5 Things I Hate About My Kubota BX2380

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I love our tractor but I got to tell you there's some stuff about it that just plain sucks [Music] what's going on everybody Jack here at the mindful homestead today we are going to talk about a few things that we don't like about our tractor we did a video a couple months back now I'll link it up here in the corner going over our tractor giving it a pretty good review and talking about what we liked about the thing and some of the things we don't like today I'm gonna boil that down just a little bit and we're gonna do one video where we talk about five things that I hate about the tractor first though I'm gonna head out into the garden and we're gonna see what's ready for harvesting [Music] but trying to let the peas go we really like eating them as kind of calm snow peas like the really thin ones that you can throw in a stir fry but we also really like eating them as actual peas and harvesting that the peas from inside so I've been trying to let them go so I'm only really harvesting good ones right now the cucumbers that you see over here behind me have been doing extremely well this is probably the earliest we've harvested from our cucumbers I've already taken off probably four or five good-sized cucumbers over the course in the last week or so and we've got a bunch more on there so they're definitely doing well and interested in seeing how they perform for the rest of the summer and once things get really hot [Music] kale beets and broccoli rabe behind me are all looking pretty good those beets are gonna be ready to come out of the ground soon tomato plants are rocking these are either the black creme of the mr. stripey and we forgot which ones we planted we mix it up a little bit we have our first little Tomatoes growing on them though so we're excited for that that's not why we're filming this video today we're here to talk about this thing so let's get it pulled out into a spot in the yard where we can take a look at it and we're gonna go over the five things that we hate about our Kubota bx tractor [Laughter] [Applause] so I do want to preface this video by saying that we love the tractor and had we'd to go through the whole buying process over again we wouldn't have done anything differently that said as much as we like this tractor there are a few things on here that we think Kubota either overlooked or maybe should change going into the future iteration of this tractor and let's just get right into them first things first we need to talk about this folding Robb's now when we first got the tractor we were really excited to see that it would come the folding ROPS and we could get this thing in and out of the garage relatively easily that is until it comes to the actual use of the folding ROPS now it's relatively easy to pull the pins and get the pin out on this side and get the pin out over here and then fold the ROPS down really straightforward easy to do here's the problem when you fold the ROPS back up and push it all the way forward the pins are not necessarily easy to line up this side may go in really easily but on this side it's not lined up what this leads to us doing is essentially running the tractor with the ROPS up but only one pin in now I don't know if this is necessarily a big deal if the tractor went over I'm confident based on the nut and bolt that are holding everything together that this rocks would stay up and it would perform just as needed but on paper we're not operating this tractor as we're supposed to we're running it with only one pin in on the ROPS to hold it up I think if a little bit more attention had been paid to the precision of the holes that they were drilling it would have been no problem the real issue I have with it is that if I want to fold the ROPS up and put both pins in it does require a mallet usually deadblow hammer to get that other pin in on the other side so just one gripe I have with it the next issue I have with the tractor is the design of the throttle in another video in the past I've talked about this before there are two Jam nuts on the bottom of this throttle and those two Jam nuts are what control the tension on the slotted lever and whether it's down or up and over time invariably unless you put Loctite on there or an acorn nut or some other form to keep that there the tension on the throttle is gonna wear down and if you set the throttle high it's going to just turn down like that not the end of the world very easily fixed but something that you know for a twenty-five thousand dollar tractor you would expect Kubota would have had this figured out and had a better design there so definitely something we're not too psyched about while we're over here on this side of the tractor let's talk a little bit about the connection for the third function on the tractor now it's electrical connection and we had the third function installed when we bought the tractor in anticipation of eventually buying a grapple or something where you know you would require that third function it's a factory part and you would expect about it do a great job on this however the electrical connection that they use is pretty awful and you can see this piece is just hanging out right here it consists of two connectors on the loader itself and then two connectors ones right here and then this is the other one and guys I don't know of a better way to put this but it's just garbage the fact that you know if it's not connected you have this piece just kind of laying around and flopping around when it is connected like you see here there's still pieces that can get caught on stuff it's a very thin gauge wire it's really just out of a tractor that you spend this much money on you expect it to be way better way more well put together and this is something I would say is a no-go in the future if I was to buy one of these tractors I would not get the factory third function kit and I would go with a third party function kit just something to think about if you're looking at Kubota the switch that they use on it located over here is also pretty janky at some point the top of it fell off and it's gone entirely I may replace that I may not but in order to operate it now you have to take your finger and stick it way down in the other problem there is that it collects a lot of water and it is an electronic component so that's no good let's talk a little bit about the factory cutting edge as well right here you can see I have the Piranha toothed bar mounted on this thing and the piranha tooth bar is awesome we have a review of it which I'll lay cup in the corner problem I have with the factory cutting edge is not that it's not good at digging it's great for bat dragging it's nice and flat all the way across it's limited by how heavy the tractor is in its digging scope but the issue that I have with the factory cutting edge is the attachment method to the tractor and that being the seven nuts and bolts that go across the front of it they stick up into the bucket of the tractor and while I can't say definitively if they have a negative impact on digging it's something that gets caught up pretty easily if I'm trying to ship me a large rock into the bucket we're a tree root or something like that I have had these catch on stuff before so from Kubota maybe i'd like to see a better way to attach this whether it's tabs like are welded on this piranha bar or if it's simply just a way to recess these things somehow and come up with a design where they're not in the way so much because they definitely protrude up and they make the bucket not as effective now I'm gonna get a little nitpicky here for this last one and my last gripe with the tractor is the placement of the fuel fill or I guess I could go the other way and say the placement of this grab handle the fuel fill on this tractor is in a pretty standard place it's right up on the fender here very easily accessible in most cases but here in the United States we're forced to use these pretty terrible gas cans that come with these approved simple ventless gash lists I don't know what the deal is with them but they have these spouts on them if you're trying to use a US government approved gas can to fill your tractor with a short little spout that handle is right in the way where you'd really want it ideally I'd like to come through put it there and tip it up however I can't do that because of the handle if I come up and over the top I'm limited to right there and by then gas is already coming out of this thing and it's going everywhere when you're trying to tip it up and in most of the time what I end up doing is coming in from the back here and you can get it but it's a little bit awkward you got a hold it kind of under your left hand and you use your right hand to pull this pull this back really it's just a bad design this handle doesn't need to be right here it could be further forward it could be further back and in either of those places it would give you much better access to the fuel fill so those are the five biggest problems that I have with the Kubota tractor and the things that I've kind of found are most annoying to me while I'm using it now I'm gonna throw a bonus in here this is not something that's happened to us personally so I didn't want to include it in the five things that bother me about our tractor and that bonus item going on the list is the terrible placement of the hydraulic cooling fan now underneath the tractor there's a hydraulic cooling fan and I have the mower deck on our tractor right now so it's not necessarily accessible but I'll put some pictures in the video of people that have shredded their hydraulic fan and kind of show you where the placement is out on it it's in a perfect location where if you're driving your tractor through the woods and you end up driving over a stick that gets rammed up into that area it shreds the hydraulic fan to pieces literally all the blades will come right off it's a plastic fan which was kind of a poor choice but whatever I get it you need to cut costs somewhere however if the placement of that fan and the material that they used wasn't the worst of it it's the design to access that fan if you need to replace that fan you're talking five six seven hours to get in there and get the tractor apart enough where you can actually get a new fan on there the fan is a single piece design so you have to actually pull the shaft out slide the fan on to the shaft and then reassemble everything I can see a two piece fan utilizing some sort of shaft collar being a much better way to design this but I can't necessarily say anything because I'm not a tractor designer so I don't know what the stipulations were I've heard there is talk out there of an aftermarket company coming up with an easier replacement should you destroy your fan there are pretty simple ways around it you can leave your mower deck on you can buy any of the number of skid plates out on the market that are aftermarket for your tractor and that will keep that fan much safer than if you weren't running it however I'm kind of of the mindset that such a simple thing shouldn't been overlooked on Kubota sparked so that's it right there folks there's five things plus one bonus that I hate about my Kubota be extracted if you're thinking of buying the Kubota bx don't let this get to you there's a whole lot of positives about it and like I said at the beginning of the video I wouldn't trade this tractor for the world right now except for maybe a bigger one I'll put a link to the review we did of this tractor in the end screen of this video if you have any questions make sure to leave them in the comments down below we're happy to answer anything you might want to know more about and as always thanks for watching and have a great day bye you
Channel: The Mindful Homestead
Views: 61,663
Rating: 4.284153 out of 5
Keywords: kubota, kubota bx2380, kubota bx review, kubota bx tractor, homestead, small kubota, bx2380, kubota snowblower, kubota review, tractor review, kubota tractor, kubota bx, kubota bx2380 specs, compact tractor, homesteading, kubota bx2380 tractor, kubota bx23s series tractors, bx2380 review, compact tractor review, kubota bx series, kubota bx80, bx2680, bx1880, bx23s, kubota throttle lever, kubota third function, kubota rops, kubota hst fan, tractor, kubota problems
Id: 6x9rivZqmfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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