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Hello YouTube friends, in today's video we are going to see how to make an infinite energy video. We are going to do it live, assembling part by part and I want you to tell me in the comments, before I explain where the trick can be [Music] One of the things we are going to use is a 220 volt motor, we are also going to use a 12 volt motor, which was taken from the steering of a car. We are also going to use a clothes washing machine capacitor, one of those common ones like the one that this motor also has, nothing more than bigger. and some little cables to be able to make the connections, we are also going to use a couple of magnets, but the magnets do not interfere at all, it is simply for mounting to be able to put it here and stick it and without having to use any base as some use and that in the base they can hide in whatever they want for the trick. we are going to do it without any kind of basis. We are also going to use a switch, like the one you see, that when you press it, it connects or disconnects. It is glued on a piece of sheet metal for mounting reasons, nothing else. We will also use a couple of elastic bands that I have here, which will act as a strap since I can't find a small strap for this, so we are going to do it with a couple of elastic bands. First of all we are going to test the 220 volt motor, we are going to make the connection accordingly, one goes in the common cable and the other goes on either side of the capacitor, we connect it to 220 volts. And we see that the engine works perfectly. We have a battery here, a car battery. and this one is easier to test, we just connect positive and negative and the motor will turn. You shouldn't worry if you see any cuts from the video either because I have no intention of preparing anything weird, the whole trick is here in plain sight, but since I know you're going to like this video, either because you're going to learn something else, I remind you to subscribe and activate the bell so that YouTube notifies you when we make a new video. The first thing we are going to do is assemble these two motors. We are going to put it here to link them to each other. That's why I have these two magnets here, which will help me to stick them. What we are going to do now is put this on it, which is a switch. We are going to place this switch here, where there are also two magnets. We'll use it to glue the switch. notice that there is a small protrusion here, a cam that I made for you, I made it with a glue so that it activates the switch every time it passes. Do you feel in the little noise that it makes? each time it goes "clack clack" the switch goes on and then off for the rest of the turn. We are going to place the elastic bands that will serve as a strap. We have to put several because otherwise, it will not be able to drag one engine to the other. Each one puts its own stamp on it but they all have something in common, and that is that they are false. Done, the first thing we are going to do is connect these cables: the red and the black of the alternating motor, this cable is not connected, we are not going to connect the common one, we only need these two, because this is the one that will generate the electrical voltage. That voltage that you saw generated when it turned, is now going to be generated by these cables. We are going to take the black cable and we are going to join it with the other black of the motor. And with a black cable we are also going to join it to this cable, so that they are firmly united. So we connect them in parallel. We connect the other wire and here we have the other two wires. Also connected in parallel. Now we are going to take the capacitor that I told you was a little bigger and the current that the motor generates is going to come to the capacitor, that is, we put it here in the capacitor, then from the capacitor we are going to come to the switch at the output part of it. and with this other cable, we go to the input connector of the switch. In the other videos, "the famous one" that everyone asks me about, he puts a small rope on it and pulls it and makes it start, this one being smaller I make it start by giving it a little push with my hand. With this simple we have achieved infinite energy. But let's say a quick hello to Yoel Rios, who is not It tells me where he is from and for El Loco Beto, for these two people, a huge greeting from Canal Angelito and from myself. We will also be able to see the consumption of the engine that it will have when it is running. Ready, let's give it a quick push. Infinite energy, perpetual motion, we are going to see the consumption, almost one amp indicates us. It is obvious that since it is infinite energy now the movement cannot be stopped unless the leash is cut, otherwise we will disconnect it so that it stops. Once disconnected as there are no more movements, we can reconnect it. It will start again, of course, when we do the clean and jerk. Ah, it started again. We are going to do something now, because this not only keeps going by itself, without any contribution, but it can also generate extra work, and we can manage to generate electricity for something else. Here I have a led light board and we are going to connect it here to the motor power supply as well. We are going to give it a good boost, because now it is working with an extra load. Look , and now we are going to put this other bulb, it is no longer LED, but is a parking car bulb. It's already getting a bit slow here, for example. Because it's already getting very heavy, we're going to put it with the led lights so that it doesn't diminish. And here you have the famous infinite energy, I don't have any cable connected to my hand because I can bring it closer to the other camera. they see him? there is absolutely nothing strange. There is apparently no trick. I can go and come back with this. There are no cables hidden anywhere. Ok, I think it's time to stop the generator, even though this is infinite energy, we are not going to waste it unnecessarily. Now that you have seen it work, I am going to explain the system of how it works. So that they can understand it perfectly, so that they can see that infinite energy can be made , deceive and deceive by also explaining. Here we have the circuit, the explanation is very simple. Here you have the capacitor that if you see the capacitor is directly connected to the motor to one of the legs, the other goes through the switch, it is true that it goes through this switch and when it is closed it sends a voltage pulse here to the other pole, so the motor works there. But if it doesn't have energy to work, because I just told you that the motors generate almost nothing, but this capacitor is tricky, it's a capacitor that I disassembled for this video. And what is inside? Some 18650 batteries, three batteries put in series that generate 12 volts. You know these batteries are very, very powerful, they can turn on some car lights without a problem, and of course they can also turn on led lights much easier. And also to run the engine. I don't need more than these batteries for the motor to work. and look at the force they have when turning. You can see that it can be fooled very, very easily. If you see it like this, it seems to work but it doesn't, it works but because of the hidden battery trap. Always in these cases, when you see infinite energy, there is a hidden battery that comes from some unseen cable, some invisible wire, but it comes from somewhere so don't be fooled by these things you see on the internet. Well friends this has been all for this video and it will be until we see each other.
Views: 2,186,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liberty engine, generador de energia casero, generador de energia perpetua, como hacer energia con un alternador de carro, como generar energia con un alternador de auto, como producir energia con un alternador, energia infinita gratis, energia infinita con alternador, se puede generar energia, como se puede generar energia electrica, energia libre con un motor infinito, motor infinito con imanes, motor con alternador, motor con alternador de auto, probando motor
Id: uqQanG4bgtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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