13 Shocking Animals That Were Frozen in Ice!

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hi everyone at a certain point in life every living creature has experienced cold weather for some cold habitats are usual and not challenging at all for others they represent a destructive power which is extremely difficult to overcome however no terrestrial animal no matter how strong or resistant to cold can survive in really cold water for a long time and sometimes people from all corners of the world find amazing impressive and frankly rather scary things in the ice and today you will learn about them get ready for the most shocking stories of animals that fell victim to the treacherous ice let's get it on as we already mentioned some animals quite easily cope with extreme cold you're probably thinking about penguins seals polar bears and other animals living in the Arctic Circle if so then well prepare to be surprised because alligators are also among such animals yes you heard right of course they do not live in permafrost regions however they can't easily survive cold conditions in their natural habitats and they choose quite an unusual tactic for this it may seem that these alligators were frozen in ice and died but don't worry in fact they are alive such behavior is a survival mechanism that alligators have evolved they stick their noses out of the water to breathe when the water on the surface freezes and turns into ice they get stuck but continue to live the body temperature of the animal drops the metabolism slows down in fact they fall into a very deep sleep and wait until the ice melts this unique natural phenomenon was shot on camera last January in North Carolina USA one can say that alligators are lucky after all they are the oldest reptiles that out lived even dinosaurs but horses are not so fortunate when it comes to ways of survival the following story is not as simple as the previous one this video was shot on July 13 2015 in the snow-capped peaks of Chile a Chilean snowboarder Rafael Pease decided to celebrate his birthday doing what he loved most snowboarding could he expect to find such an unusual thing in the snow something tells us that he couldn't at first Rafa the other guys who are nearby thought that it was just a stone in the distance when they came closer they saw that the stone was moving it was a horse turned out that the poor thing fell into the snow too deep to be able to get out on its own fortunately the guys didn't abandon the animal doomed a certain death they dug the snow out from under the horse and created a path for it to come down the mountains after about four hours they reached the village in the valley where the horse was reunited with its owner turned out the animals spent four days in this state the horse fought for its life and fortunately it escaped death cold weather and a sharp drop in temperature can sometimes occur in the most unexpected places these Turtles apparently did not even suspect that soon the shallow waters where they lived would turn into ice but we have good news for you again Turtles like the alligators we already mentioned today are classified as reptiles it means they can withstand extreme temperatures quite well here have a look the turtle was just pulled out of the ice and here it moves its feet as if nothing terrible happened by the way we want to honor the people who dragged them out this is what real heroes do the man we are about to show you took a huge risk in order to save the dog's life surely there are people who would say that putting your own life in danger to save the animal is stupid but we agree to disagree if there is an opportunity to help why not do it moreover just look at the way this dog is looking at a savior dogs are warm blooded animals they suffer from the cold just as we do that is why this dog that fell into the ice was doomed nice to know there are truly brave people in the world we suggest seeing the entire rescue operation till the end and here is another story about horses this time two fifteen-year-old gorgeous horses gunther and wilhelm of the Clydesdale breed fell into the ice trap early in the morning in the middle of February 2019 the owners of the horses found out the horses were missing it soon turned out that Wilhelm and Gunther had broken out of their enclosure and broke through the ice into ten feet of water about a football field length from shore Clydesdale horses are quite heavy the weight of one horse can reach a ton it seemed to be impossible to pull such large animals out of the ice the situation seemed to be grave Gunther and Wilhelm were almost certainly about to suffer a painful death but fortunately the rescuers showed amazing ingenuity they cut our rescue path through the ice and then simply pulled the animals out of the ice trap another story with a happy ending this time from the state of Pennsylvania USA good job rescue team it's hard to admit it but animals very often end up in ice-cold water and they cannot get out by themselves each such occasion is a real tragedy but let's try to focus on the fact that not all such incidents and in a tragic way as you already understood there are many good people in the world and they always try to help animals in distress this elk for sure experienced the most terrible moments of his life but the most important thing is that people cleared his path to the shore do you think that in such dangerous situations animals understand that people want to help them share your thoughts in the comments section below it is much more difficult for a small animal to cope with the cold than for a large one that is why this bird had no chance to survive without a man it's amazing how he spotted such a tiny creature in the snow and it is even more amazing that this man was ready to give it all to save the life of such a small creature the legs of the bird were frozen into the snow and in order to free it the man had to pour warm water on it and even though the rescued bird looks very fragile do not worry everything is fine the man carried it into his house where it dried off and after a few hours the bird flew away from the house of its Savior this big moose was trapped in the ice but thankfully the rescue crew arrived in time they quickly cut the ice with axes and freed the stuck animal from the ice the beak as well as the claws of the bald eagle are powerful enough to pierce beavers raccoons and even seals now when you know that you understand how risky it was to approach this bird of prey it is not entirely clear how the Eagle managed to end up trapped in the ice the entire back of his body was covered with so much snow and ice that the poor bird simply could not take off but this did not stop people armed with warm water the eagle was taken inside where it dried off the rescue team was able to remove the ice fragments judging by the face of the eagle we can assume that the bird is completely confused but it is better to suffer a little than die from the cold unfortunately people cannot save all the animals trapped in the ice we believe that it's an important thing to remember if we want to keep our pets away from danger what you see on the screen is Kazakhstan after the flood the stream of water took the lives of three herds of horses as well as several camels we feel very sorry for the animals but we also feel sorry for the people who suffered such a terrible loss unfortunately we cannot find out whether this snake was rescued but in any case this is a very unusual thing to find under the ice it seems that even under a crust of ice the animal feels just fine well reptiles are very mysterious creatures indeed it seems that this video was shot by hunters they probably just wanted to film their hunting however they stumbled upon the animals trapped in the ice from a distance it is not entirely clear who fell through the ice however if you get closer it becomes clear these are boars despite the fact that the lake is quite small the animals still cannot get out of it on their own the most interesting thing here is that wild animals if you look closely try to reach for humans and do not resist the rescue operation at all it seems to us that they understand these people have good intentions horses happen to get stuck in ice more often than other animals and therefore they have to be rescued more often than others there are tons of stories about horses who got trapped in the ice our last story for today is also about the rescue of a horse we cannot even imagine that firefighters had such an interesting job they put out fires carry people out of burning buildings help cats down trees and also pull horses out of a frozen lake this story happened a few years ago in Missouri the owners of the horses named meadow and Xena admitted that they were devastated when they learned about the incident after all they raised their horses like their own children firefighters used chainsaws to rescue horses from the ice trap and this story had a happy ending [Music] now you understand better how dangerous cold water ice and snow can be just in case we would like to say that animals around the world get in trouble all the time the desire to save them is admirable to say the least but please think of your own safety first and do not step on the thin ice if there is no person nearby who can save you in case of any trouble this is it for today and see you soon [Music]
Views: 1,777,172
Rating: 4.7778463 out of 5
Keywords: List, Top 10, Facts, Viral, 10 Most, braintime, brain time, brain, time, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, in the world, most, the most, the, list, best, video, animals, facts, interesting, interesting facts, 13 shocking, shocking animals, shocking, that were, frozen, in ice, frozen in ice, stories of animals
Id: UFsGq88liDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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