Lethal Company: All Tools/Items + New Monster (Guide)

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hello again in this video I will be describing the tools of lethal company plus a newly added creature and corrections to the last guide some changes from the version 40 update will be mixed in as I go through the video but will not have their own section the last guide was really well received and the comments are a great source of information for everyone who read them myself included to learn new interesting things about the game I'd like if the comments here could do the same so you feel anything was wrong or missing in this video or have a question about the game please write what you have to say in the comments once again like the monster guide video I put out this video contains spoilers regarding what I said it will contain and I would personally recommend that you find out what these things do by playing the game if possible as the learning experience is rewarding and allows you to figure out things that I may have missed in this video with all that being said now is your chance to skip the video if you do not want to get spoiled for the purposes of this guide tools will be all things the player can use to their advantage in a game not just handheld items this includes all non-cosmetic items that can be purchased from The Terminal ship upgrades and the ship's built-in utilities items you can find in complexes and make some Use of Will will be mixed in but don't expect too much to be said as there are too many with very Niche or no real use to be gone over in one video said tools will be split up into different categories starting with battery powered tools then long-lasting tools followed by disposable tools and ending with ship locked utilities if you're not interested in the tools feel free to skip ahead as following the tools section which will be the bulk of this video I'll go over the new creature added in version 40 of the game before ending the video by highlighting some good comments about what I got wrong or missed in the last guide a couple relevant notes for all handheld tools before starting are that they can be discounted by up to 90% of their original price an example of this is a walkie-talkie having a 50% discount so instead of costing $12 it'll only cost six these sales tend to change once a new quota period starts and will never affect ship upgrades or Cosmetics at the moment another note being that no tools purchased at the terminal currently generate a static charge therefore if you're only carrying tools that you bought lightning will not Target you but it may hit you by chance if you're holding other items alongside purchase tools these other items can cause lighting to strike you and finally the variables of the items in this list are likely to change quite often once again I hope you enjoy this video tools found in this category have the defining characteristic of having a battery life which is denoted by a yellow meter appearing in the top left of your screen when you're using them using one of these tools will deplete its battery life at a set rate that varies on a tool by Tool basis all of these tools can have their battery recharged by holding them and interacting with the coil inside your ship the walkie-talkie is the first item listed in the terminal in the first of this section at the moment it only cost $12 making it the cheapest item you can purchase without a sale this affordability is due to the fact that at least two are required at one time to make any real use of them this is because the walkie-talkie is a tool for communication so if only one player using it they won't be talking to or hearing from anyone a walk does not weigh anything so it won't hinder your Mobility hello a walk can be powered on with the q key and after this holding down the left Mouse button will input your voice and nearby sounds through it any other players with a walk powered on will hear your inputed noises through theirs AE has an exceptionally long battery life of 13 minutes and 40 seconds this duration will not change if you speak through the walk or spoken to Leading to often having no reason to be charged during a day as a day lasts at most Under 12 minutes making it no issue to keep it on all day from a full charge a notable attribute about this item is that it does not need to be in your hand to hear people talking through it you only need to have it in your hand if you want to talk to people everybody on a crew can talk through a walkie-talkie but there's only one channel so voices will overlap one another and make it difficult to understand others if there's too much commotion so sometimes it is better to have fewer players using them that can relay information to others that are not using them allowing for more free inventory slots across the crew and less confusion this tool allows for complex strategies to become possible such as having someone man the ship and effectively communicate with players in the complex to Aid them in general coordinating actions and warning crew members becomes much easier with a walki so really there are almost infinite use cases with this item something important to mention is that if you're standing next to someone who is holding a walk and they're being talked to through it you will not hear the person on the other end in other words only the person holding the walk will hear what is being said on the other end a personal note I have for this item is that if you want to use it I would only recommend using two at a time as a crew as this is usually enough to make good use of them another thing is that even though they are useful they certainly aren't required even if someone is staying on the ship as you'll be close to other crew members or be able to reach them and talk to them normally many times throughout a day to relay information in general you can almost always get by F without walkies being a part of your tool belt flashlights are the only handheld item at the moment to have variance these would be the flashlight and the pro flashlight these items on their own don't have a whole lot to be said about them the flashlight cost $15 does not weigh anything it it'ss a dim cone of light where you look and has a relatively short battery life of 2 minutes and 20 seconds the pro costs $25 weighs 5 lb emits a bright and far-reaching cone of light where you look and has a comparatively long battery life of 5 minutes I personally consider flashlights to be the only item you should always carry when possible as the likely provide makes many aspects of the game more manageable although making loot runs back to the ship or mening the ship doesn't really require them with this the question isn't when you should bring a flashlight but which one should you choose on Industrial complexes I believe it comes down to a matter of preference do you prefer moving faster and don't mind flicking your light off every few seconds or do you prefer seeing things and don't mind the minute Mobility hit on these moons I generally prefer having a cheap flashlight so I can remain as mobile as possible on Mansion complex moons I think the prob is stronger as the map generation tends to create large expansive rooms and deep hallways that are difficult to navigate or notice things of importance in them without a light that can effectively illuminate them the boom box is another battery powered item that has a lengthy battery life with it being just under 6 minutes at 5 minutes and 49 seconds to be exact it cost $60 which is a bit on the high end of things and weighs 16 lb turning the boom box on will get to start playing a random song from a pool and said song will Loop until the boom box dies or is turned off you will know boom box is about to die when whatever song it is playing slows down and goes off Tempo uses for the boom box are rather limited it does provide morale to a team with the playing upbeat tunes that will drown out the unsettling ambient noises or Dreadful silence found in complexes more practical uses included being able to lure isos dogs but as I stated in my monster guide video this is a risky ordeal the boom box can also pacify High graders causing them to remain still while the music is present although this effect feels inconsistent and I had people comment on the last guide that it had the opposite effect personally I find the boom box to be an item I only buy for fun when money is abundant as the morale isn't worth an inventory slot with experienced players and the practical uses are too Niche currently the zap gun is the only offensive rechargeable tool the zap gun weighs 11b and can be purchased for $400 making it a rather pricey Gadget to consider using when you activate the zap gun it will send out some scanning Rays ahead of you if these Rays detect something living this being a creature or their fellow crew mate it will cause the zap gun to lock onto whatever it detected if nothing is detected no battery life will be consumed and nothing will happen once the zap gun is locked on it will send out an arc of electricity and lose battery life until you click again to deactivate it when a being is being affected by the zap gun's Arc it will slow down greatly and have trouble doing very much this allows for it to be used in different ways such as keeping an enemy still for a crew mate to wail on it or get a good stun grenade off it can also buy time for other crew members so they can escape a threat I've not done a whole lot of practical experimentation with it so I'd really like to hear how you make use of it after zapping something zap gun will go and cool down which is a noted by it steaming profusely it cannot be used during this period which lasts 5 seconds after which it'll stop steaming and become usable again it should be noted that the zap gun is quite buggy is in a much better place than it was prior to version 40 but still not without issues combined with its price it is not something I often consider bringing into a complex I believe the most effective way to use it at the moment is in conjunction with a player that has a shovel as previously stated as it doesn't make aggressively dealing with enemies much safer especially hoarding bugs so you don't lose small bits of Health over time a new use for the zap gun that some of you let me know about since the version 40 update is that it can now Force giants to drop players they're about to eat when they are Zapped by it the jetpack is the last battery powered item to talk about it is the heaviest purchasable item at 52 lb and the most expensive non-cosmetic item to purchase with a whopping base price of $700 when held the jetp pack can be activated by holding down the left Mouse button to begin accelerating and after a short period of time you'll lift off the ground jumping while lifting off will give you a upward momentum boost and send you quite High into the air so you can get a head start but be careful if there is a ceiling the main purpose of the jetpack is to get you around the outdoor map quickly when flying with any amount of material carried your speed will be much greater than it would be while running the jetpack is a great tool for making many fast trips to a complex as entrance to carry only small items back to the ship as a jet pack needs to be in your hand while using it so you cannot carry items that fill your hands and fly around when flying if no other keys are pressed you will rise straight up but if you use WD you'll rotate in a key specific Direction w rotates you forwards s backwards a to the left and D to the right you can also move your Mo to look around and rotate depending on where you were looking an example of this is that looking up will result in you rotating backwards if a player crashes at a high enough speed while using the jetpack or uses it continuously for too long the jetpack will explode killing the user and any nearby crewmates instantly while in use there will be a steadily intensifying jet sound and at a certain point the jet pack will explode the time this Stakes does vary slightly I found that it takes around 8 seconds to blow up after continuous use from a jump and closer to 9 seconds from a non- jumping takeoff so if the variation does exist when you explode may depend on how far you travel as the jumping boost allows you to travel the same distance faster when compared to a jumpless start if a jetpack blows up it can still be retrieved but in this state it cannot be used in any meaningful way as it will just emit a short hiss and not allow you to lift off while trying to use it so long as a jetpack has not blown up it can still be recharged and reused it is very good to know that if you stop accelerating in the air and start again it'll reset the timer to as if you began accelerating from the ground without a jump so you will have around 9 more seconds of flight before blowing up this is what allows you to fly great distances across the map without consequence with all of this I would recommend trying not to use it for longer than 7 Seconds at a time before resetting the timer by letting go of left Mouse button and clicking it again as the risk of losing a piece of equipment as expensive and as effective as the jetpack can be detrimental it is very important to recharge your jetpack regularly even though it won't blow up when running out of battery it is a heavy item that will have to be carried back to the ship to make it usable again which can use up your valuable time if you really aren't paying attention you may even run out of battery midair so if you're high enough it can result in you taking unnecessary fall damage in general I recommend flying a jetpack to the main entrance and dropping it then when you have some small items to carry preferably three pick the jetpack up fly back to the ship to drop them off and recharge the jetpack you can repeat this process as many times as you de necessary throughout the day so unconventional uses for the jetpack are outdoor enemies can be evaded quite easily while using the jetpack due to the high Mobility it provides but it makes noise so if you land near eyeless dogs don't be too surprised if they rush you normally some fire exits are unreachable from the outside namely on offense and dine as they are positioned on steep slopes but with the jetpack you were able to reach them if you start flying soon enough the ship can be reached after it is taken off with the use of the jetpack allowing you to make some last second clutch escapes with it a final note is that the jet pack is usable indoors with the complexes being so cramped usually its use there is [Music] negligible the second category of this video addresses items I am deeming longlasting tools these tools have no need to be recharged and won't become unusable so long as you don't leave them behind basically these items can be used as many times as you like the shovel starts off this category it is a $30 item that weighs 19 lb causing it to significantly impact your movement the shovel is your bread and butter for playing aggressively as this item allows you to directly deal damage to enemies this is done by swinging the shovel with click at the left Mouse button after clicking a short windup animation plays before you swing the shovel and hit something in front of you so long as it is close enough this short windup can make it difficult to land precise blow sometimes if you often find that this is the case you can ready a swing by holding down the left Mouse button when you release it you will swing the shovel right away it is good to know that holding a swing does not increase the attack's power it is also good to know that different creatures take different amounts of blows to kill some are even invulnerable and crew mates can also be killed this guide is quite lengthy already and its main purpose is not to tell you how to kill enemies so won't provide exact amounts of hits it takes to kill enemies instead I have provided a short list that displays General amounts of swings it takes to kill set enemies the shovel can also be used to clear spider webs by hitting the webs with it this is not a huge deal as spider webs rarely completely block areas and they can often be crouched under or jumped over the stop sign and yield sign can be found within complexes they function the exact same as a shovel except they weigh more can be sold and can cause lightning to Target you the stop sign weighs slightly more at 21 lb and the yield sign weighs significantly more at 42 LB so I would only consider it a subtitute for the shovel before you bring it to the ship as the mobility penalty its weight brings is too great relative to its use next up is the lock picker this item cost $20 and weighs 16 lb it is a pretty basic item with it being able to unlock lock doors when you place it on them this process takes 30 seconds the lock picker can be taken off the door any time during this and used elsewhere if the lock picker is allowed to finish unlocking a door it'll simply drop off it to the floor so it can be picked up again and reused an off case that makes it so I always consider having one in the ship is that they just like all other purchasable tools do not attract lightning during the stormy condition whereas keys do so in this case I find they are superior to keys for allowing me to have peace of mind in the storm following that is the extension ladder which cost $60 and does not have a weight the ladder can be picked up in its box and if it is dropped by clicking the left Mouse button it will extend upwards after a short delay before Falling Towards the direction you were facing when you dropped it it will fall in this direction until it hits an object at which point it will stop moving for some time and can be climbed or walked on if it isn't too steep it should be mentioned that the ladder will crush a player if it lands on them so exert caution around it before it is still 15 seconds after dropping the ladder it will begin beeping this is your warning that it will retract after an additional 5 Seconds when the ladder retracts it will go back to being in its box State be picked up and dropped again to restart the cycle the ladder can be picked up at any point when it is extended by pressing e on the box this will instantly retract the ladder this Tool's use varies greatly depending on how knowledgeable you are about the moons you were visiting my friend Li is planning to create a guide on the moons of this game so when that comes out it'll be a great guide for using the ladder well and in its own regard the reason for this is that this tool allows you to create paths that are not normally possible this means that shortcuts around moons can be created a basic example is that normally on experimentation you have to walk to the left or the right of the wall to climb a world spawn ladder then walk back towards the center to reach the entrance with an extension ladder you can simply prop up a temporary ladder in the middle which saves you a couple seconds on your way to the main entrance many other shortcuts are possible and as I stated before some fire exits can't be reached from the outside normally the lad allows them to be reached just like the jetpack but some differences here are that many people can use one ladder whereas only one person can use the jetpack at a time and the ladder is over 10 times cheaper than the jetpack normally is finally the ladder can be used indoors you might find some success doing so in larger rooms but they are typically easy enough to Traverse the majority of indoor areas are to cramed to use the ladder effectively in as if it hits a ceiling while falling it will get stuck in the ceiling and that is likely not where you want it to land the radar booster is a new tool added in version 40 of the game that cost $50 and weighs 19B whenever you buy a booster it will be given a random name such as Gilbert when held the radar booster can be turned on and off by clicking the left Mouse button having the booster on will allow it to emit a somewhat bright light and be viewed on the monitor system in the ship just as a player would with the booster's unique name being displayed as well multiple boosters can be on at one time allowing you to place many inside and outside on a moon there does not seem to be a limit as the names will be repeated with a number put after them for example if two boosters are named Lou the second one will be named Lou to a booster's main Purp is to be placed at a desired point in the complex so someone in the ship can monitor that area whenever they want this can allow them to see trap and door codes as well as lurking enemies in that area all the time an interesting function of the booster is that if the command ping booster name for example ping Gilbert is typed into the terminal while the booster is powered on it will emit a chime sound and a robotic hello this can be used to lure sound oriented enemies towards the booster to keep players safe and to help players navigate through a complex by Leading them back to an area if they're listening and close enough the lighted emits also helps players find their way through a complex all in all if your crew tends to get lost in complexes easily or someone is always staying in the ship this can be a valuable item otherwise their function is not of much use so they are definitely something that can be skipped in a load out disposable tools are the last category concerning handheld tools these tools can only be used for a set amount of time or amount of times before they become junk when they are used up they can still be interacted with but don't have much or any usefulness left in them and they cannot be sold for money at the moment something I will quickly address is that jetpack are a bit of a hybrid between this category and the battery powered tool section I put them in as they can become unusable when they explode but for simplicity's sake I left them there the stun grenade starts off this short category it cost $40 and weighs 5 lb it can be used by clicking the left Mouse button which will pull the pin on the grenade at this point you can click again to throw it a short distance or do nothing 3.3 seconds after you clicked not after you pulled the pin but clicked the grenade will detonate when the grenade detonates any players near it will be affected by getting blinded with their screen turning white as well as being deafened after a loud bang with their ears ringing they will also get slightly damaged enemies that are able to be stunned and within the blast radius will be stunned for a short duration allowing you to escape them without Pursuit a detonated stun grenade will leave behind a spent case that can be picked up and thrown I typically don't bring the stun grenade into a complex as it requires practice to get the timing down it is a bit pricey for a single use item and you have to be close to an enemy to use it effectively as you cannot throw it far and the blast radius is not huge due to my lack of experience with it I am probably unaware of many possible interaction with it for example I do not know if stunning a Jester will reset or pause its song a couple interactions I am aware of are the fact that Force Keepers lifting a player into their mouth will drop them if they're close enough to a stuns blast fake cake ghost commented the others on the last guide video These beings throwing a used stun grenades casing onto a land mine can allow you to blow it up from a distance and the blast of a stun grenade will knock a snare Fleet off a player's head the TCP inhalent is rounding off this category already it costs $120 and does not weigh anything the inhalent is used by holding down the left Mouse button to to inhale the tetenal pine within it you are able to inhale for a total of about 21 seconds before the inhalent is completely consumed the reason for using the inhalent is that depending on how long you inhaled for the longer its positive effect will affect you the effect is that your stamina consumption rate is significantly decreased so you can run for much longer periods of time while under the inhalence effects inhaling for around 10 seconds will give you the maximum effect duration of around 35 seconds inhaling more after this point will not extend the duration of the effect after you stop puffing you can inhale as the effects wear to extend it but you can still run out of stamina while under the effects of the inhalent so it is usually better to take a breather and get your stamina back before huffing again so you can maximize its potential alongside the benefit are multiple side effects the side effects will last as long as the benefit lasts but will decrease in intensity as the effect wears off the side effects include but are not limited to reduced visibility visual distortions audio distortions reduced movement control reduced camera control and vocal abnormalities these effects have increased severity depending on how long you inhaled for reaching a peak when you have inhaled for 10 or more seconds at once these side effects make it near impossible to navigate back to the ship especially on dark snowy moons unless you can already do it blind because of this I recommend huffing the tzp for around 6 to 8 seconds unless like I mentioned you can do the ship runs blind if this is the case go ahead knock yourself out and get the full effect once you have inhaled all the TCP interacting with an inhaler will just shake it so nothing of use can be done with it the inhalent effect is useful when you need to carry many heavy things back to the ship including items that fill your hands as unlike the jetpack you don't have to carry the inhalent for it to fect you after using it if there are no large items to carry the jetpack is more efficient overall but if money is tight you may only be able to afford the inhalent like any other handheld tool the inhalent can be used indoors and the only reason why I would think You' want to do this is to run further in any direction from threats as the randomly generated complexes in my opinion are too hard to Traverse accurately with the side effects so if you just want to run away from something you could consider using it indoors the final category addressing Tools in this video is dedicated to things you can actively use within the ship to Aid your crew defined here as ship locked util utilities as the name suggests these tools are only ever present in the ship currently none of them are handheld instead they are all appliances you can walk through and interact with the first five tools found in this category are provided to you for free and the last three are ship upgrades that you must purchase from the terminal to be able to use them in your ship starting off here we have the monitor the monitor is locked at the end of the ship opposite of the entrance it can be turned on or off with a red button found in its lower left corner if lightning ever strikes a ship the Monitor and lights will turn off and need to be turned back on the gray button just above the red one will change display of the monitor with it cycling through players and radar boosters in a set order the monitor displays the map from a top down view with whichever player is focused on and it Center the monitor will only ever display one plane of the map at a time so if a player goes up or down a level it will display whichever level they are on it will also represent things of interest with a variety of symbols it can get a bit confusing to read what a monitor is displaying at times so I will go over what some of the symbols on it mean a player is represented by a blue dot with a cone in front of them the broad side of the cone indicates what direction they are facing faing deceased players are represented in the same way with the blue 's being a bit more dull or gray and they won't be moving unless something is carrying them enemies are represented by red dots these dots will vary in size relative to how large the enemy actually is and move corresponding to the movement of the enemy after a while you can identify what is around just by seeing the size and movement patterns of its dot the yellow triangles you see around represent scrap a triangle that is right on top of a player is scrap that they are carrying blue lines are doors as far as I know there is nothing on the monitor that will indicate the difference between a locked door and an unlock lock door the more vibrant blue lines that are along solid walls represent main entrances and fire exits the line representing the main entrance is longer than the one representing fire exits short red lines are vents that enemies can spawn from turrets are the red cones with a larger more pale cone in front of them the point to the small cone or the rounded part of the larger cone indicates where they are facing turrets landmines and mechanical doors will have green codes and green boxes on them if the turret or land mine are temporarily disabled a bar that shrinks over time will appear below the code to indicate the amount of time that they will remain in in active closed mechanical doors will have a code in a box that are both colored red the terminal is next this tool is built into the ship and can be moved around by pressing the b key on it when you interact with the terminal you are locked in place and from then until you exit by pressing the Escape or Tab Key anything you type will be input into the terminal this allows you to perform many tasks such as viewing the moon list and their conditions before directing the ship to a Moon by typing in its name looking at beastiary or seet logs by typing in their names browsing the shop and purchasing tools and cosmetics by typing in their names and more something that is good to keep in mind is that you can buy multiple tools at once by putting a number after the Tool's name when purchasing them also remember that a Shipman can only contain a maximum of 10 items at a time terminal commands can sometimes be abbreviated to an extent for example if you wish to buy Pro flashlights you can simply type in Pro and then how many you want rather than typing in the whole name be careful though there are some things that have similar enough names that if you abbreviate them you may accidentally purchase an unwanted item the terminal is where you can input codes so you can temporarily disable traps and open or close mechanical doors a useful command for people who wish to monitor crewm mates from the ship is view monitor this will display the monitor on the terminal allowing you to type in important things such as trap and door codes quickly without having to glance at the monitor or have someone else telling you the codes the command switch can be used to cycle through Players while viewing the monitor from the terminal I won't go into more detail as the terminal will explain itself if you use the help and other commands the coil is another built-in ship utility it doesn't really need to be explained here as scanning it will tell you exactly what it does but I will anyway because it is an important component of your ship if you use battery powered items this is because it is able to recharge the battery life of said items allowing them to be reused more once they run out of juice it can be used by one player at a time if they are holding a rechargeable item and press the E key to interact with it resulting in the item they are holding to be fully charged using the coil will lock you in an animation so be careful if active threats are entering your ship because they can still damage you and you won't be able to move the hydraulic door is found at the entrance to the ship with its controls next to it on your right if you're facing the monitor at the other end the door can be opened and closed with the buttons on this panel with the upper green one with a line on it opening the door and the lower red one with a circle on it closing the door closing the door will make it so nothing can make it in or out of the ship which is great for keeping dangers out but can also lock you in or crew mates out with them how long the door will remain closed until it is forced open is denoted by the percentage value on the control panel which will begin to drop as soon as the door is sealed not when the button is pressed from 100% it takes about 30 seconds for the door to open on its own the percentage value will rise again when the door is open open to any degree from 0% it takes around 6 seconds for it to reach 100% you don't have to worry about closing the door on Forest Keepers as they will only be able to grab you if you step outside the ship the last free tool provided to your crew in your ship is the cupboard I was debating whether or not to put the cupboard shelf cabinet or whatever you want to call it on this list as it doesn't really seem like a tool to me but it is more than just Furniture this is because you can manually Place items in it by holding the E key while holding the item you want to store this allows you to organize items in a space efficient area allowing for quick and easy access to whatever you decide to put in there moving on to ship upgrades the loud horn starts us off it is currently the cheapest ship upgrade at only $150 the horn can be used by pulling its cord by holding the E key while looking at it as you Sound the Horn it'll ramp up for a bit and increase in volume after a point it'll be at its maximum volume the Deep bellowing sound it produces can be heard everywhere on the map including inside complexes this can allow for a form of non-verbal communication to be possible map wide as you and your crew can Define certain horn p patterns to mean different things for example you could say three short signals means for Keepers are around or one long signal means it's time to head back to the ship the horn can also guide new players that have directional audio enabled back to the ship if they are lost which happens quite often on the snowy Moons for newer players the loud horn will alert isas dogs which can screw over the whole crew so be conscious of the time and check for isas dogs somewhat regularly if you plan on using the horn Lots the teleporter is a second ship upgrade it is priced at $375 when in the ship it comes in two parts the teleporter and its activation button the teleporter can teleport one player to wherever the teleporter is placed in the ship the player it teleports is whichever player the monitor is focusing on so make sure you are teleporting the right person when it matters to begin teleporting a player press the E key while looking at the red button to the left of the landing switch on the desk to interact with it this will lift the glass over the button after this e can be pressed again to click the button and start the teleportation sequence after a short delay the player will be teleported back to the ship another player cannot be teleported for 10 seconds after the button has been pressed dead players can also be teleported most of the time allowing you to reduce the amount of money lost at the end of the day I say most of the time because under certain circumstances bodies cannot be retrieved by the teleporter these would be in cases such as the body was eaten whole by a forest keeper the player sunk in mud Etc when a player is teleported they will drop all the items they are carrying wherever they were before arriving at the ship so unless you were fine leaving your carried items behind don't ask to be teleported something I became aware of thanks to many comments in the last guide is that players can be teleported out of a Giant's hand to stop them from being eaten for the for this to happen the teleport sequence has to be started quickly as the windup is too long and will result in the player being eaten if it started too late in general the teleport is an effective way to get players out of an otherwise fatal situation and to recover the bodies of dead crewm mates wrapping up this category and the tool portion of this video is the inverse teleporter the inverse teleporter is the most expensive ship upgrade at the moment with a price of $425 the inverse teleporter is activated almost exactly like the regular teleporter is but instead a yellow button on the monitor desk is used when it is pressed the inverse teleporter will begin firing up for a short amount of time any players who are in the inverse teleporter by the end of this windup at most the whole crew will drop their carried items in the ship and be teleported to a random location within the complex it is good to note that the inverse teleporter has a 200 second cool down so crew members cannot be readily teleported one after another if multiple players are teleported they are not guaranteed to arrive at the same location as it is completely random where you end up inside a complex after using the inverse teleporter the case is the same if a player goes in alone the random indoor teleport Factor can cause issues as it is possible to end up in a hallway that is separated from the rest of the complex by a locked door because of all of this I feel as if the inverse teleporter is a good tool for anyone willing to test their luck I feel this way because a lucky teleport can result in a player being able to skip the trip to the complex and begin looting right away or directly provide the crew inside with valuable information but an unlucky teleport can result in the player becoming completely stuck unless another player is able to help them out and that's that for the tools moving right onto the next part I'll be talking about the new enemy that was added in version 40 of the game the enemy I'm talking about is a baboon Hawk these jumpy avine apes are a new addition to the list of outdoor enemies they have a few notable gimmicks that Define how they should be played around to start they will harass players by attacking them lightly so they will give up their carried items If an item is dropped in front of them they'll pick it up and carry at some distance before dropping it this process can be prevented if you're in a group with your crew mates as the Hawks are reluctant to attack those in larger groups on their own that being said they can group up in tight packs with the intent of outnumbering you with this their aggressiveness towards players increases depending on how much they outnumber You by and will even attack you for no good reason if they have enough number numbers when you do Ward them off with a numbers Advantage they will typically linger around you so don't split up until you reach your destination even individual Hawks are quite large and move quickly so they're not hard to spot if you do spot a large group it is best to avoid running into them when possible despite all this these enemies can help out a crew a bit with their aggressive nature I believe if they are in a group of two or more they will attack eyess dogs they run into distracting them from a crew they may have otherwise noticed however the dog will Dash around while being attacked so it may inadvertently run into a player and kill them I don't believe they can spawn early in the day with out in Eclipse but they do seem to spawn in earlier than the outdoor nocturnal enemies that were already in the game I would say you should expect to see them in the early afternoon and onwards as far as I know they are able to spawn on all moons but are most common on medium and hard moons in short if their presence is known avoid traveling Outdoors on your own and try to avoid confronting them all together especially if they are in a large group before I close this video out I would like to go over some of the notable Corrections people commented on my monster guide as well as information that was not included in that video which commenters also provided some of the things I would go over here here I already mentioned earlier in this video when I thought it was appropriate such as being able to be teleported out of a Giant's hand so I won't go over these things again to start by far the most common correction was related to what enemies appear on moons it has become abundantly clear to me now that all enemies can appear on all moons it's just that some are much more common than others on certain Moons for instance I have still never seen a forest keeper on the first two moons even after 60 hours of gameplay but enough of you have told me otherwise to convince me that I was wrong another example of this is the ghost girl and Jester are enemies I said would only appear on Hard moons and again very many people were able to point out that I was incorrect about this with people recounting instances of encountering them on moons I said they would not appear on specifically the girl seems to have encountered Lots on easier moons because of all this I would say it is safer for the time being to assume all enemies can be on all moons next there are some useful tips that people let me know about it is known that when a snare fle drops in your head you drop all your items what isn't commonly known is that you can pick them up again and you can use them so if you had a shovel you can pick it up and swing it to hit the snare fle on your own head to knock it off Cole newwind is the person who let me know about this railings are a great way to avoid enemies that are stuck low to the ground such as hro deers bunker spiders and Thumpers the latter two can be killed easily from these elevated positions as you're able to hit them with a shovel when you crouch above them and they cannot hit you the bunker spider May climb up a wall near you to reach you though Flex chalaga 4477 expands upon this in their comment here another thing that I missed that mystical sign mentioned is that the girl can be avoided by running away from her as she will disappear for a short time if you avoid her for long enough this is pretty easy to do so long as there aren't many other enemies around and you don't let yourself get cornered a final thing to talk about is that quite a few people were confused about the hay sound that can be heard within the complexes because the hay sounds like it is being said by a girl it is often thought that is being said by the ghost this is not true as the hay is an Ambient sound that can be pulled from a large pool of sounds that are played at random when inside a complex something that adds to the illusion of the girl saying this is that only one player at a time will hear an Ambient sound in other words it is extremely unlikely for two players to hear an Ambient sound at the same time let alone the same one this in conjunction with a girl being only visible to one player at a time leads to the seemingly reasonable conclusion that the girl was the source of the hey but once again this is not true as the two are not directly linked this was something I was 99% sure about but not absolutely certain as I hadn't bothered to explicitly test it but Reed 7639 was willing to go into the game and figure out for sure that the two are not correlated so a big Thanks goes out to them they also mentioned an interesting way of aggressively dealing with dogs but I would say stealth is still probably your best bet around them this was a long video I was not expecting there to be more to say about the items in Lethal company than its creatures but alone this much more with the sheer amount of topics covered I'm certain I missed important things so again if you noticed anything was wrong or missing please let me know in the comments and I'll try to address it in the next video like this like I mentioned at the end of the last guide lethal company is bound to change in many ways throughout its development just like it did with the version 40 update that came out as I was making this video because of this new information will have to be covered as well at least some if not all of the information in this video will become outdated and need to be updated but my hope is that this video will be useful for the time being and be a way to look back on what the game was like once it has changed significantly as always thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed
Channel: FezGuuy
Views: 274,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lethal Company, Guide, Tools, Items, New monster
Id: RsdT8R6018U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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