GOD's Everlasting Gospel - 3 Angels Messages - Doug Batchelor & Jëan Ross

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[Music] today we find ourselves in the very heart of the book of Revelation Wow listen is lesson number 10 and it's entitled God's everlasting gospel we're gonna be talking about the three angels messages this subject today is absolutely foundational for seventh-day Adventist as you travel around the world and you see seventh-day Adventist churches how many remember when they had the logo of the globe it kind of had a globe with some lines through it three angels going around it that was our official logo and now since then we have updated the logo so it's like three swirls going around the globe same principle the three angels message is foundational to the seventh-day Adventist movement and so it's very important for us to understand our study today so we're gonna get right into lesson number ten and we've got a memory verse you see it on the screen Revelation 14 verse 12 and we invite you to say that with me are you ready here is the patience of the saints and here are the ones who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ and that will sort of be the the point we're aiming for in our lesson now I asked pastor Ross to do the same thing we did last week on Revelation 13 in case we don't get all the way through it I said let's just at least read through the verses we're gonna consider today I think it's what six through twelve yes revelation if you're following in your Bibles we're gonna be looking at Revelation chapter 14 we're gonna be looking at the three angels messages and it begins in verse six and we'll read through to verse 12 so Revelation chapter 14 beginning now in verse 6 then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those that dwell upon the earth to every nation tribe tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship Him that made the heavens the sea and the springs of water and another angel followed saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she has made all nations drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication then a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the Beast and His image and receives his mark in their forehead or in their hand he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast and His image and whoever receives the mark of his name here is the patience of the saints here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus all right thank you you know one thing you're noticing right here first of all this is the most fearful curse that you find in the Bible it's in Revelation chapter 14 and the third angels message it's it doesn't get more serious than the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever if you get the mark of the beast that is then contrasted at the end were those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus and so you've got the two polar opposite groups in the last days now to understand why it's so important for us to read the three angels message the next verses matter of fact test for us why don't you read verse 14 what happens right after these three messages are given read verse 14 and oh maybe 15 so immediately after the proclamation of the three angels messages verse 14 John invision says then I looked and behold a white cloud and on the cloud set one likened to the Son of man having upon his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle and then it says another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that was set on the cloud thrust in thy sickle and reap for the time has come for you to reap for the harvest of the earth is ripe alright so who is it that we see sitting on a cloud coming to harvest Jesus what time is that it's a second coming Christ said I'm the sower the Word of God is the seed harvest is the end of the world parables so these three angel messages are happening immediately prior to the Second Coming so these are messages that go to the world so that's why it's so important for us to look at that first angels message let's review and we'll start now going through them one by one I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel all right let's pause right there what is the everlasting gospel is that a different gospel than the one that Abraham knew where the Jews saved under a different gospel than the Gentiles is there a different gospel in the New Testament than the Old Testament or is the everlasting gospel the same gospel that goes from Adam all the way to the second coming of Jesus it's the that we are saved by grace through faith we are saved from our sin God gives us a new heart abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness they were saved by faith looking forward to the cross we are saved by faith looking back to the cross the powers in the cross were all saved by the blood of Jesus the everlasting gospel is the same gospel so this gospel is then to go tells us the scope of it to all those who dwell on the earth is this a message just for Israel was it it's a global message right and what's the Great Commission in Matthew chapter 28 we're a told to go preach make disciples baptize people in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit you'll notice the first angels message goes to every nation kindred tongue and people actually all three messages do and the reason for that is immediately following the proclamation of the three angels message you have the second coming of Christ which will affect every nation kindred tongue and people so the Gospels go to all the world because all the world is going to be affected at the second coming of Jesus so it's a worldwide proclamation of good news as pastor Doug mentioned that good news is the same that was preached in the Old Testament and the New Testament it's centered in Jesus the Savior Jesus said in this is eternal life that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent the essence of the everlasting gospel is coming into a personal saving relationship with Jesus amen so first part of this of course is this angel flying what does it mean an angel flying in the midst of heaven I'll get to that in a second here's a great quote why this is such an important priority in the book of testimonies volume 7 page 19 in a special sense seventh-day Adventists have been set in the world as watchman and light bearers to them has been entrusted the last warning for a perishing world on them is shining wonderful light from the Word of God they have been given a work of the most solemn import the proclamation of the first second and third angels messages there is no other work of so great importance they are a lot to allow nothing else to absorb their attention so if you're going to a church and they're not talking about the three angels message that does mean all year long every sermon but if that doesn't have a high priority something else is occupying their attention now why are these messages to be so important I think the whole gospel is wrapped in there now first we've got to kind of back up and explain we're talking about three angels messages you notice it says another angel in verse six why does he say another angel because you've been seeing angels all through the book they get angels that are you know opening seals and pouring out vials and angel says come here and what does this mean and so there's angels all through the book but these three are doing something in particular the word angel means messenger but it often is translated to mean announcement or Proclamation flying in the heavens you know I don't want to I want to sound too sensational but you know I always thought that it was very interesting when three angels broadcasting started broadcasting they rented time on satellites in the sky and the satellites have these big solar wings that capture light and turn it to electricity to broadcast the gospel I just thought that was an interesting analogy I don't think those satellites or angels and I'm not saying that this prophecies talking about satellites because right now these Christian ministries have about 20 satellites that they're using so don't make a big deal out of that but I always thought that was really interesting also with reference to the word angel we always think of angelic beings I mean you think of angels but all angels mentioned in the Bible they're not all necessarily and jelly beans someone who was on a mission or an errand someone who was a messenger is sometimes referred to as angel because the word in the original Greek angel means messenger so these three angels don't just think of angelic beings that I'm sure they will be angels as we think of them assisting in the proclamation but in essence God has given us a message to take to the world so in the three angels messages you see God's people doing a special work of proclaiming these three and time warning messages to the world amen so that's what the word angel means and it says that they have the everlasting gospel to preach to them that are on the earth through every tribe tongue and nation saying here's verse 7 with a loud voice don't mention don't miss that it says loud voice here it says loud voice for the third angels message but it doesn't say loud voice for the second angels message the first time so just make a note of that fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come we'll talk about the judgment part in a minute what does it mean to fear God you expect Jobe to be in heaven what does the Bible say about Jobe there was a man in the Land of Oz whose name was job that man was blameless and upright one that feared God and hated evil I think another verse says the fear of the Lord is to depart from evil I think was John Wesley who said if I had 300 men that feared nothing but God and hated sin I could change the world and so an another verse here Psalm 25 14 the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him and he will show him his covenant so fearing God doesn't necessarily mean being afraid so you run from God is talking about there may be some fear in that but it's like it's a reverence a child might fear the strength of their father but they're not afraid to go to their father and another one that I think helps is proverbs 9:10 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding so we just need to understand what is talking about when it says to fear God there's a message to have reverence for God now do we are we at risk of losing a sense of reverence in some of our churches in modern Protestant America have you noticed that I think that you know we should be reverent with the Bible not treat it like other books I think that we should be reverent when we come into sacred time of worship there should be respect there shouldn't be background talking going on and whispering and chattering there's a sense of we're in the presence of someone holy there ought to be a sanctity about the things of God that we respect you know when you're look in the Bible in old taste some times also in new when the Bible describes God's glory his throne room he talks about these angels that have six wings worried about this in Old Testament with two of the wings they fly with two of the wings they cover their feet with two of the wings they covered their faces and in the presence of God they constant cry is holy holy holy so these angels that are they in the very presence of God they have an essence of God's glory and his holiness these are perfect angelic beings and yet their constant cries holy holy holy how much more reverence should we have when we ain't into God's presence as we come to worship Him ya notice the modesty of the angels they're even covering their faces and their feet and so there should be yeah Adam and Eve when they saw they sinned they thought better cover up and then one of the important summaries for what it means to fear God we'll move on is Ecclesiastes 12:13 this is this is the end of Solomon's book on wisdom following proverbs and he said let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear God and keep his commandments so one of the ways we show fear for God is what keeping his Commandments what do we read in verse 12 of this chapter here are those that keep the commandments of God is that talking about 50 percent or is it a people that consistently keeps all of them and so I think that's one of the identifying characteristics we find about God's people in the last days is a returning to the entire covenant of God and recognizing what sin is sin is a transgression of the law we fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of man notice what else Solomon says for God will bring every work into judgment do we find judgment in this first angel's message with every secret thing whether it be good or evil and so any thoughts on that well I think we're gonna get to the next part of giving or fearing God is also giving him glory they go together and I think that's the next verse that we have here 1st Corinthians 10:31 therefore whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do it all to the glory of God isn't that interesting we can even eat or drink to God's glory meaning there are certain things that God would have us eat that bring glory to him obviously there are things that he would not have us eat or not have a strength that would not bring glory to him so even in a very practical aspects of life we ought to bring God glory reveal his character have you ever heard the health message be given in the context of the three angels messages it's part of what we're doing is we're giving glory to God and also keeping that commandment says do not kill yourself with your fork and your spoon 1st Peter 4:11 if anyone speaks flood speak as the Oracles of God if anyone ministers let him do it as the ability which God supplies that in all things God might be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belongs the glory and the Dominion for ever and ever so the purpose in our lives is to bring glory to God by whatever you do whatever you say whatever you eat whatever you dray we should be living for the glory of God alright now we're gonna move on you want to read that one Revelation chapter 14 verse 7 saying with the loud voice fear God give him glory for the hour of his judgment has come alright so let's talk a little bit about the judgment now does it make sense to everybody that when the Apostles live the great judgment of God had not happened yet the verses you read it talks about the judgment to come all shall stand before all shall bow before the judgment seat of God Paul talked about the judgment to come when he was before Felix and Festus and it was always future tense but obviously some judgment takes place before Jesus comes follow me when the Lord comes is he dispensing rewards does he know who gets caught up in a glorified body and who does not get resurrected in the first resurrection so the Lord those things are determined before he comes God doesn't you know pull people out of heaven and say now it's time for the judgment and he doesn't pull people out of hell and say we're gonna find out if you really were guilty the judgment happens prior to the second coming but at the time of the Bible writing it hadn't happened yet this is often called the pre-advent judgment it also happened in the Jewish feasts that ten days there was a period of time before the end of the year when they entered what they called Yom Kippur we call it yom kippur the day of atonement a time of investigation judgment separating God's people from their sins before the end of the the year we believe that we've entered that last phase of the church known as Laodicea and God's people in the last days have a message of judgment that we need to prepare to meet our maker which is a solemn message it's not a popular message but it's biblical you know it's very interesting when you study the judgment message found in the first angels message there is a connection between Revelation chapter 14 and Daniel chapter 7 a very tight connection Daniel 7 Daniel 8 because it talks about this judgment that is to happen in Daniels just before the second coming of Christ now we find the fulfillment of their prophesied judgment in Daniel being fulfilled in Revelation chapter 14 in the first angels message so I think on the screen we actually have that verse that talks about the judgment in Daniel chapter 8 verse 14 and he said unto me for 2300 days then the sanctuary shall be cleansed and leading up to that in Daniel chapter 7 it talks about a time when Thrones are set in a position and the books were opened it's very clearly a great judgment scene talks about the witnesses and the angels and and then going over into Daniel 8 it finally gives the the date or the period of time reaching up to that final judgment now you know the disciples when Jesus lived they totally misunderstood the nature of his first coming they heard Jesus say you know I've come by the kingdom of heaven is at hand they thought that he was coming the first time to set up a literal Kingdom and even after he rose from the dead they said will you at this time establish the kingdom and he thought you still don't get it my first coming is a lamb coming the next time I come like a lion first is the sacrifice next is the king well they got them backwards and so they were greatly disappointed there was a movement that took place about 150 years ago it's called the great Advent movement not connected with seventh-day Adventist because this took place in the 1830s and 40s seventh-day Adventists were not organized until 1863 but the Millerites read this verse in Daniel 8 2300 days then the sanctuary will be cleansed they looked at the starting point there in Daniel chapter 9 from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the prince and it's the only starting point given for these prophecies well that reach to 1844 from 457 and they said saying sure we'll be cleansed jesus is going to come they thought that the earth was a sanctuary to be cleansed by the fires that are described in 2nd Peter chapter 3 and they made that one little mistake there that but the Lord made the best of it they thought this is it and they were highly motivated and God didn't really go very far to correct them and everyone there was a great revival that took place because the Lord was they thought about to come but he said no we're about to enter the age of judgment the final age of the church so Saints to note that the wording would be having Daniel 8:14 says then the sanctuary shall be cleansed now as pastor Doug mentioned the Millerites thought the earth was the sanctuary but God allowed them to kind of preach and teach and talk about the soon coming of Christ because after the experience after Jesus didn't come when they expected him to come they went back and searched the scriptures and they began to retrace their steps and they read this and they began to ask the question well where is the sanctuary then it was that the began to understand in the book of Hebrews talks quite a bit about the heavenly sanctuary where Jesus ministers as our high priest then it is that they began to understand this very important work of judgment pre-advent judgment before Jesus comes and so was through that disappointment that God was leading them into a clear understanding of his will and his purpose just like Jesus led the disciples through their sorrow when Christ was crucified and as he rose from the dead then they began to understand the prophecies the Old Testament so much more and that gave power to their witness and they testimony this was really the last piece in one of the most important and one of longest prophecies in the Bible that not only talked about entering the last age of judgments which began with the Church of Laodicea in the word Leo - see it means a judging of the people in 1844 but it also helped them understand the 490 year Dave prophecy that talked about when Jesus would come the first time and die and this time that was going to be cut off for the Jewish nation this is a chart we don't have time to go through this whole prophecy we'll never get through this lesson but when it talks about the hour of his judgment has come part and parcel of the first angels message was understanding these prophecies in Daniel and revelation about Jesus first and second coming that just exploded prophetic interest in understanding so yeah we don't have time to get into that one yeah I think we just have a summary I'd say a judge will hear mention in Revelation chapter 14 began at the end of the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14 the preaching of William Miller and his associates marks the beginning of the message of the first angel but the message will continue till the end of time now that's important to note revelation 14 says the hour of his judgment has come meaning present hence it is now so we have a time that we can connect with the proclamation of the first angels message at the end of the 2300 days or years 1844 so we are currently living during that time period of the proclamation of the three angels messages yeah and that's another very good point is someone might say well it's the time of the first angel passed or is the time of the second angel message passed or the third angel is it only future all of these messages became relevant when we enter that last phase of the church history and they still are today we're going to get into some of those messages now a little more by the way Peter says speaking of the judgment for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God and if it begins with us first what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel have you read in Ezekiel 9 it talks about a marking of God's people and a judgment that begins at the house of God and those who receive the mark are spared in Ezekiel 9 the ones who get the mark are spared put a mark in the foreheads of those who sigh and cry for the abominations that are done in Israel that's a good mark it's like the seal of God a good mark but he says begin at my sanctuary it's almost like the story where they were all gathered to stone Mary Magdalene who was caught in the act of adultery in the temple Christ began to write out the sins of her accusers the priests religious leaders till they one-by-one left condemned so a judgment in the house of God you see this pattern through the Bible so the final judgment is it for the world no jesus said the world's already condemned I didn't come to condemn the world's already condemned I came to save so this is a judgment evaluating those who have taken the name of Christ and their authenticity all right you need to keep moving here second angels are first angels message part two I should say you will read that rose verse seven continues and says and worship Him that made the heavens the earth the sea and the fountains of water all right we'll focus first on the worship Him that made in the crisis to come too soon come the inhabitants of the earth will need to choose between worshipping God or the Beast the creatorship is one of the distinguishing features of the true God contrasted with false gods the appeal to worship God as creator implies that we recognize the sign of God's creative works in the seventh-day Sabbath now are we living in a time when people are doubting that God is creator isn't that interesting that for the first six thousand years of history almost six thousand years of history virtually every nation in the world believed in God they might have been polytheistic or monotheistic but they believed in God they believed but finally about the time of the French Revolution nations began to organize that were officially atheistic in their belief and until the fall of the Iron Curtain the majority of people in the world between Russia and China and others claimed there was no God so this is a time when God really needed to get back to that message worship Him that made this is a creator that we are to worship and the Sabbath is a sign of that we're eating Ezekiel chapter 20 verse 12 talking about worshiping the Creator moreover also I gave them my Sabbath's to be a sign between them and me that they might know that I am the law that sanctifies them so not only is the Sabbath the sign that God creates us it is also a sign that God recreates us that he's to be sanctified to be set apart for a holy use and once you read this verse as well Exodus chapter 20 verse 11 for in six days the Lord made the heavens view at the sea and all that is in them and he rested the seventh day therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it now that comes from one of the ten commandments which commandment is that that's the fourth commandment notice something that you find in revelation 14:7 in the first angels message still worship Him that made look at the words heaven earth sea Springs of water now you see an so this 2011 he made heaven her see where are those words that you find in the first angels message you're drawn specifically from in the Ten Commandments Sabbath commandment it's especially calling God's people back to the Sabbath so his people are not only commandment keepers but it's highlighting worshiping the Creator and the Sabbath God says as a sign that I'm creator that's all part of the warp and woof of this message you also want to notice in this verse that the Sabbath commandment the last part says worship Him that made the heavens view at the sea and all that is in them but when you read this in the first angels message worship Him they made the heavens the UFO sea and the fountains of water a slight different application there at the end well if you go back to the Old Testament and you read about when the Fountains of the deep broke open all the fountains of water it's a reference to the flood it's a reference to judgment that came upon the wicked in the days of Noah it's also important to note that around the same time period around 1844 there were some ideas that were being presented fairly new ideas up to that point saying that everything that we see in nature is the result of long periods of time and over slayer' slow changes you know men evolved well the Bible is telling us that these changes that we see in our environment isn't because of millions of years the Bible tells us that occurred at the flood the Fountains of the great deep broke up right about the time of 1844 is when I believe that was Darwin's voyage of the Beagle and he was forming his thesis you know here's the actual original title of the book the Origin of Species by means of natural selection and of the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life preservation of favoured races a lot of people have changed the title because it's an extremely racist view that Darwin had he believed that the people in Europe were more further evolved than other peoples and he says so very specifically and so that part of the evolutionary theory is not taught in the schools is it but that was part of the same man who is teaching the theory of evolution which of course took off okay what's next here second angels message when read that revelation 14 eight says and they followed another angel saying Babylon is full and he's fallen that great city because she has made all nations drink the wine of the wrath of a fornication all right so it's talking about Babel and we need to find out who is Babylon is it talking about those ruins that you find over there and God gonna rebuild the ancient city of Babylon no the prophecies are very clear ancient Babel and is what is not what's being referenced here you look in Isaiah 13 and there's a prophecy it says in Babylon the glory of the kingdoms the beauty of the calvess pride will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah it will never be inhabited nor will it be settled from generation to generation he says it's gonna be a place where the goats are gonna play and nobody's gonna rebuild that city just a little footnote you might find interesting there it says yeah or the Arabian pitches tent there in Norwell the Shepherd's make their sheep folds there but wild beasts of the desert will lie there their houses will be full of owls ostriches will dwell there wild goats will scamper or caper there Saddam Hussein knew that the Hebrew prophecy said that Babylon would never be rebuilt and he said well I'm going to prove that wrong so he had very expensive plans to completely rebuild Babylon which was nothing but ruins up until the time and you yes you can read here and this is just a quote from a Newsweek magazine Saddam had himself photographed not long ago in a replica of the war chariot of Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian king who Saddam apparently Revere's as a hero he actually said he was a reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar despite a bout of insanity that's recounted in the Book of Daniel Nebuchadnezzar made his name in history by destroying Jerusalem and 587 BC and driving its inhabitants into seventy years of captivity it is fair warning here Saddam was saying I'm gonna teach those Jews a lesson I'm the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar I'm going to rebuild Babylon and then the Gulf War broke out that's as far as he got with a tourism center in balland you can see they restored some streets nobody lives there it still ruins and so what Babylon is revelation talking about in Chapter two well to understand who Babylon is in Revelation 14 you need look in Revelation chapter 17 revelation 17 describes a woman and her name written on a forward is Babylon the Great the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth now you'll remember in a previous study we looked at what a woman represents in Bible prophecy a woman represents a church Revelation chapter 12 you have the true Church a woman clothed with the Sun standing upon the moon a crown of twelve stars representing God's true church throughout the Christian era but now in revelation 17 you have a woman that is a persecuting power and her name is Babylon so the Bible is describing a religious organization a religious political organization because it says the woman is sitting upon a beast the beast in Bible prophecy represents a political power and the woman is controlling the Beast meaning this religious church is controlling political powers so Babylon in Bible prophecy represents this false religious system in the last days now it's interesting it says the first angels message Babylon is fallen is fallen she falls twice in Revelation chapter 17 you have the mother Babylon but you also have the daughters Babylon so the mother church the mother Babylon would represent the Church of Rome the daughter churches would represent those Protestant churches that came from the mother and yet held on to the false doctrines and teachings of the mother church so there is a warning in the second angels message Babylon is fallen is fallen yeah and then if you look in Revelation 18 to better understand how babbling what babbling is it says the first and the third angels describe having a loud voice but the second angel is simply announcing that Babylon is fallen is fallen why does the second angel not proclaim the message with a loud voice when you go to Revelation chapter 18 and you can see where it says bable in the city the great is fallen and it says it there he cried mightily with a loud voice that's revelation 8 14 verse 8 yeah he cries mightily with a loud voice in Revelation 18 verse 1 and to come out of her my people now to understand coming out of Babylon first of all gotta go way back Babel and starts out as Mesopotamia Babylon is a very old city who was it dub that began Nimrod building his first city was Babel Abraham brings his wife out of Mesopotamia into the Promised Land then later he doesn't want Isaac to marry the local pagan girls he sends his servant Eliezer back to Mesopotamia to get Rebekah and brings her out of Babylon to the promised land Rebekah then sends Jacob to find a wife he goes back to Mesopotamia he comes back with four wives into the Promised Land and then God's people are carried off to Babylon and they got comfortable there after 70 years and God says my plagues are gonna fall on battle and come out of her my people what's the struggle for them to come out they've gotten used to being in Babel and they'd adopted the customs of Babylon they spoke Babylonian he said look I'm calling you to be my peculiar people so it was a real struggle some of them didn't come out they said we're comfortable here we've been here too long you have that same problem happening to God's people in the last days he's asking his people God has his people mixed up in many religions they love the Lord they've got elements of truth but they've got some of the doctrines of devils that are in Babylon and a curse is ultimately gonna fall on Babylon God says come out of her my people that you receive not of her plagues that you're not guilty of her sins and that's a message that's to go out now to come back to pure biblical Christianity the faith that was once delivered to the Saints you know just to get me to hit the buzzer there you know what I forgot there it is okay I want to add something talking about the fourth angel you have the second angel that says Babel and he's fallen is fallen but it's not proclaimed with the loud voice but it should be proclaimed with a loud voice because it's got to go to all the world so now you find the fourth angel revelation 18 which does just that Revelation 18 verse 2 it talks about while one talks about this mighty angel coming down the earth he's illuminated with his glory and he verse 2 and he cries Mike Lee without a loud voice there it is Babylon is fallen is fallen has become the dwelling place of demons a prison of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hated bird now remember Babylon he's referring to this religious institution astir that has become corrupt there's an interesting parallel passage talking about this notice it says a cage of every unclean and hated bird this is actually a quote from a prophecy in Jeremiah chapter 5 I'd like to read it Jeremiah 5 verse 26 and 7 notice to what it says here it says for among my people are found wicked men they lie in wait as one that sets snares they set a trap they catch men as a cage is full of birds saw their houses or you might add their churches full of deceit therefore they have become great and grown rich is that a description of what's happening in a lot of churches today where false doctrine is being preached and the people become very wealthy very influential so what's been described here in Revelation 18 in Revelation 14 is the condition that we see in Christianity by large today now of course there's always exceptions God has got faithful people scattered throughout Babylon but part of the three angels messages is to call people to come out of religious confusion make they stand upon Bible truth yeah also just highlighting what pastor Ross was saying not only is this message loud don't miss the part where it says the earth is illuminated is that a good light there's gonna be the message finally going forth with great power in the last days we want to be part of that don't we it's part of why we're doing what we're doing here at Granite Bay and with our building we're wanting to broadcast with great light this message around the world and and the pray that were effective that way and the message of court has come out of her notice he says my people does God have his people in many different Church and they love the Lord we're gonna find a lot of folks in heaven that maybe didn't understand everything about the health message or go to church the right day but they walked in the light they had and they loved the Lord they understood the basics of the gospel and these churches need to hear the message how they gonna hear it now not only are they're being called out of Babylon what are they being called into how many churches are there in the last days o as to true and false kept mark of the beast' seal of God there's gonna be a shaking and a polarizing and you're gonna notice that everybody is gonna be coming towards one or the other so when they come out of Babylon what did they come in to Jesus said other sheep I have this is John 10:16 which are not of this fold them also I must bring if they will hear my voice and there will be one fold and one Shepherd okay so God's pulling his people together there'll be a united group when Jesus sent the disciples out he said all men will know you're my disciples by your love for one another is a Christian Church United today is there a false call to unity in the Christian Church today I mean does even the Pope tell everybody we need to unite John 17 put aside all our differences does he want us to unite for the sake of unity or to unite for truth truth needs to be uniting the uniting factor all right we got a hurry along third angels message when I read that pastor on Revelation 14 beginning verse 9 it says then a third angel followed them saying notice with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast or his image and receives his mark in his photo in his hand he himself shall also drink the wine of the wrath of God by the way the wine of the wrath of God is described later on in Revelation as the seven last plagues which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels in the presence of the Lamb and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast in His image and whosoever receives the mark of his name notice that those that have the seal of God the Bible says they remember the they remember God is creator those who worship the Beast have no rest doesn't the Bible tell us that the Sabbath he gave spake in a certain place of the seventh day that they should enter into his rest Hebrews chapter 4 Jesus had come unto me and I'll give you what rest the Sabbath embodies the rest that we have in Christ those who worship the Beast they don't rest they don't have rest day or night you'll notice the first angels message talks about true worship fear God give Him glory the hour of his judgment come worship the Creator the third angel warned us about false worship so the first change is all about true worship the third angel is all about false worship any one who worships the beast or his image all receives his mark in the last days all the world's gonna be divided up everybody's gonna be worshiping someone or something those of the seal of God will be worshiping the Creator God and keeping the commandments of God those who worship the beast power will be keeping the commandments of the Beast and so two groups of people are set up in the last days amen you remember it's the same battle that starts all the way back and Cain and Abel they both claim to worship God there are only two groups Cain's way enables way and Cain when he manufactured his own form of worship a curse was placed on him and a mark so you can't read revelation 13 and Revelation 14 without thinking about this is the devil's attempt in the beginning to set up counterfeit worship opposed to the worship of God it says Cain went out from the presence of the Lord just like Adam and Eve they ran from God these are people who are separated your sins have separated you from God represents all the sinners who are separated from God and ultimately they receive that mark and then a very fearful judgment falls upon them in the end so it's asking the question will we keep the commandments of God or the commandments of the beast you've got two kinds of marks you Bible tells us in Deuteronomy chapter 6 here o Israel the Lord our God is one thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart mind soul and strength and these words I command you this day ten commandments he just gave in Chapter five they'll be in your heart teach them diligently to your children when you lay down when you rise up when you go out when you come in they'll be on the doors of your house you shall bind them for a sign on your hand they shall be as frontlets between your eyes so if we accept the everlasting gospel we have the law of God in our hearts it'll then be in our actions that means it's in your thoughts it's in your hands if you do not have the seal of God then you've got the mark of the beast the works of the beast in your hand and in your forehead you know so the key issue at the end of time revolves around worship an important part of worship is obedience so God's people will have to make a stand you know bein God and being faithful to His commandments yes there'll be some persecution in the last days what the Bible promises that if we are faithful to God God will be faithful to us it's far better in the last days to have the seal of God and maybe face some persecution then to have the mark of the beast and face the seven last plagues amen we need to decide which side we want to be on now ultimately as we are preaching the three angels message and especially when that second angel goes again like revelation 18 great power loud lumen AIT's the earth what will the devil do when God's message takes off does he just stand back and acts after the gospel was being preached and the Holy Spirit was poured out you read in chapter 8 a great persecution arose all that live godly will suffer persecution the Beast power will consolidate and begin to persecute God's people during that time until eventually probations closed there's a statement from the book lasting events when our nation in its Legislative Council shall enact laws to bind the conscience of men in regard to the religious privileges enforcing Sunday observance and bringing oppressive power to bear against those who keep the seventh-day Sabbath the law of God will be to all intents and purposes be made void in our land and national apostasy will be followed by national ruin friends there are things happening in the world today that should really capture our attention and excite us to be sharing the message I just saw this week in Russia Jehovah Witnesses have been outlawed now their property is being seized and they're being imprisoned you can read this for yourself now I don't agree with some of their beliefs but I know a lot of Jehovah Witnesses and they're not criminals they don't rampage up and down the streets they're law-abiding citizens and they are in Russia in the Ukraine got a call this week I was supposed to do a TV interview yesterday it's being post pain postponed Christians and Ukraine Protestants are being persecuted by the Orthodox Church to being in prison there's things happening all around the world and we think all that would never happen in our country but prophecy says ultimately it will and so now is when we need to be getting those messages out but amazing facts also has a lesson on this and it's called angel messages from outer space you can read it for free by simply going to the amazing facts website or go to Bible Universe and just you can type in the title you'll probably find it online but if you want to better understand this we're giving you a condensed version of Revelation 14 just angel messages from space we'll see you God willing friends next week and I want to thank you for joining us for our Sabbath School study hour
Channel: Christopher Harle 1of2
Views: 1,999
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Keywords: The 3 Angels Message, Sabbath School, Studies in Revelation, Doug Batchelor, Jëan Ross, 10 God’s Everlasting Gospel - Revelation 1stQ 2019, God’s Everlasting Gospel, The Everlasting Gospel
Id: zTEHqUYaz10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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