12 Signs of High Intelligence You Probably Have

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[Music] whoa twelve signs of high intellect you probably have we all have little things about ourselves that may seem useless or even annoying to other people at times but hold off before you start beating yourself up or trying to change these little behaviors because according to some experts some of these characteristics may signify a higher than average intellect hmm are you a night owl what about a procrastinator well there are a lot more where those came from so let's have a look at the list shall we number one you're a lefty in 2003 author Maria konnikova who is Harvard educated and has a PhD in psychology from Columbia University as well as to New York Times bestselling books so yeah the lady is super smart described an experiment conducted among right and left-handed people which concluded that the lefties turned out to be more skillful when combining two objects for example making a birdhouse with just a can and a globe they were also better at organizing word lists under different categories later on scientists found a link between left handedness and a note called divergent thinking which is a kind of creativity that allows someone to generate new ideas and be dexterous people those who can use both hands with equal skill have the same ability so if you're right-handed try using your left hand every now and then so that you can develop the areas of your brain that are otherwise kind of dormant try brushing your teeth left-handed or try brushing your left-handed teeth works either way number two you often freak out over the littlest things and everybody just calls me a neurotic hey guess what peeps I'm just a genius in a 2015 study on personality and individual differences scientists ask 126 Elementary students to fill in some questionnaires they had to say how often they felt anxious paid attention to gossip about them and thought about upsetting situations they then followed those surveys up with a written IQ test as it turns out the kids who worried the most scored higher on the intelligence tests the researchers suppose that this is connected to the fact that people who tend to worry a lot take the quality of their work more seriously how about number three you have a good sense of humor another interesting study was conducted at the University of New Mexico in 2010 researchers tested 400 students on their reasoning abilities and verbal intellect after the tests the students were asked to make captions for some cartoon pictures which were then evaluated by an independent jury the researchers found that 86 percent of those who got more points on the tests created funnier captions this really got the scientists intrigued so in their next study they involve comedians who got higher than average results on the intellect tests so what does this all mean humor influences intellect by exercising the brain and keeping it in tip-top shape next time your friends tell you to quit clowning around just tell them you're exercising your intellect mm-hmm number four you're a little on the nosy side so you like to stick your nose in other people's business huh you can't help yourself it's just so interesting well you'll be happy to know that dr. Tomas Chamorro pre music professor of psychology at the University College London is sure that curiosity and an inquisitive mind make people more intelligent and he's not the only expert who's convinced to this a massive decade spanning research project conducted in the UK and wrapped up in 2013 came to the same conclusion scientists have been observing 6,000 people born in the last 50 years and they found that preteen children who got the most points on IQ tests grew up to be more curious and open-minded adults number five you're a night owl are you at your most productive when everyone else is sleeping well that might indicate that your intellect is higher than average or you just keep telling yourself one more episode or one more YouTube video and then hey what do you know the Sun just came up well we'll go with the first scenario and say you're more productive at night wink wink jokes aside scientists say that this preference for late hours could be due to the fact that brain activity therefore intellect is so high that it challenges your body's circadian rhythm a 2009 study published in personality and individual differences magazine which also features some great recipes for dinner for one consider the connection between intellect and sleeping patterns among thousands of young people the results were quite shocking it turns out that smarter individuals prefer to wake up later both on weekdays and on the weekend another similar study observed 400 American Air Force recruits and came to the same conclusion so if you find it unbelievably hard to pull yourself out of bed the early hours of the morning hey then just forget about it let your big brain sleep in and if you absolutely have to get up at least you'll be comforted knowing that you must have one impressive intellect or you really gotta go number six you're extremely sensitive or easily distracted what if you often get distracted to check your social media have a coffee break or even lose track of a conversation you might be more intelligent than others at least if you're ready to believe the scientists who state this and of course we all do they say that the harder it is for a person to stay focused the cleverer they are how so again it's that intense brain activity thing it's just too hard to control so go ahead check your facebook feed again or maybe head over to our Channel and see what other cool videos Brightside has yes another shameless plug number seven you walk a lot in 2016 American scientists from the George Washington University School of Business published the results of some demographical research in which they found that people who live in cities built with a focus on walking have a higher intelligence indicator than those living in cities with lots of cars and other types of transport what's more the researchers got the same results from observing certain pedestrian areas in big cities does this describe you if so good for your physical health in that big brain of yours number eight do you realize how much intelligence you still lack Justin Kruger and David Dunning from Cornell University undertook a study that later became a keystone in social psychology they concluded that the less bright a person is the more they overestimate their cognitive abilities the same goes the other way around intelligent people aren't afraid to say I don't know and if they don't know they can find this thing out later that's why if dozens of questions appear in your mind with alarming regularity and you aren't too scared to ask them you're probably smarter than others number nine you're a master of self-control no I'm not intelligent people are able to overcome their impulses and suppress their emotions they also typically think about the consequences before they do something hey I can jump across to that other building yeah no problem hey score one for Darwin huh in 2008 psychologist did some research that later became really famous as well it was called individual differences in delay discounting and in the study the participants were asked to choose between two rewards a little bit of money now or more money but only after a year the results show that those who showed self-control and chose to get the bigger sum but later got more points on various intelligence tests number 10 you often procrastinate and why don't we come back to this one later no okay how many times have you uttered the words I'll start working out tomorrow okay on Monday yeah maybe after the new year don't worry it just means that you're smart scientists agree that intelligent people tend to postpone their tasks for later psychologists Adam grant says that procrastination is the key to innovation Steve Jobs managed to use his procrastination strategically letting his brain rest and switching to completely different tests before finishing the ones he started so don't worry about your procrastination it's just that overdrive brain of yours needing to rest or be preoccupied with something else let it do its thing number 11 you're constantly munching on something [Music] ever get the munchies no only after Dancing with Mary Jane well it's a known fact that the motion of chewing improves brain activity and concentration even if only for 20 minutes but still however it goes beyond that scientists have recently discovered that a desire to constantly choose something is typical for many intelligent people researchers believe that when you nibble some food your brain is open for self analysis and reflection if that's the case then my dog is a pure genius and my furniture is proof number 12 you fall asleep from time to time during the day speaking of geniuses Leonardo da Vinci practiced what is known as polyphasic sleep it means that he slept 20 to 30 minutes every four hours in why did he do that nosey neighbors too much coffee no it was because of his brain a clever person's brain works more intensively so it gets tired faster however it needs less time to recharge to get rid of tiredness and look at a problem from a different angle you need to restart your brain so if you feel sleepy in the afternoon go ahead take a nap even if it's just 20 minutes [Music] so did any of the items on the list describe you to a tee haha fit me No hey let us know in the comments share this video with your friends and give us a like if we help you shed some light on your intellect if you want to stay in the no click subscribe to join us on the bright side [Music] [Applause]
Views: 4,745,230
Rating: 4.7905521 out of 5
Keywords: smarter than you think, high IQ, high intelligence, psychology tricks, psychology, interesting facts, psychology of human behaviour, psychology facts, facts about people, psychological tricks, human nature, facts about human body, amazing facts, shocking facts, brain power, how smart you, High Intelligence signs, genius signs, high intelligence people, left-handed people, sense of humor, self-control, procrastination, bright side, bright side videos, brightside
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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