Our Soon Coming King | John Lomacang

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[Music] who was jesus he had compassion for the weak and the hurting he loved every person he met and taught them how to love his great heart helped all those who came near him but most of all he was a friend that was who he was now find out who he is [Music] hello friends we are thrilled that you are joining us for what is now our final presentation in this camp meeting entitled who is jesus tonight we have pastor john loma king who is ready to deliver a powerful message entitled our soon-coming king he's going to be teaching us and exhorting the word of god in such a powerful way to teach us about jesus christ and his soon return and we know we're going to be very blessed by that my name is ryan day and i have the privilege and honor not only to host this particular hour but also to set kind of the stage for pastor's message and the message of the song that's come to my mind that the lord placed upon my heart to sing this evening is entitled i have fixed my mind on another time we are indeed living in a time where we're living around so many distractions and hopefully we have our mind fixed on another time a time when jesus christ will return to receive his people [Music] i have fixed my mind on another time on another time and here i mean to stand until god gives me more light and that is today today today until he comes i have fixed my mind on another time on another time i have set my course [Music] for i know the time is close at hand for which i watch and pray [Music] and that is today today today until he comes i have set my course on the narrow way [Music] quickly [Music] [Music] i foreign in [Music] the trumpets [Music] and christ's descending glorious fire with all the same mass will rise with those who sleep no more to meet him in shall the son of man appear the son of man [Music] appear even slow lord come quickly this is my further for i've caught a glimpse of glory to be there for i've caught a glimpse of glory i'm longing to be there i have fixed my mind on another time [Music] on [Music] times [Music] you praise the lord i know that song has prepared my heart thank you ryan for calibrating our thoughts to another time right now we're going to ask for the lord to continue to pour in this place in my heart the spirit that was surrounding ryan as he communicated the truth of another time that we are looking forward to let us pray gracious father in heaven our hearts long for another time and as william miller said he's going to continue to look and hope and pray until faith becomes sight as we consider our soon-coming king we pray that our minds will be fixed but now speak to our hearts as we look forward to the fulfillment of your eternal promise in jesus name i pray amen isaiah 25 and verse 9 lays the foundation for the hope-filled message our soon-coming king it is the utterance that is yet to be proclaimed the prophet isaiah is given a glimpse of the day when pain and heartache will forever vanish and he says in isaiah 25 and verse 9 and it will be set in that day behold this is our god we have waited for him and he will save us this is the lord we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation what a day that is going to be i never heard about his name before but i found out about a gentleman named steve dennis steve dennis is the keynote speaker and strategic advisor on retail innovation he is also labeled as a top 10 retail influencer steve dennis is the senior forbes contributor and also the best-selling author of the book remarkable retail in his 2017 article titled nobody saw that coming steve dennis wrote the following and i want you to hear because this is amazing as it begins to put our present world in the framework of not being prepared for the coming of the lord he says in the article nobody saw that coming the pain and shock we experience from the worst mass shooting in the united states history is the most extreme we have ever felt until the next time he said we real at how disruptive innovation is transforming our industries and surely we tell ourselves the pace will slow down and yet it doesn't here he goes on to say we are amazed by the magnitude of the devastation caused by a natural disaster but then the one that follows is even worse he goes on to say we are surprised when people rise up to fight against decades of systematic inequality and oppression and he asked the question haven't we transcended to a post-racial world steve goes on to say faced with escalating and challenging situations we often tell ourselves that nobody saw that coming or there was just no way to prevent this and he said of course when we say nobody saw that coming most of the time what we mean is i didn't see it coming but the reality is we did not see it because as steve says we were not looking steve dennis says in his diagnosis the reason why we missed what was coming he said we ignore the facts we deny the uncomfortable realities we were afraid to confront our fears we lose energy when it got too hard we decided it was someone else's job but he said spoiler alert it is not someone else's job it is ours it is our job to know what is coming it is our job to be informed and then he says lying to ourselves isn't helpful in fact it just makes it worse steve dennis concluded by saying and this is powerful he said the truth is there is the truth is if we are willing to see the evidence it is there and much of what is happening he said is completely predictable when i read that i said i can use that in my article i can use that in my sermon he said much of what is happening is completely predictable i agree with steve because i agree with jesus you see much of what is happening in our world today is predictable the words of jesus in john chapter 14 verse 29 tells us that nothing happening in our world today prior to his soon return is a surprise to him he said to his disciples in john 14 29 and now i have told you before it comes that when it does come to pass you may believe so it's not a surprise to jesus and for those who are looking it will not be a surprise to them but steve said it so well the truth is there if we are willing to see and so today before i outline the very the various ways that i know that our lord is soon to come that our great king is soon to break the eastern skies i'm praying that you are willing to see and that when you see you are unwilling to deny the facts of god's word because the most glorious the earth-shattering reality shifting event of the coming of jesus forecast in the human history that we are on the cuspid of the return of our lord and praise god for that everything we see today is about to end we are standing on the portal of the promises that jesus has made and when jesus makes a promise my brothers and sisters we can trust that promise the reality is the least thing that jesus desires is to make his glorious return a secret because he predicted the world that we would experience prior to his return in matthew 24 and verse 3 notice what jesus said to his disciples and as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world. let me make it very clear before i share the facts the good news is this awful depressing degrading world is soon to come to an end you see friends these days are filled with bad news these are the days of war and international conflict these are the days of insecurity and fearful hearts these are the days of economic instability and political uncertainty we are witnessing the days of broken families and crumbling marriages these are the days of doctrinal controversy and religious deception on a scale that is unimaginable to the human mind these are the days when the world is changing for the worst but the question is why when we consider the words of jesus it is in this kind of world that the words of jesus become contextual and become valuable to the saint who is barely holding on waiting for his fulfilled promises in john chapter 14 verse 27 jesus said in this kind of climate peace i leave with you my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you and then he says let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid when we see the world around us instability uncertainty everything that we thought could happen becoming worse and worse as the clock ticks jesus says this is not the world that you're going to find peace the only peace you're going to have is in my unfailing promises and so sign number one when we think about the coming of jesus the evidence is abundant the evidence is abundant we are surrounded by disbelief and rejection consider the following i know the summer is on its way how because the evidence is abundant and on the same plane i know that jesus is coming why because the evidence is abundant consider the one of the signs of the coming of jesus consider one one of the evidences that lay the foundation helping us know that jesus is soon to return second peter chapter 3 verse 3 and 4 one of the signs of the end jesus speaking through peter says knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days what are they going to do he says walking according to their own lust to their own desires and they're going to be saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation let me make a point here nothing could be further from the truth now i'm getting older but i'm not that old and i can tell you that as i grow up the world has changed drastically the world of the 70s and the 80s are not the worlds of the 2000s or the 21s the world is quite different there was a day when a handshake was all that was needed to seal a deal today even if even if you write your name on a contract people don't believe it any longer there was a day when preachers told the truth today don't believe somebody because they look legitimate we've got to trust only god's word these are the days when people really don't really believe that jesus is coming again as peter says some people say well when my dad died he taught that christ was coming and his father taught the same thing and his father's father taught the same thing why hasn't he come yet well i like what h.m.s richards jr said when he was laying on his hospital bed taking his last breaths when somebody said to him your father would always say jesus is coming again what do you say and i love this i never forgot it he said jesus is on his way praise god for that he is on his way and the signs all foretell but the reason why people ignore the signs is because second peter 3 and verse 5 says they willingly forget they choose to forget but because jesus has in return it doesn't mean that he is not coming hebrews chapter 10 and verse 37 says these words for yet a little while a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry let me see it today as a preacher who has trusted god's word as a preacher who believes the word of god jesus will not postpone his soon return we can trust the promises of jesus we can trust that what he said is going to come to pass jesus was coming the first time he did but it took 4 000 years before he came he's been gone for nearly 2000 years but he will come again we can trust the promises of jesus he will not postpone his soon return and here's the reason why he's got children to rescue and i'm one of them that is waiting for my lord to come and take me out of this undeniably corrupt world i am looking forward to the day when i can stand on the terror firma where righteousness dwells forever praise god for that but just like september 11th in 2001 the world is comforted by false reports jeremiah 6 and verse 14 tells us they have also healed the hurt of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace how can we have peace in this world when we reject the prince of peace let me be clear you don't find peace in abundant financial stability you may have millions in the bank but you still won't have peace as a matter of fact the more money you have the less peace you'll have i've heard stories about millionaires barricading themselves in their hotels they're they're here and their nails growing they are so unsure about what's going to happen with their money that they can even think straight friends i say today my money is not in the stock market my money is in the promises of the lord when he says i will supply all of your need so don't seek to establish the promises of this life on things that will pass away because one day money will be thrown in the streets and the gold and the silver on which we base our stability will have no more value than the coins on which they have been printed in the book evangelism page 704 and paragraph one inspiration tells us this through the writings of ellen white we are given this promise she says angels are now restraining the winds of strife until the world shall be warned of its coming doom but a storm is gathering let me repeat that again but a storm is gathering ready to burst upon the earth and when god shall bid his angels loose the winds there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture let me ask you the question where would you want to be on that day would you want to be in your penthouse counting your dollars or would you want to be staying on the promises of jesus would you want to be on your expensive boat that has been floating on the seas or will you rather be floating on the sure word of god's promises where will you stand in that day will you take comfort in your degrees or will you take comfort in the resurrected savior where will you be standing in that day because the day is coming when everything that man has built will be nothing but dust under the soles of our feet on that day i want to be ready to stand on the sea of glass i want to be ready to walk through the gates into the new jerusalem i want to be among those whose robes are white in the purity of the righteousness of jesus i want to be one of those sitting at the welcome table covered by the blood of the lamb wearing the crown of his glory and saying holy holy is the lamb i'm looking forward to that day delayed but it's coming for you see friends the condition of our world today is becoming like the world in noah's day it's comparable to an age gone by when sin and degradation was the highlight of the day genesis 6 and verse 11 describes that kind of corrupt world a world gone by and our world is patterning itself after the days of noah genesis chapter 6 and verse 11 we read what kind of world it was the bible says the earth also was corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence can i say with authority our world has caught up with the generation of noah's day as steve dennis said we experience pain and shock until the next event our world is like the world of noah's day and the question is what kind of world was it genesis 6 and verse 5 tells us unequivocally what kind of world it was the bible says then the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and it's the same today and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually evil continually well if you pause and think about the purpose behind a lot of this uh burgeoning technology it is to make our minds and our thoughts evil continually media is chasing us trying to trap us in the corner of unending entertainment trying to trap us on the moving escalator of unending pipeline entertainment the world is saying watch and continue to watch the social media pipelines are saying pay attention to me it is in this hour that jesus saying put that down and turn your eyes upon my promises like in the book christian service page 29 and paragraph four it says we are living in an evil age the perils of the last days thicken around us because iniquity abounds and the love of many wax coal today people have lost natural affection today people will take a life without even thinking twice i heard a recent story about a man who in the course of working on projects building people's homes someone broke into his office took his life killed everyone in his office without the thought unnatural affection the world is filled with violence and violence sells movie makers when they think about how to make their movie more violent they attach their subjects to machines and they gauge their responses their nerve responses their brain responses and they make version one and version two and they want version two to be more powerful and more evil than version one and version three more powerful and evil in version two and we get the first and the second and the third and the fourth iteration because they're trying to sap the natural energies of the human heart and to try to make our thoughts evil continually the apostle paul joined in the description of the days in which we live he says in second timothy chapter three verse one to five what a day and what a world he describes he says this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come friends let me tell you perilous times have come no one saw the pandemic coming no one understood its magnitude until millions of lives passed off into eternity it's not done yet but the best is yet to come not just the worst paul says through timothy in second timothy 3 verse 1 to 5 this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come why verse 2 for men shall be lovers of their own selves let's not spend a whole lot of time on that just look at the movie just look at the actors look at those people praising themselves boasting about their wealth and their stand in life and the fans that surround them and their millions of followers on instagram lovers of themselves pasting photos day in and day out of themselves looking for human adoration when the only one worthy of adoration is the spotless lamb of god jesus christ he goes on to say for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers then he says what about the children disobedient to parents unthankful unholy what about the human heart verse 3 without natural affection truth breakers they can't even keep a promise false accuses making up lies on other people incontinent they're out of their mind fierce they don't like people that are righteous despises of those that are good can you imagine somebody hating you because you are living a good life well the bible says we have arrived at those days but but but paul did not finish he continues to grapple the mind of his young protege named timothy as he unfolds a description that holds timothy in a permanent stand when he says in verse 4 of second timothy chapter 3 traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god and then he says here's the reason why having a form of godliness that's the religion today they want to sing it but not live it they want to raise their hands but lower their standards they want to say i love you lord but not enough to keep his commandments having a form of godliness they say remember to worship god but forget the sabbath when the bible says remember the sabbath how can somebody claiming to be connected to christ say forget the sabbath having a form of godliness the bible says but denying the power thereof and then paul says from such turn away you see friends i've discovered that the only assurance we have is the unwavering faith in the word of god the unwavering faith in the promises of jesus the unwavering faith that what jesus said is not only coming to pass but it's telling us of the introduction soon the introduction of the unending event of the ages which takes me to the second sign the evidence of the coming of jesus is shocking we live in a day where the distortion of god's highest creation is taking place before our eyes listen to dr luke in luke chapter 17 verse 28 and 29 he writes these shocking words he says likewise as it was also in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all what is he saying he's saying the human heart has been immoral since the fall of man and it's only becoming more immoral because we live in a world today and i can't believe i'm gonna say this we live in a world today that exalts sexual depravity we live in a world today when men and women will do things that even dogs wouldn't do but this is not a surprise to god he said it was going to get like the days of noah it's going to get like the days of lot one of the signs that we're living in the time of the end is modern society applause things that is a reproach in the eyes of a righteous god that's why the bible says things that are esteemed among men are a reproach to god but no surprise because luke 17 verse 30 says even so it will be in the days when the son of man is revealed i like to read articles but the one that really shook my core was when i read this article about how people are forgetting who god created them to be you see friends we live at a time where people are no longer clear about their gender i said the word gender can you imagine according to a 2014 survey there are 57 genders soak that in for a little bit 57 genders i thought that god made male and female but modern society is saying no no no they're 57 genders so what they're saying is when god made man and woman he wasn't done we have to improve on god's creation so what god did fell short of modern standards but if you think that shakes your core i read another article from teentalk.ca it is a canadian publication and learned that the article titled gender identity listed that they're not 57 genders but they say that they are 72 genders take a breath i'm not done yet i i stood back until i read thetimes.co.uk sunday september 8th 2019 in the sunday times and listen to this quote the bbc has told teachers who work with children ages 9 to 12 that there are and i quote 100 if not more gender identities you heard me correct that's the kind of world we've become a world that is unsure about its identity satan has so confused the minds of sinful man that they cannot even decide that i'm either a male or a female there are no 100 identities there are no 100 genders god made adam and god made eve and when god made man and woman he saw everything that he had done and indeed it was very good but satan has done a job on our world and this statistic wouldn't be shocking what's even more shocking is that people accepted and are beginning to order their lives in harmony with this kind of confusion the apostle paul describes god's response to such foolishness i couldn't even find another word romans 1 verse 26 and 27 says the following for this reason for this reason god gave them up to vile passions for even their women exchange the natural youth for what is against nature verse 27 of romans 1 likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust for one another men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due friends men and women celebrating carnality men and women doing things as i said earlier that animals wouldn't even do and i discovered something else this term gender dysphobia reveals that in a survey children admitted pre-teens admitted that by the time they face puberty listen to this they are desiring to change their gender that's what's happening when you spend hours on social media that's what's happening when you are spending more time on facebook than reading the book of god that's what's happening when you are tweeting that's what's happening when you're twittering or tick-tocking you don't know what side to stand on that's what's happening when your mind is being molded by corrupt men you don't even know who you are they're saying by the time they hit puberty they want to be somebody else they don't want to be what god created them to be and i've also even heard that in some states when a baby is born they're not even putting the identity they're allowing the child to determine when they get old or what their identity is lord have mercy this friends is an extreme departure from the way that god created male and female genesis 1 and verse 27 says so god created man in his own image in the image of god he created him male and female he created them which takes me now to sign number three the evidence that the coming of jesus is near is disturbing darkness is preferred above light we are living in a generation that you can't even convince christians you heard me right i've met christians that don't even want to hear what the word of god says they prefer darkness rather than light and jesus diagnoses that condition in john chapter 3 and verse 19 jesus said and this is the condemnation that light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light why because their deeds were evil let me make a point when as a preacher you're more concerned about the size of your mansion rather than the direction of your your congregation's destiny when you're more concerned about how you fly rather than whether or not they are willing to ascend when jesus comes when you're more concerned about your bank account balance than the word of god you can preach anything because your belly is your god your money is your god but jesus is saying my brother and sister do not get caught by a person that looks the part we have to maintain and create a diet for nothing but the unerring word of god because we're living in a day when men love darkness rather than light and how did it get this way you see for more than 6 000 years satan has been orchestrating darkness because satan's plan is to get our eyes to adjust to the darkness that's why isaiah 60 and verse 2 says this about the world we live in the prophet says for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and friends all you've got to do is look and you'll see it but he didn't stop there and gross darkness the people but the lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee this is the generation son and daughter of god when you got to let your light shine don't hide your light under a bushel now don't burn folk with it but live a life that is so in harmony with god's word that men will look at you and say there's something different about that young man there's something different about that young lady there's something different about that husband and wife they're living a life that is quite out of harmony with the world all you got to do today to be weird is not have a tattoo all you've got to do today to be unusual is not have multiple holes in your body and holes hanging from different places all you got to do is be satisfied with the way that god created you what a generation god wants us to adjust to the light satan says get used to the darkness you see god's god wants his children to be children of light in a generation of darkness what kind of generation are we living in there's an unquenchable thirst for technology resulting in intellectual stagnation people are so much locked into the devices that they can't think for themselves anymore millennials are socially saturated and relationally disconnected can't even have a conversation with somebody in the same room they got to text each other and they just feed away what kind of dysfunction is that wi-fi has finally accomplished its purpose because we are no longer connected think about that for a moment receiving a text used to mean somebody gave you gave you a bible verse but it means something different today and searching the internet has replaced searching the word of god and seeking a relationship with the lord that's why isaiah the prophet yells from the portals of righteousness he says in isaiah 55 and verse 6 seek the lord while he may be found the day is coming that he will not be found call upon him while he is near that's what god is saying for us to do in these last days god is saying it's time to call i'm calling it's time to look for me because their day is coming then i will not be able to be found the day is coming when the presence of christ will be the deepest desire of sinful man and jesus will have ended his mediatorial work and there will be no longer mercy for the guilty inhabitants of the earth but why wait why wait when the greatest opportunity to be saved is right before you why wait what can you possibly trade for eternity 70 years 90 years maybe 105 and if you're one of the few maybe the minus minus one percent maybe 110 and that's off the scale in modern society why trade a temporary life when jesus wants to give us unending eternity why grapple with the world when the lord says the best is yet to come why fight over this tiny little ball called earth when there is an untold unexplored universe that jesus who gave his life is longing to give to his children friends which brings me to sign number four the evidence is not all bad there is some reassuring evidence because darkness will not have the final say the final say will be based on the word of god you see there are bad things happening but not everything is bad the gospel is still being preached people are still being saved people are still being rescued from the chains of darkness men and women are coming out of the graves of the the chains of this society and putting on the righteousness of jesus in this day and age drug abusers are be still being rescued people that lived in darkness are coming to light it's not all bad and here's the good news matthew 24 and verse 14 i praised god when i found this text because god took me from my world and gave me a mission to join in the clarion call that jesus is coming again matthew 24 and verse 14 the bible says and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come friends i'm passionate today because i'm telling you the end is coming it's coming quicker than you believe and i'm telling you today on the clarity and the authenticity and the assurance of god's word open your eyes don't be as steve dennis described they don't want to see it nobody saw it coming friends open your eyes it's coming the good news is the proclamation of the gospel is the start of good things it's not all bad the preaching of the gospel opened doors that was shut and breaks those chains that once bound those who were helpless god is working heaven is busy the angels are hastening back and forth they are finishing the work and one day one of the angels are going to say it is done i'm finally finished father the work you have given me to do i have completed it and jesus jesus will stand back but why wait till that day why wait to the day when jesus takes off his robe of ministry and puts on his robe of military why wait to the day when jesus stops pleading and gets ready for the final battle of the ages you see friends when the gospel is preached people will turn away from darkness toward god's marvelous light i've stood and preached i've seen people that have been bound in darkness for decades hear the truth of god's word and say i no longer want to be in darkness i'm going to accept the sabbath god says remember and i choose no longer to forget when the gospel is preached those bound in sin will be rescued from a lifetime of bondage i heard a story about a man who all his life he said for 50 60 70 years he ignored the voice of god but when the cobot hit he said 2020 was the best year of his life yes i spoke on the phone with him and i heard the tears in his voice he said it took a crumbling world to remind me that no man on this planet has the answers for my life he says if they can't solve the covet crisis how can they solve the longing of my soul i want to be saved and late in life god gave him a second chance and i tell you today when we get together on zoom from week to week he still proclaims the goodness of god the joy that he once denied he now has recaptured friends don't wait until it's too late those that are in darkness when the gospel is preached truth long hidden will be overridden truth long hidden will once again be revealed and the darkness of tradition and fables will be replaced with the certainty of the word of god see john chapter 4 verse 23 tells us this way john chapter 4 verse 23 tells us what kind of people jesus is looking for he says in john 4 and verse 23 but the hour is coming and now is when the true worshiper do you want to be a true worshiper or are you just settled in the feeling of worship in the community outreach are you just settled do you just want to sing the songs and not live the life do you want to feel worship or do you want to live a life of worship he said the hour is coming and now is when the true worshiper will worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father is seeking such to worship him verse 24 of john chapter 4 he says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth friends satan has created a substitute for everything but i want to tell you when the gospel is preached the light is going to come back on and it's going to be brighter than it has ever been before how do i know because god is turning on the light this time god is not leaving the last stages to the hands of men because satan has created a substitute for the sabbath he created sunday for the second coming he created the secret rapture for death being the end of life as scripture teaches satan has taught it is an alternate alternate route to heaven the bible says only the righteous will be in heaven but satan says everybody dies and go to heaven no matter how they live the bible says destruction in hell is final but satan says it's going to be eternal torment the bible says there's going to be a resurrection at the second coming of jesus but satan says you don't need a resurrection just die and go to heaven right away the bible says sin is sin but satan calls it an alternate lifestyle and the bible gave adam to eve and i say this with great respect god did not give adam to steve let's get back to the reality of god's word immortality will one day replace permanently immorality praise god for that how do i know we're living in the end second timothy chapter 2 and verse 3 the bible says to us let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first we are living in the falling away and then he says the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition today sinful men are being revealed today the man of sin the system of the antichrist is being revealed and one day satan himself will personate christ attempting the final stages to seduce the hearts of men to turn away from jesus but i want to tell you something jesus will have the last word entire denominations today are built on satanic foundations of error but in all that darkness there's still a beacon of light in all that darkness there's still a rock that will not roll the word of god that stands fast forever and ever and why is the preaching of the gospel so necessary in these closing hours here's the words of the heart of a loving lord in john 10 and verse 16 he says and other sheep i have which are not of this fold them also i must bring and they will hear my voice and there will be one flock and there will be one shepherd praise the lord my brother and my sister today you can rejoice in the reality that wherever you may be if it is not where jesus wants you to be he's calling you today listen to the voice of the life-giver listen to the voice of the chief shepherd he's saying don't be content to stay where you are comfortable don't be comfortable until you are where god wants you to be which brings me to my final sign the promise delayed will soon be the promise delivered oh friends the promise delayed will soon be the promise delivered the prophet the minor prophet habakkuk said it this way in habakkuk 2 and verse 3 for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it will speak and it will not lie though it tarries he says wait for it generation 20 21 wait for it last day christians wait for it don't give up and here's why because he says it will surely come it will not tarry can i say it this way delayed gratification is more of a blessing than instant disappointment delayed gratification is more powerful than instant disappointment millions are settling for less can i testify but i'm holding out for the best you see steve dennis talked about the bad news but i'm going to end with the good news john 14 verse 3 the bible says the words of jesus he says and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you to myself that where i am there ye may be also friends jesus is coming again lift up the trumpets and love let it ring from the pulpits of your churches lift it up from sabbath to sabbath and tell those dying and sin that jesus is coming again tell those who are ready to walk away from light hold on it's soon going to be over jesus is coming again the day is fast approaching when remorse and rejoicing will merge at the same intersection what a day that's going to be when remorse and rejoicing merge at the same intersection why because the world is terrible but the best is yet to come what do i mean by remorse and rejoicing merging at the same intersection you see friends on one hand the regret of missing out on the glorious return of the ages but on the other hand the realization that the promises of jesus are true when i was a young man growing up in the streets of new york city when i was a young man fighting the fight of the world when i was a young man my back was turned on the promises of god and i could not understand why i couldn't find peace in christ until one day the lord knocked on my door and said young man i love you so much i'm not going to let you die in your sin i'm not going to let you waste your life away in a senseless and society that can never satisfy i'm going to call you and god called this abandoned young baby to a life of ministry god called this meandering media mediocre young man to a place where i can now proclaim with assurance that jesus is coming again so the day is coming all that i've said and preached throughout the day is coming that rejoicing and regret will merge at the same intersection why on one hand there'll be those missing out on the glorious appearing of jesus but on the right hand there'll be those realizing that the promises of jesus are true on one side those running to the rocks and the mountains to hide but on the other side those running from the rocks and the mountains to rejoice friends if i live long enough to see that day i tell you i'm going to be one of those running from the rocks i'm going to be one of those looking up and saying you didn't believe it but here it is evidence no longer able to be denied when the eastern sky parts and my savior comes i'm going to be standing there waiting to welcome him when the eastern sky breaks and the graves rumble and the saints come forth from their dusty beds i want to be there to welcome my lord that's no longer going to be about church i'm going to say this is my god i've looked forward to him i'm not going to be running to the rocks in the mountains to hide i'm going to be standing there singing the song of moses and of the lamb i'm going to be shouting with clear voice i've been looking forward to this day i've been waiting for this day i've been praying for this day you see friends our lord is soon to come the joy and rejoicing from being prepared for the best event in history will be realized in the extreme and yet on that day i'll be able to say mine eyes have finally seen the glory of the coming of the lord and i want to tell you but the apostle paul says he tried to imagine it but he said i have not seen an ear hath not heard he tried to see it but he said it hasn't even entered into the hearts of men the things that god prepared for those that love him and when jesus lifts the curtain when jesus lifts the curtain where are you going to be my brother my sister it's too late to walk away put those plans back in the drawer it's too late to walk away from this everlasting gospel it is too late to turn your back on the remnant movement it is too late to say that it doesn't pay to stand firm on the sabbath it is too late to say that this gospel has not brought me satisfaction let me tell you something the everlasting gospel is not intended to bring you worldly satisfaction it is intended to bring you everlasting joy hold on my brother hold on my sister human innovations will fail when compared to the majestic glory revealed from the heavens god is going to say this is my day he's going to send his angels to gather his elect from one end of the earth and to the other and like a reed shaken in the wind the earth will shake at the voice of the life-giver those long separated by death will be reunited on that day what a day of reunion that's going to be what a day is going to be the children of god out of every nation will finally be reunited no class distinction no race distinction no financial separation we will all finally be one in christ on that day one will be able to say i didn't see this coming you know why because it's going to be more majestic than we can ever imagine the glory of god will wrap the earth in splendor that's indescribable and to the outermost parts of the universe the voice of the redeemed will proclaim it is finished the battle is over it is finished and jesus is lord what a day that's going to be friends let me say it again our lord is soon to come our soon-coming king is the hope on which we establish our future and our day and steve dennis diagnosed it very well so i end my brethren don't ignore the facts don't close your eyes to the scriptural reality of the promises of god you can trust god's word it is reliable he said it just hold on a little longer my friend hold on a little longer and you will see the promise that christ has made become reality before your mortal eyes do not be afraid to embrace the promises of jesus do not lose hope thinking that jesus has somehow forgotten you don't put your decision to join the fellowship of the unashamed off another day hold on my brother and my sister we have a joy to proclaim we have a hope to embrace and there's a mansion somewhere and there's some keys for my wife and me to walk into our mansions together hold on husband and wife hold on young man and young woman god has not made fable promises those promises are unending they are reliable hold on pastor keep preaching ignite the pulpit that your members and their hope will be reignited because the day is coming when the joyous and the hopeful will be able to proclaim the words of isaiah the prophet when he said in isaiah 25 and verse 9 and it will be said in that day behold this is our god we have waited for him and he will save us this is the lord we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation my brethren our king is coming again his body was broken so that we could live giving us the gift of eternal life he pursues us relentlessly with an everlasting love regardless of our failures and mistakes the one who loves us like no other this is who jesus is [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 30,086
Rating: 4.8549223 out of 5
Keywords: John Lomacang, Christ Return, Rapture, Second Coming of Christ, 3ABN
Id: _uft39QScBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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