12 Most Mysterious Finds Scientists Still Can't Explain 1

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when you've got a question science might have an answer on the other hand it might not what are you supposed to do when it doesn't well that's a good question when science has no answers we're left with Mysteries that's fine with us though because we love mysteries and we know you do too with that in mind let's check some mysterious discoveries out together there are many ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico and almost any of them would be worthy of inclusion in our video we want to start out with a bang though so we've chosen the Temple of the seven dolls in zibel chalun not far from Marita it has a misleading name rather than being a temple archaeologists believe it may have been an ancient Observatory the seven dolls part of the name comes from the bizarre collection of seven dolls that were found in the structur central chamber what makes them bizarre well how about about the fact they all have enormous genitals there's no mistaking the fact that the tiny statues are standing proud for want of a better phrase but what could they mean to understand that we'd have to intricately understand the customs and beliefs of the Maya as they were 2200 years ago and unfortunately we don't it' be easy to say that they're connected to a fertility ritual but some historians think they might be representation of a Mayan Royal ceremony involving perforation of the penis that still wouldn't explain why they were left in an observatory though considering all the attention that the Neolithic side of Stonehenge and England receives you'd expect archaeologists to have discovered everything there is to find there decades ago apparently they haven't in June 2020 a research team confirmed the surprise discovery of a massive surf circle of deep shafts in the vicinity of the world famous stone circle this Loosely linked structure is more than a mile in diameter and would have to be considered a masterpiece of Neolithic engineering like stonehinge itself the shaft structure is thought to be 4500 years old right at the center of the circle is durington walls which is another ancient Monument because durington walls appears to be the circle's focal point experts have speculated that the shafts were a kind of boundary or guide leading people to the Sacred Space in the middle the level of precision involved in the digging of the shafts leads historians to believe that the people who built it were able to count which is new information as far as they're concerned 20 shafts have been found at the site thus far but there might be more than 30 by the time archaeologists have finished digging in search of [Music] them we now move to Iran in in search of our next mystery it's a prehistoric Petroglyph carved into the side of a rock and it's baffled experts both because of its age and because the etchings on its side are written in the palavi script the ancient curiosity was found in the highlands of Tamara and are thought to be around 2200 years old while other examples of palavi script on Stone have been found in Iran before they've always been inscriptions made by order of a king or a leader this one appears to have been made by Ordinary People frustratingly the precise translation of the script hasn't been released to the public if you happen to understand the palavi script and you can make out the message scratched onto this Stone please let us know down in the comments section and let your fellow viewers in on the secret too some Iranian Scholars have noted similarities between this Petroglyph and some other ancient petroglyphs that have been discovered in the Americas and suggest that they might have been made by the same people but a lot more evidence would be required to support such an outlandish claim there's never a day that goes by without an archaeologist finding something noteworthy in Egypt but this discovery from 2012 is going to take some beating it's a pit full of human hands in a Royal Palace in the ancient Egyptian city of avarus the central pit is divided into four smaller pits with 16 skeletal human hands divided between them they've been there for about 3,600 years archaeologists briefly wondered why the hands ended up there but then they noticed something important there are no left hands in the collection it now seems likely that an old Egyptian tale once thought to be nothing but folklore might actually be true thousands of years ago in Egypt a person could go to the king and cut off their hand in return for gold these are the hands of the people who were desperate enough to take the king up on that offer the tale is associated with a ruler called King Cayenne who would have been on the throne during the right time frame for these hands to have been cut off and tribute to him an alternative version of the tale is that soldiers brought the severed hands of the king's enemies to the palace and would be paid in gold which is still gruesome to think about but slightly less horrific for many years the so-called demon wall of Sahar Rod Church in telmar Norway has attracted visitors from all around the world the wall is said to have been discovered by curator Gart goas while carrying out restoration work in 1941 he'd never seen anything like it nor had anybody else the wall is covered in thousands of drawings of faces seemingly demonic in nature in December 2021 though the truth emerged the paintings are fakes created by goas at the time of the restoration project he took existing paintings of profits that were added to the wall during either the 15th or 16th century and distorted them in the process he painted over and destroyed religious wall art from the 18th century and earlier the forgery wasn't discovered earlier because the paintings are high up on the wall and can only be inspected at Close Quarters with the use of scaffolding the big question is why goas who's said to have been a respectable individual who'd worked on restoration projects like this before would do such a thing he took the secret to his grave so that's a question that will never be [Music] answered we've known for a while that there's an enormous series of tunnels and Burrows beneath the ground on ronia of Brazil what we don't know is how they were created or what created them most historians and scientists agree that the tunnels are about 10,000 years old when they were first found it was assumed that they were made by humans although archaeologists wondered how the humans of 10,000 years ago could be capable of such a thing it's now considered more likely that they were made by an enormous extinct species of ground sloth the conclusion is been reached after examining the huge claw marks on the walls of the tunnels the tunnels can be 7 ft tall and 14 ft wide so imagine how big the sloths must have been not everybody is happy with the explanation some scientists point out that giant sloths don't appear to have done this anywhere else in the world and have questioned why they'd even want to make tunnels like this in the first place because of that aspect of doubt we can't yet totally rule out the possibility of a human [Music] origin many of the ancient Roman Villas that are Unearthed in the Petrified city of Pompei are given nicknames and the nicknames are often arbitrary not so with the Villa of the Mysteries this first century Villa was almost brand new when it was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 the explosion condemned The Villa to many centuries inomed in volcanic material in Ash but the thick coating protected everything inside it when it was eventually excavated archaeologists were stunned by the quality and beauty of its many frescos the frescos are fully intact and present a scene that's been interpreted as the initiation of a woman to a Greco Roman Pagan cult based on the imagery the cult seems to have been dedicated to bakas he was the Roman god of wine of fertility and of religious ecstasy a wine press was also found inside the Villa along with facilities for producing olive oil this would have been Among The grandest Villas in all of Pompei which was an affluent City so archaeologists should be able to identify its owner from historical records perhaps the biggest mystery about the Villa of the Mysteries is that they haven't yet been able to do so the Edwin Smith Papyrus probably shouldn't be called the Edwin Smith papyrus Smith isn't the man who wrote it he's the man who found it in 1862 the text itself is Egyptian and is roughly 3600 years old it's considered to be the most complete and important ancient Egyptian medical text in the world and also the world's oldest written guide to surgery the comprehensive manuscript includes advice on how to treat broken bones how to excise tumors and even how to produce anti- wrinkle face creams to make people look younger Medical Care in the rest of the world at the time was largely based on Magic and Potions but the advice in the Edwin Smith Papyrus is practical and logically sound it's true to say that there are magic rights and Potions described in the text but they're listed after all the other treatments and introduced as options that should only be used if other approaches fail we've always known that the Egyptians were light years ahead of their peers when it came to but no document illustrates just how far ahead they were better than the Edwin Smith Papyrus we've already covered the fact that the ancient Romans believed in a vast Pantheon of gods most of whom are known to historians but there are still mysteries about ancient Roman religious beliefs and Customs we can see one of those Mysteries here on an enormous Stone altar that was discovered during excavation work at the Roman Fort of vendeland in northern England in 2009 the altar is 5 ft tall weighs about 1 and 1/2 tons and dates to the 2nd Century on one side of the altar we see a jar and a shallow dish and on the other side is a figure standing on top of a bowl with an axe in one hand and what appears to be a lightning bolt in the other historians have interpreted the figure as Jupiter do ainus but it could also be an ancient weather God called had God who was worshiped by the semetic peoples of the Middle East the Hittites also knew this God and called him tisab there are no surviving Roman era literary references to Jupiter dolus so the question of how a middle eastern God came to be adopted and worshiped by Romans is unresolved stranger still is the fact that he only seems to have been worshiped by soldiers and never by the ruling [Music] classes we're heading back to China now where a monument described by archaeologists as an ancient Sun altar was found in the Xiang ugar autonomous region in July 2017 they believe the circle shaped structure which has a diameter of almost 500 ft to be around 3,000 years old it was most likely created and used by the nomadic tribes who roam this area back then the stone used in the three circled layers of the altar isn't local and based on barely visible trenches in the ground experts think the material might have been dragged here from Miles Away using a combination of men and horses its structure is similar to Yurts in Mongolia which are known to have been used by Sun worshippers however nothing like it has ever been found in this part of China before historians say that the presence of the altar is evidence that Central plane culture had reached the area long before the Silk Road was established 20 200 years ago the Silk Road is often credited with bringing culture to this part of the world but it's now apparent that there was culture here already kahant in the San leera province of Anatolia turkey is often described as the sister side of the more famous gck tap and with good reason the sophistication of this ancient site perfectly illustrates the resourcefulness and Ingenuity of the Neolithic people who once called this area home it's about 11,400 years old and contains 250 individual monoliths along with countless Stone carvings and Designs one of them a three-dimensional portrayal of a human head is considered among the most outstanding works of sculpture in the ancient world the site was discovered relatively recently and is still only partially excavated by the time it's fully excavated it might even be be considered Superior to its sister site as of December 2021 it's thought that the alignment of karahan might be related to both the winter and summer solstices 11,000 years ago the Milky Way would have appeared as a perfectly vertical line above the portal Stone on the morning of the summer solstice whereas on the winter solstice the light would specifically illuminate the human head carving before any other Stone this positioning was surely deliberate even if we can't imagine the reasons why our tour of Ancient Mysteries wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Loa Giants these geol lifs in Northern Chile are as impressive as they are enigmatic some researchers claim that they're the biggest geol liths in the world to Alberto Nadar roas the researcher who found the glyphs in 2012 they're evidence of an advanced culture that existed in Chile long before the arrival of the Incas he also claims to have identified written inscriptions on one of the glyphs and that the style of writing is consistent with that of the ancient samarians it's a controversial claim and one which is strongly rejected by many historians and archaeologists even if Alberto is wrong about the writing there's no doubt that these glyphs were created by a race of people who lived here between 5 and 7,000 years ago some of the glyphs look a lot like boats aring on the shore Alberto points to these specific glyphs as evidence that whoever created them arrived in the area from overseas in reality they can't be cited as evidence of anything more than the idea that these ancient people knew how to build boats but even that's a remarkable finding given their [Music] age subscribe to the 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Channel: Inforado
Views: 19,005
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Keywords: 12 Most Mysterious Finds Scientists Still Can't Explain, mysterious, mystery, mysterious finds, mysterious artifacts, scientists still cant explain, archaeological mystery, ancient finds, ancient mystery, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: DZgDjhYnOG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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