130: Easy Loaf of Bread, Start to Finish (Yeasted) - Bake with Jack

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hey omegas Jack here Bank with Jack code like you keeping you your weekly bread banking tip every single Thursday and this week your full start to finish simple yeasted loaf of bread tutorial roll that bean tune hello there and welcome back to the Michael Jack YouTube channel where I'm dedicating January 2020 to all you first-timers out there we've spoken about all the equipment that you need to make bread at home we've spoken about why it's a great time to start making your own bread and now the moment you've all been waiting for it's time to crack your first triumphant loaf of bread as always if this video is helpful to you please click that thumbs up button to let me know and if you want to see more of my face every single Thursday consider clicking subscribe now before we begin there's a very important thing to know which is the temperature of my kitchen today today my temperature of my kitchen is 21 degrees C that's 70 degrees Fahrenheit and we're not going to go too much into detail about this now because we've got bread to make but the short version is temperature is important if your kitchen is colder than mine things might take a little bit longer to puff up and if it's warmer where you are then things might happen a little bit quicker that's all if you want to read more about this topic you can I wrote a short blog post about it and I'll link it up underneath about why temperature is important and what to do about it if you need to do anything at all now here's a list of ingredients that you're going to need for the single simplest of loaves of bread don't feel like you gotta weigh everything now because we're going to do it together in real time we're gonna weigh stuff all together exactly like you would do at home I'm not gonna waste up into little tiny bowls like I was on a TV show and I think I'm doing exactly like you're gonna do it at home and I'll show you that next for this video I'm not gonna make one loaf I'm gonna make it too low so I'm gonna double up the ingredients like this as if by magic beans did you see that that's quite clever isn't it the reason is because it takes the same amount of time to make two loaves as it takes to make one loaf and that way I can show you the shaping up twice if you decide to make two loaves at home it's a really good idea because you're gonna do the same amount of work and you get double the amount of shape practice and you can always freeze it loaf if you're not going to eat it straight away we spoke about the equipment that you need last week in last week's video I'll leave a list underneath this Wow and as always the recipe for this will be on the bakery check blog I'll leave a link under that too that's enough talking without further ado let's cut to the table come on okay here we are at the table and the first thing we're gonna need to do is weigh mix and knead our ingredients together now apologies if everything is not in the right in the middle of the screen when I do this I'll try my best but I can't actually see it cuz my camera my phone's NECA now okay so let's just see how we get on so here I've got my scales here on 0 I got to put my bowl on the top of it and put that back 1 to 0 in here and in this bottle put my fresh yeast go always use fresh yeast you can of course use dry yeast but I always use fresh yeast and this is what it looks like keeping a little box for a little bit of paper so it doesn't get too wet and start dissolving all over the place I'm gonna take 24 grams of this yeast okay if you're using dry yeast half the quantity or they are about to 7 gram sachets works really well if you've got already got into 7 gram sachet just use 2 7 gram sachets abuse or as a rope half the quantity if you're using dry yeast now my waters here's room temperature water we spoke about that before and my room today's 21 degrees and so my water here is 21 degrees I'm gonna we're straight into the bowl on top of the yeast which is a little bit risky but I like a little bit of risk so I've put the scales back on to zero I can see that then if you can see there through the bulb I can see that from here 640 grams of water and a gram of water is exactly the same as a milliliter of water you might be surprised to hear it's just a little bit easier to do it this way 600 no.41 641 grams which is what okay next am I gonna do is mix these together okay I want to get that yeast softened if you've got dry yeast at this point you want to make sure it's completely dissolved that if you're using fresh as long as it's soft it's okay you know it's mommy the soft that's good to go because we're gonna need it anyways we're gonna get needed through anyway it doesn't really matter this is just a gesture of a mixture okay give that little mix next I'll put my scales back on to zero again and now in goes a flower strong white bread flour got here hey a kilo a strong white bread flour in and goes and it goes and it goes now you gotta be careful it's a little bit tricky to get stuff out of the bowl if you put too much in in this case is okay we can just scoop some off the top again if I go over the amount we need but this is the way I like to weigh stuff up because there's there's no washing up really part from this bowl you know we're just trying not to make a mess for ourselves there we go next scale back on to zero and I got to put my salt in 16 grams like this every time I weigh is something new I put it back on to zero because I could add it all up in my head but at some point I'm gonna get lost where I'm at I have to work it all out again that noise you can hear there's an aeroplane isn't that wonderful olive oil goes in okay technically we could put this in after we mixed it but you know it doesn't really matter the end of the day it's only a small amount thirty grams pop in like that now we get rid of these scales so next time we take my scraper and just mix it all up together remember this is a kilo flour I'm just gonna be quite a big dough but I feel like it's still manageable you can turn the bowl you use the rounded edge of the scraper just to bring everything together get all that flour instead of moisture or all the moisture into the flour it depends on how you look at mix it all up like this you can use the edge of your scraper to sort of cut the dough up because as you get in as the waters going in is gonna get tricky to get the last bit of dry flour into the mixture so if you use the edge you scrape but you can sort of cut it and you're opening up a little bit of moisture here a little wet bit but that can then take on the rest of that flour okay there we go now when I'm happy there's no dry flour left I'm gonna get it straight out on the table right strands of the clean table today no flour no flour if you've been watching my videos for a while you'll know we don't put flour down here we do not put flour there's no flour zero zero flour on the table did I mention that before no flour I'm gonna make this bowl nice and clean because I want to keep it want to put the dough back in so we after all that nice scrape my fingers a little bit and then we can commence their kneading now for the need in it's really handy to use this flat edge of the scraper to bring everything back together on the table like this what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna adopt the power stone to spread my legs slightly so I've got a nice rock-solid foundation and now with the heel of my hand I'm gonna push it up and say write this I'll bring it back over at the table bring it back on top okay just like this in a kind of circular motion like this that makes sense there you see that they like this I'll do slowly like this okay circular motion forwards up and back and give it a good lift up back now this stage everything's gonna get a bit messy like this on the table you see like that don't worry it's a the flat edge you scrape up it's already up a bit like this and continue on you're going to knead the dough for eight minutes okay eight minutes and at your style I'm probably going a bit quick now can I be conscious of the video but you can just sort of take it easy like this eight minutes you'll be all good to go every once in a while take the flat edge of the scraper I'm bringing it up together nicely and then continue on one hand is a good idea so don't get the other hand messy as well but just do what's ever comfortable for you to do literally however you feel most comfortable with give you add a bit of physical energy pushing it folding it over on itself and pushing again not stretching too much not to hair and if not pushing down into the table get a little sticky if you're heavy-handed into the table you're gonna get real sticky mess we spoke about that before in another video if you're like fingered of it you're gonna be fine quite a nice thing to do actually which I do actually which I'll show you here I wasn't showing you it's here my hand it's set a timer like this okay so you can see it's on for eight minutes from the beginning and leave it there you can turn it the other way around so you can't see you what you're looking at just go away into your special place in your mind enjoy yourself when it beeps you're all good to go eight minutes Tony's let's fade out and fade back in again when it's ready shall we yeah yes okay there we go now as a rule what I normally do at the end of eight minutes just leave it alone for bit you can see it's not smooth you can see that right a little bit bump in the top like this right but this is okay when I host the class there's eight of us as a bus making bread all together and everyone's different style and technique and pace eight minutes is normally enough don't worry about where Luke's I know if we keep needing this trying to make it smooth this is never going to get smooth because it's always under stress what I'm gonna do now is just leave it for let's give it two minutes because I pod have been change a little bit let's give it two minutes I'm gonna just take my time cleaning my hands if there's moist though here I'm gonna add it back to my eye okay is anything dry I don't want to do all this rub all lots of dry crumbs all over the top cause it'll make my little they were harvesting our bread which you don't want if there's moist stuff on now I'm gonna put it there what I'm going to do is just leave it alone for a while and let it relax why and then we can make into a nice smooth ball so eight minutes kneading three minutes resting they will make it into a ball and say for his first rest is the hardest work you've got to do all day by the way that eight minutes the hardest but in a few of you have mentioned in the past every once in a while somebody says or can you show me then they're needing a real time and I always thought there might be quite an under interesting long and boring video but if you really want to see us start to finish in real time that eight minutes we can put some music on or have a little chat something I'll make that video for you if you think is helpful write in the comments just let me know if you want that video and I'll make it happen that is the hardest their work you have to do all day the rest is easy we just sort of hang out a bit we'll do a little shape up layer we'll hang out a bit more and then we'll pop it in the oven is really is as simple as that so take these three minutes to let the dough relax let yourself relax you know because you've put a lot of energy and love into this and now it's just time to let it do its own thing eight more seconds on the clock why else can I talk about it's nearly finished let's go for the shaping yes okay now we've needed a completely without any flour and now flour is acceptable because we're just shaping it up we've gotta make our dough have a top and a bottom that means a dusty side and a sticky side we make this side dusty this nice donor side here and yours might be a nice round ball like my Nana might know it might be sticky all over the place but don't stress out about it I've done this a few times in this down to my technique the natural way that I handle the dough because I've had so much practice with it okay so now I'm just a little dust on the top just that one side only this is our dusty so I don't what I'm gonna do now is take my scraper underneath like this flip it upside down like that and I'm gonna pull it up nicely take your little piece from the edge fold over right so almost the way over to the edge I've gone past the middle don't stop in the middle because you get this weird donut thing right so it's ears like this like that all the way around just stop when you're happy it's a ball you can do this all day long because there's always another piece to take but just stop when you're happy it's a nice ball roll it over and now you've got your nice smooth top that we're all been looking for okay now you're there the top if you're any doubt whether it is ready at this point there's a video that I made called the five signs when your dough is ready or something like that anyway but it's got this five signs you can do the test here or not to be quite honest with you I never do it I do my 8 minutes to work I do my 3 minutes rest my ball out of this I'll put it into the bowl and I forget about it it's as simple as that I never check for the signs lil bit dust on the top just to stop it from joy now it might sound like it would do the opposite but it just traps any moisture that's gonna try and leave and then we get our magic make with Jack proven cloth pop it on the top I'm gonna leave it here to puff up for one hour and while it is puffing up its going to develop flavor the gluten that we've been working that's the strength that we build up by we kneading there's going to develop even further completely transforming the flavor and the texture of our final bread one hour rest here minimum yes okay here we are back an hour later I hope you had a lovely rest I did actually I edited the first part of video but we can see now is clearly risen in an hour is well puffy and that's exactly what we want to see it means everything is working perfectly and this right here is proof that the next time it rests is going to puff up it is a bit where you celebrate already because you know it's gonna be a success the rest is unfortunate upside down quickly or you see the bubbles before it falls out it's like I'm really lovely healthy puffy wonderful and now it has passed and now it's time to get it out onto the table so a little flower pot here to accompany me and my domo scraper I'm gonna take you out for the divide and pre-shape if you're just doing one loaf you don't need to divide it first remember I'm doing two so I divide it and then pre shape each piece then what I'm gonna do is take the curve into my scraper and just shimmy it down the side here just a loosen the dough from the bowl a little bit I've dusted this one the side remember the dusty sides so that when we get out on the bowl it's gonna come out upside down onto that dusty side sticky side up I know I won't stick now because I'm doing two loads go cut this in half I'm just gonna check it's not sticking which is not which is wonderful it's really light really lovely now I enjoy this part when you get an hour that's looking really puffiness domed up this is all the hard work you've put into it in combination with just letting it rest and do its own thing and the yeast puffing up that makes it so wonderfully silky and soft and puffy I'm going to say oh you know I'm looking I was gonna Wade them out but I'm not gonna wear them out cuz I can't really bothers doesn't really make that much difference to be honest with you I can do it by eye nice theme into half like this no one's gonna judge me actually they probably will judge me but that's just how I roll cut it down the middle use a flat edge of the scraper all the way down push down into the table peel the dough away and you cut into two pieces like this and now with each piece I'm just gonna ball it up nicely ready for the final later I always do a pre shape of this stage which is this bull to build extra structure for the final shape to come up nicely all I'm going to do is push down with my fingers like this with my knuckles like that get rid of some of that gas and I'm just going to work our way around exactly like we did earlier fold in a little piece over all the way around you might hear some squeaking and popping at this point as you're losing some of the air out and that is good thing because you're firming it back up again ready for the final puff when a final puff comes up everything's gonna be a bit more uniform really really strong it's gonna rise up beautifully I'm just taking a little piece there holdover little piece there that I hope you know as well and just work my way around it like this all the way around making it nice and tight really building that tension on that top surface cuz that's what's gonna hold the shape in the end when you get to here you can turn over you do it'll be this cupping and turning action this is the classic Cup and tone the Cordova classic this is your secret moves yeah the classic Cup and turning on it squeeze your hands together underneath nice and round double tap and we're all good to go so listen we're gonna put that there with a little bit flour on top actually you know I always do is when I'm making a video I always put them right in the way of myself it's not very helpful so I'm gonna put that there you can still see that there I'm gonna put out there easier there so the cloth just pop that on top that's gonna sit there rest for 15 minutes only okay just sit and rest and relax with 15 minutes the reason is if I try and shake the up now I've just built that tension it's real tight and bouncy it's not gonna want to go to where I want it to go to so we give it 15 minutes to relax all the gluten that elasticity will relax and then I'll shape up ready for my low fitting in the meantime you'll scrape the table down and prepare my tins okay got a couple local teens here these are my go-to loaf tins I'll leave the measurements there for you so you can see from early I'm just couple a little oil in here if you're doing low for the first time here you don't want to risk it sticking to the teen just give it a light to come to nut oil or butter into that tin just to do your best to ensure it doesn't get stuck in there use your hand wipe it all the way out the sides just a little thin coating but everywhere okay normally opposed at home I probably risk it I like a bit danger in the kitchen you know but cause we're on YouTube to 50,000 subscribers now I better make sure it comes out nicely after a night I'm happy with those they're all done I'll leave them there I'll put them up out of the way and then we'll come back to this dough 15 minutes let's have a look our lovely dos yes okay so you can see can you see that Miss Emily yes you can you can see that they've spread out slightly they're relaxed if you feel your dome now you'll notice it's much softer than it was it was a real firm bouncy ball when that's got a little bit of give so we can do our final shape and we use the scraper to get underneath always using the scraper underneath I never just pick it up off the table and stretch it away always get your scraper in move it to your table the other way up okay so it doesn't stick to the table if you need some dust underneath you can do that but never does this but here sticky and it sticky for reasons because we need all the joins during the shaping to stick to one another nicely okay so now from here it's a my fingertips push it down I'm just pushing down I push this down like this into the table my fingers it's going to spread into a circle it's gonna get bigger naturally don't feel like you have you're trying to push it away and push it out because if you do that it comes back and get this crinkly stuff it looks a little bit weird just push down firmly with your fingertips your knuckles if you want to and let it spread where once to go now we've got this nice circle where check it doesn't stick to the table again which is fine and now I'll take the two sides like that put them out slightly fold one over at an angle I'll do that twice you can see with the other one fold this over the top and anyways well so who almost got a triangle now I'm gonna push it all back down nice and flagging okay by this remember our tin okay if this bottom bit of your dough if the width of this bottom bit is the length of your 10 you're good to go you don't want it to be any longer otherwise it's not gonna fit in your teen at the end in fact it is slightly shorter than your team that's even better what we're gonna do push that down we're gonna roll it up nice and tight into a sausage I did a video like this before quite a thorough one actually if you want to check now if you can now you might not need to we might feel like mutti and that's another aeroplane roll push with your thumbs roll push this to tighten up all push roll push all push get to the end squeeze up that seam so it sticks to itself now we've got a definite seam here that's the underside of our bread and we've got a nice smooth top where the tension is which is going to hold a nice shape and with dust it all over now and on the ends because that will help us so it doesn't stick to the tin and it goes okay ones in give it a shaky make sure so cool and just leave it like that in its natural form we're doing next one next here's a flower away again because you need some new grip scrape underneath flip it upside down little bit of flower if you need to pick up it from there for one push down into a circle like that Heather squeaks those squeaks and those pops it's just a few bubbles bursting that's just the signal it we work toward oh really well in the first place is rested up nicely it's really strong ready for the next bit now hands underneath sideways like that one over one over the top in angle push your back down flat nice and firmly make sure all the time make sure it doesn't stick today we're starting to stick being a scraper under there get a little bit of flour shoot me underneath just make sure nothing sticking there be real shame if it was so it's all flat down like that no roll push roll push all push pull push it off fish okay squeeze up that seam and there we go our life dusty really nicely actually I can use that dust on the table save some dough roll it all around in the dust side on this one I got a cut this one because I like it I've been doing the cemeteries and they'll really like it's got a serrated knife here do a few diagonal cuts quite long ones yeah she look really nice when it pops up I know I know you can see like this one came out quite nicely that feels its head really nicely this one we've got dodgy area here's a bit skinny there's bear fat in there and to be quite honest with you I couldn't care less it's kind of puff up its gonna fill the tin it might be a little bit higher this side than that side but hey is homemade bread if it looked like I bought in a shop I may as well I've just boy in a shop I'm gonna leave those two there like that get my cloth then put it back on the top I'm gonna clean up this mess I'm gonna let this sit here for an hour and one it's in here for an hour within that hour probably a halfway through I'll get the oven on start preheating the oven so it's nice and ready nice and hot for when it's time so baked see you in an hour my oh my look how they've grown isn't that lovely you can see at this point after an hour has passed that might though it's puffed up my loaves are puffy I'm gonna put them in the oven let's talk a little bit about how we know when it's ready but I don't want to spend too much time on this bit because in true bake with jak style you're going to learn way more over time as you practice as you bake and you bake in your bake again that's where you learn about this stuff you can learn way more than y can translate to you across this video but I'll do my best in the meantime now look you can see this puffed up I kind of want to tip it a little bit so you can see it's puffed up over the top of the tin which is great by our home you can't go by the size of it compared to mine because your tin might be a little bit different all your flour might have a little bit different qualities making a stronger allowing it to puff up more or you may have kneaded it slightly differently so it might pop up more or less than mine before he gets delicate but a point is everything starts off quite firm and bouncing when you put it in your tin have a little feel of it when it's in the tin now a little free liver and our latency how you getting on it's going to be softer the more gas that inside the more pasen pasen puffs the more delicate is gonna become until there's a point where's well puffy is well fragile and it's collapse and so a lot of people do this finger press test and you can take this with a pinch of salt because it's really subjective and it's down to the amount of experience that you have how useful it actually is the finger press test that people say that when you press it bounces all the way back it's not ready fully oven if you press it it balances a little way back it's ready for the oven if you press it doesn't back it bounced out at all it's getting you're in danger then get into delicate you need to get it in the oven and all this stuff is fine but the point I want to make about it is at this point if this is your first loaf of bread please don't stress out about it don't poke it 67 times thinking is it ready isn't it ready I don't know it's clearly clearly puffed up here it's clearly puffed it has a little bit of bounce left but it's definitely risen if I bake this now it's gonna make wonderful bread if I bake it at 15 minutes ago it would have made wonderful bread and if I 15 minutes for now it's probably going to make wonderful breadth of their window you can bake inside is huge so for now if it's clearly written and it's more delicate to the touch get it into the oven and then you'll learn when it comes out and you'll learn next time and the next time and the next time so I'm gonna take these over to the oven now we'll cut to the oven and I'll show you I show my little cell welcome to my kitchen floor he's my oven here right this is a fan electric oven it's not posh it's not fancy it's just a straight our family chick I wanna get some lovely bread out of this there's a baking stone on that shelf there don't worry about that it's only there because he lives there I'll never take it out it just lives there for a river but you don't need one it's not necessary just there because it's there I'm gonna be baking this bread with steam I'm gonna use hot water out of this kettle here just boiled and I've got a deep roasting tray in there and I'm gonna pour the water in you can completely bake bread without steam it's a nice touch if you feel like you want to do it try wish thing it makes the Christ better makes the color better makes it rise up but it makes everything better but you can do it without so don't let that put you off so it's time to load the algĂșn I've got my loaves of bread up here let's open it off both in nice and central be careful don't slam them down onto that shelf because I might be gas them and lose them we're gonna get the hot water in that tray there keep all that steaming about time here I'm gonna set it for 40 minutes start to finish you might want to do it for 30 minutes and have a look you might want to have a little look at your people 30 minutes see what's going on in the meantime just hang out look through your nice amador clean that beard it's nice and then we can see it it's been saving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check them out [Music] number two now in theory they will just pop out of the tents in theory yeah check out about calling rank here I'm gonna put the strattice at a rack nice we can check the underside good oh yeah it's been 40 minutes and I'm confident in my oven that's gonna be okay it sounds nice and Hollow now depending on your up and you might find underneath there's a little bit of power fit you can hear this listen to this that's nice and toasty underneath but if your underneath is a little bit pale then you can just pop it out of the tin like this and put back on the oven shelf like that and bake it for another five or ten minutes or if your oven is noticeably hot on the top hotter on the top then on the bottom you might need to flip it upside down a little bit just to toast off that bottom bit the same goes if it doesn't come out your tin do not slide a knife down there so and try and rent you out because you're gonna ruin your loaf you'll leave a bit in el Vietnam every disaster so just leave it in the tin flip the tin upside down for a bit and bake a little bit longer and it should with a few taps come off nicely let them cool down and then we have a proper look and there you have it 45 minutes later I need to pick the kids up in a minute this is nearly cool it looks pretty nice doesn't it on the other one what I'll do in a minute is I'm gonna slice these up I'm not gonna slice them up we're gonna say one slice off them because it's still warm and ideally I let them cool down completely before I cut them but we haven't got a lot of time so I'm gonna slice you end up and take a slice off the end and we'll see what it's like but listen you hear that oh nice and crusty which is lovely smells amazing we're smashing it with these camera angles today aren't we check this out okay let's go this way shall we I'm going to take the end off it's still a little bit warm yes a bit steamy entire still oh yes supersoft real lovely see if I get slice off this warm low yes there you go how's that super soft on the inside crunchy crispy crust Oh delicious absolutely delicious what do ya think people do this breaks my heart lil bit by bit everyone does it but I don't know why looks like bread tastes like bread it's gonna make wicked toast oh yes oh yeah yes and there we have it the full yeasted loaf of bread start to finish it's been such a long vowel cutting remember we're calling it now I need to go and pick up the kids in a minute but there's the finished loaf if you have a go it let me know post our instagram using the hashtag bagel jack so i can see but not only just so that i can see so you can go to the hashtag bake with jack and see what everybody else is up to you can post problems there you can post your triumphs I hope it goes really really well for you've hoped you've learned loads of stuff in this super long video not only about the my amazing variety of camera angles that may work to reduce these days listen if you haven't click Subscribe yet and you like this sort of video consider click and subscribe before you go if you like this if you enjoyed it if it helped you please click like before you go really house me out more than you think thank you so much for being here for your weekly bread making tip I look forward to seeing you next week for another one see you later now and that's it for this week thanks so much for stopping by for your weekly bread making tip I hope you got a ton of value out of this epically long video this week don't forget you can get the recipe it's in full on the bake reject blog and I'll put a link in the description you can find that there and best of luck on your first epic loaf of bread see ya you
Channel: Bake with Jack
Views: 295,022
Rating: 4.953012 out of 5
Keywords: how to make bread, easy, loaf, simple, recipe, white, bread, sandwich bread
Id: SM5lZ9TICdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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