131: Kneading Bread Dough in REAL TIME - Bake with Jack

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hi I'm Vegas Jackie a baker Jack I thought you came bringing you your weaker I need to make this bit shorter don't I here's how I need my bread dough in real time rolled out theme - hello and welcome back to the bakery check youtube channel where i share with you a little bit my bread making expertise every single Thursday if that's the sort of thing that turns you on coz click and subscribe this week a video that some of you have told me would be so useful but previously I've thought might be a little bit boring so let's just go with it normally when I need a bread dough in a video always speed up fast and put on some funny music or fade out again and fade back in again when it's tannin although I feel like that makes the video a little bit more digestible you never actually see the kneading process starts a finished so today we are cutting the nonsense and we are cut into the table for the most entertaining eight minutes of your lives I hope you ready okay you join me here at the table after I've just mixed up this note exactly like in last week's simple local video tutorial and it's the sake the same dough let's do it today starts our finish before we begin there's a couple of things to know I did not put any flour down on the table that's the biggest mistake I see or hear of people doing don't do that we'll talk about that more later on and also it's really nicely to have a look at our dough and see what's going on here right once you after you mix there and then you appreciate the sort of change is gonna happen is sticky really wet there it's dry there is firm here it's loose there is sticky all over and most for the most part these characteristics are going to change as we work the dough is quite lumpy bumpy as you can see and it's really delicate it breaks apart quite easily okay it's fragile and this is going to change so without further ado I didn't get time I hold on let me get time open the time run we'll start kneading okay take two we've got the timer put on to eight minutes cuz as a rule I need dough for eight minutes I'll give it three minutes rest I'm gonna use my scraper scrape up from the table and with a heel in my hand if I push it across the table all right push it across and bring it back push it across good lift up and bring it back so doesn't stick to the table too much now will be sticky especially on this wood table it's going to stick like crazy but all these little sticky bits we'll just use a flat edge of our scraper bring all back together now a few of you requested this video right eight minutes just hanging out with me hopefully I won't find it too difficult so ever check for 8 minutes but you never know there has been times so what I've done is I've written a couple things on a bit of paper please check out while we're doing this this is all we do I tend to use one hand at this stage because it's messy let's go stick it to my hand make a mess of my hand not this that's okay because remember when you do it for eight minutes and after eight minutes we can clean our hands it's really not a big deal marlis okay it always starts off like this stick it to the table it won't be like it for long puffed out already man what's going on so if you don't know what the point is at this part I will tell you okay there's gluten in spite of our dough gluten is the strength the elastic fans imagine them like elastic bands inside at the beginning of our dough well those elastic bands hundreds and thousands probably I don't know all those elastic bands inside a short time not long and strong stretchy is short and tight which is why the dough just breaks apart like I just showed you it just broke apart alright we've not very much force just breaks into pieces easily and if we give it a little bit of physical energy like this five minutes sorry about the squeaky table by the way as I was saying anyone a little bit of physical energy like this for 8 minutes will make those elastic bands long the stretchy strong making our dough stretchy and strong so that when the yeast goes to work later making loads of gas inside the dough the dough is able to hold it all there was a hole with all so the day was a dozer able to rise up puff up nice and big if we didn't do this properly and do it all the gluten is short and tight but they would be fragile and it only puff up so far before we got delica and collapsed so we are making our dough strong here giving it a few minutes work just to make it a super strong so it can hold all that gas get real puffy like bread this this is all we do I'm not particularly hard not being particularly forceful you might think it looks like I am I'm really not I can use two hands if I want like this I could be doing like this you can alternate hands which what I normally do a bit later down the line when I get into it gets us a rhythm player alternating hands is quite nice but you can do it this is the way I do it there's loes way they're doing it everyone's doing the same thing everyone's working it folding it pushing it stretching it giving it some physical energy to develop that gluten iced tea I feel like it's changed a little bit already we're gonna go eight minutes Rihanna's always this recipe is for two loaves of bread you might be thinking I wonder if he works it longer for two loaves of bread they need us for one the answer is known 8 minutes as a rule eight minutes we can hang out of it wouldn't she go and do this you scrape your hands if you want so cool no hurry eight minutes work now Brett though isn't just bread though right bread dough it's not like one bread dough for always not one rule for all bread dough's do you see what I mean so your dough depend on what it is if it's the same as my recipe in last week's video like this one is then it's gonna look like this pretty much it might be a little bit different because your flour might be different because your technique might be different you might be a bit heavy-handed and if you are heavy-handed most stuff like this sticky like this if you like with me like this then it should look similar to mine but all flowers are different they even strong white bread flour one brand to the next different characteristics you stop with wholemeal flour in which we will talk about I know loads of you keen to talk about home and flowers and stuff we will get there if you're using homo' flowers rye flour stuff be a bit more sticky bit tacky yeah but as a rule I normally do eight minutes anyway you know as a rule which just makes a lot of easy for me we have five and a half minutes in there you don't need to work fast a lot of people think you got to go real fast get your whole body into it work your muscles knock yourself out but no matter how fast or how slow you are and minutes still takes eight minutes Mars I just relaxed about it is don't stress take it a gentle pace that's right for you a pace is comfortable you want to be comfortable in this process you know not I mean discomfort a min is that's not fine you and do that again just be comfortable that's pretty simple really six minutes lovely I always save people listen to your dough at this point it doesn't really make much sense because I'm not listening to Vic and I listen to a sound why mean is pay attention to your dough's needs right recognize its limits it has got a limit your only stretch so far before tears now I can take ups are there and it's got natural resistance now I don't want to go further once I get her though I tear it you want to avoid tearing it ripping out a natural point where it says no more stretch it doesn't want to go any further that's what I mean I say listen to your dog it's respect the boundaries have you done you know I push it past its natural breaking point here we go SM rhythm going on for a minute so we get in there it comes off the table easier which is great it was still stick if I'm heavy with a toe still stick to it still like sticking on the top from slow like that if I'm nimble thinking it light-fingered with it already stick it into anything I had an idea once a long time ago I thought let's do I should do a podcast man cuz I used on a blog do these like diary entries which are now pretty cringe-worthy if you ever read some of them diary entries in the block pretty cringing now just in my thoughts in general well I was up to him what was going on I thought I could have eight minutes or cast every week just chatting about stuff stories in the restaurants and whatnot what's going on in life in general yeah maybe now I'ma listen oh it's probably quite a lot of work in examine one second all right you can finish now because of my technique right because what I was doing here it just has worked out there is gone kind of round can you see that and that's just down to the way I naturally handle the dough cuz I've done it a couple of times before today but here or not so that's like that just because of the way I was doing it might be like that for you it might be a bit more messy might look like this what I like that I don't know why just is generally that way because of the way that I kind of deliberately pulled over itself then you got this Sauron bit here you can see it's not smooth it's not it's not smooth completely is it they've all changed in three minutes eight minutes work three minutes resting well its resting you can have a rest because talking and knead in at the same time finding angle I don't hit this camera you know it's gotta be a triangle hunched David is quite tricky have a little rest now spray put my fingers there's no way I've got time to make a podcast once a week no way crackers they rest I'm feeling about it just let it rest and hang out for a little a little bit time that I did a bit more detail video about this part here called the five signs of breath those really needed I think it's number ACA I think it's not ATO so look at that if you want to get more deep depth about when it's ready and when you think it isn't you can have a look at number 88 but to be quite honest with you I never bother I never bother doing any now I just do eight minutes three minutes rest but will it up put it in the bowl its approve one minute 40 seconds to go yeah what people look at the dough now think this can't be ready i'ma keep going for longer I'm ignore what jack says on his wrist but I'm just gonna go 10 15 minutes whether you know which is fine but do we want but this dough is fine eight minutes is cool I know it's corrupt then it loads but my flour everything is fine I'm happy now I don't have the way you are every time I make the decision whether I think that it's ready every time all that stuff is exhausting then just need a five minute so they arrest up like this a lot people ask me about sourdough they say to me like how come you need this though you don't need sound own and that's because another another thing that develops gluten is time the sourdough state takes such a long time that the gluten sort develops itself over that time we just give it a fold every once in a while to build the structure and the all-important structure while the glue man develops itself over time but this this yeast in here puffs everything up so fast there is shortens the time that we bake it everything used to be sourdough everything used to be sold before those yeast so everything's okay jizz then all of a sudden someone invented yeast and you can make a loaf of bread of three and a half hours or Webber which is crackers but that's not enough time for the gluten to develop is south so you have to email it with physical energy along the way you know right at the beginning just throw out like gluten nicely so they can puff up nice and big but don't stress out about this pie yeah four seconds to go let's just wait Johnny yes so now I've got my dusty pot liver sprinkle on the top on I'm making myself this this gonna be the top now and the bottom underneath is gonna be the bottom this is gonna be the dusty side and you know I saw gonna be the sticky side loosen it from the table flip it upside down exactly like you saw last week make it into a ball i this now we've got this rudeness we looking for now you can do those five signs if you want to do those five signs in a video number 88 I think it is if not don't just do just do I do put that in there like that give it us like that magic loft on the top meta rest up and that's kneading piece okay hey and there it is that's how I need breads dough start to finish I hope you enjoyed a little chitchat on my part and if you want that podcast I was talking about it's probably not gonna happen I literally I've got no time sitting talk for eight minutes or maybe no or maybe no listen thanks so much for being here this week for weekly bread make it tip I look forward to seeing you next week for another one bye bye there it is was that as exciting and as entertaining as you thought it would be I hope you got a lot of useful information out of today's chit chat if you want to see the full loaf of bread start-to-finish tutorial you can it's number 130 and the other video is talking about five signs to see if your dough is fully needed it's number 87 I repeat 87 I'll see you next week you
Channel: Bake with Jack
Views: 145,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to knead, bread dough, knead, kneading
Id: BBRmfxumyh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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