14 Keith Moore - Heavenly Visions #4 (How to focus Spiritually)

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thank you praise God well in honor of brother Hagin let's say it again for the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever let's knit together two more times for the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever again for the Lord is good and His mercy endures one more time father and is mercy you are so good so good let's come into agreement in prayer about the rest of the service release our faith for Revelation amen and a supply of the Spirit how many believe you can get things you can't even understand you God at the moment you don't even understand that you receive and a strengthening and a supply Father we're all here together before you our eyes are not on each other our eyes are on you thank you for giving us the mighty Holy Spirit whom you sent to end well us to be our guide and our teacher and our helper grant everybody eyes that see ears that hear and a heart that understands and receives let light down upon us truth that makes us free direction for life answers to questions solutions to problems and we'll give you all the glory and all the praise and we'll say the Lord did it the Lord gave it to us and will not be hearers only will be doers in Jesus name Amen amen means so be it praise God you can be seated would you turn with me this evening to scripture that we've been looking at through the week Acts the 26th chapter Acts chapter 26 acts 20:6 and why don't you go ahead and find well known no telling where I'm liable to go after that so the how I just won't say right now so acts 20:6 are you there we've been talking in session after session from this passage beginning about how Paul was giving his testimonial before King Agrippa and his court and the civil civil leaders that were there and in verse 12 he told them he said whereupon acts 26 12 horn upon as I went up I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests at midday o king I saw in the way a light from heaven everybody say light from heaven light from heaven how wonderful it is above the brightness of the sun shining round about me and then which turn it with me and down in verse 16 he said the Lord had told him rise and stand on your feet for I have appeared to you for this purpose to make you a minister and a nopales both of these things which you have seen and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee so his ministry consisted of sharing and teaching and preaching and writing epistles of what he had seen you know Jesus said in John that we looked at earlier John 5:19 he said I only see how I do nothing except what I have seen with the father so at all of Jesus ministry was the outflow of his personal fellowship with the father and in fellowship with the father the father revealed things to him and he saw the father doing things and I am I'd add this how did he see the father do it well I'm trying to get ahead of myself again I'll get to that in just a minute thank you lord ah read it again he said delivering you verse 17 from the people and from the Gentiles of the whom now I send you to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God how many understand those are parallel phrases if you've been delivered from the power of darkness you've been delivered from the power of Satan amen and if you are seeing light you are seeing God God is light first John 1:5 God is light and in him is no darkness at all he said to open their eyes to turn them from darkness to light from the power of Satan to God that they right may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me or upon Oh King Agrippa I was not disobedient until the heavenly vision think about that phrase not disobedient to the heavenly vision I know that was something that was very prominent on brother Hagins mind if you are talking about him being in heaven if you've read his books particularly about the visions that he's had talking about heavenly vision he was granted and honored with a number of visions from heaven and saw the head of the church and received revelation that has changed my life how many of you would say the same revelation has changed your life well that revelation he didn't think it up he didn't come up with it the head of the church gave it to the body through this ministry gift and he first times he talked about this phrase right here and talk about being obedient to the heavenly visions that had been given well you might not be caught up to heaven you might not have an open vision you might not see the Lord Jesus you could live and die and never have an open vision and see the Lord Jesus and that wouldn't mean anything's wrong with you would mean your own spiritual because these things don't happen all the time and they don't happen for everybody actually there's a lot of responsibility that goes with these sometimes people are clamoring I don't want to see I want to see well you think you do but with this kind of privilege comes great responsibility to do something with what you saw amen and to be faithful to and brother Hagin that was very foremost on his mind all the way to finishing his course about being obedient to the heavenly vision but even though you didn't have an open vision you do get vision from heaven vision from the Lord light that the Lord has given you from the word and in services you've been in and in your personal time in the word and you and I are responsible to walk in that light and not be disobedient to the heavenly vision that we've get we've been given so that loud I will be obedient to the heavenly vision would you go with me to the book of mark please book of mark thank you Lord how many believe the anointing could be strong tonight let's believe for it don't look too much at me now that'll just hinder it I'm serious I'm just as serious as I can be don't look don't look too much at me I won't look too much at you okay let's look to him amen I'm serious about that because if people look too much to the speaker it restricts the anointing it hinders the anointing I know the Lord taught me this when I was working in healing school I had numerous times when there were people in there that had epilepsy or when they had some kind of a diabetic seizure or shock or some kind of thing people to be in the service and just go into a convulsion or something and fall off the chair well the first thing you usually happen is everybody to look at them and then everybody look at me and especially when I first started I was just as green as could be and I'm thinking what and without saying it all these eyes are going do something you know and you know you can't you can scream you can rebuke you can bind in the flesh and nothing happen you know it's not about volume it's not about sweat it's not about waving your arms and spitting it's not flesh will not get anything done you must minister in the spirit minister by the anointing but there are there are keys that affect how much anointing and even if it's manifest and one of them is the Lord does not share his glory did you hear me with with the work of man with flesh and so the Lord I was reading John one day I think Terry when you're speaking on the John 11 just this weekend right and the Lord took me to that passage and I was reading that and the Lord showed me how that when he got to the tomb out there they were all looking at the tomb and they were all looking at him and long those people didn't believe in him not there those Pharisees and the Sadducees and notice what he did the first thing he did he didn't start speaking the last he didn't start looking at the tomb first thing he did looked up remember that started talking to the father there's a real key here now get it he started talking to the face and father I thank you that you heard me and I know that you hear me always so but he was talking also for the benefit of those that were there looking but they may know that you sent me and so now what do you think's going on while he's talking to the father whether their attention goes up right off of him and on to the father and yes he was the son of God yes the son of God to be worshipped to be reference but he's not operating as the Son of God in that in that ministry he's operating as a son of man amen I know that I'm ministering by the spirit just like you or me or anybody else difference is one difference is that he was operating in all the ministry gifts rolled into one a possible profit evangelist pastor teacher with all the gifts and manifestations of the Spirit except tongues and interpretation and so he's looking up talking to the father and when everybody's focus is up then he turns and looks at the two mrs. Lazarus come forth and we shouldn't be shaken you remember when the man brought his lunatic son to Jesus and what was it mark 9 and you know they came down out of the Mount of Transfiguration and when he got down there the crowd was running together they were questioning with the disciples actually berating them and making fun of them because they had failed to get this boy set free and then the man said you know if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us he said if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes and you know when he came the enemy that the devil threw that boy into a convulsion you remember that and he's writhing there and and and Jesus you notice what Jesus didn't do he didn't jump on him and start shaking him and rebuking and mind get the picture and I go back and read it sometimes the boy is there right rolling around convulsing foaming at the mouth I guess and Jesus looks at his daddy and goes how long has he been like that just as good remember that and they're talking about that and his boys were hoping around and rather and then he said Jesus saw the crowd coming together and he commanded that spirit to leave him and not enter him anymore and so I've learned that and in our services we must learn this the Prophet said you know he said for people come to me as your people but they come and they listen as one who would hear a very lovely voice somebody who could sing he's talking about the people come like they're coming to a show that come like they're coming to be entertained and in our society there's so much time that people spend with media watching a screen or listening to a recording or something until the cementing festival come into a meeting and they sit down and they're like okay entertain us that's a problem I said that's a problem and people just focus on the speaker and go wow okay speaker do it and and and if a large number of the crowd is thinking that way the speaker is limited did you hear me that because no speaker you know you and I we know about the anointing we know about the word we don't just come and talk about theory in politics we come and expect an awning manifest amen and we want greater degrees of anointing manifest but it'll be when both speaker and hearer focuses more on the Lord and not on each other and get away from the entertainment mentality amen and come in a worship mentality in spirit and truth have you found your place and Mark there huh you don't know you didn't pick that up okay chapter 4 then glow it's a god mmm thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord mark for are you there mark for this is a good night I can tell already mark for 21 are you there I want us to talk tonight as the Lord had helped us lead us about different different types of vision and different ways that the Lord illuminates us and gives us light but movies from the words of Jesus from the Masters mouth mark 421 he said is a candle brought to be put under a bushel or under a bed and not to be set on a candlestick what's the answer he's asking us a question answer's no we've already we've seen this in other places do you find this several times in the Gospel accounts is light given to be hidden to be covered over now we've already talked about some prerequisites I mentioned to you in the beginning we talked about things we do to qualify for more light I've already been giving you some of it one biggie is walking in the light you have that's a big one and if you're walking in the light you have you're not covering it you're not ashamed of it but embarrassed about and he goes on to say verse 22 oh I like this you'll find this in Matthew you'll find it mark you'll find it in Luke he said Jesus said there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested Matthew says revealed neither was any thing kept secret but that it should come abroad If any man have ears to hear that in your hearing and singing are connected so many times if you read the prophets as they would hear the word of the Lord they would see what they heard vision and words hearing and seen are connected oh we know this just in our natural technology audio-visual we don't we want to see everyone here right you don't want to picture with no sound right you don't want just the soundtrack no picture it's better when you got audio and visual well God's Way ahead audio you know visual I mean he you know God wouldn't use a computer he wouldn't have one computer - God is like an oxcart I'm talking about super computer to him is like in aqsa they have no use for such primitive objects but we appreciate them huh we're just now learning how light can be transformation can be transmitted through light amen and we have a lot more to learn about how information can be transmitted through sound not just verbage and vocabulary just a tone a tone can communicate whole realms of knowledge I'm looking forward to heaven and the rest of this life that's why so many times you know like minstrels could play under the anointing our singers can sing under the anointing and dr. John late used to talk about a tone or a note tone sounds can express and interpret something of the Spirit just like a spoken word I've actually interpreted the playing of an instrument before somebody would play something and I would interpret it just like you did a tongue why because it's a language it's a language and sometime tones you've heard people sing and I'm not just telling my entertainment some others Tesla tremendous boys are tremendous range I'm not talking about hitting that high high note that's not what we're talking about we're talking about hitting a pitch or a tone that in the spirit that expresses something that the Holy Ghost and it's not words but you can get a whole realm of something in your spirit don't even know what you got hallelujah well it's that way with light perhaps even much more light but here's the great thing I wanted to Street this to remind us that the Lord is not interested in hiding stuff from us he has already given us his word that there is fart verse 22 no thing not thing hid but that what it's going to be manifested Matthew said it's going to be revealed neither what any faith not anything did you get that no you didn't how many things are God gonna keep secret did you get that Hey look nothing new nothing so it's not a matter of if it's gonna come out it's just a matter of whim I could just shout for a little bit right there everything we have ever wondered about we're gonna find out we're going to get beyond knowing in part and they're gonna know the whole my my my my my and we don't have to wait till we get to heaven it's being unfolded now then we're not gonna see it all down here but we're gonna see a lot more and more but we must believe he desires to reveal it to us he's not in the business of hiding it from us he told us there's not anything I'm gonna keep from you there is no thing I'm gonna keep hidden Oh God I'm gonna show you everything everything now that's gonna take a while Ephesian says that during the ages to come he's gonna manifest what does that mean he's gonna show us the manifold riches of His grace I've said it before it'll be a repetition I mean it time won't be like it is now so you can almost wouldn't be correct to use these terms but in them in a thousand years from now we're gonna see so much we're going to knows we go fake glory to God glory to God and he'll say you like that look oh yeah we oh we like that and you'll say look at this and he'll uncover a lot born we'll all go for another thousand years or whatever and then you'll think well I mean what else could you see you know and you'll say you like that we'll go home yeah yeah where you like it he'll go look at this look at this and he'll unfold and reveal much more of his going splendor we'll all go but there is nothing he's gonna hide from us there's nothing that he's going to keep servicing on all that it's not available to you Jesus so read it again read it again that turned to look read it from Luke read it in Luke 8 Oh glory to God glory to God you ought to be happy it ought to make you happy say it out loud everything I should see I will see everything I desire to know I will know nothing will be kept back from me glory glory glory 816 Luke 816 glory to God no man when his lighted a candle covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed but sets it on a candlestick and faith which enter in may see the light for nothing is secret how many things nothing is sacred that shall not be made manifest not one thing neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad not knows what he feels ready to say take heed therefore how you here does your hearing connected with you seeing oh yeah yeah directly today I mean words are coming forth but they are tools to bring vision words mean nothing unless they paint a picture right you know they're just letters grouped together that form something that you can say in pronounce but they they mean nothing unless we their lists are painting a picture and I know somebody that can use words well paint a picture that you can see clearly and vividly that's the way Jesus taught he said ascribe how these are my words that's effective in administering teacher in the kingdom of God he said is like a householder that brings out of his treasure things old and things new what does that mean things familiar things unfamiliar things known and things unknown how do you get to the unknown you compare it to the known so he's teaching like this all the time he used parables he used similes Sydney he'd say how can I tell you about the kingdom of God they won't say it is like huh it's like a man that went out here to the lake and he went fishing and he threw his net out now only about it there they know what he's talking about these pictures are pooping in their mind right now and he throws out this net and he catches all these fish and it brings it back in and then he reveals to them spiritual truths like a man goes put seed in the ground and that's how lights coming to us - we already know a lot more about the things of the Spirit than we realize hoji place here go to Romans well you don't have to hold your place just go to Romans thank you master thank you master Romans the first chapter Romans 1 and the 19th verse Romans 1:19 he says because that which may be known of God is what then affected are shown revealed that means where you can see it in them are really the margin says to them for God has what showed it to them how how did you show it to them for the invisible things of him things not seen of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead are clearly seen and understood what by natural creation God's wisdom God's knowledge God's understanding God's ways his laws are shown to us in this natural creation we already know a lot more about spiritual things than we think we do we just got to connect the dots and see what is like what these some people they they don't think that whether thing where you got your natural things and you got your spiritual things and spiritual there's nothing like natural and natural is nothing like spiritual and nothing could be further from the truth because everything in this natural creation is patterned after a spiritual reality Amen I mean even you know you in the Old Testament when the Lord told Moses he told him you know to build the tabernacle and all the articles and what to do Hebrews tells us and another scripture that it was a pattern it was patterned exactly after the real thing in heaven everything down here so we just have to connect them and understand what in the natural is like what in the spiritual we will we will already have much more background than we thought back up to the 15th verse of this same chapter 15 verse let's get into two elements now of greater vision verse 15 he said so as much as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel the good news to you that are at Rome also ready to do it for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ the Anointed One how many would say that out loud without reservation I am NOT a saying of the gospel of Christ of the Anointed One I'm not a shame I don't care who sees it don't care who knows it huh and I'd rather everybody liked it but if you don't huh I'm not ashamed not going to be intimidated not going back down you know brother uh Osteen who's going home to be with the Lord stay some years ago he and another fellow were looking at some cars and the the salesman was a rough sinner and just blowing cigar smoke in his face and cussing every other breath and then just went on and went on and finally they went they went somewhere to do something else and the fellow started cussing again and brother journalist things started going got rid of God praise God bless the Lord oh fella stop looked at it he said I demand equal time you see cheek old cousin I'm going crazy that is unintimidated right that is on the shape you know not you think what we don't need to talk about this we should talk about it people back down and they back off they get around space but somebody other things got a little money or something I've got a little influence or something they clam up don't want them to think I'm a nut no one in the faith well okay but that doesn't mean that you back off being a light to reach back and dim your switch but I don't want to hurt their eyes yeah you do yeah you want the glorious light of the gospel to shine under them and they're not seeing it at other stuff you do want them to see it in you hey they're not trying to be push you and push something off on somebody but just unafraid to shine amen anybody besides me I've learned that little it's under school let your little light shine I'm gonna let my little light shine let it shine let it sigh huh well it's hi he says for it is the gospel of Christ is the power of God to salvation to everyone that believes to the Jew first to the Greek now get this for there in in the gospel the good news is the righteousness of God what revealed when something is revealed you can see it see it here know it it's revealed how did you get this now you knew were coming back to faith some time did this revelation comes how we know from read in 2nd Corinthians as we behold his glory like in a mirror we are changed into the same image we're beholding progressively from glory to glory and that's based on from revelation to revelation from seeing to see then there's changing glory to glory but we can back up one step how's the scene come we read it right here from faith to faith I saw this years ago even in Bible School I'll see you see this for two and three-year-olds you will not learn unless you have some faith you've got to believe you can understand did you hear me if you don't believe you can get it you know us what people would jump ahead and they grab a calculus book or our algebra book or something and they didn't do very well in the elementary parts of math and they look at the few pages and they go whoa whoa hey I got no idea where that starts yeah but everything is simple if you go back take it back to its basics you try to jump ahead and jump in the middle of advance we're sure you're going to be confused you know who could do that who could just start out on college level and never go to the first grade but faith is the key you know I know in in my reading and in my study and my praying I have found the key to Revelation revelation you know if you're eating the word you're going all the time be coming across something you don't understand or certainly not fully and when you got a desire and you see something go I want to understand that you don't just go oh that's a difficult passage difficult difficult hard to understand well see your faith comes by hearing your schooling yourself that you can't understand that you're telling yourself no I stop frequently I'll just stop while I'm reading I say Lord reveal it to me open my eyes help me to see that but now it's not enough just to do that now I must what get in faith is that right get in faith expecting that somehow some way at some point I will understand amen you get in faith like that and there's been times that I've asked the Lord something along that line I said lord help me out with this show me this and sure nothing in ten years later I'm not exactly 10 years later I'm going down the road and just I see it I see it I go glory to God and I realized though why he didn't tell me ten years ago I had to grow you know there are some questions that three-year-olds can ask you that's hard for you to answer them even though you know the answer you could tell them and they wouldn't know any more than before you told they've got to develop an understanding to get a perspective on what it means but everybody say it's revealed looking look at the scripture here he said the righteousness of God is revealed it's revealed how from faith to faith well as our faith increases we can reach further amen into the word I mean if you have seen this you listen to a tape got blessed by it five years later go back listen to the same tape and get things you didn't even hear with that is that ever happened to you huh well there's heads gone everywhere I mean looks like everywhere oh yeah you really know what I'm talking about why it was their first time but you weren't there spiritually right I know I had the privilege of sitting under brother Hagin Kenneth E Hagin for four years and I was in some of the you know first we were in healing school with him I was on the front row virtually every day and then later we had a healing school that I was part of and we showed some of the tapes that we tape during that time I was with him in the healing school as well as then minister to myself and sometimes I'd be sitting there two years later three years later four years later five six years later watching one of those tapes and I'm just things going off and I'm thinking wow and I'm pulling out my notes and I'm writing and look up again and now I was sitting on the front row that's the first time I've ever heard to hit well now I was there but I was just not not understanding on that level how many know this Bible is that way every verse is that way if that's why you know at one time I went to minister to a man and I talked to him about reading the scriptures he said to the Bible I said Jeff he said off read there well he didn't get it he didn't know what was going on no no I mean you every time that's when we should be reading all the time every year rereading the same passages and the same scriptures why because our eyes our faith did you hear me our faith to receive revelation is coming up amen that's why different churches get different messages there's been times the Lord put a message on my heart of truth and I go over to this church and preach it and it would be one version of it I'd go over to this church and it would be second-grade version of it I'd go over to this church and be college level version of it same message different levels of the same thing one because they have different faith to hear did you hear me not only that you know I used to I wondered about this when I first saw the work when brother Hagin he'd get up sometimes and start reading this text and just read a chapter or two just keep reading and man while he was reading I'd just be seeing things and getting things and if somebody else-- get up and read it was like okay and I realized later he's reading it with much more faith than somebody else therefore there's much more revelation are you getting this I'm saying it the best way I know how how is it revealed from faith to faith you read it with more faith and get more out of it take heed how you hear hear it with more faith you get more out of it that's why you don't don't be lazy when you come to a meeting don't be lazy when you come to church don't just sit there and say you know bless me if you can know so much of it's up to you how much you get so much of it's up to you because there's it's not just based on the man a woman is speaking so much more is is here it's like these sound waves we're talking about and he's like well I mean there's a realm of knowledge and understanding in every word and every phrase it's how much are we picking up how much are we getting and as our fight you you it wouldn't hurt you to rest before a service lay down take a quick nap if you could him andreas rest your mind that's right sister that time and now and just and come in refreshed why because just like there can be strenuous physical activity you can really exert yourself spiritually and mentally I mean you need to develop spiritually you must develop powers of concentration focus so that you're not easily distracted you know Phillips knows this my staff knows this if I'm reading my Bible you better have a good reason for messing with me you know what I'm saying I mean if the house is on fire or something like that okay but but I don't like to be disturbed why because you and it takes energy it takes to focus and I'm not not in a hard all hope I don't miss it way that's fear and unbelief but just a focused not letting myself think about anything else and expecting I'm gonna get something out of this I'm gonna see I'm gonna understand then that takes in and at the end of a time like that you'll feel like who I have to be dressed a little bit here I know I used to both my grandmother and my great-grandmother and my daddy were healed under William branham's ministry and that's so that was my first exposure to fivefold ministry and in the fall to file for ministry my grandmother gave me William branham's book about what was a prophet to South Africa I forget what it was and and I in hurt and their cold house have about 12 quilts on top of me and I set up and read that book and the Holy Ghost came got in the bed with me I've never forget it got in the bed you know what I'm hope you know what I'm talking about he I mean he was so real to me and in later on I was never in one of his services but are able to get some films of some of the services and actually I studied them for a while him and several other people and brother Hagin said that concerning William Branham he said that he had never seen anybody operate in the word of knowledge on a higher level than him and he did but you could tell some of the focus that was involved in him he was a very simple man scholastically and education was very very simple but he would bring people up across platform and so many dead people who stand in front of him and you'd see when he'd begin to focus and sometimes it would take so much of his spiritual focus and energy he'd get weak and they'd have to hold him up and sometimes in between people he'd say let me rest my my mind just a minute here he'd talk about hunting or something else you know he would and but but then he'd focus again and he'd say you come for what he actually told her told my grandmother when she came up before he said you're a good Saint you're a good Christian good won't you love the Lord you love the Lord and she was she had a cancer on her hand and she was holding it behind her back because she was very self-conscious about because it looked bad it was it was ugly and and he said it is I suppose he said in that hand that you're holding behind your back is is the cancer and he said but you're not really the most concerned about that you're concerned about your mother who was on the very back row then that big Coliseum and a problem that she has he said sister stand up and she stood my grandmother's mother stood up and they were both here at their owners glory to God everybody say focus well I mean just think about Horrocks oh we're talking about seeing aren't we how are you going to see if you don't focus right on how you're going to see if you're scared we read today about double vision looking all over the place looking at every other kind of thing now you must focus on him amen and this is not just for prophets this is not just for ministers this is for everybody you must develop this in your personal time of reading the word show the word respect don't make out your grocery list while you're reading did you hear me don't deal with 12 other things No give God your undivided attention don't do it when you wore out and tired can't hardly keep your eyes open giving you freshest and your best amen and when you're praying especially when you're praying in tongues praying in the spirit healing misspending is unfruitful so you have to control your mind and even though you may not know exactly what you're saying or praying you know who you're talking to keep your mind on him not on fried chicken I'm feeling the car look I'm serious but guess that will that will suit you won't see like you should because you're not focused how do you go to revelation please where are you leaving from huh I didn't get anything at it that's because that you've not looking you're not hearing have eyes but you don't see you have ears but you don't hear look at it again in Revelation the third chapter revelation 3 just one phrase I want you to notice in verse 18 revelation 3:18 the Lord says I counsel you to buy of me gold true riches tried in the fire that you may be what does the Lord will no Stritch in every way rich spiritually rich mentally rich totally rich physically rich and our family rich financially rich and white raiment that you may be clothed and that the shame of your nakedness do not appear how many know that this white raiment indicates the righteousness given us in Christ now what's the last one he said and get from me what anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may what see things are so real in the spirit I said no this historians and scholars tell us that the church at laodicea had medical development that was particularly fine in the area of eyes and high appointment so they would this would really appeal to them but you don't want to get sidetracked with that the main thing is that this salve was specifically designed for the eye not not another part of the body it was specifically designed didn't know what it says I save and what's what do you say to do with it I know it I know it you look up the word anoint it literally means the smear right rub with the idea of this ointment or save his isn't he talking about the anointing that we love so much the anointing we can ask of the Lord and he's instructed us to ask of him anointing to see Amen I want us to do it here in just a minute but I want you to do it in faith ice laughs you know you read about the prophets in the Old Testament what experiences they had how that among other things on one occasion one of them was knelt down and an angel brought a cold is that right and from off the altar put it on his mouth these things are real John in the book of Revelation angel bought him a scroll do you remember that scroll stood eat this and he ate it he said it tasted like honey and if you read back even in the Old Testament Jonathan when he took his rod and dipped some honey and put it to his mouth he said in my eyes were enlightened Oh glory to God my when I taste it back baba said taste and see that the Lord is good when you taste that it gives you psyched you and you taste the Word of God with your ears now though it sounds funny but in the book of Job it says like the tongue or the palate tries foods so the ear tastes and tries words we natural food with our mouth we eat spiritual food with our ears and we do it all the time we hear it and we go mmm mmm that's good are you hearing something you go I don't want to hear that no that's that's yucky huh why because you put it in your mouth you chew it you swallow it you digest it it becomes part of you it comes in your ear you chew it in meditation and if you chew it long enough you'll swallow it it'll get in your spirit and it'll eventually become part of you that's why I said take heed what you hear taking what you hear because you can be poisoned hearing the wrong thing but there is anointing for seeing eye salve brother Kenneth Hagin I know I've referred to him the number of times but it's cuz I'm impressed too tonight he had a vision let me just describe it to you a lot of you know it but but one of the one of the most outstanding he and I'll tell you some things that's not in the book how about that he was in the meeting preaching and in the beginning of days of his ministry he didn't teach he preached preached the fast of the people that say slow down slow down we're not getting half of what you say and he was a preaching and the altar bench was in the front and he came and he got so stirred up his side he's gonna jump the altar and so he comes running and jumps over the altar and in midair he looks down and there's one of the somebody's brand-new reel-to-reel tape recorder but right in his landing spot this is not in the book and so in midair in midair he tries to make an adjustment to land somewhere else other than on this near tape recorder and lands on his arm and elbow and his whole elbow was moved off to the side he finished his message in great pain and the doctor excuse me the the preacher is with he they saw it and he told them I gotta go get this checked and and they got in a car and were headed over to the emergency room and while they were going he said the word of the Lord came to him he said it was surreal he looked in the backseat to see if somebody was sitting back there it was surreal to him he asked him did y'all hear that and they said what and the Lord told him he said your arms not broken it's dislocated and he said this is the devil's work but I'll turn it around for good and you just relax and rest in me and it's going to be okay and I'll talk to you later about it so he got to the doctor they did the tests and x-rays they said well your arms not broken instead it's actually worse and there's a all y'all your ligaments are out of place we're going to put you to sleep it'd be too much pain you couldn't stand it and put it back in place and then you're gonna have to wear your arm and the castle of the Lord had already told him all of that so he said thoughts that don't worry about it just you know let him do it and they did and so after this next layer so he's in the hospital they want to keep him practice today just for observation I guess he's got his arm in a sling he'd been walking up and down the hall and he went and set out in the lobby and just you know didn't feel like he oughta be at the hospital but he went back it was about suppertime they're supposed to bring the food by he went back got into bed was sitting in there he said he heard steps come down in the hall he figured it's the nurse you know and the door open he saw white but he looked down and there were hairy legs and he looked up and it was Jesus he said man ever hair on his body stood out goosebumps popped up everywhere he said couldn't say a word as Jesus walked straight to his bed looked at him and then grabbed a chair and went around to the side close by his head and pulled it up and sat down right by his bedside and said I told you the other night that I would talk to you about this and Here I am he said he never imagined the four thousand years the Lord would actually come around and talk to him but among other things if you're interested in that it's in his book I believe in visions but among other things he taught him about visions which what I'm getting to and he told him there are three types of vision I want to touch on this because this is pertinent to us right now three types a vision course he's having the vision right then but he's telling him about three types he told him that the first will go with me to Ephesians and we'll do it like this if you got time for the three types of vision all right hallelujah Ephesians 1 why do you think the Lord is talking to us about this because we don't see hey man Lord's people are not gonna be blind and dumb and deaf we're gonna see we're gonna hear amen because there is nothing nothing nothing hidden that's not gonna be revealed not a matter of it it's just when we didn't wherein to whom and I'm volunteering to be on the front road ain't man to see Amen I know I know it Brittany I know it it comes with responsibility but are you willing to accept that responsibility I know it comes with persecution are you willing to accept the persecution but all you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free free Ephesians 1 the first and he said lowest type of vision the Lord told him sitting by his bedside he said is spiritual vision everybody say spiritual vision spiritual vision and notice this you've known this you've prayed this but look at it again from this standpoint in Ephesians 1:17 he's prayed that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of what when our wisdom has to do with the future and with the plan and purpose of God so this is the spirit of Revelation of the future the spirit of Revelation of the plan and purpose of God the spirit of wisdom and revelation reverse a revelation revelation in the knowledge of him what's the very next phrase the eyes the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know and he goes on to describe different things that we might know now other translations some of yours may have this instead of understanding it talks about the eyes of your heart well what is your heart you look I'm not your physical blood pump you don't see with your physical blood pumping any more than you see with the lung or a kidney what's your heart inner man spirit you could say the eyes of your spirit and and this is one of the most of mine I know doctors people are waiting to talk about the more spectacular but this is one of the most important ones we'll talk about because some of these others were going to talk about they don't come at your whim or will or request there is the spirit wills and they're not available to everybody like we said you could go all your life never see a vision of Jesus or an angel never hear inaudible voice and it wouldn't mean anything's wrong with you if it's your unspiritual the Lord just didn't give it to you and people are who are saying they're having open visions of Jesus every day watch them I'm serious people who claim to me they're hearing the audible voice of the Lord twice a week huh did you hear me no this thing people read the book of Acts again sometime to notice this you get the idea that these spectacular things are happening every day to my open visions and hearing voices and seeing angels but look at it again and see and do a little study and see the history of the time line going through the book of Acts and you'll find you'd have to add to the scripture to say that these spectacular things happen even in the lives of these apostles more than once or twice or three times in their whole lifetime didn't say they didn't but it's not there but you have all of them locked together over a period of a number of years that's why it looks like well let's just it's not happening for everybody though but light and Revelation is for everybody and spiritual singing is for everybody and he said the Lord Jesus told him this sitting in his bedside he said spiritual vision is the first type of vision and he said it's the lowest type of vision develop that caused you to disrespect it it's just compared to the other two lowest type but he said the lowest type of vision is very similar to the highest type of Revelation think of it some of these things you'll have to chew on the lowest type of vision very similar to the highest type of Revelation and spiritual seeing is is when you see with the eyes of your spirit and this should be happening in every Christians life all the time I was really impressed days ago before ever got here and start we started the meeting I was really impressed that the Lord was dealing with me that his that many of his people are missing it in this area because they're only looking for the more spectacular things and they're not realizing how that you can get quiet with the Lord and fellowship with him and wait on him and see things we might say in your mind's eye huh or you might even call it in your imagination what is your imagination it's your imaging ability right and you must judge things because images can come from another a number of places the enemy trying to bring wrong thoughts and images to you you have to judge it by the Word of God and judge it by the witness of the Spirit but don't just write everything off there have been numbers of times that I didn't fall into a trance and I didn't have a an open vision but just waiting on the Lord I saw or going in ministry I saw for our next big step to take I saw what to do here and if you said well did you have a vision not like people call it no I'm seeing it in my mind's eye but technically it is a vision spiritual vision very akin to the highest type of Revelation just like you sitting in the service tonight or any other time and if you're hearing something in the word and you see it well we're not we're not saying you got caught out of your body we're not saying you saw Jesus walk in the room but you did have vision and this vision we live off of and we can have it every day and every night we can be getting things and seeing things with the eyes of our spirit enlightened can you say Amen I'll have eyes that see say that out loud I have eyes that see glory to God glory to God eyes that see where for time's sake let's go to the next one don't go to numbers 24 numbers 24 the Lord told him that the second type of vision was the trance the trance TR ance trance and you'll find more than one instance of this in the book of Acts but you'll see this in the Old Testament too and the language here really helps you to understand it numbers 24 numbers 24 Baylen who was a prophet who was actually trying to abuse his ministry but ran up against the wall and found out you can't curse whom God is blessed but he had a vision and in this vision you see a trance described numbers twenty four and four well back up to verse two Balaam lifted up his eyes he saw Israel abiding in his tents according to their tribes now this night and now he's seeing physically this is with his physical eyes he's up on a high place he's overlooking the the tribes camped out and it says and the Spirit of God came upon him and he took up this parable and he said Balaam the son of Beor has said and the man whose eyes are open has said he has said which heard the words of the almighty which saw the vision did you hear this again he heard words and he saw what he was hearing which saw the vision of the Almighty get this falling into a trance but having his eyes open the Lord told brother Hagin that a trance in a trance which is the next higher type of vision that your physical senses are suspended you know Peter went up on the housetop you remember that and fell into a trance Paul was praying and fell into a trance and in within a trance you're not aware of physical things you're only aware of spiritual things you're not aware that you're laying in the floor you're not aware that other people around about you you're only aware of things that you're seeing and hearing in the spirit trance the third type which is what brother Hagin was having right there at the moment the Lord Jesus told him is an open vision open vision go to 1st Samuel the third chapter this is what I want you and I in a moment to pray about and just a prayer of faith release our faith about it first Samuel 3 praise You Lord praise you Lord in a spiritual vision it's very similar to the highest type of revelation you're not you're not in the trance you're you're aware of your physical surroundings but you could close your eyes and as as we'd say in our minds eye but really the eyes of your spirit the eyes of your heart you you see something you understand something but then in a trance your physical senses were temporarily suspended you're not aware of where you are physically or anything that's contacting you physically you're not unconscious you're just much more conscious of the Spirit than you are of the natural conscious of the realm of the Spirit now this third type the open vision notice this is referred to in 1st Samuel 3 1st Samuel 3 and verse 1 the child samuel who was called of the lord to be a prophet he ministered to the Lord before Eli notice this phrase now the word of the Lord was what precious in those days there was no what open vision there was no open vision and it was because of the the backslidden condition of the people this is what we must understand the vision revelation through any type of vision or through prophecy these things don't come as ministers decide and they don't come just because ministers pray and fast it is an answer and a response to the body God uses ministry gifts and you read the book of Acts don't turn there but the fourth and fifth chapter you see the principle the the Apostles were threatened and they came back and they told you know the church what was going on and they all lifted up their voice one Accord and they prayed and among other things they said Lord grant that your cervix may speak you word with all boldness and stretch forth your hand this is the church praying do you hear this and they said use your ministry gifts give us what we desire and do what you want to do through them and you meet over in chapter 5 and it says and signs and wonders were wrought by the hands of the Apostles the Apostles didn't give this to themselves and this wasn't just an answer to the Apostles prayers this is what people haven't understood this was in response to the church's prayer then God responding not just to one individual responding to a corporate prayer and faith uses his ministry gifts and gives them revelation and gives them anointing and it comes out through them and they become the hand of God are the eyes of God are the mouth of the Lord and again we must we must get away from the entertainment concept or so-and-so is hot who they're a hot minister there are hot ministry they got they've only got what they're given you don't have anything you can't do anything unless you just give them to you from heaven what did Jesus say I can do nothing unless I saw what unless I see it see it from My Father see my father do it so there was no open vision there was not the word of the Lord one because of the spiritual condition of the people the ministry will not just pull this thing out by their self the people not not a hundred percent but a goodly group of the people must get hungry amen every people so well before revival as they call it that I don't know if that's the best word before the move of God before the move of God the manifestation of the Spirit of God there's always prayer yes there is but there's something before that it's hunger is what motivates people to pray the right way and desire not something for me or for mine but I what God wants manifested in the body and God hears that prayer go back to the the deliverance of the people of Israel out of Egypt what did the Bible say the Lord said the people's their cry did you get this their cry has come up before me then what did he do reached over and got Moses is that right and got Aaron and anointing them and sent them and gave them miracles now why because Moses is sitting out there going use me God use me give me a mirror I know it's missing it doesn't work that way make yourself available but you can't give yourself a vision you can't allow it yourself people try let me try but you can't you can't give yourself signs and wonders these are things that come from him and we want him to use whoever he wants to will not care that much that we're the particular one let's just see it let's just this alone just done right yes glory to God hallelujah and no doubt you know that even brother Hagin with the visions he said it himself he said the these visions that he had again and again he was no more expected to have a vision he'd said than to be the first man to land on the moon or on Mars he wasn't expected he'd be sitting at a table having a sandwich with a pastor after a service talking about natural stuff and they're gonna pray with his young daughter before she goes to bed and he kneels down and kneels down in the glory cloud and talks to the Lord for an hour no more expected than anything let's see what's happening the prayers and the faith of the saints even from a generation or more back and the plan of God and the Lord at the right time he has his vessels chosen to use to help affect these things but it's not just based on that person's faith it's much much much bigger than that that takes their faith and all they've got to obey and walk it out but it's much bigger than that hallelujah this third type is the open vision that's the highest type of vision that word open literally means to break through or break over and this is a breaking over simultaneously into both realms you are cognizant command fully aware of both realms simultaneously well physical and spirit that's rare and you can't give it to yourself but he said he would he was sitting there he thought it was the nurse walking down the hall and Jesus came and cool the preacher said that he said he saw him just as good as he ever saw any man in his life heard him just as clear as any man's voice and yet he can look at his hand there's the hospital bed he's aware of both realms simultaneously open vision stand up on your feet please glory to God let's just lift our hands will begin to worship the Lord I want us to act on something here do something but let's let's get a little more in the spirit oh thank you Father what a good God you are on a gracious magnificent God you are oh we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you love oh we worship you we worship you we worship you just close your eyes and worshiping by faith seeing with the eyes of your spirit behold the lamb Oh we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship You oh thank you Lord Jesus for the way praise God Oh coulomb attack the enemies kijiye devices offered ideas bagel offal and palindromic on the burner grandma Deanna Mississippi a lot o CD a lot o CD a lot o cereal - kefir Oh Monica dat by the money Oh ta âlâ frog boggle a practical little of radical on the LeBron fearlessly olofi archeology let me lead you let me lead you in a in a prayer and this is not Keith asking or the pastor's or the Copeland's asking this is this church group a steel mountain church and representatives of other churches right let's let the Lord hear a representation of the church ask him for this are you in close your eyes focus follow me and prayer father God thank you so much you have shown us you have revealed to us we're changed forever it's so grateful so thankful we give you the praise and still we know there's so much more you would reveal to us and so we ask you lead us into the next level of glory the next level of light help us to grow to the next level of faith that we may read with the greater faith that we may hear with a higher faith to receive more revelation and we're asking you for the precious of the Lord to the church we're asking you for precious vision we're asking you manifestation to see give up to us I given to your Sears to see and your prophets to prophesy and your people to hear and to see the horizon and to do in Jesus name and we believe we receive we believe we receive we receive Oh shall I teach you y'all saying behold the way Emily Oh Carla honey English she clearly don't know how senior just worship the Lord look to the Lord behold the Lord our your name o hawai any guy no more Norco o the Holly of the row layout DoDEA boy Donna my Anna no multi-tiered Amy Rose available a Markov chain Oh oh just lift your hands worship God praise praise praise whoa crazy crazy rage rage rage pray hallelujah I heard in my spirit the Lord says I've heard your friend and I've granted your petition in supplication and so you will see in the nighttime on your bed dreams will come dreams from me in the waking hours reading your Bible with your eyes open but in your spirit you'll see and you'll know and the Sun not everyone but some transition open visions and you'll see and you'll know but be cautious and wise not to put your own interpretation on what you see something you may see but you think well what does that mean maybe maybe it means this well maybe it means that and then go off on your own course because that's what you decided that it meant and miss it so be careful not to put your own interpretation on what you see and if you don't understand what it means then do like Peter on the housetop pondering as to what that could mean until the time the Holy Ghost reveals and says this is what it means some things might be a month later some might be a year later some even much later that you come to realize that what you saw meant something different than what you thought but be careful not to put your own interpretation on it and be careful not to strike out in an area of assumption or presumption but wait on me and I'll give you the full light at the right time in the right way but rejoice and be glad and say we are seeing and we are knowing and we will see and we will know and we will go and we will show and through us God will show His goodness and his power and his glory and many will see and turn to the Lord and many will see and be glad hallelujah glory to God hallelujah praise You Lord praise You Lord Oh Tikal Ian Ayre Quixote hey Gigi I don't know more coffee at the Bennett's Oh shallow autonomy and thank you love and thank you lord thank you Father come on glorify the Lord with me thank you Father thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus Oh manifest your goodness among us we thank you Lord we thank you Lord for all that you're
Channel: JehToday
Views: 7,851
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Keywords: Keith Moore
Id: 0sdVusZmNDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 20sec (5420 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2013
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