#122 Why Would You Buy a Kubota B2601 Compact Tractor?

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Oh Good morning. Welcome back to Central Ontario and GP Outdoors! Looks like it's almost spring out here. It's about five to six degrees, snows melting again We didn't get much to begin with but hopefully we are gonna get colder temperatures tonight and a lot more snow Which will give me a chance to fire up the old blower and the rear blade tomorrow. So I got my fingers crossed I've had the tractor now for about 15 months as many of you know, I'm still very pleased with the decision on this B2601 But to this day I still get a lot of questions from a lot of new tractor owners or people considering a tractor asking me questions about You know how, the B2601 is able to do this, or if it's big enough or if it has enough power to do that You know - asking me questions about compact tractors and I get it. Two years ago, I'm exactly where they were I finally decided it was time to get serious about getting a tractor for the property I started looking around and you start looking at all the different tractors and the different brands and you know This one's got a hydro stat transmission. This has something called a shuttle shift. This one's got you know position control This one's got four-wheel drive and you get a little bit confused And then what makes a little bit worse is you get out to a dealer lot You start talking to a dealer and you know, you look to the right side You see these bigger utility tractors Maybe an L series or something larger an M series and then you look to the left and you see these small little compact tractors And in fact, you can also see little subcompacts which are even smaller and you know, in your mind You have a thought that a tractor is a great big piece of equipment So you immediately dismiss the compact tractor, but I'd say that although I'm not an expert as you know I've had this for 15 months. I'm still a hundred percent Happy with the decision and I figured for you folks that are asking the questions. I thought I'd do the video maybe spend some time to talk about what this compact tractor actually can do and Then I thought it probably is a little bit better if I just showed you So I welcome you to grab a coffee Have a seat and take a watch of this Cheers! So I hope that was a little helpful and gives you an idea of the things I've been able to do over the last year or so With that tractor. As I said, I'm a hundred percent happy with it There has been one or two or three times when I've tried to do something where it just does not have the power to do it. You guys may remember the big huge triple maple stump that I had out in the back by the shed and Even my friend with his L-series couldn't get it out So as you remember We had to call the big guns in but generally speaking it has done at least 99% of everything that I've tried to get it to do. Now that doesn't necessarily mean it's the right tractor for you. You may need an L You may need an M or some other manufacturer in a different size But what I'd suggest is if you have a smaller property that's, you know, Less than eight or ten acres and you're getting to the dealership and they are suggesting that you also consider one of these compacts take a look at it and then put it out in your chart, figure out between the differences and how much money you have to spend. I Get it. You don't want to overspend and get something way too powerful for what you need But you also don't want to spend a lot of money and find out out after the fact that the tractor you bought does not have enough power to do what you need. So anyways, I hope that was helpful for you folks. One more thing I want to talk to you about before we leave. I was watching the Joe Lesage channel last week and Joe had mentioned that he found a channel called Tractorman44 and He had mentioned it on his videos So I had a little bit of time in the week and I thought I'd try it out Tractorman44 and sure enough Love the channel! It has now become my favorite channel currently and I in fact, I actually binge watched that channel on the weekend In fact my wife, late in the night. My wife came down the stairs took a look She said I can't believe it. Are you still watching videos? And I said, well, yeah, they're they're pretty interesting and she rolled her eyes at me And of course shook her head went back up to bed But I gotta tell you I love the channel if you like tractors this gentleman, he's got a really nice way about him He's got, I think 20 some-odd old tractors that he tinker's around with, fixes gets them up and running and he's also got a gorgeous Beautiful workshop in his barn with so many different tools. He's always doing projects. He's very creative and very skilled. So if you're interested in that kind of thing Like I am, I'd suggest you give it a try -Tractorman44 Subscribe, check out a few videos and I'll bet you'll like it just as much as I have That being said I hope the video was helpful, especially for the new folks considering a new tractor if you like the channel Please click Subscribe, hit that like button And if you want to know when I'm posting new videos, just click the little bell. Have a wonderful week with your families! I'll see you again on the next one. Cheers!
Channel: GP Outdoors
Views: 374,311
Rating: 4.9117289 out of 5
Keywords: implement, ridge, cottage country, GP Outdoors, farmer, best compact tractor, Kubota, outdoor living, www.gpoutdoors.ca, ontario, кубота, Utility tractor, Buying a Compact Tractor, what is a good tractor, cabin, what's the best tractor to buy, homestead, Tractor, closed caption, gp outdoors, stoney, outdoors, best tractor, choosing a tractor, what kind of tractor to buy, Buying a Tractor, homesteading, cottage, SubCompact tractor, Compact Tractor, B2601, stoney ridge farmer, b series, gp
Id: 9P63GEWjdls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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