start in 1920 the age of 12. mr milton berle ended up in rat videos you're like how did that happen well his nephew was the manager of rat so he got milton berle to be in the music video now what's interesting is that milton got his start as a songwriter and was writing songs for radio then got on the radio was a host and then in the golden age of television he got his own show he was known by the world as uncle milty i believe they used to have an old saying that everyone was watching milton berle he was always seen with that cigar in his hand very famous comedian he was always at a lot of those roasts as well but he yeah he had an 80-year career and it's weird he's one of those people that when you hear a lot of stories about him a lot of them aren't too nice he didn't seem to be a um one of the more well-liked people in in this town but i mean he was a legend like i said i mean it goes back to people like him and bob hope and george burns they were the biggest in the business for that time pretty neat house though now our next house is just a few houses away and this is another pretty well known comedian for his day so here it is here's our next house this was the home of comedian and actor phil silvers now phil was a comedian with a 60-year career and i think i know him most from it's a mad mad mad mad mad mad world i may have said too many mads in there but he also was in a funny thing happened on the way to the forum he actually won two tony awards for that but i think he's probably most famous for his television show in the 50s he had a tv show aptly called the phil silver show and that's where he was a sergeant portraying sergeant bilcoe they called phil the king of the hutzpah he was a jewish comedian very very well loved and very long career like i said 60-year career really beautiful house too now this is our next house they're actually working on rebuilding it or renovating it now and it is massive it takes up the entire block going all the way back there all the way around the side corner property and it's very fitting that it would be so big because the person who lived here at the time was the biggest star in the world marie dressler marie dressler was a career comedian mainly on the stage for most of her career she started her career at the age of 12 and was on in theater for many many years and did some silent movies and then her career kind of stalled out and she ended up living off her savings for quite a while and then eventually decided to get back into film and the first thing they put her in was min and bill and it was a success and she won an academy award for that now she was also has the fame of being in the very first full-length um motion picture tilly's punctured romance with charlie chaplin and mabel norman but this was her house marie ended up dying at the age of 65 but at the time i believe i had read in other books that she had the largest dressing room on the lot on the studio lot at that time so the house behind this shrubbery wall was the former home of the only person that we're talking about today that's still alive this was the former home of gene hackman jean's probably most known for french connection or mississippi's burning hoosiers poseidon adventure guy's done tons and tons and tons of movies he's as good at dramatic stuff as he is comedy and if you remember when i interviewed joanna cassidy she told me that he was one of the greatest she ever worked with she said there was just a he was so professional he expected everyone to know what they were doing on set or he would walk off and he was a true true professional now he ended up retiring he had a 60-year career and then ended up retiring from film to work on his novel so he now lives as far as i know in santa fe new mexico and as a novelist but he won a couple of awards for his acting and had a great fantastic career i always love him in the royal tannenbaums i know that's not one of the most popular he was in but he's so good in that then of course like i said i love hoosiers beside an adventure because my friend shelly was in it and she actually told me when she was alive that she didn't really like him she said that he insisted on getting top billing in the poseidon adventure over her and that she was a bigger star at the time in her mind and she said then her big scene was supposed to be saving him um while he was underwater and when they went to do the scene he refused and said that's not what my character would do he would save her and so they reversed the roles and that really infuriated her so she told me when he was supposed to be saving her and bringing her back up she actually pulled him down and tried to drown him this was his house and then another big star who was in mid and bill with marie dressler who we just talked about his house is the next one just a few houses down now this is our next house right here this was the home [Music] of wally berry wallace berry now i try not to generally say too many negative things about people on my vlog but there are so many stories about how bad he was for a talented guy on screen which he was he was the star of the movie the champ and treasure island and pancho villa he was known for not being a very great guy he was the first husband of gloria swanson believe it or not when she was very young she was still not even an adult yet when they got married and that was mainly the problem was that they were their age difference was significant i think he was 30 and she was 16 or 15 something like that but he uh he has a lot of stories wrapped up with him i remember reading about how child actors that worked with him in like treasure island stuff said that he was very mean on set to the kids if they were doing a close-up or something he would take like a needle or something and be like jabbing them in the side trying to mess them up and you know just a very cruel humor and then he's also kind of attributed with the even though it's not been proven a lot of people allegedly believe he was behind the beating death of ted healy um up at the trocadero ted was beaten by three men some of the stories are that it was a college group and some was that it was wallace berry and cubby broccoli and that what happened was it happened the night before wallace was to take off on a overseas trip on a boat and so they beat ted up and he died basically the next day and while espiri got on a boat over to film a movie overseas and it basically all just went away but he was the biggest star of his day right there with marie dressler he was the biggest talent on that lot it's also kind of interesting to me that both of them would be and min and bill both be the respective biggest stars at the studio and then they would live on the same street on the same block at opposite ends of the block both on the corner line it is a beautiful property but it's kind of sad when you've read all the stories about them that i've read well here we are at our next house this is a kind of a hilltop property and this is a great one he's not necessarily a tv star though he was on tv and known for that and he wasn't necessarily a movie star he was more of a lounge star but he was on tv he was on the dean martin rose but he made his start kind of doing trying to be an actor in movies this was don rickles house he was in run silent run deep with clark gable early on was that kelly's heroes with clint eastwood casino with robert de niro and then he was in all those dean martin rose so this is the walkway into don rickles place now don was great because he was the guy who did all of those roasts and he just had a comment or a remark about everyone and it became kind of a badge of honor to be insulted by don rickles people loved it it was like you went to a don rickles show to be insulted and one of the people that really helped him get his start was also a man that he considered to be one of his best friends frank sinatra see frank i believe it was that don's don was performing in jersey and frank's mother had seen him and liked him and told frank he should go see him and then don knew who frank was and while he was on stage started like making fun of frank and frank loved it and they became best friends and it became a running joke that don would always say that frank was you better be careful what he said because otherwise frank would have his knees broke or something so pretty cool the great don rickles house one of the things that was kind of interesting about don rickles that he used to appear on jimmy kimmel live a lot at the end of his life and turns out that don had befriended a lot of younger comedians so people like jeff ross and john stamos and those kind of people they were all great friends with don and would come hang out with him right up until his death i remember when he passed away everyone had like a big gathering on the jimmy kimmel show bob saget and all those guys talking about just how great of a mentor that don was and how great of a friend he really was he said you know he would make fun of you and bash you but he really did have a heart of gold so yeah sorry you can't see too much but like i said it's a hilltop house so the best we can see is probably the entry gate up there he would have come and gone from to go do all those memorable performances and all those dean martin rose now we have one more house to see here on alpine drive and it's further up the hill so i'm hoping we can see it but if not i'll at least tell you whose house it was because i used to watch this show on nick at night when i was growing up so this is the location of where our next house was supposed to be in our last house but it's been demolished and the house number's even been changed but what used to be here was one of the former homes of donna reed who was on the donna reed show and of course we know her from the christmas classic it's a wonderful life she played mary you can tell because the house address that used to be here 9 29 is completely gone and been renumbered to 9 35. still a cool place but yeah sometimes that's what happens when you find a listing and you go to see it it's been torn down all right my friends we're going to call it a day thank you kelly frost patty arnett and rebecca stone for becoming my newest patreons thank you all for watching i hope you enjoyed this tour of alpine drive we'll see you all next time have a great night and good [Music] bye cause there's a grace
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 295,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, travel guide, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, scandals, film, comedy, los angeles, tourist, adam the woo, Celebrity homes, Star tours, Tour, Beverly hills, Milton berle, Alpine dr., Gene hackman, Theda bara, Don rickels, Walter matthau, Dearly departed, Donna read, Phil silvers
Id: yvSa5hS7p2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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