5-Day Couples Winter Camping - Heavy Snow, Hot Tent

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[Applause] [Applause] how you doing good thank you pretty certain the ice is in good shape should be at least six inches but it's going to air on the side of caution let's check it out oh yeah perfect probably six or seven inches [Applause] i'm unarmed that's a nice one that is a sword it's pretty slick that's a weapon i just need like a uh handle that would be amazing if we could drill a hole in there and then screw in a handle yeah you should you have some skill with the blade it can be reforged wow i think i wonder like even a little tight uneven yeah today we're just setting up to come back in a few days and then we're going to stay for a longer amount of time we're just doing a lot of the setup work is like a gift to ourselves in the future it'll be so nice to come here and have the whole thing set up a bunch of firewood split especially if it's bitter cold when we do show up yeah it'll be super nice so it'll be nice we've got we'll have the tent already brought in less stuff to haul in when we come i guess perfect all right send her down the dead tree has fallen over oh there's a little vole running through the trees there there's no point trying to film it it's gone i couldn't film it anyway uh yeah you can't cut down green trees nor would they burn as well so uh aaron's found this perfect fallen dead tree that's hanging up so it's not all it's not getting all rotty and wet it's just hanging there to dry like it's being seasoned for us which is nice and it's pretty tall one so get a lot of wood out of this yep there it is lovely beauty look at that a little bit of fat wood in there oh yeah maybe we'll come back for this too yeah why not oh what a day from that it's pretty exciting it's nice to find like a nice sized one that's hanging and not rotting yeah beautiful i think we have our birch park for the year sorted out i'm just going to dig out where the stove is going to go because the stove over time is going to melt down so just avoid that by getting rid of the snow and piling it onto our sleeping area where we can level level it out and have a nice level sleeping platform that's also a little elevated where it's surprising with the stove how much of a difference in temperature you can get right on the ground versus just being several inches above the ground and snow is a good insulator of course so that'll help a little too make it a little more comfortable so the corners we actually staked into the ground and made pointed stakes to drive in but the other ones we could have done this all the way around but it's easier out here where there's more snow it tends to get stomped down around the tent these ones we're just gonna bury and then we'll smush the snow so it sinters and when it centers all little snow crystals they kind of melt together and form something very strong similar to the way when a plow sponges up the snow it can get really rock hard or when you form a snowball same process sintering and even right now with no time to center properly it is uh it's holding a good amount of tension here don't go through one split all right just trying to bury the corners and sides as much as i can it makes a massive difference for keeping your heat in if you have lots of draft underneath the edges then you're really going to feel that so there should be a lot more snow by the time we come back here but might as well start get going and get it piled up a little bit the natural snow might do the rest of the job for us actually ready good man wait in there got a combination of ketchup and mustard here catch catch turd or muss up bust up no it's three o'clock and we uh we forgot to stop and make lunch we just kept working this is to go down really good it's hitting the spot [Applause] order up all right we've done all the chores basically and it's so exciting now to think that we get to come back to this little paradise be covered in snow and just enjoy it hardly do any work just keep up our firewood supply it's gonna be sweet so this should do us for a couple of days hopefully [Applause] we are packing up for the day we've got a good supply of wood and all set up here and we'll be back in a couple days and just spend several days here we're looking forward to it nice camp set up little fire pit over there time [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] so well the tent's still standing but uh it's definitely shifted around a little bit it it's kind of swallowed in on itself but maybe if we knock the snow off it'll bounce back looks like it'll need a little work hello pretty smells like wood in here okay that's already better there's a lot of snow weight on it and we got another snowstorm coming tonight so all right just digging out here we had an open fire pit here which we'll need for steak later she's being dug out got a lot of snow look at this mind you this is a big drift but still there's two feet of snow here on top of our fire pit there it is good self-preservation that's what we're going to need for our longest winter trip ever yeah we were given this little shovel which is absolutely perfect usually these telescoping telescopic shovels are junk and the little holders don't stay in position but this one is solid it's really perfect lightweight thanks john oh there's the fan it's going to blow the heat around the tent nicely picks up pretty fast only took a couple of minutes yeah i'm impressed so ice is pretty deep now it's close to two feet [Applause] getting our water for the night here i just bring in a four liter jug from a grocery store which i reuse they last forever and the water here in this lake is very clean very deep lake now i'm going to bury it in snow it'll keep it from freezing for a lot longer so somehow a fair bit of frost or moisture gathered inside the tent so like it's enough that i don't know if you see that but the water is dripping off my hand so i brought a rag i'm gonna wipe it up so it's not dripping all over our stuff we're not setting up our sleeping bags so they don't get damp but then i'll just hang the rag here to dry overnight and that's the beauty of the hot tent right always chores to do you see all this yeah just making lots of nice fine splits for us to get fires started while we're out here we've got the fan blowing air around pipe damper is wide open right now still getting going we've got this aluminum tray here from a pizza that we bought at a grocery store just reflecting heat back so it's not melting down into the snow that's a carbon monoxide alarm the odds are extremely low but you will never know if it's happening so it's just good peace of mind and then aaron built this little log cabin here to elevate the stove a bit so one thing we wish we'd got was the extension legs for the g stove because it's so low to the ground you almost you pretty much have to lie down to feed it so this will keep it up and it seems to be quite solid and stable so yeah got some water boiling yeah fantastic week here [Applause] getting a little fire going out here to cook up a stake and create a little wind block with the snow here because it's pretty windy today killing a bit of time in here and just waiting for the fire to burn down the coals eggnog time it's best if you drink it like gatorade you got a little bit you're on the bench a little bit on your beard oh yeah saving it it's way down there and yeah we got steak sharing one steak 30 off of course it's only time i buy steak and these german potatoes sliced potatoes that we'll do in the pan fire's crackling eggnog's cold life's good it's only 3 30 in the afternoon but so it's pretty early for a bevy but we figured we're probably going to bed at eight so it's really like 5 30 yeah if we were going to bed at 10 on a relative basis you know we go to bed pretty early out here we don't have a problem you have a problem so i've never tried these potatoes before but it's just potatoes a bit of onion oil just fry them in the pan should be good can't go wrong our pot just started boiling here it's pot of water from the lake so it's got a nice rolling boil which we want it to maintain for at least five minutes so that we kill off any bacteria that might be living in there and then it's good for drinking water okay these are all done it's time for the steak that steak right on the coals honestly i thought that was a gimmick stake on the calls but it actually does a really good job we need this and courses to keep it warm good i don't like chips hmm it's crispy on the outside but still nice and soft on the inside using their cooler as a table to play some crib which aaron just taught me i would never bring a i never bring a cooler out here but we have eggs and they're gonna freeze if i don't have it to insulate it it's actually warming the eggs in the cooler so uh low carb deals first yep oh you got three beneath it all right getting settled in for the night 6 45 at night i'm pretty tired from falling in and it's just dark and eager to catch up on sleep the wind is gusting out there it's pretty warm it's only minus five or six or something and that warm air usually blows in precipitation up here which is true again tonight supposed to be a pretty good snowstorm starting in the middle of night going into the morning so that'll be fun to wake up too oh thank you sir spoil me you know it's a bit of onion red pepper and mushroom in the eggs just a little perfect so with any luck yesterday's drinking water hole won't be frozen over yep still nice and just slushy i drilled out an extra big hole here for pulling water so it's nice just to not have to do that every time i'll cover it back up now come back to this later we have plenty of water in the hot tent now in the reservoir but i just want to keep up our supply it's kind of a bother when you need water you don't have it woohoo we only got about a centimeter of snow last night we're expecting closer to eight or ten um but it's supposed to come today now so have a nice snowy day we took the elbow out of the stovepipe it seemed to be really inhibiting getting the stove lit and it did make it easier but uh stove's not exactly rocking so we're still going through the learning curve with the g-stove but hopefully we'll get there yeah we're having some trouble with the g-stove we're using like the finest softwood splits healthy amount of birch bark and for some reason is just not it's just no explanation for it unless the wood that we cut wasn't as dry as we thought but it sure split like it was dry sounds dry feels dry yay yeah that's a nice piece i'm cutting these into splitting sizes while it's attached that way it just it's stable and holds it for me it's pretty convenient we'll bring the sled and pull them back to camp for chopping aaron and i were just wondering this this is the first tree we cut this is the second one watch when i put the hatchet into this one it doesn't sink in so that leads me to believe that this one might not have dried properly yet compared to this one goes right in and the reason i think that because if the water didn't come out of this tree then it would be like ice right this one is completely dry like the hatchet goes into it so easily so we're wondering if this tree was falling but maybe it fell late in the season only weeks or months ago maybe and didn't actually dry out and now it's frozen with all that liquid in it curious what your thoughts are oh and some people will put their lips up to wood but to see how wet or dry it is but i don't find that works in the winter because your hands and lips are warm and as soon as you touch something cold there's condensation there so there's really no way of telling like if that's if that's wet or dry or if it's just the condensation on my lips so i find that's more of a summer technique okay so we got some new wood we're gonna have to get a lot more but we're hoping that that was the problem and what with the g-stove and why we were struggling to get a burn was that all that would be processed when we first came in here maybe it wasn't as dry as we thought so this is our only possible explanation right now so we're gonna try it oh yeah she's ready to go there it goes but it didn't timber there it is okay so we're kind of back to square one here with uh our firewood prep doing it all again today all that work we did on the first day hopefully we can still use that other wood and just maybe mix it up with hopefully this dryer would but we have lots of other plans for this trip we're to fish and explore another lake maybe build a quincy chaga hunt like there's a lot we want to do but today's kind of getting killed by firewood prep round two you hungry almost ready ready almost hi red squirrel hey buddy you coming looking for some grumps a button we brought in a few chunks of chaga from home got a good stash there and we're just going to start brewing up some chaga tea chaga is a mushroom that grows on birch trees and while we go process some more firewood we'll just start brewing this okay with any luck that'll be the end of the heavy duty sawing on this trip that's the rest of it normally i'd have my merino wool layer a fleece jacket and then this wool coat followed by a shell like this we have these wildlands ones and i accidentally brought errands for me um so it's a medium woman's and i'm an extra-large men so it i literally can't get it on so i'm gonna wear aaron's second jacket as a bit of a shell i'm gonna go for a walk here and go to the cliffs awesome cliffs i want to go right up to them but it's actually quite slushy here and we definitely don't want to get our boots soaked the lake is very inconsistent some areas have deep ice some have no snow some have deep snow some have slushy snow okay we've just done our firewood prep and we've got some lovely chaga brewed up for us [Applause] where you got it going in go any different so far nothing noticeable uh yeah like it seems to be taking better interesting it's not hot yet but yeah okay tomorrow i don't want to process any wood and get it all done today okay we're finally setting one in doing our work for the day got quite a lot of firewood and it's uh quite a mess in here everything's sprawled out such a pigsty in here style not instagram worthy it's chugga time we're doing a hot toddy style with some maple crown royale all right plop that in there oh and we have the honey sticks so we've got these honey sticks it's just like a tube of honey from aaron's family friend barry he's my cousin cousin right um who has uh what do you call it beehive he's a factory he's a he's a bee man he's a beekeeper he's the one who gave us that beeswax candle last night and a bunch of other things like bee wax beeswax eyes eye cream and uh these are beeswax wraps just off cuts and he gave them to us as fire starter they were quite well uh barry's on instagram uh his instagram was bears bees and honey and fun fact local honey is supposed to help with look with allergies interesting because it's created from the pollen from local plants wow that's crazy if that's true if you can get locally sourced honey from wherever you are apparently it's good for allergies i read that once very interesting i wonder if it's true but i could see it being true okay hopefully this is drinkable temperature it might not be it's really hot it's hot but it's good yeah yeah that goes down good after a day in the cold yeah it's finally warming up in here it took a bit for the stove to get hot enough to throw heat but yeah it's doing that now yeah let's see where are we at what do you think what temperature do you think we're right it's 18 degrees i'm gonna get 16. we are at it says 13 but that there's no way it is much hotter now it's much harder where i am anyway it's pleasant finally that new wood's burning well this is a perfect winter drink [Music] i got a good mm-hmm i just need a cut oh i could have seen it in the screen i know you didn't though stove's going pretty nicely now that must have been the whole problem last night was the fuel must have been a bit wet because now it's going fine we're settling into bed it's very bro blustery outside and we went out just to go pee and brush your teeth before bed and it was a shock it didn't feel that warm in here but it really is a difference so yeah feeling really cozy good night fire's rocking no problem with this new wood got this led usb light plugged in this is a jackery power station we've been charging our devices off of it and it's still at 91 and i also have a solar panel for it which i'll use to juice it up probably later today or tomorrow but yeah it was pretty chilly in here this morning but feeling good really good now what do we have inside this morning minus 11. still quite mild around here it can easily get to minus 20 minus 30 so that is not not bad at all and for those of you in the u.s fahrenheit's there too that's about 10 degrees fahrenheit keep a small hatchet and chopping block in here and then whoever is tending the fire can make some fine splits and then keep a bucket of fine splits here just for easy fire starting gonna wake aaron up with a pumpkin spice latte we had one yesterday it was actually pretty good it was the first pumpkin spice latte i've ever had in my life getting into a pretty good rhythm here with the g stove finish up the eggs throw out my spatula disposable and then the grate we can use to toast our english muffins on just had a great breakfast it's nice and warm in here only 12 degrees or so we actually slowed down the stove because with all your clothes on it's just too hot and you don't want to be stripping down your clothes and have to go outside put them all on again so just a nice comfortable temperature where you can wear clothes like this it's nice we're feeling great we're ready for a really exciting adventure today hope for the daily trip to the watering hole it is absolutely gorgeous what a day to be out exploring so this was scraped down so we got at least two inches of snow yesterday and the watering hole is still wide open beautiful keep this insulated keep it open the whole time we're here at this rate not a problem ah this is the beauty of the hot tent try snow pants and mitts everything dry so aaron hold the sled across the lake and it was kind of slushy so it was a challenge the snow that we got yesterday is pretty dense and uh heavy so we followed this light across and now we're realizing getting the sled through here with this heavy snow is just going to be impossible i was hoping we could glide this light over it's going to be too hard so we're just going to hike into the lake see what we can see and save the fishing for our home base here there are some big tracks it's hard to tell because they've been snowed over but alternating sides and a good size so they could be moose they could be links that could be wolf i don't know i've actually tried getting into this lake twice before and failed there's a creek that you have to cross at some point uh there's just rugged undulating terrain and then lots of trees and bush especially if you get down into the creek then it's really thick and bushy so hopefully we can break through today i just want to lay eyes on it on a map it's one of those captivating lakes it just looks perfect as we climb up into the hills it seems like they got even more snow up here it's got to be three inches there this is a big part of the challenge is there are these drops along the creek it's more of a canyon almost i bet in the spring it's quite a waterfall so you run into these impasses can you hear that that creek is under us but there should be lots of ice and snow as well and with our snowshoes we're staying well on top of it but it's still running under there it's amazing under all this snow and all this wintry stuff just flowing water what you got there um a sweet battle axe from bill my dad gave it to me which is very unlike him he doesn't usually like sharp things it looks deadly take down this toothpick oh i did not like being behind the follow-through of that i held on real tight yeah i hope so shave it you can shave with that thing i'm not trying to functional purpose yet but it'll fight off the bad guys at the very least something smaller here it's just a thrill to see them all you can picture the foxes and the links traipsing through these snowy woods i think something lives in here a big hole there a little tunnel there and then these slithery tunnels here over the snow i would i want to say vole but the track is too wide unless it goes back and forth on it yeah no it might be a bull we're well off track here we've been forced to go east of where we wanted because it's just impenetrable awesome for forest that way but we finally found we just kept taking the path of least resistance and now we found somewhere clearer where we can cut across back to back to get on our bearing such a magical hike really demanding but you've got hills in the distance and some really rugged wintry scenes too we're almost there this is the creek this must be a beaver dam must be a big one oh my goodness i've dreamt about this lake on maps for so long look at it wait in it made it oh it was a tough journey oh so glad you hung in there would not have been the same to see this alone one of those places so worth it i'm so happy it's a really steep cliff no conifers have been able to take hold just some shrubs and the odd birch imagine that birch there hanging on for dear life it's amazing but so many icicles oh my god this is beautiful i wonder when the last time someone was on this lake yeah on foot it's probably been a while yep very few people would set foot on this lake ever the idea of trying to get the sled in here with all of our gear it's just laughable now that we know how just how hard it was yeah it wouldn't have been possible no this is really nice now welcome back we know where we're going we got a packed trail to follow we're not making navigational decisions as to whether to try and cut through stuff like this every 60 seconds be a nice walk back [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] oh i wish i had my shell right now everything sticks to my clothes oh i was recording that one sled got all gummed up from coming across the slushy lake so yeah that slush and ice on the bottom will kill ya it'll cause so much drag so we've got this jackery power station that we've been charging stuff on batteries get killed out here in the cold and then the 60 watt uh solar panel so right now it's low light it's pretty much the lowest light point of the year it's late in the day i'm gonna see if we can get any juice out of this kind of daylight just as like a test i'm very curious it's cloudy late in the afternoon but let's find out okay it's a 91 that's gone a long way in the hot tent with uh charging the stuff we have but let's see where it gets in a couple of hours we're gonna get our soup started out here just because it's only about two o'clock in the afternoon and it seems a bit early to retreat to the hot tent the days are pretty short so any daylight we have we kind of want to spend outside so i'm just gonna get this going and get some uh stock going for our veggie soup there's no shortage of birch bark here so i won't try with it get the fire going nice oh yeah so nice getting the champagne chilling for this evening and this men girls pressure cooker wow it is absolutely loaded with veggies for a huge veggie soup i froze them in sideways i let it freeze this way so that we can pour hot water down at the bottom and that way the water will kind of boil down there rather than just burning those vegetables on the bottom but that's a massive amount of soup once we add the stalk oh that feels nice getting a big fire going yeah it does so much less finicky than inside the stove yeah we're getting the hang of this oh i just got a whiff of the soup yeah even frozen it smells phenomenal i'm excited for that so we just softened up our butter for the rolls by bobbing it in this pot of boiling water or hot water now it's boiling so we're going to add the bouillon and then pour the so we can mix up the stock inside the pot and then pour it inside the men grills pressure cooker okay you know men grills goes on there get this boiling water into there okay the vegetable stock is mixed up and in there now let me just plop it in there to build pressure so it's only been about an hour and a half and it hasn't changed still at 91 percent but there's a little temperature symbol there probably means it's too cold to do anything with a limited juice that's coming in so it's interesting let's try it in the sun but yeah there's like little input and output measures there too so hopefully we get some sun to try it and see if it does much in the winter there's i don't even fault the unit like there's just no light right now end of day overcast i'm gonna clean things up in there a little bit lovely shove a little bit of snow on the ground sounds good oh yeah oh man that steam i love the mangroves because the steam that comes out of it smells incredible we're ready it's game time oh man that smells good it smells like stuffing it does smell like stuffing okay let's do it all right forgot a ladle so we're just dunking it dunk the bun and butter don't get in the soup and enjoy there we go cheers chair son cheers excuse me eight 27 go let's see how the stove's doing tonight 152 on the belly 156 on the pipe how about the very top there oh 200 on top celsius too and for all y'all americans we got you about 400 touched 400 there make some good nachos there yeah that's nacho making temperatures i love this gun it's just fun how about the candle uh [Music] 130 140 degrees fahrenheit in there aaron's hand 94 back to canada slash the rest of the world oh you're you're almost hypothermic no no you have a fever oh 37 is normal pretty blustery night out there again and we're uh we're kind of feeling in the swing of this hot tent life right now just three days in get a couple more but it's feeling good the canvas is just swaying around in the breeze but we're well protected and warm in here with the stove it's just a really good simple feeling really enjoying it that's it for us tonight see you in the morning looking forward to fishing tomorrow have not got a line wet yet doing pancakes for breakfast there's some wild blueberries in there that erin picked this summer and i do pancakes out here in like a peanut butter container and then i just pour water in and then shake it up mix it around it's a pretty handy way to do it do second last morning here in the hot tent we've got some lovely pancakes [Applause] it's finally time for fishing this lake has burbot and lake trout i've got my heavy duty rod here which i'm going to leave as a set line you're allowed two lines in ontario and i'm gonna put this nice glob of fish intestines kind of almost rotting and hopefully something will come by and just inhale that the reason i'm putting the bait on this bigger rod is i think it's a better potential setup for a big fish so i'd rather have that there and then here i'll just be actively jigging i'm hoping a burbot will come and and snatch this orbit are kind of like bottom feeders so this like rotten piece of flesh would be great for them and then here in this hole i'll be actively jigging i have a little rod holder for using a set line but i forgot it so i'm just gonna do this and drop it down the bottom and then just reel it up like an inch or two okay there we go and i'll leave the drag pretty loose okay first drop just had a decent mark on the sonar seems to have gone away now i'm keeping a close eye on my set line i might just wander over there pick up that scent first fish of the trip moved on to a new spot looks like there's a lot going on here in 119 feet of water i added a piece of cut bait to my lure and they're still this disinterested sometimes suspended fish like this where there's hanging out in the water column not really moving up or down or moving off the screen they can be just uh extremely uninterested seems to be the case right now dangling cut bait right in their faces for lunch today we have steak chili and garlic bread um that's hot of course i put a little bit of water in the pot just so that it doesn't burn on the bottom looking forward to this actually it smells really good breads toasted chili's heated we're ready to have some lunch cheers the wind is up out there it's it's not cold but the wind is uh chilling so this is the luxury to come back into this and i've just been relaxing in here all morning reading my book so it's good life the whole morning's been a luxury i just got this little underwater fishing camera from yoyo off of amazon and it's got it's down over 30 feet deep right now it's there's not nearly enough light ambient light down there for filming but it has little infrared lights on it so it's lighting it up down there and it's actually pretty awesome to look at just even just the debris down there i haven't even seen a fish yet that would be really amazing but just looking at all the debris very interesting these lights around the outside ring they light it up down there i think they're infrared and yeah it's a lot of fun to watch in fishing and especially ice fishing sometimes you'll smash your lure into the bottom and create a little sediment cloud which can attract fish and here's what that looks like [Music] just fishing near camp today we're a little out of the wind here behind this point and the reality is there's only eight or eight and a half hours of daylight at this time of year if i walk together in the lake it takes me 30 minutes and take me 30 minutes to walk back that's an hour out of those brief eight hours of daylight and they go by in the blink of an eye our days have just been flying by we can't believe tomorrow is our last day already and if there's one thing i've learned as an angler walking far away does not equate to catching fish in fact that's an hour out of my day where my line's not even in the water so sometimes it's better to stay put and see if the fish come to you the fishing's pretty boring today so i'm just really enjoying watching things on the camera i think a little sculpin just came along which is a favorite food of lake trout [Music] now i just need the lake trout to come by but anyway i came shallow here in six seven feet of water just to get a better view of the camera and be able to see the bottom be able to see my lure it's quite a lot of fun really a new dimension of ice fishing cool now there are a couple of minnows maybe shiners it's hard to tell that'd be interesting to see it when i get home that this is this is actually a thrill recording fish is something like underwater obviously is something i've had an interest in for a long time i've even i've strongly considered yelling an underwater drone it's like a corded submarine and you can control it through the court but they're expensive i'd love for someone to send me one i'd gladly show it off but uh this is a start and this is this is quite a lot of fun it's also giving me ideas as to what i should be fishing with like if i wanted to imitate a sculpin that's probably my closest bet there the storm 360. and then if i want a shiny imitation this seville vibrato is fantastic probably my favorite ice fishing lure so that's useful information it's also really interesting to see these fish coming to check out the silk cloud and watching my lures smash bottom like the techniques that i i've always used from above the ice i'm now getting to see them in live time like this this really is a game changer i've always wanted an underwater fishing camera and it's well worth it for ice fishing it's interesting there's suddenly an explosion of snow fleas they're all over they're just they make the snow look dirty but then when you look at the snow more closely it's full of little moving specks just retrieved my set line with this big piece of steak sitting on there fish steak i think it's liver probably and it's just untouched so that's it just gonna do there you go that is a lot of pen right it's a lot probably didn't need to add that last bit no oh well hope you're hungry bit of red wine pasta lady in the vibes tonight last night flew by it's funny to think how much we intended on doing here and uh the the demands of winter just take up your entire short day we wanted to build a quincy um you're thinking of a polar plunge i thought i'd have a lot more time for fishing and other things chaga hunt you never even win it's funny the days are so short and there's so much to do yeah especially yeah it's been very nice um especially with no power tools yeah no chainsaw no no snowmobile it makes you appreciate uh how much energy your home produces yes to heat water and heat your house like it really puts it in perspective it's an incredible amount today we're gonna make ice cream from snow i've got four cups of fresh fallen snow there can of condensed milk need a tablespoon of vanilla and a third of a cup of sugar which we're gonna substitute these honey sticks with interesting stuff might be uh a little on the cold side too you need a teaspoon of vanilla mix it well and we'll get the honey in there to mix as well okay got that mixed up i'm gonna pour it into the snow mix it in there wow that's a lot okay looking more like ice cream already and then i'm gonna let this sit for 30 minutes at least you know in the cold and let it turn into ice cream okay it's been about 45 minutes it looks pretty ice creamy a little soupy but it's not that cold out today it's probably just a few degrees below freezing but it looks pretty good see how it tastes that's the real that's the important thing excellent thank you see cheers mm-hmm that's ice cream that's ice cream that is actually ice cream wow i was kind of skeptical the honey's good in there too yeah all we need now a little bit of chocolate gourmet that is good we'll sprinkle the chocolate in there little crunchy bits of it crunch it up finishing our trip with ice cream pretty good way to end it and finally caught the little vole that's been raiding our camp red-handed this morning and funny enough he wasn't raiding our food he was just chewing on some lichen that was attached to some birch bark foals and moles get confused a lot a mole looks very distinct it's got kind of a pointy nose and it claws its way through it's a weird looking animal a vole looks closer to us like a small hamster or mouse and then there's a shrew which is kind of mouse like but a longer pointy nose which one doesn't have eyes more okay almost unpacking up we sleep on the snow with foam pads the foam pads provide a bit of insulation and more importantly protect our inflatable sleeping pads and that's a good setup the snow people often ask why don't you have a floor or they say you're a fool where's your floor but a floor in here all the snow would melt from the stove and then you just have a a puddle in your floor so this is actually much preferable you can lay down bows but it's not necessary we've got new bindings for the snowshoes this year these are gv asymmetrical bindings and aaron got the regular symmetrical it's nice because they just ratchet up instead of like a notching system like on a belt just find it's easier made it back to the car i just wanted to mention we finally drilled some holes in the pelican trek 60 sleds aaron has two x bungees i just have uh one x going from corner to corner works really well really happy to have it i know sometimes people wonder how do you poop in the winter you can't dig a cat hole because the ground's frozen solid there are no thunder boxes out here where we can't it's just bush camping and the answer is you go somewhere discreet and then your tp you burn so it helps if you get like a little birch park to do that or uh you can even just use snow it works it's not pleasant but it works before we pack up the stove we got to clean out the pipes which are full of creosote from burning soft wood especially not always at optimal temperatures can really build up the creosote i'm feeding it through and then just shaking all that stuff out and i'm using spruce boughs there's lots of balsam for around here but fur needles are soft spruce needles are pointy and bristly so they make for a better brush and i took this off a big tree just i don't want to take this off of a small tree and then potentially endanger it so let's take it off a big tree it's not hurting it tech on this trip is pretty out of control got the ice fishing camera the sonar the 360 camera the drone two action cams this camera the jockery power station the like heat gun and some other ones i'm forgetting but we brought a lot in we wanted to be really comfortable for these five days and then we have been ah you
Channel: Lost Lakes
Views: 1,146,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backcountry, angling, ontario, fishing, canoe, camping, lake, angler, canada, wilderness, BAO, bushcraft
Id: mRgnwVWx4fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 40sec (4420 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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