12 Most Incredible Ancient Artifacts Finds

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a remarkable artifact Discovery will be made somewhere in the world every day if we're lucky more than one such Discovery will be made and that's why and how we have a constant supply of discoveries to bring you in videos like this one we're checking out all the latest and greatest archaeological finds and we're getting started right now King Arthur is one of the most legendary ancient Kings of England which is no small achievement for a man who might not even have existed if he did perhaps he might have been familiar with this first discovery it's a rare ancient brooch and experts think that it might have belonged to a King the brooch is romano British in design and was found in a field in Cornwall a mile away from the remains of Castle kilbery Hill Fort if the old myths and legends are to be believed Castle kilbery was once Camelot the home to King Arthur those who believe in the existence of Arthur have already begun speculating that the brooch might have once belonged to GW Arthur's queen it's made of copper alloy and has been dated by scientists to either the fifth or 6th Century which is in line with the period that Arthur is said to have lived whether it's the brooch of Arthur's queen or simply the brooch of a rich woman who once lived in Cornwall it's a fantastic find Tempo mayor has already given us many Fantastic ancient artifacts over the years it was once the heart of a huge religious complex in the Aztec city of tinok tiin what's left of it now is an archaeological site in Mexico City Experts and archaeologists have been digging through the site for decades and will continue to do so for several decades more but in June 2022 they confirmed the discovery of more than 2 and a half thousand wooden objects believed to have been left at the site as religious or ritual offerings the there's no set pattern to the objects they include figurines headdresses masks jars earrings and scepter all of which were probably deposited by priests during the 14th century as a means of consecrating the templ mayor to the gods that the Aztecs believed in it's rare for wooden objects to survive for so many centuries in such good condition but in the case of these artifacts it seemed they were preserved by a combination of the high level of humidity in the region and the anerobic conditions in the soil sticking with the topic of amazing discoveries in Mexico the severed head of a Maya maod was found in pelen in May 2022 the discovery was made by an archaeologist from The Institute of national anthropology and history who was working at a site close to the usam masint river in Chiapas pelen is already known among historians and archaeologists for having some of the fin ancient architecture and bass relief carvings from the Mayan period ever discovered the severed head is made of Stucco and had been deliberately deposited in a small pond experts on Mayan culture and beliefs think that the pond was intended to replicate the entrance to the Mayan underworld one of the culture's fundamental beliefs was that the Universe was divided into three regions the sky the earth and the underworld and travel between the three was possible via portals while the sculpture has been designed to look like a head that's been forcibly severed from a body it's unlikely that there was ever a full-size statue that it was cut from instead it was likely conceived and built as a severed head then mounted on a tripod before being positioned in an eastwest position in the hope of stimulating maze [Music] growth much like pen the site of sakin in Sichuan Province China is the subject of an ongoing Arch olical dig the more digging research teams do there the more they find out about the 3,000-year-old sangin culture we still have a lot of catching up to do in terms of finding out about this culture because nobody even knew they existed until the 1980s in June 2022 archaeologists identified and opened six sacrificial pits at the site thus discovering a treasure Trove of over 13,000 artifacts among the discoveries was a bronze box decorated with Jade complete with a turtleback shaped top and dragon head handles it's the first artifact of its kind to be discovered in sanctioned weed and experts aren't yet sure what it was used for they also found a bronze statue of a snake wearing a crown and a bronze altar featuring a depiction of a sacrificial scene it's obvious from the quality of the discovered artifacts that the Shang shed culture was significantly Advanced for its era the big unanswered question is how they vanished from history so completely that we didn't ReDiscover them until 40 years [Music] ago next up we have a Gallow Roman Sanctuary that was discovered close to Britany France in early June 2022 it's not so much the ancient Sanctuary that's attracted the attention of historians as what was found inside it among the treasures extracted from the sanctuary is a Roman bronze cup an exceptional condition with a depiction of the Roman deity Jupiter still visible on its surface and a figurine of the Roman deity Mars still attached the cup would be a remarkable find in any circumstances but it's unlike any cup of its style that historians have seen before because of the presence of Thunderbolt designs on the curves between its handles it seems likely that the Gallow Roman Temple was built shortly after the arrival of the Romans in this part of France 2100 years ago and remained in use for almost 5 centuries as well as the remains of the temple archaeologists have also discovered the remains of a Roman public bath building just outside of it most of the former baths are long gone but their building materials likely have been reycled in other construction projects but the remains of its hypoc cost underfloor heating system have been identified by experts being a metal detectorist can be a fun hobby because you never quite know what you might find buried in the ground but it can be a complicated Hobby in the United Kingdom because the crown might take your discoveries off you you'll be paid a finder fee if your discoveries are declared treasure and confiscated but it's still annoying when it happens we know a few metal detectorists in pmri Shire who understand that feeling they recently discovered a collection of gold and silver rings from the 12th century along with a post-medieval brooch and a further set of th and Rings all of the finds have been formally declared as treasure meaning that metal detectorist Jake Webster Von Roberts and Lee Evans have to hand them over or face criminal charges Scolton Manor Museum and narir Museum both of which are based in the vicinity of pen Brookshire have expressed interest in buying the artifacts it's great that these precious objects might end up on display to the public but it still seems wrong to have no say in whether they're forced to give up their findes [Music] King kufu also known as king shops ruled Egypt around 4,500 years ago he was a king So legendary that some of his supposed achievements Verge on the mythical which is why any artifact associated with him or even possibly associated with him provokes great interest from historians recently archaeologists and Cairo have found the foundations of anam's Temple of the sun along with large stone blocks bearing Engravings that connect them with the time of chops and egyptologists are very excited about them most of the discoveries are a little more than fragments but experts at the scene are confident that they've identified the foundations of an ancient Courtyard a pedestal of Amos II and a series of altars in the remains of the Temple of all these discoveries it's the large stone blocks with the chops connection that attract the most interest it seems likely that they were once part of a large building that stood in the same area as the pyramids but was removed and repurposed during the ramde era it might even be the case that whatever the structure was stood in a space now occupied by a pyramid because it was chops himself who commissioned the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza when you're an archaeologist it might feel like once you've seen one terracotta figure you've seen them all that's not the case though and here's a terracotta figure that proves it it's known as the supine figure and it's one of the many terracotta figures that have been discovered in Emperor Quin XI hang's 2200 year-old tomb in China of the 8,000 figures that have been identified within the tomb this is the only one in a sepine position you've probably heard of all the others they're known as the Terracotta Army and they're famous all over the world each of those figures is either in a sitting or standing pose so the inclusion of just one one figure laying on its back with its right leg crossed over its left knee is a puzzle for historians one theory is that it represents an acrobat entertaining the emperor in the afterlife the ancient Chinese people clearly believed that their fallen Emperor would need an army to protect him in the afterlife so it stands to reason that they'd also believe he'd need entertaining we're still left wondering why they believed a single acrobat would be enough but we might never get an answer to that question when you left high school college or university you were probably presented with a yearbook to Mark the occasion a few of your greatest quotes and achievements might have even made it into the yearbook that tradition is older than you might imagine in May 2022 what's been described as an ancient Greek graduation yearbook was discovered in Scotland it's an inscription written on a marble tablet and it's been stuck in a museum Vault since the 1880s after being overlooked experts who've studied the inscriptions on the surface say it's a list of names of all the people who've taken the apic oath in a certain year the oath was taken by the young men of Athens as they enrolled in the city's Military Academy 2,000 years ago it wasn't possible to become a full citizen of Athens with all the rights that come with citizenship without graduating from the academy records like these were presumably created so people who' graduated couldn't prove that they were entitled to their rights there were 31 names on the list all of whom probably enlisted and served together and would have been very well known to one another we know that the Black Death was the most deadly plague that ever swept the face of planet Earth we also know that the plague was at its peak between 1346 and 1352 what we've never known is where the plague started but that might recently have changed after examining thousands of medieval tombstones researchers believe they might have traced the origins of the black death to a specific and unlikely location if they're right it started close to Lake isik Co and what's now kirgistan a disproportionately high number of burials took place in the nearby cemeteries of barana and kajak during the period between 1338 and 1339 with the cause listed as pestilence scientists opened the graves of three of the individuals and identified plague bacterium in all of them from here the plague likely made its way to Western Europe on trade ships and went on to kill around 50% of the entire population of Europe while it was once thought that rats were to blame for the transmission of the Black Death it's now thought more likely that it was passed on by infected fleas the fort of vindolanda in England is one of the most famous ancient Roman military forts in Europe like many of the sites we've looked at in this video vendeland is the subject of an ongoing archaeological excavation in June 2022 archaeologists working there uncovered a 17-year-old Stone covered and carved graffiti among the graffiti was a depiction of the Fallas thus proving that the things that men draw when they're bored really haven't changed in the best part of 2000 years the f is accompanied by some equally vulgar graffiti which reads secondus kakor for those that aren't fluent in Latin it translates into English as an insult suggesting that secondus like to spend a lot of time on the toilet we can't say it any more plainly than that for the sake of the channel we'll never know who second Denis was but the possibilities are endless this could have been anything from a good-natured joke between friends to an outright insult directed at a commanding officer who was unpopular with his troops if it was the latter we can only imagine that secondus was less than impressed when he spotted the offending graffiti on the Rock perhaps that's why it was buried incredible artifacts are found so often in Scotland that archaeologists in the country have started nominating artifacts of the week to highlight the most spectacular finds recently the artifact of the week was a mysterious wooden object that was pulled out of the black lock of Myton experts believe it to be around 2500 years old ongoing excavations at the site have revealed the presence of an Iron Age settlement most of the artifacts that have been found there are typical of their era but mystery surrounds the function of this unusual object the spindle turned artifact was found beneath the floor of a house within the settlement and has only survived for such a long time because the water logged conditions of the lot have preserved it the ancient Romans described the people who lived in this part of Scotland as barbarians but could barbarians have crafted something as accomplished as this the holes in its surface don't go all the way through the wood so it's likely that it was designed to be attached to something else perhaps it's a chairl on the other hand maybe it's a musical instrument we really have no idea subscribe to the Channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 13,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Ancient Artifacts Finds, artifacts finds, ancient artifacts, mysterious finds, ancient Egypt, archaeological finds, ancient archaeology, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: ezkpSeOtVkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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