I Nearly Bought A Haunted House | 12 True Scary Paranormal Ghost Horror Stories (Vol. 30)

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my wife and I have been house shopping for several months now so it has become a normal weekend tradition for us to meet up with our realtor and walk through houses this past saturday a place popped up that was in a nice area and for a decent price so we decided to see at the following day we drove out to this place and met up with our realtor at about 10 a.m. on Sunday we started our walk through in as soon as we walked in it was obvious that the place had been inhabited by elderly people not only were there dated wallpaper and color choices but there was also a stair chair those powered chairs on a track leading to the basement we walked through the kitchen and bedrooms and everything seemed pretty decent we then came to a room that appeared to be an old craft room with built-in shelving in a desk and this comes into play later once we'd seen all the first floor we decided to check the basement out it's important to note that the lights in the basement did not turn on I think there may have been some breakers flipped because some other room lights didn't work either the basement layout is such that once you descend the stairs you must either go left to right left leads into an older finished portion of the basement and right leads to an unfinished utility area the realtor my wife and I all go to the right initially I'm checking out the water softener system and the shelving and storage when my wife decides to go check out the finished portion after a second I hear her commenting about how she could not go in that room I chuckled myself assuming she was just being cheeky because it was a dark old room and the realtor decided she would go check it out but immediately turned around and made a similar comment that was amused because I just assumed they were playing off of each other and getting freaked out because it was a dark creepy room armed with my phone flashlight turned up as bright as it would go I decided I would check out the rooms since they didn't want to go in I walked in confidently but only made it about a couple of steps before being frozen in my tracks by a paralyzing anxiety I felt chilled to the core and I physically tensed up and recoiled at the sensations I was feeling I felt no apprehensions about going into this room prior to stepping in although my wife and realtor had felt uncomfortable going in I honestly had no reservations I simply wanted to see the space but in an instant I knew I was not welcome in this room I had stepped into a place occupied by something or someone else and it and they did not want me there I looked left and right into the darkness that my phone light could not seem to penetrate safe for the small window at the far end of the room gently glowing from the overcast day outside I started to feel sick and decided to get out of there quickly I stepped back out of the room to the base of the stairs and suggested we all head up as we walked outside to the backyard we all felt the need to discuss what had just happened my wife divulged that she actually felt a physical force push on her shoulders as she tried to walk in as then she literally felt something push her as she tried to enter which is why she commented about not being able to go in the Realtors seem to have had a similar experience to mine with extreme anxiety and a feeling of not being welcomed we walked the lot and headed back up to the house to close the shades turn off the lights etc as my wife walked up the stairs our realtor noticed she had a piece of yellow lace hanging off of her sweater normally this wouldn't be alarming and admittedly it's very likely just a result of static cling but given the experience we had just had it seemed more sinister we went back into the house and our realtor grabbed the piece of lace and left it in the old craft room we didn't want to take anything from that house home with us we all left the house locked up and talked about it a bit s'more in the driveway later that night as I lay down for bed I was in that space between sleeping and waking and I had a brief dream I was back in that house but at night I stood at the top of those stairs and looked down them when the electric Starck chair started to descend by itself I felt as though I was being baited back into the basement I woke up pretty quickly and thankfully didn't dream about it again I'm obviously open to the paranormal but I am generally a skeptic and believe that most things have a reasonable explanation and this may well have one too but after reflecting on it for a couple of days I'll suspend my reasoning and just talk about what I feel I feel like there were actually two entities in that house an old man and an old woman I assumed the former residence the upper floor was her space and she made it feel welcoming and light I think she is the reason for the yellow lace on my wife's sweater I think the basement room was his domain and he did not appreciate the unannounced company not that he meant any harm but more of a get out of my house type of reaction no matter the reality of what actually happened nor the intentions of any entities there I don't think we'll be putting in an offer [Music] so this month marks the one-year point from when this road trip happened the specific story that I need to tell has made tears run down my face every time I've thought about it and if I try telling anyone I start out right sobbing I don't cry often but the fear is still so visceral my brother and I drove out to see our friends in Portland Oregon from Ohio the drive there was pretty uneventful we drove non-stop and made it in a little over two days the only thing that both of us noticed was that on long expanses of country road with no driveways or connecting roads a car would suddenly be driving behind us we talked that part up to being tired and not noticing an approaching vehicle but within five minutes the car would be suddenly gone we both shouted the first time in unison and my brother is an ever logical person who usually calms me down if I think something is off but he was as freaked out as I was that first time was within five hours of starting our trips so I don't think it was fatigue it happened a couple of more times but eventually we just would point it out and laugh because what else could we do the scary part was on our drive home we decided to drive down through Californian through the southern states because neither of us had seen the landmarks they're famous for redwoods grand canyon etc we drove the coastal highway saw the redwoods and got all the way through San Francisco the first day and into the night once out of San Fran I was driving and my brother turned over to sleep for a couple of hours no big deal but my GPS started trying to reroute us over and over again I would click on the coastal highway route and drive for about ten minutes before it would switch to a different route and I would noticed belatedly after like an hour of getting turned around in the middle of nowhere over and over again I decided any route heading to LA would look the same in the dark so I followed the GPS it took a solid ten minutes before I made it to a highway cue the tears I'm literally starting to cry as I write this at this highway my GPS told me to turn left but there was a median and a very clear no left turn sign another sign ahead said route one South with an arrow pointing right I had originally wanted to take one south so perfect I turned right I want to make this very clear I drove for two miles on that Highway maybe four because I'm not sure if the exits were every mile or every two miles but five minutes I was on the highway for five minutes I know this because I obsessively checked the time I always have from the minutes I turn right instead of left my GPS literally started spinning the map it wouldn't reroute it didn't make any suggestions it just stopped all functionality of being a GPS I was stressed I didn't recognize any names on the road signs and decide to get off the highway I passed one exit total got off of the second exit five minutes from where I turned onto the highway the second I took the exit my GPS immediately rerouted me a car took the exit behind me and made the same first turn as I did and the next and the next and the GPS took me through pitch-black country roads on and on and all the while the headlights of the car behind glared into my rearview mirror after about 15 minutes tears started rolling down my cheeks I was scared every time we came to a stop sign I thought that we were going to be killed irrational maybe but that's what I was thinking I was just plain scared forty-five minutes this car followed behind us for 45 minutes I was trying to be calm and rational I let my brother sleep I thought maybe I was being stupid and this was actually a well known route through California 45 minutes and I saw a streetlight finally at the stop sign ahead I prayed that there was a gas station or convenience store or anywhere populated but do you want to know what was at that stop sign the turn on for the highway and the one with the median with the no left turn sign the exact same spot I had been at almost an hour before again I was on the highway for five minutes before exiting I followed the GPS from the second I exited and 45 minutes later I was at that same turn on point I rolled to a stop and when I looked in my rearview mirror for the thousandth time the headlights of the car following me were gone I instantly burst into terrified tears and took the left turn over the median my brother woke up sat up and started talking we have a hard time being emotionally vulnerable with each other so I generally have no idea if we addressed my tears I honestly remember thinking that if I told him what happened I would be too scared to finish our road trip so I tried my hardest to forget it and to what was safe at home the rest of that night I didn't have a single issue at the GPS no disappearing cars nothing out of the ordinary like I said at the beginning of this post's it's been a year I honestly may have forgotten the finer details that made this event so awful for me all I know is when I included in this post and it still not only makes me cry but has me jumping at every noise in my house everything about the event makes my skin absolutely crawl please give me your theories I'm open to anything just curious what everyone thinks it was such a traumatic night that I haven't felt the need to theorize or try to understand it in the end it doesn't really matter what really happened because I will always have the haunting memory and will probably never be in the same place [Music] that was probably around ten years old when this happened my dad and I were driving down the road one afternoon in Columbus Ohio I remember looking out the window and seeing a large plane flying really low if memory serves me right its appeared really old and was maybe a military plane we do have an Air Force Base that's not far so that wouldn't make sense I remember being fascinated by the plane end excitedly pointing it out to my dad he continued to drive while occasionally peeking over to look at it after a few moments the plane started to aggressively swerve like the pilot was losing control not long after it nosedived and flew into a patch of nearby trees I remember my dad panicking and pulling his truck over to the side of the road we just sat there and looked out the window but there was nothing there was no sound of any kind no smoke or fire nothing the trees didn't rustle and everything was calm we waited thinking that the plane was going to swerve back up and fly away but it never emerged that remember asking him what happened and he was just silent after a bit he started driving again and we drove over the area we drove around for probably an hour trying to find some explanation but there was nothing eventually we headed back to my grandmother's place we had dinner and explained to her what had happened but she probably just thought we were crazy I remember us eager to turn on the evening news to see if there was any mention but still nothing also nothing in the paper the next day there was no real internet yet so this was all we had to this day my dad and I still discuss this and the one thing we can't remember is if the plane was making any sound at all while it was flying in the air the radio might have been on or the windows up we can't remember we know for certain there was no sound from the crash it was only about a half mile away from us so we would have heard something it is like the plane literally vanished this is the only experience I've ever had like this I know it's a long shot but has anyone here ever experienced something like this I've never shared this in a public forum so hopefully I don't appear completely crazy there is a great comfort in knowing my dad saw the same thing otherwise I would think I imagined it this happened a long time ago that was 12 and in my grandparents village we had a cow and an ox usually the son of the bull usually just one took all the cattle to graze and at nights he would take them back cows know where to go when going home my grandpa had a male oxen since my father was an adult and he wasn't there I took the responsibility basically my job was to go around the village with the Ox trailing after me calling the people to open their doors our ox would grunt to call the herd and all the females came out from then on I had to take them to a clearing of the mountain and then later take them to the river it was easy the animals already knew where they were going they were calm and our bull was a gentle giant all I did was ride him and had a thin rope on his horns if any of the females wandered off all I did was call in a and rare occassions poke her with the doll stick in the right direction my grandpa said that if I see a wolf very rare a boar or a fox I should stay on the Ox not many animals dare go near an ox herd there is a dark part of the forests where it is very quiet and even the bravest hunters won't go and is very slippery and dangerous they said that even the deer and boar dare not go there I was forbidden to go there and honestly never wanted to it was an early morning and everything seemed fine I was on the Ox going up the mountain I was glad he let me because it was a hard trek up I saw that one of the females was wandering off I followed her and left her ox and the dogs go to guide the herd she went in the forest I ran to her and got untying the rope on her horns I tried steering her away but she continued she went in the dark part and stopped I didn't want to get off in case she ran back and left me there I heard a crunch and turned a very old man was walking towards us he looked frail with dirty clothes and a long beard I was scared so I laid on the Ox clinging to her not wanting to fall if she ran oxen aren't like bulls they don't jump and kick when scared they either attack with her horns and trample or run I was ready to hold on no matter what she chose our oxen don't take kindly to strangers before I took them out I had to go to every house and have the Ox owner introduced me to the animal that way they saw that their owner trust mean their herd leader our ox trust me I knew she would either attack or bolt but she just stood there the stranger came to us and pet her on her head whispering something I didn't understand he looked at me his eyes were completely white and he turned around and left he just disappeared into the trees suddenly the female grunted as if they had just woken up our male does this noise every morning and both of the way we came from we found the herd I quickly got on our ox and yelled water he knew that command and went down towards the river and there were houses there and it was closer than home I barged in one of the houses and tried to explain the couple there stayed with me and sent their daughters to call my grandpa I couldn't sleep for days remembering those white eyes my grandparents didn't let me out of the house for gardening and I wasn't allowed near the trees later I learned that they were protecting me from Les Nick a forest spirit which can take the form of a man an owl or a wolf it hates when people go in his part of the woods and can kidnap you I later learned that the aquage took me there had fallen ill and died it sometimes stays in the trees as an owl looking for the offender for years when I went to my grandparents they wouldn't let me be alone not just outside but inside too I am never going in these woods again [Music] that was 15 when it happened single boy parents worked abroad had the whole house to myself at night but occasionally had helped by day high school had gotten tougher because I just experienced one of the worst heartbreaks ever and every day was really glum at the start of the third quarter day in and day out I'd come home from school to a large empty house five bedrooms and just depressed some nights I'd cry myself to sleep time passed and it was a week or two before finals I was knee-deep in with studies but time didn't really do much with the pain since basically the reason for my heartache attended the same classes of me yes I know but I was young fell asleep once again with tears woke up later that night and went straight to the bathroom my room had a large glass window which is around 2 by 3 meters big perpendicular to the window was my study table that was stationed by the wall I walked past this to get to the bathroom while I took a pee I heard a loud explosion come from the room it sounded like a firework going off like a large triangle a local firework I hurried up finished my business and ran back to inspect what had happened nothing everything was fine I glanced the write to check if maybe the sound came from outside but the window was closed had a firework from outside gone off it should have sound muffled it didn't it was crisp and incredibly loud my computer was unplugged and there was no smell of smoke so my PSU or AVR exploding wasn't a possibility I shook my head and thought it was nothing got back onto bed and the moment my back hit the comforter I felt multiple stabbing sensations in my back I jumped up out of panic and pulled my comforter want me to see so many ball pens on my bed there was a small mound of them no caps I was really confused how could there be ball pens there no one could have placed them there while I was to the bathroom my house and yard was locked down and surrounded by four meter walls with spikes with some hesitation I took the pens and placed them on my table due notes my bed was beside my table finished moving them and I was still stunned it took me a moment to realize that while I was sitting on my bed thinking the air felt much colder and I felt uneasy decided maybe I was just not feeling well from all the crying and went back to sleep but this time I was sleeping on my rights facing away from the window and table do you people remember the sound Windows XP makes when you turn your PC on I heard that familiar tune ring from my speakers a moment after I laid down funniest thing I knew my computer was unplugged speakers were plugged but not my AVR yet I could see from how much brighter the room got because my monitor was on and that blue light Windows has on its login screen that it indeed was on not only that I felt this insane cold spot on my feet I wasn't looking anywhere I kept my eyes straight at my wardrobe the room was already cold but my feet felt like something freezing was touching them I tried to turn my head a little wind from my peripheral vision I saw it I couldn't see all of it but it was tall faint and white worst of all I knew it was staring at me even if I couldn't see whatever face it had bolted out of my room and ran all the way to my parents room it was on the other end of the house i sat there on their bed just panicking what had just happened what was that I felt safe there it was full of rosaries and the figure of Jesus and of nowhere I heard a faint and slow short pause between knocks the type you get from good wooden walls one after the other the knocks grew louder and louder until they stopped and the door swung I couldn't see anything or anyone but I felt someone was staring at me turned on all the lights the TV and sat on the very back of the bed nothing happened and I stayed up till morning went back to my room when the clock outside sang it's 6:00 a.m. song and computer was not on and unplugged my speakers were however on and they were a bunch of pens on my table I knew something wrong happened last night but I had to get ready for school so I went to the bathroom the moment I enter I see my toothbrush in the middle of the bathroom this freaked me out and I decided to use my parents shower instead only going in to grab clothing got to school told my friends but I ended up getting laughed at they told me I had stayed up late playing counter-strike one-point-seven again and I was making up nonsense I got home usual time 5:00 p.m. and tried to go about the rest of the day I thought I was just being insane or something fell asleep and woke up to the same freezing feeling I knew someone was looking at me I knew the worst part of it was I read my clock when I ran out of the room it was 3 a.m. this kept happening every night but I realized something I would only wake up at 3:00 a.m. when I slept in my room whenever I would sleep at my parents room I was fine woke up at the usual 5:30 no cold no scary feeling nothing I decided to spend the remainder of the school year not sleeping in my room summer came and I travelled to my sister's house which was two cities away spend two thirds of my summer months just trying to forget my heartache but most of all my room went home and tried to sleep in my room on the first night back but to no avail I still woke up at 3 but this time I was having difficulty breathing the next day I tried to walk around the neighborhood to look for answers I passed by one of the houses and saw one of my mom's friends along with the others hanging out by their porch I told them what happened most of them were speechless except for two of them and they told me this directly translated to English my child were you incredibly angry bothered or sad these past months I answered yes and told them I was still nurturing a heartache and them nodded at me and continued and then something followed you home it must have been attracted to your negative energy like a cloud around you your room must have been drenched and all of that sadness that had stayed there made it its lair this revelation scared me I was not one to believe much of folklore but with what's happened I knew she spoke truth got home as fast as I could and started planning went to the nearest computer cafe to read up about cleansing and I decided to use holy water in prayer on one Saturday I went to the local parish with a bottle tried to take water from one of the stone basins with holy water when a priest stopped me and asked what I was doing he found it funny that someone who wasn't a regular yes I am Catholic was getting holy water so I told him everything his expression turned grim he tried to stop me from my plan but couldn't because I wouldn't listen so he left but not without parting me these words you must be very careful with that we do not know who or worse what you're dealing with I didn't care I was ready to fight it got home and entered the room I opened the bottle and immediately splashed it around first targeting the window it felt like a dream or nightmare but as soon as I swung my fist and water came out I felt cold not the normal cold but I felt like I was frozen I felt someone stood behind me and I heard an ungodly gurgling scream it was both high-pitched and low in unison and then I felt as if every hair on my body had become frozen metal guitar strings and someone pulled them at the same time with such force it was excruciating ly painful I felt like my skin was coming undone the door slammed shut on its own as I ran out I ran to my parents room grabbed the keys some money and took two buses back to my sister's place got there unnerved and crying my skin was red like I had a rash all over me people thought I had lost my mind my sister was worried sick and thought it was on drugs she immediately called my mom and we talked on the phone and they both agreed to let me stay there until a week before summer ended I took every moment I could to regain myself I couldn't sleep properly for the first few days at the end I went back home and was accompanied by our house help when we opened the house we went straight for my room and tried to open it but it was shut worked for a moment but we finally got the door to budge and it was swung open it was a mess everything was covered in lichen there were mushrooms on my bed legs and more drobe the bed sheets look damp I took a step and immediately felt extremely cold the help said she felt a strange presence staring at us there was a crack on the window close to where I sprayed the holy water we immediately backed out locked the room and called my parents over the phone mom said she'll have it my room renovated immediately and I was allowed to use my parents room for now on time passed and people began tearing out my room the construction workers said they would feel some sort of strange sensation and feel cold two got into an accident while placing in a new floor a few noted that they saw someone standing in the room at night I never slept there ever again never the room was locked shut I moved out years later for college got a chance to fly home months back it was locked for ten years undid the locks and I reinterred it nothing but I remember every day what it felt like I couldn't recognize my room anymore there was a large painting of Jesus placed in front of the door and some rosaries apart from that nothing I locked it once again and left I dare not sleep in its again my parents don't allow anyone to open it not even the help is allowed to it's kept locked till forever [Music] my name is kaylee and i am a big science believer not religious in any way at all but I do accept that there are some things that science can't explain my story starts back when I was a toddler three years old my cousin and I were very close because his mom my auntie or nan used to babysit us together while my mom was at work and there was only a few years difference in our ages we got on like a house on fire and some of my earliest memories are of us playing together I will refer to my cousin as our from here on out unfortunately just before my fourth birthday my cousin went missing I don't want to reveal too many details about the case but it was a huge story in the UK at the time most of the country was looking for this 7 year old boy a couple of weeks after he went missing after my fourth birthday he was found dead being 4 years old I didn't really understand death so when my mom had to explain to me that he was never coming back I cried and cried it's important to mention that my mom was pregnant with my little brother at the time my parents moved me out of my own room into the bedroom with my two younger sisters to make space for the new arrival and my mom gave birth to my brother three months after ours body was found he was after I moved into my sister's room that the visit started my cousin would come and sit on the end of my bed every night talking to me he looked pale and silvery kind of like how the ghosts from Harry Potter looked I had never heard of Harry Potter at this point it was a few years before even the first film had been released so I couldn't have invented this up myself and my four year old imagination I remember one nights I was talking with our as usual when I could sense my mom coming up the stairs she was trying to be quiet so I wouldn't hear her but I could feel she was there so I pretended to be asleep so that I wouldn't be in trouble for staying awake so late she opens the door a tiny bit Kaylee I squeeze my eyes shut but she's not fold Kaylee who were you talking to I opened my eyes are I tell her what do you mean our isn't here anymore he comes and visits me every night and sits on my bed talking to me he's here at the moment but I can't see him properly because you've opened the door and the light from the hallways shining in on him oh okay well you need to stop talking now and get some sleep okay good night my mom leaves she asked me about it again the next day thinking I was just half asleep and dreaming it but I explained to her again about the daily visits my mom believes me and the visits continue for years then when I was maybe six or so somehow my aunty found out about the visits I don't know how she found out all I know is that she was angry she called me a liar and told my mom that if our was going to visit anyone he would choose to visit her because she was his mom that night our came to visit me as usual but he was sad he told me he never meant to upset his mom by coming to see me so the visits would have to be less often he only came to me on birthdays and Christmas after that the last time I saw him I think I was around nine years old I had a dream and I can still remember every detail about it to this day fifteen years later in the dream I was in a graveyard and I was running skeletons and zombies were punching their way out of graves and chasing me I could see the gates and just kept thinking to myself I need to get to those gates they can't follow me out of the gates but no matter how hard I ran I never got any closer to the gates and so scared and about to give up and just let them take me then suddenly my cousin is there and I am transported safe on the other side of the gate where the skeletons can't get to me our looks at me and says I'll always be there to protect you never forget then I hold awake I never saw him again after that dream remembering it now brings me comfort like the dream was his last goodbye to me a few months after that dream my mom went to visit a psychic with some friends just for a laugh and not taking it seriously at all the psychic told my mom that one of her children had the gift but the psychic couldn't tell which one of the children it was my mom who believed my stories about our thought it would be me who had the gift as she knew I had deja vu regularly and could predict things that would happen because I had seen them before in dreams the psychic told my mom a lot of personal things that she would have no way of knowing as well as the fact that our was my guardian angel that brings me some comfort to I've considered trying to expand and refine my gift if I have one but to be honest I wouldn't know where to start like I said I'm a big believer in science though I dabbled with tarot cards healing crystals and dowsers in the past if anyone has any suggestions as to how I can try to discover this power I'd be happy to hear them the next story starts when I'm around six years old and I had invisible friends well they were invisible to everyone else anyway but not to me their names were Sophie Hannah Jessica Megan and either Amelia or Amanda which I forget I vividly remember one time playing ring-around-the-rosie with them in the backyard holding hands and skipping in a circle my mom has no memory of me ever having invisible friends despite in my head I remember talking about them regularly and my mom watching me through the window on the ring of Rosie's day they were only around for a few months maybe a year before I stopped seeing them fast-forward a few more years to high school and I make some new friends who remained my friends all the way through school and into college some of those friends I still keep in touch with now my friend's name's Sophie Hannah Jessica Megan and both Anne Amanda and Amelia sure I could have imagined up these invisible friends and it could just be a coincidence they're all popular names right well let me tell you this at my primary school I knew one Sophie in one Hannah both of whom were horrible to me so if I had imagined the invisible friends I wouldn't have chosen those names I had never met a Jessica before and have never even heard the names Amelia or Amanda before so I definitely wouldn't have chosen those Megan is my sister's name so there is no way I would have picked that either it's definitely weird how can I possibly have imagined up so many friends and predicted my future friends names it still creeps me out a little bit now the third and final story I will share happen less than a year ago this did not happen to me but it did happen to my mom my mom is a carer for the elderly and they were having a garden party at work to celebrate the royal wedding everyone was outside and one of my mom's colleagues decided to take a photo after the photo was taken they noticed a shape in the window that looked unmistakeably like someone waving at the camera there was no one in the building at the time everyone was outside the window was open so there's no way it could have been a reflection in the glass and weirdest of all my mom swears the face looks exactly like an old man she was caring for who had died in that building a week before the photo was taken [Music] as some of you probably know in South America during the 70s and 80s there were military coos on most countries Chile Argentina and Brazil the Uruguayan one was from 73 to 85 Punta Carretas is a big building that was used as a jail since 1915 but during that dictatorship period mentioned it was used primarily as a high-risk penitentiaries for political guerrilla fighters it's not a myth but a fact that there were atrocious tortures performed to the inmates there and a lot of disappearances meaning the military ended them and hid their bodies which have not been found even today in 1971 there was a huge escape of 100 inmates among them the famous pepe mujica which was elected president in 2010 after the return of the democracy in the country the jail was closed and reopened after a remodel in 1994 as a shopping center now those of us that believed in the paranormal can only imagine the dark energy contained in those walls as a result of its story a jail in which tortures were performed becoming a shopping center which isn't also the friendliest environment absorbs a lot of negative energy anger fear pain envy and that generates paranormal activities I worked there as a security guard for a year and a half and can testify that the place is definitely haunted the first story the two and a half bathroom there was a mezzanine in the mall between the second and third floor where some weird stuff happens you see to reach the bath you must go through a hall that looks exactly like a jail hallway would look in the entrance of that hall the wall shrink weirdly from an architectural point of view suggesting that there was a huge heavy door there in the past and it makes sense since a lot of people say that the bathroom was used as a torture room during its jail period a friend that worked in the mall as a cleaner told me the the bathroom was the only place in the entire building that wasn't cleaned at nights when it was closed to the public since there were numerous liberal accidents and you could feel a dense atmosphere he also told me there was once a time where someone attempted to end their life in the bathroom one guy tried to cut his own throat in front of the mirror story to the fire the shopping center had been on fire many times five times in the last 18 years in 2000 2010 2013 in 2016 and 2018 each of them were originating in proximity to the bathroom mentioned in the last point and uh neither were there official explanations to the origin of this fire number three the cat when I was working there and once I was assigned to the parking space on the second basement since it's a big place and I was alone I was given a bicycle to do the rounds easy job just checked four suspects around the customers cars make sure they would park correctly and inform the authorities in case of accidents one day at night I saw a cat in there and it was kind of weird I don't know how to explain even in Spanish but there was something about the cat that seemed off its way of walking the way it looked at me the expression of its face I don't know but I felt the urge to follow it it was close and I was on a bike but when I approached where it should be I couldn't find it anywhere immediately I felt the ambience chill and felt sad for no apparent reason but the story doesn't end there a few days later I saw it again and thought this time I'll get you and moved as fast as I could but the cat went under a parked car I saw perfectly going under the car but when I checked it wasn't there again I felt unexplainable chills and sadness I even asked a couple of customers that were just in front of me if they saw where the cat went but they didn't answer and looked at me as if I was crazy not to the point I didn't know if there could be any animal ghosts but after that I am sure that is what I saw Nubia was killed on accident before and it's spirit kept lurking in that basement I'll never know number four another time I was in another parking space this time this one was outdoors the weekend day was relatively uneventful until I heard something through the radio some static it was in Spanish but it was in fact part of the Our Father prayer and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us my reaction was immediately asking what who said that to which my manager answered immediately not to mention it and forget about it now I should mention that around here security guards are not like the ones you see in movies we're not trained specialists and in fact we didn't carry firearms or anything like that we were just a bunch of kids on an easy job while studying and a few police veterans looking for some extra income meaning that we did some jokes from time to time through the radio but but never something like that and the voice I heard had a certain eerie sound to it with a certain Rumble and echo like the way your voice sounds from a cave or Church well those are my experiences concerning this particular place of my city I don't work there anymore as I graduated them working in something different but every time I go to that mall specifically at night when going to the cinema I'd remember those things that happen to me and get chills [Music] my father passed when I was six years old and had been sick for two years prior to passing so I had very few precious memories of him my mom would fill in these things here and there stories of him and his adventurous soul as I got older I was the youngest by fire of four girls so I was the only one that didn't know him well maybe because of those questions and stories I kind of heard things about him the other sisters to know of this past one story told me when I was around 15 or so laughingly during a have you ever had any paranormal events happen to you kind of thing she repeated this to me a time or two later as well my father her and my eldest sister who was one years old was living in an old house in some state this was the early 1960s house was isolated well there was a reported prison break nearby so my mom expected he was worried and led to this event that night he sat up in bed wide-awake and said Ethel and woke her up she was alarmed because he was so still and staring at the foot of the bed what she said did you see them he whispered his eyes were steady and wide he didn't look asleep he wasn't prone to do anything like sleepwalking or talking in his sleep see what there are three little green men at the foot of the bed staring at me well there wasn't of course she snorted and she told him no there wasn't said that he said that they were just staring at him and and then he said they were gone lasted about two minutes now my father had a few events happen in his life that had been weird but my mom and I never so that was a funny dad story to mean we laughed the three little green men now fast-forward my son is 11 years old and very sick with bronchial asthma he has had so many bouts of this all of his young life and this one to me was slightly worse than others a visit to the hospital breathing treatments of fever about two months later we were chatting and he said yeah I thought I was going to die that night mom you weren't that bad off sweetie I said very seriously he said I thought it was mostly when I saw the three little green men they were beside the bed just staring at me one was playing the drums all I could do was look at him my mouth gaped he knew nothing of his grandfather's story I called my mom and told her and she was just as flabbergasted as I was my son is now in his 30s and nothing else has happened but he has sons and I'm keeping my ears open [Music] to set this bizarre experience up I'm gonna have to preface this with the fact that I've always been what I would describe as skeptical but wary when it comes to anything strange or otherworldly so even though I am easily spooked I have no problem chalking it up to something reasonable 99% of the time however I'm not sure what to think of this one late night as per usual my husband and I go to bed around 10:00 or 11:00 wait a little bit of a heated argument but we got through it and fell asleep together peacefully probably a few hours later and I wake up to the sensation of cat claws kneading my head no biggie we have two cats and I've caught the older one trying to steal my spot on my pillow more than once so I wasn't surprised or anything I pushed him away and try to go back to sleep a few minutes later I feel it again once more I push him off and try to go back to bed I feel some commotion and rustling on the extra pillows behind me and assume that our younger cat he's about 8 months bright white and orange we'll call him el as bothering the older cat gray fur white triangle and face we'll call him B after getting into his catnip toy again for reference as of right now I'm laying on the right side of the pillow and I feel a heavy weight on the upper left side of the pillow roughly matching the weight of be the older cat so when I look up to separate them I expect to see the teen kitty ell farther back behind my head and taunting our older cat next to me as usual wrong I turned my head to look back and I'm staring at B back by the headboard I look to see who's next to me because L is drastically skinnier and lighter than B and barely sinks into any pillows we have and B is a chunky boy umm staring at another grey cat roughly the same size and looks like be sitting right next to my face and staring at B I've never seen this cat before my life we don't have a third and there's no possible way another cat got inside as we're on the second floor with all entries to our home locked and sealed at night and it's winter here's where it gets strange in the presence of this third cat did not bother me like it didn't even register to me that they're for lack of a better term was a doppelganger of be two inches from my face and B didn't seem worried either although they looked identical so B could have been the one next to me regardless both cats seemed peaceful I roll over not even freaking registering this strange new cat and drift off for what seems like only a minute before feeling the cat shift on the pillars above me I wake up in time to see them jump off the bed one chasing the other and for some reason I put out my hand to touch it it was like a weird lure almost horrible horrible idea I touched this cat and I'm jarred with the worst feeling I've ever experienced it felt like absolute raw dread and terror it was like a hyper version of your gut telling you something is very wrong over and over upon touching the cat I also experienced seeing something which I didn't want to add to this because it makes me look like a crazy person throughout my life I've always been pretty healthy mentally and physically to really bless that way what I'm hoping maybe someone has seen it as well it was like a seal a rune or insignia not sure what the word I'm looking for that had a freaky looking lioness creature in the middle I only saw it for about half a second in my vision when I touched the cat I'm trying desperately to chalk this creepy thing up to me waking up and it being just a remnant of a quick dream since I did not off and as soon as I touched the cat it was gone poof in the midair I would love to think I was dreaming or it was sleep paralysis but I was very awake and I couldn't move and do things I could get up if I wanted to nothing matches up so if anyone has any insight let me know because I really would love to know what the heck I just saw this is going into detail regarding a sequence of paranormal events I've been searching for answers for as long as I can remember but it's impossible to discern the genuineness of anything on the internet and unfortunately most of its like me someone's seeking answers when I was too young to remember my mom told me I only ever slept in complete darkness with the door shut and everything she said I would talk to someone when my first memories is telling her I can't speak to the Angels anymore and suddenly felt confused with an odd feeling I shouldn't have done that I was confused because it was like a message without sound I just knew ever since then I've been terrified of the dark I don't know why I'm a bit disturbed of the darkness these days but back then I couldn't even tolerate it one day I just stopped sleeping in my room altogether it was easier to sleep in the living room and my mom even started sleeping out there with me this is around 2005 at our last house we've moved in around 2007 I had a terrifying experience it was 2008 and I was alone in the living room since at the time I didn't sleep in the room and we lived in a smaller house my mom was sleeping in her room this time around and I was alone it was sudden but something woke me up at first I thought it was strange how I jolted out of my sleep and didn't feel the least bit exhausted and I'm not a morning person either it was around 3:30 a.m. at the time I was sleeping adjacent to the kitchen my head was hanging over the armrest of the couch as a pillow facing into the hallway for some reason the hall light was off even though I always left it on this bothered me the bathroom light was on though so my brother must have turned the hall light off since this room was next to the hall light and left the bathroom light on though the bathroom door was closed I started to relax again and fell back to sleep suddenly something started poking the back of my head which disturbed me at first I thought it was my imagination because I almost drifted back to sleep so I tried to ignore it it happened again in an identical manner as before it felt definitely real at this point that some one was poking the back of my head with two fingers back and forth in an intent manner at this point I was awake so I couldn't just brush it off as my imagination the second time around so I sank into the couch and slowly turned around there was an older middle-aged man staring bitterly at me I could see his face through the bathroom light protruding through the top of the door and for some reason he looked familiar but I'm not sure why after a few seconds he started walking towards me which terrified me and all I could do was desperately sink down as fast as I could into the couch I was on hoping somehow the layer of blanket would protect me I thought about yelling but I couldn't find my voice and I was afraid I'd make him angry and he would run toward me to shut me up he seemed so real for all I knew he could have been an intruder but the whole situation felt unnatural he got to the end of the hallway where my head was previously facing and he suddenly looked away from me into the kitchen behind me to my left even though I was terrified I honestly wanted to know what he was looking at so I looked into the kitchen and there was this woman she seemed relatively young with white clothes on and she was just staring at him with an unamused look on her face suddenly she flew through the living room stomping like a rampaging animal and effortlessly shoved him through the hallway and into the bathroom what really had me thinking was the hall light turned on now I've seen weird unexplainable things my whole life and I almost always brushed it off as my imagination but nothing physical like this has ever really happened before and suddenly the atmosphere lightened up in the ambient noise return which I hadn't even noticed until that moment it was really unsettling it was a bit disappointing when I stayed up later that night and told my mom about the instance and she told me I was dreaming even if I was clearly awake fast forward a bit about eight years ago in 2011 we moved into our house for the first few months there were issues where the doors would sort of just lock themselves particularly when nobody was in the house on one occasion my parents were on the porch so knowing the issues they were having with the doors they decided to leave the door cracked thinking it might have been an issue with the locking mechanism itself the glass door was a little rusty and it needed to be greased so opening and closing it required a little effort to say the least somehow the door slammed shut and locked them out the doors continued to be an issue for about six months after we moved in but eventually it just stopped it was around this time when I was home alone I was using the master bathroom because it was the first time we ever had a very nice master bathroom such as itself and I liked using it for that reason now I was starting to get used to the house so I wasn't too bothered by the fact that I was home alone I personally always got the creeps whenever I went into that bathroom and it didn't help my mother and even my skeptical father felt the same way there was a large closet adjacent to the master bathroom which at the time we didn't use for much but would later be used for storage something about that closet made me feel uneasy but I didn't think much of it it must have been all the empty space I thought it had one of those bright - office looking florescent lights it flickered and made a loud buzzing noise which added to the unsettling atmosphere I walked into the door to the bathroom through the master bedroom and I froze in place because there was this young guy just standing there at the end of the bathroom by the obscured bathroom window next to the closet door I looked into his eyes and I immediately hightailed it out of there I didn't go into the bathroom for three months I mean unless someone joined me in there to look around I told my mom and she looked at me startled she said she'd seen the same thing a young guy probably 19 he was relatively tall six-foot his eyes look bloodshot but I couldn't really tell him because he was so far away now over the years we've renovated the house and he seems to have gotten friendlier and maybe he likes what we've done nor he's gotten used to us or a combination of both we would often see him just standing around staring at us my sister often said she would wake up and see a guy standing across the room staring at her he would always leave just faiis through the wall whenever she saw him now we never really told my brother because he was a hardcore skeptic so talking about it with him was sure to be met with an attitude he's agnostic and he rarely talked about the phenomena so one night around 10:00 p.m. he woke up and saw dude just staring at him in the room I was in the living room with my mom watching TV and we heard him yell we thought he was asleep but we guessed he was playing call of duty or something lo and behold he came out startled and told us he woke up to some dude standing next to his bed staring at him when he yelled he just backed through the wall now my dad rarely mentions the phenomenon but he's mentioned hearing strange sounds coming from the bathroom closet considering he's literally adjacent to it from where he sleeps my mom apparently agreed with him saying she's heard it too he almost always sleeps with the bathroom door shut - because of the quote-unquote vibes he gets from leaving it open like you're being stared at but I don't think he's negative my mom thinks he's maybe troubled but he can be relatively friendly one time I was on my computer it was late at night and it was dark in the room and that wasn't up to much as weird as it sounds I started waving my arms in the air for absolutely no reason just waving them like I just don't care because of that song you know the song anyways I stopped and the screen turned dark and I saw someone standing behind me waving their arms around like a wacky wavy inflatable arm - man so I turned around and nobody was there and it freaked me out to say the least but I also laughed about it since it was so quirky the only problem is we don't think he's the only one here apparently everyone's in agreement there's another dark figure lurking in the background my mom and I on occasion have woken up to a choking sensation with concussive type symptoms it would often occur in episodes occurring for a week or two at the time then stopped for a few weeks or even months and it's only ever me or her at any given night personally it would often be joined by an unusual dream I can't say much for her since she refuses to talk about them in detail but it would often be relatively normal for me but the dream would slowly start to deteriorate I would start getting confused I would have trouble thinking in the dream and there would always be this shadow person there if I looked at him I suddenly would be attacked it would lunge at me and sort of take over my limbs would go limp and I would start shaking uncontrollably I feel lethargic and there are all of these illiterate or disturbing thoughts in my head that don't make any sense there would be this warping sensation or a sound it's difficult to explain and my neck would start to feel twisted and I would have trouble breathing and my sight would begin to fade then I would suddenly wake up with a choking sensation and intense fear sometimes shaking in bed with the feeling that something was crawling off of me but I rarely see anything and when I do it's just a dark shadow my mom's described having these same experiences but we never have them on the same nights and it only occurs when we sleep at night or late in the evening this is why I refuse to sleep at night I can't and I always fall asleep around 8 a.m. for some reason it's the only way to stop the night terrors or whatever they are I worked in oldest university built in the early 20th century in Germany the four-story building is situated at some kind of hills so most of its is above ground level but we also have a huge basement with barely any light coming through the small windows but some easy accessible exits it's not possible to enter the building through it though and there are many ways to get from below the ground level floor and there are some ways that I usually avoid once the Sun is down you see I study archaeology and we have a huge collection of plaster casts of famous Roman and Greek artworks and once it's dark like dark dark it becomes unsettling and I feel watched pretty quickly so I just avoid the rooms filled with plaster casts and everything is fine so much for the setting so I worked on one Saturday night to evening last summer in my office which happens to be in the basement as well at about 8:00 p.m. I get a strange feeling of being lonely so I leave my office and look around the building for anyone else to chat up and get a little break I get up the stairs on my usual route but there was nobody around that's not too uncommon for that time of day on a weekend so I decided to walk around a bit in our library and then get back to work once I entered the library I noticed growling Thunder and the rooms light up by the lightning after that it becomes dark the clouds dark in the building as if it's becoming night that was unsettling but I know myself I get creeped out by every little thing because I watched so many horror movies no big deal I think to myself and go back to my office through one of the rooms with a plaster cast I don't know why I changed my usual route and went through one of those rooms once I'm downstairs I noticed a weird sound the storm is continuing with Thunderbolts every few moments but another very strange sound joins the scenery it was a metallic sound the first image that came to my mind was someone hitting a knife against a metal wall it was raining I didn't think much of its it's an old building sounds happen I continued to walk to my office but then I noticed that the sound was coming closer to me still no big deal sound travels I might become scared and start imagining things and so gets my office the feeling of being watched becomes unbearable the sound comes closer and closer it sounded like it was just around the corner so I packed my things and ran off as fast as I could I am going to die was the only thought I had in that moment and I had to get out I never experienced that kind of feeling and it creeped me out more than anything else the exit to the building is right next to my office once I am out the feeling became even stranger I looked at the building and noticed that the window of our elevator lit up and there was nobody there there couldn't be anyone there the building was closed only a few people had access and there was nobody there just a few moments ago I would have noticed if someone came in why use the elevator anyways it's not an elevator for transportation of people but for our plaster casts everyone just uses the stairs especially the people that I know have a key to the building that's when I noticed that not only there wasn't anyone in the building that I knew of well there was nobody outside either I know it was raining and why be outside with that kind of weather but somehow I knew I was alone not alone by the building but a lone lone I'm not superstitious I know when I'm freaked out because of my psyche playing tricks in my mind in that moment I could have sworn that I was the only person on earth it was like the whole world wasn't moving anymore and there was a huge streets on my building even that was empty the feeling of being watched and go away but I wasn't as afraid anymore some friends wanted to hang out later that evening so I was waiting for them to pick me up like we planned in the morning the whole time I could barely move and I couldn't take my eyes off that elevator once they arrived I noticed that I must have stood there for about an hour but what felt like a few minutes as I jumped into their car as quickly as I could everything went back to normal suddenly there were cars on the road sounds there was no sound except the Thunder and the sound of raindrops hitting the floor before and it came back to normal that must have looked like I've seen death my friends were really concerned the next day I went back with a colleague of mine and we tried out every possibility to recreate the sound I heard we had different metal objects with other mental objects but it wasn't possible to recreate everything sounded way deeper than that sound I heard and more natural I asked all the other people working in that building who had a key to the elevator and who could have been there the night before but no nobody was there except for me they have no reason to lie to me some of them are even my teachers to this day all of this doesn't make any sense I know myself I have never felt that kind of fear the basic instinct of get out now so I wanted to ask if any of you have had some kind of explanation be it either a psychological or paranormal one as I said the building is very old it has seen World War 2 it has seen many depressed students I wish I could make some sense out of the situation because it felt so so wrong and different than anything I've ever experienced and believe me I'm a huge baby so I imagine things quite often and I get the bad feeling that this wasn't just one of my creepy fantasies [Music] in late 2014 my sister was driving my mom's old 2005 Chevy Malibu with her dog in a kennel in the front passenger seat she's driving down a dark back road at night on her way to her house in the next town over it's 11:00 p.m. on I think a Thursday I'm still awake I'm sure there was no school the next day my other sister is in her room and my brothers aren't home my mom comes out of her room and starts to go to the door she asked me I'm going to drive with your sister and make sure she gets home safe do you want to come with me I said no as I was watching some show on Nick at night my mom walks out the door and she drives off after maybe 40 minutes my mom calls her house phone I pick it up when I see her number she is very frantic and says while crying he'd be home for a couple of hours your sister's car rolled over I don't remember exactly what she said over the phone but she explained to me and I told my sister meanwhile my mom is speeding down this dark road trying to find where my sister is my sister didn't know where she was when she crashed it was a cold November night my mom is driving so fast she sees flashing red-and-blue lights in her mirror she gets pulled over and explains she needs to get to her daughter she had called the police earlier to search the roads for her and this was one of the cops after the officer understands and lets her go he drives off when mom continues to sit there on the side of the road crying into her arms on the steering wheel she stops crying when she sees a white Pontiac Firebird pull up beside her the windows rolled down and there was a man long well-kept brown hair then face a little hair on his chin and blue eyes he asked her if she needed help if she was okay she saw his eyes and immediately felt safe he offered to help her look for her daughter she hadn't even said anything about yet but mom accepted she trusted him as if she knew him her whole life she got in his car and they drove he held her hand and told her everything would be all right you done it we'll be safe don't worry don't worry it'll all be fine she said his voice was so soothing she continued to look into his eyes which she said seemed to still shine even in the dark of night they drove until they came across the wreckage my mom gets out of the car and runs to her both crying my sister holding her dog tight police arrive only shortly after and my sister gets put in an ambulance and sent to the hospital along with her dog my mom cries in relief and goes to find the man that drove her to tell him thank you instead she finds her SUV parked exactly where the man dropped her off she stands there then gets into her car and drives off weeks later my mom asked my sister if she saw a white Pontiac Firebird drop her off for the man she says knowing that you just got there got out of your car and ran to me I didn't see anyone else but you my mom believes this was Jesus guiding her keeping her calm Jesus was her guardian angel that night my mom's side of the family is very religious and I find comfort in the thought that my mom had Jesus as her guardian angel then I also wonder what would have happened if I had agreed to go in the first place I guess I'll never know my sister ended up getting many stitches she wasn't seriously injured had a huge gash in her right elbow her dog a shih tzu named Delilah was fine but she had some form of PTSD since then every night she would cry in her sleep one year later she passed away of parvo it's a painful disease for a dog and I hate that she had to go like that she was happy she was always in front of the door jumping every time I got home from school one day she wasn't there found her in the laundry room laying down I knew something was wrong I told my mom and we found out she was sick she was a great dog and I loved her I don't know what heaven would be like but I would like to think she's up there running and jumping around through those big golden gates hey friends thanks for listening be sure to subscribe and click that notification bound to be alerted of all future narrations if you got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit our let's read official and give it and receive feedback from the community and maybe even hear your story featured on the next video enjoy my discord to interact with me and other listeners directly and if you want to support me even more grab 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Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 317,445
Rating: 4.8176589 out of 5
Keywords: true ghost stories, true scary stories, paranormal stories, paranormal horror stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, scary stories, scary horror stories, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories from reddit, true stories, creepy stories, reddit scary true stories, horror stories, stories from reddit, true creepy stories, lets not meet, reddit, lets read, true scary stories reddit lets not meet
Id: cVmekMWD2Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 38sec (4598 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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