12 Tips Only PROS Know About in Lethal Company

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hey it's dry bear and today we're going to talk about tips to improve at lethal company lethal company is a horribly punishing game but there's so many things that are hidden underneath the surface that will help you in getting more scrap and progressing further in your runs so let's dive into some crucial tips that will make you a pro at the game first off you can move objects and Furniture in the ship and this sounds very basic but it's a lot of things that people don't necessarily know about and it does have a strategic use because you can free up space by removing some of the cupboards or storage around there but you can also pick up the terminal and move it around in the ship so you can place the terminal next to the monitor or even better you can take the terminal and put it near the door where the button is so if someone's running to the door and you need to get back to shut the door before an enemy comes in you can do it very quickly you do this by selecting or looking at a piece of furniture pressing B moving it around you can hold R to rotate it and then pressing B again to place it or if it's something you don't want in the the way I usually take the shelf and the small cabinet and just put them into storage so press B and then press X to put it in storage the next tip is an extension of the first one in that you actually can do everything that you need to from the terminal itself yes the monitor is great because the monitor allows you to view your teammates or look at external cameras and things like that you can also change where teleporters are focusing and who's going to be brought back or sent out but there's a hidden command on the terminal called view monitor so by going up to the terminal and typing view space monitor you'll actually be able to see the monitor screen on the terminal itself meaning you can don't really need to use the the radar on the monitor cuz you have it built into the terminal and it's a little more zoomed in as well and if you haven't realized it already the next tip is to have yourself a chair Commander someone who sits in the ship and uses the indirect systems for your team's benefit unless you're playing solo then you really want to have someone in the ship maintaining all of these Services especially once you get upgrades and other equipment pieces see things like the teleporter that can bring someone back from danger is activated by the terminal additionally any secure door that you run into can only be opened and closed by the terminal and this can help be helpful for getting through areas that it may be blocked by a secure door or it can be helpful for blocking an enemy a monster inside of a blocked area having the person in the terminal shut a secure door and block them in there you don't have to worry about that monster anymore you can also help navigate people in and out of tough spots help them find loot get them to the doors and exits if they get lost you can locate and navigate enemies and you can also disable turrets from the terminal as well and if worst comes to worst you can still have someone in the ship if the whole team gets wiped out to end the mission and save anything that's on board so that you don't have to lose everything if everyone else that's outside the ship dies and you can type scan on the terminal as well to see if there's any items left inside of the facility and what their total worth is so you can see if you can go a little bit further to get some more loot or if you just want to back back out early the next tip is about managing your quota you have a specific quota to hit every single time you start a run which means that by the end of day Zero you need to have sold enough items to get that total quot otherwise you will be wiped out and lose all your items and have your entire run reset which is obviously the core gameplay Loop but there's a trick here that people don't realize and that's that you can sell enough items to hit the quota and then keep items on board and when you start the next run you can sell them to meet the next quota so as long as as you never hit a full team wipe meaning that everyone on the team dies and you lose everything on board you can hold on to items between runs to meet the further quota making every single day valuable going forward and also by the way if you're really pinched for credits and you're very quot to quota another secret is you can actually sell the bodies of the employees to get a little bit more they sell for about five and so if you're onside the or inside the company building Moon and you need a little bit more for your quota just have one of your teammates jump off the ship and die or Bonk them with a hammer or beat them with a weapon and grab their body and put it up on the counter and sell it to get a little bit more if you're close to quota the next tip let's talk about going inside the facility and this one should be obvious but I see people not doing this enough and that is to always scan I'm actually in the habit now of just right clicking and scanning constantly not only does this scanning help you find items faster it helps reveal things that you may not have noticed on top of helping you see cuz it will reflect off of walls in pure Darkness so it can help you move about even if you don't have a flashlight but the main reason I say scan all the time is it actually saves you precious minutes because when you scan you can find items from far away if you see there's a dead end you scan you don't have to go all the way to the end of the hallway and most importantly is you can scan up and down elevations so if you walk inside one of these ladder rooms that are very tall you can look up and scan if you don't see any items coming back on the scanner it's likely there's nothing above or below you and you just keep moving on the next tip is to always leave loot outside I see people sometimes gather their loot near the entrance or still inside the facility however there are hoarding bugs and monsters that can block you out so you always want to take loot outside and put it down on the ground near the entrance but still outside of the facility so you don't have it stolen or get blocked off by something that comes your way and to the same effect if there's an enemy on the other side of a door it'll actually warn you saying a near motion near the door it'll tell you there's a monster near the door and so you can know wait until that message is gone and then move in knowing that the monster has moved away the next tip is don't underestimate signposts and shovels these items help you a lot in helping getting rid of fleas off a teammate's head or disabling pesky obstacles that stand in your way or just help you box enemies that have a moderate to low amount of Health some highle enemies take quite a few hits to go down but some of the lower level ones actually don't and if you just fight back you might actually be able to win the next tip is around bringing back the bodies of your lost teammates it does prevent you from getting a fine and the further you are in the run you really want to consider whether it's worth it to retrieve the body if the body is easy to retrieve you may as well but sometimes you might have an item that you have to bring back your inventory is full and you know the find's not going to be too much so maybe you leave it behind so always consider whether it's worth retrieving a body if it's something that you can retrieve you definitely should just to prevent yourself from having that fine from the casualty which will help hurt you in going up against your quota going any time you have a teammate die just think whether not the body can be retrieved the next tip is that the base walkie-talkie duration of battery is about the length of a single run from 8:02 a.m. to midnight which means that if you turn your walkie-talkie on with full battery at the start of a run at 8:02 a.m. it'll be about the same length of when you need to get back to the ship and you can use that as your little internal clock when you're inside the facility and can't see the game world clock inside there you can just use your walkie-talkie battery strength to know how much longer you have to stay inside the facility or when you need to start thinking about exiting the last tip is that there's a lot of free extra money that you can get from circuit B nests a lot of the planets will have circuit bees laying out in the landscape outside of the facility and I see people just grab their Loot and then put it on the ship and take off but if you're about to leave there's not really any reason not to go and grab a circuit B nest and take it with you and shut the door and then take off because that will allow you to get even more money for holding on to that Nest however I would recommend not grabbing it at the beginning or partway through the mission because that means that those circuit bees will be wandering around pissed off the entire time so usually I'll just wait until I'm about to take off run out grab the nest run back in shut the door and then you get some free money from that those are some tips for improving at lethal company I hope you found these useful let me know what tips you have that we didn't cover in this video down below in the comments if you found value in today's video leave a like down below leave a comment for the algorithm to help this video get seen by more people and don't forget to check out my other channels for other content and other stuff and other [Music] things
Channel: DrybearGamers
Views: 240,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drybear, rory newbrough, lethal company drybear, lethal company tips, lethal company tips and tricks, lethal company gameplay tips, lethal company best tips, lethal company pro tips, lethal company killing monsters, lethal company, lethal company guide, lethal company gameplay, lethal company review, lethal company tricks, lethal company trailer
Id: eUgnZKlFdh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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