11 Keith Moore - Heavenly Visions #1 (Walking in the light)

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but brother Hagin my spiritual father and and whom were able to work with for so many years he had called me up to do things and call me up to sing a song called me up to do this for that and I made some mistakes there were times not too many thank God but but times I had to go back to the hotel after service and call him up and say I'm sorry that brother Hagin I just mess it up and he'd say that's right just stick with me don't quit I said yes sir and that's how you learned but one one thing you got to be is open and flexible I mean there were times I remember one time we had it was some of those satellite meetings I don't know if you remember those or not but man we were hooked up and linked to fall over the world and he calls me up to do a song and I said am and started doing this song and I knew Don you you know five seconds into it this ain't it this ain't the right song and that's not just a matter of not being the right song it's a matter of going the wrong direction spiritually well now you got a choice now I think this song had three verses I can ride this dead Pony and go through all three verses singing the course several times and get better and better by the minute or what else could I do I did I stopped now all those cameras on me not smiled and said that ain't it I just stop stop right in the middle of course I said let's do something else so we went another direction thank God that was it but you see what I'm talking about if you got your mind set and you are just focused on one thing and you and you're gonna do it no matter what where you'll miss God you got to be flexible got to be open everybody say we're open amen have you found the scriptures yet acts 26 and John 5 this is my Eagle Mountain church family here we feel like a party y'all amen in praying about these meetings I believe I've been definitely impressed along the line of what we will read just now and I am excited about it acts 26 and 12 that's read then will will come in this is Paul relating to the civil leaders that he was before about the vision that he had how he am a blasphemer and a persecutor and destroy of the church meant the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus and he was telling them and relating them this this vision and in verse 12 he said whereupon as I went up to went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priest at midday o King I saw in the way a light from heaven everybody say a light from heaven said again a light from heaven and once more a light from heaven above the brightness of the Sun now that's bright huh I said that is bright above the brightness of the Sun hallelujah I get I'm wanting to get ahead of myself right now shining round about me and then which journeyed with me and when we were all fallen to the earth I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew tongue Saul Saul why persecutest thou me it is hard for you to kick against the pricks and I said who are you lord and he said I'm Jesus whom you persecute but rise to stand upon your feet for I've appeared to you for this purpose to make you a minister and a witness both of these things which you have seen and of those things in which I will appear to you be hear these phrases he saw a light from heaven he said I'm sending you to be a minister and I'm sending you to be a witness of what of what you have seen and I'm sending you to be a witness and further and of those things that I will appear to you in other he's telling him I'm going to show you some more huh how many have seen some things in the last few years spiritually you've gotten some light is your life different now than it was several years ago oh man man my life is so radically different than it was specialists say like 25 years ago who I'm not the same person I don't live the same life at all I don't think the same I don't talk the same could we get further light that it would that would advance us as much again that's what we've already come could we come that far again as from where we have come would that be glorious that would be days of heaven on the earth is that the will of God yes it is yes it is he said you are to be a witness of what you've seen and of what I'm going to appear to you I'm gonna show you delivering you from the people and from the Gentiles until whom now I send you to open their eyes well that means you can see open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light from the power of Satan to God now friend that that phrase runs parallel when you come out when you get light and you come out of darkness into light and simultaneously you come out of the control of the devil into freedom and liberty hmm I'm doing my best not to something and say some things you've got to build up to it brother Hagin told me this years ago he's told my a message he said you know Ecclesiastes says wherever the tree falls that's where it lays that's profound wherever the tree falls that's where it lays and he and he said that as another minister in his youth told him this he'd never forgotten it he said you know a woodsman a lumberjack who knows how to fell a tree you got to know how to cut it to throw it where you want it to go some people just run out with a power saw and start cutting next thing you know they got a tree on their neighbor's house cuz they didn't think about words gonna fall and they didn't cut it to throw it they just cut it but no you want to fell it in the direction that it should go and in brother Hagin said this fella talked about and you cut down a tree in the middle of the woods there's all these little trees around it and if you don't clear some of those out well you'll you cut that tree it might move six inches and not fall because all these trees were around it he said uh sermons like that a lot of times you got to get these little trees out of the way and clear out the place and the direction where you want to throw the big tree amen and then by the Holy Ghost when you throw the big tree it needs to lay right where the Lord wants it delay and then where it lays is where it stays and 40 years from now that truth is planted in your heart hallelujah fixed and you live free in that area amen so say Lord help brother Keith to not jump to the big tree ah he said to open their eyes to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me whereupon Oh King Agrippa I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision and that's the title of my messages heavenly vision vision from heaven he said I wasn't disobedient to that the Lord told me I'm making you a witness of what I've shown you and then I what I'm going to appear and show you and Paul was faithful to do that and all these epistles that we have from God through and by Paul's hand do you understand that is all things the Lord showed him right that was light that came into his being that he was able to preach and to teach and to pen and that light is the truth manifest his God himself manifest and that truth will make you free hallelujah go with me back to John then the fifth chapter if you're holding your place there John 5 Jesus made a statement that I want us to remind herself in and examine closely because you need to see exactly what he said about this John five and nineteen John 5:19 then answered Jesus and said to them verily verily I say to you now when the Lord says verily verily I say to you what does that mean he's about to tell you something that is an infallible immutable truth an eternal truth a law right and it's this way and no other way it's of a Verity it's of a surety it's certainty verily verily I say to you the son can do nothing of himself but what he what sees the father do now how much did Jesus say he could do that he hadn't seen nothing is that true it is a Bible fact out of the mouth of a master he did not do one thing that he hadn't seen with the father you and I are spirits God our Father is the father of spirits and we are called the children of light God is light isn't he God first John 1:5 God is light and in him is no none no darkness at all couldn't be if any darkness was any darkness of the enemy is of the devil do you know even natural darkness is going away soon huh God is light there for you no poor English but there ain't no dark in him he's just light just like he's loved and there ain't no hate in him he's light and there is no darkness in him not darkness is all over the earth darkness is all in the earth darkness is everywhere in the earth but light is in the earth too and light is greater than darkness amen light and darkness don't fight light and darkness don't struggle you ever walked into a room his pitch-dark flipped on the light switch and darkness roll back about half way and the darkness and the light get to struggling and straining and after about hour and a half it's either dark or light when I'm one out never have never will if you could run the railroad tracks by this auditorium and bring five hundred railway cars packed and concentrated with darkness and pump it all into this room the night what had happened you'd never know it I said you'd never know it why because the darkness cannot comprehend the light the scripture said little way of saying it cannot overcome darkness can only thrive in the absence of light that's all the way when the light comes faith is there when the light comes life is there I'm trying to get to the big tree again go with me please hit me Red John 5 yeah yeah go back to the first chapter John jeong-hwan are you believing with me you got to listen with your heart on these things now john 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made that was made he made him in him was life and the life was and is the light of men everybody say thank God for the light and the light shine in the darkness and the darkness couldn't do a thing of life the darkness comprehended it not it didn't it understood it not and it overtook it not it overpowered it not light is greater than darkness Amen I want you to hear that phrase again not cuz that's gonna that's gonna mean more to you in just a minute the light shine in the darkness how do you and the darkness couldn't do a thing about it now he says that he said talking about the word that's manifest and the word that created he said there was a man sent from God whose name was John the same team for a witness to bear witness of what of the light that all men through him might believe he was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light that light was the true light you know there's all these different religions that talk about paths of enlightenment and degrees of enlightenment but I say it just as boldly without blinking an eye apart from Jesus there ain't no light [Music] yes the light here's the one and only the true light that has come into the world to enlighten every man he loved was too much to leave us in ignorance and blindness and darkness he wants us to be enlightened he don't want us stumbling along in confusion and ignorance he wants us to be able to rise up above the muck and junk and see clear and go that is the way this is the thing this is the decision and anoint to be sure coming remember the scripture said God is not the author of confusion well it let you know some of those words were added there in italics it literally said God is not in confusion he's not in it huh so you shall confuse bunch he ain't in that bunch he's not in confusion ha confusion is darkness why would you be confused leanest ah no one in the world what in the world what is going on what's going on here what is going on we don't know well you're dark you're blind because in the light you go ah there it is huh I see what that is I see what that means I'll see where it goes we'll see where it ends it's like in this room if you'd never been in here before and we took you in here and turned out all the lights and there's no light getting through any door or under any crack and turned you loose you might stumble over 95 chairs trying to get through the door what is that oh wow that must be that camera stand well and it might take you a while because you're feeling your way and you're stumbling and you're bumping but turn the lights on and you just stand up and go that's exit right there and you walks right to it saves y'all kind of time and bruises in life we can be spared all kinds of knocks and falls and problems and time and waste if we just in his light get light and see light and walk with Him he said I am the light of the world he that walks with me follows me he won't walk in darkness he will have the light of Life everybody say I walk with him I walk in the light amen glory to God I'm on a crusade to stamp out confusion this huh you know what I'm so tell us come out of ignorance ignorance is not cool always looking with that deer in the headlights tear and no I don't know y'all pray for us I don't have a clue what's going on where he came from or where you headed or you know misquoting you know people quote I've told my church this I think they finally got got the idea people always tell my way you just never know people try to look lies when they say it like it's a great you're just never know I don't anybody told you that before I don't know how many times and people that you know they said well he's a preacher so they got to get wise on me and they try to look you know well you just never know do you do you want to be somebody who just never knows I know uh some years ago the ministry was beginning to grow some and I had several things going on in the same day and somebody called me that morning they said we're gonna make a decision on this I said what we're gonna do about this and I said I don't know and in about an hour something else came up and they said what about this I said I don't know and about lunchtime something else came up what about this what we need and I said I don't know and that afternoon there's about three more things I don't know what about this I don't know what about that I don't know and I said I don't know I guess one too many times for the Lord's satisfaction I said I don't know no he said no and you won't find out talking like that I thought hmm but I'm confessing darkness I said that that's confessing darkness he said did the scripture say you don't know I said no sir and I quoted to him he knew I knew it just wouldn't acting on it I said it says I have an option of the Holy One and I know all things Bible say you can't hear from God no it says on his sheep I know his voice doesn't it and the strangers voice I won't follow why don't we talk like the Bible huh I said why don't we talk like the Bible that's worth you coming tonight just let just that rested if you get that and do that every day and change your life I've had people you know after I learned that I was able to help other people but I don't know if the times people come to me so don't pray pray with me brother Keith I got this big thing coming up and I don't know you know it's a big decision and if I go the wrong way could mess everything up and I prayed and I fasted and I just can't seem to hear from God I just can't seem to get clear on it I just don't know what to do I said well first of all quit saying that the Bible doesn't say you don't know what to do Bible don't say you can't hear from God huh what did you say I am his sheep I know his voice a stranger's voice I will not follow he is leading me he's ordering my steps he's guiding me I have an option and anointing inside me and I know what to do now you had say we don't know so shut up your heads ain't got a clue what he does I shut up I will do the right thing I'll make the right decision I'll go the right way everybody ought to say that right now say it out loud I'm the Lord sheep I know his voice I know his voice I won't follow a stranger he is leading me he is guiding me I have the anointing the unction inside of me and I know I know everything I need to know I'll make the right choice I'll make the right decisions I'll go the right way for my Lord leads me hallelujah now you must say that when it looks like you made a wrong decision the last three times you must say that when it when it's obvious you took a wrong turn the last two times this you what you don't have what you can't do if it's either one of those streaks don't talk about it did I lose some of you are you writing tell me when you get through I learned this as a first year English student by making a big mistake we were we were in our little apartment on shoot-'em-up alley end of the block was a massage parlor next door was a motorcycle gang and the other on the other side was a school of metaphysics of all things we were getting a prime spot if you got bored with nothing on TV you just raise the blinds look you're hunting the street there's some weed Phyllis and I came to go to church one night and the street was blockaded off policeman yelled over bullhorn this way but we had some of our fellow Ranger students come over and to eat a good southern meal Phyllis is a good cook she cooked purple hull peas and cornbread and several other things up I don't know fresh mashed potatoes and list went on but we're all enjoying it had good fellowship of course we're just as green as can be and now somebody brought up some certain passage of Scripture and everybody got quiet because there one of us knew a thing about it but we all proceeded to give our opinion about it and we talked and we talked and we talked I mean some of the most outlandish interpretations trying to be script or Ian's fellow Jews we're about two months in the bible school and later on that night our buddy went home i'm laying in the bed getting quiet and the Lord spoke to me I don't mean to hurt an audible voice but he spoke down something he said teeth would you like to understand that passage but we were told man I said yes sir he said well now you're further from it than you've ever been because among other things what we were meditating on was what we didn't know and you know a lot of people they they glory in talking about difficult passages and I think it's a great sign of intelligence that they can ask a question but you don't know the answer to well they don't know it either what's the big deal about that but people do not you watch him on me you know all these debaters they think well they have really done something if they can stump you with a question anybody can ask questions it's answers I'm looking for light amen and trying to stay away from that big tree for the second the scripture said in his light we see light and when I said don't don't talk about don't meditate on what you don't know what you don't have or what you can't do among other things this is devil food for self pity you watch you then this is what the devil endeavors to feed your spirit and soul to get you to dwell and and sink down in the mire of self-pity I'm telling you self-pity will destroy you it will destroy your relationships it'll destroy your faith and your sensitivity to the Holy Ghost I'm telling you never ever ever ever ever anytime for any reason ever feel sorry for yourself never I don't care if your spouse leaves you and your mom and daddy write you off and your dog takes up with somebody else what it is don't you lay down and cry and feel you stand up and say well I'm saved my name's and no hands look alive you talk about what you know you talk about what you have amen you talk about what you can do and in that light you will see more light the longer and the further you talk about what you don't know the darker it'll get and the more confused you'll become the devil you know I've told you this before but the devil is is a master and asking questions about questioning you to get you over into doubt and wavering I mean that's what it in the garden did God say because when she responded God said we're not to eat in the fruit of the tree we're not to touch it lest we die she wasn't I'm hauling around about that she listened that's what he said so he's got to get her off of this right because she stays here nothing's happening he's got to get her off of this so he says what did God say did he say and that's what people say well yeah I know healings in there but you know what about brother so-and-so he was a good man loved the Lord died with a sickness at 33 and what about sister Sansa and I know prosperities for us I know that but but but what about and if people go yeah that is strange in how come in now see now what are we and we're walking away from the light we're walking away from what we know and we're beginning to put our eyes on what we don't know and we're going I don't know why that happened to him and then says yeah you don't know yeah yeah I don't know and he his favorite response from you is I don't know because that's where he lives in the dark and I don't know is in the dark and he'll start worried I mean he seems patient I shouldn't say patient he's not patient like God is but he's a spirit who's been around a long time and he is willing to stay with something he don't like it he's not tired while he waits but he's learned that some things you got to stay with and he'll start feeding something into you and get you a question and you go well I don't know that is interesting night man and I don't know and he'll say when I heard about that too though what about that what does that verse me he knows the scriptures you don't know - what does that mean you go I don't know and it's music to his ears I don't know because no you don't know no I don't know and what about this I don't know anything get you used to say it I don't know over several months he'll say are you saved and you go I don't know what's your name I don't know if you follow that and feed on that long enough that's where you'll get you what should Eve have said hey did God say what should she said yes God said he said then yeah but what about I don't know about that but God said this I don't have to know about that I'm not going to talk about what I don't know I know he said this that's what he said yeah but what about a lot of things that I don't know I don't have to know all that I'm not looking at that I'm looking at what I know old friend now you got your eyes toward the light did you hear me and you keep talking about meditating about what you no more light will come so that loud in his light we see light glory hallelujah just thank him for the light just a second Thank You Lawrence thank you for the light you're so wonderful thank you thank you thank you thank you you are the light the lights in us we're the light we're beings of light we walk in the light I don't live in the darkness go to second Corinthians please the third chapter second Corinthians thank you guys y'all are helping me I'm serious thank you amen let's stay hooked let's go somewhere let's let's get up to a higher level how many understand and believe that was a time when you didn't have a clue that it was God's will to heal you huh but you saw it here aren't there things just like that that you've not yet seen that could change your life just that radically does that excite you even just they're things that we've read over ran around thought we saw and the Holy Ghost can reach on the side of us and our eyelids pop open we go wow I didn't see that because I know you didn't hear it is for it's over with we're going to get into some things that that you you qualify for things there are different degrees and levels of light that you qualify and I'm gonna give you some instruction on how to qualify for the next level of light so much of it's up to us hallelujah ah second Corinthians three are you there land second Corinthians three he is contrasting the Old Covenant and the New Covenant in the sense of glory how much more glorious the new is compared to the old the old was glorious I mean the fire of God coming down on the mountain hearing the audible voice of God Commandments written in stone with the very finger of the Almighty that's glorious I said that's glorious what we have right now is more glorious much more glorious and what we're about to go into [Music] and we may get to some places in here but we just have to talk in tongues for a while but set it in your heart right now these meetings are not just about hearing they're about seeing the hearings involved what you're saying is possible to sit in a place and hear words in the bounce-off years and you never see anything now this is a seeing meeting this is a seeing meeting said out loud I will see things I haven't seen amen that's not because of me it's not because of any other speak that's because of the light that's in you and you liked it's here with us doesn't have to be spoken through the speaker does it you can get light light can go off in you and seem seem unrelated to what's being spoken but it's just exactly what you should see right now Jesus said I can do nothing except what I see my father the rest of your ministry the rest of your life is completely dependent on what you see from God there is not one thing you will be able to do in God except you first see it the devil is out to rob us of our vision he wants us all blind and dumb deaf but tough God's given a seeing eyes amen he gets down to verse 10 1st 2nd Corinthians 3:10 he said even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect by reason of the glory that excelled the understanding glory is the manifestation of God understand that God is light so you understand glory is a manifestation of light when you tell them that glory you're talking about light people who've seen the glory see it as light or as a bright cloud light he said for if that which is done away was glorious much more that which remains is glorious seeing then that we have such hopefully use great plainness of speech not as Moses which put a veil over his face that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished but their minds were what blinded no light for until this day remained at the same veil and taken away in the reading of the Old Testament which veil is done away in Christ since then there are many people who read the Old Testament and cannot see Jesus they're blinded that's what this says right here but even to this day when Moses is read the veil is on their heart now now a veil is a covering so there's something covering them so that they can't see the light you know a great thing about flying is that you even on a winter day when it's been overcast for weeks and weeks and weeks you get an airplane and you climb a little bit and you pop out and there's the Sun everybody else is down in the gloom but the sun's been shining there every day huh just couldn't see it because there was something between you and it hmm I'm gonna know the sun is shining everyday hi the light has talked and it's with us but the enemy is in the smokescreen business the dark cloud business the blinding business he said nevertheless we need or you could say they when they will turn to the Lord what will happen that veil that covering shall be taken away that means then you can see now the Lord is that spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty but we all with open face beholding as in a mirror now what does a mirror reflect light you cannot see an image without light kenya cameras cannot take pictures without light right TV cameras cannot broadcast without light light everybody say light so in the mirror there is reflection you see images but it is reflections of light coming back to you and he said as we all with open face that means the coverings taken off and looking right straight into the mirror how do we see the glory of the Lord hallelujah and as we are steadfastly looking at the glory of the Lord which is the light of the Lord what happens what happens we are changed we are changed into the same image image of what image of the reflections of the light from glory one level of light to glory a higher another level of light and it happens by the Spirit of the Lord but you like that as well as I do Oh glory to God just like in the earth there is no life without light we lost our son this planet is dead cold and dead but the light and if I like seeing the light comes up in the morning warms the earth it's cold out in space but not in Fort Worth shines on the leaves of the trees shines on the leaves your tomato plan and there's this thing called photosynthesis huh I mean we take it for granted but when you think about it solar panel a simple leaf is so far out beyond the solar panel they make no comparison we're still trying to charge a battery with a house full of fans but thank God for that but that leaf little bitty leaf can take that sunlight and it flows in life hallelujah throughout that plant oh can you save me light and when you and I behold the light we're just like that plant you know I used to teach in healing school there dr. Higgins ministry for years and I'd see people come in who were just at death's door I mean the doctors had told them they should have been dead two weeks ago no hope last stages of this or that sit down you can hear them breathing all over the room sometimes fall over we have to pick them up put them back in the chair I kid you not machines hooked up to and I have seen over the course of a few days sometimes a few hours sometimes a few minutes that light of the word begin to dawn on them and come into them and see them just raise up and see them just like a flower to the sunshine just begin to blossom why because there's life in the light so a eternal life in the light one of the most outstanding instances of this I can remember I was in the morning session and healings go there in Tulsa there was probably not 40 people there it was just specifically small and two individuals the laughter Noons were bigger and there was a man that I later found this I didn't know it but I just saw a woman half carrying this man in and he kind of half fell down on the back seat and you could hear him breathing all over the room I found out later he had advanced cancer both lungs and he was thin you could tell at one time he had been a big strapping man but he was just skin and bone he couldn't he didn't have the strength to look at me he was draped over the chair in front of him and anden couldn't even raise his head that's how weak he was I later found out they told me this they said the doctors had told him there was no hope and somebody told him about that healing school and it kind of reminds you of those lepers outside the gate that said why should we here and die I mean we know we're gonna die here and he was bad fast and she and he the Hall of faith they had they they asked God would he would God give him enough strength to get out of that bed and for him to help her in him to get him to that healing school and supernaturally they got there he was bent fast but the amazing thing I speak in that day on the proverbs for God's words are life to those that find them and their health and medicine to all their flesh you know you had to be too smart you have to be you know too eloquent just tell the truth just speak the word God backs it up and as I begin to to talk about that I saw I was drawn my eyes were drawn to him in a few minutes I saw him with his head lifted up looking at me few more minutes I saw him sitting up halfway few more minutes he sitting up straight in the chair you can't hear him breathing anymore twenty minutes he was gone amen I'm sure there's greater manifestation one of the greatest I've seen under our ministry he was sitting there and at the end of the service he got up and walked up there and grabbed my hand he said he says something that was all over me he says something I feel it I said that's the worst God's medicine that's that life working in you he said I'm hungry his wife is crying like a baby and I didn't realize I didn't know what how bad the case was she began to tell me they walked out of there went across the street to the Mexican place I think healed what happened to him as long as I sit around in the hospital and talked about death and dying and what they didn't know what they couldn't do they were in darkness and it kept getting darker and darker but they got a little bit of light just a look they got a little gleam I like that there was some help somewhere they thought well let's go sleep and God supernaturally got him there and I mean a couple of verses that they begin to get light on and just came right it just block just like the sun shining on the flower just opened up hallelujah and the word became flesh in a healed body the word was manifested in light and life in them hallelujah keep reading he said with that without the cover no nothing between us beholding like in a mirror the glory of the Lord we are changed into the same image were beholding into the image of the glory of the Lord were changed progressively doesn't happen all at once you know you should know the truth and what'll happen it'll set you free are you as free as you can be tonight no why because you don't know you haven't seen you're not walking in all the truth there is to walk in huh so it is it is not all at once it's from glory to glory it's progressive depending on what depending on how I receive light right and how I am obedient to walk in remember he said he said I was I was obedient to heavenly vision I received it and I walked in it amen keep reading therefore seeing we have this ministry as we've received mercy we faint not we have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness not having the Word of God deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the what the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them the devil has been defeated he has been stripped he has been brought to nought so he is unable he tried to withstand God and was put down so hard he'll never get over so he anything about him fighting God anymore did you hear me it's about deception it's about keeping people in the dark that's the only way he can rule and reign over him did you hear me the only way he has sway and control over humanity is to keep him blind to keep him in the dark because he does not want lest the glorious light of the good news should shine unto them why because when that happens all the demons in Hell cannot prevent a new birth or a healing hour a million dollars from coming to you huh if you can see it you can have it you saw why just can't see that and you won't have it you ever heard they talk they use this language but I just don't see that in there look I was not realizing they're just telling off on their self just cuz you don't see it don't mean it's not there well we don't see it that away oh you don't stop see Kiran Philippe it's not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves your servants for Jesus sake for God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ and we have this treasure this glory this light this revelation in these earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us God works progressively and you understand the Bible tells us all the Old Testament is type that is fulfilled in the near right you do understand I mean Noah and the flood is all typical it happened but it exactly portrays what's going to happen at the next judgment on the earth I'm going to span the ark is in Jesus everybody in in the art gets saved everybody in Jesus gets saved right got a dove got a raven how much they're all typical I won't go into all that Joseph and everything had happened to him first time his brother saw him they didn't know him second time he made himself known to them right tied after type with the beginning of the Old Testament typifies the beginning of the New Testament turn to two places please Genesis first chapter and second Timothy I believe I want you to go to now first Timothy excuse me its first Timothy I'm thinking about getting ready to start to close first Timothy 6 you know Paul in Philippians halfway through said finally brethren chapter 2 you know halfway Genesis this if this sounds familiar to you I we read in the beginning of the service John one didn't we how did it start out in the beginning that's New Testament how's this start out in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth missus well it was the Big Bang but I spit when God spoke it was a big bang and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters the Holy Ghost is always involved in Revelation and seeing and light there's darkness there and what happened next verse 3 and God said let there be light or light be or light become and then what would happen well hi there was light light was and God saw that the light was good how would you have liked have been hanging out a few light years away from the planet and been able to look and watch what happened when God said that creating stars is no small thing all the nuclear weapons we could pump together on any given day would be swallowed up by the Sun and not even make a bubble you talk about power how did it come it was dark dark on the face of the deep God spoke and when he spoke the fire of that star ignited and burned in the heavens and the light reaches to earth and Pluto and we don't know how far and there it is right now that was the beginning recorded in the Old Covenant the exact same thing happened when God spoke the word to Mary did you hear me and me and she said how's this gonna be and what do you say the Holy Spirit he'll move over the face and the word was conceived and became flesh and that word was born into the earth and when he was born and came through the matrix of woman light broke forth in the spirit just like light broke forth in the beginning and John goes on to say in first John he said we saw the light we walked with the light we saw the light made flesh we handled the life and the light and that is the light that enlightens every human being that has ever come ever welcome into the earth just like that Sun has shined on every human being that ever lived on the face of the earth but that's not all go to Revelation whoo I'm glad I came tonight y'all help me preach this whole glory to God now there's a warning that comes on the label with this tape may cause intense rejoicing in the middle of the night because this this thing is more is going on here than you hear more is going on here that I know can you sense it in the words of brother Hagin don't you spec he's been doing a lot of that the last few that light is dawning on our spirit I believe some things will happen to you in the night time and on your bed and in the morning and when you wake up some things will be stirred and you may just get the shouting and your head goes but 100 glory to God can you sense what we talk about this like me I couldn't do this in the thousand tears I can't do this from the inside of you this is God this is his word these words are light every time God has ever spoken light came out of his mouth and his being did you go to second Timothy I know I told you go to Revelation but did you lose second Timothy I want you to look at both of them please you're right as far as Timothy's thank you first Timothy six Oh glory first timothy 6:14 first timothy 6:14 first timothy 6:14 that you keep this commandment without spot unrebuked boleyn till the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ which in his times he shall show who is the blessed and only potentate the king of kings and the Lord of lords how many know he's coming again it's going to be like lightning oh it's like lightning shines from one end of the earth to the other every eye will see him [Music] whoo how about this Jesus this blessed and only potentate the king of kings and Lord of lords who only have immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto and whom know whom no man has seen nor can see this is our future I said this is our future where we're walking in the light we have and are being given and we see through a glass darkly it's kind of like trying to see the stars from the surface of the earth you have to see through the atmosphere and it distorts everything but having the will will soon see face to face know as we are known and we are known he knows us think about knowing like that this light no man can approach no man has seen nor can see this light that the master is living in right now the throne of God hold that thought go to Revelation 21 this is the the new heaven in the new earth the holy city the New Jerusalem and in this place verse 4 said God wipe away all tears from their eyes no more tears there will be no more death no more cemeteries no more funerals no sorrow no crying no more pain won't that be wonderful no more hospitals no more Tylenol or aspirin even huh for the former things are passed away and he that sat on the throne said behold was behold me look I'll make all things new now skip on down to verse 22 he said I saw no temple therein he didn't see any churches for the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are the temple of it won't be any going to church will be in the church the church in us amen now get this get this this is this is the unapproachable light we just got through reading about that no mortal man can approach no mortal man can see ever has seen or can see if he saw it he didn't say morning mister what I'm saying mortal man cannot approach him to this life we're Tom not no filters we're talking about no clouds we're talking about coming full into the full manifestation of the light of God you can't be mortal and do that I didn't want to stay mortal forever anyway did you mortally ain't that Hut but he said the city had no need of the Sun no Sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it and the lamp is the lamb excuse me is the light fare off no Sun no moon no light bulbs no light bulbs no fluorescent lights no no lights up flora the lamb is the light hallelujah now the Lord's got to get us from where we are to that and how is it gonna happen that's right smart lady glory to glory we don't we don't have to wait I said we don't have to wait till we breathe our last and an old man I'm going to get getting that unapproachable light I don't know for sure but they may have to keep you on the side for a while till you acclimate and adjust I don't know but I do know that people walking in vastly varying degrees of light down here and I know I know you're not ready for the next level of light till you walk in the light he's already given you I know that that's the way it is down here I suppose they're too but if the greatest move in the earth is yet to happen in is upon us if the fulfilling of every prophecy in every scripture is compacted it has to be completed in a short amount of time there's got to be the breaking forth of light as we have never seen it as we have never known it to usher us into the immortality and the formerly unapproachable light of God in his light we see light now during your faith with me and with all of us together over the course of these next sessions the the warfare that is in the earth is over light summer so I thought it is over Souls that's what I said no soul will ever be born again unless they are fur you don't taste of the heavenly gift like Hebrews talks about unless you are first enlightened everybody say first enlightened you must be enlightened to your need of salvation you must be an enlightened that you are not okay without God you must be enlightened that he paid for the price paid the price of your sins and faith in Him saves you must first be enlightened you didn't receive the Holy Spirit until you were enlightened you didn't receive healing and look to your first enlightened God has more for us I said God has more force much much much more but we're not gonna do it we can't even put our faith on it until we are enlightened you didn't know what to believe for until you're enlightened can we believe together in the course of these meetings for enlightenment and this must not have preconceptions in our minds but I wanna I want to hear something that amazes my mind no no you want what he wants and some things your mind don't even get at the moment we touched a little bit of that tonight whether your hearts going woo hoo and your heads going what [Laughter] you want a lot more of that I said you want a lot more of that this is what he fees and 320 is talking about God is able to do he is enabled to do exceeding abundantly above all we asked our our thought but it's not just the cording to what he decides to do it now it's according to what the power that is at work within us light coming into our spirit the odds of our spirit spiritual understanding being enlightened looking back now I looking back when I first first said under the ministry of brother Kenneth and miss Gloria first that I'm the minister brother Kenneth Hagin and and dr. Oral Roberts and different ones I my mind wasn't getting the fraction of what I was hearing anybody know what I'm talking about can you really my mind wasn't getting a fraction of it but my spirit I said my spirit I'd sit down and a little tight player about this big every day after work I'd come in I'd pop that tape in and I didn't have no what brother Kenneth was talking about but my spirit says yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll give me some more give me some more yeah and I just I I just had to have more and more why cuz my we are beings of light we live on light did you hear me we live on light and people who've had some light they're like addicts but light attic we love them we call it revelation of what is revelation light made manifest light reveal light uncovered this mainline some light let's snort some light let's take some light and take a trip go places we never Bend see things we never seen because that is the prerequisite to doing things oh did you get it now our taps did you get it that's got to happen in order to do things that we've never done Jesus said I hadn't done a thing nothing no thing except what I saw my father do I think I'm doing but I don't don't make it spectacular though I've said it in two or three different ways don't don't make it spectacular well maybe maybe we'll see a ball of fire ripped through the room we might but don't like brother Hagin used to say so many times don't seek after the spectacular and miss the supernatural the Lord actually spoke to me about this during the week about how people he's trying to show them things all the time and they make it too spectacular they're trying to have open visions they're trying to fall into trances and these are the exceptions not the norm and yet spiritual vision is available to every child of God everyday and I'm trying to get to the big tree that's a good place to stop hi yeah yeah light is working in your rightness it's working in me right now do you have to wake up out of a sound sleep going oh god girl don't worry thank God and not even know why but when it happens first in the spirit eventually you handle catch up amen everything happens first in the spirit the sun's burning out in space and that light is flowing through this universe and the sun is shining tonight and he's shining in our hearts you know what he said we got this treasure got anything in you you got fire in you you got light though you're baptized with the Holy Ghost and it's not two separate baptisms it happens the same time Holy Ghost and fire gives off light doesn't it that's what's happening these bulbs up here fire very controlled said out loud the fires in me close I say the fires in me the light is in me I'm seeing things I haven't seen I will know things I haven't known I will understand what I've not understood the Lord is preparing us for what is prepared for us we're coming into greater vision greater light heavenly vision is breaking forth on our spirits the spirit of seeing and knowing is in US and on us in a greater degree than heretofore hallelujah just praise him a little bit musicians instrument players which all come up just praise them a little bit oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord give him glory give Him praise o praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you glorify the Lord magnify the light oh praise the light he is the light the lamb is the light God is light Oh calathea delicata vash kappa but i dont Yanis go ahead stand up on your feet lift your hands praise God freely oh I an immense Dingaan Matala Oh Villa blare tsunami Tania yeah my god be on demand about the debt you buy at a bar so Sokolov a jogger Oh Riley I'm deardiary olive olive I like apples hooker come on crazy come on crazy thank you thank you thank you thank you all thank you all thank you thank you no thank you all thank you all thank you all thank you Oh do your hallelujah Oh hallelujah what key hallelujah [Music] go over to God wave after wave wave after wave the glory of the Lord fills this holy place wave after wave wave after wave oh yeah we use this oh that's right I'm upset go on say it out loud with me wave after wave wave after wave Gloria for use this party play wave after wave wave after wave feels this holy place there is a light bright and shining brighter than any son [Music] bringing life to creation hi everybody do we have to weigh this holy place wave away way away Borya feels this holy [Music] Lord is my life he lightens my candle he leaves me by the way that is right sure [Music] he brings me out of confusion into the [Music] brave two-way way that's the way via the No [Music] feels this whole a the fail is now removed [Music] scales fall off the ice and the flood of glory comes over the sole shackles and chains of folly [Music]
Channel: JehToday
Views: 37,277
Rating: 4.7739558 out of 5
Keywords: Keith Moore
Id: 1y2Ec36SqfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2013
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