STRANGEST Animals That Are Hard To Believe Are REAL!

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From regenerating its own limbs to breathing through its genitals, here are 14 of the strangest creatures ever. 14. Leafy Seadragon Another creature from ocean that is sure to make waves when you realize it's real, is the Leafy Seadragon. A perfect name for it! When you look at it, it looks like a simple piece of seaweed, yet, it's actually alive. The creature was found off the coast of Australia, and is proof that the ocean still holds many secrets. The only way to notice that this thing is alive is to look for its eye, or to see it move in an unnatural way as it goes to get food. Like sea horses, the male takes care of the eggs until they are born. They are some of the best camouflaged creatures on the planet so their population is unknown. A lot of divers started looking for them and keeping them as pets so the Australian government passed a law protecting them and listing them as critically endangered. 33. Angora Rabbits What is there to say? This is a rabbit that has so much fur, you honestly can't tell that it's a rabbit. I bet you were expecting something much different when I mentioned "rabbit" in the title, huh? Well, to give you a few facts about this rabbit, it's found in Turkey, and it was once a prized pet for French nobles. And, obviously, these rabbits were prized for their fur, which is why they were bred in decent numbers, so their hair could be shaved and used for other things. Like making nice, cozy sweaters! Do any of you have this rabbit as a pet?? You can watch them getting blow-dried on youtube, which makes them even fluffier! 12. Pangolin There are a lot of weird creatures out in the world, and some of them look like fusions between other animals. One example of this is the Pangolin, a mammal known to roam the lands of Asia and Africa. It's also one of the most trafficked mammals in the world. Why? Just look at it! This is a literal armored mammal, something that doesn't exist in the world outside of its native lands. That shell is made of Keratin, which is the same material that is in hair, claws, hooves, antlers, and more. While certain mammals have shells or hardened skin, it's nothing like the Pangolin's. Thus, it's rare, and thus, people want it, and because of all that, it's now a Threatened species, despite its defensive capabilities. It also is great at pest control and loves to eat ants and termites!! 11. Komondor Take a look at this breed of dog. Do you think that this breed was made to look like this? You’d think someone spent hours and hours creating dreadlocks in this dogs fur, but nope! This it the Komondor, and that's exactly how it looks without anyone touching it. That not strange enough for your? Well, these dogs don't shed those locks. In fact, they barely shed at all so that’s good for you with allergies! Or if you hate getting pet hair on your clothes. What's more, despite the weight those hairs put on the dog, they're actually very quick and agile. Also known as the Hungarian Sheep Dog, or the mop dog, they were bred in Hungary to protect livestock. They are very protective of their family group and the major challenge, is keeping them clean!! If they get even a little bit damp, they start smelling like mildew. Seems kind of an impossible task!! 10. Axolotl From the weird to the creepy, I present to you the Axolotl. Yes, it really does look like that in real life, that's why it's on this list. Anyway, the Axolotl is a rare creature in nature for many reasons. First, it's a type of "mole salamander" (which most people have never heard of before, I only did because I also included the Axolotl in an animal superpowers video!! It is only found in Mexico in a special lake. Second, it looks like that because its larvae fail to change during its natural metamorphosis. Which, makes it as large a salamander, but, keeps it an aquatic creature, complete with gills and other underwater features. Just from a looks standpoint, the Axolotl is strange. It looks like a creature a kid would make in a drawing, that face especially, Yet, it's very real. In fact, scientists study this creature because of its interesting ability to regenerate. It is believed that humans might be able to use this superpower to regenerate our own limbs in the future! 9. Glass Frogs It's incredible the evolutions and adaptations that animals will go through during their lifecycles on this planet. However, you have to question some of them. While the armor of the Pangolin is understandable, this creature’s evolution is a little mysterious. Here we have a frog...that's see-through. Now, by "see-through", I mean that you can literally see through its skin and view the insides of this frog. Full stop. So if you ever want to study the anatomy of a frog without having to cut it open, this would probably be your best bet. However, it gets stranger, for the translucence of this frog is only on the underside, on its belly. Why? I have no idea. The most recent species of Glass Frog was discovered in Costa Rica in 1973, but there have been other documented cases of Glass Frogs all over the world. Which really makes me scratch my head as to how this happened. An also strange fact, the one found in Costa Rica is only one inch long. So why would this tiny little thing need a transparent belly? No one’s really going to see it.... 8. The Dumbo Octopus The name isn't referring to these Octopuses being stupid, far from it. They're called this because they have fins near the top of their heads that resemble flappy ears. Just like Dumbo the elephant from the Disney movie. They're also curious creatures because they live really deep within the oceans. They've been documented as going as deep as 4800 meters below sea level. That's really far. This no doubt is one of the reasons why humans don't get to see them very often. Scientists have started to study them more closely because it is believed they can grow to be quite large. It’s also been discovered that they like to hang around hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, likely because it’s nice and toasty down there, and probably because of the nutrients that come out of them. It's creatures like these that make you wonder what else is waiting to be found on the bottom of the ocean floor. 7. Saiga Antelope From the depths of the ocean to the vastness of Asia, three countries are home to a very curious breed of antelope. It's called the Saiga Antelope, and it’s a pretty strange creature. "Why the long face?" right?? Well, that's actually not its face, but its nose. What's more, that nose is flexible, not unlike an elephant trunk. Now, if you're wondering why you haven't seen this creature before, it's because of the fact that it resides in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan alone, so if you're not there, and if you’re not obsessed with BBC’s Planet Earth it’s fair to say you’ve never heard of them. So...what does that nose do? Well, not unlike our own noses, the Saiga Antelope's massive nose is used to filter out dust that it inhales. have to wonder just how much dust it inhales because of said nose. A more interesting bit is that the nose also somehow regulates its blood temperature. That would be convenient. Don't think, just accept. Finally, I want to make a note of that fur. While some versions can mimic their antelope brethren, some take a more snowy approach, mainly, their fur can be pure white! Making it look like something out of fantasy novel...or Game of Thrones. 6. Pacu Fish Piranha are one of the most dangerous fish in the world, and have sometimes even been considered some of the most dangerous animals in the world. But their cousins, for lack of a better term, are definitely one of the strangest animals in the world. They're called the Pacu fish, and they'll give you nightmares for different reasons. First off, these fish are huge, and are much bigger than regular Piranha. Second, and the thing I'm most thankful for, they're vegetarians. They only eat plants and seeds and nuts that fall from trees. So far so good, right? But it’s their teeth that make people freak out because they look like human teeth. Yeah, while Piranha have sharp and angled teeth to work their way through meat and muscles, the Pacu fish have more human-like teeth. Why? Well, it's because they eat hard objects like nuts and seeds. Thus, they use their teeth to break them down and get to the sustenance within. They also have a reputation for eating other kinds of nuts, so out!!! 5. The Mary River Turtle This one not only looks strange, it acts strange. This is the Mary River Turtle. It can be found in Queensland, Australia, and yes, it has green, spiky hair. Why does it have green hair? No idea, but you have to admit it looks kinda cool, right?? Anyway, this turtle is by and large the weirdest turtle on Earth. Turtles have to come up for air to breathe, and this one does too, however, it can remain underwater for up to three days by breathing...through its genitals. I swear I’m not making this up!! The turtle has gill-like organs in the same place used by reptiles for excretion and mating. . This turtle was once considered a good pet option during the 60's and 70's, probably for its alternative punk hairstyle!! On a sadder note, the Mary River Turtle is an endangered species. 4. Gharial Let's talk now about one of the strangest and rarest animals in the world, from a family that you wouldn't expect to see on this list...a crocodile. Specifically the Gharial. Now, the Gharial is a species of croc that can only be found in India. But, as you can see, it's also one of the strangest crocodiles ever because it has a really thin jaw and mouth. Think about it, when you think of crocodiles and alligators you think of their huge chompers that are used to break down deer, zebra, and other rather large four-legged creatures. But for the Gharial, it's not like that at all. They use their very thin mouth, which has 110 teeth in it, to catch fish. And apparently, it's very good at doing that. Now, sadly, there aren't many Gharials left in the world. At the last tally there were around 235 in the wild, but there's likely fewer than that now. They're critically endangered, and it's unknown if they'll be able to bounce back. 3. The Sun Bear Another type of animal you might not have expected to see on this list is a bear. Yet, there is one bear that most definitely qualifies, the Sun Bear. So, why is it on this list? Well, two reasons really. One, it's very small. It's actually the smallest bear in the world. In fact, they're called the "Bear Dog" because they don't grow much larger than 5 feet, and can only weigh up to 150 pounds. Not much bigger than a dog. That alone is strange, but it's not the only thing. The Sun Bear has a very, VERY, long tongue. In fact, it's famous for its long tongue but it seems like an oxymoron. Why would such a small bear have such a long tongue? They use it to stick down termite mounds and also to get honey out of beehives. They also have extremely long claws which they use to rip things apart. 2. Sphynx Cat I hate to break it to you but Sphynx cats didn’t originally come from Egypt. These cats are born hairless due to a genetic mutation and started getting bred on purpose in the 1970’s. It might surprise you that these cats have been known to have very outgoing personalities. So clearly it’s not worried about its looks! Some people think they are the cutest things ever and other people think that they are pretty ugly, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder!! There’s a catch with these cats though so be careful! Because of their lack of protective fur, the Sphynx cat has extreme risk of getting sunburned or catching hypothermia depending on the weather. 1. Platypus Ah, the Platypus, or as some call it "nature's reject". Why? Because this animal literally looks like it was sewn together by a mad scientist. Or as one cartoon depicted, God running out of ideas and just throwing something together. In my opinion, it's extremely cute! The Platypus deserves to be No.1 for a simple reason. When they were discovered in the wild, the scientists thought it wasn't really real. That it was a hoax put on by someone. Yet, they're real, and they're strange. They have the beak and webbed feet of a duck, the body of an otter, the tail of a beaver, and the males have toxic stingers in their heels! It's also one of only two mammals in the world that lays eggs. Can you name the other one?? Let us know in the comments below!! The answer is coming up!! It’s native to the waters of Eastern Australia where it feeds on bottom dwelling invertebrates. It has unique electroreceptors that allow it to see perfectly underwater. The duck billed platypus is a monotreme, an egg laying mammal along with…..the echidna! Also known as the spiny anteater. It’s a miracle that there are any at all still around. Especially when you look at their evolutionary history. Most of the monotreme ancestors were wiped out by marsupials and it is believed they survived because of their ability to take to the water. Scientists are still unsure about this theory for the echidna so it remains a mystery! Thanks for watching! Have you ever heard of any of these creatures? Did they live up to the hype of being strange? Let us know in the comments! Be sure to subscribe and see you next time!
Channel: Origins Explained
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Keywords: origins explained, strangest animals, weirdest animals, strangest species, weirdest species, strangest animal species, weirdest animal species, most bizarre creatures, most bizarre animals, mysterious animals, mysterious creatures, origins explained top 10, strangest animals in the world, actually real, strangest animals ever found, strangest animals on earth, worlds strangest animals, newest animal species, newly discoveried species, newest animals discovered
Id: S1dRk_uhvFU
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Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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