Answer One Riddle, Test Your Level of Intelligence

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[Music] hey what do you say we test your logical thinking by solving these ten kids riddles exceptional logical thinking is rare in today's world do you think you have it well let's find out with a couple of brain teasers but don't sigh with relief just yet because these riddles aren't as easy as you might think before we start remember to subscribe to our Channel and turn on notifications now you won't miss any of our new videos okay here we go riddle number one look at this toy here amid carefully in what order will you see the colors from the top view you have 15 seconds to think about it [Music] have you prepared your answer yet it's not that hard look at the pyramid carefully again from the top view you'll see the colors in this order dark blue light blue green yellow and red easy peasy riddle number two a man wrote three words on a glass board but it suddenly fell and shattered into numerous pieces here are some of the pieces with letters on them each of these three groups of letters forms a word can you find out what the words are and find the odd one out think quickly you have only 15 seconds let's look at it together the first set of letters forms the word bacon the second set makes the word cupcake whoo-hoo bacon cupcakes mmm and the third one says love if you chose love as the odd went out you're wrong it's actually bacon because cupcake and love both end with an e we warned you that the riddles weren't easy so keep an eye out no not literally don't take your eye out ill riddle number three let's talk about family now imagine a family with two mothers two daughters one grandmother and one granddaughter the question is simple how many people are in this family count them all in 15 seconds the key to cracking this riddle is remembering that one person isn't always only one thing for example someone's daughter is also someone else's granddaughter in this particular family there are actually three members a grandmother her daughter and her granddaughter think about it the grandmother is the mother to her daughter while her daughter is the mother to her granddaughter we guess family ties can be really confusing riddle number 4 look at this shape carefully now look at these three shapes that it becomes if you turn it to one side or the other one of these three is again an odd one out can you spot it time is ticking [Music] [Music] if you chose shapes see as the odd one out congratulations you passed this test look at it once again the red square here at the end is missing well shapes a and B are perfectly fine attention is the key riddle number 5 2 5 8 14 and can you figure out what the next number should be and why time to use your logical thinking again the correct answer here is 23 did you guess correctly the pattern is very simple you need to add the first number to the next number and add one after that for example 2 plus 5 is 7 and 7 plus 1 is 8 then 5 plus 8 is 13 and 13 plus 1 is 14 and finally 8 plus 14 is 22 and 22 plus 1 is 23 yeah just like that riddle number 6 look at these four letter combinations each of them forms the last name of a famous person your task is simple find out what these last names are and identify the odd one out your 15 seconds start now well let's see whether you crack this riddle the first name is DaVinci the second one is Vivaldi the third one is Van Gogh and the final one is Rembrandt if you've answered this part right you've probably picked Vivaldi as the odd one out which is right he's the only composer in this list of painters well done riddle number seven there's a shelf of books in a library on this shelf a particular book is fourth from the left and the six from the right knowing this can you figure out how many books there are on this shelf tick-tock if your answer is nine you're right and should give yourself a pat on the back if your arms long enough if the book is the fourth from the left that means there are three books before and if it's the sixth from the right that means there are five books after it five plus three is eight plus the book itself gives us nine riddle number eight o t t F F s s there should be three more letters in this sequence but what are they use these 15 seconds to crack this riddle the correct answer is much simpler and easier than you probably thought these numbers represent the first letters of the numbers one to ten here we finished on a seven so the next three letters are e 4 8 n 4 9 and t for tab simply genius riddle number nine let's throw a bit more math into the mix shall we let's look at these two equations given this information do you have any idea which number should be in the place of this question mark and why take your time the numbers in these equations symbolize the number of times the straight lines cross the pictures if you look carefully at the first one you'll see nine crossing points while the last picture shows only four and here's your answer riddle number tat here's another number progression for you can you find the mistake here our traditional fifteen seconds begin to be fair we couldn't find an answer to this riddle do you have any variants share them in the comments so we can find the right solutions together how many of these riddles did you get right tell us all about it in the comments below with your answer to the last riddle and don't forget to give us a like and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life ok it's time to put your thinking caps back on and get ready for eleven riddles only really smart people can crack we all want to be exceptionally observant and witty right I know I do however in real life we rarely get the chance to find out whether we truly possess these qualities or not so are you ready to put yourself to the ultimate sharpness test let's get it started then before you find out how savvy you are be sure to hit subscribe and ring this notification bell to never miss a thing on the bright side of life here's riddle number one let's start with an easy one what do you see in this picture a cube or a hexagon you have 10 seconds to prepare your final answer [Music] so what's it gonna be a cube or a hexagon whichever you choose you're right it's basically both if you look at this picture from a certain angle you'll see a hexagon looking from another angle will reveal a cube if you saw both your eyes didn't lie to you you're just the master of attention and observation riddle number two look at these three portions of delicious pasta hmm I know you want to choose the biggest portion right so which one is it time is ticking [Music] even though plate number one is huge the portion of pasta on it is the same as on the other two so whichever plate you chose you get exactly the same amount of this tasty meal number three now let's change it up a bit and look at these two Tigers are they the same color don't overthink it just trust your intuition [Music] believe it or not these Tigers are the same color let's remove the background for a mullet see they're completely the same if you crack this tricky puzzle prompts to you it'll be hard to twist you around anyone's finger riddle number four view this picture carefully what does your gut tell you are these stairs carved in this big stone or are they simply next to it you have ten seconds to figure it out good news both answers are correct once again it depends on the angle you're looking from add one more point to your observation skills and let's move right along to the next riddle riddle number five let's switch our attention to this magazine from your point of view is it open so you can see its pages or so you can only see its cover [Music] judging from this picture both options have the right to exist as they're completely accurate if you see both of these answers it's a very good sign that you don't just take a quick look at thanks you examine them and therefore see a lot more but I'm still not done testing your unique abilities so get ready for the next challenge riddle number 6 these three smiling guys have a little question for you they can't figure out who is the tallest out of them find the answer in ten seconds [Music] so who's the tallest number one two or three luckily for the guys they're all the same height and if you notice that as well you should give yourself a good pat on the back riddle number seven now it's time to look at this ring is it positioned on its front or back side in this picture make up your mind in ten seconds this one is tricky but also quite easy since both answers are correct once again you must look at objects from every perspective remember only this kind of perception can help you solve these puzzles one by one riddle number eight everybody loves cheese right now look at this one and tell me if it's a piece of cheese or a wheel of cheese with a little piece cut off hurry up [Music] if you've been scratching her head for 10 seconds straight and still didn't find an answer don't sweat it out both options are correct it just depends on the angle you're looking from but don't relax just yet more riddles are coming riddle number 9 your next task is to look at these two dots can you tell which of them is higher at first it seems like it's dot a but if you look a bit closer and really pay attention you'll see that they're positioned on the same level the riddles are getting trickier and trickier right well prepare yourself for the next one riddle number 10 now look at this tray everything seems fine but I'm not digging this light blue glass right here what do you think how can I remove it you have 10 seconds to think it through [Music] did you find the solution yet it's simple let's just rotate this tray 180 degrees and voila the glass is no longer there if you didn't get it don't worry you still have a chance to redeem yourself with a last but certainly not least puzzle riddle number 11 let's go back to shape riddles here I have a pyramid made of cubes for you how many cubes do you see here count them all in ten seconds so what number did you get if you've answered 6 or 7 congratulations you're right it can be either six or seven depending on the angle you're looking from so if you can easily see both this is yet more evidence of your Sharp vision and exceptional observation abilities and there you go that was the last riddle if you answered at least six of these questions correctly you're certainly quick-witted and attentive to detail but if not there's no need to worry there are a couple of ways to train your observation skills and even perfect them you should start with number one observe the people around you not in a creepy way of course just make it a fun little daily exercise as you have lunch in the cafe or take a walk look at the people around you try to guess their life story and what they do for a living just by paying attention to their attitude and nonverbal behavior it doesn't really matter whether you guess right or wrong this exercise will open up your mind to details and make you see secret patterns and people's behavior to ask why one of the most effective ways to improve your resourcefulness is to ask yourself why questions for everything you observe this constant circle of thoughts and search for new answers keep your brain hungry for new information the key here is to find a happy medium between analyzing everything that happens throughout the day and overthinking everything perceive it as a fun brain puzzle game and let this new information go as soon as you're done playing number three start drawing even if you think you're terrible at painting and drawing this hobby boost your observation skills like no other just grab a piece of paper and start drawing the objects in front of you soon enough noticing little details and looking at things from a different perspective will come naturally to you making your everyday life way easier number four eat more slowly if food is one of the biggest loves of your life you'll surely enjoy this little trick all you must do is eat more slowly truly enjoying your meal next time you have your favourite dish try to pay attention to its texture taste and smell this will teach your brain to find connections between different objects on a deeper level and make conclusions based on this newfound information as a result your observation skills will skyrocket number five learn how to read body language we all want to read people like an open book right well body language provides you with all the tools it teaches you to spot seemingly meaningless details and gestures and figure out people's true intentions through them you can always find articles and books on body language so pick them up to learn a trick or two this new knowledge will not only make your eyes sharper but also allow you to find out exactly what's on people's minds who get ready get set for three mystical riddles for those who believe in the paranormal creeped out yet here's your chance to feel like agents Scully and Mulder from the x-files and solve some mysteries of the paranormal world are you ready number one reflections you are entering a room with four mirrors look closely at each of them each mirror reflects a paranormal being three of them are illusory and only one is real three creatures lie and only one is telling the truth your task is to find out which of them exists here is what they want to tell you the skeleton claims that it is reflected in either mirror 2 or mirror 3 the ghost says you can see its reflection in either mirror 1 or mirror 4 according to the vampire his reflection is in mirror 3 the witch asurs you she is definitely not in mirror for now it's your time to draw the right conclusions in which of the mirrors is the existing creature reflected you have one minute to figure it out [Music] [Music] thirty seconds have passed but you still have another 30 times up do you have an answer well I've got one too let's go over it together if the real creature is reflected in mirror one then the ghost and the which are both telling the truth it's impossible if the real creature is reflected in mirror two then neither the skeleton nor the witch is lying it can't be if the creature that exists is reflected in mirror three then the skeleton the vampire and the witch all speak the truth it's impossible again if the real creature is reflected in mirror four then everyone except the ghost lie which is the right answer so what can I say only the witch is real number two the ghost and the king there once was a kingdom where a wise King Rupert was the ruler he had a cousin James who was a true master of poisons dreaming of power James was mean and evil and was stabbed to death in one of the fights even after his death he stalked Rupert as a ghost stuck between the worlds James said he would only let go of the king if he managed to solve his poison riddle if he failed Rupert would join his cousin in death as revenge for the crown James never had come on guys can't we all just get along apparently not so there were 12 poisons all marked 1 to 12 according to the fatality degree so one was rather weak and 12 led to death with no exceptions each poison higher on the fatality scale could neutralize the previous one so 12 could cancel the effect of all other potions if you took it immediately after any other poison all poisons were colorless and smelled like nothing resembling water King Rupert took all the odd number poisons James had all the even-numbered poisons and was ready to celebrate the victory they filled the cups for each other in turns quite unexpectedly the King managed to win and the ghost of James was banished forever can you guess what King Rupert did you have two minutes to figure it out fighting for the throne never stops even in the paranormal world [Music] [Music] [Music] remember what I said about the poisons that look and smell like water it might help [Music] you have 30 seconds left [Music] time to check the answer the ghost of James Koepp poison 12 to use it later and started with number 10 King Rupert neutralized it with poison 11 then he filled a cup with water instead of poison and gave it to James he took the water for poison and tried neutralizing it with number 12 this is how he was tricked by Rupert and lost number 3 escaping the zombies once upon a time in a secret lab high in the mountains there was a young intern by accident he dropped a test tube with an experimental virus that turned people into zombies hey how come they never turn into Charlie's Angels or the lifeguards from Baywatch well for some reason this virus did not affect everyone the intern the lab assistant the technician and the old professor didn't turn into the Living Dead all they want to do is escape from the lab and you're the only one who can help them there was just one way to safety to the top of another mountain across an old suspension bridge the professor did some math and figured out they've got 17 minutes before the zombies get to the bridge even if one zombie sets foot on the bridge it will collapse of course the only way to save everyone is to figure out a way to move them to the other side before time runs out it's not that easy to do it the bridge is only strong enough for two people at the same time and you all can't walk at the same speed naturally why make this easy the intern is the athletic type and can cross the bridge in one minute the lab assistant has never done any sports but is young and can get there in two minutes the technician is pretty massive and will need five minutes to carry his muscular body to the other side the old professor uses a walking cane and crossing the bridge will take him ten minutes and since it's all happening at night you can't move without a flashlight they only had enough time to grab one of those and of course it's running out of battery so it's only good to light a little area around whoever is crossing the bridge will need the flashlight let's see if your math knowledge and logic can help you save the poor fellows from turning into zombies since this task is not an easy one and the future of humanity depends on it I'll give you two minutes to figure it all out for people 17 minutes one bridge and one flashlight let's give it a go [Music] [Music] one minute left [Music] time for the explanation the secret is that the slowest two people of the group the technician and the old professor must cross the bridge together since they need a flashlight to cross the bridge the fastest of them all should carry it there and back first the intern and the lab assistant cross the bridge it will take two minutes in one direction and another minute for the intern to get back with the flashlight then it's time for the technician and the old professor to get to safety with a flashlight it will all take 10 minutes and leave them only four minutes for the rest of the team to escape ooh it's getting exciting the lab assistant should hurry up back from the other side with the flashlight it will take him two minutes then the intern and the assistant will cross the bridge together in two minutes bingo the zombies make it to the bridge but crush it and fall into the abyss you just saved the world from the zombie apocalypse I'm so proud of you now did you manage to solve all the riddles share your results in the comments like this video if it gave your brain a good stretch ten clever riddles that will puzzle you to pieces get ready you'll need all your logic skills and lateral thinking to figure out the answers to these riddles number one a hijack riddle a criminal hijacks a plane which is transporting a valuable cargo and eight passengers he takes the cargo and demands nine parachutes from the crew after his order is carried out he puts on one of the parachutes and jumps out of the plane leaving the rest of the parachutes behind why did he request nine parachutes you have 15 seconds to consider his reasons [Music] [Music] the countdown has started the hijacker is a clever man he realizes that if the crew members believe that he's going to take hostages with him they will never risk giving him a damaged parachute number two a bus driver riddle a bus driver is heading down the street in Boston he passes a stop sign without slowing down turns right at the corner where there is a no right turn sign after that he goes the wrong way along a one-way street but is more later he moves to the left side of the road going past the police car however policemen don't stop him as he hasn't broken any traffic rules how so 15 seconds for you to solve this mystery [Music] confusion in this case can arise because the profession of the man is mentioned but in fact the bus driver isn't on duty he is just walking number three a philosophical riddle about betrayal Jack and Anna was so unhappy that they decided to end their lives they agreed to jump from a skyscraper on the count of five so they started to count and as soon as five sounded Jack stepped from the roof while Anna remained unmoving she observed Jack falling for about six seconds after which his parachute opened so here's the question who betrayed whom this is an unusual riddle take your time you have 15 seconds [Music] despite the fact that both participants of this drama stayed alive it was Jack who betrayed Anna probably she didn't jump because her survival instinct kicked in and there was nothing she could do to overcome it at the same time Jack having a parachute behind his back had been prepared to avoid death that day number four an elevator riddle one man lives on the 11th floor he goes down to the first floor using an elevator every morning but when he comes back in the evening there are two ways he gets to his flat if the day is rainy or if there are other people in the elevator he goes directly to his floor otherwise he uses the elevator to get to the 8th floor and then walks three more flights of stairs up to reach his apartment get that brain of yours into gear and solve this riddle 15 seconds 14 13 [Music] the problem of the man is his short height he can't reach his floor button but can ask others to do this or he can push number 11 on the panel with his umbrella number 5 a lateral thinking riddle a father and his son get into a car crash unfortunately the father dies on the spot but the boy can still be saved and is rushed to a hospital however the surgeon who is supposed to carry out the operation after seeing the boy refuses to perform it saying I can't operate because this boy is my son how is such a situation possible come on turn on your lateral thinking and crack this riddle [Music] [Music] the surgeon who refuses to operate the boy's mother number six a confusing riddle why is it illegal for a man living in Phoenix to be buried in Chicago 15 seconds for you to find all the reasons and arguments [Music] well it's against the law because the man is still alive have you cracked this riddle if so press the like button [Music] number seven a clever admirer riddle a businessman and a doctor are both in love with one beautiful woman called Mary unfortunately for the businessman he has to go on a one-week long business trip before going away he gives Mary seven green apples why does he do this tik-tok have you already unraveled this mystery [Music] an apple a day keeps the doctor away number eight a perfect solution riddle a man is driving along the street on a cold stormy night he's passing a bus stop where he notices three people waiting for a bus they are an elderly lady who looks ready to drop an old friend who saved his life once and the woman of his dreams unfortunately the man has a sports car with just one passenger seat who should he choose that's a dilemma 15 seconds for you to make a choice [Music] in fact this is not a dilemma at all of course the man should invite the elderly lady to sit in the passenger seat after that he should give the car keys to his friend and wait for the bus together with his ideal woman [Music] number nine a challenge riddle once a mathematics teacher was challenged to make a line that had been drawn on a piece of paper smaller the condition was that she couldn't erase it anyway it took her just a couple of seconds to do it now you have a bit more than a couple of seconds but don't waste time [Music] [Music] have you worked this riddle out the teacher took a pen and drew a long line parallel to the first one therefore making the first one smaller number 10 a coffee-cups riddle look at this pretty coffee pot that is filling the cups with freshly brewed coffee stop stop dreaming about coffee better solve this riddle which cup will get filled first don't hurry you have 15 seconds to figure it out [Music] [Music] are you there yet all you need is to be extra attentive if you are then you have noticed that all the pipes leading to the cups have walked at one point or another all but this one leading to cup 5 this means that cup 5 will be the only one that will get filled all right 7 tricky riddles that will test your logic and flatulence I mean intelligence sorry I just wanted to see if you were paying attention get ready to take part in this intellectual mini marathon to test your logic and attention we have 7 riddles and each of them is harder than the one before it number 1 7 sisters in the cottage cheese 7 sisters went to the cottage and every single one of them decided to start doing something the first one started reading a novel the second one tried frying pancakes the third started playing chess the fourth started doing crosswords the fifth started doing the laundry bless her heart the sixth started watering the plants and what did the seventh sister do you have 15 seconds to think it over [Music] are you ready to find out the answer the seventh sister is playing chess with a third logical isn't it she just needed a partner to play number two shoe theft or his missing soul one young man inherited two factories where lovely lady's shoes were produced all was going well until the man noticed that the employee started stealing the beautiful shoes for their girlfriends and wives and there was no way to catch every one what decision did the young man make to decrease the number of stolen shoes your 15 seconds start now [Music] well he didn't install spy gadgets everywhere or hire the best security to follow everyone the owner ordered one factory to produce only the right shoes and the other one only the left shoes number three cat and mouse when it's raining the cat is in the room or in the basement when the cat is in the room the mouse is in the Burrow and the cheese is in the fridge if the cheese is on the table and the cat is in the basement then the mouse is in the room now it's raining and the cheese is on the table where are the cat and the mouse [Music] you don't have to be a cat person to solve this one it's all logic according to the task the cat can be in two places either in the room or in the basement but the cat can't be in the room because the cheese is not in the fridge it's on the table so the cat is in the basement we know that the cheese is on the table and the cat is in the basement this means that the mouse is in the room why do we even care about this I have no idea however on we go number four how many femurs do you have on an exam a professor gave a female student a femur and asked how many femurs do you have five wrong you have only two femurs but the student was right how is this possible you've got 15 seconds to figure it out [Music] time's up do you have an answer it's logical again the student was pregnant she meant her two femurs the two femurs of her child and the one she was holding in her hand kind of makes you one a thigh there doesn't it number-5 outsmart the ruler an autocratic ruler of an island didn't want a Lian's to settle on the island he wanted to seem like a fair monarch so he made a law according to the law every person who wants to settle on the island has to make a statement on which their lives would depend the statement said if the alien tells the truth he will be shot and if he tells lies he will be hung so what should the alien say to outsmart the ruler well this is a tricky one but you've got 15 seconds to find the right words so if the alien says I'm sentenced to be hanged he will corner the ruler if this is true the ruler needs to shoot him but it's not true and if it's not true he must be hung but this would mean that he told the truth so the statement i'm sentenced to be hanged we'll save the aliens life so why doesn't the alien just pull out his ray gun and zap the ruler oh well number 6 fill in the blank Maya is the daughter of Robert Robert is the blank of Maya's father can you make this statement complete what kind of relative could it be [Music] did I trick you with that relative question I hope I didn't the answer is name Robert is the name of Maya's father yeah that was tricky number seven connect all the dots using only three lines do you think you can connect all the dots using only three lines in 15 seconds let's give it a go remember the most obvious solution isn't always the right one this riddle tests your ability to think outside the box when we see four dots forming a square it's obvious that we want to connect them in this figure but it's not possible to form a square with three lines so why not create a triangle instead genius [Music] any Chicago Bulls fans out there check out this NBA teams logo everything seems as it should but there's something hiding here what can you see other than the ball answer flip the Bulls logo upside down and it's a robot reading a book on a park bench and now you'll never be able to unsee this you're welcome hey how many of these riddles did you get right share with us in the comments and challenge your friends to try solving them all - 9 brain cracking riddles that will test your intellect are you ready to stretch your brain quite a bit then hit thumbs up and let's go what magic appearance this riddle involves some magic some numbers and maybe something else I can't tell you yet how can you make one disappear by adding to it time to think it over [Music] did you find the answer all you have to do is add the letter G to one and then it's gone magic to Sunday mystery there is a code for each of the days of the week except for Sunday can you help find its value just figure out the logic behind all the other digits and you'll do it easily you have 30 seconds for this task [Music] [Music] time for the explanation if you paid attention to every number you must have figured out that the first digit stood for the number of the letters and the word the second one is the number of the day in the week what comes next is the sum of both numbers so the value of Sunday is six seven one three number three the secret code here is a secret number for you to decipher I'll give you a hint circles stand for numbers can you guess with the triangle square and arrows stand for you'll have 30 seconds for this tricky puzzle [Music] and that was a good one and here is the explanation arrows our comparison signs triangle stand for equal signs and the square is a plus sign it all makes sense now [Music] number four balloon equation can you figure out how much each of the balloons is worth Ready Steady Go [Music] that was easy wasn't it the blue balloon is a nine the yellow balloon is a four and the green one is a one number five flower equation another fun equation that looks like spring can you guess what each of the flower stands for and count it all up your thirty seconds for the task start now [Music] well before I give you the final answer let's go along each line we have three red flowers than equals sixty which makes one red flower a 20/20 and two purple flowers gives us 30 so the value of a purple flower is five five minus two yellow flowers equals three so now I see that a yellow flower is a one finally one plus twenty times 4 gives us 81 where do we multiply by four and not five because the flower is missing one petal number six missing letters find the logic behind this sequence and you will get the missing letters give it some thought you've got 30 seconds [Music] here comes the explanation b c d e and other letters we see in line can all be reversed vertically and not change a bit following this logic we can add H and I to the list number seven colors you should figure out which number between zero and nine stands for each color to solve this bright equation take your time but no longer than 30 seconds [Music] 10 seconds ago [Music] time to check out the answer 4 squared equals 16 6 squared is 36 so here are the numbers for each color yellow is 2 Green is for blue is 6 red is 1 and pink is 3 number 8 3d cube [Music]
Views: 611,200
Rating: 4.6974754 out of 5
Keywords: mystery riddles, riddles, brainteasers, brain teasers, riddles with answers, puzzles, test your brainpower, test your intelligence, test your logic, attention to detail, logical riddles, observation, critical thinking, boost your brain
Id: D2kkG75WPWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 57sec (3657 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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