13 SPOOKY Minecraft Build Hacks!

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Halloween is coming up fast and if you want to know how to build a terrifying house that watches you then stay tuned as we explore 13 cool Halloween decoration ideas in Minecraft so hello I'm Alex and welcome to the world where I've built 13 cool decorations that you can put in your own Halloween builds so let's go through them starting with number one the guillotine so the idea for this one came about when I was trying to build some gallows where they hang people and I realized I've seen that too much so I didn't want to put that in the video and then I thought okay what's an alternative a guillotine I don't think I've ever seen this in Minecraft and it's really cool because it uses a banner as a blade it was tough to figure out what to use for a blade until I had the idea and boy does it work cool especially with the blood so let me show you how to make that quick all you need is a light gray banner white dye and red dye pop it in the loom and I missed we need another white die but first add on a gradient for the white beautiful and then more white this is what's going to create the shiny metal look you can pick one of the angles it doesn't matter which one I'm gonna go for that one and then put it back in again which is mainly all you do when you do a banner design and then finally this for the blood at the bottom very simple I did I just leave it no I popped it in my inventory I think that's really cool very effective and then for the lower area this is the blood pool where the heads roll and I went a bit overboard with the gore here because it's meant to be for Halloween decorating and Wow does it look gross because I even added these little particle effects using mycelium under the red wool and it gives the effect of flies buzzing around very slowly and it's really gross it's it's a I don't even want to think about that so that's the guillotine and moving on to number two the pumpkin farm this is a sign that I took a bit longer than I should have making it really isn't necessary but it matches the Acacia fences that put it on the outside I went with the whole orange team for it as you can kind of tell so let's head on into the pumpkin farm where you will find jack-o'-lanterns with sea pickles for hats now these give the effect of a stalk I could use a normal pumpkin stalk if I grew it actually I don't think it would stick because these are jack-o'-lanterns and not normal pumpkins but anyway these are supposed to be tiny pumpkins I think they kind of do looked like tiny pumpkins especially when they're next to a big one and these were fairly simple but it took me a while to really kind of figure out how to do it the best way and let me show you this is it it's a helmet on an armor stand stood on three I very precise three layers of snow otherwise you'll end up seeing this lip above the ground and that doesn't work but then all you do is you pop whatever you want on top grab yourself piston place it down and push and then do it again and push and here you should have there you go helmet stuck in the ground and it won't move about however if you do right-click it does come off but you just pop it back on again easy-peasy now an extra detail I added was the use of a actual minecraft head now this can only be obtained by commands unfortunately but I wanted to put it in there as I've used the heads in a couple of these builds because I think these should be for creative and survival so if you want to do survival route simply jack-o'-lantern say pickle and an armor stand in the floor but if you want to go more details you can get a minecraft head from Minecraft - heads comm which you will find so many heads it is unbelievable for absolutely anything you can think of so that's the pumpkin farm onto the next one hey Georgie welcome to my sewer I don't think the clown in here never says that and boy was that a bad impression but welcome to the creepy it sewer which you may kind of recognize as the red balloon is out the front but let's get a closer look so the outside is very simple if you have a cliff or a large wall of dirt or whatever you can pop in a ring using stairs alternating in the directions and it gives this really nice effect of a sewer pipe that coupled with flooding the stairs at the bottom gives a really nice effect I like it I think it's cool and the balloon is simply I believe red concrete yep on top of an iron bar because unfortunately there's nothing really white you could use an end rod or some stained glass I didn't like the way they looked because one has particles and the other is see-through so I settled on the iron but as for the inside I even tried to make the general vagueness of Pennywise the clown as he's got the grey armor on phase clown outfit and then the orange pumpkin head as nothing really has orange hair I probably could have found one on minecraft heads but I wanted to do this one normally so that's what you're not with a pumpkin man in the sewer and next up going actually back left oh we end up in a graveyard spooky so this graveyard actually didn't originally have this tree in it funnily enough it had a small bush that looked kind of like this and for the tree a base I used a spruce sapling like that because I thought oh it's not going to grow through the leaves trees don't like it when they do that but it did it made a giant one however it's exact of I've basically reset it I may as well get rid of the rest of the tree but yes welcome to the spooky graveyard where we have some different types of gravestones to show off so I've used three different materials for this one you've got stone stairs for the most pristine looking part and then slightly worn down andesite stairs and really worn down cobblestone so it gives this effect of different levels of brokenness you can really see that here with erm just all the collapse cobblestone with a button and slabs to give the effect that the rocks are really falling over you can see another button back behind there by the cobblestone and then next to that we have a really beautiful one that looks like marble because I've used polished diorite and it seems like if someone's gonna pay the money for a full marble one it's gonna last the test of time in front of that however we have something made of against marble again that has not stood the test of time this is the use of another play a head also if you ever have trouble picking one up you can hold control and middle-click and you'll grab it instead of a normal head but anyway yep this is some diorite walls up in a cross pattern but I wanted it to be a little different so broke one of them off and placed this on the floor you could if you wanted just get rid of it it doesn't really make a difference but I like the addition since I am in creative and then we have the little brush which is simply not a good idea if you are wanting to do that because it's gonna grow through it I think maybe you could put string on top or something like that and it would stop growing I believe so that's probably right so do that put string on it and then we have the last gravestone which again uses some broken andesite and then even more broken cobblestone to look like it's fallen over Oh in the walls as well I completely forgot to show those they are pretty simple just stone bricks at the bottom varying in mossy and normal pods all underneath and then some fences it's a pretty basic design if I had a texture pack I think this would look a bit cooler the fence because you'd get a better iron bars but as for this it's a pretty good effect now this is our next one and it isn't actually on the list it's kind of a bonus one I guess because I wasn't really happy with it it's a bit stupid I have to say it's literally a skeleton in a glass case and it says dr. bones somebody of note now has no body I thought it was funny but later on I kind of gave up as it's way too basic however I like this design I came up with this I mean someone else has probably absolutely done this but it's just a jungle stop playing jungle leaves in a plant pot looks really cool I like it so let's let's just walk away from Doctor bones and come to a spooky dark room yeah I've basically taken what is this one and made it as dark as I can using every single black or close to black block I could find in Minecraft this is a bit ridiculous these are all shocker boxes in the border of the bedroom which I'm pretty sure is extremely expensive as it is then there's an end chest and anvil which surprisingly is the lightest thing in here but pretty much I thought it would be black it was one of the darkest things I could think of but no this new smithing table which doesn't even have a purpose yet is darker around the edges at least so yeah that's dark room not really much to say about it apart from just replace everything you can with the darkest versions of that and then this one oh we have this but oh the little spiders women ah there's a spider on the ceiling as you can see from the border of my mouse these are using barrier blocks so this unfortunately is another creative trick using the commands to give you a barrier however you can do the spider upside-down in normal minecraft so if you can put maybe glass to hold it up or whatever you like really maybe some leaves I'd be pretty cool you can see the spider inside but no all you do is you grab a nametag like so pretty simple popping your anvil and then your name you want it to be dinner bone now you guys probably heard of this trick before but adding it with a spider for Halloween decoration I really like that I think that's a cool addition and I keep seeing it whenever I was building around and it looks like it belongs in Minecraft why can't they do this where can they go on the ceiling admittedly that's even scarier but I like it so let's go to the next one which isn't the scary house that's looking at me it's in the depths of the word whoo where we find the Headless Horseman so yeah this is more of a traditional Halloween decoration you maybe find outside an actual house probably not with a real horse called daredevil the reason it's called daredevil is because the Headless Horseman myth and legend that's the name of the horse I'm not kidding daredevil this legend that's from years and thousands of years ago daredevil I imagine it's probably a name from some sort of religious thing which is why it is that but I thought it was weird anyway it's very simple to hide the underside of the armor stand as you can see it's got a stone bit I didn't like that it kind of ruined the look but I did a pretty neat trick which is pushing it with a piston into a path as you'll notice this one stands here but going down it drops ever so slightly we is just enough to push a carpet on top and hide the base neat little trick for you there so yeah that was a quick one very simple oh and if you didn't know how I did this black armor oh how do I get it can i I don't think I can grab it oh I can right-click oh yeah it's just a leather tunic that I dyed black if you don't know how to do that just put it in a crafting table with any dye and hey presto gives you something darker I did the same with Daredevils Armour because he wasn't black he was actually brown I couldn't get a black one to spawn so I made a fake tit so you see he's a fake fake horse so here's the moment we've been waiting for the scary house this is probably what I took the longest time to build the front of it was the biggest problem not a mouth not the eyes this like all the materials in the front that's what who is the hardest part it looked real weird at times it still does but it adds to the terrifying Ness so let's break it down starting with the inside of the mouth so what I've done again is used the same trick from earlier with the banners except this time I've used a red gradient instead of a white triangle and then white instead of red for blood so do basically the reverse and now it looks like a teeth really convincingly I have to say but unfortunately we couldn't do it on the bottom there's no real way of putting a banner in the block like that and there's nothing else that looks similar apart from skeleton heads so he's got two huge teeth for the bottom pair but the eyes this is a very simple trick that I remembered seeing a similar thing to way back when years ago there was a video called like the Beetlejuice rollercoaster or something everyone's seen it I think it has 9 million views now which is insane but I use the same kind of practice because if you set an eye into something you're gonna get a bit it blocked off right however what that does is it fakes the pupil like moving almost it's a really weird thing to describe but you'll notice the same effect with the busts at the Haunted Mansion if you've ever seen those the ones that are actually inside out exactly like that clip there this building I think is so cool I love the effect its proper scary-looking and you can't actually make it your house I made it a throat because I didn't want to build an entire house so it's just the back you oh that looks so creepy it almost looks like a Pokemon of some kind so yeah that's pretty much it for how I did this spooky house the eyes were I wanted to do an angry red so I used the nether wall and then the nether wait what is this yes red nether bricks and coal yeah nice all right next to the house you may have noticed these little guys so these are just signs with heads on top yeah it's that simple but I really like the way they look it's almost like a threat especially if you place one behind your friend when they're not looking and you're right you will be dead soon and then you go to an even greater length to get red die and you right-click the sign and whoa the text is red I did not know this before I found this out the other day this has been in Minecraft for I believe many years so is the armor stand too which is insane I don't remember that but you can also do it with a zombie I changed the color of the sign as well to dark oak it looks so right I think the overall look of a bunch of them is better than just the one but I like this as a little prank behind your friend you can even put little emojis into the signs yeah I'm not kidding that is an actual emoji I got from the internet and copied and pasted and it goes in you have to use a very specific one though as there's only a limited amount of things they've made possible to put in signs but I think that's a neat trick and up next if you've ever known anything about like the Salem witch trials or really what they do to witches they burn them on a pyre is that what it's called I'm not sure but this is horrifying and I tried to recreate that today weird what looks like a wither but I wanted to make it look like a burnt body so all I did was die some armor black again pop it on with a wither skull and I think it looks pretty effective the bottom is just a bunch of junk and some campfires to give it that kind of thrown together random would look that they then burn the witch on oh it's terrifying oh and to do this I put a lead on the fence and also I pushed the fences into the armorstand so it would push him out slightly and put the fences behind him because you can't place them in the same block unfortunately but it's easy it's doable and survival no problem and the next one again very simple is upgrading your nether portal by making it look like it's bleeding out never and this is a pretty cool trick to coral but how what well it's very simple all you do is just flood some upside down stairs hide it and then you can place coral on you can place any type of coral you like and it will stay alive I chose this red one because I wanted a red theme but there's also more red ones so I added the other type as well around the back it's another war netherrack I think this is pretty cool but I will definitely be doing this to my own portal if I ever have my own survival world and the next one that you may have noticed in the background of the stuff the the starting stuff is a giant slime yep here's a little baby slime and then here's how many times bigger is this one two three four five six seven and then this slime is about half a block fourteen times bigger I think mathematically maybe I'm not sure but it uses two different types of stained glass lime and then green and in the middle nine 3x3 of slime and then the face is green terracotta it's very simple if you have the materials for this it looks pretty cool I like it it's a giant Halloween decoration though so yeah if you do have the materials go nuts but me I don't think I would ever build a giant slab in my world however I would build something like this for my enchanting and my cauldron in whatever I'm doing this looks really cool I think this is the favorite Halloween decoration of the lot oh and I think it's actually the last one Wow it is we've made it full circle with my favorite I didn't even plan that amazing so let's take a closer look so as you'll notice there are a lot of Minecraft heads placed around the build because I wanted this one to be another creative one are usually building creative so why not build to that strength I guess and in doing so I picked a bunch of different which type items we have some plants a brain in a jar some different potions up on the shelf with little labels you can't read them but the idea is there and then a stack of books out of the bookshelf huh how did I do that oh well it's just a loom placed sideways I'm pretty sure this is a known decoration now but it's pretty neat effect and especially paired with the book stack works wonderfully next to a lectern which makes sense as well being that this is the library however the skull is in a jar too there's no real reason for that I just found it on the Minecraft heads and thought hey why not pop it on the shelf there's a million things in jars in here anyway then other things more coral using again flooded stairs hidden with some trapdoors yep very simple I like hiding these to put coral in places and it looks especially fitting in a witch's house imagine if they're swamp places actually look like this instead how cool would that be I think it'd be pretty neat please Mojang please when you're upgrade swamps do this it's so cool the cauldron in the floor has a prism reen a slab base and then underneath is a campfire originally I had a normal fire which is why there's netherrack but I swapped that out because it doesn't smoke normal fire only the campfire does and then it goes up to a big kind of hood to catch all the smoke so it doesn't burn the place down so yeah I think that's everything the which is just spawned with no AI that's it that's just a little Comanche that I found that's pretty cool it gives a bit of context and scale to the build since this is a witch's Hut I like it but that's it that's all 13 Halloween decorations so let me know which one was your favorite in the comments below and I'll catch you all next time don't forget to subscribe leave a like below and bye bye [Music]
Channel: Alex
Views: 367,904
Rating: 4.8865809 out of 5
Keywords: CraftedAlex, Crafted, Alex, Alex YouTube, YouTube Alex, Alex The Pals, The Pals Alex, Alex Roblox, The Pals, ThePals, Roblox, Minecraft, Gaming, Gameplay, No Swears, No Cursing, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, For Kids, challenges, unboxing, minecraft 1.15, minecraft 1.14, 13 SPOOKY Minecraft Decoration Ideas in Minecraft 1.14!, minecraft halloween, minecraft spooky, minecraft hack, hacks, builds, minecraft builds, decoration, halloween, minecraft secret build, build tips
Id: rlUg3rC4pwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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