Motorcycle Coach Reacts To Common Motorcycle Mistakes / Motorcycle Riding Tips

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what is up everybody deigned in the fireman here we're gonna be going over some motorcycle close calls in this video it's me a long-form video but we're gonna be learning quite a bit from this I will be having timestamps in the description and in the first comment I've been listening your guys's constructive criticism and we're gonna make these videos better so we can learn from them so first and foremost if you like these types of videos make sure you hit that joint button there's a join button right next to subscribe button that is for the YouTube memberships that helps support the channel because my first video of this and a lot of my other videos keep getting to monetize because we're talking about close calls accidents but this is an educational type thing so YouTube come on now alright so we have this first one here let's go and watch it and then after we watch the full one I'll be going over it Oh so what we just witnessed was a motorcyclist passing all these other motorcyclists and all these cars at a high rate of speed with a passenger on them with no gear at night so a limited visibility yes so even motorcycles couldn't tell when another motorcyclist was speeding okay that's very important to remember is that these motorcycle there were this motorcyclist was speeding past other motorcyclist and they couldn't see them in their mirrors okay we're gonna start seeing that in some other videos where the motorcyclist is pissed because other cars cannot see them when they're speeding alright so right here we have a group of riders now they're all side by side by side by side and that can play an issue with people wanting to pass so maybe that's why this guy did this but remember at nighttime we have very low visibility low visibility watch out so he's passing everybody on the left he's probably just going too fast didn't realize the turn was coming up and is barely making this turn and it's a lot harder when you have a passenger because now all your inputs are delayed and a little bit slowed so you have to turn hard or brake harder accelerate it's gonna take a lot longer to accelerate all these different things so you should really be careful when you're riding with a passenger they are passing that that person in their passenger is passing a group of other motorcycle riders so definitely not part of the group and you really got to watch out for that [Music] it happens all the time all right so we have a downhill residential neighborhood every single one of these driveways is considered an intersection always watch out for kids pedestrians cars anything and everything coming out of that driveway possibly hitting you so I like the fact that he's in Lane position one lane position to is rarely in position three is closer to these hazards so Lane position one also gives you the best visibility for any blind intersections coming up which is what happens here there's a blind intersection that comes up there's that car there's the hazard we have a new hazard now we got to focus on this hazard until we get past it and then we have another hazards that we got to focus on so right here we see this Chi pull out the reason why he pulled out that far is not to scare you not to cause you to panic is because he's opening up the view we talked about that in the BRC one and the MSF is opening up the view is how you're able to see past a blind turn so if you're supposed to stops we're gonna go over here real quick so you're supposed to stop and there's the line right there you're supposed to stop at that line and for most places it's actually stopping right at the stop sign you're not supposed to pass the stop sign so when you stop if you fully stop what you do after that is you start to creep forward and opening up the view so you can see around that blind turn around all that stuff's for other hazards coming up so when we go back to this part right here he did all three steps he stopped crept up opened up the view all in one time okay that's not what you're supposed to do and will cause a panic for drivers that like this motorcyclist one thing that will happen a lot of my crash videos on my live streams is that people will see this type of stuff and then they will grab that fistful front brake and dump their bike it causes a panic it truly doesn't induce panic and anxiety in motorists if you do this kind of stuff so let's go ahead and lessen that and actually stop and then creep up don't just gun it until it's like oh well there's there's somebody there so I must stop let's not do that as a motorcyclist if you see a car started to do this like so blind turn right now we got a couple frames boom I start seeing that movement that car it's it's something that that stands out and your peripheral you know like a movement what's that that's that's what you need to do with these cars okay you see a little bit of movement let's focus on that okay I see him now okay roll off the throttle I'm gonna roll off the throttle so I could slow down a little bit of engine braking and help out I'm not gonna let go the throttle I'm just gonna roll off the throttle just a little bit I'm gonna start covering that front brake in that clutch I am prepared I am ready to stop if I have to and if I have to I'm gonna remove my fingers off the clutch remove my finger off the front brake you know hovering and get my hands fully on those handlebars and do evasive maneuvers if I absolutely have to so at this point I've already slowed down a little because I've rolled off the throttle and now I see that he actually is stopped so I'm gonna go ahead and scoot on over since I see that there's nobody on this side scoot on over just a little bit just in case and then go ahead and accelerate out of here I want to get away from this hazard would not do that do not do that because now he's behind you and well first of all your jerk if you do that but he's behind you now and you just created a connection with that driver a negative connection who knows what he's gonna do with that [Music] all right so this is a very very unique type of roadway here we have motorists on the right motorists on the left go in the opposite direction the centerline I think that's a median is that if somebody can correct me if I'm wrong here I had somebody help me out with some some weird roadways out in other countries this is not something I'm too familiar with but the one thing that I can take away from this and that I am familiar with is Lane filtering lane splitting because I see that all the time I've actually practiced a little bit of it in California I'm not an expert at it but I do know that you know with speed and with going next to vehicles it creates massive hazards so the one thing that we really got to watch out for when it comes to Lane filtering or lane splitting is to reduce our speed we don't want to go anything over five to ten miles per hour over the flow of traffic because if we start increasing our speed more and more and more that doesn't let them know where we are in space and time that doesn't let them know how fast we are we got one headlight and then two tires side by side so it's it's like it's not much to go off of and they can't judge our distance they can't judge our speed they can't judge where we are so they start making decisions on uneducated guesses and they're assuming we're farther than we really are so that's why we need to slow down our speed also we need to slow down our speeds so that we have a better reaction time we have more of a distance okay reaction distance so the further you can see an object and and react to the better and if we slow down we can see the object way ahead of time but we still have plenty of time to get there that's the whole point of that now if we're hauling butt and it's way out there and we're hauling butt and then we barely see at the last second that's not good enough or if something pops out in front of us and we're going really fast we don't have any reaction time we don't have any stopping distance nothing but if something juts out in front of us and we're going at a relatively slow speed or with in traffic we have a better chance it's right here he's going pretty fast we have all these vehicles stopped on the side of the road right here there's a reason why they're stopped whether it's just backed up all the way or somebody stopped up front to let pedestrians through now why would we want to think that there could be pedestrians or even an obstacle in the way because remember pedestrians are our obstacles they really are they're not ones we should run over but they're obstacles let's go back just a little bit you see this right here there's a don't do this sign that's what I call those don't do this sign and it says do not turn right how can we turn right it's grass there's grass on the Left there's grass on the right what do you mean turn oh there must be some form of an intersection one where motorists aren't supposed to go so who can go I don't know there's intersection intersections danger I don't know if it's interesting intersection for pedestrians bicyclists motorcyclists skateboarders Park Horrors I don't know okay we got to figure this out we also have a little turn lane here Oh there's pedestrians right there I see a bright yellow shirt with people on bikes we should be slowing down we should not be like oh well they might make it going too fast for the speed going too fast for the speed in that condition all right let's jump into this one [Music] Oh [Music] I thought was going so fast man all right I treat every single parking lot like it's multiple intersections we have intersection right here we have intersection where that cars coming out we have an intersection right here we're consistently applying intersection rules in a parking lot this is something you should really start thinking about also I heard him say what the f but it wasn't him it was his passenger he has a passenger on his bike so acceleration deceleration turning are delayed slowed because you need to have gentler inputs okay so remember that I really want to see I can't because the mirrors aren't showing I want to see if that driver just gunned it to that spot to stop I know plenty of drivers that will go full speed and then there's a stop sign boom stop there's no gradual decrease in speed and then stopping there's none of that and I think that's maybe what happened here but we can't assume that so it could have happened that could have happened or he wasn't paying attention was just gonna gun and probably run into the building I don't know a bunch of different situations here we got to watch out for that so acceleration so he accelerated out of that he has a passenger who knows maybe they he doesn't have a [ __ ] bar on that cruiser of his so she could have felt back if she's not paying attention either so this is where you need to tell your passengers hey if there's a situation I want you to constantly looking out and there's there could be a situation within a split second I need you to hold on I need you to be stable on this bike almost at all times you need to let me know when you're gonna be shifting weight you need to let me know if you're gonna be messing around that way I know for a fact like I I'm in a bad spot I got to be extra careful in this situation it's like okay I need you to hold on and I tell her that hold on just in case something happens in this parking lot we're in a hazard perception hazard mode and this is something that you could definitely talk to your passenger about but if you take a quick look let's go back just a little bit so his his focus is on is on this car anybody see the the in front of him maybe buddy see that van so we're going straight we have a van with the headlights shining right at us and he's moving that van that van and in this car our hazards in this area their hazards in this area so he's accelerated to dodge but that car that van right there move out of the way luckily [Music] that could have been a lot worse because he's accelerating really hard you hear the tires squealing and he's turning the handlebars so you could lose traction and have that rear tire fishtail from you and just kind of moving around got to be careful with that going so fast man [Music] slow down there it is all right so we have a blind turnaround here this has traffic that flows both ways through this tunnel it's a very narrow tunnel so if you're gonna go into it go into it when you there's enough room or when it's clear actually not what if it's enough room so don't try to lane filter here when it's clear and then get out of there go go go and that's what he does here good we just passed that hazard now we got to get ready for the next hazard the next hazard could present itself in a bad spot to where our speed is now putting us in a bad spot so let's slow down getting ready for the next hazard I don't know what the speed limit is here but it's very congested this is one of those situations where I'm just taking a nice and easy I don't know if this car I wanted to turn left maybe last second to come in here I don't know if any cars want to come in through this blind turn right here we don't really know so this is where speeding up is not a good option boom there's the car right there it's behind the play button right there the car peaked itself out this is a lot like that downhill video we just watched be very careful this one he actually decided to go so I add an increased speed if we just kept increasing crease increase increasing our speed we're gonna t-bone this person so what we have to do to not t-bone this person is slow down slow down slow down slow down slow down you hear him down shifting here I'm slowing down that's what's really saved them in this situation honking horn didn't really save them but here's the thing when you apply the horn or you get up next to somebody and you start making a ruckus you're gonna cause a panic okay when you cause a panic people will either brake which we see a lot in motorcyclists is that they brake and then drop the bike or you're gonna have a car just gonna stop if the car just stops and you are at this point and you honk the horn he stops boom you just got hit or while you hit him so honking the horn is not necessarily the best bet the best bet in this situation is to slow down and then evaluate your escape paths if you possibly can and remember escape path is behind you also so applying the brakes like just applying the brakes stopping is an escape so you can also apply the brakes slow down and then release the brakes and then swerve that's also an option or you could just straight-up swerve swerving to the left we'll put you in the path of the driver putting swerve into the right will not put you in the path of the driver because who knows maybe he stops right here we don't know in the in the situation split-second you have no clue so you need to get yourself away from hazards remember the proximity mines there landmines get away from them [Music] okay [Applause] all right so right here first and foremost we know that there's an intersection coming up how do we know that there's an intersection coming up well there's two signs we have a sign we have a sign we have everything to tell us that something is about to come up yellow hazards everything it's a hazard hazard hazard intersections or hazards so now that we know that we're going into a situation we're getting ready don't know why you honked at that person brake lights another clue there's our clue something's happening either they're stopping or I don't know but I know there was a cross intersection here so maybe it's a stop sign maybe it's something like that let's keep watching we got the air horn from a fire truck ooh something Bad's happening I see a truck right here turning in front of a fire truck and they're honking the horn trust me Engineers on fire trucks do not honk the horns at at civilians unless it's absolutely needed to because we don't want complaints you don't want complaints you only honk the horn if it's absolutely needed and if you're justified and sometimes it's not just the engineers the captain's will actually honk the horn and it looks like the driver but it's actually the passenger honking the horn it's pretty funny okay so the fire truck was coming in from this direction let's see okay so right there I see a stop sign stop sign and stop sign so three stop sign is it a four-way stop somehow it's not a four-way stop it looks like it's a three-way stop so why would the fire truck be honking quite possibly is the fire trucks turn to go and this truck just went so that can happen if you're going as a motorcyclist and they just go so that's why let's take away from that that we need to be very cautious even on three-way stops we have the right away but at the end of the day that truck is bigger than us we're gonna crush our our bodies into it so let's let's kind of watch out let's watch out on intersections that's a good example of what we should really watch out for [Applause] [Music] got a way around still a lot of traffic okay good job good job so right here we have a wet road and it was raining when we saw the play through so that we have water going onto the action camera which you know it's going to blur up the camera but it's also going to blur your face so if you have water on your facial it's actually going to blur your vision which is not good and then on top of that we have motorists with their vision blurred with the water on the windshield especially if they don't have windshield wipers or they're really bad so that's not good so right here we got loss of traction so be careful with that and if you noticed we also don't have a shoulder anymore it's not a just a simple dirt grass or whatever it is shoulder we have water runoff and it's actually tearing into the the gravel causing like a main stream which can cause a bump if you ever have to go off the the asphalt onto gravel for vase maneuver it's gonna bump you so be prepared for that type of obstacle so this is a dangerous situation guys okay so you can tell he saw it a little while ago he saw the hazard coming up there's only real two or two or three options here and some of them are not good so let's say three options so a third option is or number the first option is to come over here into this uncoming traffic as an escape path well it's not a good option because you're gonna get hit by this vehicle another option you could do is apply the brakes so applying the brakes you might skid because it's wet but you remember to trust your tires so it probably won't skid if you made sure his tire pressure and his tires are in good condition but if you stop in the road what's gonna happen you got a van or the bus still coming so you can possibly get hit so that's still not a good option really the only option you can is to move to the left the other option is the accelerator but why accelerate in this situation it's not it's not called for but moving over to the left either all the way off or off to the little bit of mount so what he chose was a little bit of the amount of to the left which is fine but here's the thing is well if that bus got too close to the other cars on the other side or the other cars kind of pushed him and almost hitting the bus and the bus decided to move over your the end result and you're gonna fall or get crushed underneath this rear tire so he was able to evade that situation right there so he saw number two now this one he's got to make the same kind of decision either go to the left stop accelerate or turn or go right he's gonna go left again but this time he recognized that there's absolutely no road left for him to be on so he decides to go off of the pavement when you go off to the pavement just realize that you're going from a lot more traction or not a lot more traction you're going with let's say 70% traction because it's diminished because of the rain - possibly 20 to 30% traction it's enough traction to keep your bike upright if you do it properly but you're going from a lot more traction to a lot less traction especially with a big bump you can't tell if this is a deep puddle pond puddle that you can't tell this is a deep puddle or not so pick an area that you can actually see ground and that's what this dark spot is dark spot is and then see how he does it he goes to this spot right here he what he did is pulling the clutch turned into it straightened up and right now he's holding in the clutch or possibly popped it into neutral the reason why you want to do that is because when you are riding on asphalt you have that traction so your tire that's rotating so it's got power to that rear wheel its traction it's grabbing that ground it's propelling you forward the moment you go from that amount of traction to barely any if not none and it still has the same amount of power to that rear wheel it could slide it could until it grabs it's gonna slide until it grabs traction so what you do is when you go from asphalt to gravel is that you pull in the clutch so that way you remove power from that rear wheel and then as soon as you get on to the gravel you start releasing it towards that friction zone okay so you pulled all the way in and start releasing it towards that friction zone while you're playing with the the throttle control so you have to marry those things up and then you find the traction the RPM the tire power all that stuff you need for the gravel and you'll feel it and then you can continue on going but you need to make those transition the same goes to our same applies to ice in the road snow on the road all those different things go over it with your clutch pulled in if you can if it's a straight line and do your absolute best with that keeps happening [Music] we're just flying like no other he's relaxing it's good it's good Oh not close it was close oh man no scary alright okay so we're gonna go over this real quick and he says we are flying through this that means this is his rider with him they're staggered it's not the best staggering personally I would have the person up front goes more towards the left that way they present themselves better to incoming traffic and then this rider will be off to the side but is this in this situation it's fine that's not where we were critiquing here we're critiquing the fact that he almost ran into a car turning left in front of him typically motorcyclists would be like well the car turn left in front of me it's their fault their fault their fault their fault dumb dumb dumb but let's go over this and let's figure out how we could have prevented even that panic and that that comment that the whole situation how can we prevent that that's what we're doing here we're just flying like no other you know and some people are gonna say well why is he doing this why is he moving around like this that's that's dumb that's that no actually he's relaxing he's playing with his bike this is one of the beauties of having your bike and also when you're moving like this you're actually presenting yourself in a very good situation like I've talked about is that if you're just sitting still nobody can see you if I'm like Drax the destroyer nobody can see me right now what if I'm moving you could see me right if I'm sitting still camouflaged within the background of all the other headlights in the road you can't see me but also you start seeing this yeah so the present presentation presenting himself he might be doing that indirectly he's probably just having fun but that is something you could do and I do that before almost all intersections he's playing so how did all of a sudden it became yellow well let's go back it's green let's see the moment I see green I see green way over here so I'm pretty far away and it's been green for a little bit that is a stagnant green light and my reaction to those is that it's gonna turn yellow it's gonna turn red very soon so I need to relax I need to kind of get ready for this I need to be very cautious so if you see a green light that's been going on for a while be prepared to slow down and possibly stop it's still green and turns yellow right now this motorcyclist is well enough away so if he was prepared for that green to turn yellow boom apply the brakes stop and a day no problem no clothes called nothing that's the end of it this motorcyclist is definitely far away enough to where it's like oh well I can just stop anyways even if I wasn't paying attention so he got lucky in this situation but then we started watching this he still goes now we have brake lights because a car right because the cars right there the cars just trying to get out of the intersection because it just turned yellow and this motorcyclist had plenty of time to stop that's what the car driver thought he was gonna do is stop because he had so much time to stop he assumed so he decided to go and when when he decided to go he's gonna just keep going turned red barely into the intersection when it turned red okay technically that's not running a red light but is it safe no that was a swerve that was a swerve so we have brake lights right here let's see when did he first apply the brakes okay he was gonna go through it he was gonna go through without any type of brake lights he did not slow down before the intersection unless he did some engine braking but this is the moment that there's brake lights so he's applying the brakes this could be the ABS kicking on on off on off on off on off at this point I you're not gonna stop in time so what he does he sees prepared you see his body position he's prepared to do an emergency maneuver which is a swerve to the left so it was a good choice to go left not right but then he released the brakes so he released the brakes and did it that is what you want to do you do not want to swerve and brake at the same time we actually see that in the live streams all the time people dump in the brakes because of panic braking while trying to swerve we're trying to turn so if you would like to see these things live and actually have commentary and talk with me while I'm doing these live streams make sure you hit that subscribe button and hit that notification bail button I live stream every single week and actually did one earlier today that was close yep [Music] I already don't like this one okay what the seriously come on [Music] John man people cannot freaking drive I swear to God [Music] what is he doing alright right off the bat this scene shows him accelerating and about the pass okay so his buddies way up here this is a very reckless two-person crew maybe there's a third or four that are way behind her way up front I don't know but this is very reckless this is getting from point A to point B as fast as possible and to have that dopamine adrenalin rush that's what this is this at no point is this trying to get through traffic and be safe so this is the opposite what about what I teach so if you're doing this stuff let's scale it back let's learn a little bit and this is why you shouldn't do this we're gonna go over why you shouldn't be doing this stuff so right here first and foremost he's hauling ass he's trying to keep up with his buddy peer pressure and ego are gonna make you have so many mistakes a ton of mistakes you're gonna be following too close you're gonna be merging the the wrong way you're gonna be speeding like crazy which will make it to where other cars cannot judge where you are in space-time they can't tell how fast you're going because you have that like I said that single headlight and then two tires but they're front front to back so you look like a walking headlight you look like a car that could possibly be far away and they can't tell so they're gonna make decisions based off of that so right here immediately we have him accelerating super super fast trying to catch up to his buddy that's a no-go already all over the place reckless driving definitely speeding not doing what he's supposed to be doing don't do this you see how is a jump cut and he's doing like dude getting getting amped up because something almost happened this is this is that oh crap oh crap oh crap moment well they must have failed that playing Tetris because you're not supposed to put a block on top of the block when you can actually make it around okay so what happened here is this guy probably picked a really bad line and got caught up by two cars and can't make it to the right can't make it to the left has to slow down but since he's a high rate of speed he has to really slow down and now the person behind him which is this guy with the camera has to slow down even more that is not what we want to be doing out on the interstate or out on the road we just put ourselves in that hazard so what you need to do here is obviously let's not speed at all and it's actually follow traffic controls but I'm gonna pick apart this one and I'm gonna tell you like what he shouldn't be doing right here speeding had to come up to this so now his only escape path is all the way across multiple lanes to this open lane or you can lane filter or you can go onto the shoulder which actually looks pretty torn up or slow down he definitely can't accelerate cuz he's gonna hit the car those are his options right here and that doesn't give a lot of options to this motorcycle rider either so let's continue on with this but yeah the jump cut makes me believe that this was a rider's fault but they didn't want to show it there's another jump cut to the next one independence Boulevard if anybody around here knows where that is try them in in the chat so you see how he's okay he's doing head checks okay and then here's the next hazard we have a car coming into our lane so let's go back just a little bit so there's the head check there's the original car they both want to get into this Lane they're both side by side this car is passing the motorcyclist so they assume they see the motorcyclist they assume hey this is an open lane I'm gonna move into this Lane right here but I can't do it right now I'm gonna do a little bit later fine these motorcyclists want to get out of behind this vehicle because it slowed them down they are on this dopamine adrenaline rush so let's get out of here let's get into an open lane and gun it again so right now this motorcyclist is gonna make that decision ego I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it ego is gonna play a role in this this guy is his hand on his hips he's like I got a weight now I got a weight that's fine because that's what you're supposed to do so we're right here we have this guy going to the left lane very quick very high rate of speed accelerated through now we have this car wanting to go in that Lane - we don't know that yet as the motorcyclist you see him crossing or getting close so we're gonna use these cracks in the concrete right here you can kind of see it as a baseline he's starting to creep up to that baseline that is an indication that oh he's coming into my lane we have brake lights here everyone there's congestion right here but we're accelerating we're going crazy what so applying the clutch to rev bomb is not gonna do any good okay you both went into the same spot your justice as a fault as the other driver okay but it's our job as motorcyclists to predict that right there so he actually merged within their blind spot so you see this is the blind spot right here he merged within the blind spot of the other driver he's in their blind spot how's the drivers supposed to see him once again we're enough or not we are we are focused on this but this rider is not focused on blind spots this focus is on on the the adrenaline dump and the dopamine rush that's what he's focused on so he's not thinking about safety he's not thinking about blind spots he's thinking about speed speed speed fun-fun-fun that's fine that's fine but these are the risks you're putting yourself in and you wonder why there's so many motorcycle accidents and fatalities so rev bombing what happens there is you have to pull in the clutch remove power from the rear wheel and then use the throttle to make the RPMs go up that's what you're doing but is that is that doing anything for your primary controls and so you can escape if you absolutely have to no you just remove power to your bike so to do what not much and you see how he accelerated just there to maintain his speed so he slowed down and then got even closer to the car he is right behind this car ones if that car brake checked him cuz he just pissed them off right who knows maybe he pissed off this honda driver so i'm gonna break check this motorcyclists screw and what do most motorcyclists do in his panic situation like this fistful front brake try to turn boom dump but we're going like 70 miles an hour now don't get behind this driver well there's my buddy what are you doing man what are you doing long as if this motorcyclist the number five here decided to hey he had to hit apply the brakes really hard because there's a car that did the same thing to him or that there's an obstacle in the road but we have right here we have this cruiser a rider getting pissed off at this driver not looking we're supposed to go and boom right there you see what I mean let's not focus on what doesn't need to be focused on [Music] all looking now we're speeding not freaking drive we're speeding yes look at this you're telling me that's other people you're telling me it's other people look at you guys [Music] it happens okay whoa what what are you doing hey man you got a look all right let's move me over here so we can see this hazard I think we'll just leave me there from now on make sure you hit this little button right here it's a subscribe button let's do it alright so we have a car that's going to come out from over here this is a big concern for for a lot of us because this is cars turning left in front of us is a massive massive killer of motorcyclists so there's the car there's the car slow down or speed up get out of there base of maneuvers at no point did this guy do accelerate decelerate move left or right nothing what he did was he took his eyes off of what's in front of him and then he also applied the horn which took his fingers off of one of his primary controls was just clutching the handlebars so that is a big thing right there and then this is another big thing and this is something that I don't want you guys ever to do he literally just stopped another vehicle which is a car which can run your ass over he just stopped in front of this vehicle and then shuts off his bike applies the sidestand turns off the sidestand stares at the other driver if I am that driver and I see somebody stop right in front of me turn off their engine side stand down I think there's a confrontation about to happen I think this guy's about to get off his bike I am being prepared to defend myself and my family you don't know what I have in my car so as a motorcyclist getting pissed off do not do this you don't know what this guy has that he's gonna defend himself with don't do that just continue on with your day man yeah look he even says sorry I apologize I heard that [Music] Master Chief over here watch the biker ahead okay well there's another one Oh so we've got john-117 right here riding his motorcycle and no gloves so he doesn't have all the gear it's not gonna help him mitigate any type of crashes he's going 91 I'm gonna assume km/h what is that he's going 56 miles per hour roughly but he's definitely going well above the rest of traffic see how fast he passed that vehicle so we're gonna watch the biker ahead this biker did not see him at all you want to know why we have this car going this way blocking line-of-sight so as the motorcyclists masterchief over here going 102 km/h he can see the motorcyclist kind of especially after this vehicle moves out of the way but the motorcyclist is not gonna see him he's not 100% focused on his mirrors you know maybe he's not ninety percent focused and ten percent focused this way no he's looking forward so to assume that this driver is gonna or this motorcyclist is gonna see you when you're going above everybody else I don't think so man luckily got out a situation so he's saying used mirrors it's not gonna help you the mirrors weren't gonna do anything mirrors weren't gonna do anything at all we just saw in the first video with the nighttime riding that dude haulin ass and almost crashing into the the guardrail passing all those other motorcyclists is that guy saying at the same time hey [ __ ] use your mirror is he telling all those motorcyclists the ones he's passing up almost crashing saying use your mirrors no he was a he was a jerk for passing so now you're in this situation you're that jerk then we got this one with the kids so this is a blind turn right here this is a blind turn and he says please don't leave kids alone kids are gonna dart out they see something shiny they're gonna do something weak these kids probably three or four years old okay I see legs right here and I see pedestrians I need to slow down slow down if you ever see a kid on a sidewalk be careful be cautious they do dumb things [Music] okay alright so we have multiple intersections here and when I say multiple intersections I mean this right here so we have a pedestrian crosswalk that is an intersection everybody I need you guys to understand that okay it's not an intersection for motorists it's an intersection for people to enter our roadway which become obstacles now that we can crash into or if we stop somebody can crash into us so this is where we have to be extra careful on this so this is the moment and that's the moment that the person decided to edit in his beeping and then also this is the part where he actually realized he needs to start applying the horn or whatever it is he felt like he needed to do but this is where he saw he searched he evaluated and then he executed a horn very quickly so he searched evaluated executed horn he searched sawed these people in the in the in the crosswalk evaluated if there were hazard not and he decided to apply the horns he thought their hazard and that is that is his solution for that hazard okay fine perfectly fine do what you need to do my concern in this situation is that the people behind me aren't gonna see these pedestrians so if I apply the brakes and they don't see why I'm plying the brakes or they don't even see me applying the brakes I'm scared of getting hit so in this situation I'm going to start rolling throttle apply a little bit of the brake pressure so that it flashes my lights so you can tap that rear brake just a little bit a little tip it a tap tap and it'll push their brake lights on and that will hopefully let the people to know behind you that something's happening [Music] they don't care they don't care these pedestrians don't care this situation now is like I need to get out of here get out of here get out of here that's my concern I need to get out of here so now that they're out of my way especially when they get on the sidewalk perfect that's crazy how their instep get it anyways I'm gonna get out of here I'm out of here I don't want to get hit by a car behind me boom they're out of my way let's go but the simple fact that he does this imagine getting rear-ended because the person behind you thought you're gonna go because you wanted to do a room room you wanted to do a little rev bomb yeah oh whoa checking for poop all right so we have this situation where there's not much of context before the incident but from what I can gather here is that we have obviously an intersection right here where there's a car waiting with a stop sign and then we also have it to where you can go this way but why is this car applying the brakes why is this car applying the brakes in the middle of a turn this car is not applying the brakes in the middle of the turn why do you think the cars applying that and I'm talking to you guys like it's a live stream so if you guys like live stream type stuff where you have full interaction with me make sure you click that subscribe button maybe even click that join button help support the channel clicking that joint button really does help us channel see if you like it anyways this guy is not applying the brakes cuz he's gonna keep going this guy's applying the brakes cuz he's gonna either stop turn or just stop that's what he's gonna do so he's gonna turn left probably cuz there's probably intersection coming up oh there's the intersection so now I know why he's applying the brakes it's not because there's an object in his path he's not applying the brakes because this guy is slowing down he's not he's accelerating or he's just maintaining a speed this motorcyclist is increasing his speed into a vehicle that has their brake lights on it doesn't sound very safe or smart so this should be your clue this brake lights or these brake lights right here on the car should be your clue that you need to start slowing down he doesn't realize it until you start hearing the tires squeal right there he didn't realize that he had to stop now I don't know if he expected this person and knew this person was turning left and he was just hoping this person would you know get out of his way in time for him to just continue on speeding but here's the thing guys is that this is a hazard and it's a moving hazard and it's gonna either get closer or further away from you that's as simple as that the hazard will get closer to you if it's applying the brakes and you're accelerating towards it or it's gonna get further from you if it's applying the brakes and you're slowing down to pace it so let's not accelerate into a vehicle that has stopped because he didn't know the motorcycles didn't know about this truck the reason why this guy decided to fully 100% stop is because in all to make this turn this truck has to go past him and he has to go around the truck he's not going to gun it just because you're on his ass so really the only skate paths you have in this situation is to straighten up maybe even turn harder and try to make it through here but turning left around him is a very dangerous move but it's the only thing that he could think of at the time because maybe this guy did want to go maybe the truck has a stop sign we don't know but he decided to go and this car driver could have easily turned left in front of him but what we're gonna do is we're going to take what we have here and I want to emphasize that this is the amount of room you truly need for an escape path Lane filtering you just need this a little little bit the shoulder you just need this a little bit remember we're a single track tires we have two tires yeah we're not like a car we have two in front two in the back we have two tires but ones in front of the other we just need this much room so if you have to make an escape path to remember you don't need a full massive Lane you could just use this little bit amount [Music] oh okay scoot back now let's go back now okay so we have an open road we have two semi trucks but it's gonna gradually turn into a blind turn okay so this person this motorcyclist is in the right lane it's he's gonna try to pass these people that's why he's not slowing down which is perfectly fine if you want to start passing these people but now we have a vehicle in our path now we have to slow down in the middle of a turn it's a sharp turn as you can see because of the Chevron's but why is the truck why is the truck moving into your path I don't know follow my my cursor follow the cursor and boom Lane the lane is merging the lane is disappearing what we can't get pissed off about this I don't know what the guy is saying because this cameras attached to the bike itself but we should have slowed down just a little bit I'm pretty sure there was a sign back there that said in a thousand feet lanes are gonna be merging so you're getting that opportunity to see ahead of time in this situation slow down slow down so you increase that just like that if he had to slow down now at this point this was like oopsie close call so slow down increase that space cushion and then start pacing the trucks in front of you until you can pass at a save time and that looks like what he's doing and you see he's merging back over so the motorcyclists can go so this was a situation where the truck just didn't see the motorcyclist okay idiot all right so here we go we're at a train track crossing all those things we have a bunch of cars lined up here and whenever we think about cars lining up we always think about the one wanting to take the least path the resistance which is to get out of the line and make his own path so you always have to watch out for really long lines of cars because somebody could creep out and get out of that line and trust me it's gonna happen 90% of the time all right because it works every time so yep we're waiting for the there we go perfect now we're gonna accelerate out here I've been waiting for a long time yes yes yes let's go let's go let's go I'm so tired of waiting just like every other car [Music] Oh hazard hazards peeking out it's a roundabout so he's supposed to go this way and then around right so he's supposed to go like this he's kind of passing vehicles ever a lot of people do this a lot of people do this so this should be a common thing for you and if it's not common for you then you have been driving or riding around for long in traffic like this people make really weird decisions okay so what he did so you must have came in from way over there so he knew this this motor is new that there is this roundabout so he came in from the oncoming traffic portion which is not good so luckily this motorcyclist saw him in a big open area but imagine seeing this car coming down the oncoming traffic to get around all these people and you're going down it it could get even worse so he's out of your way they made it a bad decision but he definitely didn't come from this gap and I don't think he came from this gap I think he came in from here so you might a came in from that gap decided to go [Music] so this is the motorcyclists fault it's 45 miles an hour it looks a lot like he's going over 45 miles an hour possibly wasn't paying attention because look at he's reaching up where yet wasn't paying attention went off the road it's not even that sharp of a turn it's a pretty gradual turn probably wasn't counter-steering enough or even doing anything until the last second he crossed the double yellow thankfully the truck saw it and scooted over so speed was a factor in this one guys so slow your roll please red car red car red car red car okay cars lined up watch out all right so first things first what I see is that this looks like a little bit of a old town downtown type area and we have a red car kind of coming out that's why I said watch out for the red car because that is the hazard present in that situation so we have a hazard right now which is the car hazard is the car right here and he did a head check because he sees his massive line and he wants to get into this open area so right now that the hazard is this we just passed the hazard so we're good now we have new hazards which we have people in this long line like I just said is that people in long lines are gonna find the path of least resistance which is gonna be in this open lane everybody's gonna think the same way I mean if I was in this line in my car be like I'm gonna is there anybody to come in is there anybody coming nope nope nope all right I'm gonna get in this other Lane so you could have done without the horn if you really wanted to cuz this guy wants to get out of this this traffic anyways this guy wanted to get out of here and accelerate through anyway so you honk the horns not gonna make them accelerate faster it's just gonna remove some of your hands and dexterity away from your primary controls which will help you in an evasive maneuver that's all the horn does honestly horns are almost useless it really is [Music] yep so this is the same driver it looks like it's a it's probably like 10 minutes later but as jump-cut so we have a long line of people now I talked about this in episode 2 is that one way to kind of gauge if there's any type of gaps is to look at there the shade now the shade and this the way the Sun is positioned the shade is actually going towards the back but that still kind of helps out because it brings out a little bit okay we have shade here no shade here that means there's a gap shade here shade here so there's a gap right here typical you can actually see it a shade shade shade shade shade looks like a gap right here and even right here but it looks like there's a gap they're not really close together so Oh something might become another we also have a van right here so you got to watch out for that so right here boom hazard hazard hazard to hazards for the price of one so maximum speed limit begins so I wonder what the speed limit was prior to this that right there the car comes out this motorcyclist never moves from Lane position to the walls of that car creeped out just a little bit never moved this isn't that standoff this is that ego and attitude that I cannot stand for motorcyclists or anybody we're trying to survive here trying to get from point A to point B okay yeah they made a mistake it was a dumb move these guys let them into so are you gonna get pissed off at all these people too or you're just gonna get pissed off of this you're doing a standoff you're staring this person down I'm not moving you move that's that it's that bratty attitude move over don't get close to that yeah you're gonna have you're gonna slow down and have that bratty attitude and do this to him once if he's like yeah screw you and just taps the gas boom bumps you ones of you did that of course he's be at fault of course he's gonna probably get in trouble but at that time is he really thinking that or is he thinking all you're you're standing up to me you know chest-bumped yeah [Music] [Applause] what are you doing what are you doing get out of the road oh my gosh alright so this one this is a typical situation this happens all the time so we have a white vehicle right here pacing himself pacing the driver the motorcyclist and this is the same motorcyclist as the one that was getting upset by the other stuff too pacing himself so he's kind of creeping out because this is open creeping out and waiting for the motorcycles I bet there's probably nobody behind the motorcyclist so he's pacing himself waiting for the motorcyclist to go and then he's gonna go across that happens all the time okay it's a typical thing it's I don't even think it's illegal at all to do nowhere near him no we're near the motorcyclist was not in front of the motorcyclist so there's a there's a chance for the motorcyclist as a t-bone them and the motorcyclist is going too fast to get t-boned by the Honda and this guy in the white vehicle decided to do this because he knew the motorcyclist was going at a certain speed and judged the fact that he could just creep out and never touch him but this was a panic by the motorcyclist and now and now we have the motorcyclist stopping in the middle of the road you see how there's nobody behind the motorcycles there's nobody there now could the guy of went after the motorcyclist yeah but that's not what happened here so let's not get upset by that [Music] get some fuel buddy a few lights on oh so we have a Harley Sportster of some kind either 883 or 1,200 I just remember this remember the speedo here that's either I think that's the fuel gauge I think the check engine lights off to the side a little bit anyways he's probably need to get some fuel he's riding at night Harley's are notorious for having bad bad bad bad illumination so you see the headlight it's kind of kind of terrible and then the brake lights and the running lights are actually kind of kind of bad so that's why I got custom dynamics upgrades to my bike made it so much brighter so make sure you get yourself an LED conversion kit of some kind really give yourself that visibility at night but right here the the van that creeped in did something very wrong probably just didn't see the motorcyclist once again inattentional blindness play - probably played a part in this and also the fact that it is at nights of lower visibility so we got to watch out for that kind of stuff but he did a good job about not panicking and plying the brakes and dropping the bike lane positioning how could it help in this situation possibly be in lane position 3 to protect your lane but there's really not much that drivers gonna do what he's gonna do anyways and I've never had a situation where being in Lane position 3 whoever really protected my lane people either saw me or didn't there was no like well I see him I don't think I'm gonna make it because he's protecting his lane oh I've never had that situation but that's my own anecdotal opinion so if there's somebody out there that has survived and somebody saw like a car saw you because you were protect your lane please write in the comments I'd love to hear about that it's clips from last year well it's new to me so so far the bike feels really sturdy really nice cool test ride oh well we a you know alright so he's coming up to an intersection here so once again intersections have been playing a huge role in possible close calls I hopefully you guys are picking up on that the bike feels really sturdy really nice okay so it's a blind turn so you see how it's a blind turn right here this car has made up made a decision you see how he's turning he's never slowed down these subtle Clues you'll actually see them while you're driving so if you're driving this is the what I want you to do the next time you drive a ride I want you to really pay attention this is this is your parking lot practice for your motorcycle if you're a passenger or if you're driving a car I want you to start looking at cars and see if you can start predicting their behavior before they even do it remember let's let's think about you know what the car is doing the treat treat the car and the driver is one in the same what is the car doing the cars nose is pointed this way the cars tires are pointed this way the car never slowed down the car typically would slow down to let me go right but the car never slowed down that's so weird maybe he's going into this little median okay let's see if he goes in the median well he's never slowing down he even did an even sharper turn so now I need to start applying the brakes very good let's see if my let's go ahead move my head out of the way very good man you're applying the brakes good job good job good job let's go ahead put me back yeah yeah I feel comfortable there and yeah applying the brakes progressive brake pressure didn't ply a lot he applied the horn I don't know if that's taught and everywhere else but I don't use the horn like I said applying the brakes very good progressive brick pressure in the middle of a turn very difficult maneuver it's something you learn in the BR c1 which is the beginner class in the MSF but he's doing a very good job with it he's actually applying the brakes oh there you go let's put me over here he's playing the brakes very well and I like that I really do like I said in the turns a little bit harder because if you're a turn you're applying the brakes just good chance you could dump the bike but he's doing it very progressively and while straightening up the bike I love it it's pulled me back put me back [Music] so this was a weird one it almost seems like the the the car driver just was not paying attention creaked in des Lane was notified by the horn so this is like the one time the horn will work but this also needs to be on us a little bit okay when you look at her mirrors when you look at her things one thing that we could possibly do is remember we want to protect our lane but we also don't want to bully people from being in a safe spot maybe this guy decided to change because he needed to change because it was unsafe for him we can never really assume or never really know that in that situation when it just happens so one thing I like to do is be more of a defensive rider and be more of a courteous rider and that's probably why I don't honk the horn that's probably why I don't do it I like to be the courteous driver so when I see this guy wanting to come into the lane and he made a mistake because I'm right here so you could see how the the motorcyclist is laying position one which is right here and then you see the car driver starting to creep in so you see the car drivers starting to creep in a little bit right there so that right there tells me that he's coming into my lane so I'm either gonna move all the way to the left or slow down so he didn't even see or execute any to anything at all until about right here okay that's why he started honking the horn typically you would honk the horn way sooner but he only honk the horn right here so this is when he saw it and made a decision this is too late at that point apply the brakes let them in and a day it's a shitty situation way too fast way too fast Oh so this is what I'm talking about when it comes to high rate of speed with Lane filtering lane splitting this is the inappropriate way of doing it he's going 116 km/h Hazzard now we have a massive truck this is actually very dangerous we don't have escape paths this massive truck takes up a massive amount of Lane and you have to start sharing this Lane with this car but you don't know what this cars can do this car doesn't see you his car doesn't know that your Lane filtering because you're going to high rate of speed and he's probably not looking for a car so what's happening here is that yeah I'm gonna use my blinker because all I'm focused on is the truck I'm using my blinker let the truck know I'm not here to let you know the motorcyclist you're going 101 km/h luckily luckily that car decided not to just gun it over to the left you would have gotten hit probably ran over by the the semi or the truck [Music] it's an interesting speedo okay it's night time another hazard right there all right vehicle part turning left in front of you okay saw you at the last second very good but what are you doing what evasive maneuvers are you doing as a motorcyclist okay this is the one motorcycle or one evasive maneuver he did was slow down so you you both slow down and almost stopped be like what are we doing here so he did good I like that happens we're going to do the last few just like this guy's going in your lane slow down what do you are you trying to shoot the gap in that situation guys slow down slow down let them go and go to the left of him evade that situation you just put yourself that you're gonna have to shoot that tiny little gap won't if you decided to creep over and now you have no gap roundabouts it's another intersection watch out for traffic coming in front of you wet road so I'm assuming that means roundabout and then yield but you also have to Bri in the middle of turn so you kind of gotta watch out for that he's got a helmet on his handlebars I don't know what that's all about possibly a motorcycle taxi or it's for his passenger he's gonna pick up so I don't be stalled right there looks like the same intersection another yep whoa rear tire slide so he applied a lot of rear brake in that situation and caused that rear tire to slide out from underneath him luckily he didn't drop the bike this was another close call a lot of these situations take these intersections these roundabouts as cautious as absolutely possible you need to be on high alert on every single one of these and then now that you're out of the intersection you can kind of go less of an alert so moderate alert is probably the the best one to stay at that's your default at no point should be riding a motorcycle and have zero alert and like just like everything's fine everything's fine everything's beautiful I don't have to focus on anything it should never be like that it should always have to be like that middle tier middle threat and then these high threat levels when you hit intersections and curves same intersection I don't know if he keeps going to the same one to find stuff so once again it's not always car drivers it's people [Music] it's crazy out there [Music] beautiful music close call line-of-sight was a problem if we go back the bus and everything and it almost looks like this was a one-way road possibly and he was in the wrong yep that's a one-way road he was in the wrong area at the wrong time so this was one of those things where it wasn't recognized by the motorcyclist because typically that's a one-way road but having line-of-sight will help you out with that being this close to the bus you can't see around that bus can you scooting back increasing this space cushion will make it to where you have better line-of-sight so you'll have a better line of sight you'll be able to see that vehicle well ahead of time there's a vehicle right there I can see it close call right there I just want to say thank you to everybody that has made this video possible my youtube members my patreon members everybody guys remember this video could possibly get to monetize it's an educational video YouTube but just in case they decide that it's not please please please help support the channel by sharing these videos signing up as a Youtube member signing up on patreon joining discord is absolutely free but it's a great community for all of us and we get to chitchat and hang out so if you'd like that kind of stuff make sure you click that link in the description beginner motorcycle and remember I have timestamps for everything so you guys can skip around let me know what I could do better on these types of videos it seems like this is the type of stuff you guys really like and I want to do better and better and better so please write in the comments not the chat that's on the side right now I see you guys but the the comments in the below that way I can see and read and comment and respond to you with that setup you ride safe be safe and I'll be seeing you around
Channel: DanDanTheFireman
Views: 728,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Dan The Fireman, Motorcycle, How To Ride A Motorcycle, motorcycle class, beginner motorcycle riding tips, motorcycle riding tips, how to ride a motorcycle for beginners, motorcycle tips, motorcycle racing, DanDanTheFireman, Motorcycle Rider Tips, motorcycle tips for beginners, motorcycle tips for new riders, beginner motorcycle tips, motorcycle riding tips for beginners, beginner motorcycle riding, motorcycle mistakes, rookie motorcycle mistakes, beginner motorcycle mistakes
Id: scJJhJ-ziyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 40sec (4420 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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