13 Best High Income Skills Worth Learning To Land Remote Jobs (2024)

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I found 13 of the best high income skills that are worth learning in 2024 so let's get right into it right after you gently cheers the like button with number one on the list which is closing now this is a type of sales job but it's at the very end of the sales process so basically you're the last person they talk to in the sales process and you're the person who is responsible for getting them to actually say yes and buy the product and typically this is going to be for a higher ticket type of product that's why you actually get people on the phone with you there are tons of people out there that are making money doing this for instance this person right here on Reddit says they work about 2 to 5 hours a day as a remote closer and they make six figures a year and this is not uncommon at all so for instance sales closers on glass store make 90 to $155,000 a year then if you go one level above that which is an account executive and this is somebody who's basically responsible for an account or usually many different accounts and they're responsible for keeping the person buying the product you know if it's on a month-to-month basis or in some cases even as sending them to a higher level product they make about $89 to $159,000 a year so yeah lots of opportunities here um sales is probably the best skill you could possibly learn it's the most useful skill in the entire world I'm going to go ahead and give this one a 9.5 out of 10 opportunity score very similar to this one is sales in general so all of the other sales jobs that are in that process so for instance appointment setting would be a type of sales job this is basically where you initiate the interaction with the prospect then you qualify them to see if they're a good fit for the product and then then if they are you pass them off to somebody else on the sales team typically another one would be a cold caller this is somebody who basically cold calls different businesses to basically do that same process but you're going to be doing it right away on the phone and yeah you can make a lot of money with these positions as well typically it's not quite as high paying as closing positions but it still can be pretty good so sales representatives for instance make about $79 to $143,000 a year another one that this one is commonly referred to is a bdr or SDR which is business development representative or sales development represent resentative and yeah this can be a really good one I'm going to go ahead and give it a 9 out of 10 opportunity score all right so if you're exhausted with your 9 to5 pay close attention these were my earnings after a few months of doing YouTube when I was working as a full-time pharmacist and a short time after that I was making more from YouTube than I was at my pharmacist job and because of this I was able to quit my job travel the world and have time freedom and location Independence and I'm going to be doing a live training where I walk you through the five simple steps that enabled me to do this and how you can use these five steps to have success on YouTube as well and if you sign up now you can also get a free mini course that I will only be giving out during the live training now the live training is going to be at 900 p.m. eastern time on Tuesday and you can check the link down in the description as well as the pin comment below just to make sure we got the right time for you now there is limited seating for the live training because it's actually going to be a live Zoom session with me so we can only have so many people show up to it so it's kind of a first come first serve type of thing so definitely click the link down in the description as well as the the pin comment below to reserve your spot and to be honest with you I usually charge $1,000 an hour for my Consulting sessions and these are the same types of things that I would tell people but I'm giving this away to you for free and there's also going to be a Q&A session where you can ask me any questions that you have about YouTube now all of this will only be available during the live session there's no replays and it's not going to happen anywhere else so you absolutely have to show up to it so make sure you click the link down in the description as well as the pin comment below you don't want to miss out on this also make sure you put it in your calendar Mark out some time make sure you're not busy so that you can fully pay attention and take notes and I look forward to seeing you there next is going to be email marketing now there's different types of email marketing but this is basically marketing where you get some kind of email in your inbox they give some kind of value in the email and then a lot of the time they'll give you an offer and email marketing is still one of the absolute most profitable types of marketing they estimate that for every $1 you spend on email marketing you make somewhere between $35 and $40 back so it's incredibly profitable now I think one of the most valuable skills you can learn within email marketing is what's called cold emailing and this is basically where you send somebody who has no idea who you are an email and this is done to either initiate the sales process or network with them and this is an incredibly valuable skill to learn because if you get really good at Cold emailing you can actually network with just about anybody in the world and then of course it's also really good for initiating the sales process as well an email marketing specialist make about 53 to $81,000 a year so yeah another Super valuable one This falls under the umbrella category of digital marketing and I've actually interviewed a bunch of people on this channel that my business partners Seth and I have helped to get jobs for instance Brian was a 59-year-old who was able to get a job and James was a 16-year-old that was able to get a job so if a 16-year-old and a 59-year-old can get a job you can too and the coolest thing is it doesn't require a college degree or previous experience to do this so Seth does have a free master class which you can check out down in the description as well as the pin comment below it'll teach you what digital marketing is the different types of digital marketing how you can get into it and whether or not digital marketing is a good fit for you so definitely check that out by clicking the link down in the description as well as the pinned comment below next is going to be copywriting and to be honest with you this is one of my favorite things to do I literally just do this for fun and this is basically selling with the written word and it's being persuasive as well using the written word and so if you're the type of person who enjoys writing you are going to love copywriting and there are copywriters out there that make a million dollars plus a year for instance Laura belra started a million dooll oneperson copywriting business and Junior copywriters that get in more at an entry-level position are going to be making 55 to $85,000 a year senior level copywriters make about $79 to $131,000 a year so there's also some really good paying jobs as well so yeah copywriting is awesome I think it's a super valuable skill to learn also for the right type of person it's extremely fun I'm going to go ahead and give this one a 9 out of 10 opportunity score next let's talk about software development now I think all of you know this software development coding very valuable skill to learn so I'm not going to go over it for too long I've talked about this one extensively on this channel but if you think about it it's one of the best ways that you can use leverage so one single person can create a website an application or a piece of software that literally millions of people can use if you think about it that's absolutely nuts so the amount of Leverage that you have with software development or coding is pretty much bigger than any other type of skill you can have and that's why I've been teaching myself a little bit of software development the last few years and it's honestly pretty fun as well and software Engineers for instance make $13 to $177,000 a year plus there's a ton of other types of jobs out there that you can go into with coding so yeah this one's amazing I'm going to go ahead and give it a 9.5 out of 10 opportunity score although I will say it's not for everyone next is going to be content creation now as much leverage as software development gives you which it does give you a tremendous amount of Leverage the truth is there's already a lot of people who create software out there that are allowing you to have that Leverage in the first place and one of the ways you can do this for instance is by creating content so there are some really smart software developers that created things like YouTube where you can create content and reach millions of people and this is exactly what I did so I was basically stuck working a nine-to-five job I was working as a farmacist was working during the pandemic I was extremely stressed out working all the time then I started posting on YouTube I started taking it seriously and within a few months I was making a full-time income on YouTube then I quit my job I started making $30,000 a month then1 $100,000 a month and now I make several $100,000 a month from YouTube and this is all while only having to work 4 hours per week in order to maintain my channel so yeah YouTube is incredibly lucrative there's no other social media platform out there where people are literally making a $100 million a year other than YouTube and there are lots of people making $100 million a year on YouTube and the coolest thing is you can literally just talk about what you already know or share your journey of learning something new and you don't have to be a genius to do YouTube I honestly think that anybody could do this because YouTube is all about authenticity and just sharing what you know with the world so yeah this one definitely gets a 10 out of 10 opportunity score I'd be a hypocrite if I gave it anything other than that and also I have some free training on exactly how I started grew and monetized my YouTube channel which I'll put down in the description as well as the pen comment below additionally in that same link there will be an option for you to apply for coaching for me I only coach a few people every month but not only have I grown my own successful YouTube channel I've also helped a bunch of other people grow their YouTube channels as well but I only work with people who are very serious about growing on YouTube so you can apply for that by clicking that link down in the description as well as the pin comment below next is going to be AI prompting now this is a skill that has just come around in the last few years and this is basically how you communicate with AI and this is a very specialized and valuable skill set and it's not something that's well- defined so you can basically learn this very quickly and you can get into jobs very easily and not only can you get jobs doing this but you can also freelance or start your own business so there's agencies for instance that will go into businesses and analyze their processes and see where they can fit AI into those businesses to streamline their processes and make them more efficient and AI prompt Engineers according to glass door make 177 to $272,000 a year but even using AI to create content you can make good money so for instance AI content creators make about $61 to $104,000 a year so yeah AI prompting super valuable skill to learn it's going to get even more valuable in the coming decade I'm going to give this one an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score and honestly I want to give like all of these like a 9.5 or a 10 but they're all so good that I have to kind of you know do them relatively but honestly all of these are great and it really just depends on your personality now another thing that's really similar to this is anything AI machine learning or deep learning related so this would be a very Advanced type of programming but if you can learn anything related to AI machine learning or deep learning holy cow you're going to be able to make a ton of money these next 10 years it is absolutely ridiculous how valuable the skill set is right now for instance there's a story of this 33-year-old who makes $200 50,000 a year as an AI research scientist machine learning engineers make about $1 126 to $187,000 a year AI research scientists make on average about 137 to $199,000 a year and yeah there's also a lot of opportunities when it comes to freelancing starting your own business Etc so unbelievably valuable skill to learn also very difficult you have to be big brain to learn this and so for that reason I'm going to have to dock it you know a point or two I'm going to give this one an 8 out of 10 opportunity score but if you are big brain it can be be great all right so next is going to be data analysis so data you've all heard it's more valuable than oil or gold I think this is a little bit easier to learn than coding it's also relatively easy to get into many people actually get into Data analysis without getting a college degree and in many cases without having previous experience as well you're a work experience you're highed really so yeah really good one data analysts makes 66 to $113,000 a year business analysts make $74 to $116,000 a year and data scientists make $132 to $190,000 a year so yeah super valuable one to learn I'm going to go ahead and give this one an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score next is project management so project management is awesome because it's kind of like entrepreneurship with training wheels you're basically responsible for launching and managing a project within a company and so you're almost like a little mini CEO within the company and you have to be able to wear a bunch of different people's hats and understand all of their jobs so just as an example there's this 21-year-old who started off working at Facebook as a project manager at 17 years old and four years later as a 21-year-old he is now a millionaire so yeah project management super valuable also you can move into higher level roles after getting good at project management such as operations manager or product manager and you can even move into executive roles down the line and project managers make about 78 to $129,000 a year so yeah project management super valuable skill set to learn I'm going to give this one an $8.5 out of 10 opportunity score next is going to be anything to do with blockchain technology now this is is cryptocurrency blockchain ETC this is a massive industry and it's just getting bigger every single year and just to give you an example of how much people can make with this uh here's a video of a blockchain Dev that makes a million dollars a month and so if you're going to learn software development and you're already passionate about cryptocurrency or blockchain might as well learn blockchain development and on average blockchain developers make about 86 to $142,000 a year and even blockchain consultants make about 95 to $168,000 a year and that's not necessarily developer related it could have more to do with the product side or the marketing side Etc so yeah super valuable skill set to learn I'm going to give this one an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score next is going to be it or cyber security so this one is a little bit more boring not going to lie but it's actually really easy to get into it and then from it you can get into cyber security and it is a super valuable skill now I've talked to my friends I've had friends that do it cyber security and software development most of them say that software development is a lot more fun it or cyber security but with that being said it is much easier to get into it so this is definitely one you should consider very easy to get into without a college degree or previous experience so this is a great way to kind of get your foot in the door in the technology industry especially the it part and then cyber security related jobs can pay extremely well so yeah this one I'm going to go ahead and give it a 9 out of 10 opportunity score and next is probably the most valuable skill you can learn if you really want to Achieve Financial location and time Independence and that is going to be Entre entrepreneurship so I as a kid got really into self-development I was all about productivity and studying and working out and eating healthy and just improving myself and that led me into entrepreneurship and I have to say that entrepreneurship has been the thing that has helped me develop myself more than anything else because entrepreneurship will push you to your limits and it's one of those things where you kind of have to dial everything else in in order to be successful and so it really helps you to become your best self and so even if you fail at entrepreneurship I honestly think it's of the most valuable things that you can do because it's going to help you to become your best self and it's going to help you to become a better employee down the line because you think about things from the perspective of a business owner and in order to become an entrepreneur even try to become an entrepreneur you have to have extreme self-accountability so I really love entrepreneurship uh probably the most valuable skill you can learn I'm going to give this one a 10 out of 10 opportunity score I think everyone should try it at least once by the way I made a video on 15 of the best skills to land a high-paying remote job and if you're interested in that you can go ahead and click on this video right here and it'll take you there
Channel: Shane Hummus
Views: 20,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shane, Shane Hummus, how to make money online, make money online, how to make money, high income skills to learn 2024, make money online 2024, make money online fast, make money online with ai, make money online 2024 without investment, how to make money online 2024, how to make money online fast, passive income 2024, passive income ideas 2024, digital marketing full course, digital marketing 2024, how to make money on youtube, online business ideas, online business ideas 2024
Id: Ga4__EAxXSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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